Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_added(self):
     total desired, pending and actual are added to cloud metrics
     td = 10
     ta = 20
     tp = 3
     tt = 7
     tg = 13
     m = {'collectionTime': 100000, 'ttlInSeconds': 5 * 24 * 60 * 60}
     md = merge(m, {'metricValue': td, 'metricName': 'ord.desired'})
     ma = merge(m, {'metricValue': ta, 'metricName': 'ord.actual'})
     mp = merge(m, {'metricValue': tp, 'metricName': 'ord.pending'})
     mt = merge(m, {'metricValue': tt, 'metricName': 'ord.tenants'})
     mg = merge(m, {'metricValue': tg, 'metricName': 'ord.groups'})
     req_data = [md, ma, mp, mt, mg]
     log = object()
     seq = [
         (Func(time.time), const(100)),
             ServiceType.CLOUD_METRICS_INGEST, "POST", "ingest",
             data=req_data, log=log).intent, noop)
     eff = add_to_cloud_metrics(
         m['ttlInSeconds'], 'ord', td, ta, tp, tt, tg, log=log)
     self.assertIsNone(perform_sequence(seq, eff))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, **kwds):
        from toolz import dicttoolz as dtz
        from . import crypto, project, report, dicer, tstamp

        kwds = dtz.merge(
                'conf_classes': [
                    crypto.GitAuthSpec, crypto.StamperAuthSpec,
                    crypto.EncrypterSpec, project.Project, project.ProjectsDB,
                    report.ReporterSpec, dicer.DicerSpec, tstamp.WstampSpec
                    base.reports_keeper_alias_kwd, {
                        ('i', 'inp'): ('DicerCmd.inp', DicerCmd.inp.help),
                        ('o', 'out'): ('DicerCmd.out', DicerCmd.out.help),
                'cmd_flags': {
                    'with-inputs': ({
                        'ReporterSpec': {
                            'include_input_in_dice': True
                    }, report.ReporterSpec.include_input_in_dice.help
                                    ),  # @UndefinedVariable
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _inherit_parent_cmd(self, change):
        """ Inherit config-related stuff from up the cmd-chain. """
        if self.parent:
            ## Collect parents, ordered like that:
            #    subapp, self, parent1, ...
            cmd_chain = self.my_cmd_chain()

            ## Collect separately and merge  SPECs separately,
            #  to prepend them before SPECs at the end.
            conf_classes = list(
                itz.concat(cmd.conf_classes for cmd in cmd_chain))

            ## Merge aliases/flags reversed.
            cmd_aliases = dtz.merge(cmd.cmd_aliases for cmd in cmd_chain[::-1])
            cmd_flags = dtz.merge(cmd.cmd_flags for cmd in cmd_chain[::-1])
            ## We are root.

            cmd_chain = [self]
            conf_classes = list(self.conf_classes)
            cmd_aliases = self.cmd_aliases
            cmd_flags = self.cmd_flags

        cmd_classes = [type(cmd) for cmd in cmd_chain]
        self.classes = list(iset(cmd_classes + conf_classes))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_factory():
    assert merge(defaultdict(int, {1: 2}), {2: 3}) == {1: 2, 2: 3}
    assert (merge(defaultdict(int, {1: 2}), {2: 3},
                  factory=lambda: defaultdict(int)) ==
            defaultdict(int, {1: 2, 2: 3}))
    assert not (merge(defaultdict(int, {1: 2}), {2: 3},
                      factory=lambda: defaultdict(int)) == {1: 2, 2: 3})
    assert raises(TypeError, lambda: merge({1: 2}, {2: 3}, factoryy=dict))
Exemplo n.º 5
def gen_slices(k, svy, qn, resp, m_vars, m_filt):
    loc = {'svy_id': k, 'dset_id': 'yrbss'}
    slices = [
        merge(loc, s) for s in svy.generate_slices(qn, True, m_vars, m_filt)
    slices += [
        merge(loc, s) for s in svy.generate_slices(qn, False, m_vars, m_filt)
    return slices
 def test_factory(self):
     D, kw = self.D, self.kw
     assert merge(defaultdict(int, D({1: 2})), D({2: 3})) == {1: 2, 2: 3}
     assert (merge(defaultdict(int, D({1: 2})), D({2: 3}),
                   factory=lambda: defaultdict(int)) ==
             defaultdict(int, D({1: 2, 2: 3})))
     assert not (merge(defaultdict(int, D({1: 2})), D({2: 3}),
                       factory=lambda: defaultdict(int)) == {1: 2, 2: 3})
     assert raises(TypeError, lambda: merge(D({1: 2}), D({2: 3}), factoryy=dict))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_factory(self):
     D, kw = self.D, self.kw
     assert merge(defaultdict(int, D({1: 2})), D({2: 3})) == {1: 2, 2: 3}
     assert (merge(defaultdict(int, D({1: 2})), D({2: 3}),
                   factory=lambda: defaultdict(int)) ==
             defaultdict(int, D({1: 2, 2: 3})))
     assert not (merge(defaultdict(int, D({1: 2})), D({2: 3}),
                       factory=lambda: defaultdict(int)) == {1: 2, 2: 3})
     assert raises(TypeError, lambda: merge(D({1: 2}), D({2: 3}), factoryy=dict))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_article(self, output='json'):
        title = self.extract_title(self.context)
        context_with_title = dicttoolz.merge(self.context, {'title': title})

