Exemplo n.º 1
def log_linear_quantize(input, sf, bits):
    assert bits >= 1, bits
    if bits == 1:
        return torch.sign(input), 0.0, 0.0

    s = torch.sign(input)
    input0 = torch.log(torch.abs(input) + 1e-20)
    v = linear_quantize(input0, sf, bits)
    v = torch.exp(v) * s
    return v
Exemplo n.º 2
def log_minmax_quantize(input, bits):
    assert bits >= 1, bits
    if bits == 1:
        return torch.sign(input), 0.0, 0.0

    s = torch.sign(input)
    input0 = torch.log(torch.abs(input) + 1e-20)
    v = min_max_quantize(input0, bits)
    v = torch.exp(v) * s
    return v
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _mu_law(self, x):
     m = self._variable(torch.FloatTensor(1))
     m[:] = self.n_categories + 1
     s = torch.sign(x)
     x = torch.abs(x)
     x = s * (torch.log(1 + (self.n_categories * x)) / torch.log(m))
     return x
Exemplo n.º 4
def kurtosis_score(x, dim=0):
    '''Test whether a dataset has normal kurtosis.

    This function tests the null hypothesis that the kurtosis
    of the population from which the sample was drawn is that
    of the normal distribution: ``kurtosis = 3(n-1)/(n+1)``.
    ripoff from: `scipy.stats.kurtosistest`.

        a: Array of the sample data
        axis: Axis along which to compute test. Default is 0. If None,
           compute over the whole array `a`.
        statistic: The computed z-score for this test.
        p-value: A 2-sided chi squared probability for the hypothesis test.
    x, n, dim = _x_n_dim(x, dim)
    if n < 20:
        raise ValueError(
            "Number of elements has to be >= 20 to compute kurtosis")
    b2 = (x**4).mean(dim) / (x**2).mean(dim)**2
    E = 3.0 * (n - 1) / (n + 1)
    varb2 = 24.0 * n * (n - 2) * (n - 3) / ((n + 1)**2 * (n + 3) * (n + 5))
    x = (b2 - E) / math.sqrt(varb2)
    sqrtbeta1 = 6.0 * (n * n - 5 * n + 2) / ((n + 7) * (n + 9)) *\
        math.sqrt((6.0 * (n + 3) * (n + 5)) / (n * (n - 2) * (n - 3)))
    A = 6.0 + 8.0 / sqrtbeta1 * \
        (2.0 / sqrtbeta1 + math.sqrt(1 + 4.0 / (sqrtbeta1**2)))
    term1 = 1 - 2 / (9.0 * A)
    denom = 1 + x * math.sqrt(2 / (A - 4.0))
    term2 = torch.sign(denom) * torch.pow((1 - 2.0 / A) /
                                          torch.abs(denom), 1 / 3.0)
    Z = (term1 - term2) / math.sqrt(2 / (9.0 * A))
    return Z, 1 + torch.erf(-math.sqrt(0.5) * torch.abs(Z))
Exemplo n.º 5
def torch_sign(value):
    Like :func:`torch.sign`` but also works for numbers.
    if isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
        return (value > 0) - (value < 0)
    return torch.sign(value)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _predict(self, x, get_raw_results=False, **kwargs):
     if not isinstance(x, Variable):
         x = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(x).astype(np.float32)))
     rs = x.mm(self._w)
     rs = rs.add_(self._b.expand_as(rs)).squeeze(1)
     if get_raw_results:
         return rs
     return torch.sign(rs)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def forward(self, input):
        # Hack: Force noise vectors to be function of input so they are put into
        # predict_net and not init_net when tracing with ONNX
        epsilon_input = torch.randn(1, input.size()[1], device=input.device)
        epsilon_output = torch.randn(
            self.out_dimension - input.size()[1] + input.size()[1],
        epsilon_in = torch.sign(epsilon_input) * torch.sqrt(torch.abs(epsilon_input))
        epsilon_out = torch.sign(epsilon_output) * torch.sqrt(torch.abs(epsilon_output))

        # Add noise to bias and weights
        noise = torch.mul(epsilon_in, epsilon_out)
        bias = self.bias + self.sigma_bias * epsilon_out.t()
        weight = self.weight + self.sigma_weight * noise
        return input.matmul(weight.t()) + bias
Exemplo n.º 8
def fgsm(classifier, x, loss_func,attack_params):
    epsilon = attack_params['eps']
    #x_diff = 2 * 0.025 * (to_var(torch.rand(x.size())) - 0.5)
    #x_diff = torch.clamp(x_diff, -epsilon, epsilon)
    x_adv = to_var(x.data)

    c_pre = classifier(x_adv)
    loss = loss_func(c_pre) # gan_loss(c, is_real,compute_penalty=False)
    nx_adv = x_adv + epsilon*torch.sign(grad(loss, x_adv,retain_graph=False)[0])
    x_adv = to_var(nx_adv.data)

    return x_adv
Exemplo n.º 9
def tanh_quantize(input, bits):
    assert bits >= 1, bits
    if bits == 1:
        return torch.sign(input)
    input = torch.tanh(input) # [-1, 1]
    input_rescale = (input + 1.0) / 2 #[0, 1]
    n = math.pow(2.0, bits) - 1
    v = torch.floor(input_rescale * n + 0.5) / n
    v = 2 * v - 1 # [-1, 1]

    v = 0.5 * torch.log((1 + v) / (1 - v)) # arctanh
    return v
Exemplo n.º 10
def linear_quantize(input, sf, bits):
    assert bits >= 1, bits
    if bits == 1:
        return torch.sign(input) - 1
    delta = math.pow(2.0, -sf)
    bound = math.pow(2.0, bits-1)
    min_val = - bound
    max_val = bound - 1
    rounded = torch.floor(input / delta + 0.5)

    clipped_value = torch.clamp(rounded, min_val, max_val) * delta
    return clipped_value
    def forward(self, input):

        func = lambda x: torch.sign(x) * torch.sqrt(torch.abs(x))
        eps_in = func(self.epsilon_input.data)
        eps_out = func(self.epsilon_output.data)

        bias = self.bias
        if bias is not None:
            bias = bias + self.sigma_bias * eps_out.t()
        noise_v = torch.mul(eps_in, eps_out)
        return F.linear(input, self.weight + self.sigma_weight * noise_v, bias)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def forward(self, input, doc_lens):
        :param input: (B*S, L)
        :param doc_lens: (B)
        sent_lens = torch.sum(torch.sign(input), dim=1).data  # (B*S); word id is a positive number and pad_id is 0
        input = self.embed(input)  # (B*S, L, D)
        # word level GRU
        input = self.word_RNN(input)[0]  # (B*S, L, D) -> (B*S, L, 2*H), (B*S, 1, 2*H) -> (B*S, L, 2*H)
        # word_out = self.avg_pool1d(x, sent_lens)
        word_out = self.max_pool1d(input, sent_lens)  # (B*S, L, 2*H) -> (B*S, 2*H)
        # make sent features(pad with zeros)
        input = self.pad_doc(word_out, doc_lens)  # (B*S, 2*H) -> (B, max_doc_len, 2*H)

        # sent level GRU
        sent_out = self.sent_RNN(input)[0]  # (B, max_doc_len, 2*H) -> (B, max_doc_len, 2*H)
        # docs = self.avg_pool1d(sent_out, doc_lens)  # (B, 2*H)
        docs = self.max_pool1d(sent_out, doc_lens)  # (B, 2*H)
        batch_probs = []
        for index, doc_len in enumerate(doc_lens):  # for idx, doc_len in (B)
            valid_hidden = sent_out[index, :doc_len, :]  # (doc_len, 2*H)
            doc = torch.tanh(self.fc(docs[index])).unsqueeze(0)  # (1, 2*H)
            s = torch.zeros(1, 2 * self.args.hidden_dim).to(opt.device)  # (1, 2*H)
            probs = []
            for position, h in enumerate(valid_hidden):
                h = h.view(1, -1)  # (1, 2*H)

                # get position embeddings
                abs_index = torch.LongTensor([[position]]).to(opt.device)
                abs_features = self.abs_pos_embed(abs_index).squeeze(0)

                rel_index = int((position + 1) * 9.0 / doc_len)
                rel_index = torch.LongTensor([[rel_index]]).to(opt.device)
                rel_features = self.rel_pos_embed(rel_index).squeeze(0)

                # classification layer
                content = self.content(h)  # (1, 2*H) -> (1, 1)
                salience = self.salience(h, doc)  # (1, 2*H), (1, 2*H) -> (1, 1)
                novelty = -1 * self.novelty(h, torch.tanh(s))  # (1, 2*H), (1, 2*H) -> (1, 1)
                abs_p = self.abs_pos(abs_features)  # (1, 1)
                rel_p = self.rel_pos(rel_features)  # (1, 1)
                prob = torch.sigmoid(content + salience + novelty + abs_p + rel_p + self.bias)  # (1, 1); [[0.35]]
                s = s + torch.mm(prob, h)  # (1, 2*H) + (1, 1) * (1, 2*H) -> (1, 2*H)
                probs.append(prob)  # S * (1, 1)
            batch_probs.append(torch.cat(probs).squeeze())  # (S*1, 1) -> (S) -> B * (S)

        # return torch.stack(batch_probs).squeeze()  # B * (S) -> (B, S)
        return torch.cat(batch_probs).squeeze()  # B * (S) -> (B * S)
Exemplo n.º 13
def min_max_quantize(input, bits):
    assert bits >= 1, bits
    if bits == 1:
        return torch.sign(input) - 1
    min_val, max_val = input.min(), input.max()

    if isinstance(min_val, Variable):
        max_val = float(max_val.data.cpu().numpy()[0])
        min_val = float(min_val.data.cpu().numpy()[0])

    input_rescale = (input - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)

    n = math.pow(2.0, bits) - 1
    v = torch.floor(input_rescale * n + 0.5) / n

    v =  v * (max_val - min_val) + min_val
    return v
Exemplo n.º 14
    def forward(self, x, doc_lens):
        sent_lens = torch.sum(torch.sign(x), dim=1).data
        H = self.args.hidden_size
        x = self.embed(x)  # (N,L,D)
        # word level GRU
        x = [conv(x.permute(0, 2, 1)) for conv in self.convs]
        x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in x]
        x = torch.cat(x, 1)
        # make sent features(pad with zeros)
        x = self.pad_doc(x, doc_lens)

        # sent level GRU
        sent_out = self.sent_RNN(x)[0]  # (B,max_doc_len,2*H)
        docs = self.max_pool1d(sent_out, doc_lens)  # (B,2*H)
        docs = self.fc(docs)
        probs = []
        for index, doc_len in enumerate(doc_lens):
            valid_hidden = sent_out[index, :doc_len, :]  # (doc_len,2*H)
            doc = docs[index].unsqueeze(0)
            s = Variable(torch.zeros(1, 2 * H))
            if self.args.device is not None:
                s = s.cuda()
            for position, h in enumerate(valid_hidden):
                h = h.view(1, -1)  # (1,2*H)
                # get position embeddings
                abs_index = Variable(torch.LongTensor([[position]]))
                if self.args.device is not None:
                    abs_index = abs_index.cuda()
                abs_features = self.abs_pos_embed(abs_index).squeeze(0)

                rel_index = int(round((position + 1) * 9.0 / doc_len))
                rel_index = Variable(torch.LongTensor([[rel_index]]))
                if self.args.device is not None:
                    rel_index = rel_index.cuda()
                rel_features = self.rel_pos_embed(rel_index).squeeze(0)

                # classification layer
                content = self.content(h)
                salience = self.salience(h, doc)
                novelty = -1 * self.novelty(h, torch.tanh(s))
                abs_p = self.abs_pos(abs_features)
                rel_p = self.rel_pos(rel_features)
                prob = F.sigmoid(content + salience + novelty + abs_p + rel_p + self.bias)
                s = s + torch.mm(prob, h)
        return torch.cat(probs).squeeze()
    def extract_filters(self):
        out_channels = self.out_channels
        in_channels = self.in_channels // self.groups 
        k_h = self.kernel_size[0]
        k_w = self.kernel_size[1]

