def printGeomHkl(self,hkl,crystal=None): phi,phiE = self.getPhiRotationhkl(hkl,crystal) hklstr = '[%s]' % ', '.join(map(str, hkl)) logbook('Reflection %s at phi = %f deg from preset orientation' % (hklstr,phi+phiE)) logbook(' phiE = %f deg; phi = %f deg' % (phiE,phi)) self.getRobotAnglesHkl(hkl,crystal=None)
def TTextractFilterPositions(Areadet,filtsettings=None,polysettings=None): if not filtsettings: filtsettings = Areadet.TTfiltsettings #if not polysettings: #polysettings = dict(rpts=100,cpts=20) pos = [] amp = [] fwhm = [] if polysettings: poly_pos = [] poly_cen = [] ccN = 0 for ds in Areadet.TTtraces: logbook('...extracting from cc %d'%(ccN)) data = ds[:] if polysettings: tpos,tamp,tppos,tpcen = TTapplyFilter(data,filtsettings,polysettings=polysettings) else: tpos,tamp,tfwhm = TTapplyFilter(data,filtsettings) pos.append(tpos) amp.append(tamp) fwhm.append(tfwhm) if polysettings: poly_pos.append(tppos) poly_cen.append(tpcen) ccN+=1 Areadet._add_saved_datafield('TTfiltPos',pos) Areadet._add_saved_datafield('TTfiltAmp',amp) Areadet._add_saved_datafield('TTfiltFwhm',fwhm) if polysettings: Areadet._add_saved_datafield('TTfiltPolyPos',poly_pos) Areadet._add_saved_datafield('TTfiltPolyCen',poly_cen)
def _checkNcalib(self): numOfScanStepsFile = [] path = tools.commonPathPrefix(self._paths["data"]) path = getPath(path) for h in self._h5s: n=0 while( tH5.datasetExists(h,path % n) ): n+=1 numOfScanStepsFile.append(n) nccs = [] for h in self._h5s: n=0 while( tH5.datasetExists(h,'/Configure:0000/Run:0000/CalibCycle:%04d/' % n) ): n+=1 nccs.append(n) self._numOfScanStepsFile = [] for n in range(len(self._h5s)): if nccs[n] > numOfScanStepsFile[n]: logbook("More calibcycle structures than detectors, will lead to empty detector steps...") self._numOfScanStepsFile.append(nccs[n]) else: self._numOfScanStepsFile.append(numOfScanStepsFile[n]) return self._numOfScanStepsFile
def getMask(self,mask="all"): if (mask =="all"): return self.mask elif (mask in self._masks): return self._masks[mask] else: logbook("mask %s not present, returning None" % mask) return None
def getRefIntensity(self,imagemask=None): self.Iref = self.refDataFilter * nansum( fina = 'tmp_getRefIntensity_' + \ + '.ixp.h5' logbook(fina) self.Iref.setFile(fina) self.Iref.evaluate() self.Iref = self.Iref.get_memdata()[0] os.remove(fina)
def readReferenceToRunNumber(searchstring,runno,comparator='le',wildcard='*'): comparator = operator.__dict__[comparator] filelist,numbers = getFileNumberlist(searchstring,wildcard=wildcard) nums = np.asarray(numbers) nums = nums[comparator(nums,runno).nonzero()[0]] if len(nums)==0: logbook("Warning: Could not find reference run, will try to read closest runnumber instead!") nums = np.asarray(numbers) refrunno = np.min(np.abs(nums-runno)) idx = numbers.index(refrunno) return readDataFile(filelist[idx])
def addScanVecToSingleShotReadings(scanv,tt): """ tt must be either a list of vectors or a matrix; now it is not needed as mem data natively supports that: d.timeTool.pos + d.scan.lxt""" logbook("this funciton is obsolete: please use d.timeTool.pos + d.scan.lxt") if isinstance(tt,list): return [scanv[i]+tt[i][:] for i in range(len(scanv))] elif (tt.shape[0] == len(scanv)): return [scanv[i]+tt[i,:] for i in range(len(scanv))] elif (tt.shape[1] == len(scanv)): return [scanv[i]+tt[:,i] for i in range(len(scanv))]
def _getMonitor(self): if self._monitor is None: try: self._monitor = self.res[self._dsNamePrefix+'_nansum_i0'] except: self.res[self._dsNamePrefix+'_nansum_raw'] = nansum( logbook("Extracting I0 from radial profile...") self.res[self._dsNamePrefix+'_nansum_raw'].evaluate() self.res[self._dsNamePrefix+'_nansum_i0'] = \ self.res[self._dsNamePrefix+'_nansum_raw'].get_memdata()[0] self._monitor = self.res[self._dsNamePrefix+'_nansum_i0'] return self._monitor
def process(d): if hasattr(d,'evrBool'): try: d['eventCodeBool'] = [te==1 for te in] except: logbook("Post process unpacking evrBool data did not succeed for some reason!!!") if hasattr(d,'adc'): try: d['adcV'] = except: logbook("Post process unpacking evrBool data did not succeed for some reason!!!")
