Exemplo n.º 1
    def pdist(self, fX):
        """Compute pdist à-la scipy.spatial.distance.pdist

        fX : (n, d) torch.Tensor

        distances : (n * (n-1) / 2,) torch.Tensor
            Condensed pairwise distance matrix

        n_sequences, _ = fX.size()
        distances = []

        for i in range(n_sequences - 1):

            if self.metric in ('cosine', 'angular'):
                d = 1. - F.cosine_similarity(
                    fX[i, :].expand(n_sequences - 1 - i, -1),
                    fX[i+1:, :], dim=1, eps=1e-8)

                if self.metric == 'angular':
                    d = torch.acos(torch.clamp(1. - d, -1 + 1e-6, 1 - 1e-6))

            elif self.metric == 'euclidean':
                d = F.pairwise_distance(
                    fX[i, :].expand(n_sequences - 1 - i, -1),
                    fX[i+1:, :], p=2, eps=1e-06).view(-1)


        return torch.cat(distances)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def forward(self, input1):
        self.batchgrid3d = torch.zeros(torch.Size([input1.size(0)]) + self.grid3d.size())

        for i in range(input1.size(0)):
            self.batchgrid3d[i] = self.grid3d

        self.batchgrid3d = Variable(self.batchgrid3d)

        x = torch.sum(torch.mul(self.batchgrid3d, input1[:,:,:,0:4]), 3)
        y = torch.sum(torch.mul(self.batchgrid3d, input1[:,:,:,4:8]), 3)
        z = torch.sum(torch.mul(self.batchgrid3d, input1[:,:,:,8:]), 3)
        r = torch.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) + 1e-5

        theta = torch.acos(z/r)/(np.pi/2)  - 1
        #phi = torch.atan(y/x)
        phi = torch.atan(y/(x + 1e-5))  + np.pi * x.lt(0).type(torch.FloatTensor) * (y.ge(0).type(torch.FloatTensor) - y.lt(0).type(torch.FloatTensor))
        phi = phi/np.pi

        output = torch.cat([theta,phi], 3)

        return output
Exemplo n.º 3
    def forward(self, depth, trans0, trans1, rotate):
        self.batchgrid3d = torch.zeros(torch.Size([depth.size(0)]) + self.grid3d.size())

        for i in range(depth.size(0)):
            self.batchgrid3d[i] = self.grid3d

        self.batchgrid3d = Variable(self.batchgrid3d)

        self.batchgrid = torch.zeros(torch.Size([depth.size(0)]) + self.grid.size())

        for i in range(depth.size(0)):
            self.batchgrid[i] = self.grid

        self.batchgrid = Variable(self.batchgrid)

        if depth.is_cuda:
            self.batchgrid = self.batchgrid.cuda()
            self.batchgrid3d = self.batchgrid3d.cuda()

        x_ = self.batchgrid3d[:,:,:,0:1] * depth + trans0.view(-1,1,1,1).repeat(1, self.height, self.width, 1)

        y_ = self.batchgrid3d[:,:,:,1:2] * depth + trans1.view(-1,1,1,1).repeat(1, self.height, self.width, 1)
        z = self.batchgrid3d[:,:,:,2:3] * depth
        #print(x.size(), y.size(), z.size())

        rotate_z = rotate.view(-1,1,1,1).repeat(1,self.height, self.width,1) * np.pi

        x = x_ * torch.cos(rotate_z) - y_ * torch.sin(rotate_z)
        y = x_ * torch.sin(rotate_z) + y_ * torch.cos(rotate_z)

        r = torch.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) + 1e-5

        theta = torch.acos(z/r)/(np.pi/2)  - 1
        #phi = torch.atan(y/x)

        if depth.is_cuda:
            phi = torch.atan(y/(x + 1e-5))  + np.pi * x.lt(0).type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) * (y.ge(0).type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) - y.lt(0).type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor))
            phi = torch.atan(y/(x + 1e-5))  + np.pi * x.lt(0).type(torch.FloatTensor) * (y.ge(0).type(torch.FloatTensor) - y.lt(0).type(torch.FloatTensor))

        phi = phi/np.pi

        output = torch.cat([theta,phi], 3)
        return output
Exemplo n.º 4
def zero_mean_covariance(covariance, stability=0.0):
    '''Output covariance of ReLU for zero-mean Gaussian input.

    f(x) = max(x, 0).

        covariance: Input covariance matrix (Size, Size).
        stability: For accurate results this should be zero
            if used in training, use a value like 1e-4 for stability.

        Output covariance of ReLU for zero-mean Gaussian input (Size, Size).
    S = outer(torch.sqrt(torch.diagonal(covariance, 0, -2, -1)))
    V = (covariance / S).clamp_(stability - 1.0, 1.0 - stability)
    Q = torch.acos(-V) * V + torch.sqrt(1.0 - (V**2.0)) - 1.0
    cov = S * Q * (1.0 / (2.0 * math.pi))
    # handle degenerate case when we have zero variance
    cov[cov != cov] = 0  # replace nans with zeros
    return cov
Exemplo n.º 5
    def forward(self, depth, trans0, trans1, rotate):
        self.batchgrid3d = torch.zeros(torch.Size([depth.size(0)]) + self.grid3d.size())

        for i in range(depth.size(0)):
            self.batchgrid3d[i] = self.grid3d

        self.batchgrid3d = Variable(self.batchgrid3d)

        self.batchgrid = torch.zeros(torch.Size([depth.size(0)]) + self.grid.size())

        for i in range(depth.size(0)):
            self.batchgrid[i] = self.grid

        self.batchgrid = Variable(self.batchgrid)

        x = self.batchgrid3d[:,:,:,0:1] * depth + trans0.view(-1,1,1,1).repeat(1, self.height, self.width, 1)

        y = self.batchgrid3d[:,:,:,1:2] * depth + trans1.view(-1,1,1,1).repeat(1, self.height, self.width, 1)
        z = self.batchgrid3d[:,:,:,2:3] * depth
        #print(x.size(), y.size(), z.size())
        r = torch.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) + 1e-5

        theta = torch.acos(z/r)/(np.pi/2)  - 1
        #phi = torch.atan(y/x)
        phi = torch.atan(y/(x + 1e-5))  + np.pi * x.lt(0).type(torch.FloatTensor) * (y.ge(0).type(torch.FloatTensor) - y.lt(0).type(torch.FloatTensor))
        phi = phi/np.pi

        #print(theta.size(), phi.size())

        input_u = rotate.view(-1,1,1,1).repeat(1,self.height, self.width,1)

        output = torch.cat([theta,phi], 3)

        output1 = torch.atan(torch.tan(np.pi/2.0*(output[:,:,:,1:2] + self.batchgrid[:,:,:,2:] * input_u[:,:,:,:])))  /(np.pi/2)
        output2 = torch.cat([output[:,:,:,0:1], output1], 3)

        return output2
Exemplo n.º 6
    def forward(self, input1, input2):
        self.batchgrid3d = torch.zeros(torch.Size([input1.size(0)]) + self.grid3d.size())

        for i in range(input1.size(0)):
            self.batchgrid3d[i] = self.grid3d

        self.batchgrid3d = Variable(self.batchgrid3d)

        self.batchgrid = torch.zeros(torch.Size([input1.size(0)]) + self.grid.size())

        for i in range(input1.size(0)):
            self.batchgrid[i] = self.grid

        self.batchgrid = Variable(self.batchgrid)


        x = torch.sum(torch.mul(self.batchgrid3d, input1[:,:,:,0:4]), 3)
        y = torch.sum(torch.mul(self.batchgrid3d, input1[:,:,:,4:8]), 3)
        z = torch.sum(torch.mul(self.batchgrid3d, input1[:,:,:,8:]), 3)
        r = torch.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) + 1e-5

        theta = torch.acos(z/r)/(np.pi/2)  - 1
        #phi = torch.atan(y/x)
        phi = torch.atan(y/(x + 1e-5))  + np.pi * x.lt(0).type(torch.FloatTensor) * (y.ge(0).type(torch.FloatTensor) - y.lt(0).type(torch.FloatTensor))
        phi = phi/np.pi

        input_u = input2.view(-1,1,1,1).repeat(1,self.height, self.width,1)

        output = torch.cat([theta,phi], 3)

        output1 = torch.atan(torch.tan(np.pi/2.0*(output[:,:,:,1:2] + self.batchgrid[:,:,:,2:] * input_u[:,:,:,:])))  /(np.pi/2)
        output2 = torch.cat([output[:,:,:,0:1], output1], 3)

        return output2
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_elliptical_mask(self, feat, img):
        """Gets the elliptical scaling mask according to the equation of a
        rotated ellipse

        :param feat: features from the backbone
        :param img: image
        :returns: elliptical adjustment maps for each channel
        :rtype: Tensor


        # The two eps parameters are used to avoid numerical issues in the learning
        eps2 = 1e-7
        eps1 = 1e-10

        # max_scale is the maximum an ellipse can scale the image R,G,B values by
        max_scale = 2
        min_scale = 0

        feat_elliptical = torch.cat((feat, img), 1)
        feat_elliptical = self.upsample(feat_elliptical)

        # The following layers calculate the parameters of the ellipses that we use for image enhancement
        x = self.elliptical_layer1(feat_elliptical)
        x = self.elliptical_layer2(x)
        x = self.elliptical_layer3(x)
        x = self.elliptical_layer4(x)
        x = self.elliptical_layer5(x)
        x = self.elliptical_layer6(x)
        x = self.elliptical_layer7(x)
        x = self.elliptical_layer8(x)
        x = x.view(x.size()[0], -1)
        x = self.dropout(x)
        G = self.fc_elliptical(x)

        # The next code implements a rotated ellipse according to:
        # https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/426150/what-is-the-general-equation-of-the-ellipse-that-is-not-in-the-origin-and-rotate

        # Normalised coordinates for x and y-axes, we instantiate the ellipses in these coordinates
        x_axis = Variable(
            torch.arange(img.shape[2]).view(-1, 1).repeat(
                1, img.shape[3]).cuda()) / img.shape[2]
        y_axis = Variable(
                                              1).cuda()) / img.shape[3]

        # x coordinate - h position
        right_x = (img.shape[2] - 1) / img.shape[2]
        left_x = 0

        # Centre of ellipse, x-coordinate
        x_coord1 = self.tanh01(G[0, 0]) + eps1
        x_coord2 = self.tanh01(G[0, 1]) + eps1
        x_coord3 = self.tanh01(G[0, 2]) + eps1

        # y coordinate - k coordinate
        right_y = (img.shape[3] - 1) // img.shape[3]
        left_y = 0

        # Centre of ellipse, y-coordinate
        y_coord1 = self.tanh01(G[0, 3]) + eps1
        y_coord2 = self.tanh01(G[0, 4]) + eps1
        y_coord3 = self.tanh01(G[0, 5]) + eps1

        # a value of ellipse
        a1 = self.tanh01(G[0, 6]) + eps1
        a2 = self.tanh01(G[0, 7]) + eps1
        a3 = self.tanh01(G[0, 8]) + eps1

        # b value
        b1 = self.tanh01(G[0, 9]) + eps1
        b2 = self.tanh01(G[0, 10]) + eps1
        b3 = self.tanh01(G[0, 11]) + eps1

        # A value is angle to the x-axis
        A1 = self.tanh01(G[0, 12]) * math.pi + eps1
        A2 = self.tanh01(G[0, 13]) * math.pi + eps1
        A3 = self.tanh01(G[0, 14]) * math.pi + eps1
        The following are the scale factors for each of the 9 ellipses
        scale1 = self.tanh01(G[0, 15]) * max_scale + eps1
        scale2 = self.tanh01(G[0, 16]) * max_scale + eps1
        scale3 = self.tanh01(G[0, 17]) * max_scale + eps1

        scale4 = self.tanh01(G[0, 18]) * max_scale + eps1
        scale5 = self.tanh01(G[0, 19]) * max_scale + eps1
        scale6 = self.tanh01(G[0, 20]) * max_scale + eps1

        scale7 = self.tanh01(G[0, 21]) * max_scale + eps1
        scale8 = self.tanh01(G[0, 22]) * max_scale + eps1
        scale9 = self.tanh01(G[0, 23]) * max_scale + eps1

        ############ Angle of orientation of the ellipses with respect to the y semi-axis
        angle_1 = torch.acos(
            torch.clamp((y_axis - y_coord1) /
                        (torch.sqrt((x_axis - x_coord1)**2 +
                                    (y_axis - y_coord1)**2 + eps1)), -1 + eps2,
                        1 - eps2)) - A1

        angle_2 = torch.acos(
            torch.clamp((y_axis - y_coord2) /
                        (torch.sqrt((x_axis - x_coord2)**2 +
                                    (y_axis - y_coord2)**2 + eps1)), -1 + eps2,
                        1 - eps2)) - A2

        angle_3 = torch.acos(
            torch.clamp((y_axis - y_coord3) /
                        (torch.sqrt((x_axis - x_coord3)**2 +
                                    (y_axis - y_coord3)**2 + eps1)), -1 + eps2,
                        1 - eps2)) - A3

        ############ Radius of the ellipses
        # https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/432902/how-to-get-the-radius-of-an-ellipse-at-a-specific-angle-by-knowing-its-semi-majo
        radius_1 = (a1 * b1) / torch.sqrt((a1**2) * (torch.sin(angle_1)**2) +
                                          (b1**2) *
                                          (torch.cos(angle_1)**2) + eps1)

        radius_2 = (a2 * b2) / torch.sqrt((a2**2) * (torch.sin(angle_2)**2) +
                                          (b2**2) *
                                          (torch.cos(angle_2)**2) + eps1)

        radius_3 = (a3 * b3) / torch.sqrt((a3**2) * (torch.sin(angle_3)**2) +
                                          (b3**2) *
                                          (torch.cos(angle_3)**2) + eps1)

