Exemplo n.º 1
class OnlyOnce(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.tcp_server = TCPServer()
        except socket.error:
            raise OnlyOnceException()

    def __del__(self):
        if self.tcp_server is not None:
Exemplo n.º 2
class RANManager(EService):
    """Basic RAN Manager

    Base class for binary-based southbound RAN interfaces. This class must be
    extended in order to implement the protocol messages required by the
    specific RAN.

    THe only assumption this class makes is that the SBi is using TCP as
    transport protocol. Moreover all RAN devices must extend the Device base
    class and must use a 48 bits identifier (an Ethernet address).

        port: the port on which the TCP server should listen (optional)

    HANDLERS = []

    def __init__(self, device_type, connection_type, proto, **kwargs):


        self.device_type = device_type
        self.connection_type = connection_type
        self.proto = proto
        self.devices = {}

        self.tcp_server = TCPServer()
        self.tcp_server.handle_stream = self.handle_stream

        self.connections = {}

        self.projects_manager = None

    def port(self):
        """Return port."""

        return self.params["port"]

    def port(self, value):
        """Set port."""

        if "port" in self.params and self.params["port"]:
            raise ValueError("Param port can not be changed")

        self.params["port"] = int(value)

    def start(self, load=True):
        """Start api manager."""


        self.projects_manager = \

        for device in self.device_type.objects:
            self.devices[device.addr] = device


        self.log.info("%s: listening on port %u", self.__class__.__name__,

    def handle_stream(self, stream, address):
        """Handle incoming connection."""

        self.log.info('Incoming connection from %r', address)

        connection = self.connection_type(stream, self)

        if address[0] in self.connections:
            self.log.error('Connection found from %r, closing.', address)

        self.connections[address[0]] = connection

    def to_dict(self):
        """Return JSON-serializable representation of the object."""

        out = super().to_dict()
        out["connections"] = self.connections
        return out

    def create(self, addr, desc="Generic device"):
        """Create new device."""

        if addr in self.devices:
            raise ValueError("Device %s already defined" % addr)

        device = self.device_type(addr=addr, desc=desc)

        self.devices[device.addr] = device

        return self.devices[device.addr]

    def remove_all(self):
        """Remove all projects."""

        for addr in list(self.devices):

    def remove(self, addr):
        """Remove project."""

        if addr not in self.devices:
            raise KeyError("%s not registered" % addr)

        device = self.devices[addr]


        del self.devices[addr]
Exemplo n.º 3
class TCPListener(Listener):
    def __init__(self,
        self.ip, self.port = parse_host_port(address, default_port)
        self.comm_handler = comm_handler
        self.deserialize = deserialize
        self.tcp_server = None
        self.bound_address = None

    def start(self):
        self.tcp_server = TCPServer(max_buffer_size=MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
        self.tcp_server.handle_stream = self.handle_stream
        for i in range(5):
                self.tcp_server.listen(self.port, self.ip)
            except EnvironmentError as e:
                # EADDRINUSE can happen sporadically when trying to bind
                # to an ephemeral port
                if self.port != 0 or e.errno != errno.EADDRINUSE:
                exc = e
            raise exc

    def stop(self):
        tcp_server, self.tcp_server = self.tcp_server, None
        if tcp_server is not None:

    def _check_started(self):
        if self.tcp_server is None:
            raise ValueError("invalid operation on non-started TCPListener")

    def get_host_port(self):
        The listening address as a (host, port) tuple.

        if self.bound_address is None:
            self.bound_address = get_tcp_server_address(self.tcp_server)
        # IPv6 getsockname() can return more a 4-len tuple
        return self.bound_address[:2]

    def listen_address(self):
        The listening address as a string.
        return 'tcp://' + unparse_host_port(*self.get_host_port())

    def contact_address(self):
        The contact address as a string.
        host, port = self.get_host_port()
        host = ensure_concrete_host(host)
        return 'tcp://' + unparse_host_port(host, port)

    def handle_stream(self, stream, address):
        address = 'tcp://' + unparse_host_port(*address[:2])
        comm = TCP(stream, address, self.deserialize)
Exemplo n.º 4
class RedisProxy(object):
    """Tornado asycnrhonous TCP server co-located with a Redis cluster."""
    def __init__(self, lambda_client, print_debug=False, redis_host=None):
        self.lambda_client = lambda_client
        self.print_debug = print_debug
        self.completed_tasks = set()

        self.redis_host = redis_host
        self.scheduler_address = ""  # The address of the modified Dask Distributed scheduler
        self.serialized_paths = {
        }  # List of serialized paths retrieved from Redis
        self.path_nodes = {}  # Mapping of task keys to path nodes
        self.serialized_path_nodes = {}  # List of serialized path nodes.
        self.handlers = {
            "set": self.handle_set,  # Store a value in Redis.
            "graph-init": self.handle_graph_init,  # DAG from the Scheduler.
            self.handle_start,  # 'START' operation from the Scheduler.
            self.handle_IO  # Generic IO operation from a Lambda worker.
        self.hostnames_to_redis = dict()
        self.io_operations = queue.Queue(
        )  # FIFO queue for I/O operations received from AWS Lambda functions.

    def start(self):
        self.server = TCPServer()
        self.server.handle_stream = self.handle_stream
        self.port = options.proxy_port
        self.need_to_process = []
        #print("Redis proxy listening at {}:{}".format(self.redis_endpoint, self.port))
        print("Redis proxy listening on port {}".format(self.port))

        self.loop = IOLoop.current()

        # On the next iteration of the IOLoop, we will attempt to connect to the Redis servers.

        # Start the IOLoop!

        # Begin asynchronously processing IO operations for Lambdas.
        self.process_IO = PeriodicCallback(self.process_IO_operation,

    def connect_to_redis_servers(self):
        print("[ {} ] Connecting to Redis server...".format(
        self.redis_client = yield aioredis.create_redis(
            address=(self.redis_host, 6379))
        print("[ {} ] Connected to Redis successfully!".format(

    def process_task(self, task_key, _value_encoded=None, message=None):
                task_key (str): The key of the task we're processing.

