Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, params):

        self.params = params
        dist = self.params.noise['distribution']
        loc_normal = self.params.noise['loc_normal']
        scale_normal = self.params.noise['scale_normal']
        scale_uniform = self.params.noise['scale_uniform']
        low = self.params.noise['low']
        high = self.params.noise['high']

        if dist == "normal":
            self.noise = normal.Normal(loc_normal, scale_normal)
        elif dist == 'uniform':
            self.noise = Uniform(low, high, scale_uniform)
        elif dist == 'uniform+normal':
            noise1 = normal.Normal(loc_normal, scale_normal)
            noise2 = Uniform(low, high, scale_uniform)
            self.noise = MixtureNoise(noise1, noise2, method='sum')
        elif dist == 'mix_rand_uniform_normal':
            noise1 = normal.Normal(loc_normal, scale_normal)
            noise2 = Uniform(low, high, scale_uniform)
            self.noise = MixtureNoise(noise1, noise2, method='rand')
            raise ValueError('Noise not recognized.')
        logging.info('Noise Injection {}'.format(dist))
Exemplo n.º 2
def log_prob_ratio_normal(z, mu_z_prior, logstd_z_prior, mu_z, logstd_z):

    return (-normal.Normal(mu_z_prior.flatten(start_dim=1),
                               z.flatten(start_dim=1)) +
Exemplo n.º 3
    def down(self, input, sample=False):
        bs = input.shape[0]
        device = input.device
        x = self.celu(input)
        x = self.down_conv_a(x)

        pz_mean, pz_std, rz_mean, rz_std, down_context, h_det = x.split(
            [1] * 5 + [self.args.h_channel], 1)
        pz_std = torch.nn.functional.softplus(pz_std)
        rz_std = torch.nn.functional.softplus(rz_std)
        prior = normal.Normal(loc=pz_mean, scale=pz_std + 1e-4)

        if sample:
            z = prior.rsample()
            kl = torch.zeros(bs).to(device)
            posterior = normal.Normal(loc=rz_mean + self.qz_mean,
                                      scale=rz_std + self.qz_std + 1e-4)

            hard_encode = rz_mean + self.qz_mean

            z = posterior.rsample()
            logqs = posterior.log_prob(z)
            context = self.up_context + down_context

            if self.iaf:
                x = self.down_ar_conv(z, context)
                arw_mean, arw_std = x[0] * 0.1, x[1] * 0.1
                arw_std = torch.nn.functional.softplus(arw_std)
                z = (z - arw_mean) / (arw_std + 1e-4)
                # z = arw_mean + z * torch.exp(arw_logsd)
                # z = (z - arw_mean) / 0.001
                logqs += torch.log(arw_std + 1e-4)

                x_hard = self.down_ar_conv(rz_mean + self.qz_mean, context)
                arw_mean_hard, arw_std_hard = x_hard[0] * 0.1, x_hard[1] * 0.1
                arw_std_hard = torch.nn.functional.softplus(arw_std_hard)

                hard_encode = (rz_mean + self.qz_mean -
                               arw_mean_hard) / (arw_std_hard + 1e-4)
                # hard_encode = (rz_mean + self.qz_mean) * torch.exp(arw_logsd_hard) + arw_mean_hard

            logps = prior.log_prob(z)
            # logps = torch.ones_like(logqs)
            kl = logqs - logps

        h = torch.cat((z, h_det), 1)
        h = self.celu(h)

        h = self.down_conv_b(h)

        return input + 0.1 * h, kl, z, hard_encode
    def __init__(self, dist: str, config: Mapping):
        Generate a set of random rotation and translation error based on a specified distribution

        :param dist: 'uniform' or 'normal', distributions where the random samples are picked from
        :param config: type=dict, keys=['R', 'T'], which give the configuration of the distribution,
                       default values are given in the code
        self.error = None

        if dist == 'uniform':
            self.dist = 'uniform'
            R_range = config.get(
                'R', np.deg2rad(2))  # rotation error upto 2 degrees by default
            T_range = config.get(
                'T', 0.2)  # translation error upto 20 cm by default
            LOG.warning('Rotation error range (degrees): [-%.2f, %.2f]' %
                        (np.rad2deg(R_range), np.rad2deg(R_range)))
            LOG.warning('Translation error range (meters): [-%.3f, %.3f]' %
                        (T_range, T_range))
            self.R_dist = uniform.Uniform(-R_range, R_range)
            self.T_dist = uniform.Uniform(-T_range, T_range)