def findDetectors(self,detectors=None,exclude=None): # Detectors # TODO # strategy in 2 paths: # (1) detectors are given as alias --> try to read with cached datasets/adresses --> if fails use dataset finder ONLY for defined aliases. # (2) no detectors are given --> find all detectors for all aliases and get dataset name if alias not existing. # if (detectors != "parse"): # _findDetectors tries to match datasets found in files with mnemonic given in config t0 = time.time() logbook("Finding data in hdf5 file ...",end="") self.findDatasets(detectors=detectors,exclude=exclude) logbook(" ... done (%.1f) ms" % ((time.time()-t0)*1e3),time=False) else: logbook("Starting to look in the file") # parsing look in the file for dataset ... # use first (data or cached) file to find detectors to use h = self.fileHandles[0] try: cnf = parseToCnf(h) self.cnf = tools.dictMerge(self.cnf,cnf) self.areaDet = cnf['areaDet'].keys() self.pointDet = cnf['pointDet'].keys() self.detectors = cnf['areaDet'].keys()+cnf['pointDet'].keys() except KeyError: logbook("Failed to find detectors in ", h.filename)
def strucArrayToObj(data): """ Transform a structured array as class x = np.zeros(3, dtype=[('x','f4'),('y',np.float32),('value','f4',(2,2))]) A=strucArrayToObj(x) print A.value """ c = dropObject() if data[0].dtype.names is not None: for fieldname in data[0].dtype.names: c._add(fieldname,data[fieldname]) else: logbook("No clue on how to make an object out handle ",data) return c
def openOrCreateFile(fname,mode="r",driver=None): if (os.path.isfile(fname)): if (mode == "r"): if not os.access(fname,os.R_OK): raise IOError("Asked to read %s but it is not possible, check permissions" % fname) return None elif (mode=="r+") or (mode=="a") or (mode=="w"): if not os.access(fname,os.W_OK): raise IOError("Asked to read/write %s but it is not possible, check permissions" % fname) return None h5handle=h5py.File(fname,mode,driver=driver) logbook("File %s exists already, opening in %s mode" % (fname,mode)) else: logbook("File %s does not exists, creating it" % (fname)) h5handle=h5py.File(fname,"w") return h5handle
def getI0Imat(self,bins=None,evaluate=False): digi = (self.refDataFilter*self.Iref).digitize(bins=bins) self.I0 = digi.scan.bincenters self.Imat = digi.ones()* if evaluate: fina = 'tmp_getImat_' \ + + '.ixp.h5' logbook(fina) self.Imat.setFile(fina) self.Imat.evaluate() self.Imat = np.asarray(self.Imat.mean()) os.remove(fina) else: self.Imat = np.asarray(self.Imat.mean()) if self.dataset is not None: self.dataset['corrNonLin_Imat'] = self.Imat self.dataset['corrNonLin_I0'] = self.I0
def TTteachFilter(profiles,): from scipy.linalg import toeplitz nfh = tools.nfigure('Digital filter design: Select signal') pl.clf() p = profiles[2,:] pl.plot(p) siglim = np.round(tools.getSpanCoordinates('horizontal')) #print 'Select step position of step' #stepoffs = pl.ginput(1)[0][0]-np.mean(siglim) #pl.axvline(stepoffs+np.mean(siglim),color='r') ys = p[siglim[0]:siglim[1]] ysacl = np.correlate(ys,ys,'same') sacl = ysacl nfh = tools.nfigure('Digital filter design: Select noise region') pl.clf() pl.plot(profiles.transpose()) logbook("select lower limit of noise area (NB: has same width as signal range!)") noiselim = pl.ginput(1) noiselim = round(noiselim[0][0])+np.array([0,np.diff(np.array(siglim))[0]]) pl.axvspan(noiselim[0],noiselim[1],facecolor='r',alpha=0.5) pl.axvline(noiselim[0],color='r') pl.axvline(noiselim[1],color='r') logbook(noiselim) nacl = [] for p in profiles: yn = p[noiselim[0]:noiselim[1]] ynacl = np.correlate(yn,yn,'same') nacl.append(ynacl) nacl = np.mean(np.vstack(nacl),axis=0) Ynacl = toeplitz(nacl,r=np.zeros(len(nacl))) R = np.matrix(Ynacl).I Rs = np.matrix(sacl) weights = R*Rs.transpose() weights = np.array(weights).ravel() weights = weights-np.median(weights) filtsettings = dict(weights=np.array(weights), #stepoffs=stepoffs, noise_limits=noiselim) return filtsettings