                _value_encoded (str): The base64 string encoding of the serialized value of the task we're processing.

                message (dict): The message that was originally sent to the proxy.
        if self.print_debug:
            print("[ {} ] Processing task {} now...".format(
                datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))

        # Decode the value but keep it serialized.
        value_encoded = _value_encoded or message["value-encoded"]
        value_serialized = base64.b64decode(value_encoded)
        task_node = self.path_nodes[task_key]
        #fargate_ip = message[FARGATE_PUBLIC_IP_KEY]
        fargate_ip = message[FARGATE_PRIVATE_IP_KEY]
        fargate_node = task_node.fargate_node
        #fargate_ip = task_node.getFargatePublicIP()
        task_payload = task_node.task_payload

        redis_client = None
        if fargate_ip in self.hostnames_to_redis:
            redis_client = self.hostnames_to_redis[fargate_ip]
            redis_client = yield aioredis.create_redis(address=(fargate_ip,

            # Cache new Redis instance.
            self.hostnames_to_redis[fargate_ip] = redis_client

        yield redis_client.set(task_key, value_serialized)

        # Store the result in redis.
        #if sys.getsizeof(value_serialized) > task_payload["storage_threshold"]:
        #    redis_instance = self.big_hash_ring.get_node_instance(task_key) #[task_key].set(task_key, value_serialized)
        #    print("[ {} ] Storing task {} in Big Redis instance listening at {}".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key, redis_instance.address))
        #    yield redis_instance.set(task_key, value_serialized)
        #    redis_instance = self.small_hash_ring.get_node_instance(task_key) #[task_key].set(task_key, value_serialized)
        #    print("[ {} ] Storing task {} in Small Redis instance listening at {}".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key, redis_instance.address))
        #    yield redis_instance.set(task_key, value_serialized)


        num_dependencies_of_dependents = task_payload[
        can_now_execute = []

            "[ {} ] Value for {} successfully stored in Redis. Checking dependencies/invoke nodes now..."
            .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))

        if self.print_debug:
                "[ {} ] [PROCESSING] Now processing the downstream tasks for task {}"
                .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))

        for invoke_key in task_node.invoke:
            futures = []
            invoke_node = self.path_nodes[invoke_key]

            # Grab the key of the "invoke" node and check how many dependencies it has.
            # Next, check Redis to see how many dependencies are available. If all dependencies
            # are available, then we append this node to the can_now_execute list. Otherwise, we skip it.
            # The invoke node will be executed eventually once its final dependency resolves.
            dependency_counter_key = invoke_key + "---dep-counter"
            num_dependencies = num_dependencies_of_dependents[invoke_key]

            # We create a pipeline for incrementing the counter and getting its value (atomically).
            # We do this to reduce the number of round trips required for this step of the process.
            #redis_pipeline = self.get_redis_client(invoke_key).pipeline()
            redis_pipeline = self.redis_client.pipeline()

                           )  # Enqueue the atomic increment operation.
            )  # Enqueue the atomic get operation AFTER the increment operation.

            # Execute the pipeline; save the responses in a local variable.
            result = yield redis_pipeline.execute()
            responses = yield asyncio.gather(*futures)

            # Decode and cast the result of the 'get' operation.
            dependencies_completed = int(responses[1])

            # Check if the task is ready for execution. If it is, put it in the "can_now_execute" list.
            # If the task is not yet ready, then we don't do anything further with it at this point.
            if dependencies_completed == num_dependencies:
                if self.print_debug:
                        "[DEP. CHECKING] - task {} is now ready to execute as all {} dependencies have been computed."
                        .format(invoke_key, num_dependencies))
                if self.print_debug:
                        "[DEP. CHECKING] - task {} cannot execute yet. Only {} out of {} dependencies have been computed."
                        .format(invoke_key, dependencies_completed,
                    print("\nMissing dependencies: ")
                    deps = invoke_node.task_payload["dependencies"]
                    for dep_task_key in deps:
                        if dep_task_key not in self.completed_tasks:
                            print("     ", dep_task_key)

        # Invoke all of the ready-to-execute tasks in parallel.
        # print("[ {} ] Invoking {} of the {} downstream tasks of current task {}:".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), len(can_now_execute), len(task_node.invoke), task_key))
        # for node in can_now_execute:
        #     print("     ", node.task_key)
        # print("\n")
        for invoke_node in can_now_execute:
            # We're going to check and see if we can send the previous task's data along with the path.
            # If not, then the Lambda function will just have to retrieve the data from Redis instead.
            payload = self.serialized_paths[invoke_node.task_key]
            payload_size = sys.getsizeof(payload)
            relevant_data_size = sys.getsizeof(value_encoded)
            combined_size = payload_size + relevant_data_size
            # We can only send a payload of size 256,000 bytes or less to a Lambda function directly.
            # If the payload is too large, then the Lambda will retrieve the data from Redis.
            if combined_size < 256000:
                #print("Payload (before any deserialization or anything): ", payload)

                # Deserialize the payload so we can modify it.
                payload = ujson.loads(payload)

                # Add the data for 'this' task to the payload. The Lambda function expects the value to be
                # in a dictionary stored at key "previous-results". The value should be encoded.
                payload["previous-results"] = {task_key: value_encoded}
                payload["invoked-by"] = task_key
                # Re-serialize the payload.
                payload = ujson.dumps(payload)
            # If the path + data was too big, see if we can get away with just sending the path. If not, then the Lambda can get that from Redis too.
            elif sys.getsizeof(payload) > 256000:
                payload = ujson.dumps({
                    "path-key": invoke_node.task_key + "---path",
                    "invoked-by": task_key

            if self.print_debug:
                print("[INVOKE] Invoking Task Executor for task {}.".format(

    def deserialize_and_process_message(self, stream, address=None, **kwargs):
        message = None