        published_date = self.extract_published_date(context_with_title)
        context_with_date = dicttoolz.merge(context_with_title, {'published_date': published_date})

        content = self.extract_html_content(context_with_date)
        context = dicttoolz.merge(context_with_date, {'content': content})
        if output == 'json':
            return json.dumps(context)
        elif output == 'dict':
            return context
        return context
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_factory():
    assert merge(defaultdict(int, {1: 2}), {2: 3}) == {1: 2, 2: 3}
    assert (merge(defaultdict(int, {1: 2}), {2: 3},
                  factory=lambda: defaultdict(int)) == defaultdict(
                      int, {
                          1: 2,
                          2: 3
    assert not (merge(defaultdict(int, {1: 2}), {2: 3},
                      factory=lambda: defaultdict(int)) == {
                          1: 2,
                          2: 3
    assert raises(TypeError, lambda: merge({1: 2}, {2: 3}, factoryy=dict))
Exemplo n.º 10
def parse_transforms(transforms_dict_seq):
    """Return dictionary of transforms based on `transforms` in config_dict.

    All this really does is merge the transforms defined in multiple
    configuration dictionaries.
    return dicttoolz.merge(transforms_dict_seq)
def write_entry(obj, lang):
        key = client.key('String', obj["id"], namespace=lang)
        del obj["id"]
        entity = client.get(key) or datastore.Entity(key, exclude_from_indexes=string_exclude_from_indexes)
        # Update translations
        if obj["is_translated"] or obj["is_approved"]:
            # Update everything
            entity["source"] = obj["source"]
            entity["target"] = obj["target"]
            entity["translation_source"] = obj["translation_source"]
            entity["is_translated"] = obj["is_translated"]
            entity["is_approved"] = obj["is_approved"]
        elif entity.get("translation_source", "") == "BEAST": # Pretranslated
            # only update if string changed
            # unsure if this can happen with the same string ID
            if entity["source"] != obj["source"]:
                entity["source"] = obj["source"]
                entity["target"] = obj["target"]
                entity["translation_source"] = obj["translation_source"]
            # Not pretranslated, but not translated
            # Update "just in case it changed"
            entity["source"] = obj["source"]
            entity["target"] = obj["target"]
            entity["translation_source"] = obj["translation_source"]
        # Update keys that were previously not present
        entity.update(merge(obj, entity))
        string_update_rules(lang, entity)
    except Exception as ex:
Exemplo n.º 12
def parse_colorizers(colorizers_dict_seq):
    """Return dictionary of transforms based on `colorizers` in config_dict.

    This converts `colorizers` field in a configuration dict into color
    transforms. For example, take the following configuration::

        'colorizers': {
            'warn_color': {
                'match_pattern': ' WARN ',
                'on_color': 'on_yellow',

    That configuration is parsed to return the transform::

        from linecook.transforms.core import color_text

        color_text(' WARN ', on_color='on_yellow')

    colorizers_dict = dicttoolz.merge(colorizers_dict_seq)
    return {
        key: color_text(color_kwargs)
        for key, color_kwargs in colorizers_dict.items()
Exemplo n.º 13
def covid_archetype_structure(
    clinical_author_name: str,
    clinical_author_id: str,
    document_date: datetime.date,
    form_values: Mapping,
) -> dict:
    return dict(
            {'dateOfOnset': form_values['date_of_onset'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')},
Exemplo n.º 14
def get_ipo():
    # 大量股票上市日期为空
    db = get_db('wy')
    collection = db['IPO资料']
    docs = collection.find({}, projection={
        '_id': 0,
        '股票代码': 1,
        '上市日期': 1,
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(docs)
    df['上市日期'] = pd.to_datetime(df['上市日期'], errors='coerce')
    wy_dates = {
        code: pd.to_datetime(dt, errors='coerce')
        for code, dt in zip(df['股票代码'], df['上市日期'])
    ipo_dates = _listing_date()
    dates = merge(wy_dates, ipo_dates)

    def f(code):
            return dates[code]
        except KeyError:
            return pd.NaT

