Exemplo n.º 1
class BahdanauAttention(nn.Module):
    Bahdanau Attention (https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.0473)
    Implementation is very similar to tf.contrib.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention

        query_size (int): feature dimension for query
        key_size (int): feature dimension for keys
        num_units (int): internal feature dimension
        normalize (bool): whether to normalize energy term.
            Default: `False`
        init_weight (float): range for uniform initializer used to initialize
            Linear key and query transform layers and linear_att vector.
            Default: 0.1
    def __init__(
        super(BahdanauAttention, self).__init__()

        self.normalize = normalize
        self.num_units = num_units

        self.linear_q = nn.Linear(query_size, num_units, bias=False)
        self.linear_k = nn.Linear(key_size, num_units, bias=False)
        nn.init.uniform_(self.linear_q.weight.data, -init_weight, init_weight)
        nn.init.uniform_(self.linear_k.weight.data, -init_weight, init_weight)

        self.linear_att = Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_units))

        self.mask = None

        if self.normalize:
            self.normalize_scalar = Parameter(torch.Tensor(1))
            self.normalize_bias = Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_units))
            self.register_parameter("normalize_scalar", None)
            self.register_parameter("normalize_bias", None)

        self.fusion = fusion

    def reset_parameters(self, init_weight):
        Sets initial random values for trainable parameters.

            init_weight (float):
        stdv = 1.0 / math.sqrt(self.num_units)
        self.linear_att.data.uniform_(-init_weight, init_weight)

        if self.normalize:

    def set_mask(self, context_len, context):
        Sets self.mask which is applied before softmax
        ones for inactive context fields, zeros for active context fields

            context_len (`obj`:torch.Tensor):
            context (`obj`:torch.Tensor): (t_k x b x n)


        max_len = context.size(0)

        indices = torch.arange(0,
        self.mask = indices >= (context_len.unsqueeze(1))

    def calc_score(self, att_query, att_keys):
        Calculate Bahdanau score

            att_query (`obj`:torch.Tensor):
            att_keys (`obj`:torch.Tensor):



        b, t_k, n = att_keys.size()
        t_q = att_query.size(1)

        att_query = att_query.unsqueeze(2).expand(b, t_q, t_k, n)
        att_keys = att_keys.unsqueeze(1).expand(b, t_q, t_k, n)
        sum_qk = att_query + att_keys

        if self.normalize:
            sum_qk = sum_qk + self.normalize_bias
            linear_att = self.linear_att / self.linear_att.norm()
            linear_att = linear_att * self.normalize_scalar
            linear_att = self.linear_att

        out = torch.tanh(sum_qk).matmul(linear_att)
        return out

    def forward(self, query, keys):

            query (`obj`:torch.Tensor): (t_q x b x n)
            keys (`obj`:torch.Tensor): (t_k x b x n)

            (context, scores_normalized)
        context: (t_q x b x n)
        scores_normalized: (t_q x b x t_k)


        # first dim of keys and query has to be 'batch', it's needed for bmm
        keys = keys.transpose(0, 1)
        if query.dim() == 3:
            query = query.transpose(0, 1)

        if query.dim() == 2:
            single_query = True
            query = query.unsqueeze(1)
            single_query = False

        b = query.size(0)
        t_k = keys.size(1)
        t_q = query.size(1)

        # FC layers to transform query and key
        processed_query = self.linear_q(query)
        processed_key = self.linear_k(keys)

        # scores: (b x t_q x t_k)
        if self.fusion:
            linear_att = self.linear_att / self.linear_att.norm()
            linear_att = linear_att * self.normalize_scalar
            scores = fused_calc_score(processed_query, processed_key,
                                      self.normalize_bias, linear_att)
            scores = self.calc_score(processed_query, processed_key)

        if self.mask is not None:
            mask = self.mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(b, t_q, t_k)
            # I can't use -INF because of overflow check in pytorch
            scores.data.masked_fill_(mask, -65504.0)

        # Normalize the scores, softmax over t_k
        scores_normalized = F.softmax(scores, dim=-1)

        # Calculate the weighted average of the attention inputs according to
        # the scores
        # context: (b x t_q x n)
        context = torch.bmm(scores_normalized, keys)

        if single_query:
            context = context.squeeze(1)
            scores_normalized = scores_normalized.squeeze(1)
            context = context.transpose(0, 1)
            scores_normalized = scores_normalized.transpose(0, 1)

        return context, scores_normalized
Exemplo n.º 2
class BahdanauAttention(nn.Module):
    Bahdanau Attention (https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.0473)
    Implementation is very similar to tf.contrib.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention
    def __init__(self,
        Constructor for the BahdanauAttention.