        ############ Scaling factors for the R,G,B channels, here we learn three ellipses
        mask_scale1 = self.get_mask(x_axis,

        mask_scale2 = self.get_mask(x_axis,

        mask_scale3 = self.get_mask(x_axis,

        mask_scale_1 = torch.cat((mask_scale1, mask_scale2, mask_scale3),
        mask_scale_1_rad = torch.clamp(mask_scale_1.unsqueeze(0), 0, max_scale)

        ############ Scaling factors for the R,G,B channels, here we learn three ellipses
        mask_scale4 = self.get_mask(x_axis,

        mask_scale5 = self.get_mask(x_axis,

        mask_scale6 = self.get_mask(x_axis,

        mask_scale_4 = torch.cat((mask_scale4, mask_scale5, mask_scale6),
        mask_scale_4_rad = torch.clamp(mask_scale_4.unsqueeze(0), 0, max_scale)

        ############ Scaling factors for the R,G,B channels, here we learn three ellipses
        mask_scale7 = self.get_mask(x_axis,

        mask_scale8 = self.get_mask(x_axis,

        mask_scale9 = self.get_mask(x_axis,

        mask_scale_7 = torch.cat((mask_scale7, mask_scale8, mask_scale9),
        mask_scale_7_rad = torch.clamp(mask_scale_7.unsqueeze(0), 0, max_scale)

        ############ Mix the ellipses together by multiplication
        mask_scale_elliptical = torch.clamp(
            mask_scale_1_rad * mask_scale_4_rad * mask_scale_7_rad, 0,

        return mask_scale_elliptical
Exemplo n.º 8
    def forward(self, depth, trans0, trans1, rotate):
        self.batchgrid3d = torch.zeros(
            torch.Size([depth.size(0)]) + self.grid3d.size())

        for i in range(depth.size(0)):
            self.batchgrid3d[i] = self.grid3d

        self.batchgrid3d = Variable(self.batchgrid3d)

        self.batchgrid = torch.zeros(
            torch.Size([depth.size(0)]) + self.grid.size())

        for i in range(depth.size(0)):
            self.batchgrid[i] = self.grid

        self.batchgrid = Variable(self.batchgrid)

        if depth.is_cuda:
            self.batchgrid = self.batchgrid.cuda()
            self.batchgrid3d = self.batchgrid3d.cuda()

        x_ = self.batchgrid3d[:, :, :, 0:1] * depth + trans0.view(-1, 1, 1,

        y_ = self.batchgrid3d[:, :, :, 1:2] * depth + trans1.view(-1, 1, 1,
        z = self.batchgrid3d[:, :, :, 2:3] * depth
        # print(x.size(), y.size(), z.size())

        rotate_z = rotate.view(-1, 1, 1, 1).repeat(1, self.height, self.width,
                                                   1) * np.pi

        x = x_ * torch.cos(rotate_z) - y_ * torch.sin(rotate_z)
        y = x_ * torch.sin(rotate_z) + y_ * torch.cos(rotate_z)

        r = torch.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2) + 1e-5

        # print(r)
        theta = torch.acos(z / r) / (np.pi / 2) - 1
        # phi = torch.atan(y/x)

        if depth.is_cuda:
            phi = torch.atan(y / (x + 1e-5)) + np.pi * x.lt(0).type(
                torch.cuda.FloatTensor) * (
                          y.ge(0).type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) - y.lt(0).type(
            phi = torch.atan(y / (x + 1e-5)) + np.pi * x.lt(0).type(
                torch.FloatTensor) * (
                          y.ge(0).type(torch.FloatTensor) - y.lt(0).type(

        phi = phi / np.pi

        output = torch.cat([theta, phi], 3)
        return output
def train(pklfile, trainedh5):

    # input dataset from h5, then divide it into train dataset and test dataset(10:1)

    x = torch.unsqueeze(torch.linspace(-1, 1, 10000),
                        dim=1).double()  # x data (tensor), shape=(100, 1)
    y = torch.acos(x * 0.02) + x.pow(5) - x.pow(4) * 2 - x.pow(3) * 2 + x.pow(
        2) + 0.002 * torch.rand(
            x.size()).double()  # noisy y data (tensor), shape=(100, 1)
    x_1 = torch.unsqueeze(torch.linspace(-1, 1, 300),
                          dim=1).double()  # x data (tensor), shape=(100, 1)
    y_1 = torch.acos(x_1 * 0.02) + x_1.pow(
        5) - x_1.pow(4) * 2 - x_1.pow(3) * 2 + x_1.pow(2) + 0.002 * torch.rand(
            x_1.size()).double()  # noisy y data (tensor), shape=(100, 1)
    #        y = x.pow(3)                  # noisy y data (tensor), shape=(100, 1)

    torch_dataset = Data.TensorDataset(x, y)
    torch_dataset_1 = Data.TensorDataset(x_1, y_1)
    concat_dataset = Data.ConcatDataset((torch_dataset, torch_dataset_1))
    loader = Data.DataLoader(

    x_v = torch.unsqueeze(torch.linspace(
        -1, 1, 100), dim=1).double()  # x test data (tensor), shape=(100, 1)
    y_v = torch.acos(x_v * 0.02) + x_v.pow(
        5) - x_v.pow(4) * 2 - x_v.pow(3) * 2 + x_v.pow(2) + 0.002 * torch.rand(
            x_v.size()).double()  # noisy y test data (tensor), shape=(100, 1)
    y_cacu = torch.acos(
        x_v * 0.02) + x_v.pow(5) - x_v.pow(4) * 2 - x_v.pow(3) * 2 + x_v.pow(
            2)  # noisy y test data (tensor), shape=(100, 1)
    #        y_v = x_v.pow(3)                  # noisy y test data (tensor), shape=(100, 1)

    net = Net(n_feature=1, n_output=1)
    net = net.double()
    logdir = './NN_logs_' + h5key
    if os.path.isdir(logdir):
    logger = Logger(logdir)

    res = net(x_v)
    writer = SummaryWriter(logdir)
    writer.add_graph(net, res)

    #        optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=LR, weight_decay=0.1)
    #        optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=LR)
    #        optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=LR, weight_decay=0.0001)
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=LR)
    #        optimizer = torch.optim.Adagrad(net.parameters(), lr=LR, lr_decay=0.001)
    loss_func = nn.MSELoss()

    plt.figure(figsize=(13, 3.5))
    loss_list = []
    loss_list_test = []
    #par_np = net.parameters()

    Step = 0
    lri = LR
    for epoch in range(EPOCH):
        print('Epoch: ', epoch)
        for step, (b_x, b_y) in enumerate(loader):
            print('Step: ', step)

            prediction = net(b_x)
            loss = loss_func(prediction, b_y)

            Step += 1
            if (Step + 1) % 5 == 0:
                lri = lri / (1 + 0.001)
                print("lri:  ", lri)
                for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
                    param_group['lr'] = lri
                pre_y_v = net(x_v)
                loss_test = loss_func(pre_y_v, y_v)
                loss_best = loss_func(y_cacu, y_v)
                plt.scatter(b_x.data.numpy(), b_y.data.numpy())
                         'Loss=%.6f' % loss.data.numpy(),
                             'size': 10,
                             'color': 'red'
                plt.scatter(x_v.data.numpy(), y_v.data.numpy())
                plt.plot(x_v.data.numpy(), pre_y_v.data.numpy(), 'r-', lw=2)
                         'Loss    =%.6f' % loss_test.data.numpy(),
                             'size': 10,
                             'color': 'red'
                         'Loss_b=%.6f' % loss_best.data.numpy(),
                             'size': 10,
                             'color': 'red'
                plt.plot(loss_list, 'b-', lw=1, label='train')
                plt.plot(loss_list_test, 'r-', lw=1, label='test')

                # ================================================================== #
                #                        Tensorboard Logging                         #
                # ================================================================== #

                # 1. Log scalar values (scalar summary)
                info = {'loss': loss.item()}

                for tag, value in info.items():
                    print(tag, value)
                    logger.scalar_summary(tag, value, Step + 1)

                # 2. Log values and gradients of the parameters (histogram summary)
                for tag, value in net.named_parameters():
                    tag = tag.replace('.', '/')
                                         value.data.cpu().numpy(), Step + 1)
                    logger.histo_summary(tag + '/grad',
                                         Step + 1)

                # 3. Log training images (image summary)
                info = {'images': x.view(-1, 5, 5)[:10].cpu().numpy()}

                for tag, images in info.items():
                    logger.image_summary(tag, images, Step + 1)

    def _get_auxiliary_parameter(self, p, rot_mat, gc):
        p0_2 = torch.tensor([0., 0., self.d_bs]).double()
        p6_7 = torch.tensor([0., 0., self.d_wf]).double()
        R0_7 = rot_mat

        self.gc = np.array([gc[0], gc[0], gc[0], gc[1], gc[2], gc[2], gc[2]])

        # get q4 and p2_6 Shoulder-Elbow-Wrist (SEW) Plane
        p2_6 = p - p0_2 - rot_mat @ p6_7
        cosq4_v = (torch.norm(p2_6, dim=0)**2 - self.d_se**2 -
                   self.d_ew**2) / (2 * self.d_se * self.d_ew)
        if abs(cosq4_v) > 1 + 1e-9:
            self.q4_v = None
            self.a = torch.zeros((7, 2))
            self.b = torch.zeros((7, 2))
            self.c = torch.zeros((7, 2))
            return False
            cosq4_v = torch.clamp(cosq4_v, -1., 1.)
            self.q4_v = gc[1] * torch.acos(cosq4_v)
        p2_6_norm = torch.norm(p2_6)

        q1_v = torch.atan2(p2_6[1], p2_6[0])
        phi = torch.acos((self.d_se**2 + p2_6_norm**2 - self.d_ew**2) /
                         (2 * self.d_se * p2_6_norm))
        q2_v = torch.atan2(torch.sqrt(p2_6[0]**2 + p2_6[1]**2),
                           p2_6[2]) + gc[1] * phi
        q3_v = torch.tensor(0.0)
        T_0_3_v = self._transform_i(0, q1_v) @ self._transform_i(
            1, q2_v) @ self._transform_i(2, q3_v)
        R_0_3_v = T_0_3_v[:3, :3]

        # cross product matrixq_true
        p2_6_hat = p2_6 / p2_6_norm
        cpm = torch.tensor([[0., -p2_6_hat[2], p2_6_hat[1]],
                            [p2_6_hat[2], 0., -p2_6_hat[0]],
                            [-p2_6_hat[1], p2_6_hat[0], 0.]])
        A_s = cpm @ R_0_3_v
        B_s = -(cpm @ cpm) @ R_0_3_v
        C_s = torch.ger(p2_6_hat, p2_6_hat) @ R_0_3_v

        T_3_4 = self._transform_i(3, self.q4_v)
        R_3_4 = T_3_4[:3, :3]

        A_w = R_3_4.T @ A_s.T @ R0_7
        B_w = R_3_4.T @ B_s.T @ R0_7
        C_w = R_3_4.T @ C_s.T @ R0_7

        # x[3, :]=0 For joint 4 is zero
        # x[1 5, 1]=0 a_d, b_d, c_d =0
        self.a = torch.zeros((7, 2))
        self.b = torch.zeros((7, 2))
        self.c = torch.zeros((7, 2))

        self.a[0, 0] = A_s[1, 1]
        self.b[0, 0] = B_s[1, 1]
        self.c[0, 0] = C_s[1, 1]
        self.a[0, 1] = A_s[0, 1]
        self.b[0, 1] = B_s[0, 1]
        self.c[0, 1] = C_s[0, 1]

        self.a[1, 0] = A_s[2, 1]
        self.b[1, 0] = B_s[2, 1]
        self.c[1, 0] = C_s[2, 1]

        self.a[2, 0] = -A_s[2, 2]
        self.b[2, 0] = -B_s[2, 2]
        self.c[2, 0] = -C_s[2, 2]
        self.a[2, 1] = -A_s[2, 0]
        self.b[2, 1] = -B_s[2, 0]
        self.c[2, 1] = -C_s[2, 0]

        self.a[4, 0] = A_w[1, 2]
        self.a[4, 1] = A_w[0, 2]
        self.b[4, 0] = B_w[1, 2]
        self.b[4, 1] = B_w[0, 2]
        self.c[4, 0] = C_w[1, 2]
        self.c[4, 1] = C_w[0, 2]

        self.a[5, 0] = A_w[2, 2]
        self.b[5, 0] = B_w[2, 2]
        self.c[5, 0] = C_w[2, 2]

        self.a[6, 0] = A_w[2, 1]
        self.a[6, 1] = -A_w[2, 0]
        self.b[6, 0] = B_w[2, 1]
        self.b[6, 1] = -B_w[2, 0]
        self.c[6, 0] = C_w[2, 1]
        self.c[6, 1] = -C_w[2, 0]
        return True
Exemplo n.º 11
def compute_loss(pred, target, outputs, output_pred_ind, output_target_ind, output_loss_weight, normal_loss_type, arch,
                 patch_rot=None, phase='train',
                 use_consistency=False, point_weights=None, neighbor_normals=None, opt=None, trans=None, trans2=None):

    loss = torch.zeros(1, device=pred.device, dtype=pred.dtype)
    n_loss = torch.zeros(1, device=pred.device, dtype=pred.dtype)
    consistency_loss = torch.zeros(1, device=pred.device, dtype=pred.dtype)

