Exemplo n.º 1
    def genotype(self):
        # Note: Since we stack cells by s0: prev prev cells output; s1: prev cells output
        # and when a cell is a up cell, the s0 will be horizontal input and can't do up operation
        # which is different from down cells (s0 and s1 all need down operation). so when
        # parse a up cell string, the string operations is |_|*|_|...|_|, where * indicate up operation
        # mask1 and mask2 below is convenient to handle it.
        geno_parser = GenoParser(self._meta_node_num)
        gene_down = geno_parser.parse(F.softmax(self.alphas_normal_down,
        gene_up = geno_parser.parse(F.softmax(self.alphas_normal_up,

        concat = range(2, self._meta_node_num + 2)
        geno_type = Genotype(down=gene_down,
        return geno_type
Exemplo n.º 2
 def forward(self, E, mask=False, static_dim=0):
     W = torch.matmul(self.WQ(E),
                      self.WK(E).transpose(-1, -2)) / self.scale_factor
     if mask:
         if static_dim > 0:
             M = W.new_ones(W.shape[1:])
             M[:static_dim, static_dim:] = 1
             M[static_dim:, :static_dim] = 1
             M = torch.tril(W.new_ones(W.shape[1:]))
         M = torch.where(W == 0, torch.zeros_like(M), M)
         W = masked_softmax(W, M)
         # W = softmax_tril(W)
         # W += torch.triu(torch.full_like(W, -1e6, device=self.device), 1)
         W = F.softmax(W, -1)
     return torch.matmul(W, self.WV(E))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def forward(self, query, keys, values):
        # Query = [BxQ]
        # Keys = [TxBxK]
        # Values = [TxBxV]
        # Outputs = a:[TxB], lin_comb:[BxV]

        # Here we assume q_dim == k_dim (dot product attention)

        query = query.unsqueeze(1)  # [BxQ] -> [Bx1xQ]
        keys = keys.transpose(1, 2)  # [TxBxK] -> [BxKxT]
        energy = torch.bmm(query, keys)  # [Bx1xQ]x[BxKxT] -> [Bx1xT]
        energy = F.softmax(energy.mul_(self.scale), dim=2)  # scale, normalize

        # values = values.transpose(0,1) # [TxBxV] -> [BxTxV]
        linear_combination = torch.bmm(energy,
                                       values)  #[Bx1xT]x[BxTxV] -> [BxV]
        return energy, linear_combination
Exemplo n.º 4
    def compute_actor_loss(self, trajectory, advantages):
        states = torch.cat([transition[0]
                            for transition in trajectory]).to(self.device)
        actions = torch.FloatTensor(
            [transition[1] for transition in trajectory]).to(self.device)

        action_logits, _ = self.model.forward(states)
        action_probs = F.softmax(action_logits, dim=1)
        action_dists = Categorical(action_probs)

        # compute the entropy
        entropy = action_dists.entropy().sum()

        policy_loss = -action_dists.log_prob(actions).view(-1, 1) * advantages
        policy_loss = policy_loss.mean()

        return policy_loss - self.entropy_scaling * entropy
Exemplo n.º 5
    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.conv1(x)
        x = self.bn1(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x = self.maxpool(x)

        x = self.layer1(x)
        x = self.layer2(x)
        x = self.layer3(x)
        x = self.layer4(x)

        x = self.avgpool(x)
        x = torch.flatten(x, 1)

        label_out = torch.sigmoid(self.fc(x))
        rank_input = label_out if self.cat else x
        rank_out = F.softmax(self.rank_classifier(rank_input), dim=1)
        return label_out, rank_out
Exemplo n.º 6
    def forward(self, inp, mask):
        if self.att:
            weights_unnorm = self.att(inp).squeeze(-1)
            weights_unnorm = weights_unnorm.masked_fill_(mask, self.pre_softmax_mask_fill)
            weights = F.softmax(weights_unnorm, dim=1)
            weights_unnorm = mask.logical_not().type_as(inp)
            weights = weights_unnorm / weights_unnorm.sum(dim=1)[:, None]

