Exemplo n.º 1
    def onSeekChangingValue(self, range, scroll, value):
        """ The user is moving the seek slider """
        self.sclBeingDragged = True

        if value >= self.currTrackLength: value = self.currTrackLength
        else:                             value = int(value)

        self.lblRemaining.set_label(sec2str(self.currTrackLength - value))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def onNewTrackPosition(self, elapsedTime):
     """ The track position has changed """
     if not self.sclBeingDragged:
         if elapsedTime >= self.currTrackLength:
             elapsedTime = self.currTrackLength
         self.lblRemaining.set_label(sec2str(self.currTrackLength - elapsedTime))
         # Make sure the handler will not be called
         self.seekHandler = self.sclSeek.connect('value-changed', self.onSeekValueChanged)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def onNewTrackPosition(self, seconds):
     """ The track position has changed """
     if not self.sclBeingDragged:
         if seconds >= self.currTrackLength:
             seconds = self.currTrackLength
         self.lblRemaining.set_label(sec2str(self.currTrackLength - seconds))
         # Make sure the handler will not be called
Exemplo n.º 4
    def loadAlbums(self, tree, node, fakeChild):
        """ Initial load of the albums of the given node, assuming it is of type TYPE_ARTIST """
        rows      = []
        path      = tree.getItem(node, ROW_FULLPATH)
        artist    = tree.getItem(node, ROW_DATA)
        allAlbums = pickleLoad(os.path.join(tree.getItem(node, ROW_FULLPATH), 'albums'))

        # Filter albums if only favorites should be shown
        if self.showOnlyFavs:
            allAlbums = [album for album in allAlbums if self.isAlbumInFavorites(artist, album[ALB_NAME])]

        # Filter artists by genre if needed
        if self.currGenre is not None:
            allAlbums = [album for album in allAlbums if album[ALB_NAME] in self.allGenres[self.currGenre][artist]]

        # The icon depends on whether the album is in the favorites
        for album in allAlbums:
            if self.isAlbumInFavorites(artist, album[ALB_NAME]): icon = icons.starDirMenuIcon()
            else:                                                icon = icons.mediaDirMenuIcon()

            rows.append((icon, '[%s]' % tools.sec2str(album[ALB_LENGTH], True), '%s' % htmlEscape(album[ALB_NAME]),
                            TYPE_ALBUM, os.path.join(path, album[ALB_INDEX]), album[ALB_NAME]))

        # Add all the rows, and then add a fake child to each of them
        tree.appendRows(rows, node)
        for child in tree.iterChildren(node):
            tree.appendRow(FAKE_CHILD, child)
    def __updateStatusbar(self):
        """ Update the status bar """
        # Tracklist
        count = len(self.tracklist)
        if count == 0:
            self.status1.set_label(ngettext('One track in playlist  [%(length)s]', '%(count)u tracks in playlist  [%(length)s]', count) \
                                      % {'count': count, 'length': tools.sec2str(self.playtime)})

        # Selected tracks
        count = len(self.selTracks)
        if count == 0:
            selection = ngettext('One track selected', '%(count)u tracks selected', count) % {'count': count}

            audioType = self.selTracks[0].getType()
            for track in self.selTracks[1:]:
                if track.getType() != audioType:
                    audioType = _('various')

            bitrate = self.selTracks[0].getBitrate()
            for track in self.selTracks[1:]:
                if track.getBitrate() != bitrate:
                    bitrate = _('various')

            self.status2.set_label(_('%(selection)s (Type: %(type)s, Bitrate: %(bitrate)s)') % {'selection': selection, 'type': audioType, 'bitrate': bitrate})
Exemplo n.º 6
    def updateTree(self, discInfo):
        """ Update the tree using disc information from the cache, if any """
        cddb = self.getDiscFromCache(discInfo)

        # Create fake CDDB information if needed
        if cddb is None:
            cddb = {"DTITLE": "%s / %s" % (consts.UNKNOWN_ARTIST, consts.UNKNOWN_ALBUM)}
            for i in xrange(discInfo[DISC_NB_TRACKS]):
                cddb["TTITLE%u" % i] = consts.UNKNOWN_TITLE

        # Compute the length of each track
        trackLen = [
            int(round((discInfo[DISC_FRAME1 + i + 1] - discInfo[DISC_FRAME1 + i]) / 75.0))
            for i in xrange(discInfo[DISC_NB_TRACKS] - 1)
        trackLen.append(discInfo[DISC_LENGTH] - int(round(discInfo[DISC_FRAMEn] / 75.0)))

        # Update the root of the tree
        disc = cddb["DTITLE"].strip().decode("iso-8859-15", "replace")
        artist, album = disc.split(" / ")

        self.tree.setItem((0,), ROW_NAME, "%s" % tools.htmlEscape(disc))
        self.tree.setItem((0,), ROW_LENGTH, "[%s]" % sec2str(sum(trackLen)))

        # Update the explorer name
            consts.MSG_CMD_EXPLORER_RENAME, {"modName": MOD_L10N, "expName": self.expName, "newExpName": disc}
        self.expName = disc