    # # generate a inv normal distribution for weight kl div
    # add pointnet transformation regularization
    regularizer_trans = 0
    if trans is not None:
        regularizer_trans += 0.1 * torch.nn.MSELoss()(trans * trans.permute(0, 2, 1),
                                                torch.eye(3, device=trans.device).unsqueeze(0).repeat(
                                                    trans.size(0), 1, 1))
    if trans2 is not None:
        regularizer_trans += 0.01 * torch.nn.MSELoss()(trans2 * trans2.permute(0, 2, 1),
                                                 torch.eye(64, device=trans.device).unsqueeze(0).repeat(
                                                     trans.size(0), 1, 1))

    for oi, o in enumerate(outputs):
        if o == 'unoriented_normals' or o == 'oriented_normals':
            o_pred = pred[:, output_pred_ind[oi]:output_pred_ind[oi]+3]
            o_target = target[output_target_ind[oi]]
            if patch_rot is not None:
                # transform predictions with inverse transform
                # since we know the transform to be a rotation (QSTN), the transpose is the inverse
                o_pred = torch.bmm(o_pred.unsqueeze(1), patch_rot.transpose(2, 1)).squeeze(1)

            if o == 'unoriented_normals':
                if normal_loss_type == 'ms_euclidean':
                    normal_loss = torch.min((o_pred-o_target).pow(2).sum(1), (o_pred+o_target).pow(2).sum(1)).mean() * output_loss_weight[oi]
                elif normal_loss_type == 'ms_oneminuscos':
                    cos_ang = normal_estimation_utils.cos_angle(o_pred, o_target)
                    normal_loss = (1-torch.abs(cos_ang)).pow(2).mean() * output_loss_weight[oi]
                elif normal_loss_type == 'sin':
                    normal_loss = 0.5 * torch.norm(torch.cross(o_pred, o_target, dim=-1), p=2, dim=1).mean()
                    raise ValueError('Unsupported loss type: %s' % (normal_loss_type))
                loss = normal_loss
                # get angle value at test time (not in training to save runtime)
                if phase == 'test':
                    if not normal_loss_type == 'ms_oneminuscos':
                        cos_ang = torch.abs(normal_estimation_utils.cos_angle(o_pred, o_target))
                        cos_ang[cos_ang>1] = 1
                    angle = torch.acos(cos_ang)
                    err_angle = torch.mean(angle)
                    err_angle = None
                raise ValueError('Unsupported output type: %s' % (o))

        elif o == 'max_curvature' or o == 'min_curvature':
            o_pred = pred[:, output_pred_ind[oi]:output_pred_ind[oi]+1]
            o_target = target[output_target_ind[oi]]

            # Rectified mse loss: mean square of (pred - gt) / max(1, |gt|)
            normalized_diff = (o_pred - o_target) / torch.clamp(torch.abs(o_target), min=1)
            loss += normalized_diff.pow(2).mean() * output_loss_weight[oi]

        elif o == 'neighbor_normals':
            if use_consistency:
                o_pred = neighbor_normals
                o_target = target[output_target_ind[oi]]

                batch_size, n_points, _ = neighbor_normals.shape
                if patch_rot is not None:
                    # transform predictions with inverse transform
                    o_pred = torch.bmm(o_pred.view(-1, 1, 3),
                                       patch_rot.transpose(2, 1).repeat(1, n_points, 1, 1).view(-1, 3, 3)).view(batch_size, n_points, 3)
                # if opt.jet_order < 2: # when the jet has order higher than 2 the normal vector orientation matters.
                if normal_loss_type == 'ms_euclidean':
                    consistency_loss = torch.mean(point_weights * torch.min((o_pred - o_target).pow(2).sum(2),
                                                                            (o_pred + o_target).pow(2).sum(2)) )
                elif normal_loss_type == 'ms_oneminuscos':
                    cos_ang = normal_estimation_utils.cos_angle(o_pred.view(-1, 3),
                                                                o_target.view(-1, 3)).view(batch_size, n_points)
                    consistency_loss = torch.mean(point_weights * (1 - torch.abs(cos_ang)).pow(2))
                elif normal_loss_type == 'sin':
                    consistency_loss = 0.25 * torch.mean(point_weights *
                                                  torch.norm(torch.cross(o_pred.view(-1, 3),
                                                                         o_target.view(-1, 3), dim=-1).view(batch_size, -1, 3), p=2, dim=2))
                    raise ValueError('Unsupported loss type: %s' % (normal_loss_type))

                if opt.con_reg == 'mean':
                    regularizer = - 0.01 * torch.mean(point_weights)
                elif opt.con_reg == "log":
                    regularizer = - 0.05 * torch.mean(point_weights.log())
                elif opt.con_reg == 'norm':
                    regularizer = torch.mean((1/n_points)*torch.norm(point_weights-1, dim=1))
                    raise ValueError("Unkonwn consistency regularizer")
                regularizer = regularizer_trans + regularizer
                consistency_loss = consistency_loss + regularizer

                loss = consistency_loss + normal_loss
            raise ValueError('Unsupported output type: %s' % (o))

    return loss, n_loss, err_angle, consistency_loss, normal_loss
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_acos(x, y):
     c = torch.acos(torch.add(x, y))
     return c
Exemplo n.º 13
def compute_angle_error(preds, labels):
    pred_x, pred_y, pred_z = convert_to_unit_vector(preds)
    label_x, label_y, label_z = convert_to_unit_vector(labels)
    angles = pred_x * label_x + pred_y * label_y + pred_z * label_z
    return torch.acos(angles) * 180 / np.pi
Exemplo n.º 14
def tensorAngularAllDiffs(label_qs, verts):
    return 2 * torch.acos(
            torch.transpose(torch.mm(verts, torch.transpose(label_qs, 0, 1)),
                            0, 1)).clamp(max=1 - eps))
Exemplo n.º 15
def tensorSignedAngularDiff(q1, q2):
    return 2 * torch.acos(torch.mm(q1, q2.t()).clamp(min=eps - 1, max=1 - eps))
    def forward(self, inputs,targets=None,batch=None,total_batch=None,):
        cosine      = inputs[0]
        soft_cosine = inputs[1]

        # --------------------------- convert label to one-hot ---------------------------
        one_hot = torch.zeros_like(cosine).detach()
        one_hot.scatter_(1, targets.view(-1, 1).long(), 1)

        Tempture = 0.1
        Theta_soft_cosine = torch.acos(soft_cosine).detach()

        postive_Theta_soft_cosine = (torch.clamp(math.pi/2 - Theta_soft_cosine,min=0)*Tempture).detach()
        # Theta_soft_cosine = (Theta_soft_cosine*Tempture).detach()

        Theta_cosine = torch.acos(cosine)
        Theta_cosine = one_hot * (Theta_cosine )  +   \
                        (1.0 - one_hot) * (Theta_cosine+postive_Theta_soft_cosine)
        cosine       = torch.cos(Theta_cosine)

        # cosine = (one_hot * cosine) + (
        #         (1.0 - one_hot) * phi_cosine)

        ###=========== warmup =========####
        if batch < self.warm_batch:
            return cosine * self.s

        ####======= add Margin ========####
        phi_sine = torch.sqrt(1.0 - torch.pow(cosine, 2))
        phi = cosine * self.cos_m - phi_sine * self.sin_m

        if self.easy_margin:
            phi = torch.where(cosine > 0, phi, cosine)
            # phi = torch.where(cosine > self.th, phi, cosine - self.mm)
            with torch.no_grad():
                soft_cosine_norm = (soft_cosine-1)*0.5
                th = self.th + soft_cosine_norm
                mm = soft_cosine_norm + self.mm
            phi = torch.where(cosine > th, phi, cosine - mm )

        if self.adacos and batch != 0:
            theta = torch.acos(torch.clamp(cosine, -1.0 + 1e-7, 1.0 - 1e-7))
            with torch.no_grad():
                # B_avg = torch.where(one_hot < 1, torch.exp(self.s * cosine), torch.zeros_like(cosine))
                B_avg_ = cosine[one_hot != 1]
                B_avg = torch.sum(torch.exp(self.s * B_avg_)) / input.size(0)
                theta_med = torch.median(theta[one_hot == 1])
                theta_sum = torch.sum(theta[one_hot != 1])
            self.s = torch.log(B_avg) / torch.cos(torch.min(math.pi / 4 * torch.ones_like(theta_med), theta_med))
            if self.s > 32:
                self.s = 32
            # s = self.s * self.decay_rate ** (batch / self.decay_steps)
            print("=" * 60)
            print("s={} theta_med={} theta_sum={} B_avg={}".format(self.s, theta_med, theta_sum, B_avg))
            print("=" * 60)
        # -------------torch.where(out_i = {x_i if condition_i else y_i) -------------
        output = (one_hot * phi) + (
                (1.0 - one_hot) * cosine)
        output *= self.s
        return output
Exemplo n.º 17
    def get_elliptical_mask(self, feat, img):
        """Gets the elliptical scaling mask according to the equation of a
        rotated ellipse

        :param feat: features from the backbone
        :param img: image
        :returns: elliptical adjustment maps for each channel
        :rtype: Tensor

        eps = 1e-10
        max_scale = 2
        min_scale = 0

        feat_elliptical = torch.cat((feat, img), 1)
        feat_elliptical = self.upsample(feat_elliptical)

        x = self.elliptical_layer1(feat_elliptical)
        x = self.elliptical_layer2(x)
        x = self.elliptical_layer3(x)
        x = self.elliptical_layer4(x)
        x = self.elliptical_layer5(x)
        x = self.elliptical_layer6(x)
        x = self.elliptical_layer7(x)
        x = self.elliptical_layer8(x)
        x = x.view(x.size()[0], -1)
        x = self.dropout(x)
        G = self.fc_elliptical(x)

        x_axis = Variable(
            torch.arange(img.shape[2]).view(-1, 1).repeat(
                1, img.shape[3]).cuda()) / img.shape[2]
        y_axis = Variable(
                                              1).cuda()) / img.shape[3]

        # x coordinate - h position
        right_x = (img.shape[2] - 1) / img.shape[2]
        left_x = 0

        G[0, 0] = self.tanh01(G[0, 0]) + eps
        G[0, 8] = self.tanh01(G[0, 8]) + eps
        G[0, 16] = self.tanh01(G[0, 16]) + eps

        # y coordinate - k coordinate
        right_y = (img.shape[3] - 1) // img.shape[3]
        left_y = 0

        G[0, 1] = self.tanh01(G[0, 1]) + eps
        G[0, 9] = self.tanh01(G[0, 9]) + eps
        G[0, 17] = self.tanh01(G[0, 17]) + eps

        # a value
        G[0, 2] = self.tanh01(G[0, 2]) + eps
        G[0, 10] = self.tanh01(G[0, 10]) + eps
        G[0, 18] = self.tanh01(G[0, 18]) + eps

        # b value
        G[0, 3] = self.tanh01(G[0, 3]) + eps  # * (right_x - left_x) + left_x
        G[0, 11] = self.tanh01(G[0, 11]) + eps
        G[0, 19] = self.tanh01(G[0, 19]) + eps

        # A value
        G[0, 4] = self.tanh01(G[0, 4]) * math.pi + eps
        G[0, 12] = self.tanh01(G[0, 12]) * math.pi + eps
        G[0, 20] = self.tanh01(G[0, 20]) * math.pi + eps
        The following are the scale factors for each ellipse
        G[0, 5] = self.tanh01(G[0, 5]) * max_scale + eps
        G[0, 6] = self.tanh01(G[0, 6]) * max_scale + eps
        G[0, 7] = self.tanh01(G[0, 7]) * max_scale + eps

        G[0, 13] = self.tanh01(G[0, 13]) * max_scale + eps
        G[0, 14] = self.tanh01(G[0, 14]) * max_scale + eps
        G[0, 15] = self.tanh01(G[0, 15]) * max_scale + eps