        self.last_weights = weights.detach().cpu()
        if self.agg_dims:
            to_agg = self.agg(inp)
            to_agg = inp
        self.last_features = to_agg.detach().cpu()
        weighted = to_agg * weights.unsqueeze(-1).expand_as(to_agg)
        res = weighted.sum(1)
        return res
Exemplo n.º 7
    def forward(self, inputs, hidden, encoder_outputs):
        embedded = self.embedding(inputs).view(1, 1, -1)
        embedded = self.dropout(embedded)

        attn_weights = F.softmax(self.attn(
            torch.cat((embedded[0], hidden[0]), 1)),
        attn_applied = torch.bmm(attn_weights.unsqueeze(0),

        output = torch.cat((embedded[0], attn_applied[0]), 1)
        output = self.attn_combine(output).unsqueeze(0)

        output = F.relu(output)
        output, hidden = self.gru(output, hidden)

        output = F.log_softmax(self.out(output[0]), dim=1)
        return output, hidden, attn_weights
Exemplo n.º 8
    def forward(self, s, enc_output):
        :param s: (batch_size, dec_hid_dim)
        :param enc_output: (seq_len, batch_size, enc_hidden_dim)
        batch_size = enc_output.shape[1]
        src_len = enc_output.shape[0]

        # 对于Linear层,我们第一个维度需要是batch_size
        # 将s维度变为 (batch_size, seq_len, dec_hid_dim)
        # enc_output维度 (batch_size, seq_len, enc_hidden_dim)
        s = s.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,src_len,1)
        enc_output = enc_output.transpose(0,1)

        # (batch_size, seq_len, 1).squeeze(2)
        score = self.v(torch.tanh(self.attn(torch.cat((s,enc_output),dim=2)))).squeeze(2)

        return F.softmax(score)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def forward(self, h, encoder_out):
        attended_encoder_out = torch.zeros_like(encoder_out)
        for seq_index in range(self.max_seq_len):
            cat_for_attn = torch.cat((h[seq_index], encoder_out[seq_index]), 1)
            attn = self.attn(cat_for_attn)
            attn = F.softmax(attn, dim=1)
            attn_applied = torch.bmm(attn.unsqueeze(1),
                                     torch.transpose(encoder_out, 0, 1))
            temp_encoder_out = torch.cat((h[seq_index], attn_applied[:, 0, :]),
            attended_encoder_out[seq_index] = self.attn_combine(

        batch_size = h.size(1)
        h0 = torch.zeros(1, batch_size, self.hidden_size, device=h.device)
        c0 = torch.zeros(1, batch_size, self.hidden_size, device=h.device)
        decoder_out, (ht, ct) = self.decoder(h, (h0, c0))

        return decoder_out
Exemplo n.º 10
    def forward(self, lstm_output):
        # page 1482 top right
        # eq 5, with tanh (from our report)
        u_it = torch.tanh(self.dropout(self.word_attn(lstm_output)))
        # eq 6
        a_it = F.softmax(self.dropout(self.context_vec(u_it)), dim=1)
        # eq 7
        attns = torch.Tensor().to(device)
        for (h, a) in zip(lstm_output, a_it):
            h_i = a * h
            h_i = h_i.unsqueeze(0)
            # add them to the attention vectors
            attns = torch.cat([attns, h_i])

        s_i = torch.sum(self.dropout(attns), 1)
        # unsqueeze to give back to FC layers
        s_i = s_i.unsqueeze(0)