    df['上市日期'] = df['股票代码'].map(f)
    df.rename(columns={'股票代码': 'sid'}, inplace=True)
    df['sid'] = df['sid'].astype('int64')
    df[AD_FIELD_NAME] = df['上市日期'] - pd.Timedelta(days=1)
    return df
Exemplo n.º 15
def get_train(train_id):
    conn = getattr(g, 'db_conn')
    query = r.table('train_movements').filter(r.row['train_id'] == train_id).order_by(r.desc('actual_timestamp'))
    mvs = list(query.run(conn))
    info = get_train_info(mvs[0])
    train = merge(info, {'movements': mvs})
    return json.dumps(train, default=json_formats.date_handler)
Exemplo n.º 16
def rolling_fit_opt_weights(df, opt_weights_func, look_ahead_per):
    """applies opt_weights_func to rolling window on pandas df"""
    num_rows = df.shape[0]
    p = pipe(xrange(num_rows),
             filter(lambda x: x + look_ahead_per < num_rows),
             map(lambda x: {df.index[x]: opt_weights_func(df.iloc[x:x+look_ahead_per+1])}))
    return pd.DataFrame(merge(p)).T
Exemplo n.º 17
def _server(group, state):
    server = sample_servers()[0]
    return merge(server, {
        'status': state,
        'metadata': {
            'rax:auto_scaling_group_id': group
Exemplo n.º 18
 def make_env(self, env_id):
     params = merge(params_default, {
         'client_pool': self.client_pool
     print("{} Minecraft clients available".format(len(self.client_pool)))
     join_token = marlo.make(env_id,
     return marlo.init(join_token[0])
Exemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, name, hist_return=None, industry_weight=None, property_dict=defaultdict(str), **kwargs):
        self.name = name
        self.property = merge(_REQUIRED_BENCHMARK_PROPERTY, property_dict)
        self.production_data_format = kwargs.get('production_data_format', OutputDataFormat.MULTI_INDEX_DF)
        self.hist_return = hist_return
        self.industry_weight = industry_weight  # 对标指数的行业成分比例

Exemplo n.º 20
def test_merge_with_non_dict_mappings():
    class Foo(Mapping):
        def __init__(self, d):
            self.d = d

        def __iter__(self):
            return iter(self.d)

        def __getitem__(self, key):
            return self.d[key]

        def __len__(self):
            return len(self.d)

    d = Foo({1: 1})

    assert merge(d) is d or merge(d) == {1: 1}
    assert merge_with(sum, d) == {1: 1}
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_merge_iterable_arg(self):
     D, kw = self.D, self.kw
     assert merge([D({
         1: 1,
         2: 2
     }), D({3: 4})], **kw) == D({
         1: 1,
         2: 2,
         3: 4
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: model.py Projeto: owlas/magpy
 def __init__(self, N, base_model, **kwargs):
     self.ensemble_size = N
     self.base_model_params = base_model.__dict__
     self.model_params = [
                         {key: kwargs[key][i]
                          for key in kwargs})
         for i in range(self.ensemble_size)
     self.models = [Model(**params) for params in self.model_params]
Exemplo n.º 23
def main():
    stream = open(args.config, 'r')
    default = open('./configs/default.yaml', 'r')
    parameters = load(stream)
    default_parameters = load(default)
    if (args.command == 'train'):
        parameters = merge(default_parameters, parameters)
        print("Training parameters\n-------")
        runner = Runner(**parameters)
        parameters = merge(merge(default_parameters, parameters), {
            'deterministic_evaluation': args.det,
            'load_dir': args.load_dir
        evaluator = Evaluator(**parameters)
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_dicttoolz():
    d1 = {'foo': 'bar'}
    d2 = {'baz': 'quux'}
    assert_that(merge(d1, d2)).is_equal_to({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'})
    assert_that(d1).is_equal_to({'foo': 'bar'})
    assert_that(assoc(d1, 'a', 1)).is_equal_to({'foo': 'bar', 'a': 1})
    assert_that(dissoc(d2, 'baz')).is_equal_to({})
    struct = {'a': [{'c': 'hello'}]}
    assert_that(get_in(['a', 0, 'c'], struct)).is_equal_to(struct['a'][0]['c'])
    assert_that(get_in(['a', 0, 'd'], struct,
                       'not found')).is_equal_to('not found')
Exemplo n.º 25
def add_to_cloud_metrics(ttl, region, group_metrics, num_tenants, config,
                         log=None, _print=False):
    Add total number of desired, actual and pending servers of a region
    to Cloud metrics.

    :param str region: which region's metric is collected
    :param group_metrics: List of :obj:`GroupMetric`
    :param int num_tenants: total number of tenants
    :param dict config: Config json dict containing convergence tenants info
    :param log: Optional logger
    :param bool _print: Should it print activity on stdout? Useful when running
        as a script

    :return: `Effect` with None
    epoch = yield Effect(Func(time.time))
    metric_part = {'collectionTime': int(epoch * 1000),
                   'ttlInSeconds': ttl}

    tenanted_metrics, total = calc_total(group_metrics)
    if log is not None:
            'total desired: {td}, total_actual: {ta}, total pending: {tp}',
            td=total.desired, ta=total.actual, tp=total.pending)
    if _print:
        print('total desired: {}, total actual: {}, total pending: {}'.format(
            total.desired, total.actual, total.pending))

    metrics = [('desired', total.desired), ('actual', total.actual),
               ('pending', total.pending), ('tenants', num_tenants),
               ('groups', len(group_metrics))]
    for tenant_id, metric in sorted(tenanted_metrics.items()):
        metrics.append(("{}.desired".format(tenant_id), metric.desired))
        metrics.append(("{}.actual".format(tenant_id), metric.actual))
        metrics.append(("{}.pending".format(tenant_id), metric.pending))

    # convergence tenants desired and actual
    conv_tenants = keyfilter(
                get_config_value=lambda k: get_in([k], config)),
    conv_desired = sum(m.desired for m in conv_tenants.itervalues())
    conv_actual = sum(m.actual for m in conv_tenants.itervalues())
        [("conv_desired", conv_desired), ("conv_actual", conv_actual),
         ("conv_divergence", conv_desired - conv_actual)])

    data = [merge(metric_part,
                  {'metricValue': value,
                   'metricName': '{}.{}'.format(region, metric)})
            for metric, value in metrics]
    yield service_request(ServiceType.CLOUD_METRICS_INGEST,
                          'POST', 'ingest', data=data, log=log)
Exemplo n.º 26
def add_to_cloud_metrics(ttl, region, group_metrics, num_tenants, config,
                         log=None, _print=False):
    Add total number of desired, actual and pending servers of a region
    to Cloud metrics.