        # This uses the dask protocol to break up the message/receive the chunks of the message.
            n_frames = yield stream.read_bytes(8)
            n_frames = struct.unpack("Q", n_frames)[0]
            lengths = yield stream.read_bytes(8 * n_frames)
            lengths = struct.unpack("Q" * n_frames, lengths)

            frames = []
            for length in lengths:
                if length:
                    frame = bytearray(length)
                    n = yield stream.read_into(frame)
                    assert n == length, (n, length)
                    frame = b""
        except StreamClosedError as e:
                "[ {} ] [ERROR] - Stream Closed Error: stream from address {} is closed..."
                .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), address))
            print("Real Error: ", e.real_error.__str__())
        except AssertionError as e:
            _, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
            traceback.print_tb(tb)  # Fixed format
            tb_info = traceback.extract_tb(tb)
            filename, line, func, text = tb_info[-1]
                'An error occurred on line {} in statement {}. Currently processing a stream from addresss {}.'
                .format(line, text, address))
                message = yield from_frames(frames)
            except EOFError:
                    "[ {} ] [ERROR] - Aborted stream on truncated data".format(
                raise CommClosedError("aborted stream on truncated data")

        # The 'op' (operation) entry specifies what the Proxy should do.
        op = message["op"]

        print("[ DEBUG ] \n\tMessage: {}".format(message))

        yield self.handlers[op](message, address=address, stream=stream)

    def handle_IO(self, message, **kwargs):
        print("handle_io kwargs: {}".format(kwargs))
        stream = kwargs['stream']
        address = kwargs['address']
        local_address = "tcp://" + get_stream_address(stream)
        lambda_comm = TCP(stream,
                          "tcp://" + address[0],
        self.io_operations.put([message, lambda_comm])

    def process_IO_operation(self):
        if (self.io_operations.qsize() != 0):
            arr = self.io_operations.get()
            message = arr[0]
            stream = arr[1]

            fargate_node = message['fargate-node']
            #fargate_ip = fargate_node[FARGATE_PUBLIC_IP_KEY]
            fargate_ip = fargate_node[FARGATE_PRIVATE_IP_KEY]
            fargate_arn = fargate_node[FARGATE_ARN_KEY]
            task_key = message[TASK_KEY]
            redis_operation = message['redis-op']
                "[ {} ] Handling Redis IO {} for task {}, Fargate Node {} listening at {}:6379"
                .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), redis_operation, task_key,
                        fargate_arn, fargate_ip))

            if redis_operation == "set":
                # Grab the associated task node.
                if task_key not in self.path_nodes:
                    # This can happen if the Lambda function executes before the proxy finishes processing the DAG info sent by the Scheduler.
                    # In these situations, we add the messages to a list that gets processed once the DAG-processing concludes.
                    # print("[ {} ] [WARNING] {} is not currently contained within self.path_nodes... Will try to process again later...".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))
                    # print("[ {} ] The task {} is contained within self.path_nodes. Processing now...".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))
                    yield self.process_task(task_key,

    def handle_set(self, message, **kwargs):
        # The "set" operation is sent by Lambda functions so that the proxy can store results in Redis and
        # possibly invoke downstream tasks, particularly when there is a large fan-out factor for a given node/task.

        task_key = message[TASK_KEY]
            "[ {} ] [OPERATION - set] Received 'set' operation from a Lambda. Task Key: {}."
            .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))

        # Grab the associated task node.
        if task_key not in self.path_nodes:
            # This can happen if the Lambda function executes before the proxy finishes processing the DAG info sent by the Scheduler.
            # In these situations, we add the messages to a list that gets processed once the DAG-processing concludes.
            # print("[ {} ] [WARNING] {} is not currently contained within self.path_nodes... Will try to process again later...".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))
            # print("[ {} ] The task {} is contained within self.path_nodes. Processing now...".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))
            yield self.process_task(task_key,

    def handle_graph_init(self, message, **kwargs):
        # Grab the paths from Redis directly.
        path_keys = message["path-keys"]

        if len(path_keys) == 0:
                "[WARNING] Received graph-init operation from Scheduler, but the list of path keys was empty..."
            response = yield self.redis_client.mget(*path_keys)

            # Iterate over all of the serialized paths and deserialize them/deserialize the nodes.
            for serialized_path in response:
                path = ujson.loads(serialized_path)
                starting_node_key = path["starting-node-key"]

                # Map the task key corresponding to the beginning of the path to the path itself.
                    starting_node_key] = serialized_path  # May want to check if path is already in the list?

                # Iterate over all of the encoded-and-serialized nodes and deserialize them.
                for task_key, encoded_node in path["nodes-map"].items():
                    decoded_node = base64.b64decode(encoded_node)
                    deserialized_node = cloudpickle.loads(decoded_node)

                    # The 'frames' stuff is related to the Dask protocol. We use Dask's deserialization algorithm here.
                    frames = []
                    for encoded in deserialized_node.task_payload:
                    deserialized_task_payload = yield deserialize_payload(
                    deserialized_node.task_payload = deserialized_task_payload
                    self.path_nodes[task_key] = deserialized_node
            for lst in self.need_to_process:
                msg = lst[0]
                task_key = msg[TASK_KEY]
                value_encoded = msg["value-encoded"]
                yield self.process_task(task_key,
                                        message=msg)  # Could also pass *lst.
            # Clear the list.
            self.need_to_process = []

    def handle_start(self, message, **kwargs):
        stream = kwargs["stream"]
        address = kwargs["address"]
        # This operation needs to happen before anything else. Scheduler should be started *after* the proxy is started in order for this to work.
            "[ {} ] [OPERATION - start] Received 'start' operation from Scheduler."
        self.redis_channel_names = message["redis-channel-names"]
        self.scheduler_address = message["scheduler-address"]

        # We need the number of cores available as this determines how many processes total we can have.
        num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        cores_remaining = num_cores - len(self.redis_channel_names)

        # Start a certain number of Redis polling processes to listen for results.
        num_redis_processes_to_create = math.ceil(cores_remaining * 0.5)
        print("Creating {} 'Redis Polling' processes.".format(

        self.redis_channel_names_for_proxy = []
        self.base_channel_name = "redis-proxy-"
        for i in range(num_redis_processes_to_create):
            name = self.base_channel_name + str(i)

