Exemplo n.º 1
    def visit_Call(self, node):
        callvisitor = topics_in_file.FuncCallVisitor()

        # moveToPose
        if self.move_to_pose_cmd in callvisitor.name:
            # save value to self.pose_cmd_frame_dict
            process_node_arg(self.pose_cmd_frame_dict, callvisitor.name.split('.')[0], node, 1, self.scopes)

Exemplo n.º 2
    def visit_Call(self, node):
        callvisitor = topics_in_file.FuncCallVisitor()

        if callvisitor.name in self.msgTypeList:
            ### Instantiation ##
            # Twist msg
            if 'Twist' in callvisitor.name and len(node.args) == 2:

Exemplo n.º 3
    def save_vel_instantiation(self, node_args_list):
        attribute_field = ['x','y','z']

        # for twist msg
        if isinstance(node_args_list[0], ast.Call):  # instantiate with Vector3
            callvisitor_twist_linear = topics_in_file.FuncCallVisitor()
            for idx, ast_value_obj in enumerate(node_args_list[0].args):
                # lienar x, y, z
                self.out_of_bound_list.extend(check_and_save_attribute_and_value_to_dict(None, ast_value_obj, self.var_names_list, self.msg_fields_dict, \
                    scope=self.scopes[0], attribute_list=['linear', attribute_field[idx]], limits_dict=self.limits_dict,\
                    call_func_list=self.possible_subcall_func_list, call_func_hist=['Twist', [0, 'Vector3'], idx]))

                # TODO: get line number and replace later?

        if isinstance(node_args_list[1], ast.Call):  # instantiate with Vector3
            callvisitor_twist_angular = topics_in_file.FuncCallVisitor()
            for idx, ast_value_obj in enumerate(node_args_list[1].args):
                # angular x, y, z
               self.out_of_bound_list.extend(check_and_save_attribute_and_value_to_dict(None, ast_value_obj, self.var_names_list, self.msg_fields_dict, \
                    scope=self.scopes[0], attribute_list=['angular', attribute_field[idx]], limits_dict=self.limits_dict,\
                    call_func_list=self.possible_subcall_func_list, call_func_hist=['Twist', [1, 'Vector3'], idx]))
Exemplo n.º 4
def attribute_in_var_names_list(ast_attribute_obj, var_names_list):
    This function checks if part of a given attribute is in the var_names_list.
    It splits the attribute and returns a list if that's the case.
    attributevisitor = topics_in_file.FuncCallVisitor()
    parameters_logger.log(2, "Attribute name: {0}".format(attributevisitor.name))
    # check if part of attribute is a msgType Object
    if any([x in attributevisitor.name for x in var_names_list]):
        parameters_logger.log(2, "Save Parameter: TRUE in var_names_list:{0}".format(var_names_list))
        attribute_name_list = attributevisitor.name.replace(x+'.','').split('.')
        return True, attribute_name_list
        parameters_logger.log(2, "Save Parameter: FALSE in var_names_list:{0}".format(var_names_list))
        return False, []
Exemplo n.º 5
def process_node_arg(target_dict, dict_key, node, arg_idx, scopes):
    if isinstance(node.args[arg_idx], ast.Str):
        target_dict[dict_key] = node.args[arg_idx].s #original

    elif isinstance(node.args[arg_idx],ast.Name):
        if scopes[0].find(node.args[arg_idx].id):
            target_dict[dict_key] = node.args[arg_idx].id #original
            moveit_logger.warning('Cannot find variable:{0} in scopes!'.format(node.args[arg_idx].id))

    elif isinstance(node.args[arg_idx],ast.Attribute):
        attr_value_visitor = topics_in_file.FuncCallVisitor()
        attr_name = attr_value_visitor.name
        if scopes[0].find(attr_name):
            target_dict[dict_key] = scopes[0].find(attr_name) #original

    elif isinstance(node.args[0],ast.Add):
Exemplo n.º 6
    def visit_Assign(self, node):
       # FIXIT: skips Subscript objects, cannot use codegen
        #if isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Subscript):
        #    continue
        #moveit_logger.log(2, codegen.to_source(node))
        moveit_logger.log(2, "------")
        moveit_logger.log(2, "node targets:{0}, node value: {1}".format(node.targets, node.value))

        # save variables 'a = 1' to scope (Name -> Num)
        if len(node.targets) == 1 and isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Name) \
                and isinstance(node.value, ast.Num):
            self.scopes[0].add(node.targets[0].id, node.value.n)