    :param str region: which region's metric is collected
    :param group_metrics: List of :obj:`GroupMetric`
    :param int num_tenants: total number of tenants
    :param dict config: Config json dict containing convergence tenants info
    :param log: Optional logger
    :param bool _print: Should it print activity on stdout? Useful when running
        as a script

    :return: `Effect` with None
    epoch = yield Effect(Func(time.time))
    metric_part = {'collectionTime': int(epoch * 1000),
                   'ttlInSeconds': ttl}

    tenanted_metrics, total = calc_total(group_metrics)
    if log is not None:
            'total desired: {td}, total_actual: {ta}, total pending: {tp}',
            td=total.desired, ta=total.actual, tp=total.pending)
    if _print:
        print('total desired: {}, total actual: {}, total pending: {}'.format(
            total.desired, total.actual, total.pending))

    metrics = [('desired', total.desired), ('actual', total.actual),
               ('pending', total.pending), ('tenants', num_tenants),
               ('groups', len(group_metrics))]
    for tenant_id, metric in sorted(tenanted_metrics.items()):
        metrics.append(("{}.desired".format(tenant_id), metric.desired))
        metrics.append(("{}.actual".format(tenant_id), metric.actual))
        metrics.append(("{}.pending".format(tenant_id), metric.pending))

    # convergence tenants desired and actual
    conv_tenants = keyfilter(
                get_config_value=lambda k: get_in([k], config)),
    conv_desired = sum(m.desired for m in conv_tenants.itervalues())
    conv_actual = sum(m.actual for m in conv_tenants.itervalues())
        [("conv_desired", conv_desired), ("conv_actual", conv_actual),
         ("conv_divergence", conv_desired - conv_actual)])

    data = [merge(metric_part,
                  {'metricValue': value,
                   'metricName': '{}.{}'.format(region, metric)})
            for metric, value in metrics]
    yield service_request(ServiceType.CLOUD_METRICS_INGEST,
                          'POST', 'ingest', data=data, log=log)
Exemplo n.º 27
def clean_movement_message(msg, msg_type, conn):
    extras = {'type': msg_type}
    body = msg['body']

    for key in body.keys():
        if key.endswith('_stanox'):
            logger.debug('Train {}: Lookup stanox {} for field {}'.format(body['train_id'], body[key], key))
            extras = merge(extras, get_geo(body[key], key[:-len('_stanox')], conn))

        if key.endswith('_timestamp'):
                logger.debug('Converting timestamp for field {}'.format(key))
                intval = int(body[key])
                extras[key] = r.epoch_time(intval / 1000.0)

        if body[key] == 'true' or body[key] == 'false':
            extras[key] = bool(body[key] == 'true')

    return merge(body, extras)
Exemplo n.º 28
def get_step_limits_from_conf(limit_conf):
    Get step limits along with defaults for steps not in limit_conf

    :param dict limit_conf: step name -> limit mapping

    :return: `dict` of step class -> limit
    step_limits = {
        step_conf_to_class[step_conf]: limit
        for step_conf, limit in limit_conf.items()}
    return merge(_DEFAULT_STEP_LIMITS, step_limits)
Exemplo n.º 29
def parse_rethinkdb_url(url: str) -> dict:
    parse_ret = urlparse(url)
    config = {
        "host": parse_ret.hostname,
        "port": parse_ret.port,
        "user": parse_ret.username,
        "password": parse_ret.password,
        "db": parse_ret.path[1:] if len(parse_ret) > 1 else None

    config = valfilter(lambda x: x is not None, config)