        # Create a list to keep track of the processes as well as the Queue object, which we use for communication between the processes.
        self.redis_polling_processes = []
        self.redis_polling_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()

        # For each channel, we create a process and store a reference to it in our list.
        for channel_name in self.redis_channel_names_for_proxy:
            redis_polling_process = Process(target=self.poll_redis_process,
            redis_polling_process.daemon = True

        # Start the processes.
        for redis_polling_process in self.redis_polling_processes:

        self.lambda_invoker = ProxyLambdaInvoker(

        # The Scheduler stores its address
        #self.scheduler_address = yield self.small_redis_clients[0].get("scheduler-address")
        #self.scheduler_address = yield self.redis_client.get("scheduler-address").decode()

        print("[START Operation] Retrieved Scheduler's address from Redis: {}".

        payload = {
            "op": "redis-proxy-channels",
            "num_channels": len(self.redis_channel_names_for_proxy),
            "base_name": self.base_channel_name
        print("[ {} ] Payload for Scheduler: {}.".format(
            datetime.datetime.utcnow(), payload))
        local_address = "tcp://" + get_stream_address(stream)
        self.scheduler_comm = TCP(stream,
                                  "tcp://" + address[0],
        print("[ {} ] Writing message to Scheduler...".format(
        bytes_written = yield self.scheduler_comm.write(payload)
        print("[ {} ] Wrote {} bytes to Scheduler...".format(
            datetime.datetime.utcnow(), bytes_written))
        print("Now for handle comm")
        #payload2 = {"op": "debug-msg", "message": "[ {} ] Goodbye, world!".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow())}
        #yield self.scheduler_comm.write(payload2)
        yield self.handle_comm(self.scheduler_comm)

    def hello_world(self):
        print("Hello World starting...")
        counter = 0
        while True:
            _now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            payload2 = {
                "op": "debug-msg",
                "[ {} ] Hello, world {}!".format(_now, str(counter))
            yield self.scheduler_comm.write(payload2)
            counter = counter + 1
            yield gen.sleep(2)

    def handle_stream(self, stream, address):
        print("[ {} ] Starting established connection with {}".format(
            datetime.datetime.utcnow(), address))

        io_error = None
        closed = False

            while not closed:
                if self.print_debug:
                        "[ {} ] Message received from address {}. Handling now..."
                        .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), address))
                yield self.deserialize_and_process_message(stream,
        except (CommClosedError, EnvironmentError) as e:
            io_error = e
            closed = True
        except StreamClosedError as e:
            print("[ERROR] Stream closed")
            print("Real Error: ", e.real_error.__str__())
            closed = True
        except AssertionError as e:
            _, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
            traceback.print_tb(tb)  # Fixed format
            tb_info = traceback.extract_tb(tb)
            filename, line, func, text = tb_info[-1]
                'An error occurred in file {} on line {} in statement "{}". Currently processing a stream from addresss {}.'
                .format(filename, line, text, address))
        except Exception as e:
            _, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
            traceback.print_tb(tb)  # Fixed format
            tb_info = traceback.extract_tb(tb)
            filename, line, func, text = tb_info[-1]
                'An error occurred in file {} on line {} in statement "{}". Currently processing a stream from addresss {}.'
                .format(filename, line, text, address))
            assert stream.closed()

    def handle_comm(self, comm, extra=None, every_cycle=[]):
        extra = extra or {}
        print("[ {} ] Starting established TCP Comm connection with {}".format(
            datetime.datetime.utcnow(), comm._peer_addr))

        io_error = None
        closed = False
        while True:
                msg = yield comm.read()

                if not isinstance(msg, dict):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Bad message type.  Expected dict, got\n  " +
                        str(msg) + " of type " + str(type(msg)))
                    op = msg["op"]
                except KeyError:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Received unexpected message without 'op' key: " %
                yield self.handlers[op](msg)
                close_desired = msg.get("close", False)
                msg = result = None
                if close_desired:
                    print("[ {} ] Close desired. Closing comm.".format(
                    yield comm.close()
                if comm.closed():
            except (CommClosedError, EnvironmentError) as e:
                io_error = e
                print("[ {} ] [ERROR] CommClosedError, EnvironmentError: {}".
                      format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), e.__str__()))
            except Exception as e:
                print("[ {} ] [ERROR] Exception: {}".format(
                    datetime.datetime.utcnow(), e.__str__()))

    def poll_redis_process(self, _queue, redis_channel_name, redis_endpoint):
        ''' This function defines a process which continually polls Redis for messages. 
            When a message is found, it is passed to the main Scheduler process via the queue given to this process. '''
        print("Redis Polling Process started. Polling channel ",

        redis_client = redis.StrictRedis(host=redis_endpoint, port=6379, db=0)

            "[ {} ] Redis polling processes connected to Redis Client at {}:{}"
            .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), redis_endpoint, 6379))

        base_sleep_interval = 0.05
        max_sleep_interval = 0.15
        current_sleep_interval = base_sleep_interval
        consecutive_misses = 0

        # We just do pub-sub on the first redis client.
        redis_channel = redis_client.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)

        # This process will just loop endlessly polling Redis for messages. When it finds a message,
        # it will decode it (from bytes to UTF-8) and send it to the Scheduler process via the queue.
        # If no messages are found, then the thread will sleep before continuing to poll.
        while True:
            message = redis_channel.get_message()
            if message is not None:
                timestamp_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                # print("[ {} ] Received message from channel {}.".format(timestamp_now, redis_channel_name))
                data = message["data"]
                # The message should be a "bytes"-like object so we decode it.
                # If we neglect to turn off the subscribe/unsubscribe confirmation messages,
                # then we may get messages that are just numbers.
                # We ignore these by catching the exception and simply passing.
                data = data.decode()
                data = ujson.loads(data)
                # print("Data: ", data)
                consecutive_misses = 0
                current_sleep_interval = base_sleep_interval
                consecutive_misses = consecutive_misses + 1
                current_sleep_interval += 0.05
                if (current_sleep_interval > max_sleep_interval):
                    current_sleep_interval = max_sleep_interval