            # statistics
            self.R_mean, self.T_mean = 0, 0  # (a+b)/2
            self.R_std = 2 * R_range / np.sqrt(12)  # (b-a)/sqrt(12)
            self.T_std = 2 * T_range / np.sqrt(12)
        elif dist == 'normal':
            self.dist = 'normal'
            R_params = config.get(
                (np.deg2rad(2), np.deg2rad(0.1)
                 ))  # rotation error at 2 degrees as mean, 0.1 degree for std.
            T_params = config.get(
                (0.2, 0.01))  # translation error at 20cm as mean, 1cm for std.
            LOG.warning('Rotation error mean (degrees): -%.2f, std: %.2f' %
                        (np.rad2deg(R_params[0]), np.rad2deg(R_params[1])))
            LOG.warning('Translation error mean (meters): -%.3f, std: %.3f' %
                        (T_params[0], T_params[1]))
            self.R_dist = normal.Normal(*R_params)
            self.T_dist = normal.Normal(*T_params)

            # statistics
            self.R_mean, self.R_std = R_params
            self.T_mean, self.T_std = T_params
            LOG.error('Unknown distribution given: %s' % dist)
def loss_funct(out, x):
    prior_mu, prior_sig, decoder_mu, decoder_sig, x_decoded = out
    loss = 0.
    for i in range(x.shape[1]):

        #KL div
        a = Norm.Normal(prior_mu[i], prior_sig[i])
        b = Norm.Normal(decoder_mu[i], decoder_sig[i])
        kl_div = torch.mean(KL.kl_divergence(a, b))

        crossent = torch.mean(
            F.binary_cross_entropy(x_decoded[i], x[:, i, :], reduction='none'))
        loss += crossent + kl_div

    return loss
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_normal_distribution_mappings(mean, sd, values):
    from torch.distributions import normal
    n = normal.Normal(mean, sd)
    y = dict()
    for i in values:
        y[round(i, 0)] = round(1 - n.cdf(i).item(), 3)
    return y
Exemplo n.º 7
    def forward(self, observations):
        h1 = F.elu(self.lin1(observations))
        mu = self.mu(h1)
        sigma = self.softplus(self.sigma(h1))
        out = normal.Normal(mu, sigma)

        return out
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self,n,p,sig,o=0.0,bias=True):

        self.n = torch.tensor(n)
        self.p = torch.tensor(p)
        self.sig = torch.tensor(sig)

        self.v = torch.zeros(self.n) ## Recurrent Layer State Vector
        self.w = torch.zeros(self.n,self.n) ## Recurrent Layer Weight Matrix

        self.ol = nn.Linear(self.n, 1, bias=False) ## Linear Output Layer
        self.o = torch.tensor([o]) ## Initalize Output Neuron
        self.fb = nn.Linear(1, self.n, bias=False) ## Linear Feedback Layer

        if bias: ## Recurrent Layer Bias
            self.b = torch.FloatTensor(n).uniform_(0,1)
            self.b = torch.zeros(self.n)
        ## Populate Recurrent Layer Weight Matrix
        norm = normal.Normal(loc=0,scale=self.sig)
        uni = uniform.Uniform(0,1) 
        for i in range(self.n):
            for j in range(self.n):
                uni_draw = uni.sample()
                if uni_draw < self.p:
                    self.w[i,j] = norm.sample()
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self,

        # init networks (overwritten per replication)
        self.p_x_za_dist = p_x_za(dim_in=z_dim + 1,
        self.p_t_za_dist = p_t_za(dim_in=z_dim,
        self.p_y_zta_dist = p_y_zta(dim_in=z_dim, dim_h=h_dim_tar,
        self.q_z_xa_dist = q_z_xa(dim_in=x_bin_n + x_con_n + 1,
        self.p_z_dist = normal.Normal(
    def __init__(self):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        self.device = torch.device(
            'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
        self.latent = 512
        self.normal_sampler = normal.Normal(torch.zeros(self.latent),
        self.training = False

