Exemplo n.º 1
def Direct_Sample(CyberNet, data, num_samples, T, s0):
    Returns P(data|attacker) by Monte Carlo Sampling

    CyberNet : CyberNet Instance

    data : list
        Output of gen_data

    num_samples : int
        How many Monte Carlo samples

    T : int
        Time window

    s0 : dict
        Initial states of nodes
    net = copy.deepcopy(CyberNet)
    # The states of nodes will be changing so we want to make sure
    # we do not change the input  network
    logn_fact = gen_logn_fact(data)
    #Precompute log(n!) for various n.  
    n = 1
    nodes_to_change = [nd for nd in net.node_names if s0[nd] == 'normal' ]
    nodes_no_change = [nd for nd in net.node_names if s0[nd] == 'infected']
    prob_no_attacker = prob_model_no_attacker(net, data, T, logn_fact)
    numattackers = len(nodes_no_change)
    prob_mod = lambda x : prob_model_given_data_times(net, data, x, T,
                                                logn_fact, s0)
    # Only input is not the infection times
    probs = []
    while n < num_samples:
        t = 0
        for nd in net.node_names:
            net.node_dict[nd].state = s0[nd]
        times = {nd: 0 for nd in nodes_no_change}
        # Corresponds to correct order
        while t<T :
            infected = [nd.name for nd in net.nodes if nd.state =='infected']
            at_risk = set(chain(*[net.node_dict[nd].sends_to for nd in infected])) - set(infected)
            if len(at_risk) == 0:
            at_risk_ix = [net.node_names.index(nd) for nd in at_risk]
            mt_rates = np.sum(net.get_mal_trans()[:, at_risk_ix], axis=0)
            #print at_risk, mt_rates, infected, n
            r_rate = np.sum(mt_rates)
            t += np.random.exponential(scale=1./r_rate)
            # Sample time of next infection
            if t<T:
                next_infected = np.random.choice(list(at_risk), p = mt_rates/float(sum(mt_rates)))
                # Sample node to be infected
                times[next_infected] = t
                net.node_dict[next_infected].state = 'infected'
        #print times, n
    # prob_mod returns log prob so we need to exponentiate to get the mean    
    e_probs = np.exp(probs)
    return np.log(np.mean(e_probs))
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_likelihoods(seed, num_pos, num_neg, CyberNet, s0, T, truenet=None,  directsamps=1000):
    seed : int
        Random seed for Monte Carlo and data generation

