Exemplo n.º 1
def main(input_file, index):

    log_fmt = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=log_fmt)
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    client = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch()
    indices_client = client.indices

    if indices_client.exists(index):
        logger.info("{} already exists. Deleting.".format(index))
        logger.info("{} deleted.".format(index))

    logger.info("Creating {}.".format(index))
    indices_client.create(index=index, body=HAUNTED_PLACES_BODY)
    logger.info("{} created.".format(index))

    reader = DictReader(input_file)

    haunted_place_actions = curry(make_haunted_place_action)(index)

    # Zip the reader with an infinite incrementor for the IDs.
    reader_actions = map(haunted_place_actions, iterate(lambda x: x + 1, 0),

    start = time()
    logger.info("Indexing documents from {} into {}.".format(
        input_file.name, index))
    num_ok, num_fail = bulk(client, reader_actions)
    logger.info("Done. Documents indexed in {:.2f}s.".format(time() - start))
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(report_file):
    """ Creates an Elasticsearch index for the NUFORC reports and loads the
        processed CSV file into it.
    client = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch()
    index_client = elasticsearch.client.IndicesClient(client)

    # Drop the index if it exists; it will be replaced. This is the most efficient
    # way to delete the data from an index according to ES documentation.
    if index_client.exists(nuforc_report_index_name):

    # Create the index with the appropriate mapping.
    index_client.create(nuforc_report_index_name, nuforc_report_index_body)

    reports = DictReader(report_file)

    # Zip the reports with an id generator, embedding them in the actions.
    report_actions = map(nuforc_bulk_action, reports,
                         iterate(lambda x: x + 1, 0))

    # Stream the reports into the ES database.
    for ok, resp in elasticsearch.helpers.streaming_bulk(
            client, report_actions):
        if not ok:
Exemplo n.º 3
def divide_by_n(n, h0):
    Repetedly divide an initial valve by n
        n: Number to divide by
        h0: Initial value
        (Possibly) infinite sequence h0, h0/n, h0/n**2,...
    return iterate(lambda x: x/n, h0)
Exemplo n.º 4
def divide_by_n(n, h0):
    Repetedly divide an initial valve by n
        n: Number to divide by
        h0: Initial value
        (Possibly) infinite sequence h0, h0/n, h0/n**2,...
    return iterate(lambda x: x / n, h0)
def gradient_descent(df, theta_0, eta=0.1):
        df: Gradient of function f
        theta0: Initial guess, theta ia a j dimensional vector ([theta_01, theta_02,...,theta0_0j])
        eta: Learning rate
        Generator sequence of [theta_k1, theta_k2,...,theta_kj] 
        where k = 0 to ...
    return iterate(gradient_step(df, eta), theta_0)
def gradient_descent(df, theta_0, eta=0.1):
        df: Gradient of function f
        theta0: Initial guess, theta ia a j dimensional vector ([theta_01, theta_02,...,theta0_0j])
        eta: Learning rate
        Generator sequence of [theta_k1, theta_k2,...,theta_kj] 
        where k = 0 to ...
    return iterate(gradient_step(df, eta), theta_0)
Exemplo n.º 7
def process(text):
    origlines = lcompact(text.splitlines())
    answer_one = proc_line(origlines, 0, 0, [])
    assert answer_one == 1675

    ctr = partial(next, iterate(lambda x: x + 1, 0))
    lines = origlines[:]
    answer_two = None
    while True:
        acc = proc_line2(lines, 0, 0, [], False)
        if acc != False:
            answer_two = acc
        i = ctr()
        lines = origlines[:]
        if "jmp" in lines[i]:
            lines[i] = lines[i].replace("jmp", "nop")
        elif "nop" in lines[i]:
            lines[i] = lines[i].replace("nop", "jmp")

    assert answer_two == 1532
    print("Answer one: ", answer_one)
    print("Answer two: ", answer_two)
Exemplo n.º 8
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np 
from toolz import iterate, nth

X = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.array([0, 0]), np.array([[5,1.5], [1.5, 2]]), 20)
r = nth(1000, iterate(lambda r: X.T @ X @ r / np.linalg.norm(X.T @ X @ r), np.random.rand(2)))
plt.plot(X[:,0], X[:,1], "ro")
plt.plot(np.linspace(-8, 8, 200), np.linspace(-8, 8, 200) * r[1] / r[0], "g")
Exemplo n.º 9
from itertools import repeat
from functools import partial
import types

import pytest
import toolz as tlz
map_c = tlz.curry(tlz.map)
reduce_c = tlz.curry(tlz.reduce)

from smpl_tokenizer import utils

is_generator = lambda obj: isinstance(obj, types.GeneratorType)

var_len_strings = lambda n: list(
    tlz.take(n, tlz.iterate(lambda string: string + "a", "")))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input,expected", [
        ("3+5", 8),
        ("2+4", 6),
        ("6*9", 42),
def _eval(test_input, expected):
        assert _eval(test_input) == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize("x", [0, 1])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("y", [2, 3])
def test_foo(x, y):
Exemplo n.º 10
def main(n=20):