        return s_i, attns
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __call__(self, outputs, targets):
     loss_dice = 0
     eps = 1e-7
     smooth = 1.
     outputs = F.softmax(outputs, dim=1)
     for cls in range(self.num_classes):
         jaccard_target = (targets == cls).float()
         jaccard_output = outputs[:, cls]
         intersection = (jaccard_output * jaccard_target).sum()
         if self.class_weights is not None:
             w = self.class_weights[cls]
             w = 1.
         union = jaccard_output.sum() + jaccard_target.sum()
         #                loss -= torch.log((intersection + eps) / (union - intersection + eps)) * self.jaccard_weight
         loss_dice += w * (1 - (2. * intersection + smooth) /
                           (union + smooth + eps))
         # three kinds of loss formulas: (1) 1 - iou (2) -iou (3) -torch.log(iou)
     return loss_dice / self.num_classes
Exemplo n.º 12
 def attention(
     att = self.v_c(
                 -1, char_embed_matrix.size(2))) +
             self.Wh(hid.squeeze(0))))  # (b*6,2h) + (b*6,2h) --> (b*6,1)
     # print(att.size())
     # print(hid.size())
     attn_score = F.softmax(att.view(batch_size,
                            dim=1)  # (b, 1)
     # char_attn = torch.bmm(attn_score.unsqueeze(0), hid)  # [b x 1 x 6] * [b x 6 x hidden*2]
     char_attn = attn_score.unsqueeze(0) * hid
     char_attn = char_attn.squeeze(1)  # [x b hidden*2]
     return char_attn
Exemplo n.º 13
    def forward(self, query, keys, keys_length):
        query: 2D tensor, [B, H]
        kerys: 3D tensor, [B, T, H]
        keys_length: 1D tensor, [B]

        outputs: 2D tensor, if return_scores=False [B, H], otherwise [B, T]
        batch_size, max_length, dim = keys.size()

        query = query.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, max_length, -1)

        din_all = torch.cat([query, keys, query - keys, query * keys], dim=-1)

        din_all = din_all.view(batch_size * max_length, -1)

        outputs = self.mlp(din_all)

        outputs = self.fc(outputs).view(batch_size, max_length)  # [B, T]

        # Scale
        outputs = outputs / (dim**0.5)

        # Mask
        mask = (torch.arange(max_length, device=keys_length.device).repeat(
            batch_size, 1) < keys_length.view(-1, 1))
        outputs[~mask] = -np.inf

        # Activation
        outputs = F.softmax(outputs, dim=1)  # [B, T]

        if not self.return_scores:
            # Weighted sum
            outputs = torch.matmul(outputs.unsqueeze(1),
                                   keys).squeeze()  # [B, H]

        return outputs
Exemplo n.º 14
 def attention(self, dec_inp, encoder_attn, encoder_out, dec_h):
     # hid_attn(bs, nh) = dec_h(bs, em_sz_dec)
     hid_att = self.attn_hidden(dec_h)
     if hid_att.shape[-1] != self.nh:
         raise ValueError(
             'Hidden attn output shape {} not equal to defeined hidden size {}'
             .format(hid_att.shape, self.nh))
     # encoder_attn(bs, enc_seq_len, nh) + hid_att(bs, 1, nh)
     u = encoder_attn + hid_att.unsqueeze(1)
     u = torch.tanh(u)
     # (bs, enc_seq_len,1) = u(bs, seq_len, nh) * v(nh, 1) -> bbm doesnt boradcast to BS, use @
     z = u @ self.V
     # attn_weights(bs, enc_seq_len, 1)
     attn_weights = F.softmax(z, 1)
     # (bs, nh, 1) = encoder_out(bs, enc_seq_len, nh) * attn_weight(bs, enc_seq_len, 1)
     context = torch.bmm(encoder_out.permute(0, 2, 1), attn_weights)
     if context.shape[-1] != 1:
         raise ValueError(context.shape)
     context = context[:, :, 0]
     # attn_out(bs, nh+ size(dec_inp))
     attn_out = torch.cat([dec_inp, context], axis=1)
     return attn_out, attn_weights
Exemplo n.º 15
    def rnn_sample(self, controller: Controller, **kwargs):
        list_result = []
        sum_log_proba = 0

        emb = controller.start_of_sequence
        h, c = controller.lstm_cell(emb)

        for i in range(self.space):
            logits = controller.decoders[i](h).squeeze(0)
            probas = F.softmax(logits, dim=0)
            log_probas = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=0)