    See plot_roc_parallel for more info

    if truenet == None:
        truenet = CyberNet
    no_a_s0 = dict(zip(CyberNet.node_names, ['normal'] * len(CyberNet.nodes)))
    infected_lhoods = []
    # Will store the lhood w attacker and lhood difference
    clean_lhoods = []
    datalen = 0
    for i in range(num_pos):
        seed +=1
        # Augment the seed by 1 to generate new sample
        data = gen_data(T, truenet, s0)
        if len(data[0]) > datalen:
            datalen = len(data[0])
            logn_fact = gen_logn_fact(data)
            # Only generate these as needed
        p_data_attacker = Direct_Sample(CyberNet, data, directsamps, T, s0)
        p_no_attacker = prob_model_no_attacker(CyberNet, data, T, logn_fact)
        infected_lhoods.append((p_data_attacker, p_no_attacker))
    for j in range(num_neg):
        seed += 1
        # Code uses both
        data = gen_data(T, truenet, no_a_s0)
        if len(data[0]) > datalen:
            datalen = len(data[0])
            logn_fact = gen_logn_fact(data)
            # Only generate these as needed
        p_data_attacker = Direct_Sample(CyberNet, data, directsamps, T, s0)
        p_no_attacker = prob_model_no_attacker(CyberNet, data, T, logn_fact)
        clean_lhoods.append((p_data_attacker, p_no_attacker))
    return np.asarray(infected_lhoods), np.asarray(clean_lhoods)
Exemplo n.º 3
def Direct_Sample(SFTNet, data, num_samples, T, s0):
    net = copy.deepcopy(SFTNet)
    logn_fact = gen_logn_fact(data)
    n = 1
    nodes_to_change = [nd for nd in net.node_names if s0[nd] == 'normal']
    nodes_no_change = [nd for nd in net.node_names if s0[nd] == 'infected']
    prob_no_attacker = prob_model_no_attacker(net, data, T)
    prob_true_value = prob_model_given_data(net, data, data[-1], T, logn_fact,
    numattackers = len(nodes_no_change)
    prob_mod = lambda x: prob_model_given_data(net, data, x, T, logn_fact, s0)
    probs = []
    while n < num_samples:
        t = 0
        for nd in net.node_names:
            net.node_dict[nd].state = s0[nd]
        times = {nd: 0 for nd in nodes_no_change}
        # Corresponds to correct order
        while t < T:
            infected = [nd.name for nd in net.nodes if nd.state == 'infected']
            at_risk = set(
                        for nd in infected])) - set(infected)
            if len(at_risk) == 0:
            at_risk_ix = [net.node_names.index(nd) for nd in at_risk]
            mt_rates = np.sum(net.get_mal_trans()[:, at_risk_ix], axis=0)
            #print at_risk, mt_rates, infected, n
            r_rate = np.sum(mt_rates)
            t += np.random.exponential(scale=1 / r_rate)
            if t < T:
                next_infected = np.random.choice(list(at_risk),
                                                 p=mt_rates / sum(mt_rates))
                times[next_infected] = t
                net.node_dict[next_infected].state = 'infected'
        #print times, n
        n += 1
    e_probs = np.exp(probs)
    return np.log(np.mean(e_probs)), e_probs
Exemplo n.º 4
def Direct_Sample(SFTNet, data, num_samples, T, s0):
    net = copy.deepcopy(SFTNet)
    logn_fact = gen_logn_fact(data)
    n = 1
    nodes_to_change = [nd for nd in net.node_names if s0[nd] == 'normal' ]
    nodes_no_change = [nd for nd in net.node_names if s0[nd] == 'infected']
    prob_no_attacker = prob_model_no_attacker(net, data, T)
    prob_true_value = prob_model_given_data(net, data, data[-1], T, logn_fact, s0)
    numattackers = len(nodes_no_change)
    prob_mod = lambda x : prob_model_given_data(net, data, x, T,
                                                logn_fact, s0)
    probs = []
    while n < num_samples:
        t = 0
        for nd in net.node_names:
            net.node_dict[nd].state = s0[nd]
        times = {nd: 0 for nd in nodes_no_change}
        # Corresponds to correct order
        while t<T :
            infected = [nd.name for nd in net.nodes if nd.state =='infected']
            at_risk = set(chain(*[net.node_dict[nd].sends_to for nd in infected])) - set(infected)
            if len(at_risk) == 0:
            at_risk_ix = [net.node_names.index(nd) for nd in at_risk]
            mt_rates = np.sum(net.get_mal_trans()[:, at_risk_ix], axis=0)
            #print at_risk, mt_rates, infected, n
            r_rate = np.sum(mt_rates)
            t += np.random.exponential(scale=1/r_rate)
            if t<T:
                next_infected = np.random.choice(list(at_risk), p = mt_rates/sum(mt_rates))
                times[next_infected] = t
                net.node_dict[next_infected].state = 'infected'
        #print times, n
    e_probs = np.exp(probs)
    return np.log(np.mean(e_probs)), e_probs
Exemplo n.º 5
def MCMC_MH(SFTNet, data, s0, N, T, proposal_var=100, print_jumps=False):
    #  TODO Need to profile this
    #  TODO: Need to make this more general.  Not trivial
    #  TODO : Add sample from possible node orderings

    Performs MCMC integration using Metropolis Hastings.  Returns
    the sampled times, their associated probabilities and the
    associated likelihood value.  This method corresponds to David's
    "half-way" approach in the 2nd version of the ASCII where we
    sample (accept / reject) according to P(z | attacker) and then
    take the average of P(data | z, attacker) of the accepted

    SFTNet : SFTNet instance
        The net to do MCMC over

    data : list
        The data as outputted by gen_data

    N : int
        The number of MCMC proposals

    s0 : dict
        State of the net at t=0

    T : int
        How long the process ran for.
    logn_fact = gen_logn_fact(data)
    n = 1
    nodes_to_change = [nd for nd in SFTNet.node_names if s0[nd] == "normal"]
    nodes_no_change = [nd for nd in SFTNet.node_names if s0[nd] == "infected"]
    prob_no_attacker = prob_model_no_attacker(SFTNet, data, T)
    prob_true_value = prob_model_given_data(SFTNet, data, data[-1], T, logn_fact)