    return merge(_default_config, config)
Exemplo n.º 30
def _listing_date():
    sh_df = ak.stock_info_sh_name_code(indicator="主板A股")
    sh = {
        code: pd.to_datetime(dt, errors='coerce')
        for code, dt in zip(sh_df['SECURITY_CODE_A'], sh_df['LISTING_DATE'])
    sz_df = ak.stock_info_sz_name_code(indicator="A股列表")
    sz = {
        code: pd.to_datetime(dt, errors='coerce')
        for code, dt in zip(sz_df['A股代码'], sz_df['A股上市日期'])
    return merge(sh, sz)
Exemplo n.º 31
 def _renderDirectory(self, ruleHits, ruleStats, directory, filename):
     # Generate output HTML for each rule
     for rule, hits in ruleHits.items():
         # Render hits for individual rule
         outfilePathJSON = os.path.join(directory, rule.machine_name + ".json")
         if len(hits) > 0:  # Render hits
             # Generate JSON API
             jsonAPI = {
                 "timestamp": self.timestamp,
                 "downloadTimestamp": self.downloadTimestamp,
                 "rule": rule.meta_dict,
                 "hits": [valfilter(bool, {"msgstr": entry.msgstr, # valfilter: remove empty values for smaller JSON
                                           "msgid": entry.msgid,
                                           "tcomment": entry.tcomment,
                                           "hit": hit,
                                           "origImages": origImages,
                                           "translatedImages": translatedImages,
                                           "crowdinLink": "{0}#q={1}".format(self.translationURLs[filename], genCrowdinSearchString(entry))
                          for entry, hit, filename, origImages, translatedImages in hits]
             writeJSONToFile(outfilePathJSON, jsonAPI)
         else:  # Remove file (redirects to 404 file) if there are no exportHitsAsJSON
             if os.path.isfile(outfilePathJSON):
     # Render file index page (no filelist)
     ruleInfos = [merge(rule.meta_dict, {"num_hits": ruleStats[rule]})
                  for rule in self.rules if ruleStats[rule] > 0]
     ruleInfos.sort(key=lambda o: -o["severity"])  # Invert sort order
     js = {
         "pageTimestamp": self.timestamp,
         "downloadTimestamp": self.downloadTimestamp,
         "stats": ruleInfos,
         "files": [merge(self.statsByFile[filename], {"filename": filename})
                   for filename in self.files
                   if self.statsByFile[filename]["notices"] > 0]
     writeJSONToFile(os.path.join(directory, "index.json"), js)
Exemplo n.º 32
    def __init__(self,
        self.name = name
        self.property = merge(_REQUIRED_BENCHMARK_PROPERTY, property_dict)
        self.production_data_format = kwargs.get(
            'production_data_format', OutputDataFormat.MULTI_INDEX_DF)
        self.hist_return = hist_return
        self.industry_weight = industry_weight  # 对标指数的行业成分比例

Exemplo n.º 33
def get_stock_status():

    df = ak.stock_info_a_code_name()
    p1 = set(df['code'].to_list())
    p2 = set(get_recent_trading_stocks())
    codes = p1 | p2
    d1 = {code: None for code in codes}
    d2 = get_delist_stock_dates()
    # 注意,退市字典要放在次位置
    # 如有交叉键,则以次位置的值替代
    return merge(d1, d2)
Exemplo n.º 34
def collect_recipes(config_dicts, transforms_registry):
    """Return recipe dictionary from a list of configuration dictionaries.

        config_dicts (list(dict)): Unparsed configuration dictionaries. For
            each dictionary, only use the 'recipes' value, which itself is a
            dictionary, where the keys are recipe names and values are lists
            of transform functions or transform names.
        transforms_registry (dict): Dictionary containing named transform
            functions. See also `collect_tranforms`, which build this registry.
    recipe_dict = dicttoolz.merge(get_value_from_each("recipes", config_dicts))
    return {
        name: list(resolve_recipe(r, transforms_registry))
        for name, r in recipe_dict.items()
Exemplo n.º 35
    def computeRuleHitsForFileSet(self, xliffs):
        For each file in the given filename -> PO object dictionary,
        compute the Rule -> Hits dictonary.

        Stores the information in the current instance.
        Does not return anything
        # Compute dict with sorted & prettified filenames
        self.files = sorted(xliffs.keys())
        # Add all futures to the executor
        futures = [
            self.executor.submit(self.computeRuleHits, filename)
            for filename in xliffs.keys()
        # Process the results in first-received order. Also keep track of rule performance
        self.fileRuleHits = collections.defaultdict(dict)
        n_finished = 0
        # Intermediate result storage
        raw_results = collections.defaultdict(
            dict)  # filename -> {rule: result}
        for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
            # Extract result
            for filename, rule, result in future.result():
                self.fileRuleHits[filename][rule] = result
            # Track progress
            n_finished += 1
            if n_finished % 1000 == 0:
                percent_finished = n_finished * 100. / len(futures)
                print("Rule computation finished {0:.2f} %".format(

        # Compute total stats by file
        self.statsByFile = {
                  {"translation_url": self.translationURLs[filename]})
            for filename, ruleHits in self.fileRuleHits.items()
        # Compute map filename -> {rule: numHits for rule}
        self.statsByFileAndRule = {
            filename: valmap(len, ruleHits)
            for filename, ruleHits in self.fileRuleHits.items()
        # Compute map rule -> numHits for rule
        self.totalStatsByRule = merge_with(sum,
Exemplo n.º 36
def prepare_server_launch_config(group_id, server_config, lb_descriptions):
    Prepare a server config (the server part of the Group's launch config)
    with any necessary dynamic data.

    :param str group_id: The group ID
    :param PMap server_config: The server part of the Group's launch config,
        as per :obj:`otter.json_schema.group_schemas.server` except as the
        value of a one-element PMap with key "server".
    :param iterable lb_descriptions: iterable of
        :class:`ILBDescription` providers
    updated_metadata = merge(
        get_in(('server', 'metadata'), server_config, {}),
        generate_metadata(group_id, lb_descriptions))

    return set_in(server_config, ('server', 'metadata'), updated_metadata)
Exemplo n.º 37
def prepare_server_launch_config(group_id, server_config, lb_descriptions):
    Prepare a server config (the server part of the Group's launch config)
    with any necessary dynamic data.