            # result = torch.argmax(probas)
            result = torch.multinomial(probas, num_samples=1)[0]

            emb = controller.encoders[i](result.unsqueeze(0))
            h, c = controller.lstm_cell(emb, (h, c))

            sum_log_proba += log_probas[result.item()]

        return list_result, sum_log_proba
Exemplo n.º 16
    def forward(self, pred, target):
        b, c, h, w = pred.size()
        #val, ind = torch.max(target)
        target = target.view(-1)
        valid_mask = target.ne(self.ignore_label)
        target = target * valid_mask.long()
        num_valid = valid_mask.sum()

        prob = F.softmax(pred, dim=1)
        prob = (prob.transpose(0, 1)).reshape(c, -1)

        if self.min_kept > num_valid:
            # logger.info('Labels: {}'.format(num_valid))
            print('Labels: {}'.format(num_valid))
        elif num_valid > 0:
            prob = prob.masked_fill_(~valid_mask, 1)
            mask_prob = prob[target,
                             torch.arange(len(target), dtype=torch.long)]
            #output, counts = torch.unique_consecutive(target, return_counts=True)
            #print('prob.shape: ',prob.shape,' mask_prob.shape: ',mask_prob.shape,' val: ',val)
            threshold = self.thresh
            if self.min_kept > 0:
                index = mask_prob.argsort()
                threshold_index = index[min(len(index), self.min_kept) - 1]
                if mask_prob[threshold_index] > self.thresh:
                    threshold = mask_prob[threshold_index]
                kept_mask = mask_prob.le(threshold)
                target = target * kept_mask.long(
                )  # these are thought to be hard examples
                valid_mask = valid_mask * kept_mask
                # logger.info('Valid Mask: {}'.format(valid_mask.sum()))

        target = target.masked_fill_(~valid_mask, self.ignore_label)
        target = target.view(b, h, w)

        return self.criterion(pred, target)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def forward(self, X, X_padding_mask=None, coverage=None, dropout=0.1):
        K / key: (L, B, H) encoder_outputs, encoder feature
        V / value: (L, B, H) to calculate the context vector
        Q / query: (L, B, H) last_hidden, deocder feature
        X_padding_mask: (B, 1, L)
        coverage: (B, L)
        X_dim = X.size(-1)
        X_query = X.transpose(0, 1)  # -> (B, L, H)
        X_key = X.transpose(0, 1)  # -> (B, L, H)
        X_value = X.transpose(0, 1)  # -> (B, L, H)

        scores = torch.matmul(X_query, X_key.transpose(-2, -1)) / math.sqrt(
            X_dim)  # (B, L, H) x (B, H, L) -> (B, L, L)

        attn_dist = F.softmax(scores, dim=-1)  # (B, L, L)
        attn_dist = F.dropout(attn_dist, p=dropout)
        context = torch.matmul(attn_dist,
                               X_value)  # (B, L, L) x (B, L, H) -> (B, L, H)

        # calculate average
        context = context.sum(1) / context.size(1)
        return context, attn_dist
    def forward(self, mask, query=None, proj_key=None, value=None):
        assert mask is not None, "mask is required"

        # We first project the query (the decoder state).
        # The projected keys (the encoder states) were already pre-computated.
        query = self.query_layer(query)

        # Calculate scores.
        scores = self.energy_layer(torch.tanh(query + proj_key))
        scores = scores.squeeze(2).unsqueeze(1)

        # Mask out invalid positions.
        # The mask marks valid positions so we invert it using `mask & 0`.
        scores.data.masked_fill_(mask == 0, -float('inf'))

        # Turn scores to probabilities.
        alphas = F.softmax(scores, dim=-1)
        self.alphas = alphas

        # The context vector is the weighted sum of the values.
        context = torch.bmm(alphas, value)

        # context shape: [B, 1, 2D], alphas shape: [B, 1, M]
        return context, alphas
Exemplo n.º 19
    def forward(self, input_states: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        Compute the sum of the input states
        :param input_states: List of the y_i states over i sources
        :return: the sum of the input states
        # input states is shape: (batch_size, num_srcs, tgt_time_steps, embed_dim)
        assert input_states.size(1) == self.n_sources
        # print(input_states.shape)

        group_size, _, tgt_time_steps, _ = input_states.shape

        # (group_size, tgt_time_steps, embed_dim * num_srcs)
        # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
        input_states_flat = input_states.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(
            group_size, tgt_time_steps, -1)

        # print(input_states_flat.shape)

        projection_out = torch.tanh(self._hidden_projection(input_states_flat))
        # print(projection_out.shape)