    prob_mod = lambda x: prob_model_given_data(SFTNet, data, x, T, logn_fact)
    guess_times = np.sort(np.random.random(size=len(nodes_to_change)) * T)
    z0 = dict(zip(nodes_to_change, guess_times))
    for nd in nodes_no_change:
        z0[nd] = 0
    # lambda function that calls prob_model_given_data for
    # specified infection times
    p0 = prob_mod(z0)
    # Initiial probability
    # actual times
    time_samples = {node.name: [] for node in SFTNet.nodes}
    # container for samples
    probs = []
    # container for probabilities
    z1 = copy.deepcopy(z0)
    while n < N:
        # if np.random.random() < alpha:
        #    order = random.sample(orderings, 1)[0]
        for nd in nodes_to_change:
            z1[nd] = z0[nd] + np.random.normal() * proposal_var
        p1 = prob_mod(z1)
        if p1[0] - p0[0] > np.log(np.random.random()):
            if print_jumps:
                print "A Jump at, ", n, "to ", z1, "with prob", p1, "\n"
            p0 = p1
            z0 = copy.deepcopy(z1)
        for key, val in z0.iteritems():
        n += 1
    probs = np.asarray(probs)
    out_ar = np.hstack((np.asarray(time_samples.values()).T, probs))
    columns = copy.copy(time_samples.keys())
    columns.append("P(z | attacker)")
    columns.append("P(data | z, attacker)")
    out = pandas.DataFrame(out_ar, columns=columns)
    mcmc_results = Results(out, data[-1], prob_no_attacker, prob_true_value, data, metropolis=True)
    return mcmc_results
Exemplo n.º 6
def MCMC_MH(SFTNet, data, s0, N, T, proposal_var=100, print_jumps=False):
    #  TODO Need to profile this
    #  TODO: Need to make this more general.  Not trivial
    #  TODO : Add sample from possible node orderings
    Performs MCMC integration using Metropolis Hastings.  Returns
    the sampled times, their associated probabilities and the
    associated likelihood value.  This method corresponds to David's
    "half-way" approach in the 2nd version of the ASCII where we
    sample (accept / reject) according to P(z | attacker) and then
    take the average of P(data | z, attacker) of the accepted

    SFTNet : SFTNet instance
        The net to do MCMC over

    data : list
        The data as outputted by gen_data

    N : int
        The number of MCMC proposals

    s0 : dict
        State of the net at t=0

    T : int
        How long the process ran for.
    logn_fact = gen_logn_fact(data)
    n = 1
    nodes_to_change = [nd for nd in SFTNet.node_names if s0[nd] == 'normal']
    nodes_no_change = [nd for nd in SFTNet.node_names if s0[nd] == 'infected']
    prob_no_attacker = prob_model_no_attacker(SFTNet, data, T)
    prob_true_value = prob_model_given_data(SFTNet, data, data[-1], T,

    prob_mod = lambda x: prob_model_given_data(SFTNet, data, x, T, logn_fact)
    guess_times = np.sort(np.random.random(size=len(nodes_to_change)) * T)
    z0 = dict(zip(nodes_to_change, guess_times))
    for nd in nodes_no_change:
        z0[nd] = 0
    # lambda function that calls prob_model_given_data for
    # specified infection times
    p0 = prob_mod(z0)
    # Initiial probability
    # actual times
    time_samples = {node.name: [] for node in SFTNet.nodes}
    # container for samples
    probs = []
    # container for probabilities
    z1 = copy.deepcopy(z0)
    while n < N:
        #if np.random.random() < alpha:
        #    order = random.sample(orderings, 1)[0]
        for nd in nodes_to_change:
            z1[nd] = z0[nd] + np.random.normal() * proposal_var
        p1 = prob_mod(z1)
        if (p1[0] - p0[0] > np.log(np.random.random())):
            if print_jumps:
                print 'A Jump at, ', n, 'to ', z1, 'with prob', p1, '\n'
            p0 = p1
            z0 = copy.deepcopy(z1)
        for key, val in z0.iteritems():
        n += 1
    probs = np.asarray(probs)
    out_ar = np.hstack((np.asarray(time_samples.values()).T, probs))
    columns = copy.copy(time_samples.keys())
    columns.append('P(z | attacker)')
    columns.append('P(data | z, attacker)')
    out = pandas.DataFrame(out_ar, columns=columns)
    mcmc_results = Results(out,
    return mcmc_results
Exemplo n.º 7
def MCMC_sequence(SFTNet, data, s0, N,  T, proposal_var=100, print_jumps=False, alpha=1):
    #  TODO Need to profile this
    #  TODO: Need to make this more general.  Not trivial
    #  TODO : Add sample from possible node orderings
    Performs MCMC integration using Metropolis Hastings.  Returns
    the sampled times, their associated probabilities and the
    associated likelihood value.  This method corresponds to David's
    "half-way" approach in the 2nd version of the ASCII where we
    sample (accept / reject) according to P(z | attacker) and then
    take the average of P(data | z, attacker) of the accepted