    :param str group_id: The group ID
    :param PMap server_config: The server part of the Group's launch config,
        as per :obj:`otter.json_schema.group_schemas.server` except as the
        value of a one-element PMap with key "server".
    :param iterable lb_descriptions: iterable of
        :class:`ILBDescription` providers
    updated_metadata = merge(
        get_in(('server', 'metadata'), server_config, {}),
        generate_metadata(group_id, lb_descriptions))

    return set_in(server_config, ('server', 'metadata'), updated_metadata)
Exemplo n.º 38
def mark_deleted_servers(old, new):
    Given dictionaries containing old and new servers, return a list of all
    servers, with the deleted ones annotated with a status of DELETED.

    :param list old: List of old servers
    :param list new: List of latest servers
    :return: List of updated servers
    def sdict(servers):
        return {s['id']: s for s in servers}

    old = sdict(old)
    new = sdict(new)
    deleted_ids = set(old.keys()) - set(new.keys())
    for sid in deleted_ids:
        old[sid] = assoc(old[sid], "status", "DELETED")
    return merge(old, new).values()
Exemplo n.º 39
def blast2summary_dict(db, blastpath):  # (Path, Path) -> list[dict]
    """Reading in a blast output file, lookup all seqids to get taxids with a single blastdbcmd.
  Then, lookup the taxonomy using ETE2 via the taxid, and add that info to the blast info."""
    rows = csv.DictReader(open(blastpath),
                              'qseqid', 'sseqid', 'pid', 'alnlen', 'gapopen',
                              'qstart', 'qend', 'sstart', 'send', 'evalue',
    rows = list(rows)
    seqids = map(get('sseqid'), rows)
    taxids = get_taxid(db, seqids)
    gis = (s.split('|')[1] for s in seqids)
    matches = dict(
        (taxids[gi], row) for gi, row in zip(gis, rows) if gi in taxids)
    ncbi = NCBITaxa(
    )  # downloads database and creates SQLite database if needed
    return dictmap(lambda tid, row: merge(row, taxonomy(ncbi, tid)), matches)
Exemplo n.º 40
def mark_deleted_servers(old, new):
    Given dictionaries containing old and new servers, return a list of all
    servers, with the deleted ones annotated with a status of DELETED.

    :param list old: List of old servers
    :param list new: List of latest servers
    :return: List of updated servers

    def sdict(servers):
        return {s['id']: s for s in servers}

    old = sdict(old)
    new = sdict(new)
    deleted_ids = set(old.keys()) - set(new.keys())
    for sid in deleted_ids:
        old[sid] = assoc(old[sid], "status", "DELETED")
    return merge(old, new).values()
Exemplo n.º 41
def visualize(node_list, depth):
    graph = graph_init()

    neighbourhood = node_populate_neighbours(graph, set(node_list), depth)

    subgraph = nx.subgraph(graph, neighbourhood)
    layout = nx.spring_layout(subgraph)
            node: data.get("name", data.get("label", node))
            for node, data in subgraph.nodes(True)
            lambda current, incoming: merge(
                    (incoming[0], incoming[1]):
                            "uri", incoming[-1]))
Exemplo n.º 42
    def computeRuleHitsForFileSet(self, poFiles):
        For each file in the given filename -> PO object dictionary,
        compute the Rule -> Hits dictonary.

        Stores the information in the current instance.
        Does not return anything
        # Compute dict with sorted & prettified filenames
        self.files = sorted(poFiles.keys())
        # Add all futures to the executor
        futures = list(itertools.chain(*(self.computeRuleHits(po, filename)
                                         for filename, po in poFiles.items())))
        # Process the results in first-received order. Also keep track of rule performance
        self.fileRuleHits = collections.defaultdict(dict)
        n_finished = 0
        # Intermediate result storage
        raw_results = collections.defaultdict(dict) # filename -> {rule: result}
        for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
            # Extract result
            filename, rule, result = future.result()
            self.fileRuleHits[filename][rule] = result
            # Track progress
            n_finished += 1
            if n_finished % 1000 == 0:
                percent_finished = n_finished * 100. / len(futures)
                print("Rule computation finished {0:.2f} %".format(percent_finished))

        # Compute total stats by file
        self.statsByFile = {
            filename: merge(self.ruleHitsToSeverityCountMap(ruleHits), {
                            "translation_url": self.translationURLs[filename]})
            for filename, ruleHits in self.fileRuleHits.items()
        # Compute map filename -> {rule: numHits for rule}
        self.statsByFileAndRule = {
            filename: valmap(len, ruleHits)
            for filename, ruleHits in self.fileRuleHits.items()
        # Compute map rule -> numHits for rule
        self.totalStatsByRule = merge_with(sum, *(self.statsByFileAndRule.values()))
Exemplo n.º 43
def unchanged_divergent_groups(clock, current, timeout, group_metrics):
    Return list of GroupMetrics that have been divergent and unchanged for
    timeout seconds