        G[0, 21] = self.tanh01(G[0, 21]) * max_scale + eps
        G[0, 22] = self.tanh01(G[0, 22]) * max_scale + eps
        G[0, 23] = self.tanh01(G[0, 23]) * max_scale + eps

        angle_1 = torch.acos(
            torch.clamp((y_axis - G[0, 1]) /
                        (torch.sqrt((x_axis - G[0, 0])**2 +
                                    (y_axis - G[0, 1])**2 + eps) + eps),
                        -1 + 1e-7, 1 - 1e-7)) - G[0, 4]
        angle_2 = torch.acos(
            torch.clamp((y_axis - G[0, 9]) /
                        (torch.sqrt((x_axis - G[0, 8])**2 +
                                    (y_axis - G[0, 9])**2 + eps) + eps),
                        -1 + 1e-7, 1 - 1e-7)) - G[0, 12]
        angle_3 = torch.acos(
            torch.clamp((y_axis - G[0, 17]) /
                        (torch.sqrt((x_axis - G[0, 16])**2 +
                                    (y_axis - G[0, 17])**2 + eps) + eps),
                        -1 + 1e-7, 1 - 1e-7)) - G[0, 20]

        radius_1 = ((G[0, 2] * G[0, 3]) /
                    (torch.sqrt((G[0, 2]**2) * (torch.sin(angle_1)**2) +
                                (G[0, 3]**2) *
                                (torch.cos(angle_1)**2) + eps) + eps)) + eps
        radius_2 = ((G[0, 10] * G[0, 11]) /
                    (torch.sqrt((G[0, 10]**2) * (torch.sin(angle_2)**2) +
                                (G[0, 11]**2) *
                                (torch.cos(angle_2)**2) + eps) + eps)) + eps
        radius_3 = ((G[0, 18] * G[0, 19]) /
                    (torch.sqrt((G[0, 18]**2) * (torch.sin(angle_3)**2) +
                                (G[0, 19]**2) *
                                (torch.cos(angle_3)**2) + eps) + eps)) + eps

        mask_scale1 = self.get_mask(x_axis,
                                    shift_x=G[0, 0],
                                    shift_y=G[0, 1],
                                    semi_axis_x=G[0, 2],
                                    semi_axis_y=G[0, 3],
                                    alpha=G[0, 4],
                                    scale_factor=G[0, 5],

        mask_scale2 = self.get_mask(x_axis,
                                    shift_x=G[0, 0],
                                    shift_y=G[0, 1],
                                    semi_axis_x=G[0, 2],
                                    semi_axis_y=G[0, 3],
                                    alpha=G[0, 4],
                                    scale_factor=G[0, 6],

        mask_scale3 = self.get_mask(x_axis,
                                    shift_x=G[0, 0],
                                    shift_y=G[0, 1],
                                    semi_axis_x=G[0, 2],
                                    semi_axis_y=G[0, 3],
                                    alpha=G[0, 4],
                                    scale_factor=G[0, 7],

        mask_scale_1 = torch.cat((mask_scale1, mask_scale2, mask_scale3),
        mask_scale_1_rad = torch.clamp(mask_scale_1.unsqueeze(0), 0, max_scale)


        mask_scale4 = self.get_mask(x_axis,
                                    shift_x=G[0, 8],
                                    shift_y=G[0, 9],
                                    semi_axis_x=G[0, 10],
                                    semi_axis_y=G[0, 11],
                                    alpha=G[0, 12],
                                    scale_factor=G[0, 13],

        mask_scale5 = self.get_mask(x_axis,
                                    shift_x=G[0, 8],
                                    shift_y=G[0, 9],
                                    semi_axis_x=G[0, 10],
                                    semi_axis_y=G[0, 11],
                                    alpha=G[0, 12],
                                    scale_factor=G[0, 14],

        mask_scale6 = self.get_mask(x_axis,
                                    shift_x=G[0, 8],
                                    shift_y=G[0, 9],
                                    semi_axis_x=G[0, 10],
                                    semi_axis_y=G[0, 11],
                                    alpha=G[0, 12],
                                    scale_factor=G[0, 15],

        mask_scale_4 = torch.cat((mask_scale4, mask_scale5, mask_scale6),
        mask_scale_4_rad = torch.clamp(mask_scale_4.unsqueeze(0), 0, max_scale)


        mask_scale7 = self.get_mask(x_axis,
                                    shift_x=G[0, 16],
                                    shift_y=G[0, 17],
                                    semi_axis_x=G[0, 18],
                                    semi_axis_y=G[0, 19],
                                    alpha=G[0, 20],
                                    scale_factor=G[0, 21],

        mask_scale8 = self.get_mask(x_axis,
                                    shift_x=G[0, 16],
                                    shift_y=G[0, 17],
                                    semi_axis_x=G[0, 18],
                                    semi_axis_y=G[0, 19],
                                    alpha=G[0, 20],
                                    scale_factor=G[0, 22],

        mask_scale9 = self.get_mask(x_axis,
                                    shift_x=G[0, 16],
                                    shift_y=G[0, 17],
                                    semi_axis_x=G[0, 18],
                                    semi_axis_y=G[0, 19],
                                    alpha=G[0, 20],
                                    scale_factor=G[0, 23],

        mask_scale_7 = torch.cat((mask_scale7, mask_scale8, mask_scale9),
        mask_scale_7_rad = torch.clamp(mask_scale_7.unsqueeze(0), 0, max_scale)

        mask_scale_elliptical = torch.clamp(
            mask_scale_1_rad * mask_scale_4_rad * mask_scale_7_rad, 0,

        return mask_scale_elliptical
Exemplo n.º 18
def get_eig_adjacency(adj,
    Computes an adjacency matrix from the gradient of the eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian,
    with the graph being described by the adjacency matrix ``adj``. 
    The gradient is a function on the edges, computed from these node features.
    For 2 nodes ``n_i, n_j`` with node features ``f_i, f_j`` and an edge weight of ``w_ij``,
    the gradient on edge ``e_ij`` is given by ``e_ij = w_ij * (f_j - f_i)``.
    If ``X`` is a function of the nodes, then ``matmul(grad_adj, X)`` behaves as the derivative of
    ``X`` in the direction of the gradient of ``features``.
        adj: tensor(..., N, N)
            Batches of adjacency matrices of graphs. It is used to compute the Laplacian matrix,
            and the eigenvectors of the Laplacian.
        eig_idx: int, iterator(int)
            Indexes of the eigenvectors to compute, sorted by smallest eigenvalues. 
            The current function is efficient for low indexes.
            e.g. ``eig_idx=[1, 2, 4]`` will compute the eigenvectors ``[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]``, but will
            then ignore the eigenvectors 0 and 3.
            If ``0`` is in the ``eig_idx``, then the normalized adjacency matrix is returned for
            that specific index, no matter the normalization chosen.
        normalization: str, Optional
            Normalization strategy for the ``grad_adj`` matrix. It does not apply to eig_idx==0.
            - 'none': No normalization is applied
            - 'row-abs': Normalize such that the absolute sum of each row of ``grad_adj`` is 1.
              All values below the global variable ``EPS=1e-5`` will be set to 0. 
            - 'in-out-field': Normalize such that the the norm of the input and output field
              are 1. The input field is the negative values in the ``grad_adj``, while the
              output field is the positive values. The norm is computed as the root of the squared sum.
              All values below the global variable ``EPS=1e-5`` will be set to 0. 
              For example, if there are no positive values above EPS for a specific node, then
              the output field of that specific node will be set to 0.
        add_diag: bool, Optional
            Whether to add a diagonal element such as each row of ``grad_adj`` sums to 0.
            The diagonal is added after the normalization. It does not apply to eig_idx==0.
            - If True, ``matmul(grad_adj, X)`` will behave like a forward/backward derivative
              at the local minima/maxima from the features function.
            - If False, ``matmul(grad_adj, X)`` will behave similarily to a center derivative
              with a zero-padding added before the local minima/maxima
        absolute_adj: bool, Optional
            Return the absolute value of ``grad_adj``. 
            ``matmul(grad_adj, X)`` becomes a directional smoothing instead of a directional
        normalize_L: bool, Optional
            Whether to normalize the Laplacian matrix
            If `False`, then `L = D - A`
            If `True`, then `L = D^-1 (D - A)`
        eig_acos: bool, Optional
            Whether to compute the arcosine of the eigenvectors instead of the eigenvector.
            This will sort-of `linearize` the eigenvector. If ``normalize=='in-out-field'``,
            this parameter shouldn't change anything, appart from numerical error. For other
            normalization, it will have an important impact, especially near the borders
            of the graph.
        eig_adj: dict(tensor(..., N, N))
            Dictionary of Batches of adjacency matrices representing the gradient of
            the eigenvectors on the graph. Each key corresponds to a specific ``eig_idx``,
            and the value corresponds to the associated batch of eigen-adjacencies.

    # Convert the eig_idx into a list
        eig_idx = list(eig_idx)
        eig_idx = [eig_idx]

    # Generate an adjacency matrix for each eigenvectors from `eig_idx`
    eigvec = get_k_lowest_eig(adj, max(eig_idx) + 1, normalize_L=normalize_L)
    eig_adj = {}
    for ii in eig_idx:
        if ii != 0:
            this_eigvec = eigvec[..., ii]
            if eig_acos:
                this_eigvec = torch.acos(this_eigvec /
            w_adj = get_adjacency_from_gradient_of_features(
            eig_adj[ii] = w_adj

            eig_adj[ii] = adj / (torch.sum(adj.abs(), dim=-1, keepdims=True) +

    return eig_adj
Exemplo n.º 19
def acos(*, input):
    return torch.acos(**locals())
def nn_batch_angular_distance(a, b):
    sim = F.cosine_similarity(a, b, dim=-1, eps=1e-6)
    sim = F.hardtanh(sim, 1e-6, 1.0 - 1e-6)
    return torch.mean(torch.acos(sim) * (180 / np.pi), dim=1)
Exemplo n.º 21
def so3_log(R):
    #input: R 64x3x3
    #output: log(R) 64x3

    batch_size = R.size(0)

    # The rotation axis (not unit-length) is given by
    axes = R.new(batch_size, 3).zero_()

    axes[:,0] = R[:, 2, 1] - R[:, 1, 2]
    axes[:,1] = R[:, 0, 2] - R[:, 2, 0]
    axes[:,2] = R[:, 1, 0] - R[:, 0, 1]

    # The sine of the rotation angle is half the norm of the axis
    # This does not work well??
    #sin_angles = 0.5 * vec_norms(axes)
    #angles = torch.atan2(sin_angles, cos_angles)

    # The cosine of the rotation angle is related to the trace of C

    #NOTE: clamp ensures that we don't get any nan's due to out of range numerical errors
    angles = torch.acos((0.5 * batch_trace(R) - 0.5).clamp(-1+EPS,1-EPS))
    sin_angles = torch.sin(angles)

    # If angle is close to zero, use first-order Taylor expansion
    small_angles_mask = angles.lt(EPS).view(-1)
    small_angles_num = small_angles_mask.sum()

    #This tensor is used to extract the 3x3 R's that correspond to small angles
    small_angles_indices = small_angles_mask.nonzero().squeeze()

    #print('small angles: {}/{}.'.format(small_angles_num, batch_size))

    if small_angles_num == 0:
        #Regular log
        ax_sin = axes / sin_angles.expand_as(axes)
        logs = 0.5 * angles.expand_as(ax_sin) * ax_sin

    elif small_angles_num == batch_size:
        #Small angle Log
        I = R.new(3, 3).zero_()
        I[0,0] = I[1,1] = I[2,2] = 1.0
        I = I.expand(batch_size, 3,3) #I is now batch_sizex3x3
        logs = so3_vee(R - I)
        #Some combination of both
        I = R.new(3, 3).zero_()
        I[0,0] = I[1,1] = I[2,2] = 1.0
        I = I.expand(small_angles_num, 3,3) #I is now small_angles_numx3x3

        ax_sin = (axes / sin_angles.expand_as(axes))
        logs = 0.5 * angles.expand_as(ax_sin) * ax_sin

        small_logs = so3_vee(R[small_angles_indices] - I)
        logs[small_angles_indices] = small_logs

    return logs
Exemplo n.º 22
def tensorAngularDiff(q1, q2):
    return 2 * torch.acos(torch.abs((q1 * q2).sum(1)).clamp(max=1 - eps))
Exemplo n.º 23
def main():
    class_id = 0
    class_file = open('datasets/ycb/dataset_config/classes.txt')
    cld = {}
    while 1:
        class_input = class_file.readline()
        if not class_input:

        input_file = open('{0}/models/{1}/points.xyz'.format(
            opt.dataset_root, class_input[:-1]))
        cld[class_id] = []
        while 1:
            input_line = input_file.readline()
            if not input_line:
            input_line = input_line[:-1].split(' ')
        cld[class_id] = np.array(cld[class_id])

        class_id += 1

    opt.manualSeed = random.randint(1, 10000)
    symmetry_obj_idx = [12, 15, 18, 19, 20]

    if opt.dataset == 'ycb':
        opt.num_objects = 21  # number of object classes in the dataset
        opt.num_points = 1000  # number of points on the input pointcloud
        opt.outf = 'trained_models/ycb/' + opt.output_dir  # folder to save trained models
        opt.test_output = 'experiments/output/ycb/' + opt.output_dir
        if not os.path.exists(opt.test_output):
            os.makedirs(opt.test_output, exist_ok=True)

        opt.repeat_epoch = 1  # number of repeat times for one epoch training
    elif opt.dataset == 'linemod':
        opt.num_objects = 13
        opt.num_points = 500
        opt.outf = 'trained_models/linemod'
        opt.log_dir = 'experiments/logs/linemod'
        opt.repeat_epoch = 20
        print('Unknown dataset')

    estimator = PoseNet(num_points=opt.num_points,

    if opt.resume_posenet != '':
            torch.load('{0}/{1}'.format(opt.outf, opt.resume_posenet)))

        opt.refine_start = False
        opt.decay_start = False

    dataset = PoseDataset_ycb('train', opt.num_points, False, opt.dataset_root,
                              opt.noise_trans, opt.seg_type, True)
    test_dataset = PoseDataset_ycb('test', opt.num_points, False,
                                   opt.dataset_root, 0.0, opt.seg_type, True)

    testdataloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(test_dataset,

    opt.sym_list = dataset.get_sym_list()
    opt.num_points_mesh = dataset.get_num_points_mesh()

        '>>>>>>>>----------Dataset loaded!---------<<<<<<<<\nlength of the training set: {0}\nlength of the testing set: {1}\nnumber of sample points on mesh: {2}\nsymmetry object list: {3}'
        .format(len(dataset), len(test_dataset), opt.num_points_mesh,

    criterion = Loss(opt.num_points_mesh, opt.sym_list)

    logger = setup_logger(
        os.path.join(opt.test_output, 'final_eval_tf_with_seg_square.txt'))

    object_max = opt.object_max
    total_test_dis = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    total_test_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    dir_test_dis = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    dir_test_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}