        :param query_size: feature dimension for query
        :param key_size: feature dimension for keys
        :param num_units: internal feature dimension
        :param normalize: whether to normalize energy term
        :param batch_first: if True batch size is the 1st dimension, if False
            the sequence is first and batch size is second
        :param init_weight: range for uniform initializer used to initialize
            Linear key and query transform layers and linear_att vector
        super(BahdanauAttention, self).__init__()

        self.normalize = normalize
        self.batch_first = batch_first
        self.num_units = num_units

        self.linear_q = nn.Linear(query_size, num_units, bias=False)
        self.linear_k = nn.Linear(key_size, num_units, bias=False)
        nn.init.uniform_(self.linear_q.weight.data, -init_weight, init_weight)
        nn.init.uniform_(self.linear_k.weight.data, -init_weight, init_weight)

        self.linear_att = Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_units))

        self.mask = None

        if self.normalize:
            self.normalize_scalar = Parameter(torch.Tensor(1))
            self.normalize_bias = Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_units))
            self.register_parameter('normalize_scalar', None)
            self.register_parameter('normalize_bias', None)


    def reset_parameters(self, init_weight):
        Sets initial random values for trainable parameters.
        stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.num_units)
        self.linear_att.data.uniform_(-init_weight, init_weight)

        if self.normalize:

    def set_mask(self, context_len, context):
        sets self.mask which is applied before softmax
        ones for inactive context fields, zeros for active context fields

        :param context_len: b
        :param context: if batch_first: (b x t_k x n) else: (t_k x b x n)

        self.mask: (b x t_k)

        if self.batch_first:
            max_len = context.size(1)
            max_len = context.size(0)

        indices = torch.arange(0,
        self.mask = indices >= (context_len.unsqueeze(1))

    def calc_score(self, att_query, att_keys):
        Calculate Bahdanau score

        :param att_query: b x t_q x n
        :param att_keys: b x t_k x n

        returns: b x t_q x t_k scores

        b, t_k, n = att_keys.size()
        t_q = att_query.size(1)

        att_query = att_query.unsqueeze(2).expand(b, t_q, t_k, n)
        att_keys = att_keys.unsqueeze(1).expand(b, t_q, t_k, n)
        sum_qk = att_query + att_keys

        if self.normalize:
            sum_qk = sum_qk + self.normalize_bias
            linear_att = self.linear_att / self.linear_att.norm()
            linear_att = linear_att * self.normalize_scalar
            linear_att = self.linear_att

        out = torch.tanh(sum_qk).matmul(linear_att)
        return out

    def forward(self, query, keys):

        :param query: if batch_first: (b x t_q x n) else: (t_q x b x n)
        :param keys: if batch_first: (b x t_k x n) else (t_k x b x n)

        :returns: (context, scores_normalized)
        context: if batch_first: (b x t_q x n) else (t_q x b x n)
        scores_normalized: if batch_first (b x t_q x t_k) else (t_q x b x t_k)

        # first dim of keys and query has to be 'batch', it's needed for bmm
        if not self.batch_first:
            keys = keys.transpose(0, 1)
            if query.dim() == 3:
                query = query.transpose(0, 1)

        if query.dim() == 2:
            single_query = True
            query = query.unsqueeze(1)
            single_query = False

        b = query.size(0)
        t_k = keys.size(1)
        t_q = query.size(1)

        # FC layers to transform query and key
        processed_query = self.linear_q(query)
        processed_key = self.linear_k(keys)

        # scores: (b x t_q x t_k)
        scores = self.calc_score(processed_query, processed_key)

        if self.mask is not None:
            mask = self.mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(b, t_q, t_k)
            # I can't use -INF because of overflow check in pytorch
            scores.masked_fill_(mask, -65504.0)

        # Normalize the scores, softmax over t_k
        scores_normalized = F.softmax(scores, dim=-1)

        # Calculate the weighted average of the attention inputs according to
        # the scores
        # context: (b x t_q x n)
        context = torch.bmm(scores_normalized, keys)

        if single_query:
            context = context.squeeze(1)
            scores_normalized = scores_normalized.squeeze(1)
        elif not self.batch_first:
            context = context.transpose(0, 1)
            scores_normalized = scores_normalized.transpose(0, 1)

        return context, scores_normalized
class Loss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, args):
        super(Loss, self).__init__()
        self.CMPM = args.CMPM
        self.CMPC = args.CMPC
        self.epsilon = args.epsilon
        self.num_classes = args.num_classes
        if args.resume:
            checkpoint = torch.load(args.model_path)
            self.W = Parameter(checkpoint['W'])
            print('=========> Loading in parameter W from pretrained models')
            self.W = Parameter(torch.randn(args.feature_size, args.num_classes))

    def init_weight(self):
        nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.W.data, gain=1)