        # (group_size, tgt_time_steps, num_srcs)
        gate_values = F.softmax(self._gate_projection(projection_out), dim=-1)
        # print(gate_values.shape)

        # (batch_size, tgt_time_steps, num_srcs, embed_dim) * (group_size, tgt_time_steps, num_srcs, 1) ->
        # (group_size, tgt_time_steps, num_srcs, embed_dim)
        gated_inputs = input_states.transpose(1, 2) * gate_values.unsqueeze(-1)
        # print(gated_inputs.shape)

        # (group_size, tgt_time_steps, embed_dim)
        summed_inputs = torch.sum(gated_inputs, dim=-2, keepdim=False)
        # print(summed_inputs.shape)

        return summed_inputs
Exemplo n.º 20
    def forward(self, query, enc_out, src_lens, u_align):
        # Create a mask from source lengths
        # to zero padding indices out during
        # batch processing.
        max_len = enc_out.size(0)
        arange = torch.arange(max_len)[None, :]
        mask = arange < src_lens[:, None]
        mask = mask.transpose(0, 1)

        # Compute alignment scores
        layers = query.size(0)
        top_layer = query[layers - 1, :, :]
        top_layer = top_layer.unsqueeze(0)
        w_align = self.linear_q(top_layer)
        tanh_align = torch.tanh(w_align + u_align)
        score_align = self.linear_v(tanh_align)
        score_align = score_align.squeeze(2)
        score_align[~mask] = float('-inf')

        # Compute attention weights.
        attn_weights = F.softmax(score_align, dim=0)
        attn_weights = attn_weights.unsqueeze(2)

        return attn_weights
Exemplo n.º 21
    def forward(self, f):
        heatmaps = self.conv(f)

        B, J, H, W = heatmaps.shape

        if self.normalization_method == 'softmax':
            # use softmax to normalize heatmap
            heatmaps = heatmaps.view(B, J, -1)
            heatmaps = F.softmax(self.w * heatmaps, dim=2)
            heatmaps = heatmaps.view(B, J, H, W)
            # use sum to normalize heatmap
            heatmaps = F.relu(heatmaps, inplace=True)
            heatmaps = heatmaps + 1e-14  # prevent all zero heatmap
            heatmaps = heatmaps / heatmaps.sum(dim=(2, 3), keepdim=True)

        u = torch.sum(self.filter[0].view(1, 1, H, W) * heatmaps,
                      dim=(2, 3)).unsqueeze(-1)
        v = torch.sum(self.filter[1].view(1, 1, H, W) * heatmaps,
                      dim=(2, 3)).unsqueeze(-1)

        plane_coordinates = torch.cat([u, v], dim=2)

        return heatmaps, plane_coordinates
Exemplo n.º 22
              2] = (image[..., 2] - image[..., 2].mean()) / image[...,

        image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)

        image = torch.from_numpy(image)
        image = image.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)

        count = 0
        total_time = 0.0
        while True:
            count += 1
            t = float(cv2.getTickCount())
            outputs = net(image)
            outputs = F.softmax(outputs)
            total_time += (float(cv2.getTickCount()) -
                           t) / cv2.getTickFrequency()
            print(outputs, '\t execute time: ', total_time / count)

    # 生成一个样本供网络前向传播 forward()
    example = torch.rand(1, 3, input_size, input_size)

    # 使用 torch.jit.trace 生成 torch.jit.ScriptModule 来跟踪
    traced_script_module = torch.jit.trace(net, example)

    count = 0
    total_time = 0.0
    while True:
        count += 1
        t = float(cv2.getTickCount())
Exemplo n.º 23
    def nms(self,
        greedy nms

        conf_threshold: int, default=0.45
        iou_threshold: int, defualt=0.01
        top_k: int, default=200
        # 1. get the conf_score, conf_cls, bboxes and areaes
        loc = loc.cpu()
        priors = priors.cpu()
        loc_ = decode(loc[0], priors, [0.1, 0.2]) * 300

        conf_ = F.softmax(conf[0])

        # ignore the bkg class
        conf_score, conf_cls = torch.max(conf_[:, 1:], dim=1)
        if use_trained_model:
            conf_cls += 1