    # for add
    total_unseen_objects = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    total_object_without_pose = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    dir_add_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    dir_add_count_unseen = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    dir_add_02_count_unseen = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    dir_add_pure_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    dir_add_s_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    dir_add_02_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    dir_add_pure_02_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    dir_add_s_02_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}

    total_add_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    total_add_count_unseen = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    total_add_02_count_unseen = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    total_add_pure_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    total_add_s_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    total_add_02_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    total_add_pure_02_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    total_add_s_02_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}

    dir_dbd_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    dir_drr_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    dir_ada_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    dir_distance_1_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}

    total_dbd_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    total_drr_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    total_ada_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    total_distance_1_count = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}

    last_dis = {key: [] for key in range(0, object_max)}
    for i in range(object_max):
        total_unseen_objects[i] = 0
        total_object_without_pose[i] = 0

        total_test_dis[i] = 0.
        total_test_count[i] = 0
        dir_test_dis[i] = 0.
        dir_test_count[i] = 0
        # for add
        dir_add_count[i] = 0
        dir_add_count_unseen[i] = 0
        dir_add_02_count_unseen[i] = 0
        dir_add_pure_count[i] = 0
        dir_add_s_count[i] = 0
        dir_add_02_count[i] = 0
        total_add_count[i] = 0
        total_add_count_unseen[i] = 0
        total_add_02_count_unseen[i] = 0
        total_add_pure_count[i] = 0
        total_add_s_count[i] = 0
        total_add_02_count[i] = 0
        dir_add_pure_02_count[i] = 0
        dir_add_s_02_count[i] = 0
        total_add_pure_02_count[i] = 0
        total_add_s_02_count[i] = 0

        #   for stable
        dir_dbd_count[i] = 0.
        dir_drr_count[i] = 0
        dir_ada_count[i] = 0.
        dir_distance_1_count[i] = 0.

        total_dbd_count[i] = 0.
        total_drr_count[i] = 0
        total_ada_count[i] = 0.
        total_distance_1_count[i] = 0.
        last_dis[i] = None

    st_time = time.time()
    isFirstInitLastDatafolder = True
    with torch.no_grad():
        for j, data in enumerate(testdataloader, 0):
            if opt.dataset == 'ycb':
                list_points, list_choose, list_img, list_target, list_model_points, list_idx, list_filename, \
                list_full_img, list_focal_length, list_principal_point, list_motion = data
            output_image = Image.open('{0}/{1}-color-masked-square.png'.format(
                opt.dataset_root, list_filename[0][0]))
            OUTPUT_IMAGE_PATH = '{0}/{1}-color-seg-square-output-tf.png'.format(
                opt.dataset_root, list_filename[0][0])
            for list_index in range(len(list_points)):
                points, choose, img, target, model_points, idx, filename, full_img, focal_length, principal_point, motion \
                    = list_points[list_index], list_choose[list_index], list_img[list_index], \
                      list_target[list_index], list_model_points[list_index], list_idx[list_index], \
                      list_filename[list_index], list_full_img[list_index], list_focal_length[list_index], \
                      list_principal_point[list_index], list_motion[list_index]

                # Temporal Clean when Changing datafolder
                datafolder = filename[0].split('/')[1]
                filehead = filename[0].split('/')[2]
                if isFirstInitLastDatafolder:
                    lastdatafolder = datafolder
                    isFirstInitLastDatafolder = False
                if datafolder != lastdatafolder:
                    logger.info('changing folder from {0} to {1}'.format(
                        lastdatafolder, datafolder))
                    # handle dir output
                    for i in range(0, object_max):
                        if dir_test_count[i] != 0:
                                'Dir {0} Object {1} dis:{2} with {3} samples'.
                                format(lastdatafolder, i,
                                       dir_test_dis[i] / dir_test_count[i],
                            if dir_add_count[i] != 0:
                                    'Dir {0} Object {1} add:{2} with 0.02: {3}'
                                        lastdatafolder, i,
                                        dir_add_count[i] / dir_test_count[i],
                                        dir_add_02_count[i] /
                                    'Dir {0} Object {1} add:{2} with 0.02: {3}'
                                        lastdatafolder, i,
                                        dir_add_count[i] / dir_test_count[i],
                            if dir_add_pure_count[i] != -0:
                                    'Dir {0} Object {1} add_pure:{2} with 0.02: {3}'
                                        lastdatafolder, i,
                                        dir_add_pure_count[i] /
                                        dir_add_pure_02_count[i] /
                                    'Dir {0} Object {1} add_pure:{2} with 0.02: {3}'
                                        lastdatafolder, i,
                                        dir_add_pure_count[i] /
                                        dir_test_count[i], 0))
                            if dir_add_s_count[i] != 0:
                                    'Dir {0} Object {1} add_s:{2} with 0.02: {3}'
                                        lastdatafolder, i,
                                        dir_add_s_count[i] / dir_test_count[i],
                                        dir_add_s_02_count[i] /
                                    'Dir {0} Object {1} add_s:{2} with 0.02: {3}'
                                        lastdatafolder, i,
                                        dir_add_s_count[i] / dir_test_count[i],
                            logger.info('Dir {0} Object {1} dbd:{2}'.format(
                                lastdatafolder, i,
                                dir_dbd_count[i] / dir_test_count[i]))
                            logger.info('Dir {0} Object {1} drr:{2}'.format(
                                lastdatafolder, i,
                                dir_drr_count[i] / dir_test_count[i]))
                            logger.info('Dir {0} Object {1} ada:{2}'.format(
                                lastdatafolder, i,
                                dir_ada_count[i] / dir_test_count[i]))
                                'Dir {0} Object {1} distance_1:{2}'.format(
                                    lastdatafolder, i,
                                    dir_distance_1_count[i] /

                    dir_dbd = 0.
                    dir_drr = 0.
                    dir_ada = 0.
                    dir_distance_1 = 0.
                    dir_dis = 0.
                    dir_add = 0
                    dir_add_s = 0
                    dir_add_pure = 0
                    dir_add_02 = 0
                    dir_add_s_02 = 0
                    dir_add_pure_02 = 0
                    dir_count = 0

                    for i in range(object_max):
                        if total_test_count[i] != 0:
                            dir_count += dir_test_count[i]
                            dir_dis += dir_test_dis[i]
                            dir_add += dir_add_count[i]
                            dir_add_pure += dir_add_pure_count[i]
                            dir_add_s += dir_add_s_count[i]
                            dir_add_02 += dir_add_02_count[i]
                            dir_add_pure_02 += dir_add_pure_02_count[i]
                            dir_add_s_02 += dir_add_s_02_count[i]
                            dir_dbd += dir_dbd_count[i]
                            dir_drr += dir_drr_count[i]
                            dir_ada += dir_ada_count[i]
                            dir_distance_1 += dir_distance_1_count[i]

                            dir_test_dis[i] = 0
                            dir_test_count[i] = 0
                            dir_add_count[i] = 0
                            dir_add_pure_count[i] = 0
                            dir_add_s_count[i] = 0
                            dir_add_02_count[i] = 0
                            dir_add_pure_02_count[i] = 0
                            dir_add_s_02_count[i] = 0
                            dir_dbd_count[i] = 0
                            dir_drr_count[i] = 0
                            dir_ada_count[i] = 0
                            dir_distance_1_count[i] = 0
                            last_dis[i] = None

                        'Dir {0} \'s total dis:{1} with {2} samples'.format(
                            lastdatafolder, dir_dis / dir_count, dir_count))
                        'Dir {0} \'s total add:{1} with 0.02: {2}'.format(
                            lastdatafolder, dir_add / dir_count,
                            dir_add_02 / dir_add))
                        'Dir {0} \'s total add_s:{1} with 0.02: {2}'.format(
                            lastdatafolder, dir_add_s / dir_count,
                            dir_add_s_02 / dir_add_s))
                        'Dir {0} \'s total add_pure:{1} with 0.02: {2}'.format(
                            lastdatafolder, dir_add_pure / dir_count,
                            dir_add_pure_02 / dir_add_pure))
                    logger.info('Dir {0} \'s total dbd:{1}'.format(
                        lastdatafolder, dir_dbd / dir_count))
                    logger.info('Dir {0} \'s total drr:{1}'.format(
                        lastdatafolder, dir_drr / dir_count))
                    logger.info('Dir {0} \'s total ada:{1}'.format(
                        lastdatafolder, dir_ada / dir_count))
                    logger.info('Dir {0} \'s total distance_1:{1}'.format(
                        lastdatafolder, dir_distance_1 / dir_count))

                    # end of handle dir output

                lastdatafolder = datafolder

                points, choose, img, target, model_points, idx = points.cuda(), \
                                                                 choose.cuda(), \
                                                                 img.cuda(), \
                                                                 target.cuda(), \
                                                                 model_points.cuda(), \
                cloud_path = "experiments/clouds/ycb/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}_{4}".format(
                    opt.output_dir, 1, datafolder, filehead,
                    int(idx))  # folder to save logs

                pred_r, pred_t, pred_c, x_return = estimator(
                    img, points, choose, idx, focal_length, principal_point,
                    motion, cloud_path)

                # count for unseen object
                if pred_r is None:
                    last_dis[int(idx)] = None
                    total_unseen_objects[int(idx)] += 1
                    total_object_without_pose[int(idx)] += 1

                pred_r_ori = copy.deepcopy(pred_r)
                pred_t_ori = copy.deepcopy(pred_t)
                pred_c_ori = copy.deepcopy(pred_c)
                x_return_ori = copy.deepcopy(x_return)

                gt_r, gt_t = get_target(opt.dataset_root, filename, idx)
                if gt_r is None: print('gtr is None')
                is_sym = int(idx) in symmetry_obj_idx
                dis, dis_vector, pred_cloud = calDistance(
                    pred_r_ori, pred_t_ori, pred_c_ori, x_return_ori, gt_r,
                    gt_t, cld[int(idx)], is_sym)
                dis_s, dis_vector_s, _ = calDistance(pred_r_ori, pred_t_ori,
                                                     pred_c_ori, x_return_ori,
                                                     gt_r, gt_t, cld[int(idx)],
                dis_pure, dis_vector_pure, _ = calDistance(
                    pred_r_ori, pred_t_ori, pred_c_ori, x_return_ori, gt_r,
                    gt_t, cld[int(idx)], False)

                if last_dis[int(idx)] is not None:
                    dir_dbd_count[int(idx)] += torch.norm(dis_vector -
                    total_dbd_count[int(idx)] += torch.norm(dis_vector -
                    dir_distance_1_count[int(idx)] += torch.norm(
                        (dis_vector / torch.norm(dis_vector)) -
                        (last_dis[int(idx)] / torch.norm(last_dis[int(idx)])))
                    total_distance_1_count[int(idx)] += torch.norm(
                        (dis_vector / torch.norm(dis_vector)) -
                        (last_dis[int(idx)] / torch.norm(last_dis[int(idx)])))
                    if torch.dot(last_dis[int(idx)], dis_vector) < 0:
                        dir_drr_count[int(idx)] += 1
                        total_drr_count[int(idx)] += 1
                    dir_ada_count[int(idx)] += torch.acos(
                        (torch.dot(last_dis[int(idx)], dis_vector)) /
                        (torch.norm(last_dis[int(idx)]) *
                    total_ada_count[int(idx)] += torch.acos(
                        (torch.dot(last_dis[int(idx)], dis_vector)) /
                        (torch.norm(last_dis[int(idx)]) *

                last_dis[int(idx)] = dis_vector

                # calc adds
                if img.shape[1] != 0:
                    dir_test_dis[int(idx)] += dis.item()

                    total_test_dis[int(idx)] += dis.item()
                    dir_test_count[int(idx)] += 1
                    total_test_count[int(idx)] += 1

                    if dis < 0.1:
                        dir_add_count[int(idx)] += 1
                        total_add_count[int(idx)] += 1
                    if dis < 0.02:
                        dir_add_02_count[int(idx)] += 1
                        total_add_02_count[int(idx)] += 1
                    if dis_s < 0.1:
                        dir_add_s_count[int(idx)] += 1
                        total_add_s_count[int(idx)] += 1
                    if dis_s < 0.02:
                        dir_add_s_02_count[int(idx)] += 1
                        total_add_s_02_count[int(idx)] += 1
                    if dis_pure < 0.1:
                        dir_add_pure_count[int(idx)] += 1
                        total_add_pure_count[int(idx)] += 1
                    if dis_pure < 0.02:
                        dir_add_pure_02_count[int(idx)] += 1
                        total_add_pure_02_count[int(idx)] += 1
                    last_dis[int(idx)] = None
                    if dis < 0.1:
                        dir_add_count_unseen[int(idx)] += 1
                        total_add_count_unseen[int(idx)] += 1
                        total_unseen_objects[int(idx)] += 1
                    if dis < 0.02:
                        dir_add_02_count_unseen[int(idx)] += 1
                        total_add_02_count_unseen[int(idx)] += 1
                        total_unseen_objects[int(idx)] += 1

                output_image = output_transformed_image(
                    OUTPUT_IMAGE_PATH, output_image, pred_cloud, focal_length,
                    principal_point, int(idx))
                logger.info('Test time {0} Test Frame {1} {2} dis:{3}'.format(
                    time.strftime("%Hh %Mm %Ss",
                                  time.gmtime(time.time() - st_time)),
                    filename, idx.item(), dis))