    SFTNet : SFTNet instance
        The net to do MCMC over

    data : list
        The data as outputted by gen_data

    N : int
        The number of MCMC proposals

    s0 : dict
        State of the net at t=0

    T : int
        How long the process ran for.
    logn_fact = gen_logn_fact(data)
    n = 1
    nodes_to_change = [nd for nd in SFTNet.node_names if s0[nd] == 'normal' ]
    nodes_no_change = [nd for nd in SFTNet.node_names if s0[nd] == 'infected']
    prob_no_attacker = prob_model_no_attacker(SFTNet, data, T)
    prob_true_value = prob_model_given_data(SFTNet, data, data[-1], T, logn_fact)
    numattackers = len(nodes_no_change)

    prob_mod = lambda x : prob_model_given_data(SFTNet, data, x, T,
    guess_times = np.sort(np.random.random(size=len(nodes_to_change))*T)
    z0 = dict(zip(nodes_to_change, guess_times))
    for nd in nodes_no_change:
        z0[nd] = 0
    order = sorted(z0.iterkeys(), key = lambda k: z0[k])
    # lambda function that calls prob_model_given_data for
    # specified infection times
    p0 = prob_mod(z0)
    # Initiial probability
    # actual times
    time_samples = {node.name : [] for node in SFTNet.nodes}
    # container for samples
    probs = []
    # container for probabilities
    z1 = copy.deepcopy(z0)
    orders = gen_orderings(SFTNet, s0)
    state0 = ['infected'] * numattackers + ['normal'] * len(nodes_to_change)
    while n < N:
        z1 = dict(zip(nodes_no_change, [0] * numattackers))
        last_infect = 0
        state = copy.copy(state0)
        if np.random.random() < alpha:
            new_order  = random.choice(orders)
            switch_order = True
        else :
            switch_order = False
            new_order = order
        for nd in new_order[numattackers:]:
            cross_s_ix = SFTNet.cross_S.index(state)
            nd_ix = SFTNet.node_names.index(nd)
            incoming_rate = np.sum(SFTNet.mal_trans_mats[cross_s_ix][:, nd_ix])
            last_infect = last_infect   + trunc_expon(incoming_rate, T-last_infect)
            z1[nd] = last_infect
            state[nd_ix] = 'infected'
        p1 = prob_mod(z1)
        #  Possible change to 2
        if (p1[2] -p0[2] > np.log(np.random.random())):
            if print_jumps :
                print 'A Jump at, ', n, 'to ', z1, 'with prob', p1, '\n'
            if switch_order:
                #print ' new order ', order, ' at ', n
                p0 = p1
                z0 = copy.deepcopy(z1)
                order = new_order
        for key, val in z0.iteritems():
        for nd in nodes_to_change:
            if nd not in z0.keys():
        n += 1
    probs = np.asarray(probs)
    out_ar = np.hstack((np.asarray(time_samples.values()).T, probs))
    columns = copy.copy(time_samples.keys())
    columns.append('P(z | attacker)')
    columns.append('P(data | z, attacker)')
    out = pandas.DataFrame(out_ar, columns = columns)
    mcmc_results = Results(out, data[-1], prob_no_attacker,
                           prob_true_value, data, metropolis = True)
    return mcmc_results
Exemplo n.º 8
def MCMC_sequence(SFTNet,
    #  TODO Need to profile this
    #  TODO: Need to make this more general.  Not trivial
    #  TODO : Add sample from possible node orderings
    Performs MCMC integration using Metropolis Hastings.  Returns
    the sampled times, their associated probabilities and the
    associated likelihood value.  This method corresponds to David's
    "half-way" approach in the 2nd version of the ASCII where we
    sample (accept / reject) according to P(z | attacker) and then
    take the average of P(data | z, attacker) of the accepted

    SFTNet : SFTNet instance
        The net to do MCMC over

    data : list
        The data as outputted by gen_data

    N : int
        The number of MCMC proposals

    s0 : dict
        State of the net at t=0

    T : int
        How long the process ran for.
    logn_fact = gen_logn_fact(data)
    n = 1
    nodes_to_change = [nd for nd in SFTNet.node_names if s0[nd] == 'normal']
    nodes_no_change = [nd for nd in SFTNet.node_names if s0[nd] == 'infected']
    prob_no_attacker = prob_model_no_attacker(SFTNet, data, T)
    prob_true_value = prob_model_given_data(SFTNet, data, data[-1], T,
    numattackers = len(nodes_no_change)