        #for compressing the channel by 2 times
        #if in_channels != 3:
        #   filtermap_pad_tmp = torch.cat((self.filtermap,self.filtermap),0)
        #   filtermap_pad_tmp = self.filtermap
        #filtermap_pad = torch.cat((filtermap_pad_tmp,filtermap_pad_tmp),0)
        #for not compressing the channel
        filtermap_pad = torch.cat((self.filtermap,self.filtermap),0)
        # not for 1x1 conv, do the padding on the spatial 
        if self.filtermap.size()[1] > 1 and self.filtermap.size()[2] > 1: 
           filtermap_pad_s1 = filtermap_pad[:,1,:]
           filtermap_pad_s1 = filtermap_pad_s1[:,None,:]
           filtermap_pad = torch.cat((filtermap_pad,filtermap_pad_s1),1)
           filtermap_pad_s2 = filtermap_pad[:,:,1]
           filtermap_pad_s2 = filtermap_pad_s2[:,:,None]
           filtermap_pad = torch.cat((filtermap_pad,filtermap_pad_s2),2)

        ids = self.ids.detach()
        conv_weight = filtermap_pad.view(-1,1).index_select(0,ids)
        conv_weight = conv_weight.view(out_channels,in_channels,k_h,k_w)
        if self.binary_filtermap:
           binary_conv_weight = conv_weight.clone()
           for nf in range(0,out_channels):
               float_filter = conv_weight[nf,:,:,:];
               L1_norm = torch.norm(float_filter.view(-1,1),1);
               sign_filter = torch.sign(float_filter);
               binary_filter = sign_filter*L1_norm;
               binary_conv_weight[nf,:,:,:] = binary_filter
           return binary_conv_weight
           return conv_weight
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __call__(self, x_mu):

            x_mu (FloatTensor/LongTensor or ndarray)

            x (FloatTensor or ndarray)

        mu = self.qc - 1.
        if isinstance(x_mu, np.ndarray):
            x = ((x_mu) / mu) * 2 - 1.
            x = np.sign(x) * (np.exp(np.abs(x) * np.log1p(mu)) - 1.) / mu
        elif isinstance(x_mu, (torch.Tensor, torch.LongTensor)):
            if isinstance(x_mu, torch.LongTensor):
                x_mu = x_mu.float()
            mu = torch.FloatTensor([mu])
            x = ((x_mu) / mu) * 2 - 1.
            x = torch.sign(x) * (torch.exp(torch.abs(x) * torch.log1p(mu)) - 1.) / mu
        return x
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __call__(self, x):

            x (FloatTensor/LongTensor or ndarray)

            x_mu (LongTensor or ndarray)

        mu = self.qc - 1.
        if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            x_mu = np.sign(x) * np.log1p(mu * np.abs(x)) / np.log1p(mu)
            x_mu = ((x_mu + 1) / 2 * mu + 0.5).astype(int)
        elif isinstance(x, (torch.Tensor, torch.LongTensor)):
            if isinstance(x, torch.LongTensor):
                x = x.float()
            mu = torch.FloatTensor([mu])
            x_mu = torch.sign(x) * torch.log1p(mu *
                                               torch.abs(x)) / torch.log1p(mu)
            x_mu = ((x_mu + 1) / 2 * mu + 0.5).long()
        return x_mu
Exemplo n.º 18
    def generate(self, original_image, org_class, target_class, image_path):
        # I honestly dont know a better way to create a variable with specific value
        # Targeting the specific class
        im_label_as_var = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.asarray([target_class
        # Define loss functions
        ce_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
        # Process image
        processed_image = preprocess_image(
            original_image)  #original image를 var로 변환한것.
        # Start iteration
        for i in range(10):
            print('Iteration:', str(i))
            # zero_gradients(x)
            # Zero out previous gradients
            # Can also use zero_gradients(x)
            processed_image.grad = None
            # Forward pass
            out = self.model(processed_image)  #model을 거친 값.
            #print(out.dtype) #float
            #print(im_label_as_var.dtype) #int
            # Calculate CE loss
            pred_loss = ce_loss(
                out, im_label_as_var.long())  #type error 때문에 오류 발생했음.
            # Do backward pass
            # Create Noise
            # Here, processed_image.grad.data is also the same thing is the backward gradient from
            # the first layer, can use that with hooks as well
            adv_noise = self.alpha * torch.sign(
                processed_image.grad.data)  #노이즈 만들기.
            # Add noise to processed image
            processed_image.data = processed_image.data - adv_noise  #기존의 이미지에 노이즈를 뺌. 다시 생성한 이미지~~

            # Confirming if the image is indeed adversarial with added noise
            # This is necessary (for some cases) because when we recreate image
            # the values become integers between 1 and 255 and sometimes the adversariality
            # is lost in the recreation process

            # Generate confirmation image
            recreated_image = recreate_image(processed_image)
            # Process confirmation image
            prep_confirmation_image = preprocess_image(
                recreated_image)  #새로 생성한 이미지를 var 형태로 변환.
            # Forward pass
            confirmation_out = self.model(
                prep_confirmation_image)  #model로 evaluate 한 값
            # Get prediction
            _, confirmation_prediction = confirmation_out.data.max(
                1)  #같은 모델로 돌렸을 때, 결과값(=예측값?) 좀 걸리는게,, 0과 1 계속 왔다갔다함.
            # Get Probability
            confirmation_confidence = \
                nn.functional.softmax(confirmation_out)[0][confirmation_prediction].data.numpy()[0] #얼마나 일치하는지..softmax 서치필요
            # Convert tensor to int
            confirmation_prediction = confirmation_prediction.numpy()[
                0]  #0과 1로 표현됨.... -> fake or real 이었다!
            # Check if the prediction is different than the original
            if confirmation_prediction == target_class:
                print('Original image was predicted as:', org_class,
                      'with adversarial noise converted to:',
                      'and predicted with confidence of:',
                # Create the image for noise as: Original image - generated image
                original_image = cv2.resize(original_image, (224, 224))
                recreate_img = recreated_image.transpose(0, 1, 2)
                noise_image = original_image - recreate_img  #고작 이게 노이즈..?
                #cv2.imwrite('../generated/targeted/noise_from_' + image_path+'_'+str(org_class) + '_to_' +
                #            str(confirmation_prediction) + '.jpg', noise_image)
                # Write image
                    '../generated/targeted/adv_img_from_' + image_path + '_' +
                    str(org_class) + '_to_' + str(confirmation_prediction) +
                    '.jpg', recreate_img)

                #FGSM 생성한 이미지의 Xception 모델 결과값(Fake/Real).
                #deepfake_output = self.model(torch.Tensor(recreate_img))
                deepfake_output = self.model(
                )  #torch.from_numpy(np.flip(recreate_img, axis=0).copy())
                _, FGSM_result = deepfake_output.data.max(1)
                print("FGSM result : ", FGSM_result.numpy()[0])
        return 1
Exemplo n.º 19
 def _f(self, x):
     return torch.sign(x) * torch.sqrt(torch.abs(x))
Exemplo n.º 20
 def _mu2float(self, mdata) :
     y=[ torch.sign(x)*d*(torch.power(self.nvals,torch.abs(x))-1) for x in mdata ]
     return y
Exemplo n.º 21
 def nonzero(x):
     return torch.sign(torch.abs(x))
Exemplo n.º 22
 def linf_step(self, x, g, lr):
     return x + lr * torch.sign(g)
Exemplo n.º 23
def updateBN():
    for m in model.modules():
        if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
            m.weight.grad.data.add_(args.s * torch.sign(m.weight.data))  # L1
Exemplo n.º 24
 def forward(self, x):
     gamma = torch.clamp(self.gamma, min=0.)
     return torch.sign(x) * torch.clamp(x.abs() - gamma, min=0.)
Exemplo n.º 25
def mean_value_coordinates_3D(query, vertices, faces, verbose=False):
    Tao Ju et.al. MVC for 3D triangle meshes
        query    (B,P,3)
        vertices (B,N,3)
        faces    (B,F,3)
        wj       (B,P,N)
    B, F, _ = faces.shape
    _, P, _ = query.shape
    _, N, _ = vertices.shape
    # u_i = p_i - x (B,P,N,3)
    uj = vertices.unsqueeze(1) - query.unsqueeze(2)
    # \|u_i\| (B,P,N,1)
    dj = torch.norm(uj, dim=-1, p=2, keepdim=True)
    uj = normalize(uj, dim=-1)
    # gather triangle B,P,F,3,3
    ui = torch.gather(uj.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1,-1,F,-1,-1),
    # li = \|u_{i+1}-u_{i-1}\| (B,P,F,3)
    li = torch.norm(ui[:,:,:,[1, 2, 0],:] - ui[:, :, :,[2, 0, 1],:], dim=-1, p=2)
    eps = 2e-5
    li = torch.where(li>=2, li-(li.detach()-(2-eps)), li)
    li = torch.where(li<=-2, li-(li.detach()+(2-eps)), li)
    # asin(x) is inf at +/-1
    # θi =  2arcsin[li/2] (B,P,F,3)
    theta_i = 2*torch.asin(li/2)
    # B,P,F,1
    h = torch.sum(theta_i, dim=-1, keepdim=True)/2
    # wi← sin[θi]d{i−1}d{i+1}
    # (B,P,F,3) ci ← (2sin[h]sin[h−θi])/(sin[θ_{i+1}]sin[θ_{i−1}])−1
    ci = 2*torch.sin(h)*torch.sin(h-theta_i)/(torch.sin(theta_i[:,:,:,[1, 2, 0]])*torch.sin(theta_i[:,:,:,[2, 0, 1]]))-1

    # NOTE: because of floating point ci can be slightly larger than 1, causing problem with sqrt(1-ci^2)
    # NOTE: sqrt(x)' is nan for x=0, hence use eps
    eps = 1e-5
    ci = torch.where(ci>=1, ci-(ci.detach()-(1-eps)), ci)
    ci = torch.where(ci<=-1, ci-(ci.detach()+(1-eps)), ci)
    # si← sign[det[u1,u2,u3]]sqrt(1-ci^2)
    # (B,P,F)*(B,P,F,3)

    si = torch.sign(torch.det(ui)).unsqueeze(-1)*torch.sqrt(1-ci**2)  # sqrt gradient nan for 0
    # (B,P,F,3)
    di = torch.gather(dj.unsqueeze(2).squeeze(-1).expand(-1,-1,F,-1), 3,
    # if si.requires_grad:
    #     vertices.register_hook(save_grad("mvc/dv"))
    #     li.register_hook(save_grad("mvc/dli"))
    #     theta_i.register_hook(save_grad("mvc/dtheta"))
    #     ci.register_hook(save_grad("mvc/dci"))
    #     si.register_hook(save_grad("mvc/dsi"))
    #     di.register_hook(save_grad("mvc/ddi"))

    # wi← (θi −c[i+1]θ[i−1] −c[i−1]θ[i+1])/(disin[θi+1]s[i−1])
    # B,P,F,3
    # CHECK is there a 2* in the denominator
    wi = (theta_i-ci[:,:,:,[1,2,0]]*theta_i[:,:,:,[2,0,1]]-ci[:,:,:,[2,0,1]]*theta_i[:,:,:,[1,2,0]])/(di*torch.sin(theta_i[:,:,:,[1,2,0]])*si[:,:,:,[2,0,1]])
    # if ∃i,|si| ≤ ε, set wi to 0. coplaner with T but outside
    # ignore coplaner outside triangle
    # alternative check
    # (B,F,3,3)
    # triangle_points = torch.gather(vertices.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1,F,-1,-1), 2, faces.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1,-1,-1,3))
    # # (B,P,F,3), (B,1,F,3) -> (B,P,F,1)
    # determinant = dot_product(triangle_points[:,:,:,0].unsqueeze(1)-query.unsqueeze(2),
    #                           torch.cross(triangle_points[:,:,:,1]-triangle_points[:,:,:,0],
    #                                       triangle_points[:,:,:,2]-triangle_points[:,:,:,0], dim=-1).unsqueeze(1), dim=-1, keepdim=True).detach()
    # # (B,P,F,1)
    # sqrdist = determinant*determinant / (4 * sqrNorm(torch.cross(triangle_points[:,:,:,1]-triangle_points[:,:,:,0], triangle_points[:,:,:,2]-triangle_points[:,:,:,0], dim=-1), keepdim=True))

    wi = torch.where(torch.any(torch.abs(si) <= 1e-5, keepdim=True, dim=-1), torch.zeros_like(wi), wi)
    # wi = torch.where(sqrdist <= 1e-5, torch.zeros_like(wi), wi)

    # if π −h < ε, x lies on t, use 2D barycentric coordinates
    # inside triangle
    inside_triangle = (PI-h).squeeze(-1)<1e-4
    # set all F for this P to zero
    wi = torch.where(torch.any(inside_triangle, dim=-1, keepdim=True).unsqueeze(-1), torch.zeros_like(wi), wi)
    # CHECK is it di https://www.cse.wustl.edu/~taoju/research/meanvalue.pdf or li http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
    wi = torch.where(inside_triangle.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1,-1,-1,wi.shape[-1]), torch.sin(theta_i)*di[:,:,:,[2,0,1]]*di[:,:,:,[1,2,0]], wi)

    # sum over all faces face -> vertex (B,P,F*3) -> (B,P,N)
    wj = scatter_add(wi.reshape(B,P,-1).contiguous(), faces.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1,P,-1,-1).reshape(B,P,-1), 2, out_size=(B,P,N))