        # save variables 'a = [1,2,3]' to scope (Name -> List)
        elif len(node.targets) == 1 and isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Name) \
                and isinstance(node.value, ast.List)\
                and (isinstance(node.value.ctx, ast.Load) or isinstance(node.value.ctx, ast.Store)):
            listVisitor = topics_in_file.ListVisitor(self.scopes[0])
            self.scopes[0].add(node.targets[0].id, listVisitor._name)

        # save variables 'a = "hello" to scope (Name -> str)
        elif len(node.targets) == 1 and isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Name) \
                and isinstance(node.value, ast.Str):
            self.scopes[0].add(node.targets[0].id, node.value.s)

        # check if it is MoveGroupInterface Instantiation
        elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Call):

            callvisitor = topics_in_file.FuncCallVisitor()

            if callvisitor.name in self.interface_list:
                # store name to look for in the tree
                namevisitor = topics_in_file.FuncCallVisitor()

                # save value to self.interface_dict
                process_node_arg(self.interface_dict, namevisitor.name, node.value, 0, self.scopes)

        # assign target is an attribute (Attribute -> ???)
        elif isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Attribute):
            moveit_logger.debug('NEEDS TO BE DONE: assign target is a Attribute. node target[0]: {0}'.format(node.targets[0]))

        # assign target is a tuple (Tuple -> ???)
        elif isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Tuple):
            moveit_logger.debug('NEEDS TO BE DONE: assign target is a Tuple. node target[0]: {0}'.format(node.targets[0]))

        # assign target is a list
        elif isinstance(node.value, ast.ListComp):
            moveit_logger.debug('NEEDS TO BE DONE: assign target is a listComp. node target[0]: {0}'.format(node.targets[0]))

            if len(node.targets) == 1:
                moveit_logger.debug("This assignment is not handled: target: {0}, value: {1}".format(\
                                            type(node.targets[0]), type(node.value)))
                 moveit_logger.debug("This assignment is not handled: target: {0}, value: {1}".format(\
                                            type(node.targets), type(node.value)))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def visit_Assign(self, node):
       # FIXIT: skips Subscript objects, cannot use codegen
        #if isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Subscript):
        #    continue
        #parameters_logger.log(2, codegen.to_source(node))
        parameters_logger.log(2, "------")
        parameters_logger.log(2, "node targets:{0}, node value: {1}".format(node.targets, node.value))

        # save variables 'a = 1' to scope (Name -> Num)
        if len(node.targets) == 1 and isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Name) \
                and isinstance(node.value, ast.Num):
            self.scopes[0].add(node.targets[0].id, node.value.n)

        # save variables 'a = [1,2,3]' to scope (Name -> List)
        elif len(node.targets) == 1 and isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Name) \
                and isinstance(node.value, ast.List)\
                and (isinstance(node.value.ctx, ast.Load) or isinstance(node.value.ctx, ast.Store)):
            listVisitor = topics_in_file.ListVisitor(self.scopes[0])
            self.scopes[0].add(node.targets[0].id, listVisitor._name)

        # save variables 'a = "hello" to scope (Name -> str)
        elif len(node.targets) == 1 and isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Name) \
                and isinstance(node.value, ast.Str):
            self.scopes[0].add(node.targets[0].id, node.value.s)

        # check if it is initializing a msgType object (new Func Obj with msg_type)
        elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Call):
            callvisitor = topics_in_file.FuncCallVisitor()
            if callvisitor.name in self.msgTypeList:
                # store name to look for in the tree
                namevisitor = topics_in_file.FuncCallVisitor()
                if namevisitor.name not in self.var_names_list:

                ### Instantiation ##
                # Twist msg
                if 'Twist' in callvisitor.name and len(node.value.args) == 2:

        # assign target is an attribute (Attribute -> ???)
        elif isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Attribute):
            # check if first part of attribute is a msgType Object
            self.out_of_bound_list.extend(check_and_save_attribute_and_value_to_dict(node.targets[0], node.value, self.var_names_list, \
                                                self.msg_fields_dict, self.scopes[0], limits_dict=self.limits_dict,\

        # assign target is a tuple (Tuple -> ???)
        elif isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Tuple):
            for idx, item in enumerate(node.targets[0].elts):
                if isinstance(item, ast.Attribute):
                    # check if first part of attribute is a msgType Object
                    self.out_of_bound_list.extend(check_and_save_attribute_and_value_to_dict(item, node.value.elts[idx], self.var_names_list, \
                                                        self.msg_fields_dict, self.scopes[0],limits_dict=self.limits_dict,\