    prob_mod = lambda x: prob_model_given_data(SFTNet, data, x, T, logn_fact)
    guess_times = np.sort(np.random.random(size=len(nodes_to_change)) * T)
    z0 = dict(zip(nodes_to_change, guess_times))
    for nd in nodes_no_change:
        z0[nd] = 0
    order = sorted(z0.iterkeys(), key=lambda k: z0[k])
    # lambda function that calls prob_model_given_data for
    # specified infection times
    p0 = prob_mod(z0)
    # Initiial probability
    # actual times
    time_samples = {node.name: [] for node in SFTNet.nodes}
    # container for samples
    probs = []
    # container for probabilities
    z1 = copy.deepcopy(z0)
    orders = gen_orderings(SFTNet, s0)
    state0 = ['infected'] * numattackers + ['normal'] * len(nodes_to_change)
    while n < N:
        z1 = dict(zip(nodes_no_change, [0] * numattackers))
        last_infect = 0
        state = copy.copy(state0)
        if np.random.random() < alpha:
            new_order = random.choice(orders)
            switch_order = True
            switch_order = False
            new_order = order
        for nd in new_order[numattackers:]:
            cross_s_ix = SFTNet.cross_S.index(state)
            nd_ix = SFTNet.node_names.index(nd)
            incoming_rate = np.sum(SFTNet.mal_trans_mats[cross_s_ix][:, nd_ix])
            last_infect = last_infect + trunc_expon(incoming_rate,
                                                    T - last_infect)
            z1[nd] = last_infect
            state[nd_ix] = 'infected'
        p1 = prob_mod(z1)
        #  Possible change to 2
        if (p1[2] - p0[2] > np.log(np.random.random())):
            if print_jumps:
                print 'A Jump at, ', n, 'to ', z1, 'with prob', p1, '\n'
            if switch_order:
                #print ' new order ', order, ' at ', n
                p0 = p1
                z0 = copy.deepcopy(z1)
                order = new_order
        for key, val in z0.iteritems():
        for nd in nodes_to_change:
            if nd not in z0.keys():
        n += 1
    probs = np.asarray(probs)
    out_ar = np.hstack((np.asarray(time_samples.values()).T, probs))
    columns = copy.copy(time_samples.keys())
    columns.append('P(z | attacker)')
    columns.append('P(data | z, attacker)')
    out = pandas.DataFrame(out_ar, columns=columns)
    mcmc_results = Results(out,
    return mcmc_results
Exemplo n.º 9
def Direct_Sample(CyberNet, data, num_samples, T, s0):
    Returns P(data|attacker) by Monte Carlo Sampling

    CyberNet : CyberNet Instance

    data : list
        Output of gen_data

    num_samples : int
        How many Monte Carlo samples

    T : int
        Time window

    s0 : dict
        Initial states of nodes
    net = copy.deepcopy(CyberNet)
    # The states of nodes will be changing so we want to make sure
    # we do not change the input  network
    logn_fact = gen_logn_fact(data)
    #Precompute log(n!) for various n.
    n = 1
    nodes_to_change = [nd for nd in net.node_names if s0[nd] == 'normal']
    nodes_no_change = [nd for nd in net.node_names if s0[nd] == 'infected']
    prob_no_attacker = prob_model_no_attacker(net, data, T, logn_fact)
    numattackers = len(nodes_no_change)
    prob_mod = lambda x: prob_model_given_data_times(net, data, x, T,
                                                     logn_fact, s0)
    # Only input is not the infection times
    probs = []
    while n < num_samples:
        t = 0
        for nd in net.node_names:
            net.node_dict[nd].state = s0[nd]
        times = {nd: 0 for nd in nodes_no_change}
        # Corresponds to correct order
        while t < T:
            infected = [nd.name for nd in net.nodes if nd.state == 'infected']
            at_risk = set(
                        for nd in infected])) - set(infected)
            if len(at_risk) == 0:
            at_risk_ix = [net.node_names.index(nd) for nd in at_risk]
            mt_rates = np.sum(net.get_mal_trans()[:, at_risk_ix], axis=0)
            #print at_risk, mt_rates, infected, n
            r_rate = np.sum(mt_rates)
            t += np.random.exponential(scale=1. / r_rate)
            # Sample time of next infection
            if t < T:
                next_infected = np.random.choice(list(at_risk),
                                                 p=mt_rates /
                # Sample node to be infected
                times[next_infected] = t
                net.node_dict[next_infected].state = 'infected'
        #print times, n
        n += 1
    # prob_mod returns log prob so we need to exponentiate to get the mean
    e_probs = np.exp(probs)
    return np.log(np.mean(e_probs))