    # close to vertex (B,P,N)
    close_to_point = dj.squeeze(-1) < 1e-8
    # set all F for this P to zero
    wj = torch.where(torch.any(close_to_point, dim=-1, keepdim=True), torch.zeros_like(wj), wj)
    wj = torch.where(close_to_point, torch.ones_like(wj), wj)

    # (B,P,1)
    sumWj = torch.sum(wj, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
    sumWj = torch.where(sumWj==0, torch.ones_like(sumWj), sumWj)

    wj_normalised = wj / sumWj
    # if wj.requires_grad:
    #     saved_variables["mvc/wi"] = wi
    #     wi.register_hook(save_grad("mvc/dwi"))
    #     wj.register_hook(save_grad("mvc/dwj"))
    if verbose:
        return wj_normalised, wi
        return wj_normalised
Exemplo n.º 26
alpha = 1e-4
epochs = 170
cnt = 0

for filename in os.listdir(input_dir):
    if filename[-4:] != '.png':
    cnt += 1
    image = Image.open(os.path.join(input_dir, filename)).convert('RGB')
    target = torch.tensor([0])
    trans = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()])
    rev = transforms.ToPILImage()
    image = trans(image)
    image = image.unsqueeze(0)
    eta = torch.zeros(image.shape)

    for _ in range(epochs):
        print(cnt, _)
        output = model(image + eta)
        loss = criterion(output, target)

        eta += -alpha * torch.sign(image.grad.data)

    adv = image + eta
    adv = adv.squeeze()
    adv = rev(adv)
    adv.save(os.path.join(output_dir, filename))
Exemplo n.º 27
def trades_loss(model,
    # define KL-loss
    #criterion_kl = nn.KLDivLoss(size_average=False)
    criterion_kl = nn.KLDivLoss(reduction='sum')
    batch_size = len(x_natural)
    # generate adversarial example
    if norm == np.inf:
        x_adv = x_natural.detach() + 0.001 * torch.randn(
        for _ in range(perturb_steps):
            with torch.enable_grad():
                loss_kl = criterion_kl(F.log_softmax(model(x_adv), dim=1),
                                       F.softmax(model(x_natural), dim=1))
            grad = torch.autograd.grad(loss_kl, [x_adv])[0]
            x_adv = x_adv.detach() + step_size * torch.sign(grad.detach())
            x_adv = torch.min(torch.max(x_adv, x_natural - epsilon),
                              x_natural + epsilon)
            x_adv = torch.clamp(x_adv, 0.0, 1.0)
    elif norm == 2:
        delta = 0.001 * torch.randn(x_natural.shape).to(device).detach()
        delta = Variable(delta.data, requires_grad=True)

        # Setup optimizers
        optimizer_delta = optim.SGD([delta], lr=epsilon / perturb_steps * 2)

        for _ in range(perturb_steps):
            adv = x_natural + delta

            # optimize
            with torch.enable_grad():
                loss = (-1) * criterion_kl(F.log_softmax(model(adv), dim=1),
                                           F.softmax(model(x_natural), dim=1))
            # renorming gradient
            grad_norms = delta.grad.view(batch_size, -1).norm(p=2, dim=1)
            delta.grad.div_(grad_norms.view(-1, 1, 1, 1))
            # avoid nan or inf if gradient is 0
            if (grad_norms == 0).any():
                delta.grad[grad_norms == 0] = torch.randn_like(
                    delta.grad[grad_norms == 0])

            # projection
            delta.data.clamp_(0, 1).sub_(x_natural)
            delta.data.renorm_(p=2, dim=0, maxnorm=epsilon)
        x_adv = Variable(x_natural + delta, requires_grad=False)
        x_adv = torch.clamp(x_adv, 0.0, 1.0)

    x_adv = Variable(torch.clamp(x_adv, 0.0, 1.0), requires_grad=False)
    # zero gradient
    # calculate robust loss
    outputs = model(x_natural)
    loss_natural = loss_fn(outputs, y)
    loss_robust = (1.0 / batch_size) * criterion_kl(
        F.log_softmax(model(x_adv), dim=1), F.softmax(model(x_natural), dim=1))
    if version is not None and "sum" in version:
        loss = loss_natural + beta * batch_size * loss_robust
        loss = loss_natural + beta * loss_robust
    return outputs, loss
 def backward(ctx, grad_output):
     if lin_back:
         grad_input = grad_output.clone()
         return grad_input
     return torch.sign(grad_output) * torch.pow(torch.ones_like(grad_output)*2, torch.clamp(torch.round(torch.log2(torch.abs(grad_output))), fsr-2**bitwight,fsr )) 
 def forward(ctx, input):
     if with_sign:
         return torch.sign(input)*torch.pow(torch.ones_like(input)*2, torch.clamp(torch.round(torch.log2(torch.abs(input))), fsr-2**bitwight ,fsr )) 
     return torch.pow(torch.ones_like(input)*2, torch.clamp(torch.round(torch.log2(torch.abs(input))), fsr-2**bitwight ,fsr )) 
Exemplo n.º 30
def generate_with_adv(model, data_feed, config, evaluator, num_batch=1, dest_f=None):
    eos_id = model.rev_vocab[EOS]

    logger.info("Generation with Adversarial: {} batches".format(data_feed.num_batch
                                                                 if num_batch is None
                                                                 else num_batch))

    adv_nll = 0.0
    corr_cnt = 0.0
    adv_cnt = 0.0
    corr_pi_cnt = 0.0
    sys_pi_cnt = 1e-18
    sys_corr_pi_cnt = 0.0

    usr_pi_cnt = 1e-18
    usr_corr_pi_cnt = 0.0

    if num_batch is not None:
        gen_with_cond(model, data_feed, config, num_batch)

    data_feed.epoch_init(config, shuffle=False, verbose=False)
    while True:
        batch = data_feed.next_batch()
        if batch is None:
        outputs, labels = model(batch, mode=GEN, gen_type=config.gen_type)

            y_ids = outputs[DecoderRNN.KEY_LATENT]
            qy_ids = outputs[DecoderRNN.KEY_RECOG_LATENT]
            log_py = outputs[DecoderRNN.KEY_POLICY]
            _, max_py = torch.max(log_py, dim=1)
            corr_flag = max_py == qy_ids.view(-1)
            corr_flag = corr_flag.cpu().data.numpy()

            corr_pi_cnt += np.sum(corr_flag)
            for b_id in range(config.batch_size):
                for y_idx in range(config.y_size):
                    idx = b_id * config.y_size + y_idx

                    if model.rev_vocab.get(USR) in batch.outputs[b_id]:
                        usr_pi_cnt += 1
                        if corr_flag[idx]:
                            usr_corr_pi_cnt += 1
                        sys_pi_cnt += 1
                        if corr_flag[idx]:
                            sys_corr_pi_cnt += 1

        except Exception as e:
            logger.info("No latent. Skip")

        seq_terminate = Variable(torch.zeros(config.batch_size, 1))
        if config.use_gpu:
            seq_terminate = seq_terminate.cuda().long()

        # find adversarial loss here. EOS the sequence
        norm_out_utts = []
        for t in outputs[DecoderRNN.KEY_SEQUENCE]:
            is_eos = t == eos_id
            seq_terminate = torch.sign(seq_terminate+is_eos.long())

        norm_out_utts = torch.cat(norm_out_utts, dim=1)
        qzx_results = model.qzx_forward(norm_out_utts)
        log_qy = F.log_softmax(qzx_results.qy_logits, dim=1)

        nll = -1.0 * log_qy.gather(1, y_ids)
        _, max_qy = torch.max(log_qy, dim=1)

        corr_cnt += torch.sum(max_qy==y_ids.view(-1)).cpu().data.numpy()
        adv_nll += torch.sum(nll).cpu().data.numpy()
        adv_cnt += log_qy.size(0)

    # print adversarial PPL
    avg_adv_nll = adv_nll/adv_cnt
    acc = corr_cnt/adv_cnt
    pi_acc = corr_pi_cnt/adv_cnt
    usr_pi_acc = usr_corr_pi_cnt/usr_pi_cnt
    sys_pi_acc = sys_corr_pi_cnt/sys_pi_cnt

    logger.info("Adversarial NLL {}, PPL {} Acc {} PI Acc {} Sys Acc {} Usr Acc {}"
                .format(avg_adv_nll, np.exp(avg_adv_nll), acc,
                        pi_acc, sys_pi_acc, usr_pi_acc))

    logger.info("Generation Done")
    return pi_acc
Exemplo n.º 31
def main():
    device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')

    InceptionResnet_model_1 = InceptionResnetV1(
    print('load InceptionResnet-vggface2.pt successfully')

    InceptionResnet_model_2 = InceptionResnetV1(
    print('load InceptionResnet-casia-webface.pt successfully')

    IR_50_model_1 = IR_50([112, 112])
    print('load IR_50 successfully')

    IR_152_model_1 = IR_152([112, 112])
    print('load IR_152 successfully')

    # IR_152_model_2 = IR_152([112, 112])
    # IR_152_model_2.load_state_dict(
    #     torch.load(
    #         '/notebooks/Workspace/tmp/pycharm_project_314/TianChi/Face_recognition/irse/model/Head_ArcFace_Epoch_112_Batch_2547328_Time_2019-07-13-02-59_checkpoint.pth'))
    # IR_152_model_2.eval().to(device)
    # print('load IR_152_ArcFace successfully')

    import insightface

    Insightface_iresnet34 = insightface.iresnet34(pretrained=True)
    print('load Insightface_iresnet34 successfully')

    Insightface_iresnet50 = insightface.iresnet50(pretrained=True)
    print('load Insightface_iresnet50 successfully')

    Insightface_iresnet100 = insightface.iresnet100(pretrained=True)
    print('load Insightface_iresnet100 successfully')

    from Face_recognition.vgg16.vgg16 import CenterLossModel, loadCheckpoint
    vgg16_checkpoint = loadCheckpoint(

    VGG16 = CenterLossModel(embedding_size=512,
    print('load VGG16 successfully')


    criterion = nn.MSELoss()
    # cpu
    # collect all images to attack
    paths = []
    picpath = '/notebooks/Workspace/tmp/pycharm_project_314/TianChi/images'
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(picpath):
        for f in files:
            paths.append(os.path.join(root, f))

    # paras
    eps = 1
    steps = 50
    output_path = './output_img'
    momentum = 1.0

    for path in tqdm(paths):

        start = time.time()
        print('processing ' + path + '  ===============>')
        image = Image.open(path)

        # define paras
        # in_tensor is origin tensor of image
        # in_variable changes with gradient

        in_tensor = img2tensor(np.array(image))
        # print(in_tensor.shape)
        in_variable = in_tensor.detach().to(device)
        in_tensor = in_tensor.squeeze().to(device)
        adv = None

        # in_tensor= img2tensor_224(image)
        # # print(in_tensor.shape)
        # in_variable = in_tensor.to(device)
        # in_tensor = in_tensor.squeeze().to(device)
        # adv = None

        # # origin feature

        origin_InceptionResnet_model_1 = InceptionResnet_model_1(in_variable)
        origin_InceptionResnet_model_2 = InceptionResnet_model_2(in_variable)
        origin_IR_50_model_1 = IR_50_model_1(in_variable)
        origin_IR_152_model_1 = IR_152_model_1(in_variable)
        # # origin_IR_152_model_2 = IR_152_model_2(in_variable)
        origin_Insightface_iresent34 = Insightface_iresnet34(in_variable)
        origin_Insightface_iresent50 = Insightface_iresnet50(in_variable)
        origin_Insightface_iresent100 = Insightface_iresnet100(in_variable)
        origin_VGG16 = VGG16.forward_GetFeature(in_variable)

        # 1. untarget attack -> random noise
        # 2. target attack -> x = alpha * target + (1 - alpha) * x
        perturbation = torch.Tensor(3, 112, 112).uniform_(-0.1, 0.1).to(device)
        in_variable = in_variable + perturbation
        in_variable.data.clamp_(-1.0, 1.0)
        in_variable.requires_grad = True
        g_noise = 0.0