    def compute_cmpc_loss(self, image_embeddings, text_embeddings, labels):
        Cross-Modal Projection Classfication loss(CMPC)
        :param image_embeddings: Tensor with dtype torch.float32
        :param text_embeddings: Tensor with dtype torch.float32
        :param labels: Tensor with dtype torch.int32
        criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='mean')
        self.W_norm = self.W / self.W.norm(dim=0)
        #labels_onehot = one_hot_coding(labels, self.num_classes).float()
        image_norm = image_embeddings / image_embeddings.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True)
        text_norm = text_embeddings / text_embeddings.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True)

        image_proj_text = torch.sum(image_embeddings * text_norm, dim=1, keepdim=True) * text_norm
        text_proj_image = torch.sum(text_embeddings * image_norm, dim=1, keepdim=True) * image_norm

        image_logits = torch.matmul(image_proj_text, self.W_norm)
        text_logits = torch.matmul(text_proj_image, self.W_norm)
        #labels_one_hot = one_hot_coding(labels, num_classes)
        ipt_loss = criterion(input=image_logits, target=labels)
        tpi_loss = criterion(input=text_logits, target=labels)
        cmpc_loss = ipt_loss + tpi_loss
        cmpc_loss = criterion(image_logits, labels) + criterion(text_logits, labels)
        #cmpc_loss = - (F.log_softmax(image_logits, dim=1) + F.log_softmax(text_logits, dim=1)) * labels_onehot
        #cmpc_loss = torch.mean(torch.sum(cmpc_loss, dim=1))
        # classification accuracy for observation
        image_pred = torch.argmax(image_logits, dim=1)
        text_pred = torch.argmax(text_logits, dim=1)

        image_precision = torch.mean((image_pred == labels).float())
        text_precision = torch.mean((text_pred == labels).float())

        return cmpc_loss, image_precision, text_precision

    def compute_cmpm_loss(self, image_embeddings, text_embeddings, labels):
        Cross-Modal Projection Matching Loss(CMPM)
        :param image_embeddings: Tensor with dtype torch.float32
        :param text_embeddings: Tensor with dtype torch.float32
        :param labels: Tensor with dtype torch.int32
            i2t_loss: cmpm loss for image projected to text
            t2i_loss: cmpm loss for text projected to image
            pos_avg_sim: average cosine-similarity for positive pairs
            neg_avg_sim: averate cosine-similarity for negative pairs

        batch_size = image_embeddings.shape[0]
        labels_reshape = torch.reshape(labels, (batch_size, 1))
        labels_dist = labels_reshape - labels_reshape.t()
        labels_mask = (labels_dist == 0)
        image_norm = image_embeddings / image_embeddings.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True)
        text_norm = text_embeddings / text_embeddings.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True)
        image_proj_text = torch.matmul(image_embeddings, text_norm.t())
        text_proj_image = torch.matmul(text_embeddings, image_norm.t())

        # normalize the true matching distribution
        labels_mask_norm = labels_mask.float() / labels_mask.float().norm(dim=1)
        i2t_pred = F.softmax(image_proj_text, dim=1)
        #i2t_loss = i2t_pred * torch.log((i2t_pred + self.epsilon)/ (labels_mask_norm + self.epsilon))
        i2t_loss = i2t_pred * (F.log_softmax(image_proj_text, dim=1) - torch.log(labels_mask_norm + self.epsilon))
        t2i_pred = F.softmax(text_proj_image, dim=1)
        #t2i_loss = t2i_pred * torch.log((t2i_pred + self.epsilon)/ (labels_mask_norm + self.epsilon))
        t2i_loss = t2i_pred * (F.log_softmax(text_proj_image, dim=1) - torch.log(labels_mask_norm + self.epsilon))

        cmpm_loss = torch.mean(torch.sum(i2t_loss, dim=1)) + torch.mean(torch.sum(t2i_loss, dim=1))

        sim_cos = torch.matmul(image_norm, text_norm.t())

        pos_avg_sim = torch.mean(torch.masked_select(sim_cos, labels_mask))
        neg_avg_sim = torch.mean(torch.masked_select(sim_cos, labels_mask == 0))
        return cmpm_loss, pos_avg_sim, neg_avg_sim

    def forward(self, image_embeddings, text_embeddings, labels):
        cmpm_loss = 0.0
        cmpc_loss = 0.0
        image_precision = 0.0
        text_precision = 0.0
        neg_avg_sim = 0.0
        pos_avg_sim =0.0
        if self.CMPM:
            cmpm_loss, pos_avg_sim, neg_avg_sim = self.compute_cmpm_loss(image_embeddings, text_embeddings, labels)
        if self.CMPC:
            cmpc_loss, image_precision, text_precision = self.compute_cmpc_loss(image_embeddings, text_embeddings, labels)
        loss = cmpm_loss + cmpc_loss
        return cmpm_loss, cmpc_loss, loss, image_precision, text_precision, pos_avg_sim, neg_avg_sim