        # assign target is a list
        elif isinstance(node.value, ast.ListComp):
            parameters_logger.debug('NEEDS TO BE DONE: assign target is a listComp. node target[0]: {0}'.format(node.targets[0]))

            if len(node.targets) == 1:
                parameters_logger.debug("This assignment is not handled: target: {0}, value: {1}".format(\
                                            type(node.targets[0]), type(node.value)))
                 parameters_logger.debug("This assignment is not handled: target: {0}, value: {1}".format(\
                                            type(node.targets), type(node.value)))

        # TODO: what if the value is an equation
Exemplo n.º 8
def check_and_save_attribute_and_value_to_dict(ast_attribute_obj, ast_value_obj, var_names_list, msg_fields_dict, \
                                     scope=None, attribute_list=[], limits_dict={}, call_func_list=[], call_func_hist=None):
    This function updates msg_fields_dict if attribute(ast_attribute_obj)
    matches variables in var_names_list.
    The value of the assignment comes from ast_value_obj or scope
    ast_attribute_obj: object on the left side of the assignment
    ast_value_obj: object on the right side of the assignment
    var_names_list: variables that are associated with the msg type of interest
    msg_fields_dict: dictionary storing all possible values for the msg type of interest
    scope: previously saved variables
    attribute_list: a.b to ['a','b'], can be feed into the function to bypass 'attribute_in_var_names_list'
    limit_dict: a dictionary of value obj limits
    call_func_list: valid func call that we will save parameters e.g.:['JointTrajectoryPoint']
    call_func_hist: history of related function call to the variable:
                       e.g.: Twist(Vector3(-,1,-),....) -> ['Twist', [0, 'Vector3'], 1]
                       for parameter replacement later
    out_of_bound_list = []
    result = False
    if attribute_list:
        result = True

    if not result:
        result, attribute_list = attribute_in_var_names_list(ast_attribute_obj, var_names_list)
        parameters_logger.debug('result:{0}, attribute_list:{1}'.format(result, attribute_list)) # TODO: maybe we want the full list instead? including the name?

    if result:
        # get all fields and save to dict
        if isinstance(ast_value_obj, ast.Num):
            dict_insert(msg_fields_dict, attribute_list, ast_value_obj.n)
            # check limits
            if limits_dict:
                out_of_bound_tuple = check_limits_wrapper(attribute_list, ast_value_obj.n, limits_dict)
                if out_of_bound_tuple: out_of_bound_list.append(out_of_bound_tuple + (ast_value_obj.n, call_func_hist))

        elif isinstance(ast_value_obj, ast.Name) and scope:
            if scope.find(ast_value_obj.id):
                dict_insert(msg_fields_dict, attribute_list, ast_value_obj.id)
                #dict_insert(msg_fields_dict, attribute_list, scope.find(ast_value_obj.id))
                # check limits
                if limits_dict:
                    for value in scope.find(ast_value_obj.id):
                        out_of_bound_tuple = check_limits_wrapper(attribute_list, value, limits_dict)
                        if out_of_bound_tuple: out_of_bound_list.append(out_of_bound_tuple + (ast_value_obj.id, call_func_hist))

        elif isinstance(ast_value_obj, ast.List) and scope:
            parameters_logger.debug('List elts: {0}, ctx: {1}'.format(ast_value_obj.elts, ast_value_obj.ctx))
            for ast_elts_obj in ast_value_obj.elts:

                #recursive for different fields
                check_and_save_attribute_and_value_to_dict(None, ast_elts_obj, var_names_list, msg_fields_dict, \
                                     scope=scope, attribute_list=attribute_list, limits_dict=limits_dict,
                                     call_func_list=call_func_list, call_func_hist=call_func_hist)

        elif isinstance(ast_value_obj, ast.Call) and scope:

            callvisitor = topics_in_file.FuncCallVisitor()

            # check if the function cal is valid for consideration
            if not call_func_list or callvisitor.name in call_func_list:

                for ast_args_obj in ast_value_obj.args:

                # only dealing with keywords now
                for ast_keywords_obj in ast_value_obj.keywords:
                    check_and_save_attribute_and_value_to_dict(None, ast_keywords_obj.value, var_names_list, msg_fields_dict, \
                                         scope=scope, attribute_list=attribute_list + [ast_keywords_obj.arg], limits_dict=limits_dict,\
                                         call_func_list=call_func_list, call_func_hist=call_func_hist)

                parameters_logger.debug("Call Func name:{0}, Args:{1}, Keywords:{2}".format(\
                                          callvisitor.name, ast_value_obj.args, ast_value_obj.keywords))

            if not scope:
                parameters_logger.warning('scope is None!')
                parameters_logger.warning('not sure what to do with this: {0}'.format(type(ast_value_obj)))

    return out_of_bound_list