        # handle dir output
        for i in range(0, object_max):
            if dir_test_count[i] != 0:
                    'Dir {0} Object {1} dis:{2} with {3} samples'.format(
                        lastdatafolder, i, dir_test_dis[i] / dir_test_count[i],
                if dir_add_count[i] != 0:
                        'Dir {0} Object {1} add:{2} with 0.02: {3}'.format(
                            lastdatafolder, i,
                            dir_add_count[i] / dir_test_count[i],
                            dir_add_02_count[i] / dir_add_count[i]))
                        'Dir {0} Object {1} add:{2} with 0.02: {3}'.format(
                            lastdatafolder, i,
                            dir_add_count[i] / dir_test_count[i], 0))
                if dir_add_pure_count[i] != -0:
                        'Dir {0} Object {1} add_pure:{2} with 0.02: {3}'.
                            lastdatafolder, i,
                            dir_add_pure_count[i] / dir_test_count[i],
                            dir_add_pure_02_count[i] / dir_add_pure_count[i]))
                        'Dir {0} Object {1} add_pure:{2} with 0.02: {3}'.
                        format(lastdatafolder, i,
                               dir_add_pure_count[i] / dir_test_count[i], 0))
                if dir_add_s_count[i] != 0:
                        'Dir {0} Object {1} add_s:{2} with 0.02: {3}'.format(
                            lastdatafolder, i,
                            dir_add_s_count[i] / dir_test_count[i],
                            dir_add_s_02_count[i] / dir_add_s_count[i]))
                        'Dir {0} Object {1} add_s:{2} with 0.02: {3}'.format(
                            lastdatafolder, i,
                            dir_add_s_count[i] / dir_test_count[i], 0))
                logger.info('Dir {0} Object {1} dbd:{2}'.format(
                    lastdatafolder, i, dir_dbd_count[i] / dir_test_count[i]))
                logger.info('Dir {0} Object {1} drr:{2}'.format(
                    lastdatafolder, i, dir_drr_count[i] / dir_test_count[i]))
                logger.info('Dir {0} Object {1} ada:{2}'.format(
                    lastdatafolder, i, dir_ada_count[i] / dir_test_count[i]))
                logger.info('Dir {0} Object {1} distance_1:{2}'.format(
                    lastdatafolder, i,
                    dir_distance_1_count[i] / dir_test_count[i]))

        dir_dbd = 0.
        dir_drr = 0.
        dir_ada = 0.
        dir_distance_1 = 0.
        dir_dis = 0.
        dir_add = 0
        dir_add_s = 0
        dir_add_pure = 0
        dir_add_02 = 0
        dir_add_s_02 = 0
        dir_add_pure_02 = 0
        dir_count = 0

        for i in range(object_max):
            if total_test_count[i] != 0:
                dir_count += dir_test_count[i]
                dir_dis += dir_test_dis[i]
                dir_add += dir_add_count[i]
                dir_add_pure += dir_add_pure_count[i]
                dir_add_s += dir_add_s_count[i]
                dir_add_02 += dir_add_02_count[i]
                dir_add_pure_02 += dir_add_pure_02_count[i]
                dir_add_s_02 += dir_add_s_02_count[i]
                dir_dbd += dir_dbd_count[i]
                dir_drr += dir_drr_count[i]
                dir_ada += dir_ada_count[i]
                dir_distance_1 += dir_distance_1_count[i]

                dir_test_dis[i] = 0
                dir_test_count[i] = 0
                dir_add_count[i] = 0
                dir_add_pure_count[i] = 0
                dir_add_s_count[i] = 0
                dir_add_02_count[i] = 0
                dir_add_pure_02_count[i] = 0
                dir_add_s_02_count[i] = 0
                dir_dbd_count[i] = 0
                dir_drr_count[i] = 0
                dir_ada_count[i] = 0
                dir_distance_1_count[i] = 0

        logger.info('Dir {0} \'s total dis:{1} with {2} samples'.format(
            lastdatafolder, dir_dis / dir_count, dir_count))
        logger.info('Dir {0} \'s total add:{1} with 0.02: {2}'.format(
            lastdatafolder, dir_add / dir_count, dir_add_02 / dir_add))
        logger.info('Dir {0} \'s total add_s:{1} with 0.02: {2}'.format(
            lastdatafolder, dir_add_s / dir_count, dir_add_s_02 / dir_add_s))
        logger.info('Dir {0} \'s total add_pure:{1} with 0.02: {2}'.format(
            lastdatafolder, dir_add_pure / dir_count,
            dir_add_pure_02 / dir_add_pure))
        logger.info('Dir {0} \'s total dbd:{1}'.format(lastdatafolder,
                                                       dir_dbd / dir_count))
        logger.info('Dir {0} \'s total drr:{1}'.format(lastdatafolder,
                                                       dir_drr / dir_count))
        logger.info('Dir {0} \'s total ada:{1}'.format(lastdatafolder,
                                                       dir_ada / dir_count))
        logger.info('Dir {0} \'s total distance_1:{1}'.format(
            lastdatafolder, dir_distance_1 / dir_count))

        # end of handle dir output

        # handle global output
        total_unseen_count = 0
        total_without_pose_count = 0
        total_add_count_unseen_count = 0
        total_add_02_count_unseen_count = 0
        total_drr = 0.
        total_dbd = 0.
        total_ada = 0.
        total_distance_1 = 0.
        total_dis = 0.
        total_add = 0
        total_add_s = 0
        total_add_pure = 0
        total_add_02 = 0
        total_add_s_02 = 0
        total_add_pure_02 = 0
        total_count = 0
        for i in range(object_max):
            if total_test_count[i] != 0:
                    'Total: Object {0} dis:{1} with {2} samples'.format(
                        i, total_test_dis[i] / total_test_count[i],
                logger.info('Total: Object {0} add:{1} with 0.02: {2}'.format(
                    i, total_add_count[i] / total_test_count[i],
                    total_add_02_count[i] / total_add_count[i]))
                logger.info('Total: Object {0} drr:{1}'.format(
                    i, total_drr_count[i] / total_test_count[i]))
                logger.info('Total: Object {0} ada:{1}'.format(
                    i, total_ada_count[i] / total_test_count[i]))
                logger.info('Total: Object {0} distance_1:{1}'.format(
                    i, total_distance_1_count[i] / total_test_count[i]))
                if total_unseen_objects[i] != 0:
                    if total_unseen_objects[i] - total_object_without_pose[
                            i] != 0:
                            'Total: Unseen Object {0} add:{1} with 0.02: {2} with {3} samples '
                                i, total_add_count_unseen[i] /
                                (total_unseen_objects[i] -
                                total_add_02_count_unseen[i] /
                                (total_unseen_objects[i] -
                        'Total: Object {0} unseen :{1} times, {2} of them without poses, success rate:{3}'
                        .format(i, total_unseen_objects[i],
                                (total_unseen_objects[i] -
                                 total_object_without_pose[i]) /

                total_unseen_count += total_unseen_objects[i]
                total_without_pose_count += total_object_without_pose[i]
                total_count += total_test_count[i]
                total_dis += total_test_dis[i]
                total_add += total_add_count[i]
                total_add_count_unseen_count += total_add_count_unseen[i]
                total_add_02_count_unseen_count += total_add_02_count_unseen[i]
                total_add_s += total_add_s_count[i]
                total_add_pure += total_add_pure_count[i]
                total_add_02 += total_add_02_count[i]
                total_add_s_02 += total_add_s_02_count[i]
                total_add_pure_02 += total_add_pure_02_count[i]
                total_dbd += total_dbd_count[i]
                total_drr += total_drr_count[i]
                total_ada += total_ada_count[i]
                total_distance_1 += total_distance_1_count[i]
        logger.info('total dis:{0} with {1} samples'.format(
            total_dis / total_count, total_count))
        logger.info('total add:{0} with 0.02: {1}'.format(
            total_add / total_count, total_add_02 / total_add))
        logger.info('total unseen add:{0} with 0.02: {1}'.format(
            total_add_count_unseen_count /
            (total_unseen_count - total_without_pose_count),
            total_add_02_count_unseen_count / total_add_count_unseen_count))
        logger.info('total add_pure:{0} with 0.02: {1}'.format(
            total_add_pure / total_count, total_add_pure_02 / total_add_pure))
        logger.info('total add_s:{0} with 0.02: {1}'.format(
            total_add_s / total_count, total_add_s_02 / total_add_s))
            'detected unseen object :{0}, failed calculate {1} poses with success rate: {2}'
            .format(total_unseen_count, total_without_pose_count,
                    (total_unseen_count - total_without_pose_count) /
        logger.info('Total drr:{0}'.format(total_drr / total_count))
        logger.info('Total ada:{0}'.format(total_ada / total_count))
        logger.info('Total distance_1:{0}'.format(total_distance_1 /
 def get_angles(self, cosine_of_target_classes):
     angles = torch.acos(torch.clamp(cosine_of_target_classes, -1, 1))
     if self.collect_stats:
         with torch.no_grad():
             self.avg_angle = np.degrees(torch.mean(angles).item())
     return angles
Exemplo n.º 25
def slerp(val, low, high):
    omega = torch.acos(torch.dot(low / torch.norm(low), high / torch.norm(high)))
    so = torch.sin(omega)
    if so == 0:
        return (1.0 - val) * low + val * high  # L'Hopital's rule/LERP
    return torch.sin((1.0 - val) * omega) / so * low + torch.sin(val * omega) / so * high
Exemplo n.º 26
 def error(self):
     return torch.acos(meps * 0.5 * (torch.sum(
         torch.sum(self.o[:, :, None, :] * identity[:, None, :, :],
                   3)[:, m], 1) - 1.0))
Exemplo n.º 27
def arccos(val):
    return torch.acos(val)
Exemplo n.º 28
def get_nn_pose_from_desc(variable, **kwargs):
    feat = kwargs.pop('feat', None)
    db = kwargs.pop('db', None)
    metric = kwargs.pop('metric', 'cosine')
    k_nn = kwargs.pop('k_nn', 1)
    step_k_nn = kwargs.pop('step_k_nn', 1)
    angle_threshold = kwargs.pop('angle_threshold', None)  # degree
    pos_threshold = kwargs.pop('pos_threshold', None)  # m
    return_only_T = kwargs.pop('return_only_T', False)  # m

    if kwargs:
        raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: %r' % kwargs)

    feats = recc_acces(variable, feat)
    db = recc_acces(variable, db)

    if not hasattr(get_nn_pose_from_desc, 'nn_computor'):
        logger.info('New nn indexing, fitting the db...')
        get_nn_pose_from_desc.nn_computor = skn.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1,

    idx = get_nn_pose_from_desc.nn_computor.kneighbors(feats.cpu().numpy(),
                                                       n_neighbors=k_nn *

    if k_nn > 0:
        if angle_threshold:
            poses = [db['pose'][idx[0, 0]]]
            idx_next = 1
            curr_d_angle = float('inf')
            for i in range(1, k_nn * step_k_nn):
                d_angle = 180 / 3.14159265 * 2 * torch.acos(
                        torch.dot(db['pose'][idx[0, 0]]['q'][0],
                                  db['pose'][idx[0, i]]['q'][0])))
                if d_angle < angle_threshold and (d_angle > curr_d_angle
                                                  or curr_d_angle
                                                  == float('inf')):
                    curr_d_angle = d_angle
                    idx_next = i
                elif d_angle > angle_threshold and (
                        d_angle < curr_d_angle
                        or curr_d_angle < angle_threshold):
                    curr_d_angle = d_angle
                    idx_next = i
            poses.append(db['pose'][idx[0, idx_next]])
            return poses
        elif pos_threshold:
            poses = [db['pose'][idx[0, 0]]]
            idx_next = 1
            curr_d_pos = float('inf')
            for i in range(1, k_nn * step_k_nn):
                d_pos = torch.sqrt(
                    torch.sum((db['pose'][idx[0, 0]]['p'][0] -
                               db['pose'][idx[0, i]]['p'][0])**2))
                if d_pos < pos_threshold and (d_pos > curr_d_pos
                                              or curr_d_pos == float('inf')):
                    curr_d_pos = d_pos
                    idx_next = i
                elif d_pos > pos_threshold and (d_pos < curr_d_pos
                                                or curr_d_pos < pos_threshold):
                    curr_d_pos = d_pos
                    idx_next = i
            poses.append(db['pose'][idx[0, idx_next]])
            return poses

            if return_only_T:
                return [
                    db['pose'][idx[0, i]]['T']
                    for i in range(0, k_nn * step_k_nn, step_k_nn)
                return [
                    db['pose'][idx[0, i]]
                    for i in range(0, k_nn * step_k_nn, step_k_nn)
        if return_only_T:
            return db['pose'][idx[0, 0]]['T']
            return db['pose'][idx[0, 0]]
    def _get_psi_i(self, theta_i, joint_id):
        if joint_id in [0, 2, 4, 6]:
            a_p = self.gc[joint_id] * (
                (self.c[joint_id, 1] - self.b[joint_id, 1]) *
                torch.tan(theta_i) +
                (self.b[joint_id, 0] - self.c[joint_id, 0]))
            b_p = 2 * self.gc[joint_id] * (
                self.a[joint_id, 1] * torch.tan(theta_i) - self.a[joint_id, 0])
            c_p = self.gc[joint_id] * (
                (self.c[joint_id, 1] + self.b[joint_id, 1]) *
                torch.tan(theta_i) -
                (self.b[joint_id, 0] + self.c[joint_id, 0]))
            square_p = b_p**2 - 4 * a_p * c_p
            psi_ = []
            if square_p < 0:
                return psi_
                psi_1 = 2 * torch.atan(
                    (-b_p - torch.sqrt(square_p)) / (2 * a_p))
                theta_1 = torch.atan2(
                    self.gc[joint_id] *
                    (self.a[joint_id, 0] * torch.sin(psi_1) +
                     self.b[joint_id, 0] * torch.cos(psi_1) +
                     self.c[joint_id, 0]), self.gc[joint_id] *
                    (self.a[joint_id, 1] * torch.sin(psi_1) +
                     self.b[joint_id, 1] * torch.cos(psi_1) +
                     self.c[joint_id, 1]))