        # Optional information
            date = int(cddb["DYEAR"].strip().decode("iso-8859-15", "replace"))
            date = None

            genre = cddb["DGENRE"].strip().decode("iso-8859-15", "replace")
            genre = None

        # Update each track
        for i, child in enumerate(self.tree.iterChildren((0,))):
            title = cddb["TTITLE%u" % i].strip().decode("iso-8859-15", "replace")

            # Create the corresponding Track object
            track = CDTrack(str(i + 1))
            track.setNumber(i + 1)
            # Optional information
            if date is not None:
            if genre is not None:
            # Fill the tree
            self.tree.setItem(child, ROW_NAME, "%02u. %s" % (i + 1, tools.htmlEscape(title)))
            self.tree.setItem(child, ROW_TRACK, track)
    def onNewTracklist(self, count, playtime):
        """ A new tracklist has been set """
        if count == 0:
            text = ''
            text = ngettext('One track in playlist  [%(length)s]', '%(count)u tracks in playlist  [%(length)s]', count) \
                    % {'count': count, 'length': tools.sec2str(playtime)}

        self.statusbar.push(self.contextId, text)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def loadAlbums(self, tree, node, fakeChild):
        """ Initial load of all albums of the given node, assuming it is of type TYPE_ARTIST """
        allAlbums = pickleLoad(os.path.join(tree.getItem(node, ROW_FULLPATH), 'albums'))
        path      = tree.getItem(node, ROW_FULLPATH)
        rows      = [(consts.icoMediaDir, '[%s]' % tools.sec2str(album[ALB_LENGTH], True), '%s' % cgi.escape(album[ALB_NAME]), TYPE_ALBUM, os.path.join(path, album[ALB_INDEX]), None) for album in allAlbums]

        # Add all the rows, and then add a fake child to each of them
        tree.appendRows(rows, node)
        for child in tree.iterChildren(node):
            tree.appendRow((None, None, '', TYPE_NONE, '', None), child)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def format(self, fmtString):
        """ Replace the special fields in the given string by their corresponding value """
        result = fmtString

        result = result.replace( '{path}',         self.getFilePath()         )
        result = result.replace( '{album}',        self.getAlbum()            )
        result = result.replace( '{track}',        str(self.getNumber())      )
        result = result.replace( '{title}',        self.getTitle()            )
        result = result.replace( '{artist}',       self.getArtist()           )
        result = result.replace( '{genre}',        self.getGenre()            )
        result = result.replace( '{date}',         str(self.getDate())        )
        result = result.replace( '{disc}',         str(self.getDiscNumber())  )
        result = result.replace( '{bitrate}',      self.getBitrate()          )
        result = result.replace( '{sample_rate}',  str(self.getSampleRate())  )
        result = result.replace( '{duration_sec}', str(self.getLength())      )
        result = result.replace( '{duration_str}', sec2str(self.getLength())  )

        return result
Exemplo n.º 10
    def format(self, fmtString):
        """ Replace the special fields in the given string by their corresponding value """
        result = fmtString

        result = result.replace( '{path}',         self.getFilePath()         )
        result = result.replace( '{album}',        self.getAlbum()            )
        result = result.replace( '{track}',        str(self.getNumber())      )
        result = result.replace( '{title}',        self.getTitle()            )
        result = result.replace( '{artist}',       self.getArtist()           )
        result = result.replace( '{genre}',        self.getGenre()            )
        result = result.replace( '{date}',         str(self.getDate())        )
        result = result.replace( '{disc}',         str(self.getDiscNumber())  )
        result = result.replace( '{bitrate}',      self.getBitrate()          )
        result = result.replace( '{sample_rate}',  str(self.getSampleRate())  )
        result = result.replace( '{duration_sec}', str(self.getLength())      )
        result = result.replace( '{duration_str}', sec2str(self.getLength())  )

        return result
Exemplo n.º 11
    def get_label(self, parent_label=None, playing=False):
        Return a treeview representation
        title = self.tags.get(TAG_TIT, '')
        artist = self.tags.get(TAG_ART, '')

        album = self.getExtendedAlbum()
        if album == consts.UNKNOWN_ALBUM:
            album = ''

        number = self.tags.get(TAG_NUM, '')
        length = self.getLength()

        if number:
            number = str(number).zfill(2)

        # Delete whitespace at the end
        connectors = ['the', 'and', '&', ',', '.', '?', '!', "'", ':', '-', ' ']

        if parent_label:
            parent_label = parent_label.lower()
            short_album = album.lower()
            short_artist = artist.lower()
            for connector in connectors:
                parent_label = parent_label.replace(connector, '')
                short_album = short_album.replace(connector, '')
                short_artist = short_artist.replace(connector, '')
            if short_album.strip() in parent_label:
                album = ''
            if short_artist.strip() in parent_label:
                artist = ''

        if title:
            label = ' - '.join([part for part in [artist, album, number, title] if part])
            label = self.getBasename()

        label = tools.htmlEscape(label)
        if playing:
            label = '<b>%s</b>' % label
        #label += ' <span foreground="gray">[%s]</span>' % tools.sec2str(length)
        label += ' [%s]' % tools.sec2str(length)
        return label
Exemplo n.º 12
    def get_label(self, parent_label=None, playing=False):
        Return a treeview representation
        title = self.tags.get(TAG_TIT, '')
        artist = self.tags.get(TAG_ART, '')

        album = self.getExtendedAlbum()
        if album == consts.UNKNOWN_ALBUM:
            album = ''

        number = self.tags.get(TAG_NUM, '')
        length = self.getLength()

        if number:
            number = str(number).zfill(2)