    :param IReactorTime clock: Twisted time used to track
    :param dict current: Currently tracked divergent groups
    :param float timeout: Timeout in seconds
    :param list group_metrics: List of group metrics

    :return: (updated current, List of (group, divergent_time) tuples)
    converged, diverged = partition_bool(
        lambda gm: gm.actual + gm.pending == gm.desired, group_metrics)
    # stop tracking all converged and deleted groups
    deleted = set(current.keys()) - metrics_set(group_metrics)
    updated = current.copy()
    for g in metrics_set(converged) | deleted:
        updated.pop(g, None)
    # Start tracking divergent groups depending on whether they've changed
    now = clock.seconds()
    to_log, new = [], {}
    for gm in diverged:
        pair = (gm.tenant_id, gm.group_id)
        if pair in updated:
            last_time, values = updated[pair]
            if values != hash((gm.desired, gm.actual, gm.pending)):
                del updated[pair]
            time_diff = now - last_time
            if time_diff > timeout and time_diff % timeout <= 60:
                # log on intervals of timeout. For example, if timeout is 1 hr
                # then log every hour it remains diverged
                to_log.append((gm, time_diff))
            new[pair] = now, hash((gm.desired, gm.actual, gm.pending))
    return merge(updated, new), to_log
Exemplo n.º 44
 def got_additional_headers(additional_headers):
     return request_func(*args,
                         headers=merge(headers, additional_headers),
Exemplo n.º 45
def _server(group, state):
    server = sample_servers()[0]
    return merge(server, {"status": state, "metadata": {"rax:auto_scaling_group_id": group}})
Exemplo n.º 46
    def test_added(self):
        total desired, pending and actual are added to cloud metrics
        metrics = [
            GroupMetrics("t1", "g1", 3, 2, 0),
            GroupMetrics("t2", "g1", 4, 4, 1),
            GroupMetrics("t2", "g", 100, 20, 0),
            GroupMetrics("t3", "g3", 5, 3, 0),
        config = {"non-convergence-tenants": ["t1"]}
        m = {"collectionTime": 100000, "ttlInSeconds": 5 * 24 * 60 * 60}
        md = merge(m, {"metricValue": 112, "metricName": "ord.desired"})
        ma = merge(m, {"metricValue": 29, "metricName": "ord.actual"})
        mp = merge(m, {"metricValue": 1, "metricName": "ord.pending"})
        mt = merge(m, {"metricValue": 3, "metricName": "ord.tenants"})
        mg = merge(m, {"metricValue": 4, "metricName": "ord.groups"})
        mt1d = merge(m, {"metricValue": 3, "metricName": "ord.t1.desired"})
        mt1a = merge(m, {"metricValue": 2, "metricName": "ord.t1.actual"})
        mt1p = merge(m, {"metricValue": 0, "metricName": "ord.t1.pending"})
        mt2d = merge(m, {"metricValue": 104, "metricName": "ord.t2.desired"})
        mt2a = merge(m, {"metricValue": 24, "metricName": "ord.t2.actual"})
        mt2p = merge(m, {"metricValue": 1, "metricName": "ord.t2.pending"})
        mt3d = merge(m, {"metricValue": 5, "metricName": "ord.t3.desired"})
        mt3a = merge(m, {"metricValue": 3, "metricName": "ord.t3.actual"})
        mt3p = merge(m, {"metricValue": 0, "metricName": "ord.t3.pending"})
        cd = merge(m, {"metricValue": 109, "metricName": "ord.conv_desired"})
        ca = merge(m, {"metricValue": 27, "metricName": "ord.conv_actual"})
        cdiv = merge(m, {"metricValue": 82, "metricName": "ord.conv_divergence"})