def _checkCalibConsistency(self): import itertools Nc = [] # upon initialization each detector check for Ncalib tocheck = list(itertools.chain( self.detectors.values(),self._scanVars)) Nc = [] for d in tocheck: Nc.append(d._numOfScanSteps) Nc = np.array(Nc) NcMin = Nc.min(axis=0) NcMax = Nc.max(axis=0) for d in tocheck: # print out most limiting detector if (list(NcMin) == list(d._numOfScanSteps)) and (list(NcMin)!=list(NcMax)): logbook("WARNING: Detector/Scan ",d,"is limiting the number of Calybcycle to",str(NcMin),"instead of ",str(NcMax)) d._numOfScanSteps = list(NcMin) self.numOfScanSteps = list(NcMin) if len(NcMin) ==1: self.numOfScanSteps = self.numOfScanSteps[0]
def readDataFile(fina,fieldname=None): name,extension = os.path.splitext(fina) if extension=='.m': if fieldname is not None: return loadmat(fina)[fieldname] else: return loadmat(fina) elif extension=='.npy': return np.load(fina) elif extension=='.h5': sname,sext = os.path.splitext(name) if sext=='.ixp': return ixppy.dataset(fina) return h5py.File(fina) else: try: return np.loadtxt(fina) except Exception(e): logbook("could not read that file. \nError ---->\n ") logbook(e)
def _isallowed(self,hkl): if self.packing is 'fcc': if not isodd(sum(hkl)): isallowed = True else: isallowed = False if self.packing is 'bcc': if isodd(hkl[0])==isodd(hkl[1])==isodd(hkl[2]): isallowed = True else: isallowed = False if self.packing is 'diamond': if (isodd(hkl[0])==isodd(hkl[1])==isodd(hkl[2])) or (sum(hkl)/4.).is_integer(): isallowed = True else: isallowed = False if self.packing is 'cubic': isallowed = True else: logbook("crystal structure not implemented (yet)")
def gamdel2Qfib(gamma,delta,alpha,lam): gamma = np.array(iterfy(gamma)) delta = np.array(iterfy(delta)) shpgam = np.shape(gamma) shpdel = np.shape(delta) if not shpgam==shpdel: logbook("gamma and delta array must have same shape!") return gamma = gamma.ravel() delta = delta.ravel() Qs = 2*np.pi/lam * np.array((-rotmat3D([0,1,0],-alpha))*np.mat([ np.cos(delta)*np.cos(gamma)-1, -np.cos(delta)*np.sin(gamma), -np.sin(delta)])) Qip = np.sign(Qs[1,:])*np.sqrt(Qs[0,:]**2+Qs[1,:]**2); Qop = Qs[2,:] Qip = Qip.reshape(shpgam) Qop = Qop.reshape(shpgam) return Qip,Qop
def corrNonlinGetPar(data,correct,order=2,data_0=0,correct_0=0, displayWarning=True,plot=False): """ Find parameters for non linear correction *data* should be an 1D array (use .ravel() in case) of the detectors that is suspected to be non linear *correct* is the detector that is sussposed to be linear *data_0" is an offset to use for the data (used only if plotting" *correct_0* offset of the "linear detector""" # poor man wrapping :D # try: data = data.ravel() except AttributeError: pass try: correct = correct.ravel() except AttributeError: pass p = np.polyfit(data,correct,order) if order>=2 and p[-3]<0: logbook("corrNonlinGetPar: consistency problem, second order coefficient should \ be > 0, please double check result (plot=True) or try inverting the data and the\ correct