        # conf_score, conf_cls = torch.max(conf_, dim=1)
        # conf_bkg_mask = conf_cls != 0
        # conf_score, conf_cls, loc_ = conf_score[conf_bkg_mask], conf_cls[conf_bkg_mask], loc_[conf_bkg_mask]

        conf_mask = conf_score > conf_threshold
        conf_score, conf_cls, loc_ = conf_score[conf_mask], conf_cls[
            conf_mask], loc_[conf_mask]

        conf_score, conf_idx = torch.sort(conf_score, descending=True)
        conf_cls, bboxes = conf_cls[conf_idx], loc_[conf_idx]

        res_score, res_bbox, res_cls = [], [], []

        # keep top 200 results for each class
        conf_score, conf_cls, bboxes = conf_score[:top_k *
                                                  3], conf_cls[:top_k *
                                                               3], bboxes[:
                                                                          * 3]

        for class_idx in range(1, 21):
            class_mask = (conf_cls == class_idx)
            if torch.sum(class_mask) == 0:
            # else:
            #     print(class_idx, torch.sum(class_mask))
            conf_score_, bboxes_ = conf_score[class_mask][:200], bboxes[

            wh = bboxes_[:, 2:] - bboxes_[:, :2]
            areaes = wh[:, 0] * wh[:, 1]

            while len(conf_score_) > 0:
                cur_bbox = bboxes_[0]
                cur_score = conf_score_[0]
                cur_area = areaes[0]


                conf_score_ = conf_score_[1:]
                bboxes_ = bboxes_[1:]
                areaes = areaes[1:]

                if len(conf_score_) == 0:

                max_x1 = torch.clamp(bboxes_[:, 0], min=float(cur_bbox[0]))
                max_y1 = torch.clamp(bboxes_[:, 1], min=float(cur_bbox[1]))
                min_x2 = torch.clamp(bboxes_[:, 2], max=float(cur_bbox[2]))
                min_y2 = torch.clamp(bboxes_[:, 3], max=float(cur_bbox[3]))

                w = torch.clamp(min_x2 - max_x1, min=0)
                h = torch.clamp(min_y2 - max_y1, min=0)

                intercests = w * h
                iou = intercests / (cur_area + areaes - intercests)
                iou_mask = iou < 0.45

                bboxes_ = bboxes_[iou_mask]
                conf_score_ = conf_score_[iou_mask]
                areaes = areaes[iou_mask]

            # for idx in range(len(conf_score_)):
            #     if conf_score_[idx] != 0:
            #         res_score.append(conf_score_[idx])
            #         res_bbox.append(bboxes_[idx])
            #         res_cls.append(class_idx)

            #         for i_head in range(idx + 1, len(conf_score_)):
            #             if conf_score_[i_head] != 0:
            #                 max_xy = torch.max(bboxes_[idx][:2], bboxes_[i_head][:2])
            #                 min_xy = torch.min(bboxes_[idx][2:], bboxes_[i_head][2:])
            #                 wh = torch.clamp(min_xy - max_xy, min=0)
            #                 intersect = wh[0] * wh[1]
            #                 iou = intersect / (areaes[idx] + areaes[i_head] - intersect)
            #                 if iou > iou_threshold:
            #                     conf_score_[i_head] = 0

        # wh = bboxes[:, 2:] - bboxes[:, :2]
        # areaes = wh[:, 0] * wh[:, 1]

        # # 2. get the result bbox and result class
        # res_score, res_bbox, res_cls = [], [], []

        # # how many detections for each class could been found
        # cls_count = {_: 200 for _ in range(1, 21)}

        # for idx in range(len(conf_score)):
        #     if conf_score[idx] != 0:
        #         cur_class = int(conf_cls[idx])
        #         if cls_count[cur_class] > 0:
        #             res_score.append(conf_score[idx])
        #             res_bbox.append(bboxes[idx])
        #             res_cls.append(conf_cls[idx])
        #             cls_count[cur_class] -= 1

        #             for i_head in range(idx + 1, len(conf_score)):
        #                 if conf_cls[i_head] != cur_class:
        #                     continue