        self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
        self.encoder = nn.Sequential(Conv2d(3, 32, 3),
                                     nn.MaxPool2d((4, 4), stride=(4, 4)),
                                     Conv2d(32, 64, 3),
                                     nn.MaxPool2d((4, 4), stride=(4, 4)),
                                     Conv2d(64, 256, 3),
                                     nn.MaxPool2d((2, 2), stride=(2, 2)),
                                     Conv2d(256, self.latent, 3),
                                     nn.MaxPool2d((2, 2), stride=(2, 2)))

        self.fc_mu = nn.Linear(self.latent, self.latent)
        self.fc_logvar = nn.Linear(self.latent, self.latent)
        self.fc_out = nn.Linear(self.latent, self.latent)

        self.decoder = nn.Sequential(ConvTransposes2d(self.latent, 256, 2),
                                     ConvTransposes2d(256, 64, 2),
                                     ConvTransposes2d(64, 32, 4),
                                     ConvTransposes2d(32, 3, 4))
Exemplo n.º 11
    def add_noise(self, data):
        norm = normal.Normal(0, 0.1)
        noise = norm.sample(data.shape)

        data = data + noise

        return F.relu(data)
Exemplo n.º 12
def create_actor_distribution(action_types, actor_output, action_size):
    :param action_types:
    :param actor_output:
    :param action_size:
    :return: 创建动作的分布,agent可以随机进行选择
    if action_types == "DISCRETE":
        assert actor_output.size(
        )[1] == action_size, "Actor output the wrong size"
        action_distribution = Categorical(actor_output)  # 创建一个进行抽样的分布
        assert actor_output.size(
        )[1] == action_size * 2, "Actor output the wrong size"
        means = actor_output[:, :action_size].squeeze(0)
        stds = actor_output[:, action_size:].squeeze(0)
        if len(means.shape) == 2:
            means = means.squeeze(-1)
        if len(stds.shape) == 2:
            stds = stds.squeeze(-1)
        if len(stds.shape) > 1 or len(means.shape) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Wrong mean and std shapes - {} -- {}".format(
                stds.shape, means.shape))
        action_distribution = normal.Normal(means.squeeze(0), torch.abs(stds))
    return action_distribution
    def forward(self, x, only_mu=True):

        x = F.relu(self.bn1_fc(self.fc1(x)))
        x = F.dropout(x, training=self.training)

        fc2_sigma_pos = F.softplus(self.fc2_sigma - 2)
        fc2_distribution = normal.Normal(self.fc2_mu, fc2_sigma_pos)

        if self.training:
            classifiers = []
            for index in range(self.num_classifiers_train):
                fc2_w = fc2_distribution.rsample()

            outputs = []
            for index in range(self.num_classifiers_train):
                out = F.linear(x, classifiers[index], self.fc2_bias)
            return outputs
            if only_mu:
                # Only use mu for classification
                out = F.linear(x, self.fc2_mu, self.fc2_bias)
                return [out]
                classifiers = []
                for index in range(self.num_classifiers_test):
                    fc2_w = fc2_distribution.rsample()

                outputs = []
                for index in range(self.num_classifiers_test):
                    out = F.linear(x, classifiers[index], self.fc2_bias)
                return outputs
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self,
        super(SparseLayer, self).__init__()
        self.input_size = input_size
        self.output_size = output_size
        self.shape = th.Tensor([input_size, output_size])
        self.standard = normal.Normal(th.tensor([0.]), th.tensor([1.]))

        # Hyperparameters
        self.n_gauss = n_gaussians
        self.n_local = n_local
        self.n_global = n_global
        self.tau = 0.1
        if local1 is None:
            local1 = local2 = 4.
        self.local_shape = th.Tensor([local1, local2])

        # Parameters
        self.D = nn.Parameter(th.randn(n_gaussians, 2))
        self.sigma = nn.Parameter(th.randn(n_gaussians))
        if fix_values:
            self.v = th.ones(n_gaussians)
            self.v = nn.Parameter(th.randn(n_gaussians))
Exemplo n.º 15
def loss(package, x):

    prior_means, prior_var, decoder_means, decoder_var, x_decoded = package
    loss = 0.
    for i in range(x.shape[1]):
        # Kl loss
        norm_dis1 = Norm.Normal(prior_means[i], prior_var[i])
        norm_dis2 = Norm.Normal(decoder_means[i], decoder_var[i])
        kl_loss = torch.mean(KL.kl_divergence(norm_dis1, norm_dis2))