    for b in islice(iterate(lambda b: b.next(), Block.create_genesis_block()),
                    1, n + 1):
        print('Block #{} has been added to the blockchain!'.format(b.index))
        print('Hash: {}\n'.format(b.hash))
Exemplo n.º 11
def sgd(theta: Params, x: Vector, y: Vector) -> Params:
    step = tz.curry(sgd_step)(x, y)
    converge = lambda x: abs(sum(map(sub, x[0], x[1]))) > 1e-5
    return until_convergence(tz.iterate(step, theta))
Exemplo n.º 12
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from functools import partial, reduce
from itertools import product
from pathlib import Path
from toolz import (  # type: ignore
    compose_left, iterate,

lfilter = compose_left(filter, list)  # lambda f, l: [*filter(f, l)]
lmap = compose_left(map, list)  # lambda f, l: [*map(f, l)]
lcompact = partial(lfilter, None)
splitstrip = compose_left(str.split, partial(lmap, str.strip), lcompact)
make_incr = lambda: partial(next, iterate(lambda x: x + 1, 0))

def parsecommand(line):
    regstr, value = splitstrip(line, " = ")
    register = regstr.removeprefix("mem[").removesuffix("]")
    return {"r": int(register), "v": int(value)}

def int_to_36bit(i):
    return bin(i).removeprefix("0b").zfill(36)

def get_mask(maskstr):
    vals = {}
    for i, bit in enumerate(maskstr.removeprefix("0b")):
        if bit in ("0", "1"):
            vals[i] = bit
    return vals
Exemplo n.º 13
def newton_converge(n, guess):
    next_step = lambda a: (a + n/a)/2
    return until_convergence(iterate(next_step, guess))
Exemplo n.º 14
def newton_f(n, guess=2, step=10):
    next_step = lambda a: (a + n/a)/2
    return nth(step, iterate(next_step, guess))
Exemplo n.º 15
np.set_printoptions(precision = 4, suppress = True)
f = lambda x, w : x@w
E = lambda X, W, T : 0.5 * np.sum((f(X, W)-T).T @ (f(X, W)-T))
model = lambda x : -(2.3*x-2)**2 -10

def gradient_descent(W, X, T, e):
    d = (X.T @ (X@W-T))
    return W - d*e / np.linalg.norm(d)   #Adagrad

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data_sigma = 0.1
    data_num = 4
    M = 6   #次数+1を指定(3次式なら4を入力)
    e = np.array([[0.8], [0.8], [0.3], [0.3], [0.1], [0.5]]) * 0.001
    w_init = np.random.normal(-5, 10, M).reshape(M, 1)
    X = np.array([[i**j for j in range(M)] for i in np.linspace(0.1, 2*np.pi, data_num)])
    T = (model(X.T[1]) + np.random.normal(0, data_sigma, data_num)).reshape(data_num, 1)
    w_ans = nth(5000000, iterate(lambda w:gradient_descent(w, X, T, e), w_init))

    print("\nerror ",E(X, w_ans, T))    #評価関数
    print("w_ans ", (w_ans.T[0]))       #推定したparemeter
    print("Taylor", [(-1)**int(i%4/2)/factorial(i)*(i%2) for i in range(M)])  #sinのテイラー展開parameter
    plotX = np.array([[i**j for j in range(M)] for i in np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)])
    plt.plot(X.T[1], T, "bo")                   #観測データ
    plt.plot(plotX.T[1], f(plotX, w_ans), "g")      #モデル計算後
    plt.plot(plotX.T[1], model(plotX.T[1]))    #理論値

Exemplo n.º 16
# X is a nexamples x nfeatures matrix
# syn0 is a nfeatures x nhidden matrix of weights
# l1 is a nexamples x nhidden matrix
# syn1 is a nhidden x 1 matrix
X = np.array([[0, 0, 1],
              [0, 1, 1],
              [1, 0, 1],
              [1, 1, 1]])
y = np.array([[0],
nfeatures = X.shape[1]
nexamples = X.shape[0]
nhidden = 16
noutputs = y.shape[1]

syn0, l1, syn1, l2 = nn.initialize(nexamples, nfeatures, nhidden, noutputs)
network0 = (X, syn0, l1, syn1, l2)
alpha = 10.0
out = list(take(20000, iterate(partial(nn.fit, y, alpha), network0)))
print(nn.error(y, out[-1]))
errors = [nn.error(y, o) for o in out]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)
ax.semilogy(range(0, len(out)), errors)

Exemplo n.º 17
from itertools import repeat
from functools import partial
import types

import pytest
import toolz as tlz
map_c = tlz.curry(tlz.map)
reduce_c = tlz.curry(tlz.reduce)

from smpl_tokenizer import utils

is_generator = lambda obj: isinstance(obj, types.GeneratorType)

var_len_strings = lambda n: list(tlz.take(n, tlz.iterate(lambda string: string + "a", "")))

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input,expected", [
        ("3+5", 8),
        ("2+4", 6),
        ("6*9", 42),
def _eval(test_input, expected):
        assert _eval(test_input) == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize("x", [0, 1])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("y", [2, 3])
def test_foo(x, y):