        # Delete whitespace at the end
        connectors = ['the', 'and', '&', ',', '.', '?', '!', "'", ':', '-', ' ']

        if parent_label:
            parent_label = parent_label.lower()
            short_album = album.lower()
            short_artist = artist.lower()
            for connector in connectors:
                parent_label = parent_label.replace(connector, '')
                short_album = short_album.replace(connector, '')
                short_artist = short_artist.replace(connector, '')
            if short_album.strip() in parent_label:
                album = ''
            if short_artist.strip() in parent_label:
                artist = ''

        if title:
            label = ' - '.join([part for part in [artist, album, number, title] if part])
            label = self.getBasename()

        label = tools.htmlEscape(label)
        if playing:
            label = '<b>%s</b>' % label
        #label += ' <span foreground="gray">[%s]</span>' % tools.sec2str(length)
        label += ' [%s]' % tools.sec2str(length)
        return label
Exemplo n.º 13
    def formatHTMLSafe(self, fmtString):
            Replace the special fields in the given string by their corresponding value
            Also ensure that the fields don't contain HTML special characters (&, <, >)
        result = fmtString

        result = result.replace( '{path}',         tools.htmlEscape(self.getFilePath()) )
        result = result.replace( '{album}',        tools.htmlEscape(self.getAlbum())    )
        result = result.replace( '{track}',        str(self.getNumber())                )
        result = result.replace( '{title}',        tools.htmlEscape(self.getTitle())    )
        result = result.replace( '{artist}',       tools.htmlEscape(self.getArtist())   )
        result = result.replace( '{genre}',        tools.htmlEscape(self.getGenre())    )
        result = result.replace( '{date}',         str(self.getDate())                  )
        result = result.replace( '{disc}',         str(self.getDiscNumber())            )
        result = result.replace( '{bitrate}',      self.getBitrate()                    )
        result = result.replace( '{sample_rate}',  self.getSampleRate()                 )
        result = result.replace( '{duration_sec}', str(self.getLength())                )
        result = result.replace( '{duration_str}', sec2str(self.getLength())            )

        return result
Exemplo n.º 14
    def formatHTMLSafe(self, fmtString):
            Replace the special fields in the given string by their corresponding value
            Also ensure that the fields don't contain HTML special characters (&, <, >)
        result = fmtString

        result = result.replace( '{path}',         tools.htmlEscape(self.getFilePath()) )
        result = result.replace( '{album}',        tools.htmlEscape(self.getAlbum())    )
        result = result.replace( '{track}',        str(self.getNumber())                )
        result = result.replace( '{title}',        tools.htmlEscape(self.getTitle())    )
        result = result.replace( '{artist}',       tools.htmlEscape(self.getArtist())   )
        result = result.replace( '{genre}',        tools.htmlEscape(self.getGenre())    )
        result = result.replace( '{date}',         str(self.getDate())                  )
        result = result.replace( '{disc}',         str(self.getDiscNumber())            )
        result = result.replace( '{bitrate}',      self.getBitrate()                    )
        result = result.replace( '{sample_rate}',  self.getSampleRate()                 )
        result = result.replace( '{duration_sec}', str(self.getLength())                )
        result = result.replace( '{duration_str}', sec2str(self.getLength())            )

        return result
Exemplo n.º 15
    def fmtLength(self, col, cll, mdl, it): cll.set_property('text', tools.sec2str(mdl.get_value(it, ROW_LEN)))

    def __getNextTrackIdx(self):
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __fmtLengthColumn(self, col, cll, mdl, it):
     """ Format the column showing the length of the track (e.g., show 1:23 instead of 83) """
     cll.set_property('text', tools.sec2str(mdl.get_value(it, ROW_LEN)))
     self.__fmtColumnColor(col, cll, mdl, it)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def set_time(self, seconds):
     elapsed = sec2str(seconds)
     #remaining = sec2str(self.currTrackLength - seconds)
     total = sec2str(self.currTrackLength)
     self.sclSeek.set_tooltip_text('%s / %s' % (elapsed, total))
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __setTitle(self, title, length=None):
        """ Change the title of the current track """
        title = cgi.escape(title)

        if length is None: self.txtTitle.set_markup('<span size="larger"><b>%s</b></span>' % title)
        else:              self.txtTitle.set_markup('<span size="larger"><b>%s</b></span>  [%s]' % (title, tools.sec2str(length)))