arguments",level=2,func="toolsDetectors.corrNonlinGetPar") p[-1] = p[-1]-correct_0 if plot: d = corrNonlin(data,p,data_0=data_0,correct_0=correct_0) plt.plot(correct,data,".",label="before correction") plt.plot(correct,d,".",label="after correction") poly_lin = np.polyfit(correct,d,1) xmin = min(correct.min(),0) xtemp = np.asarray( (xmin,correct.max()) ) plt.plot(xtemp,np.polyval(poly_lin,xtemp), label="linear fit") plt.plot(correct,d-np.polyval(poly_lin,correct), ".",label="difference after-linear") plt.xlabel("correct") plt.ylabel("data") plt.legend() return p
def applyFilter(data,filtsettings,plotOutput=False,polysettings=None,erfsettings=None,saveplots=False,kind="stepUp"): weights = np.array(filtsettings['weights']).ravel() #stepoffs = filtsettings['stepoffs'] lf = len(weights) halfrange = round(lf/10) pos = [] amp = [] fwhm = [] runningno = 0 for d in data: f0 = np.convolve(np.array(weights).ravel(),d,'same') f = f0[lf/2:len(f0)-lf/2-1] if (kind=="stepUp"): mpr = f.argmax() else: mpr = f.argmin() # now do a parabolic fit around the max xd = np.arange(max(0,mpr-halfrange),min(mpr+halfrange,len(f)-1)) yd = f[max(0,mpr-halfrange):min(mpr+halfrange,len(f)-1)] p2 = np.polyfit(xd,yd,2) tpos = -p2[1]/2./p2[0] tamp = np.polyval(p2,tpos) try: beloh = (f<tamp/2).nonzero()[0]-mpr tfwhm = abs(beloh[beloh<0][-1]-beloh[beloh>0][0]) except: logbook("FWHM not applied",level=0) tfwhm = np.nan pos.append(tpos) amp.append(tamp) fwhm.append(tfwhm) runningno+=1 pos = np.asarray(pos) + lf/2. amp = np.asarray(amp) fwhm = np.asarray(fwhm) returntuple = [pos,amp,fwhm] return tuple(returntuple)
def histogramSmart(x,fac=20.,include=-1,remove=0,maxints=1000000): lims0 = np.percentile(x,[20,80]) ind = (x>lims0[0])&(x<lims0[1]) interval = np.diff(lims0)/np.round(sum(ind)/fac) include = iterfy(include) remove = iterfy(remove) if sum(include)>0: med = np.median(x) if len(include)==1: include = np.abs(include[0]) hmn,hmx = np.percentile(x,[50-include,50+include]) elif len(include)==2: hmn,hmx = np.percentile(x,[50-include[0],50+include[1]]) elif sum(remove)>0: med = np.median(x) if len(remove)==1: remove = np.abs(remove[0]) hmn,hmx = np.percentile(x,[remove,100-remove]) elif len(remove)==2: hmn,hmx = np.percentile(x,[remove[0],100-remove[1]]) else: hmn,hmx = (np.min(x),np.max(x)) xd = np.diff(x[ind]) xd = xd[xd>0] xdmn = np.min(xd) if xdmn>interval: interval = xdmn if (hmx-hmn)/interval>maxints: logbook("Warning: the assigned binwidth %g leads to more bins than assigned in maxint (%g)." %(interval,maxints),level=2) interval = (hmx-hmn)/maxints logbook("binwidth is set to %g." %(interval)) edges = np.arange(hmn,hmx,interval) h,dum = np.histogram(x,bins=edges) return h,edges
def _initPointDet(self): if self._isPointDet and self._useMemoryCache: if len(self._paths['data'])>1: if len(self._paths['data'])>50: # this seems the epics case logbook("crazy amount of point counters in %s, force full reading initialization with..." %( else: # this might be the tt case for datapath,timepath in zip(self._paths['data'],self._paths['time']): datapath = getPath(datapath) timepath = getPath(timepath) name = getDetNamefromPath(datapath) dat,fields = self._readPointDataGeneral(datapath) times = self._readTime(timepath) if not fields==[] and not hasattr(self,'fields'): self.fields = dict() for field,tdat in zip(fields,dat): tname = name+'_'+field data = [tdat,times] self.fields[tname] = data #memdata(tname,data) else: # this might be the ipm case datapath = self._paths['data'][0] timepath = self._paths['time'][0] datapath = getPath(datapath) timepath = getPath(timepath) dat,fields = self._readPointDataGeneral(datapath) times = self._readTime(timepath) if not fields==[]: self.fields = dict() for field,tdat in zip(fields,dat): tname = field data = [tdat,times] self.fields[tname] = data