        #  sum gradient
        for i in range(steps):
            # print('step: ' + str(i))
            # in_variable = in_variable.to(device)

            out_InceptionResnet_model_1 = InceptionResnet_model_1(in_variable)
            out_InceptionResnet_model_2 = InceptionResnet_model_2(in_variable)
            out_IR_50_model_1 = IR_50_model_1(in_variable)
            out_IR_152_model_1 = IR_152_model_1(in_variable)
            # # out_IR_152_model_2 = IR_152_model_2(in_variable)
            out_Insightface_iresent34 = Insightface_iresnet34(in_variable)
            out_Insightface_iresent50 = Insightface_iresnet50(in_variable)
            out_Insightface_iresent100 = Insightface_iresnet100(in_variable)
            out_VGG16 = VGG16.forward_GetFeature(in_variable)

            loss = criterion(origin_InceptionResnet_model_1, out_InceptionResnet_model_1) + \
                   criterion(origin_InceptionResnet_model_2, out_InceptionResnet_model_2) + \
                   criterion(origin_IR_50_model_1, out_IR_50_model_1) + \
                   criterion(origin_IR_152_model_1, out_IR_152_model_1) + \
                   criterion(origin_Insightface_iresent34, out_Insightface_iresent34) + \
                   criterion(origin_Insightface_iresent50, out_Insightface_iresent50) + \
                   criterion(origin_Insightface_iresent100, out_Insightface_iresent100) + \
                   criterion(origin_VGG16, out_VGG16)

            # print('loss : %f' % loss)
            # compute gradients

            g_noise = momentum * g_noise + (in_variable.grad /
            g_noise = g_noise / g_noise.data.norm(1)

            if i % 2 == 0:
                kernel = gkern(3, 2).astype(np.float32)
                gaussian_blur1 = GaussianBlur(kernel).to(device)
                g_noise = gaussian_blur1(g_noise)
                g_noise = torch.clamp(g_noise, -0.1, 0.1)
                addition = TVLoss()
                g_noise = addition(g_noise)

            in_variable.data = in_variable.data + (
                (eps / 255.) * torch.sign(g_noise)
            )  # * torch.from_numpy(mat).unsqueeze(0).float()

            in_variable.grad.data.zero_()  # unnecessary

        # deprocess image
        adv = in_variable.data.cpu().numpy()[0]  # (3, 112, 112)
        perturbation = (adv - in_tensor.cpu().numpy())

        adv = adv * 128.0 + 127.0
        adv = adv.swapaxes(0, 1).swapaxes(1, 2)
        adv = adv[..., ::-1]
        adv = np.clip(adv, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)

        sample_dir = '/notebooks/Workspace/tmp/pycharm_project_314/TianChi/main_4_output-8-29/'
        if not os.path.exists(sample_dir):

        advimg = sample_dir + path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-2] + '.jpg'

        cv2.imwrite(advimg, adv)
        print("save path is " + advimg)
        print('cost time is %.2f s ' % (time.time() - start))
Exemplo n.º 32
def main():
    sample_dir = './test_DI-2-FGSM-3/'
    if not os.path.exists(sample_dir):

    InceptionResnet_model_1 = InceptionResnetV1(
    print('load InceptionResnet-vggface2.pt successfully')

    # InceptionResnet_model_2 = InceptionResnetV1(pretrained='casia-webface').eval().to(device_0)
    # print('load InceptionResnet-casia-webface.pt successfully')

    IR_50_model_1 = IR_50([112, 112])
    print('load IR_50 successfully')

    #     IR_152_model_1 = IR_152([112, 112])
    #     IR_152_model_1.load_state_dict(
    #         torch.load(
    #             '/notebooks/Workspace/tmp/pycharm_project_314/TianChi/Face_recognition/irse/model/Backbone_IR_152_Epoch_112_Batch_2547328_Time_2019-07-13-02-59_checkpoint.pth'))
    #     IR_152_model_1.eval().to(device_0)
    #     print('load IR_152 successfully')

    #     IR_SE_50 = Backbone(50,mode='ir_se').eval().to(device_1)
    #     print('load IR_SE_50 successfully')

    #     mobileFaceNet = MobileFaceNet(512).eval().to(device_0)
    #     print('load mobileFaceNet successfully')

    Insightface_iresnet34 = insightface.iresnet34(pretrained=True)
    print('load Insightface_iresnet34 successfully')

    Insightface_iresnet50 = insightface.iresnet50(pretrained=True)
    print('load Insightface_iresnet50 successfully')

    Insightface_iresnet100 = insightface.iresnet100(pretrained=True)
    print('load Insightface_iresnet100 successfully')

    # ##########################vgg16
    #     from Face_recognition.vgg16.vgg16 import CenterLossModel,loadCheckpoint
    #     vgg16_checkpoint=loadCheckpoint('/notebooks/Workspace/tmp/pycharm_project_314/TianChi/Face_recognition/vgg16/model');
    #     VGG16 = CenterLossModel(embedding_size=512,num_classes=712,checkpoint=vgg16_checkpoint).eval().to(device_1)
    #     print('load VGG16 successfully')

    arc_face_ir_se_50 = Arcface()

    models = []

    criterion = nn.MSELoss()
    # cpu
    # collect all images to attack
    paths = []
    picpath = '/notebooks/Workspace/tmp/pycharm_project_314/TianChi/images'
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(picpath):
        for f in files:
            paths.append(os.path.join(root, f))

    # paras
    eps = 1
    steps = 50
    output_path = './output_img'
    momentum = 0.3
    alpha = 0.35
    beta = 0.3
    gamma = 0.1

    #####cal mean feature face
    print('cal mean feature face #########################')

    # ##########
    # cal mean feature face on only 712 images
    #     mean_face_1 = torch.zeros(1,3,112,112).detach()
    #     for path in tqdm(paths):
    #         image = Image.open(path)
    #         in_tensor_1 = img2tensor(np.array(image))
    #         mean_face_1 += in_tensor_1
    #     mean_face_1 = mean_face_1 / 712
    # ##########

    #     with torch.no_grad():
    #         mean_face = torch.zeros(512).detach()
    #         for path in tqdm(paths):
    #             start = time.time()
    #             print('cal mean face ' + path + '  ===============>')
    #             image = Image.open(path)
    #             # define paras
    #             # in_tensor is origin tensor of image
    #             # in_variable changes with gradient
    #             in_tensor_1 = img2tensor(np.array(image))
    #             # print(in_tensor.shape)
    #             this_feature_face = None
    #             # # origin feature
    #             _origin_InceptionResnet_model_1 = InceptionResnet_model_1(in_tensor_1.to(device_0)).cpu()
    #             ####################
    # #             _origin_InceptionResnet_model_2 = InceptionResnet_model_2(in_tensor_1.to(device_0)).cpu()
    #             ######################
    # #             _origin_IR_50_model_1 = IR_50_model_1(in_tensor_1.to(device_0)).cpu()
    #             ###########################
    # #             _origin_IR_152_model_1 = IR_152_model_1(in_tensor_1.to(device_0)).cpu()
    # #             _origin_IR_SE_50 = IR_SE_50(in_tensor_1.to(device_1)).cpu()
    # #             _origin_mobileFaceNet = mobileFaceNet(in_tensor_1.to(device_0)).cpu()
    #             #############################
    #             _origin_Insightface_iresent34 = Insightface_iresnet34(in_tensor_1.to(device_1)).cpu()
    #             _origin_Insightface_iresent50 = Insightface_iresnet50(in_tensor_1.to(device_1)).cpu()
    #             _origin_Insightface_iresent100 = Insightface_iresnet100(in_tensor_1.to(device_1)).cpu()
    #             _origin_arcface = arc_face_ir_se_50(in_tensor_1.to(device_0)).cpu()
    #             ########################
    # #             _origin_VGG16 = VGG16.forward_GetFeature(in_tensor_1.to(device_1)).cpu()
    #             ########################
    #             this_feature_face = _origin_InceptionResnet_model_1 + \
    #                                 _origin_Insightface_iresent34  + \
    #                                 _origin_Insightface_iresent50  + \
    #                                 _origin_Insightface_iresent100  + \
    #                                 _origin_arcface
    # #             this_feature_face = _origin_InceptionResnet_model_1 + \
    # #                                 _origin_InceptionResnet_model_2 +\
    # #                                 _origin_IR_50_model_1 + \
    # #                                 _origin_IR_152_model_1 +\
    # #                                 _origin_IR_SE_50 +\
    # #                                 _origin_mobileFaceNet +\
    # #                                 _origin_Insightface_iresent34  + \
    # #                                 _origin_Insightface_iresent50  + \
    # #                                 _origin_Insightface_iresent100  + \
    # #                                 _origin_arcface +\
    # #                                 _origin_VGG16
    #             this_feature_face = this_feature_face / 5.
    #             mean_face = mean_face + this_feature_face
    # #         del _origin_InceptionResnet_model_1
    # #         del _origin_InceptionResnet_model_2
    # #         del _origin_IR_50_model_1
    # #         del _origin_IR_152_model_1
    # #         del _origin_IR_SE_50
    # #         del _origin_mobileFaceNet
    # #         del _origin_Insightface_iresent34
    # #         del _origin_Insightface_iresent50
    # #         del _origin_Insightface_iresent100
    # #         del _origin_VGG16
    # #         del _origin_arcface
    # #         del this_feature_face
    # #         del in_tensor_1
    #         del _origin_InceptionResnet_model_1
    # #         del _origin_IR_50_model_1
    #         del _origin_Insightface_iresent34
    #         del _origin_Insightface_iresent50
    #         del _origin_Insightface_iresent100
    #         del _origin_arcface
    #         del this_feature_face
    #         del in_tensor_1
    #     mean_face = mean_face / 712.

    mean_face = cal_mean_face_by_extend_dataset(models)
    print('finish cal mean face...')

    from mydataset import CustomDataset
    custom_dataset = CustomDataset()
    train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset=custom_dataset,
    count = 0
    progressRate = 0.0
    for i, (x, path) in enumerate(train_loader):
        start = time.time()
        print('processing ' + str(progressRate) + '  ===============>')
        in_tensor = x
        origin_variable = in_tensor.detach()
        origin_variable = origin_variable

        in_variable = in_tensor.detach()
        in_variable = in_variable

        in_variable_max = in_tensor.detach()
        in_variable_min = in_tensor.detach()
        in_variable_max = in_variable + 0.1
        in_variable_min = in_variable - 0.1

        in_tensor = in_tensor.squeeze()
        in_tensor = in_tensor
        adv = None

        perturbation = torch.Tensor(x.size(0), 3, 112,
                                    112).uniform_(-0.05, 0.05)  ###这里测试
        perturbation = perturbation
        in_variable += perturbation
        in_variable.data.clamp_(-1.0, 1.0)
        in_variable.requires_grad = True
        g_noise = torch.zeros_like(in_variable)
        g_noise = g_noise

        origin_InceptionResnet_model_1 = InceptionResnet_model_1(
        #         origin_InceptionResnet_model_2 = InceptionResnet_model_2(origin_variable.to(device_0)).cpu()
        origin_IR_50_model_1 = IR_50_model_1(
        #         origin_IR_152_model_1 = IR_152_model_1(origin_variable.to(device_0)).cpu()
        #         origin_IR_SE_50 = IR_SE_50(origin_variable.to(device_1)).cpu()
        #         origin_mobileFaceNet = mobileFaceNet(origin_variable.to(device_0)).cpu()
        origin_Insightface_iresent34 = Insightface_iresnet34(
        origin_Insightface_iresent50 = Insightface_iresnet50(
        origin_Insightface_iresent100 = Insightface_iresnet100(
        origin_arcface = arc_face_ir_se_50(origin_variable.to(device_0)).cpu()
        #         origin_VGG16 = VGG16.forward_GetFeature(origin_variable.to(device_1)).cpu()

        #         origin_average_out = (origin_InceptionResnet_model_1+origin_IR_50_model_1+origin_Insightface_iresent34+\
        #                origin_Insightface_iresent50+origin_Insightface_iresent100+origin_arcface)/6

        #         origin_average_out  =(origin_InceptionResnet_model_1+\
        #                               origin_InceptionResnet_model_2+ \
        #                               origin_IR_50_model_1+\
        #                               origin_IR_152_model_1+\
        #                               origin_IR_SE_50+\
        #                               origin_mobileFaceNet+\
        #                               origin_Insightface_iresent34+\
        #                               origin_Insightface_iresent50 +\
        #                               origin_Insightface_iresent100 +\
        #                               origin_arcface +\
        #                               origin_VGG16) /11.

        origin_average_out  =(origin_InceptionResnet_model_1+ \
                              origin_IR_50_model_1 +\
                              origin_Insightface_iresent50 +\
                              origin_Insightface_iresent100 +\
                              origin_arcface ) /6.