        #                 else:
        #                     if conf_score[i_head] != 0:
        #                         max_xy = torch.max(bboxes[idx][:2], bboxes[i_head][:2])
        #                         min_xy = torch.min(bboxes[idx][2:], bboxes[i_head][2:])
        #                         wh = torch.clamp(min_xy - max_xy, min=0)
        #                         intersect = wh[0] * wh[1]
        #                         iou = intersect / (areaes[idx] + areaes[i_head] - intersect)
        #                         if iou > iou_threshold:
        #                             conf_score[i_head] = 0

        # no need to restrict top k
        # res_score, res_bbox, res_cls = res_score[:top_k], res_bbox[:top_k], res_cls[:top_k]

#         new_res_score, new_res_bbox, new_res_cls = [], [], []
#         for i in range(len(res_score)):
#             if res_score[i] > 0.6:
#                 new_res_score.append(res_score[i])
#                 new_res_bbox.append(res_bbox[i])
#                 new_res_cls.append(res_cls[i])

        return res_score, res_bbox, res_cls
Exemplo n.º 24
def gumbel_softmax_sample(logits, temperature):
    """ Draw a sample from the Gumbel-Softmax distribution"""
    y = logits + sample_gumbel(logits.shape, tens_type=type(logits.data))
    return F.softmax(y / temperature, dim=1)
Exemplo n.º 25
args = parser.parse_args()
src_dir = args.src_dir
dst_dir = args.dst_dir
temp_scaling = args.temp_scaling
temp_tensor = torch.FloatTensor([temp_scaling])
print("Temperature tensor: ", temp_tensor)
filelist = os.listdir(src_dir)
for file in filelist:
    src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, file)

        with open(src_file) as json_data:
            rgb_scores = json.load(json_data)

    print("Video", file)
    rgb_window_scores = []
    output_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
    for key in rgb_scores:
        score_tensor = torch.FloatTensor(rgb_scores[key]["rgb_scores"])
        score_tensor = score_tensor / temp_tensor
        rgb_score = F.softmax(score_tensor, dim=-1)
        rgb_score = rgb_score.cpu().detach().numpy().flatten()

        output_dict[key]["rgb_scores"] = rgb_score.tolist()

    with open(dst_dir + "/" + file, 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump(output_dict, outfile)
Exemplo n.º 26
y_train = [2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]

x_train = torch.FloatTensor(x_train)
y_train = torch.LongTensor(y_train)

W = torch.zeros((4, 3), requires_grad=True)
b = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True)
# optimizer 설정
optimizer = optim.Adam([W, b], lr=0.1)

nb_epochs = 50000
for epoch in range(nb_epochs + 1):

    # Cost 계산 (1)
    te = x_train.matmul(W) + b
    hypothesis = F.softmax(x_train.matmul(W) + b, dim=1) # or .mm or @
    y_one_hot = torch.zeros_like(hypothesis)
    y_one_hot.scatter_(1, y_train.unsqueeze(1), 1)
    temp = F.softmax(hypothesis, dim=1)
    cost = (y_one_hot * -torch.log(F.softmax(hypothesis, dim=1))).sum(dim=1).mean()

    # cost로 H(x) 개선

    # 100번마다 로그 출력
    if epoch % 100 == 0:
        print('Epoch {:4d}/{} Cost: {:.6f}'.format(
            epoch, nb_epochs, cost.item()
Exemplo n.º 27
 def forward(self, x):
     return self.kernel(x, F.softmax(self.alpha1_down, dim=-1),
                        F.softmax(self.alpha1_up, dim=-1),
                        F.softmax(self.alpha2_down, dim=-1),
                        F.softmax(self.alpha2_up, dim=-1))
Exemplo n.º 28
 def forward(self, x):
     l1 = F.tanh(self.l1(x))
     l2 = F.tanh(self.l2(l1))
     pred = F.softmax(self.l3(l2))
     return pred
Exemplo n.º 29
def softmax(input, dim=None):
    """Apply a softmax function."""
    return F.softmax(input, dim)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def forward(self, input_):
     if not self.training:
         return F.softmax(input_, dim=-1)
         return input_