    def consume_redis_queue(self):
        ''' This function executes periodically (as a PeriodicCallback on the IO loop). 
        It reads messages from the message queue until none are available.'''
        # print("Consume Redis Queue is being executed...")
        while True:
            messages = []
            # 'end' is the time at which we should stop iterating. By default, it is 50ms.
            stop_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow().microsecond + 5000
            while datetime.datetime.utcnow().microsecond < stop_at and len(
                    messages) < 50:
                    timestamp_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                    # Attempt to get a payload from the Queue. A 'payload' consists of a message
                    # and possibly some benchmarking data. The message will be at index 0 of the payload.
                    payload = self.redis_polling_queue.get(block=False,
                    message = payload[0]
                # In the case that the queue is empty, break out of the loop and process what we already have.
                except queue.Empty:
            if len(messages) > 0:
                # print("[ {} ] Processing {} messages from Redis Message Queue.".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), len(messages)))
                for message in messages:
                    if "op" in message:
                        op = message["op"]
                        if op == "set":
                            task_key = message[TASK_KEY]
                            value_encoded = message["value-encoded"]
                                "[ {} ] [OPERATION - set] Received 'set' operation from a Lambda. Task Key: {}."
                                .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))

                            # Grab the associated task node.
                            if task_key not in self.path_nodes:
                                # This can happen if the Lambda function executes before the proxy finishes processing the DAG info sent by the Scheduler.
                                # In these situations, we add the messages to a list that gets processed once the DAG-processing concludes.
                                # print("[ {} ] [WARNING] {} is not currently contained within self.path_nodes... Will try to process again later...".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))
                                # print("[ {} ] The task {} is contained within self.path_nodes. Processing now...".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))
                                yield self.process_task(
                                "[ {} ] [ERROR] Unknown Operation from Redis Queue... Message: {}"
                                .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), message))
                            "[ {} ] [ERROR] Message from Redis Queue did NOT contain an operation... Message: {}"
                            .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), message))
            # Sleep for 5 milliseconds...
            yield gen.sleep(0.005)
Exemplo n.º 5
class RedisProxy(object):
    """Tornado asycnrhonous TCP server co-located with a Redis cluster."""
    def __init__(self, redis_endpoints, lambda_client):
        self.redis_endpoints = redis_endpoints
        self.lambda_client = lambda_client
        self.completed_tasks = set()

        self.scheduler_address = ""  # The address of the modified Dask Distributed scheduler
        self.serialized_paths = {
        }  # List of serialized paths retrieved from Redis
        self.path_nodes = {}  # Mapping of task keys to path nodes
        self.serialized_path_nodes = {}  # List of serialized path nodes.
        self.handlers = {
            "set": self.handle_set,
            "graph-init": self.handle_graph_init,
            "start": self.handle_start

    def task_completed(task_key):
        task_dependencies_key = task_key + "--deps"

    def start(self):
        self.server = TCPServer()
        self.server.handle_stream = self.handle_stream
        self.port = options.proxy_port
        self.need_to_process = []
        #print("Redis proxy listening at {}:{}".format(self.redis_endpoint, self.port))
        print("Redis proxy listening on port {}".format(self.port))

        self.loop = IOLoop.current()

        # On the next iteration of the IOLoop, we will attempt to connect to the Redis servers.

        # Start the IOLoop!

    def connect_to_redis_servers(self):
        print("[ {} ] Connecting to Redis servers...".format(
        self.redis_clients = []
        self.redis_nodes = dict()
        counter = 1

        for IP, port in self.redis_endpoints:
                "[ {} ] Attempting to connect to Redis server {}/{} at {}:{}".
                format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), counter,
                       len(self.redis_endpoints), IP, port))
            connection = yield aioredis.create_connection(
                address=(IP, port),
            )  #redis.StrictRedis(host=IP, port = port, db = 0)
            redis_client = aioredis.Redis(connection)
            print("[ {} ] Successfully connected to Redis server {}.".format(
                datetime.datetime.utcnow(), counter))
            key_string = "node-" + str(IP) + ":" + str(port)
            self.redis_nodes[key_string] = {
                "hostname": key_string + ".FQDN",
                "nodename": key_string,
                "instance": redis_client,
                "port": port,
                "vnodes": 40
            counter += 1

        self.hash_ring = HashRing(self.redis_nodes)
        #for port in self.redis_ports:
        #    print("[ {} ] Attempting to connect to Redis server {}/{} at {}:{}".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), counter, len(self.redis_ports), self.redis_endpoint, port))
        #    #connection = IOLoop.current().run_sync(lambda: aioredis.create_connection(address = (self.redis_endpoint, port), loop = IOLoop.current().asyncio_loop, encoding = options.encoding))
        #    connection = yield aioredis.create_connection(address = (self.redis_endpoint, port), loop = IOLoop.current().asyncio_loop, encoding = options.encoding)
        #    redis_client = aioredis.Redis(connection)
        #    self.redis_clients.append(redis_client)
        #    counter = counter + 1
        self.num_redis_clients = len(self.redis_clients)

    def process_task(self,
        #print("[ {} ] Processing task {} now...".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))

        # Decode the value but keep it serialized.
        value_encoded = _value_encoded or message["value-encoded"]
        value_serialized = base64.b64decode(value_encoded)
        task_node = self.path_nodes[task_key]
        task_payload = task_node.task_payload

        # Store the result in redis.
        #yield self.get_redis_client(task_key).set(task_key, value_serialized)

        redis_client = self.hash_ring.get_node_instance(
            task_key)  #[task_key].set(task_key, value_serialized)
        print("[ {} ] Storing task {} in Redis client listening at {}".format(
            datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key, redis_client.address))
        yield redis_client.set(task_key, value_serialized)


        num_dependencies_of_dependents = task_payload[
        can_now_execute = []

            "[ {} ] Value for {} successfully stored in Redis. Checking dependencies/invoke nodes now..."
            .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))