        # target pix mean face
        # After verification, it found no use.
        #         target_mean_face_InceptionResnet_model_1 = InceptionResnet_model_1(mean_face_1.to(device_0)).cpu()
        #         target_mean_face_IR_50_model_1 = IR_50_model_1(mean_face_1.to(device_0)).cpu()
        #         target_mean_face_Insightface_iresent34 = Insightface_iresnet34(mean_face_1.to(device_1)).cpu()
        #         target_mean_face_Insightface_iresent50 = Insightface_iresnet50(mean_face_1.to(device_1)).cpu()
        #         target_mean_faceInsightface_iresent100 = Insightface_iresnet100(mean_face_1.to(device_1)).cpu()
        #         target_mean_face_arcface = arc_face_ir_se_50(mean_face_1.to(device_0)).cpu()

        #         target_mean_face_average_out = (target_mean_face_InceptionResnet_model_1 + target_mean_face_IR_50_model_1 + target_mean_face_Insightface_iresent34 + target_mean_face_Insightface_iresent50 + target_mean_faceInsightface_iresent100 + target_mean_face_arcface)/ 6

        #  sum gradient
        for i in range(steps):
            print('step: ' + str(i))
            # new_variable = input_diversity(in_variable,112,0.5)
            # 通过随机的size的padding,增加input的多样性
            mediate_InceptionResnet_model_1 = InceptionResnet_model_1(
            #             mediate_InceptionResnet_model_2 = InceptionResnet_model_2(new_variable.to(device_0)).cpu()
            mediate_IR_50_model_1 = IR_50_model_1(
            #             mediate_IR_152_model_1 = IR_152_model_1(new_variable.to(device_0)).cpu()
            #             mediate_IR_SE_50 = IR_SE_50(new_variable.to(device_1)).cpu()
            #             mediate_mobileFaceNet = mobileFaceNet(new_variable.to(device_0)).cpu()
            mediate_Insightface_iresent34 = Insightface_iresnet34(
            mediate_Insightface_iresent50 = Insightface_iresnet50(
            mediate_Insightface_iresent100 = Insightface_iresnet100(
            #             mediate_VGG16 = VGG16.forward_GetFeature(new_variable.to(device_1)).cpu()
            mediate_arcface = arc_face_ir_se_50(in_variable.to(device_0)).cpu()

            # average_out = (mediate_InceptionResnet_model_1+mediate_InceptionResnet_model_2+mediate_IR_50_model_1+\
            #    mediate_IR_152_model_1+mediate_IR_SE_50+mediate_mobileFaceNet+mediate_Insightface_iresent34+\
            #    mediate_Insightface_iresent50+mediate_Insightface_iresent100+mediate_VGG16)/10

            #             mediate_average_out = (mediate_InceptionResnet_model_1+mediate_IR_50_model_1+mediate_Insightface_iresent34+\
            #                mediate_Insightface_iresent50+mediate_Insightface_iresent100+mediate_arcface)/6

            #             mediate_average_out = (mediate_InceptionResnet_model_1+\
            #                                    mediate_InceptionResnet_model_2+\
            #                                    mediate_IR_50_model_1+\
            #                                    mediate_IR_152_model_1+\
            #                                    mediate_IR_SE_50+\
            #                                    mediate_mobileFaceNet+\
            #                                    mediate_Insightface_iresent34+\
            #                                    mediate_Insightface_iresent50+\
            #                                    mediate_Insightface_iresent100 +\
            #                                    mediate_VGG16+\
            #                                    mediate_arcface) /11.
            mediate_average_out = (mediate_InceptionResnet_model_1+ \
                                   mediate_IR_50_model_1 +\
                                   mediate_Insightface_iresent100 +\
                                   mediate_arcface) /6.

            #             loss1 = criterion(mediate_InceptionResnet_model_1, origin_InceptionResnet_model_1) + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_InceptionResnet_model_2, origin_InceptionResnet_model_2) + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_IR_50_model_1, origin_IR_50_model_1) + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_IR_152_model_1, origin_IR_152_model_1) + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_IR_SE_50, origin_IR_SE_50) + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_mobileFaceNet, origin_mobileFaceNet)+ \
            #                     criterion(mediate_Insightface_iresent34, origin_Insightface_iresent34)+ \
            #                     criterion(mediate_Insightface_iresent50, origin_Insightface_iresent50)  + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_Insightface_iresent100, origin_Insightface_iresent100)  + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_VGG16, origin_VGG16)

            loss1 = criterion(mediate_average_out, origin_average_out)

            #             loss2 = criterion(mediate_InceptionResnet_model_1, mean_face) + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_InceptionResnet_model_2, mean_face) + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_IR_50_model_1, mean_face) + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_IR_152_model_1, mean_face) +\
            #                     criterion(mediate_IR_SE_50, mean_face) + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_mobileFaceNet, mean_face) + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_Insightface_iresent34, mean_face) + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_Insightface_iresent50, mean_face) + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_Insightface_iresent100, mean_face) + \
            #                     criterion(mediate_VGG16, mean_face)
            #             loss2 = criterion(mediate_average_out, target_mean_face_average_out)
            #             loss3 = criterion(mediate_average_out,torch.zeros(512).detach())

            loss2 = criterion(mediate_average_out, mean_face)

            # loss3 = criterion(mediate_InceptionResnet_model_1,average_out)+ \
            #         criterion(mediate_InceptionResnet_model_2,average_out)+ \
            #         criterion(mediate_IR_50_model_1,average_out) + \
            #         criterion(mediate_IR_152_model_1,average_out) + \
            #         criterion(mediate_mobileFaceNet,average_out) + \
            #         criterion(mediate_Insightface_iresent34,average_out)+ \
            #         criterion(mediate_Insightface_iresent50,average_out) + \
            #         criterion(mediate_Insightface_iresent100,average_out)+ \
            #         criterion(mediate_VGG16,average_out)+ \
            #         criterion(mediate_IR_SE_50,average_out)

            # loss = alpha * loss1 - beta* loss2 - gamma*loss3

            loss = alpha * loss1 - beta * loss2

            # print('loss : %f ' % loss,'loss1 : %f ' % loss1,'loss2 : %f ' % loss2,'loss3 : %f ' % loss3)
            # compute gradients


            g_noise = momentum * g_noise + (in_variable.grad /
            g_noise = g_noise / g_noise.data.norm(1)

            g1 = g_noise
            g2 = g_noise

            # if i % 3 == 0 :
            kernel = gkern(3, 2).astype(np.float32)
            gaussian_blur1 = GaussianBlur(kernel)
            g1 = gaussian_blur1(g1)

            # else:
            addition = TVLoss()
            g2 = addition(g2)

            g_noise = 0.25 * g1 + 0.75 * g2

            in_variable.data = in_variable.data + (
                (eps / 255.) * torch.sign(g_noise)
            )  # * torch.from_numpy(mat).unsqueeze(0).float()

            in_variable.data = clip_by_tensor(in_variable.data,

            in_variable.grad.data.zero_()  # unnecessary

#             del new_variable

# g_noise = in_variable.data - origin_variable
# g_noise.clamp_(-0.2, 0.2)
# in_variable.data = origin_variable + g_noise

# deprocess image
        for i in range(len(in_variable.data.cpu().numpy())):
            adv = in_variable.data.cpu().numpy()[i]  # (3, 112, 112)
            perturbation = (adv - in_tensor.cpu().numpy())

            adv = adv * 128.0 + 127.0
            adv = adv.swapaxes(0, 1).swapaxes(1, 2)
            adv = adv[..., ::-1]
            adv = np.clip(adv, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)

            # sample_dir = './target_mean_face/'
            # if not os.path.exists(sample_dir):
            #     os.makedirs(sample_dir)

            advimg = sample_dir + path[i].split('/')[-1].split(
                '.')[-2] + '.jpg'
            cv2.imwrite(advimg, adv)
            print("save path is " + advimg)
            print('cost time is %.2f s ' % (time.time() - start))

        count += 6
        progressRate = count / 712.
 def soft_thresholding(input, alpha):
     return torch.sign(input) * torch.max(torch.zeros(len(input)).cuda(), torch.abs(input) - alpha)
Exemplo n.º 34
def green_coordinates_3D(query, vertices, faces, face_normals=None, verbose=False):
    Lipman et.al. sum_{i\in N}(phi_i*v_i)+sum_{j\in F}(psi_j*n_j)
        query    (B,P,D), D=3
        vertices (B,N,D), D=3
        faces    (B,F,3)
        phi_i    (B,P,N)
        psi_j    (B,P,F)
        exterior_flag (B,P)
    B, F, _ = faces.shape
    _, P, D = query.shape
    _, N, D = vertices.shape
    # (B,F,D)
    n_t = face_normals
    if n_t is None:
        # compute face normal
        n_t, _ = compute_face_normals_and_areas(vertices, faces)

    vertices = vertices.detach()
    # (B,N,D) (B,F,3) -> (B,F,3,3) face points
    v_jl = torch.gather(vertices.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1,F,-1,-1), 2, faces.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1,-1,-1,3))

    # v_jl = v_jl - x (B,P,F,3,3)
    v_jl = v_jl.view(B,1,F,3,3) - query.view(B,P,1,1,3)
    # (B,P,F,D).(B,1,F,D) -> (B,P,F,1)*(B,P,F,D) projection of v1_x on the normal
    p = dot_product(v_jl[:,:,:,0,:], n_t.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1,P,-1,-1), dim=-1, keepdim=True)*n_t.unsqueeze(1)

    # B,P,F,3,D -> B,P,F,3
    s_l = torch.sign(dot_product(torch.cross(v_jl-p.unsqueeze(-2), v_jl[:,:,:,[1,2,0],:]-p.unsqueeze(-2), dim=-1), n_t.view(B,1,F,1,D)))
    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    # (B,P,F,3)
    I_l = _gcTriInt(p, v_jl, v_jl[:,:,:,[1,2,0],:], None)
    # (B,P,F)
    I = -torch.abs(torch.sum(s_l*I_l, dim=-1))
    GC_face = -I
    II_l = _gcTriInt(torch.zeros_like(p), v_jl[:,:,:,[1,2,0], :], v_jl, None)
    # (B,P,F,3,D)
    N_l = torch.cross(v_jl[:,:,:,[1,2,0],:], v_jl, dim=-1)
    N_l_norm = torch.norm(N_l, dim=-1, p=2)
    II_l.masked_fill_(N_l_norm<1e-7, 0)
    # normalize but ignore those with small norms
    N_l = torch.where((N_l_norm>1e-7).unsqueeze(-1), N_l/N_l_norm.unsqueeze(-1), N_l)
    # (B,P,F,D)
    omega = n_t.unsqueeze(1)*I.unsqueeze(-1)+torch.sum(N_l*II_l.unsqueeze(-1), dim=-2)
    eps = 1e-6
    # (B,P,F,3)
    phi_jl = dot_product(N_l[:,:,:,[1,2,0],:], omega.unsqueeze(-2), dim=-1)/(dot_product(N_l[:,:,:,[1,2,0],:], v_jl, dim=-1)+1e-10)
    # on the same plane don't contribute to phi
    phi_jl.masked_fill_((torch.norm(omega, p=2, dim=-1)<eps).unsqueeze(-1), 0)
    # sum per face weights to per vertex weights
    GC_vertex = scatter_add(phi_jl.reshape(B,P,-1).contiguous(), faces.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1,P,-1,-1).reshape(B,P,-1), 2, out_size=(B,P,N))

    # NOTE the point is inside the face, remember factor 2
    # insideFace = (torch.norm(omega,dim=-1)<1e-5)&torch.all(s_l>0,dim=-1)
    # phi_jl = torch.where(insideFace.unsqueeze(-1), phi_jl, torch.zeros_like(phi_jl))

    # normalize
    sumGC_V = torch.sum(GC_vertex, dim=2, keepdim=True)

    exterior_flag = sumGC_V<0.5

    GC_vertex = GC_vertex/(sumGC_V+1e-10)
    # GC_vertex.masked_fill_(sumGC_V.abs()<eps, 0.0)

    return GC_vertex, GC_face, exterior_flag
Exemplo n.º 35
 def _eps(self, shape, dtype, device):
     r = torch.normal(mean=0.0, std=1.0, size=(shape,), dtype=dtype, device=device)
     return torch.abs(torch.sqrt(torch.abs(r))) * torch.sign(r)
    def forward(self, x, doc_lens):
        N = x.size(0)
        L = x.size(1)
        B = len(doc_lens)
        H = self.args.hidden_size
        word_mask = torch.ones_like(x) - torch.sign(x)
        word_mask = word_mask.data.type(torch.cuda.ByteTensor).view(N, 1, L)

        x = self.embed(x)  # (N,L,D)
        x, _ = self.word_RNN(x)

        # attention
        query = self.word_query.expand(N, -1, -1).contiguous()
        word_out = self.attn(query, x)[0].squeeze(1)  # (N,2*H)

        x = self.pad_doc(word_out, doc_lens)
        # sent level GRU
        sent_out = self.sent_RNN(x)[0]  # (B,max_doc_len,2*H)
        # docs = self.avg_pool1d(sent_out,doc_lens)                               # (B,2*H)
        max_doc_len = max(doc_lens)
        mask = torch.ones(B, max_doc_len)
        for i in range(B):
            for j in range(doc_lens[i]):
                mask[i][j] = 0
        sent_mask = mask.type(torch.cuda.ByteTensor).view(B, 1, max_doc_len)