        # reconstruction loss
        xent_loss = torch.mean(
            F.binary_cross_entropy(x_decoded[i], x[:, i, :], reduction='none'))
        loss += xent_loss + kl_loss

    return loss
 def sample_z(self, mu, log_var):
     dis = normal.Normal(mu, torch.exp(log_var))
     sample() may have no error for running, but does not calculate gradients
     only rsample() with parameterization trick can calculate and backpropagate gradients through samples
     return dis.rsample()
Exemplo n.º 17
 def forward(self, za):
     za_embed = F.elu(self.input(za))
     # No need for TAR heads because of simplicity and small dimensionality
     h1 = F.elu(self.h1(za_embed))
     h2 = F.elu(self.h2(h1))
     x = normal.Normal(self.mu_x(h2), torch.exp(self.sigma_x(h2)))
     return x
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, latent, noise='uniform', path='.', batch_size=512):
        Initializes the Transporter, including creating the model.

        latent: (np array) Latent space distribution to map to. Must be an
        array of one dimensional vectors.
        noise: (str) Noise distribution to map from. Must be either 'uniform',
        'normal', or 'gaussian'
        path: (str) Path to store any images/weights of the model
        batch_size: (int) Batch Size
        self.latent = torch.Tensor(latent)
        self.dim = len(latent[0])

        if noise.lower() == 'uniform':
            self.noise = uniform.Uniform(-1, 1)
        elif noise.lower() == 'normal' or noise.lower() == 'gaussian':
            self.noise = normal.Normal(0, 1)
            raise Exception("{} has not been implemented yet".format(noise))

        self.path = path
        self.batch_size = batch_size

Exemplo n.º 19
    def forward(self, z, t, x):
        # Separated forwards for different t values, TAR

        x_t0 = F.elu(self.input_t0(z))
        for i in range(self.nh):
            x_t0 = F.elu(self.hidden_t0[i](x_t0))

        if x.shape[1] > -1:
            x_t0 = torch.cat([x, x_t0], axis=1)
            for i in range(self.nh):
                x_t0 = F.elu(self.hidden_x0[i](x_t0))

        mu_t0 = F.elu(self.mu_t0(x_t0))

        x_t1 = F.elu(self.input_t1(z))
        for i in range(self.nh):
            x_t1 = F.elu(self.hidden_t1[i](x_t1))

        if x.shape[1] > -1:
            x_t1 = torch.cat([x, x_t1], axis=1)
            for i in range(self.nh):
                x_t1 = F.elu(self.hidden_x1[i](x_t1))

        mu_t1 = F.elu(self.mu_t1(x_t1))

        # set mu according to t value
        y = normal.Normal((1 - t) * mu_t0 + t * mu_t1, 1)

        return y
Exemplo n.º 20
    def post_epoch_visualize(self, epoch, split):
        # if self.flags.visualize_only:
        #     self.do_plots()
        # else:
        if True:
            print('* Visualizing', split)
            Z = torch.linspace(0.0 + 1e-3, 1.0 - 1e-3, steps=20)
            Z = torch.cartesian_prod(Z, Z).view(20, 20, 2)
            if self.flags.z_size == 2 and self.flags.normal_latent:
                dist = normal.Normal(0.0, 1.0)
            x_gens = []
            for row in range(20):
                if self.flags.z_size == 2:
                    z = Z[row]
                    if self.flags.normal_latent:
                        z = dist.icdf(z)
                    if self.flags.normal_latent:
                        z = torch.randn(20, self.flags.z_size)
                        z = torch.rand(20, self.flags.z_size)
                z = self.model.prepare_batch(z)
                x_gen = self.model.run_batch([z]).view(20, self.img_chan, self.img_size, self.img_size).detach().cpu()

            x_full = torch.cat(x_gens, dim=0).numpy()
            if split == 'test':
                fname = self.flags.log_dir + '/test.png'
                fname = self.flags.log_dir + '/vis_%03d.png' % self.model.get_train_steps()
            misc.save_comparison_grid(fname, x_full, border_width=0, retain_sequence=True)
            print('* Visualizations saved to', fname)
Exemplo n.º 21
def create_actor_distribution(action_types, actor_output, action_size):

    if action_types == "DISCRETE":
        assert actor_output.size(
        )[1] == action_size, "Actor output the wrong size"
        action_distribution = Categorical(
            actor_output)  # this creates a distribution to sample from

