Exemplo n.º 1
def _ortvalues_to_torch_tensor_list(ortvalues, device, c_class=False):
    if len(ortvalues) == 0:
        return tuple()

    if "ort" == device.type:
        if not hasattr(C, "to_aten_ort_device_tensor"):
            raise AttributeError(
                "onnxruntime is missing to_aten_ort_device_tensor needed to support device == 'ort'."
        return tuple(
            C.to_aten_ort_device_tensor(ov if c_class else ov._ortvalue)
            for ov in ortvalues)

    if not isinstance(ortvalues, list):
        raise TypeError("ortvalues must be a list not %r." % type(ortvalues))

    if c_class:
        res = [_from_dlpack(ov.to_dlpack()) for ov in ortvalues]
        for i in range(0, len(res)):
            if ortvalues[i].element_type() == TensorProto.BOOL:
                res[i] = res[i].to(torch.bool)
        res = [_from_dlpack(ov._ortvalue.to_dlpack()) for ov in ortvalues]
        for i in range(0, len(res)):
            if ortvalues[i]._ortvalue.element_type() == TensorProto.BOOL:
                res[i] = res[i].to(torch.bool)

    return tuple(res)
Exemplo n.º 2
def from_dlpack(ext_tensor: Any) -> torch.Tensor:
    """from_dlpack(ext_tensor) -> Tensor

    Convers a tensor from a external library into a ``torch.Tensor``
    by means of the ``__dlpack__`` protocol.

    The tensor will share the memory with the object represented
    in the DLPack.

    .. warning::
      Only call from_dlpack once per capsule. Its behavior when used
      on the same capsule multiple times is undefined.

        ext_tensor (object with __dlpack__ attribute or DLPack capsule):
            The tensor or DLPack capsule to convert.
    if hasattr(ext_tensor, '__dlpack__'):
        device = ext_tensor.__dlpack_device__()
        # device is either CUDA or ROCm, we need to pass the current
        # stream
        if device[0] in (DLDeviceType.kDLGPU, DLDeviceType.kDLROCM):
            stream = torch.cuda.current_stream('cuda:{}'.format(device[1]))
            # cuda_stream is the pointer to the stream and it is a public
            # attribute, but it is not documented
            dlpack = ext_tensor.__dlpack__(stream=stream.cuda_stream)
            dlpack = ext_tensor.__dlpack__()
        # Old versions just call the converter
        dlpack = ext_tensor
    return _from_dlpack(dlpack)
Exemplo n.º 3
def from_dlpack(ext_tensor: Any) -> torch.Tensor:
    """from_dlpack(ext_tensor) -> Tensor

    Converts a tensor from an external library into a ``torch.Tensor``.

    The returned PyTorch tensor will share the memory with the input tensor
    (which may have come from another library). Note that in-place operations
    will therefore also affect the data of the input tensor. This may lead to
    unexpected issues (e.g., other libraries may have read-only flags or
    immutable data structures), so the user should only do this if they know
    for sure that this is fine.

        ext_tensor (object with ``__dlpack__`` attribute, or a DLPack capsule):
            The tensor or DLPack capsule to convert.

            If ``ext_tensor`` is a tensor (or ndarray) object, it must support
            the ``__dlpack__`` protocol (i.e., have a ``ext_tensor.__dlpack__``
            method). Otherwise ``ext_tensor`` may be a DLPack capsule, which is
            an opaque ``PyCapsule`` instance, typically produced by a
            ``to_dlpack`` function or method.


        >>> import torch.utils.dlpack
        >>> t = torch.arange(4)

        # Convert a tensor directly (supported in PyTorch >= 1.10)
        >>> t2 = torch.from_dlpack(t)
        >>> t2[:2] = -1  # show that memory is shared
        >>> t2
        tensor([-1, -1,  2,  3])
        >>> t
        tensor([-1, -1,  2,  3])

        # The old-style DLPack usage, with an intermediate capsule object
        >>> capsule = torch.utils.dlpack.to_dlpack(t)
        >>> capsule
        <capsule object "dltensor" at 0x7f6017d14300>
        >>> t3 = torch.from_dlpack(capsule)
        >>> t3
        tensor([-1, -1,  2,  3])
        >>> t3[0] = -9  # now we're sharing memory between 3 tensors
        >>> t3
        tensor([-9, -1,  2,  3])
        >>> t2
        tensor([-9, -1,  2,  3])
        >>> t
        tensor([-9, -1,  2,  3])

    if hasattr(ext_tensor, '__dlpack__'):
        device = ext_tensor.__dlpack_device__()
        # device is either CUDA or ROCm, we need to pass the current
        # stream
        if device[0] in (DLDeviceType.kDLGPU, DLDeviceType.kDLROCM):
            stream = torch.cuda.current_stream('cuda:{}'.format(device[1]))
            # cuda_stream is the pointer to the stream and it is a public
            # attribute, but it is not documented
            # The array API specify that the default legacy stream must be passed
            # with a value of 1 for CUDA
            # https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/API_specification/array_object.html?dlpack-self-stream-none#dlpack-self-stream-none  # NOQA
            is_cuda = device[0] == DLDeviceType.kDLGPU
            # Since pytorch is not using PTDS by default, lets directly pass
            # the legacy stream
            stream_ptr = 1 if is_cuda and stream.cuda_stream == 0 else stream.cuda_stream
            dlpack = ext_tensor.__dlpack__(stream=stream_ptr)
            dlpack = ext_tensor.__dlpack__()
        # Old versions just call the converter
        dlpack = ext_tensor
    return _from_dlpack(dlpack)
 def my_to_tensor(dlpack_structure):
     return _from_dlpack(dlpack_structure)