        # attention
        query = self.sent_query.expand(B, -1, -1).contiguous()
        docs = self.attn(query, x)[0].squeeze(1)  # (B,2*H)
        probs = []
        for index, doc_len in enumerate(doc_lens):
            valid_hidden = sent_out[index, :doc_len, :]  # (doc_len,2*H)
            doc = torch.tanh(self.fc(docs[index])).unsqueeze(0)
            s = Variable(torch.zeros(1, 2 * H))
            if self.args.device is not None:
                s = s.cuda()
            for position, h in enumerate(valid_hidden):
                h = h.view(1, -1)  # (1,2*H)
                # get position embeddings
                abs_index = Variable(torch.LongTensor([[position]]))
                if self.args.device is not None:
                    abs_index = abs_index.cuda()
                abs_features = self.abs_pos_embed(abs_index).squeeze(0)

                rel_index = int(round((position + 1) * 9.0 / doc_len))
                rel_index = Variable(torch.LongTensor([[rel_index]]))
                if self.args.device is not None:
                    rel_index = rel_index.cuda()
                rel_features = self.rel_pos_embed(rel_index).squeeze(0)

                # classification layer
                content = self.content(h)
                salience = self.salience(h, doc)
                novelty = -1 * self.novelty(h, torch.tanh(s))
                abs_p = self.abs_pos(abs_features)
                rel_p = self.rel_pos(rel_features)
                prob = torch.sigmoid(content + salience + novelty + abs_p + rel_p + self.bias)
                s = s + torch.mm(prob, h)
                # print position, torch.sigmoid(abs_p + rel_p)
        return torch.cat(probs).squeeze()
Exemplo n.º 37
 def forward(ctx, input):
     return torch.sign(input)
Exemplo n.º 38
def rprop(opfunc, x, config, state=None):
    """ A plain implementation of RPROP

    - `opfunc` : a function that takes a single input (X), the point of
                evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
    - `x`      : the initial point
    - `state`  : a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each
                call the state is modified
    - `state['stepsize']`    : initial step size, common to all components
    - `state['etaplus']`     : multiplicative increase factor, > 1 (default 1.2)
    - `state['etaminus']`    : multiplicative decrease factor, < 1 (default 0.5)
    - `state['stepsizemax']` : maximum stepsize allowed (default 50)
    - `state['stepsizemin']` : minimum stepsize allowed (default 1e-6)
    - `state['niter']`       : number of iterations (default 1)

    - `x`     : the new x vector
    - `f(x)`  : the function, evaluated before the update

    (Martin Riedmiller, Koray Kavukcuoglu 2013)
    if config is None and state is None:
        raise ValueError("rprop requires a dictionary to retain state between iterations")

    # (0) get/update state
    state = state if state is not None else config
    stepsize = config.get('stepsize', 0.1)
    etaplus = config.get('etaplus', 1.2)
    etaminus = config.get('etaminus', 0.5)
    stepsizemax = config.get('stepsizemax', 50.0)
    stepsizemin = config.get('stepsizemin', 1e-06)
    niter = config.get('niter', 1)

    hfx = []

    for i in range(niter):
        # (1) evaluate f(x) and df/dx
        fx, dfdx = opfunc(x)

        # init temp storage
        if 'delta' not in state:
            state['delta'] = dfdx.new(dfdx.size()).zero_()
            state['stepsize'] = dfdx.new(dfdx.size()).fill_(stepsize)
            state['sign'] = dfdx.new(dfdx.size())
            state['bytesign'] = torch.ByteTensor(dfdx.size())
            state['psign'] = torch.ByteTensor(dfdx.size())
            state['nsign'] = torch.ByteTensor(dfdx.size())
            state['zsign'] = torch.ByteTensor(dfdx.size())
            state['dminmax'] = torch.ByteTensor(dfdx.size())
            if str(type(x)).find('Cuda') > -1:
                # Push to GPU
                state['psign'] = state['psign'].cuda()
                state['nsign'] = state['nsign'].cuda()
                state['zsign'] = state['zsign'].cuda()
                state['dminmax'] = state['dminmax'].cuda()

        # sign of derivative from last step to this one
        torch.mul(dfdx, state['delta'], out=state['sign']).sign_()

        # get indices of >0, <0 and ==0 entries
        torch.gt(state['sign'], 0, out=state['psign'])
        torch.lt(state['sign'], 0, out=state['nsign'])
        torch.eq(state['sign'], 0, out=state['zsign'])

        # get step size updates
        state['sign'][state['psign']] = etaplus
        state['sign'][state['nsign']] = etaminus
        state['sign'][state['zsign']] = 1

        # update stepsizes with step size updates

        # threshold step sizes
        # >50 => 50
        torch.gt(state['stepsize'], stepsizemax, out=state['dminmax'])
        state['stepsize'][state['dminmax']] = stepsizemax
        # <1e-6 ==> 1e-6
        torch.lt(state['stepsize'], stepsizemin, out=state['dminmax'])
        state['stepsize'][state['dminmax']] = stepsizemin

        # for dir<0, dfdx=0
        # for dir>=0 dfdx=dfdx
        dfdx[state['nsign']] = 0
        torch.sign(dfdx, out=state['sign'])

        # update weights
        x.addcmul_(-1, state['sign'], state['stepsize'])

        # update state['dfdx'] with current dfdx


    # return x*, table of f(x) values from each step
    return x, hfx
Exemplo n.º 39
def cbrt(x):
    """Cube root. Equivalent to torch.pow(x, 1/3), but numerically stable."""
    return torch.sign(x) * torch.exp(torch.log(torch.abs(x)) / 3.0)
Exemplo n.º 40
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--exp_name', default='ijba_eval')
    parser.add_argument('-g', '--gpu', type=int, default=0)

    parser.add_argument('-d', '--data_dir', 
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--protocol_dir', 
    parser.add_argument('--fold', type=int, default=1, choices=[1,10])
    parser.add_argument('--sqrt', action='store_true', default=False,
                        help='Add signed sqrt normalization')
    parser.add_argument('--cosine', action='store_true', default=False,
                        help='Use cosine similarity instead of L2 distance')
    parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=100)
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--model_path', 
                        help='Path to pre-trained model')
    parser.add_argument('--model_type', default=MODEL_TYPE,
                        choices=['resnet50', 'resnet101', 'resnet101-512d', 'resnet101-512d-norm'])
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # CUDA setup
    os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(args.gpu)
    cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
    if cuda:
        torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True
        torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # enable if all images are same size    

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 1. Model
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    num_class = 8631
    if args.model_type == 'resnet50':
        model = torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=False)
        model.fc = torch.nn.Linear(2048, num_class)
    elif args.model_type == 'resnet101':
        model = torchvision.models.resnet101(pretrained=False)
        model.fc = torch.nn.Linear(2048, num_class)
    elif args.model_type == 'resnet101-512d':
        model = torchvision.models.resnet101(pretrained=False)
        layers = []
        layers.append(torch.nn.Linear(2048, 512))
        layers.append(torch.nn.Linear(512, num_class))
        model.fc = torch.nn.Sequential(*layers)
    elif args.model_type == 'resnet101-512d-norm':
        model = torchvision.models.resnet101(pretrained=False)
        layers = []
        layers.append(torch.nn.Linear(2048, 512))
        layers.append(torch.nn.Linear(512, num_class))
        model.fc = torch.nn.Sequential(*layers)
        raise NotImplementedError
    checkpoint = torch.load(args.model_path)       
    if checkpoint['arch'] == 'DataParallel':
        model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
        model = model.module # get network module from inside its DataParallel wrapper

    if cuda:
        model = model.cuda()

    # Convert the trained network into a "feature extractor"
    feature_map = list(model.children())
    if args.model_type == 'resnet101-512d' or args.model_type == 'resnet101-512d-norm':
        extractor = model
        extractor.fc = nn.Sequential(extractor.fc[0])
        extractor = nn.Sequential(*feature_map)
    extractor.eval() # ALWAYS set to evaluation mode (fixes BatchNorm, dropout, etc.)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 2. Dataset
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fold_id = 1
    file_ext = '.jpg'
    RGB_MEAN = [ 0.485, 0.456, 0.406 ]
    RGB_STD = [ 0.229, 0.224, 0.225 ]

    test_transform = transforms.Compose([
        # transforms.Scale(224),
        # transforms.CenterCrop(224),
        transforms.Normalize(mean = RGB_MEAN,
                             std = RGB_STD),

    pairs_path = osp.join(args.protocol_dir, 'split%d' % fold_id, 
                          'verify_comparisons_%d.csv' % fold_id)
    pairs = utils.read_ijba_pairs(pairs_path)
    protocol_file = osp.join(args.protocol_dir, 'split%d' % fold_id, 
                          'verify_metadata_%d.csv' % fold_id)
    metadata = utils.get_ijba_1_1_metadata(protocol_file) # dict
    assert np.all(np.unique(pairs) == np.unique(metadata['template_id']))  # sanity-check
    path_list = np.array([osp.join(args.data_dir, str(x)+file_ext) 
                         for x in metadata['sighting_id'] ]) # face crops saved as <sighting_id.jpg>

    # Create data loader
    test_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
                        path_list, test_transform, split=fold_id), 
                        batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False )

    # testing
    # for i in range(len(test_loader.dataset)):
    #     img = test_loader.dataset.__getitem__(i)
    #     sz = img.shape
    #     if sz[0] != 3:
    #         print sz

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 3. Feature extraction
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print 'Feature extraction...'
    cache_dir = osp.join(here, 'cache-' + args.model_type)
    if not osp.exists(cache_dir):

    feat_path = osp.join(cache_dir, 'feat-fold-%d.mat' % fold_id)

    if not osp.exists(feat_path):
        features = []
        for batch_idx, images in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(test_loader), 
                                            desc='Extracting features'): 
            x = Variable(images, volatile=True) # test-time memory conservation
            if cuda:
                x = x.cuda()
            feat = extractor(x)
            if cuda:
                feat = feat.data.cpu() # free up GPU
                feat = feat.data

        features = torch.cat(features, dim=0) # (n_batch*batch_sz) x 512
        sio.savemat(feat_path, {'feat': features.cpu().numpy() })
        dat = sio.loadmat(feat_path)
        features = torch.FloatTensor(dat['feat'])
        del dat
        print 'Loaded.'

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 4. Verification
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    scores = []
    labels = []

    # labels: is_same_subject
    print 'Computing pair labels . . . '
    for pair in tqdm.tqdm(pairs): # TODO - check tqdm
        sel_t0 = np.where(metadata['template_id'] == pair[0])
        sel_t1 = np.where(metadata['template_id'] == pair[1])
        subject0 = np.unique(metadata['subject_id'][sel_t0])
        subject1 = np.unique(metadata['subject_id'][sel_t1])
        labels.append(int(subject0 == subject1))
    labels = np.array(labels)
    print 'done'

    # templates: average pool, then L2-normalize
    print 'Pooling templates . . . '
    pooled_features = []
    template_set = np.unique(metadata['template_id'])
    for tid in tqdm.tqdm(template_set):
        sel = np.where(metadata['template_id'] == tid)
        # pool template: 1 x n x 512 -> 1 x 512
        feat = features[sel,:].mean(1)
        if args.sqrt:  # signed-square-root normalization
            feat = torch.mul(torch.sign(feat),torch.sqrt(torch.abs(feat)+1e-12))
        pooled_features.append(F.normalize(feat, p=2, dim=1) )    
    pooled_features = torch.cat(pooled_features, dim=0) # (n_batch*batch_sz) x 512
    print 'done'

    print 'Computing pair distances . . . '
    for pair in tqdm.tqdm(pairs):
        sel_t0 = np.where(template_set == pair[0])
        sel_t1 = np.where(template_set == pair[1])
        if args.cosine:
            feat_dist = torch.dot(torch.squeeze(pooled_features[sel_t0]), 
            feat_dist = (pooled_features[sel_t0] - pooled_features[sel_t1]).norm(p=2, dim=1)
            feat_dist = -torch.squeeze(feat_dist)
            feat_dist = feat_dist.numpy()
        scores.append(feat_dist) # score: negative of L2-distance
    scores = np.array(scores)