        req_data = [md, ma, mp, mt, mg, mt1d, mt1a, mt1p, mt2d, mt2a, mt2p, mt3d, mt3a, mt3p, cd, ca, cdiv]
        log = mock_log()
        seq = [
            (Func(time.time), const(100)),
            (service_request(ServiceType.CLOUD_METRICS_INGEST, "POST", "ingest", data=req_data, log=log).intent, noop),
        eff = add_to_cloud_metrics(m["ttlInSeconds"], "ord", metrics, 3, config, log)  # number of tenants
        self.assertIsNone(perform_sequence(seq, eff))
            "total desired: {td}, total_actual: {ta}, total pending: {tp}", td=112, ta=29, tp=1
Exemplo n.º 47
Arquivo: map.py Projeto: tek/tryp.py
 def merge(self, other: 'Map[A, B]'):
     return Map(dicttoolz.merge(self, other))
Exemplo n.º 48
def update_factor_property(factor_property):
    ret = merge(_REQUIRED_FACTOR_PROPERTY, factor_property)
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 49
 def searchEntry(self, request, params):
     return SearchEntryResource(
         store=self.store, params=merge(self.params, params))
Exemplo n.º 50
def _server(group, state):
    server = sample_servers()[0]
    return merge(
        {'status': state,
         'metadata': {'rax:auto_scaling_group_id': group}})
Exemplo n.º 51
        str : None,
        object : None,
        Union : lambda xs: xs[0],
        List : lambda x : [examples[x]]*3, 
simple = lambda t: dict(name=dict(type=t,value=None,example=examples.get(t)))
primitives = [int, bool, str, float]
primdict = dict(zip(primitives, [simple]*len(primitives)))
enum = compose(simple, lambda x: x.__name__)
def handle_union(xs):
    xs = list(map(lambda x: x['name']['type'], xs))
    return dict(name=dict(choices=xs, example=xs[0],value=None))
def handle_list(t):
    t = next(t)
    return dict(name=dict(type=t,value=None,example=examples[List](t))),
tfuncs= merge(primdict, {
        object : enum,
        NamedTuple : enum,
        Optional :  lambda x: merge(simple(x), {'optional' : True}),
        List : handle_list,
        #Union : lambda xs: dict(name=dict(choices=xs, example=xs[0],value=None), 
        Union : handle_union
#{n : t for n,t in res =  traverse_type(TrimOpts, tfuncs)
from functools import reduce 
from itertools import starmap
#res = reduce(merge, map(lambda x: traverse_type(x, tfuncs), TrimOpts._field_types), {})
res =  {k : traverse_type(t, tfuncs) for k,t in TrimOpts._field_types.items()}
Exemplo n.º 52
    def test_added(self):
        total desired, pending and actual are added to cloud metrics
        metrics = [GroupMetrics('t1', 'g1', 3, 2, 0),
                   GroupMetrics('t2', 'g1', 4, 4, 1),
                   GroupMetrics('t2', 'g', 100, 20, 0),
                   GroupMetrics('t3', 'g3', 5, 3, 0)]
        config = {"non-convergence-tenants": ["t1"]}
        m = {'collectionTime': 100000, 'ttlInSeconds': 5 * 24 * 60 * 60}
        md = merge(m, {'metricValue': 112, 'metricName': 'ord.desired'})
        ma = merge(m, {'metricValue': 29, 'metricName': 'ord.actual'})
        mp = merge(m, {'metricValue': 1, 'metricName': 'ord.pending'})
        mt = merge(m, {'metricValue': 3, 'metricName': 'ord.tenants'})
        mg = merge(m, {'metricValue': 4, 'metricName': 'ord.groups'})
        mt1d = merge(m, {'metricValue': 3, 'metricName': 'ord.t1.desired'})
        mt1a = merge(m, {'metricValue': 2, 'metricName': 'ord.t1.actual'})
        mt1p = merge(m, {'metricValue': 0, 'metricName': 'ord.t1.pending'})
        mt2d = merge(m, {'metricValue': 104, 'metricName': 'ord.t2.desired'})
        mt2a = merge(m, {'metricValue': 24, 'metricName': 'ord.t2.actual'})
        mt2p = merge(m, {'metricValue': 1, 'metricName': 'ord.t2.pending'})
        mt3d = merge(m, {'metricValue': 5, 'metricName': 'ord.t3.desired'})
        mt3a = merge(m, {'metricValue': 3, 'metricName': 'ord.t3.actual'})
        mt3p = merge(m, {'metricValue': 0, 'metricName': 'ord.t3.pending'})
        cd = merge(m, {'metricValue': 109, 'metricName': 'ord.conv_desired'})
        ca = merge(m, {'metricValue': 27, 'metricName': 'ord.conv_actual'})
        cdiv = merge(m, {'metricValue': 82,
                         'metricName': 'ord.conv_divergence'})

        req_data = [md, ma, mp, mt, mg, mt1d, mt1a, mt1p, mt2d, mt2a, mt2p,
                    mt3d, mt3a, mt3p, cd, ca, cdiv]
        log = mock_log()
        seq = [
            (Func(time.time), const(100)),
                ServiceType.CLOUD_METRICS_INGEST, "POST", "ingest",
                data=req_data, log=log).intent, noop)
        eff = add_to_cloud_metrics(m['ttlInSeconds'], 'ord', metrics,
                                   3,  # number of tenants
                                   config, log)
        self.assertIsNone(perform_sequence(seq, eff))
            'total desired: {td}, total_actual: {ta}, total pending: {tp}',
            td=112, ta=29, tp=1)
Exemplo n.º 53
 def searchNoType(self, request, params):
     return SearchResultResource(
         params=merge(self.params, params, {'searchType': None}))
Exemplo n.º 54
def test_merge_iterable_arg():
    assert merge([{1: 1, 2: 2}, {3: 4}]) == {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 4}
 def test_merge(self):
     D, kw = self.D, self.kw
     assert merge(D({1: 1, 2: 2}), D({3: 4}), **kw) == D({1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 4})
 def test_merge_iterable_arg(self):
     D, kw = self.D, self.kw
     assert merge([D({1: 1, 2: 2}), D({3: 4})], **kw) == D({1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 4})
Exemplo n.º 57
def test_merge():
    assert merge({1: 1, 2: 2}, {3: 4}) == {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 4}
Exemplo n.º 58
 def request(*args, **kwargs):
     headers = kwargs.pop('headers', {})
     headers = headers if headers is not None else {}
     return request_func(*args, headers=merge(fixed_headers, headers),
Exemplo n.º 59
 def searchWithType(self, request, params):
     return SearchResultResource(
         store=self.store, params=merge(self.params, params))