        #if print_debug:
        #    print("[ {} ] [PROCESSING] Now processing the downstream tasks for task {}".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))

        for invoke_key in task_node.invoke:
            futures = []
            invoke_node = self.path_nodes[invoke_key]

            # Grab the key of the "invoke" node and check how many dependencies it has.
            # Next, check Redis to see how many dependencies are available. If all dependencies
            # are available, then we append this node to the can_now_execute list. Otherwise, we skip it.
            # The invoke node will be executed eventually once its final dependency resolves.
            dependency_counter_key = invoke_key + "---dep-counter"
            num_dependencies = num_dependencies_of_dependents[invoke_key]

            # We create a pipeline for incrementing the counter and getting its value (atomically).
            # We do this to reduce the number of round trips required for this step of the process.
            #redis_pipeline = self.get_redis_client(invoke_key).pipeline()
            redis_pipeline = self.hash_ring.get_node_instance(

                           )  # Enqueue the atomic increment operation.
            )  # Enqueue the atomic get operation AFTER the increment operation.

            # Execute the pipeline; save the responses in a local variable.
            result = yield redis_pipeline.execute()
            responses = yield asyncio.gather(*futures)

            # Decode and cast the result of the 'get' operation.
            dependencies_completed = int(responses[1])

            # Check if the task is ready for execution. If it is, put it in the "can_now_execute" list.
            # If the task is not yet ready, then we don't do anything further with it at this point.
            if dependencies_completed == num_dependencies:
                # print("[DEP. CHECKING] - task {} is now ready to execute as all {} dependencies have been computed.".format(invoke_key, num_dependencies))
            # else:
            # print("[DEP. CHECKING] - task {} cannot execute yet. Only {} out of {} dependencies have been computed.".format(invoke_key, dependencies_completed, num_dependencies))
            # print("\nMissing dependencies: ")
            # deps = invoke_node.task_payload["dependencies"]
            # for dep_task_key in deps:
            #     if dep_task_key not in self.completed_tasks:
            #         print("     ", dep_task_key)
            # print("\n")

        # Invoke all of the ready-to-execute tasks in parallel.
        # print("[ {} ] Invoking {} of the {} downstream tasks of current task {}:".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), len(can_now_execute), len(task_node.invoke), task_key))
        # for node in can_now_execute:
        #     print("     ", node.task_key)
        # print("\n")
        for invoke_node in can_now_execute:
            payload = self.serialized_paths[invoke_node.task_key]
            # We can only send a payload of size 256,000 bytes or less to a Lambda function directly.
            # If the payload is too large, then the Lambda will retrieve it from Redis via the key we provide.
            if sys.getsizeof(payload) > 256000:
                payload = json.dumps(
                    {"path-key": invoke_node.task_key + "---path"})

    def deserialize_and_process_message(self, stream, address=None, **kwargs):
        message = None

        # This uses the dask protocol to break up the message/receive the chunks of the message.
            n_frames = yield stream.read_bytes(8)
            n_frames = struct.unpack("Q", n_frames)[0]
            lengths = yield stream.read_bytes(8 * n_frames)
            lengths = struct.unpack("Q" * n_frames, lengths)

            frames = []
            for length in lengths:
                if length:
                    frame = bytearray(length)
                    n = yield stream.read_into(frame)
                    assert n == length, (n, length)
                    frame = b""
        except StreamClosedError as e:
                "[ {} ] [ERROR] - Stream Closed Error: stream from address {} is closed..."
                .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), address))
            print("Real Error: ", e.real_error.__str__())
        except AssertionError as e:
            _, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
            traceback.print_tb(tb)  # Fixed format
            tb_info = traceback.extract_tb(tb)
            filename, line, func, text = tb_info[-1]
                'An error occurred on line {} in statement {}. Currently processing a stream from addresss {}.'
                .format(line, text, address))
                message = yield from_frames(frames)
            except EOFError:
                    "[ {} ] [ERROR] - Aborted stream on truncated data".format(
                raise CommClosedError("aborted stream on truncated data")

        # The 'op' (operation) entry specifies what the Proxy should do.
        op = message["op"]

        yield self.handlers[op](message, address=address, stream=stream)

    def handle_set(self, message, **kwargs):
        # The "set" operation is sent by Lambda functions so that the proxy can store results in Redis and
        # possibly invoke downstream tasks, particularly when there is a large fan-out factor for a given node/task.

        task_key = message["task-key"]
            "[ {} ] [OPERATION - set] Received 'set' operation from a Lambda. Task Key: {}."
            .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))

        # Grab the associated task node.
        if task_key not in self.path_nodes:
            # This can happen if the Lambda function executes before the proxy finishes processing the DAG info sent by the Scheduler.
            # In these situations, we add the messages to a list that gets processed once the DAG-processing concludes.
            # print("[ {} ] [WARNING] {} is not currently contained within self.path_nodes... Will try to process again later...".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))
            self.need_to_process.append([task_key, message])
            # print("[ {} ] The task {} is contained within self.path_nodes. Processing now...".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))
            yield self.process_task(task_key, message)

    def handle_graph_init(self, message, **kwargs):
        # The "graph_init" operation is sent by the Scheduler to the proxy.
        # This is how the scheduler gives the proxy its address as well as the current payload.
        # print("[ {} ] [OPERATION - graph-init] Graph initialization operation received from Scheduler.".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow()))
        self.scheduler_address = message["scheduler-address"]

        # Grab the paths from Redis directly.
        path_keys = message["path-keys"]

        client_keys = defaultdict(list)

        # client_keys = [list() for redis_client in self.redis_clients]

        for key in path_keys:
            client = self.hash_ring.get_node_instance(key[:-7])

        #for key in path_keys:
        #    hash_obj = hashlib.md5(key[:-7].encode())
        #    val = int(hash_obj.hexdigest(), 16)
        #    idx = val % self.num_redis_clients
        #    client_keys[idx].append(key)

        responses = list()
        for client, keys in client_keys.items():
            res = yield client.mget(*keys)

        #_responses = [list() for redis_client in self.redis_clients]

        #for i in range(len(client_keys)):
        #    client_keys_list = client_keys[i]
        #    if len(client_keys_list) > 0:
        #        redis_client = self.redis_clients[i]
        #        _responses[i] = yield redis_client.mget(*client_keys_list)

        #responses = []
        #for lst in _responses:
        #    for elem in lst:
        #        responses.append(elem)

        # Iterate over all of the serialized paths and deserialize them/deserialize the nodes.
        starting_nodes = len(self.path_nodes)
        for serialized_path in responses:
            path = json.loads(serialized_path)
            starting_node_key = path["starting-node-key"]

            # Map the task key corresponding to the beginning of the path to the path itself.
                starting_node_key] = serialized_path  # May want to check if path is already in the list?