    # Metrics: TAR (tpr) at FAR (fpr)
    fpr, tpr, thresholds = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(labels, scores)
    fpr_levels = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1]
    f_interp = interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)
    tpr_at_fpr = [ f_interp(x) for x in fpr_levels ]

    for (far, tar) in zip(fpr_levels, tpr_at_fpr):
        print 'TAR @ FAR=%.4f : %.4f' % (far, tar)

    res = {}
    res['TAR'] = tpr_at_fpr
    res['FAR'] = fpr_levels
    with open( osp.join(cache_dir, 'result-1-1-fold-%d.yaml' % fold_id), 
              'w') as f:
        yaml.dump(res, f, default_flow_style=False)

    sio.savemat(osp.join(cache_dir, 'roc-1-1-fold-%d.mat' % fold_id), 
                {'fpr': fpr, 'tpr': tpr, 'thresholds': thresholds, 
                    'tpr_at_fpr': tpr_at_fpr})
Exemplo n.º 41
 def quantize_output(self, output, wrapper, **kwargs):
     out = torch.sign(output)
     # remove zeros
     out[out == 0] = 1
     return out
Exemplo n.º 42
 def _float2mu(self, data):
     y=[ torch.sign(x)*( (torch.log(1+(self.nvals-1)*abs(x)))/self.lognvals)  for x in data] #[-1,1] float
     return y
Exemplo n.º 43
def linf_step(x, g, lr):
    return x + lr * ch.sign(g)
Exemplo n.º 44
def compute_accuracy(predictions, labels):
    '''Compute classification accuracy'''
    predictions = torch.sign(predictions)
    correct = predictions.eq(labels)
    result = correct.sum().data.cpu()
    return result
Exemplo n.º 45
    def calculate_energy(self,
                         flows={'e': None}):
        with torch.no_grad():
            # prepare data
            w_hat = p_hat[0]
            b_hat = p_hat[1]

            start_dim = start_state.size(-1)
            bsz, tnsz, tsz, end_dim = end_state.size()
            start_state = start_state.view(-1, start_dim)
            end_state = end_state.view(-1, end_dim) - b_hat

            # distance
            distance = F.kl_div(input=torch.log_softmax(torch.abs(w_hat),
            distance = distance.sum(-1)

            # time
            sign_pair = torch.matmul(torch.sign(start_state.unsqueeze(-1)),
            w_hat_x = w_hat * sign_pair
            freq = (torch.relu(w_hat_x).sum(-1) / torch.abs(w_hat_x).sum(-1))
            num_nan = torch.isnan(freq).float().mean()
            if num_nan > 0.1:
                    "Energy sequence impose the nan {}".format(num_nan))
            freq[torch.isnan(freq)] = 0.5
            time = torch.abs(freq - 0.5) + 1

            if self.target_type == 'mvn':
                energy = torch.pow(time * torch.abs(start_state), 2)
            elif self.target_type == 'residual':
                energy = distance * torch.abs(start_state) * freq
                energy = energy.mean(-1)
                energy = energy.view(bsz, tnsz, tsz)

                # # make gaussian filter
                # variance = 3
                # space = np.linspace(0, tsz - 1, tsz)
                # lpass_filter = np.expand_dims(
                #     np.stack([self.gaussian_func(space, i, variance) for i in range(tsz)], axis=0), 0)
                # lpass_filter = torch.from_numpy(lpass_filter / np.amax(lpass_filter)).to(energy.device)
                # lpass_filter = torch.triu(lpass_filter).float()
                # # filtering with gaussain filter
                # energy = torch.matmul(energy.view(bsz, tnsz, tsz), lpass_filter)
                # # calculate energy difference
                # energy = torch.cat([energy[:, :, 1:] - energy[:, :, :-1],
                #                     torch.zeros_like(energy[:, :, 0:1]).to(energy.device)], dim=-1)
                # energy = torch.abs(energy)
                # # time step
                # freq = freq.mean(-1).view(bsz, tnsz, tsz)
                # freq = torch.cat([freq[:, :, 1:],
                #                   torch.ones_like(freq[:, :, 0:1]).to(energy.device)], dim=-1)
                # energy = energy / freq

            # calculate energy
            for key in flows.keys():
                if key == 'e':
                    # dump
                    flows[key] = energy
                    raise AttributeError(
                        "'{}' type of augmentation factor is not defined!".

        return flows
Exemplo n.º 46
def h_func(x,epsilon= 10e-2):
    return torch.sign(x) * (torch.sqrt(torch.abs(x)+1)-1)+epsilon*x
Exemplo n.º 47
def h_inv_func(x,epsilon= 10e-2):
    return torch.sign(x) * ((((torch.sqrt(1+4*epsilon*(torch.abs(x)+1+epsilon))-1)/(2*epsilon))**2)-1)    
Exemplo n.º 48
def odd(fn):
    return update_wrapper(lambda x: torch.sign(x) * fn(abs(x)), fn)
Exemplo n.º 49
 def threshold(z):
     z[z < 0] = 0
     return torch.sign(z)
Exemplo n.º 50
    def attack_single_run(self, x, y, x_init=None):
        if len(x.shape) < self.ndims:
            x = x.unsqueeze(0)
            y = y.unsqueeze(0)

        if self.norm == 'Linf':
            t = 2 * torch.rand(x.shape).to(self.device).detach() - 1
            x_adv = x + self.eps * torch.ones_like(
                x).detach() * self.normalize(t)
        elif self.norm == 'L2':
            t = torch.randn(x.shape).to(self.device).detach()
            x_adv = x + self.eps * torch.ones_like(
                x).detach() * self.normalize(t)
        elif self.norm == 'L1':
            t = torch.randn(x.shape).to(self.device).detach()
            delta = L1_projection(x, t, self.eps)
            x_adv = x + t + delta

        if not x_init is None:
            x_adv = x_init.clone()
            if self.norm == 'L1' and self.verbose:
                print('[custom init] L1 perturbation {:.5f}'.format(
                    (x_adv - x).abs().view(x.shape[0], -1).sum(1).max()))

        x_adv = x_adv.clamp(0., 1.)
        x_best = x_adv.clone()
        x_best_adv = x_adv.clone()
        loss_steps = torch.zeros([self.n_iter, x.shape[0]]).to(self.device)
        loss_best_steps = torch.zeros([self.n_iter + 1,
        acc_steps = torch.zeros_like(loss_best_steps)

        if not self.is_tf_model:
            if self.loss == 'ce':
                criterion_indiv = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none')
            elif self.loss == 'ce-targeted-cfts':
                criterion_indiv = lambda x, y: -1. * F.cross_entropy(
                    x, y, reduction='none')
            elif self.loss == 'dlr':
                criterion_indiv = self.dlr_loss
            elif self.loss == 'dlr-targeted':
                criterion_indiv = self.dlr_loss_targeted
            elif self.loss == 'ce-targeted':
                criterion_indiv = self.ce_loss_targeted
                raise ValueError('unknowkn loss')
            if self.loss == 'ce':
                criterion_indiv = self.model.get_logits_loss_grad_xent
            elif self.loss == 'dlr':
                criterion_indiv = self.model.get_logits_loss_grad_dlr
            elif self.loss == 'dlr-targeted':
                criterion_indiv = self.model.get_logits_loss_grad_target
                raise ValueError('unknowkn loss')

        grad = torch.zeros_like(x)
        for _ in range(self.eot_iter):
            if not self.is_tf_model:
                with torch.enable_grad():
                    logits = self.model(x_adv)
                    loss_indiv = criterion_indiv(logits, y)
                    loss = loss_indiv.sum()

                grad += torch.autograd.grad(loss, [x_adv])[0].detach()
                if self.y_target is None:
                    logits, loss_indiv, grad_curr = criterion_indiv(x_adv, y)
                    logits, loss_indiv, grad_curr = criterion_indiv(
                        x_adv, y, self.y_target)
                grad += grad_curr

        grad /= float(self.eot_iter)
        grad_best = grad.clone()

        acc = logits.detach().max(1)[1] == y
        acc_steps[0] = acc + 0
        loss_best = loss_indiv.detach().clone()

        alpha = 2. if self.norm in ['Linf', 'L2'
                                    ] else 1. if self.norm in ['L1'] else 2e-2
        step_size = alpha * self.eps * torch.ones(
            [x.shape[0], *([1] * self.ndims)]).to(self.device).detach()
        x_adv_old = x_adv.clone()
        counter = 0
        k = self.n_iter_2 + 0
        if self.norm == 'L1':
            k = max(int(.04 * self.n_iter), 1)
            n_fts = math.prod(self.orig_dim)
            if x_init is None:
                topk = .2 * torch.ones([x.shape[0]], device=self.device)
                sp_old = n_fts * torch.ones_like(topk)
                topk = L0_norm(x_adv - x) / n_fts / 1.5
                sp_old = L0_norm(x_adv - x)
            #print(topk[0], sp_old[0])
            adasp_redstep = 1.5
            adasp_minstep = 10.
        counter3 = 0

        loss_best_last_check = loss_best.clone()
        reduced_last_check = torch.ones_like(loss_best)
        n_reduced = 0

        n_fts = x.shape[-3] * x.shape[-2] * x.shape[-1]
        u = torch.arange(x.shape[0], device=self.device)
        for i in range(self.n_iter):
            ### gradient step
            with torch.no_grad():
                x_adv = x_adv.detach()
                grad2 = x_adv - x_adv_old
                x_adv_old = x_adv.clone()

                a = 0.75 if i > 0 else 1.0

                if self.norm == 'Linf':
                    x_adv_1 = x_adv + step_size * torch.sign(grad)
                    x_adv_1 = torch.clamp(
                        torch.min(torch.max(x_adv_1, x - self.eps),
                                  x + self.eps), 0.0, 1.0)
                    x_adv_1 = torch.clamp(
                                x_adv + (x_adv_1 - x_adv) * a + grad2 *
                                (1 - a), x - self.eps), x + self.eps), 0.0,

                elif self.norm == 'L2':
                    x_adv_1 = x_adv + step_size * self.normalize(grad)
                    x_adv_1 = torch.clamp(
                        x + self.normalize(x_adv_1 - x) *
                        torch.min(self.eps * torch.ones_like(x).detach(),
                                  self.lp_norm(x_adv_1 - x)), 0.0, 1.0)
                    x_adv_1 = x_adv + (x_adv_1 - x_adv) * a + grad2 * (1 - a)
                    x_adv_1 = torch.clamp(
                        x + self.normalize(x_adv_1 - x) *
                        torch.min(self.eps * torch.ones_like(x).detach(),
                                  self.lp_norm(x_adv_1 - x)), 0.0, 1.0)

                elif self.norm == 'L1':
                    grad_topk = grad.abs().view(x.shape[0], -1).sort(-1)[0]
                    topk_curr = torch.clamp((1. - topk) * n_fts,
                                            max=n_fts - 1).long()
                    grad_topk = grad_topk[u, topk_curr].view(
                        -1, *[1] * (len(x.shape) - 1))
                    sparsegrad = grad * (grad.abs() >= grad_topk).float()
                    x_adv_1 = x_adv + step_size * sparsegrad.sign() / (
                        sparsegrad.sign().abs().view(x.shape[0], -1).sum(
                            dim=-1).view(-1, *[1] *
                                         (len(x.shape) - 1)) + 1e-10)

                    delta_u = x_adv_1 - x
                    delta_p = L1_projection(x, delta_u, self.eps)
                    x_adv_1 = x + delta_u + delta_p

                x_adv = x_adv_1 + 0.