def initDetectors(self,detectors=None): detectors = self.detectorsNames # define detectors self.detectors = {} # START POINT DETECTORS t0 = time.time() logbook("defining pointDet (with memory cache) ...",end="") #if (rdPointDetectorsImmediately): #print " (pre-reading all) ", for dname in self.pointDetNames: #TODO: here dtector dependent modules from a folder are to be used in special cases, like a plugin. Not working because of importing issues. Commented out for now. if dname in pluginNames: tdclass = eval('detector_'+dname) else: tdclass = detector det = tdclass(self.fileHandles,dname,self._detectorsPaths[dname],useMemoryCache=True,isPointDet=True) self.detectors[dname] =det #if (rdPointDetectorsImmediately): #for i in range(len(self.fileHandles)): #det.readData(stepSlice=range(det._numOfScanSteps[i]),fileSlice=i) #tools.addToObj( self,dname,det ) logbook(" ... done (%.1f) ms, %d detectors" % ((time.time()-t0)*1e3,len(self.pointDetNames)),time=False) # DONE POINT DETECTORS # START AREA DETECTORS t0 = time.time() logbook("defining areaDet (without memory cache) ...",end="") for dname in self.areaDetNames: det = detector(self.fileHandles,dname,self._detectorsPaths[dname],useMemoryCache=False) self.detectors[dname] =det #tools.addToObj( self,dname,det ) logbook(" ... done (%.1f) ms, %d detectors" % ((time.time()-t0)*1e3,len(self.areaDetNames)),time=False)
def __init__(self): logbook("This funciton is obsolete, please use: corrNonlinGetPar and corrNonlin") pass
def histogram2dSmart(x,y,fac=400,include=-1,remove=0,maxints=500): limsx0 = matplotlib.mlab.prctile(x,p=(20,80)) limsy0 = matplotlib.mlab.prctile(y,p=(20,80)) indx = (x>limsx0[0])&(x<limsx0[1]) indy = (y>limsy0[0])&(y<limsy0[1]) intervalx = np.diff(limsx0)/np.round(sum(indx)/fac) intervaly = np.diff(limsy0)/np.round(sum(indy)/fac) include = iterfy(include) remove = iterfy(remove) if sum(include)>0: medx = np.median(x) medy = np.median(y) if len(include)==1: includesingle = np.abs(include[0]) xhmn,xhmx = np.percentile(x,[50-includesingle,50+includesingle]) yhmn,yhmx = np.percentile(y,[50-includesingle,50+includesingle]) elif len(include)==2: if len(include[0])==1: xhmn,xhmx = np.percentile(x,[50-include[0][0],50+include[0][0]]) elif len(include[0])==2: xhmn,xhmx = np.percentile(x,[50-include[0][0],50+include[0][1]]) if len(include[1])==1: yhmn,yhmx = np.percentile(y,[50-include[1][0],50+include[1][0]]) elif len(include[0])==2: yhmn,yhmx = np.percentile(x,[50-include[1][0],50+include[1][1]]) else: xhmn,xhmx = np.min(x),np.max(x) yhmn,yhmx = np.min(y),np.max(y) if sum(remove)>0: medx = np.median(x) medy = np.median(y) if len(remove)==1: removesingle = np.abs(remove[0]) xhmn,xhmx = np.percentile(x,[removesingle,100-removesingle]) yhmn,yhmx = np.percentile(y,[removesingle,100-removesingle]) logbook("here",removesingle) elif len(remove)==2: remove[0] = iterfy(remove[0]) remove[1] = iterfy(remove[1]) if len(remove[0])==1: xhmn,xhmx = np.percentile(x,[remove[0][0],100-remove[0][0]]) elif len(remove[0])==2: xhmn,xhmx = np.percentile(x,[remove[0][0],100-remove[0][1]]) if len(remove[1])==1: yhmn,yhmx = np.percentile(y,[remove[1][0],100-remove[1][0]]) elif len(remove[0])==2: yhmn,yhmx = np.percentile(x,[remove[1][0],100-remove[1][1]]) else: xhmn,xhmx = np.min(x),np.max(x) yhmn,yhmx = np.min(y),np.max(y) #elif sum(remove)>0: #med = np.median(x) #if len(remove)==1: #remove = np.abs(remove[0]) #hmn,hmx = np.percentile(x,[remove,100-remove]) #elif len(remove)==2: #hmn,hmx = np.percentile(x,[remove[0],100-remove[1]]) #else: #hmn,hmx = (np.min(x),np.max(x))include=-1,remove=0,maxints=1000000 xd = np.diff(x[indx]) xd = xd[xd>0] xdmn = np.min(xd) if xdmn>intervalx: intervalx = xdmn yd = np.diff(y[indy]) yd = yd[yd>0] ydmn = np.min(yd) if ydmn>intervaly: intervaly = ydmn if (xhmx-xhmn)/intervalx>maxints: logbook("Warning: the assigned x binwidth %g leads to more bins than assigned in maxint (%g)." %(intervalx,maxints),level=2) intervalx = (xhmx-xhmn)/maxints logbook("binwidth is set to %g." %(intervalx),level=2) if (yhmx-yhmn)/intervaly>maxints: logbook("Warning: the assigned y binwidth %g leads to more bins than assigned in maxint (%g)." %(intervaly,maxints),level=2) intervaly = (yhmx-yhmn)/maxints logbook("binwidth is set to %g." %(intervaly),level=2) edgesx = np.arange(xhmn,xhmx,intervalx) edgesy = np.arange(yhmn,yhmx,intervaly) h,dumx,dumy = np.histogram2d(x,y,[edgesx,edgesy]) h = h.transpose() return h,edgesx,edgesy
def extractFromRunList(runlist,exp,datasetname='opal2',profileLimits=None,xrayoffCode=None,laseroffCode=None,filter=None,save=False): for run in runlist: d = ixppy.dataset((exp,run)) logbook("TT extracting from run %d" %run) extractFromRun(d,datasetname=datasetname,profileLimits=profileLimits,xrayoffCode=xrayoffCode,laseroffCode=laseroffCode,filter=filter,save=save) logbook("done!")
def findDatasets(self,detectors=None,exclude=None): """finds datasets from a cnf that contains aliases, if no aliases are defined the file is parsed and the hdf5 names are returned as names. Finds detectors in hdf5 file matching with mnemonic given in config file; the matching mnemonic names are as dictionaries (self.pointDet and self.areaDet) The """ subSelection = detectors if (subSelection==[]) or (subSelection is None): subSelection = self.cnf["pointDet"].keys() + self.cnf["areaDet"].keys() if exclude is not None: exclude = tools.iterfy(exclude) for tex in exclude: while True: try: subSelection.remove(tex) continue except: break h = self.fileHandles[0] # Getting all Detector path strings in CCs and config try: # try to use only CalibCycle0 # bad for MEC as some calib cycles don't contain amything... look for longest dataset for now, later look in all base = "Configure:0000/Run:0000/" bases = h[base].keys() lens = np.array([len(h[base][key].keys()) for key in bases]) base = base + bases[lens.argmax()] +'/' h5names = tH5.getDataset_hack(h[base]) #h5names = [base+x for x in h5names] # find all confs base = "Configure:0000/" confs = h[base].keys() h5confs = [] for c in confs: if (c.find("Run")==0): continue else: temp = tH5.getDataset(h[base][c]) for t in temp: h5confs.append(base+c+"/"+t) except KeyError: h5names = tH5.getDataset(h) #raise NotImplementedError('Use the source, luke!') ret = {} ## *** start EpicsPV *** # ## look for epics name #epicsFound=False #if ("epics_dset" in self.cnf): #epicsMne = self.cnf["epics_dset"][0] #epicsReg = self.cnf["epics_dset"][1] #epicsH5Names=[x for x in h5names if (x.find(epicsReg)>-1)] ## common Epics path: #ntemp = min([len(x.split("/")) for x in epicsH5Names]) #epicsCommon = "/".join(epicsH5Names[0].split("/")[0:ntemp]) ## epics var #self._epicsPaths = {} #for d in h[epicsCommon]: #dpath = d #d = d.replace(':','_') #d = d.replace('-','_') #d = d.replace(' ','_') #d = d.replace('.','_') #mne = "%s.