            # Iterate over all of the encoded-and-serialized nodes and deserialize them.
            for task_key, encoded_node in path["nodes-map"].items():
                decoded_node = base64.b64decode(encoded_node)
                deserialized_node = cloudpickle.loads(decoded_node)

                # The 'frames' stuff is related to the Dask protocol. We use Dask's deserialization algorithm here.
                frames = []
                for encoded in deserialized_node.task_payload:
                deserialized_task_payload = yield deserialize_payload(frames)
                deserialized_node.task_payload = deserialized_task_payload
                self.path_nodes[task_key] = deserialized_node
        # print("[ {} ] Added {} new nodes to self.path_nodes dictionary. The dictionary now holds {} nodes.".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), len(self.path_nodes) - starting_nodes, len(self.path_nodes)))
        #if len(self.need_to_process) > 0:
        #    print("[ {} ] Processing {} messages contained in self.need_to_process".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), len(self.need_to_process)))
        #    print("[ {} ] There were 0 messages contained within self.need_to_process.".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow()))
        for lst in self.need_to_process:
            task_key = lst[0]
            value_encoded = lst[1]
            # message = lst[1]
            # print("Processing task {} from self.need_to_process...".format(task_key))
            yield self.process_task(task_key,
                                    print_debug=True)  # Could also pass *lst.
        # Clear the list.
        self.need_to_process = []

    def handle_start(self, message, **kwargs):
        stream = kwargs["stream"]
        address = kwargs["address"]
        # This operation needs to happen before anything else. Scheduler should be started *after* the proxy is started in order for this to work.
            "[ {} ] [OPERATION - start] Received 'start' operation from Scheduler."
        self.redis_channel_names = message["redis-channel-names"]

        # We need the number of cores available as this determines how many processes total we can have.
        num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        cores_remaining = num_cores - len(self.redis_channel_names)

        # Start a certain number of Redis polling processes to listen for results.
        num_redis_processes_to_create = math.ceil(cores_remaining * 0.5)
        print("Creating {} 'Redis Polling' processes.".format(

        self.redis_channel_names_for_proxy = []
        self.base_channel_name = "redis-proxy-"
        for i in range(num_redis_processes_to_create):
            name = self.base_channel_name + str(i)

        # Create a list to keep track of the processes as well as the Queue object, which we use for communication between the processes.
        self.redis_polling_processes = []
        self.redis_polling_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()

        # For each channel, we create a process and store a reference to it in our list.
        for channel_name in self.redis_channel_names_for_proxy:
            redis_polling_process = Process(target=self.poll_redis_process,
            redis_polling_process.daemon = True

        # Start the processes.
        for redis_polling_process in self.redis_polling_processes:

        self.lambda_invoker = ProxyLambdaInvoker(

        # The Scheduler stores its address
        self.scheduler_address = yield self.redis_clients[0].get(

        payload = {
            "op": "redis-proxy-channels",
            "num_channels": len(self.redis_channel_names_for_proxy),
            "base_name": self.base_channel_name
        print("Payload for Scheduler: ", payload)
        # self.scheduler_comm = yield connect_to_address(self.scheduler_address)
        # self, stream, local_addr, peer_addr
        local_address = "tcp://" + get_stream_address(stream)
        self.scheduler_comm = TCP(stream,
                                  "tcp://" + address[0],
        print("Writing message to Scheduler...")
        bytes_written = yield self.scheduler_comm.write(payload)
        print("Wrote {} bytes to Scheduler...".format(bytes_written))
        print("Now for handle comm")
        #payload2 = {"op": "debug-msg", "message": "[ {} ] Goodbye, world!".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow())}
        #yield self.scheduler_comm.write(payload2)
        yield self.handle_comm(self.scheduler_comm)

    def hello_world(self):
        print("Hello World starting...")
        counter = 0
        while True:
            _now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            payload2 = {
                "op": "debug-msg",
                "[ {} ] Hello, world {}!".format(_now, str(counter))
            yield self.scheduler_comm.write(payload2)
            counter = counter + 1
            yield gen.sleep(2)

    def result_from_lambda(self, task_key, value_encoded):
            "[ {} ] [OPERATION - set] Received 'set' operation from a Lambda. Task Key: {}."
            .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))

        # Grab the associated task node.
        if task_key not in self.path_nodes:
            # This can happen if the Lambda function executes before the proxy finishes processing the DAG info sent by the Scheduler.
            # In these situations, we add the messages to a list that gets processed once the DAG-processing concludes.
            # print("[ {} ] [WARNING] {} is not currently contained within self.path_nodes... Will try to process again later...".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))
            self.need_to_process.append([task_key, value_encoded])
            # print("[ {} ] The task {} is contained within self.path_nodes. Processing now...".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))
            yield self.process_task(task_key, _value_encoded=value_encoded)

    def handle_stream(self, stream, address):
        print("[ {} ] Starting established connection with {}".format(
            datetime.datetime.utcnow(), address))