            ### get gradient
            grad = torch.zeros_like(x)
            for _ in range(self.eot_iter):
                if not self.is_tf_model:
                    with torch.enable_grad():
                        logits = self.model(x_adv)
                        loss_indiv = criterion_indiv(logits, y)
                        loss = loss_indiv.sum()

                    grad += torch.autograd.grad(loss, [x_adv])[0].detach()
                    if self.y_target is None:
                        logits, loss_indiv, grad_curr = criterion_indiv(
                            x_adv, y)
                        logits, loss_indiv, grad_curr = criterion_indiv(
                            x_adv, y, self.y_target)
                    grad += grad_curr

            grad /= float(self.eot_iter)

            pred = logits.detach().max(1)[1] == y
            acc = torch.min(acc, pred)
            acc_steps[i + 1] = acc + 0
            ind_pred = (pred == 0).nonzero(as_tuple=False).squeeze()
            x_best_adv[ind_pred] = x_adv[ind_pred] + 0.
            if self.verbose:
                str_stats = ' - step size: {:.5f} - topk: {:.2f}'.format(
                    topk.mean() * n_fts) if self.norm in ['L1'] else ''
                    '[m] iteration: {} - best loss: {:.6f} - robust accuracy: {:.2%}{}'
                    .format(i, loss_best.sum(),
                            acc.float().mean(), str_stats))
                #print('pert {}'.format((x - x_best_adv).abs().view(x.shape[0], -1).sum(-1).max()))

            ### check step size
            with torch.no_grad():
                y1 = loss_indiv.detach().clone()
                loss_steps[i] = y1 + 0
                ind = (y1 > loss_best).nonzero(as_tuple=False).squeeze()
                x_best[ind] = x_adv[ind].clone()
                grad_best[ind] = grad[ind].clone()
                loss_best[ind] = y1[ind] + 0
                loss_best_steps[i + 1] = loss_best + 0

                counter3 += 1

                if counter3 == k:
                    if self.norm in ['Linf', 'L2']:
                        fl_oscillation = self.check_oscillation(
                            loss_steps, i, k, loss_best, k3=self.thr_decr)
                        fl_reduce_no_impr = (1. - reduced_last_check) * (
                            loss_best_last_check >= loss_best).float()
                        fl_oscillation = torch.max(fl_oscillation,
                        reduced_last_check = fl_oscillation.clone()
                        loss_best_last_check = loss_best.clone()

                        if fl_oscillation.sum() > 0:
                            ind_fl_osc = (fl_oscillation > 0).nonzero(
                            step_size[ind_fl_osc] /= 2.0
                            n_reduced = fl_oscillation.sum()

                            x_adv[ind_fl_osc] = x_best[ind_fl_osc].clone()
                            grad[ind_fl_osc] = grad_best[ind_fl_osc].clone()

                        k = max(k - self.size_decr, self.n_iter_min)

                    elif self.norm == 'L1':
                        sp_curr = L0_norm(x_best - x)
                        fl_redtopk = (sp_curr / sp_old) < .95
                        topk = sp_curr / n_fts / 1.5
                        step_size[fl_redtopk] = alpha * self.eps
                        step_size[~fl_redtopk] /= adasp_redstep
                        step_size.clamp_(alpha * self.eps / adasp_minstep,
                                         alpha * self.eps)
                        sp_old = sp_curr.clone()

                        x_adv[fl_redtopk] = x_best[fl_redtopk].clone()
                        grad[fl_redtopk] = grad_best[fl_redtopk].clone()

                    counter3 = 0
                    #k = max(k - self.size_decr, self.n_iter_min)


        return (x_best, acc, loss_best, x_best_adv)
Exemplo n.º 51
def _gcTriInt(p, v1, v2, x):
    part of the gree coordinate 3D pseudo code
        p  (B,P,F,3)
        v1 (B,P,F,3,3)
        v2 (B,P,F,3,3)
        x  (B,P,F,3)
    eps = 1e-6
    angle_eps = 1e-3
    div_guard = 1e-12
    # (B,P,F,3,D)
    p_v1 = p.unsqueeze(-2)-v1
    v2_p = v2-p.unsqueeze(-2)
    v2_v1 = v2-v1
    # (B,P,F,3)
    p_v1_norm = torch.norm(p_v1, dim=-1, p=2)
    # (B,P,F,3)
    tempval = dot_product(v2_v1, p_v1, dim=-1)/(p_v1_norm*torch.norm(v2_v1, dim=-1, p=2)+div_guard)
    filter_mask = tempval.abs()>(1-eps)
    alpha = torch.acos(tempval)
    filter_mask = filter_mask | (torch.abs(alpha-np.pi)<angle_eps)|(torch.abs(alpha)<angle_eps)

    tempval = dot_product(-p_v1, v2_p, dim=-1)/(p_v1_norm*torch.norm(v2_p, dim=-1, p=2)+div_guard)
    tempval.clamp_(-1.0, 1.0)
    filter_mask = filter_mask|(torch.abs(tempval)>(1-eps))
    beta = torch.acos(tempval)
    # (B,P,F,3)
    lambd = (p_v1_norm*torch.sin(alpha))**2
    # c (B,P,F,1)
    if x is not None:
        c = torch.sum((p-x)*(p-x), dim=-1,keepdim=True)
        c = torch.sum(p*p, dim=-1,keepdim=True)
    # theta in (pi-alpha, pi-alpha-beta)
    # (B,P,F,3)
    theta_1 = torch.clamp(np.pi - alpha, 0, np.pi)
    theta_2 = torch.clamp(np.pi - alpha - beta, -np.pi, np.pi)

    S_1, S_2 = torch.sin(theta_1), torch.sin(theta_2)
    C_1, C_2 = torch.cos(theta_1), torch.cos(theta_2)
    sqrt_c = torch.sqrt(c+div_guard)
    sqrt_lmbd = torch.sqrt(lambd+div_guard)
    theta_half = theta_1/2
    filter_mask = filter_mask | ((C_1-1).abs()<eps)
    sqcot_1 = torch.where((C_1-1).abs()<eps, torch.zeros_like(C_1), S_1*S_1/((1-C_1)**2+div_guard))
    # sqcot_1 = torch.where(theta_half.abs()<angle_eps, torch.zeros_like(theta_half), 1/(torch.tan(theta_half)**2+div_guard))
    theta_half = theta_2/2
    filter_mask = filter_mask | ((C_2-1).abs()<eps)
    sqcot_2 = torch.where((C_2-1).abs()<eps, torch.zeros_like(C_2), S_2*S_2/((1-C_2)**2+div_guard))
    # sqcot_2 = torch.where(theta_half.abs()<angle_eps, torch.zeros_like(theta_half), 1/(torch.tan(theta_half)**2+div_guard))
    # I=-0.5*Sign(sx)* ( 2*sqrtc*atan((sqrtc*cx) / (sqrt(a+c*sx*sx) ) )+
    #                 sqrta*log(((sqrta*(1-2*c*cx/(c*(1+cx)+a+sqrta*sqrt(a+c*sx*sx)))))*(2*sx*sx/pow((1-cx),2))))
    # assign a value to invalid entries, backward
    inLog = sqrt_lmbd*(1-2*c*C_1/( div_guard +c*(1+C_1)+lambd+sqrt_lmbd*torch.sqrt(lambd+c*S_1*S_1+div_guard) ) )*2*sqcot_1
    inLog.masked_fill_(filter_mask | (inLog<=0), 1.0)
    # inLog = torch.where(invalid_values|(lambd==0), torch.ones_like(theta_1), div_guard +sqrt_lmbd*(1-2*c*C_1/( div_guard +c*(1+C_1)+lambd+sqrt_lmbd*torch.sqrt(lambd+c*S_1*S_1)+div_guard ) )*2*cot_1)
    I_1 = -0.5*torch.sign(S_1)*(2*sqrt_c*torch.atan((sqrt_c*C_1) / (torch.sqrt(lambd+S_1*S_1*c+div_guard) ) )+sqrt_lmbd*torch.log(inLog))
    inLog = sqrt_lmbd*(1-2*c*C_2/( div_guard +c*(1+C_2)+lambd+sqrt_lmbd*torch.sqrt(lambd+c*S_2*S_2+div_guard) ) )*2*sqcot_2
    inLog.masked_fill_(filter_mask | (inLog<=0), 1.0)
    I_2 = -0.5*torch.sign(S_2)*(2*sqrt_c*torch.atan((sqrt_c*C_2) / (torch.sqrt(lambd+S_2*S_2*c+div_guard) ) )+sqrt_lmbd*torch.log(inLog))
    myInt = -1/(4*np.pi)*torch.abs(I_1-I_2-sqrt_c*beta)
    myInt.masked_fill_(filter_mask, 0.0)
    return myInt
Exemplo n.º 52
y = torch.from_numpy(np.arange(6).reshape(1, 2, 3) * 2); print(y)  # tensor([[[ 0,  2,  4], [ 6,  8, 10]]])
index = torch.tensor([[[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]]], dtype=torch.long)
print(x.scatter_add(-1, index, y))  # tensor([[[ 0,  3,  6], [ 9, 12, 15]]])
index = torch.tensor([[[0, 2, 1], [0, 1, 2]]], dtype=torch.long)
print(x.scatter_add(-1, index, y))  # tensor([[[ 0,  5,  4], [ 9, 12, 15]]]); 索引 shape 和 y.shape 相同, 是将 y 加到 x 对应位置上
index = torch.tensor([[[0, 1, 3], [0, 1, 2]]], dtype=torch.long)
print(x.scatter_add(-1, index, y))  # RuntimeError: Invalid index in scatterAdd; 无法索引到 3
# for different shape
x = torch.arange(6).view(2, 3); print(x)  # tensor([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]])
y = torch.arange(4).view(2, 2); print(y)  # tensor([[0, 1], [2, 3]])
index = torch.tensor([[0, 1], [1, 0]]); print(index)  # tensor([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
print(x.scatter_add(1, index, y))  # tensor([[0, 2, 2], [6, 6, 5]])

## sign
a = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, -4]); print(a)  # tensor([ 0,  1,  2,  3, -4])
print(torch.sign(a))  # tensor([ 0,  1,  1,  1, -1])

## to device
x = torch.LongTensor([[1], [2], [3]]); print(x, x.dtype)  # tensor([[1], [2], [3]]) torch.int64
print(x.device)  # cpu

## dtype
x = torch.LongTensor([[1], [2], [3]]); print(x, x.dtype)  # tensor([[1], [2], [3]]) torch.int64
print(x.type(torch.int).dtype)  # torch.int32
print(torch.tensor(x).dtype)  # torch.int64
print(torch.tensor([1, 2, 3]))  # tensor([1, 2, 3]); 是整数
print(torch.randint(3, (1, 2)))  # tensor([[1., 0.]]); 是 float
print(torch.randint(3, (1, 2), dtype=torch.long))  # tensor([[1, 1]]); 整形
Exemplo n.º 53
def rprop(opfunc, x, config, state=None):
    """ A plain implementation of RPROP

    - `opfunc` : a function that takes a single input (X), the point of
                evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
    - `x`      : the initial point
    - `state`  : a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each
                call the state is modified
    - `state['stepsize']`    : initial step size, common to all components
    - `state['etaplus']`     : multiplicative increase factor, > 1 (default 1.2)
    - `state['etaminus']`    : multiplicative decrease factor, < 1 (default 0.5)
    - `state['stepsizemax']` : maximum stepsize allowed (default 50)
    - `state['stepsizemin']` : minimum stepsize allowed (default 1e-6)
    - `state['niter']`       : number of iterations (default 1)

    - `x`     : the new x vector
    - `f(x)`  : the function, evaluated before the update

    (Martin Riedmiller, Koray Kavukcuoglu 2013)
    if config is None and state is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "rprop requires a dictionary to retain state between iterations")

    # (0) get/update state
    state = state if state is not None else config
    stepsize = config.get('stepsize', 0.1)
    etaplus = config.get('etaplus', 1.2)
    etaminus = config.get('etaminus', 0.5)
    stepsizemax = config.get('stepsizemax', 50.0)
    stepsizemin = config.get('stepsizemin', 1e-06)
    niter = config.get('niter', 1)

    hfx = []

    for i in range(niter):
        # (1) evaluate f(x) and df/dx
        fx, dfdx = opfunc(x)

        # init temp storage
        if 'delta' not in state:
            state['delta'] = dfdx.new(dfdx.size()).zero_()
            state['stepsize'] = dfdx.new(dfdx.size()).fill_(stepsize)
            state['sign'] = dfdx.new(dfdx.size())
            state['bytesign'] = torch.ByteTensor(dfdx.size())
            state['psign'] = torch.ByteTensor(dfdx.size())
            state['nsign'] = torch.ByteTensor(dfdx.size())
            state['zsign'] = torch.ByteTensor(dfdx.size())
            state['dminmax'] = torch.ByteTensor(dfdx.size())
            if str(type(x)).find('Cuda') > -1:
                # Push to GPU
                state['psign'] = state['psign'].cuda()
                state['nsign'] = state['nsign'].cuda()
                state['zsign'] = state['zsign'].cuda()
                state['dminmax'] = state['dminmax'].cuda()

        # sign of derivative from last step to this one
        torch.mul(dfdx, state['delta'], out=state['sign']).sign_()

        # get indices of >0, <0 and ==0 entries
        torch.gt(state['sign'], 0, out=state['psign'])
        torch.lt(state['sign'], 0, out=state['nsign'])
        torch.eq(state['sign'], 0, out=state['zsign'])

        # get step size updates
        state['sign'][state['psign']] = etaplus
        state['sign'][state['nsign']] = etaminus
        state['sign'][state['zsign']] = 1

        # update stepsizes with step size updates

        # threshold step sizes
        # >50 => 50
        torch.gt(state['stepsize'], stepsizemax, out=state['dminmax'])
        state['stepsize'][state['dminmax']] = stepsizemax
        # <1e-6 ==> 1e-6
        torch.lt(state['stepsize'], stepsizemin, out=state['dminmax'])
        state['stepsize'][state['dminmax']] = stepsizemin

        # for dir<0, dfdx=0
        # for dir>=0 dfdx=dfdx
        dfdx[state['nsign']] = 0
        torch.sign(dfdx, out=state['sign'])

        # update weights
        x.addcmul_(-1, state['sign'], state['stepsize'])

        # update state['dfdx'] with current dfdx


    # return x*, table of f(x) values from each step
    return x, hfx
Exemplo n.º 54
def updateBN():
    for m in model.modules():
        if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
            m.weight.grad.data.add_(args.s*torch.sign(m.weight.data))  # L1