%s" % (epicsMne.split("/")[0],d) #self._epicsPaths[mne]={} #self._epicsPaths[mne]["data"] = epicsCommon.replace('CalibCycle:0000','CalibCycle:%04d')+"/"+dpath+"/data" #self._epicsPaths[mne]["time"] = epicsCommon.replace('CalibCycle:0000','CalibCycle:%04d')+"/"+dpath+"/time" #self._epicsPaths[mne]["conf"] = [] #self._epicsNames = self._epicsPaths.keys() #else: #self._epicsNames = [] ## *** stop EpicsPV *** # pointDet = self.cnf["pointDet"] for (mnemonic,name) in pointDet.iteritems(): if (mnemonic.find("nops")>-1) and (mnemonic.find("*")>-1): continue mnemonic = mnemonic.split('_bak')[0] # skip if not in the group we want to read if mnemonic not in subSelection: continue nameData = name["data"].replace("*","\S+") detDataset = [x for x in h5names if (,x) is not None)] nameConf = name["conf"].replace("*","\S+") try: detConf = [x for x in h5confs if (,x) is not None)] except: detConf=[] data = [x for x in detDataset if x[-5:]=="/data" or x[-8:]=="/evrData" or x[-13:]=="/channelValue"] time = [x for x in detDataset if x[-5:]=="/time"] if ( (len(data) != 0) and (len(time) != 0) ): ret[mnemonic] = {} #ret[mnemonic]["data"] = data[0].replace('CalibCycle:0000','CalibCycle:%04d') #ret[mnemonic]["time"] = time[0].replace('CalibCycle:0000','CalibCycle:%04d') ret[mnemonic]["data"] = [replaceCalibCycleString(tdat) for tdat in data] ret[mnemonic]["time"] = [replaceCalibCycleString(ttim) for ttim in time] if len(detConf)>0: ret[mnemonic]["conf"] = detConf[0] self._pointDetPaths = ret self.pointDetNames = ret.keys() areaDet = self.cnf["areaDet"] ret = {} # 3D detectors need special care because data are written differently # /data, /image, /waveform for (mnemonic,name) in areaDet.iteritems(): mnemonic = mnemonic.split('_bak')[0] # skip if not in the group we want to read if mnemonic not in subSelection: continue name = name["data"].replace("*","\S+") name_nodata = "/".join(name.split("/")[0:-1]) detDataset = [x for x in h5names if (,x) is not None)] conf = [ ] data = [x for x in detDataset if (,x) is not None)] time = [x for x in detDataset if x[-5:]=="/time"] #raise NotImplementedError('Use the source, luke!') if ( (len(data) != 0) and (len(time) !=0) ): ret[mnemonic] = {} ret[mnemonic]["data"] = [replaceCalibCycleString(tdat) for tdat in data] ret[mnemonic]["time"] = [replaceCalibCycleString(ttim) for ttim in time] ret[mnemonic]["conf"] = conf self._areaDetPaths = ret self.areaDetNames = ret.keys() self._detectorsPaths = tools.dictMerge(self._pointDetPaths,self._areaDetPaths) self.detectorsNames = self.pointDetNames + self.areaDetNames # *** start scan variables *** # logbook("Finding scan variables in hdf5 file ...",end="") temp = dict() if (len(self.cnf["scan_step"])>0): for scan_var in self.cnf["scan_step"]: mne,reg = scan_var reg = reg.replace("*","\S+") data = [x for x in h5names if (,x) is not None)] if len(data)>1: logbook("\nWarning: in lclsH5:findDatasets, multiple path matching regex, using only first",reg) logbook("Paths are:",data) path = replaceCalibCycleString(data[0]) obj = scanVar(self.fileHandles,mne,path) temp[mne] = obj self.scanVars = temp names_to_displ = [ for x in temp.values() \ if hasattr(x,"name")] names_to_displ = ",".join(names_to_displ) logbook(" ... done, scanVar found:",names_to_displ, \ time=False) # *** stop scan variables *** # return