        assert actor_output.size(
        )[1] == action_size * 2, "Actor output the wrong size"

        means = actor_output[:, :action_size]
        stds = actor_output[:, action_size:]

        means = means.squeeze(0)
        stds = stds.squeeze(0)

        if len(means.shape) == 2:
            means = means.squeeze(-1)

        if len(stds.shape) == 2:
            stds = stds.squeeze(-1)

        if len(stds.shape) > 1 or len(means.shape) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Wrong mean and std shapes")
        action_distribution = normal.Normal(means.squeeze(0), torch.abs(stds))

    return action_distribution
Exemplo n.º 22
 def __init__(self):
     super(SACActorNN, self).__init__()
     self.fc1 = nn.Linear(STATE_DIM, hidden_layer_size)
     self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_layer_size, hidden_layer_size)
     self.mean = nn.Linear(hidden_layer_size, ACTION_DIM)
     self.log_stdev = nn.Linear(hidden_layer_size, ACTION_DIM)
     self.normal_dist = normal.Normal(0, 1)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def forward(self, z, t, a):
        # Separated forwards for different t values, TAR

        h = F.elu(self.h(z))
        rep = F.elu(self.rep(h))
        h_a0 = F.elu(self.h_a0(rep))
        h_a1 = F.elu(self.h_a1(rep))
        rep_a0 = F.elu(self.rep_a0(h_a0))
        rep_a1 = F.elu(self.rep_a1(h_a1))
        h_a0_t0 = F.elu(self.h_a0_t0(rep_a0))
        h_a0_t1 = F.elu(self.h_a0_t1(rep_a0))
        h_a1_t0 = F.elu(self.h_a1_t1(rep_a1))
        h_a1_t1 = F.elu(self.h_a1_t1(rep_a1))
        mu_a0_t0 = F.elu(self.mu_a0_t0(h_a0_t0))
        mu_a0_t1 = F.elu(self.mu_a0_t1(h_a0_t1))
        mu_a1_t0 = F.elu(self.mu_a1_t0(h_a1_t0))
        mu_a1_t1 = F.elu(self.mu_a1_t1(h_a1_t1))
        sigma_a0_t0 = torch.exp(self.sigma_a0_t0(h_a0_t0))
        sigma_a0_t1 = torch.exp(self.sigma_a0_t1(h_a0_t1))
        sigma_a1_t0 = torch.exp(self.sigma_a1_t0(h_a1_t0))
        sigma_a1_t1 = torch.exp(self.sigma_a1_t1(h_a1_t1))

        mu = (1-a)*(1-t) * mu_a0_t0 + \
             (1-a) * t * mu_a0_t1 + \
             a * (1-t) * mu_a1_t0 + \
             a * t * mu_a1_t1
        sigma = (1 - a) * (1 - t) * sigma_a0_t0 + \
             (1 - a) * t * sigma_a0_t1 + \
             a * (1 - t) * sigma_a1_t0 + \
             a * t * sigma_a1_t1

        # set mu according to t value
        y = normal.Normal(mu, sigma)

        return y
Exemplo n.º 24
def main():
    model_urls = {'alexnet': 'http://download.pytorch.org/models/alexnet-owt-4df8aa71.pth', }
    nn_model = ConvNet(rgb_sinusoid)
    estimator = Estimator(nn_model, layer_idx=3)

    theta_range = np.linspace(0.0, np.pi, 100)
    mean_est = np.zeros(theta_range.shape)
    std_est  = np.zeros(theta_range.shape)

    for idx, theta in enumerate(theta_range):
        response = nn_model.orientation_response(theta, layer_idx=3)
        noise = torch_normal.Normal(loc=torch.tensor([0.0]),

        estimates = np.array([estimator.mle(response + noise.sample(response.size()).view(1, -1),
                                            lb=theta-0.25 * np.pi,
                                            ub=theta+0.25 * np.pi) for _ in range(1000)])
        mean_est[idx] = np.mean(estimates)
        std_est[idx]  = np.std(estimates)

    np.save('./data_mean', mean_est)
    np.save('./data_std', std_est)

    plt.plot(theta_range / np.pi, mean_est)

    plt.plot(theta_range / np.pi, std_est, 'o-')
Exemplo n.º 25
    def forward(self, zb, a):
        h1 = F.elu(self.lin1(zb))
        h2 = F.elu(self.lin2(h1))