                psi_2 = 2 * torch.atan(
                    (-b_p + torch.sqrt(square_p)) / (2 * a_p))
                theta_2 = torch.atan2(
                    self.gc[joint_id] *
                    (self.a[joint_id, 0] * torch.sin(psi_2) +
                     self.b[joint_id, 0] * torch.cos(psi_2) +
                     self.c[joint_id, 0]), self.gc[joint_id] *
                    (self.a[joint_id, 1] * torch.sin(psi_2) +
                     self.b[joint_id, 1] * torch.cos(psi_2) +
                     self.c[joint_id, 1]))

                if torch.isclose(theta_i, theta_1) and torch.isclose(
                        theta_i, theta_2):

                return psi_

        elif joint_id in [1, 5]:
            square_p = self.a[joint_id, 0] ** 2 + self.b[joint_id, 0] ** 2 - \
                       (self.c[joint_id, 0] - torch.cos(theta_i)) ** 2
            psi_ = []
            if square_p < 0:
                return psi_
                psi_1 = 2 * torch.atan(
                    (self.a[joint_id, 0] - torch.sqrt(square_p)) /
                    (torch.cos(theta_i) + self.b[joint_id, 0] -
                     self.c[joint_id, 0]))
                theta_1 = torch.acos(self.a[joint_id, 0] * torch.sin(psi_1) +
                                     self.b[joint_id, 0] * torch.cos(psi_1) +
                                     self.c[joint_id, 0])

                psi_2 = 2 * torch.atan(
                    (self.a[joint_id, 0] + torch.sqrt(square_p)) /
                    (torch.cos(theta_i) + self.b[joint_id, 0] -
                     self.c[joint_id, 0]))
                theta_2 = torch.acos(self.a[joint_id, 0] * torch.sin(psi_2) +
                                     self.b[joint_id, 0] * torch.cos(psi_2) +
                                     self.c[joint_id, 0])

                if torch.isclose(theta_i, theta_1) and torch.isclose(
                        theta_i, theta_2):
                return psi_

            raise NotImplementedError()
Exemplo n.º 30
    def forward(self, inputs, targets):
        @inputs: a 3-dimensional tensor (a batch), including [samples-index, frames-dim-index, frames-index]
        assert len(inputs.shape) == 3
        assert inputs.shape[2] == 1

        # Normalize
        normalized_x = F.normalize(inputs.squeeze(dim=2), dim=1)
        normalized_weight = F.normalize(self.weight.squeeze(dim=2), dim=1)
        cosine_theta = F.linear(normalized_x, normalized_weight)  # Y = W*X

        if not self.feature_normalize:
            self.s = inputs.norm(2, dim=1)  # [batch-size, l2-norm]
            # The accuracy must be reported before margin penalty added
            self.posterior = (self.s.detach() *
            self.posterior = (self.s * cosine_theta.detach()).unsqueeze(2)

        if not self.training:
            # For valid set.
            outputs = self.s * cosine_theta
            return self.loss_function(outputs, targets)

        # Margin Penalty
        # cosine_theta [batch_size, num_class]
        # targets.unsqueeze(1) [batch_size, 1]
        cosine_theta_target = cosine_theta.gather(1, targets.unsqueeze(1))

        if self.inter_loss > 0:
            inter_cosine_theta = torch.softmax(self.s * cosine_theta, dim=1)
            inter_cosine_theta_target = inter_cosine_theta.gather(
                1, targets.unsqueeze(1))
            # 1/N * \log (\frac{1 - logit_y}{C-1})
            inter_loss = torch.log(
                (inter_cosine_theta.sum(dim=1) - inter_cosine_theta_target) /
                (self.num_targets - 1) + self.eps).mean()

        if self.method == "am":
            penalty_cosine_theta = cosine_theta_target - self.m
            if self.double:
                double_cosine_theta = cosine_theta + self.m
        elif self.method == "aam":
            # Another implementation w.r.t cosine(theta+m) = cosine_theta * cos_m - sin_theta * sin_m
            # penalty_cosine_theta = self.cos_m * cosine_theta_target - self.sin_m * torch.sqrt((1-cosine_theta_target**2).clamp(min=0.))
            penalty_cosine_theta = torch.cos(
                torch.acos(cosine_theta_target) + self.m)
            if self.double:
                double_cosine_theta = torch.cos(
        elif self.method == "sm1":
            # 可以自动调节惩罚项的大小,惩罚项线性减小
            # penalty_cosine_theta = cosine_theta_target - (1 - cosine_theta_target) * self.m
            penalty_cosine_theta = (1 + self.m) * cosine_theta_target - self.m
        elif self.method == "sm2":
            # 惩罚项指数下降
            penalty_cosine_theta = cosine_theta_target - (
                1 - cosine_theta_target**2) * self.m
        elif self.method == "sm3":
            penalty_cosine_theta = cosine_theta_target - (
                1 - cosine_theta_target)**2 * self.m
            raise ValueError(
                "Do not support this {0} margin w.r.t [ am | aam | sm1 | sm2 | sm3 ]"

        # 模拟退火
        penalty_cosine_theta = 1 / (1 + self.lambda_factor) * penalty_cosine_theta + \
            self.lambda_factor / (1 + self.lambda_factor) * cosine_theta_target

        if self.double:
            cosine_theta = 1 / (1+self.lambda_factor) * double_cosine_theta + \
                self.lambda_factor / (1+self.lambda_factor) * cosine_theta

        if self.curricular is not None:
            cosine_theta = self.curricular(cosine_theta, cosine_theta_target,

        outputs = self.s * cosine_theta.scatter(1, targets.unsqueeze(1),

        # Other extra loss
        # Final reported loss will be always higher than softmax loss for the absolute margin penalty and
        # it is a lie about why we can not decrease the loss to a mininum value. We should not report the
        # loss after margin penalty did but we really report this invalid loss to avoid computing the
        # training loss twice.

        if self.ring_loss > 0:
            ring_loss = torch.mean((self.s - self.r)**2) / 2
            ring_loss = 0.

        if self.mhe_loss:
            sub_weight = normalized_weight - torch.index_select(
                normalized_weight, 0, targets).unsqueeze(dim=1)
            # [N, C]
            normed_sub_weight = sub_weight.norm(2, dim=2)
            mask = torch.full_like(normed_sub_weight, True,
                                       1, targets.unsqueeze(dim=1), False)
            # [N, C-1]
            normed_sub_weight_clean = torch.masked_select(
                normed_sub_weight, mask).reshape(targets.size()[0], -1)
            # torch.mean means 1/(N*(C-1))
            the_mhe_loss = self.mhe_w * \
                torch.mean((normed_sub_weight_clean **

            return self.loss_function(
                outputs / self.t,
                targets) + the_mhe_loss + self.ring_loss * ring_loss
        elif self.inter_loss > 0:
            return self.loss_function(
                outputs / self.t, targets
            ) + self.inter_loss * inter_loss + self.ring_loss * ring_loss
            return self.loss_function(outputs / self.t,
                                      targets) + self.ring_loss * ring_loss
Exemplo n.º 31
    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        featureH, featureL, label, centers, margins, gamma = ctx.saved_tensors
        num_pair = featureH.shape[0]
        num_class = centers.shape[0]
        centers_normed = F.normalize(centers, dim=1)  # Cx1024
        featureH_normed = F.normalize(featureH, dim=1)  # N'x1024
        distmatH = torch.mm(featureH_normed, centers_normed.t())  # N'xC
        featureL_normed = F.normalize(featureL, dim=1)
        distmatL = torch.mm(featureL_normed, centers_normed.t())
        mask = distmatH.new_zeros(distmatH.size(), dtype=torch.long)
            torch.ones(num_pair, 1, device=mask.device, dtype=torch.long))

        distHic = distmatH[mask == 1]
        distLic = distmatL[mask == 1]
        distHicL, hard_index_batch = torch.max(distmatH[mask == 0].view(
            num_pair, num_class - 1),
        hard_index_batch[hard_index_batch >= label] += 1
        li1 = torch.acos(distHic) - torch.acos(distLic) + margins[0]
        li2 = torch.acos(distHic) - torch.acos(distHicL) + margins[1]

        centers_normed_batch = centers_normed.index_select(0, label.long())
        hard_normed_batch = centers_normed.index_select(0, hard_index_batch)

        d = -(1 - distHic.pow(2)).pow(-0.5)
        e = -(1 - distHicL.pow(2)).pow(-0.5)
        f = -(1 - distLic.pow(2)).pow(-0.5)
        I = torch.eye(featureH.shape[1], device=d.device)
        xcH = (I - torch.einsum('bi,bj->bij',
                                (featureH_normed, featureH_normed))
               ) / featureH.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True).unsqueeze(-1)
        xcL = (I - torch.einsum('bi,bj->bij',
                                (featureL_normed, featureL_normed))
               ) / featureL.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True).unsqueeze(-1)
        cc = (I - torch.einsum('bi,bj->bij', (centers_normed, centers_normed))
              ) / centers.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True).unsqueeze(-1)
        d = d.unsqueeze(1)
        e = e.unsqueeze(1)
        f = f.unsqueeze(1)

        counts_h = centers.new_ones(num_class)  # (C,)
        counts_hl = centers.new_ones(num_class)  # (C,)
        counts_c = centers.new_ones(num_class)  # (C,)
        ones_h = centers.new_ones(num_pair)  # (N',)
        ones_h[li2 <= 0] = 0
        ones_c = centers.new_ones(num_pair)  # (N',)
        ones_c[li1 <= 0] = 0
        grad_centers = centers.new_zeros(centers.size())  # Cx1024

        counts_h.scatter_add_(0, label.long(), ones_h)
        counts_hl.scatter_add_(0, hard_index_batch, ones_h)
        counts_c.scatter_add_(0, label.long(), ones_c)

        grad_centers_h = featureH_normed * d
        grad_centers_h[li2 <= 0] = 0
        grad_centers += torch.scatter_add(
            centers.new_zeros(centers.size()), 0,
            grad_centers_h) / counts_h.unsqueeze(-1)

        grad_centers_hl = -featureH_normed * e
        grad_centers_hl[li2 <= 0] = 0
        grad_centers += torch.scatter_add(
            centers.new_zeros(centers.size()), 0,
            grad_centers_hl) / counts_hl.unsqueeze(-1)

        grad_centers_c = featureH_normed * d - featureL_normed * f
        grad_centers_c[li1 <= 0] = 0
        grad_centers += torch.scatter_add(
            centers.new_zeros(centers.size()), 0,
            grad_centers_c * gamma) / counts_c.unsqueeze(-1)

        grad_centers /= num_pair

        grad = centers_normed_batch * d - hard_normed_batch * e
        grad[li2 <= 0] = 0

        grad_h = centers_normed_batch * d
        grad_h[li1 <= 0] = 0

        grad_h = grad_output * (grad + grad_h * gamma) / num_pair

        grad_l = -centers_normed_batch * f
        grad_l[li1 <= 0] = 0
        grad_l = grad_output * grad_l * gamma / num_pair

        return torch.bmm(xcH, grad_h.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1), torch.bmm(
            xcL, grad_l.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1), None, torch.bmm(
                cc, grad_centers.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1), None, None
Exemplo n.º 32
 def dist(self, x, y, *, keepdim=False):
     inner = self.inner(None, x, y, keepdim=keepdim).clamp(-1, 1)
     return torch.acos(inner)
    pointErrs = []
    normalErrs = []
    meanAngleErrs = []
    medianAngleErrs = []

    if opt.lossMode == 0 or opt.lossMode == 1:
        for m in range(0, len(pointPreds)):
            pointErrs.append(torch.mean(torch.pow(pointPreds[m] - gtPoint, 2)))

        for m in range(0, len(normalPreds)):
                torch.mean(torch.pow(normalPreds[m] - gtNormal, 2)))
            meanAngleErrs.append(180.0 / np.pi * torch.mean(
                    torch.clamp(torch.sum(normalPreds[m] * gtNormal, dim=1),
                                -1, 1))))
            medianAngleErrs.append(180.0 / np.pi * torch.median(
                    torch.clamp(torch.sum(normalPreds[m] * gtNormal, dim=1),
                                -1, 1))))
    elif opt.lossMode == 2:
        assert (len(pointPreds) == len(normalPreds))
        for m in range(0, len(pointPreds)):
            dist1, id1, dist2, id2 = chamferDist(gtPoint.unsqueeze(0),
            pointErrs.append(0.5 * (torch.mean(dist1) + torch.mean(dist2)))
            id1, id2 = id1.long().squeeze(0).detach(), id2.long().squeeze(

            gtToPredNormal = torch.index_select(normalPreds[m],
Exemplo n.º 34
def theta(v, eps=1e-5):
    v_cos = cos_sim(v).clamp(-1. + eps, 1. - eps)
    x = torch.acos(v_cos) + math.radians(10)
    return x
Exemplo n.º 35
    def get_hard_negatives(self, queries, samples):
        Generate hard negatives candidates

        samples = int(min(samples, self.max_hard_negatives))

        negatives_qids = random.sample(self.dataset.qid2question.keys(),

        negatives = self.dataset.prepare_batch(negatives_qids)

        query_vactorized = self.model.text_embedding(

        negatives_vectorized = self.model.text_embedding(

        similarity = torch.matmul(query_vactorized,
                                  negatives_vectorized.transpose(0, 1))

        query_norms = torch.matmul(query_vactorized,
                                       0, 1)).pow(0.5).diag().unsqueeze(1)
        negatives_norms = torch.matmul(negatives_vectorized,
                                           0, 1)).pow(0.5).diag().unsqueeze(1)

        norms = torch.matmul(query_norms, negatives_norms.transpose(0, 1))

        similarity = similarity / norms

        similarity = F.relu(similarity - self.model.eps)

        if self.sim_func_from_use:
            similarity = 1 - (torch.acos(similarity) / math.pi)

        if self.threshold_similarity is not None:
            similarity = similarity - (
                similarity > self.threshold_similarity).type(
            similarity = F.relu(similarity)

        if self.hard_k_next:

            # if we wont get top-2
            # if we take too many samples we can choose select sample existing in quieries

            max_similar_matrix = torch.zeros_like(similarity)
            values, args = similarity.max(dim=1)

            for n, i in enumerate(range(max_similar_matrix.size(0))):
                max_similar_matrix[i, args[n]] = values[n]

            similarity -= max_similar_matrix

        max_similar_indexes = list(similarity.argmax(dim=1).cpu().numpy())

        max_similar_qids = [negatives_qids[n] for n in max_similar_indexes]

        return self.dataset.prepare_batch(max_similar_qids)
Exemplo n.º 36
def bboxes_iou_test(bboxes_a, bboxes_b, fmt='voc', iou_type='iou'):
    test function for the bboxes_iou function in `train_acne.py`,
    with message printing and plot
    if 'plt' not in dir():
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    if 'cv2' not in dir():
            import cv2
        except ModuleNotFoundError:
            cv2 = None
            from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
    assert iou_type.lower() in ['iou', 'giou', 'diou', 'ciou']

    if isinstance(bboxes_a, np.ndarray):
        bboxes_a = torch.Tensor(bboxes_a)
    if isinstance(bboxes_b, np.ndarray):
        bboxes_b = torch.Tensor(bboxes_b)
    if bboxes_a.shape[1] != 4 or bboxes_b.shape[1] != 4:
        raise IndexError

    N, K = bboxes_a.shape[0], bboxes_b.shape[0]
    # if N, K all equal 1, then plot

    # top left
    if fmt.lower() == 'voc':  # xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
        # top left
        tl_intersect = torch.max(bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, :2], bboxes_b[:, :2]) # of shape `(N,K,2)`
        # bottom right
        br_intersect = torch.min(bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, 2:], bboxes_b[:, 2:])
        bb_a = bboxes_a[:, 2:] - bboxes_a[:, :2]  # w, h
        bb_b = bboxes_b[:, 2:] - bboxes_b[:, :2]  # w, h
    elif fmt.lower() == 'yolo':  # xcen, ycen, w, h
        tl_intersect = torch.max((bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, :2] - bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, 2:] / 2),
                       (bboxes_b[:, :2] - bboxes_b[:, 2:] / 2))
        # bottom right
        br_intersect = torch.min((bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, :2] + bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, 2:] / 2),
                       (bboxes_b[:, :2] + bboxes_b[:, 2:] / 2))
        bb_a = bboxes_a[:, 2:]
        bb_b = bboxes_b[:, 2:]
    elif fmt.lower() == 'coco':  # xmin, ymin, w, h
        # top left
        tl_intersect = torch.max(bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, :2], bboxes_b[:, :2])
        # bottom right
        br_intersect = torch.min((bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, :2] + bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, 2:]),
                       (bboxes_b[:, :2] + bboxes_b[:, 2:]))
        bb_a = bboxes_a[:, 2:]
        bb_b = bboxes_b[:, 2:]

    area_a = torch.prod(bb_a, 1)
    area_b = torch.prod(bb_b, 1)

    # torch.prod(input, dim, keepdim=False, dtype=None) → Tensor
    # Returns the product of each row of the input tensor in the given dimension dim
    # if tl, br does not form a nondegenerate squre, then the corr. element in the `prod` would be 0
    en = (tl_intersect < br_intersect).type(tl_intersect.type()).prod(dim=2)  # shape `(N,K,2)` ---> shape `(N,K)`

    area_intersect = torch.prod(br_intersect - tl_intersect, 2) * en  # * ((tl < br).all())
    area_union = (area_a[:, np.newaxis] + area_b - area_intersect)

    iou = _true_divide(area_intersect, area_union)

    # if iou_type.lower() == 'iou':
    #     return iou

    if fmt.lower() == 'voc':  # xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
        # top left
        tl_union = torch.min(bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, :2], bboxes_b[:, :2]) # of shape `(N,K,2)`
        # bottom right
        br_union = torch.max(bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, 2:], bboxes_b[:, 2:])
    elif fmt.lower() == 'yolo':  # xcen, ycen, w, h
        tl_union = torch.min((bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, :2] - bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, 2:] / 2),
                       (bboxes_b[:, :2] - bboxes_b[:, 2:] / 2))
        # bottom right
        br_union = torch.max((bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, :2] + bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, 2:] / 2),
                       (bboxes_b[:, :2] + bboxes_b[:, 2:] / 2))
    elif fmt.lower() == 'coco':  # xmin, ymin, w, h
        # top left
        tl_union = torch.min(bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, :2], bboxes_b[:, :2])
        # bottom right
        br_union = torch.max((bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, :2] + bboxes_a[:, np.newaxis, 2:]),
                       (bboxes_b[:, :2] + bboxes_b[:, 2:]))
    # c for covering, of shape `(N,K,2)`
    # the last dim is box width, box hight
    bboxes_c = br_union - tl_union

    area_covering = torch.prod(bboxes_c, 2)  # shape `(N,K)`

    giou = iou - (area_covering - area_union) / area_covering

    print(f"tl_union.shape = {tl_union.shape}")
    print(f"br_union.shape = {br_union.shape}")
    print(f"bboxes_c.shape = {bboxes_c.shape}")

    # if iou_type.lower() == 'giou':
    #     return giou

    if fmt.lower() == 'voc':  # xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
        centre_a = (bboxes_a[..., 2 :] + bboxes_a[..., : 2]) / 2
        centre_b = (bboxes_b[..., 2 :] + bboxes_b[..., : 2]) / 2
    elif fmt.lower() == 'yolo':  # xcen, ycen, w, h
        centre_a = (bboxes_a[..., : 2] + bboxes_a[..., 2 :]) / 2
        centre_b = (bboxes_b[..., : 2] + bboxes_b[..., 2 :]) / 2
    elif fmt.lower() == 'coco':  # xmin, ymin, w, h
        centre_a = bboxes_a[..., 2 :] + bboxes_a[..., : 2]/2
        centre_b = bboxes_b[..., 2 :] + bboxes_b[..., : 2]/2

    centre_dist = torch.norm(centre_a[:, np.newaxis] - centre_b, p='fro', dim=2)
    diag_len = torch.norm(bboxes_c, p='fro', dim=2)

    diou = iou - centre_dist.pow(2) / diag_len.pow(2)

    # if iou_type.lower() == 'diou':
    #     return diou

    """ the legacy custom cosine similarity:

    # bb_a of shape `(N,2)`, bb_b of shape `(K,2)`
    v = torch.einsum('nm,km->nk', bb_a, bb_b)
    v = _true_divide(v, (torch.norm(bb_a, p='fro', dim=1)[:,np.newaxis] * torch.norm(bb_b, p='fro', dim=1)))
    # avoid nan for torch.acos near \pm 1
    # https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/8069
    eps = 1e-7
    v = torch.clamp(v, -1+eps, 1-eps)
    v = F.cosine_similarity(bb_a[:,np.newaxis,:], bb_b, dim=-1)
    v = (_true_divide(2*torch.acos(v), np.pi)).pow(2)
    alpha = (_true_divide(v, 1-iou+v))*((iou>=0.5).type(iou.type()))

    ciou = diou - alpha * v

    if N==K==1:
        print(f"bboxes_a = {bboxes_a}")
        print(f"bboxes_b = {bboxes_b}")

        print(f"area_a = {area_a}")
        print(f"area_b = {area_b}")

        print(f"area_intersect = {area_intersect}")
        print(f"area_union = {area_union}")

        print(f"tl_intersect = {tl_intersect}")
        print(f"br_intersect = {br_intersect}")
        print(f"tl_union = {tl_union}")
        print(f"br_union = {br_union}")

        print(f"area_covering (area of bboxes_c) = {area_covering}")
        print(f"centre_dist = {centre_dist}")
        print(f"diag_len = {diag_len}")

        print("for computing ciou")
        inner_product = torch.einsum('nm,km->nk', bb_a, bb_b)
        product_of_lengths = torch.norm(bb_a, p='fro', dim=1)[:,np.newaxis] * torch.norm(bb_b, p='fro', dim=1)
        print(f"inner product of bb_a and bb_b is {inner_product}")
        print(f"product of lengths of bb_a and bb_b is {product_of_lengths}")
        print(f"inner product divided by product of lengths equals {_true_divide(inner_product, product_of_lengths)}")
        print(f"normalized angle distance = {v}")
        print(f"alpha = {alpha}")
        print(f"v = {v}")
        print(f"alpha = {alpha}")

        bc = ED({"xmin":tl_union.numpy().astype(int)[0][0][0], "ymin":tl_union.numpy().astype(int)[0][0][1], "xmax":br_union.numpy().astype(int)[0][0][0], "ymax":br_union.numpy().astype(int)[0][0][1]})
        adjust_x = bc.xmin - int(0.25*(bc.xmax-bc.xmin))
        adjust_y = bc.ymin - int(0.25*(bc.ymax-bc.ymin))

        print(f"adjust_x = {adjust_x}")
        print(f"adjust_y = {adjust_y}")

        bc.xmin, bc.ymin, bc.xmax, bc.ymax = bc.xmin-adjust_x, bc.ymin-adjust_y, bc.xmax-adjust_x, bc.ymax-adjust_y
        ba, bb = bboxes_a.numpy().astype(int)[0], bboxes_b.numpy().astype(int)[0]
        if fmt.lower() == 'voc':  # xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
            ba = ED({"xmin":ba[0]-adjust_x, "ymin":ba[1]-adjust_y, "xmax":ba[2]-adjust_x, "ymax":ba[3]-adjust_y})
            bb = ED({"xmin":bb[0]-adjust_x, "ymin":bb[1]-adjust_y, "xmax":bb[2]-adjust_x, "ymax":bb[3]-adjust_y})
        elif fmt.lower() == 'yolo':  # xcen, ycen, w, h
            ba = ED({"xmin":ba[0]-ba[2]//2-adjust_x, "ymin":ba[1]-ba[3]//2-adjust_y, "xmax":ba[0]+ba[2]//2-adjust_x, "ymax":ba[1]+ba[3]//2-adjust_y})
            bb = ED({"xmin":bb[0]-bb[2]//2-adjust_x, "ymin":bb[1]-bb[3]//2-adjust_y, "xmax":bb[0]+bb[2]//2-adjust_x, "ymax":bb[1]+bb[3]//2-adjust_y})
        elif fmt.lower() == 'coco':  # xmin, ymin, w, h
            ba = ED({"xmin":ba[0]-adjust_x, "ymin":ba[1]-adjust_y, "xmax":ba[0]+ba[2]-adjust_x, "ymax":ba[1]+ba[3]-adjust_y})
            bb = ED({"xmin":bb[0]-adjust_x, "ymin":bb[1]-adjust_y, "xmax":bb[0]+bb[2]-adjust_x, "ymax":bb[1]+bb[3]-adjust_y})

        print(f"ba = {ba}")
        print(f"bb = {bb}")
        print(f"bc = {bc}")

        plane = np.full(shape=(int(1.5*(bc.ymax-bc.ymin)),int(1.5*(bc.xmax-bc.xmin)),3), fill_value=255, dtype=np.uint8)
        img_with_boxes = plane.copy()

        line_size = 1
        if cv2:
            cv2.rectangle(img_with_boxes, (ba.xmin, ba.ymin), (ba.xmax, ba.ymax), (0, 255, 0), line_size)
            cv2.rectangle(img_with_boxes, (bb.xmin, bb.ymin), (bb.xmax, bb.ymax), (0, 0, 255), line_size)
            cv2.rectangle(img_with_boxes, (max(0,bc.ymin-1), max(0,bc.ymin-1)), (bc.xmax, bc.ymax), (255, 0, 0), line_size)
            img_with_boxes = Image.fromarray(img_with_boxes)
            drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(img_with_boxes)
            # drawer.line([(ba.xmin, ba.ymin), (ba.xmin, ba.ymax), (ba.xmax, ba.ymax), (ba.xmax, ba.ymin), (ba.xmin, ba.ymin)], fill='green', width=line_size)
            # drawer.line([(bb.xmin, bb.ymin), (bb.xmin, bb.ymax), (bb.xmax, bb.ymax), (bb.xmax, bb.ymin), (bb.xmin, bb.ymin)], fill='blue', width=line_size)
            # drawer.line([((max(0,bc.xmin-1), max(0,bc.ymin-1)), ((max(0,bc.xmin-1), bc.ymax), (bc.xmax, bc.ymax), (bc.xmax, max(0,bc.ymin-1)), ((max(0,bc.xmin-1), max(0,bc.ymin-1))], fill='red', width=line_size)
            drawer.rectangle([(ba.xmin, ba.ymin), (ba.xmax, ba.ymax)], outline='green', width=line_size)
            drawer.rectangle([(bb.xmin, bb.ymin), (bb.xmax, bb.ymax)], outline='blue', width=line_size)
            drawer.rectangle([(max(0,bc.xmin-1), max(0,bc.ymin-1)), (bc.xmax+1, bc.ymax+1)], outline='red', width=line_size)
            img_with_boxes = np.array(img_with_boxes)
            del drawer


        print(f"iou = {iou}")
        print(f"giou = {giou}")
        print(f"diou = {diou}")
        print(f"ciou = {ciou}")

    if iou_type.lower() == 'ciou':
        return ciou
    elif iou_type.lower() == 'diou':
        return diou
    elif iou_type.lower() == 'giou':
        return giou
    elif iou_type.lower() == 'iou':
        return iou