        io_error = None
        closed = False

            while not closed:
                    "[ {} ] Message received from address {}. Handling now...".
                    format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), address))
                yield self.deserialize_and_process_message(stream,
        except (CommClosedError, EnvironmentError) as e:
            io_error = e
            closed = True
        except StreamClosedError as e:
            print("[ERROR] Stream closed")
            print("Real Error: ", e.real_error.__str__())
            closed = True
        except AssertionError as e:
            _, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
            traceback.print_tb(tb)  # Fixed format
            tb_info = traceback.extract_tb(tb)
            filename, line, func, text = tb_info[-1]
                'An error occurred in file {} on line {} in statement "{}". Currently processing a stream from addresss {}.'
                .format(filename, line, text, address))
        except Exception as e:
            _, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
            traceback.print_tb(tb)  # Fixed format
            tb_info = traceback.extract_tb(tb)
            filename, line, func, text = tb_info[-1]
                'An error occurred in file {} on line {} in statement "{}". Currently processing a stream from addresss {}.'
                .format(filename, line, text, address))
            assert stream.closed()

    def handle_comm(self, comm, extra=None, every_cycle=[]):
        extra = extra or {}
        print("[ {} ] Starting established TCP Comm connection with {}".format(
            datetime.datetime.utcnow(), comm._peer_addr))

        io_error = None
        closed = False
        while True:
                msg = yield comm.read()

                if not isinstance(msg, dict):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Bad message type.  Expected dict, got\n  " +
                        str(msg) + " of type " + str(type(msg)))
                    op = msg.pop("op")
                except KeyError:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Received unexpected message without 'op' key: " %
                yield self.handlers[op](msg)
                close_desired = msg.pop("close", False)
                msg = result = None
                if close_desired:
                    print("[ {} ] Close desired. Closing comm.".format(
                    yield comm.close()
                if comm.closed():
            except (CommClosedError, EnvironmentError) as e:
                io_error = e
                print("[ {} ] [ERROR] CommClosedError, EnvironmentError: {}".
                      format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), e.__str__()))
            except Exception as e:
                print("[ {} ] [ERROR] Exception: {}".format(
                    datetime.datetime.utcnow(), e.__str__()))

    def get_redis_client(self, task_key):
        hash_obj = hashlib.md5(task_key.encode())
        val = int(hash_obj.hexdigest(), 16)
        idx = val % self.num_redis_clients
        return self.redis_clients[idx]

    def poll_redis_process(self, _queue, redis_channel_name, redis_endpoint):
        ''' This function defines a process which continually polls Redis for messages. 
            When a message is found, it is passed to the main Scheduler process via the queue given to this process. '''
        print("Redis Polling Process started. Polling channel ",

        IP, port = redis_endpoint

        redis_client = redis.StrictRedis(host=IP, port=port, db=0)

            "[ {} ] Redis polling processes connected to Redis Client at {}:{}"
            .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), IP, port))

        base_sleep_interval = 0.05
        max_sleep_interval = 0.15
        current_sleep_interval = base_sleep_interval
        consecutive_misses = 0

        # We just do pub-sub on the first redis client.
        redis_channel = redis_client.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)

        # This process will just loop endlessly polling Redis for messages. When it finds a message,
        # it will decode it (from bytes to UTF-8) and send it to the Scheduler process via the queue.
        # If no messages are found, then the thread will sleep before continuing to poll.
        while True:
            message = redis_channel.get_message()
            if message is not None:
                timestamp_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                # print("[ {} ] Received message from channel {}.".format(timestamp_now, redis_channel_name))
                data = message["data"]
                # The message should be a "bytes"-like object so we decode it.
                # If we neglect to turn off the subscribe/unsubscribe confirmation messages,
                # then we may get messages that are just numbers.
                # We ignore these by catching the exception and simply passing.
                data = data.decode()
                data = json.loads(data)
                # print("Data: ", data)
                consecutive_misses = 0
                current_sleep_interval = base_sleep_interval
                consecutive_misses = consecutive_misses + 1
                current_sleep_interval += 0.05
                if (current_sleep_interval > max_sleep_interval):
                    current_sleep_interval = max_sleep_interval

    def consume_redis_queue(self):
        ''' This function executes periodically (as a PeriodicCallback on the IO loop). 
        It reads messages from the message queue until none are available.'''
        # print("Consume Redis Queue is being executed...")
        while True:
            messages = []
            # 'end' is the time at which we should stop iterating. By default, it is 50ms.
            stop_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow().microsecond + 5000
            while datetime.datetime.utcnow().microsecond < stop_at and len(
                    messages) < 50:
                    timestamp_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                    # Attempt to get a payload from the Queue. A 'payload' consists of a message
                    # and possibly some benchmarking data. The message will be at index 0 of the payload.
                    payload = self.redis_polling_queue.get(block=False,
                    message = payload[0]
                # In the case that the queue is empty, break out of the loop and process what we already have.
                except queue.Empty:
            if len(messages) > 0:
                # print("[ {} ] Processing {} messages from Redis Message Queue.".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), len(messages)))
                for msg in messages:
                    if "op" in msg:
                        op = msg.pop("op")
                        if op == "set":
                            task_key = msg.pop("task-key")
                            value_encoded = msg.pop("value-encoded")
                                "[ {} ] [OPERATION - set] Received 'set' operation from a Lambda. Task Key: {}."
                                .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))

                            # Grab the associated task node.
                            if task_key not in self.path_nodes:
                                # This can happen if the Lambda function executes before the proxy finishes processing the DAG info sent by the Scheduler.
                                # In these situations, we add the messages to a list that gets processed once the DAG-processing concludes.
                                # print("[ {} ] [WARNING] {} is not currently contained within self.path_nodes... Will try to process again later...".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))
                                    [task_key, value_encoded])
                                # print("[ {} ] The task {} is contained within self.path_nodes. Processing now...".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), task_key))
                                yield self.process_task(
                                    task_key, _value_encoded=value_encoded)
                                "[ {} ] [ERROR] Unknown Operation from Redis Queue... Message: {}"
                                .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), msg))
                            "[ {} ] [ERROR] Message from Redis Queue did NOT contain an operation... Message: {}"
                            .format(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), msg))
            # Sleep for 5 milliseconds...
            yield gen.sleep(0.005)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def listen(self, port, address=""):
        self.port = port

        TCPServer.listen(self, port, address)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def listen(self, port, address=""):
        self.port = port

        TCPServer.listen(self, port, address)