        # finish forward binary and categorical covariates
        bin_out_dict = dict()

        # for each categorical variable
        for i in range(len(self.headnames)):
            # calculate probability paramater
            p_a0 = self.binheads_a0[i](h2)
            p_a1 = self.binheads_a1[i](h2)
            dist_p_a0 = torch.sigmoid(p_a0)
            dist_p_a1 = torch.sigmoid(p_a1)
            # create distribution in dict
            if self.headnames[i] == 'BINARY':
                bin_out_dict[self.headnames[i]] = bernoulli.Bernoulli((1-a)*dist_p_a0 + a*dist_p_a1)
                bin_out_dict[self.headnames[i]] = OneHotCategorical((1-a)*dist_p_a0 + a*dist_p_a1)

        # finish forward continuous vars for the right TAR head
        mu_a0 = self.mu_a0(h2)
        mu_a1 = self.mu_a1(h2)
        sigma_a0 = self.softplus(self.sigma_a0(h2))
        sigma_a1 = self.softplus(self.sigma_a1(h2))
        # cap sigma to prevent collapse for continuous vars being 0
        sigma_a0 = torch.clamp(sigma_a0, min=0.1)
        sigma_a1 = torch.clamp(sigma_a1, min=0.1)
        con_out = normal.Normal((1-a) * mu_a0 + a * mu_a1, (1-a)* sigma_a0 + a * sigma_a1)

        return con_out, bin_out_dict
Exemplo n.º 26
def create_kl_gaussian_samples(cfg, sample_size):
    overall_scres = []
    if cfg.use_anal:
        if cfg.use_metric == 1:
            proc_calc = gauss.kl_ind_standard

        if cfg.use_metric == 2:

            proc_calc = wass.dist_W2_indepdnet_sn

            # proc_calc = wass.dist_W2_diag

    for i in range(sample_size):
        zrnd = torch.randn(cfg.batch_size, cfg.n_samples, cfg.latent_size)

        loc = torch.mean(zrnd, axis=1).unsqueeze(axis=1)
        scale = torch.std(zrnd, axis=1).unsqueeze(axis=1)
        idn_struc = independent.Independent(normal.Normal(loc, scale), 1)
        kl = proc_calc(idn_struc)
        real_score, _ = convert_metric_2_score(kl)

        # overall_scres.append(score.detach().numpy()[0])
        # print (overall_scres)

    return overall_scres
Exemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self):
     super(SACRoboschoolHopperActorNN, self).__init__()
     self.fc1 = nn.Linear(15, 256)
     self.fc2 = nn.Linear(256, 256)
     self.mean = nn.Linear(256, 3)
     self.log_stdev = nn.Linear(256, 3)
     self.normal_dist = normal.Normal(0, 1)
Exemplo n.º 28
def generator_eval(generator):
    z = torch.zeros([2, args.latent_dim])
    z[0] = normal.Normal(0, 0.1).sample((1, args.latent_dim))
    z[1] = normal.Normal(0, 1).sample((1, args.latent_dim))
    z = z.float()

    z_diff = (z[0] - z[1]) / 9.0
    z_img = torch.zeros([9, args.latent_dim])

    # 7 interpolation steps
    for idx in range(9):
        z_img[idx] = z[0] + (idx * z_diff)

    gen_imgs = generator(z_img)  # batch_size * 28 * 28
    save_imgs = gen_imgs.view(-1, 1, 28, 28).cpu()
    save_image(save_imgs.data[0:9], 'images/1.png', nrow=9, normalize=True)
Exemplo n.º 29
def add_noise(img, sigma, mean):
    sigma = sigma * 2 / 255  # 255->[-1,1]: sigma*2/255
    gauss = normal.Normal(mean, sigma)
    noise = gauss.sample(img.size())
    gauss = noise.reshape(img.size())
    img_noisy = torch.tensor(img + gauss)

    return img_noisy
Exemplo n.º 30
    def analytic_score(self, loc, scale, z):
        # scale = scale.pow(2)  #conver std to var

        d1 = independent.Independent(
            normal.Normal(torch.squeeze(loc), torch.squeeze(scale)), 1)
        anal_kl = gauss.kl_ind_standard(d1)

        return anal_kl