Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_jsonOld1(self):
     # testing "old php api" call. Use an actual old result as sample
     data = json.load(open('../oldApiSample.json'))
     blues = []
     reds = []
     limit = len(data['blue'])
     for i, p in enumerate(data['blue'] + data['red']):
         pkmn = {}
         t2 = p['type2'] if p['type2'] != '-' else None
         gender = Gender.none
         if p['gender'] == 'm': gender = Gender.male
         elif p['gender'] == 'f': gender = Gender.female
         pkmn = self.genPkmn(name=p['name'], id=p['id'], type1=p['type1'], type2=t2, gender=gender, ability=p['ability'],
             stats=self.genStats(p['stats']['hp'], p['stats']['atk'], p['stats']['def'], p['stats']['satk'], p['stats']['sdef'], p['stats']['spd']))
         pkmn.moves = []
         for m in p['moves']:
             category = MoveCategory.nonDamaging
             if m['category'] == 'physical': category = MoveCategory.physical
             elif m['category'] == 'special': category = MoveCategory.special
             elif m['category'] == 'ohko': category = MoveCategory.physical
             accuracy = m['accuracy'] if m['accuracy'] > 0 else None
             pkmn.moves.append(self.genMove(name=m['name'], type=m['type'], pp=m['pp'], power=m.get('power', None), accuracy=accuracy, category=category))
         (blues if i < limit else reds).append(pkmn)
     json.dump(buildDictOldApi(blues, reds, self.genEnv(weather='none')), open('../test.json', 'w+'), indent=4)
Exemplo n.º 2
def handleRequest(data, sock):
    match = re.match(b'GET /visu/([0-9,]+)/([0-9,]+)\sHTTP/1', data)
    if match:
        blueIDs = [int(ID) for ID in match.group(1).split(b',')]
        redIDs = [int(ID) for ID in match.group(2).split(b',')]
        # TODO replace these 2 lines with the actual pokemon data retrieved from the IDs
        # They need to be packed into the visualizer's own Pokemon objects
        blues = [
            Pokemon(1, 'A', 'fire', None, Stats(50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100),
                    [Move('Tackle', '', 'normal', 1, 70, 10, 90)], 0, '')
        reds = [
            Pokemon(2, 'B', 'water', None, Stats(50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100),
                    [Move('Tackle', '', 'normal', 1, 70, 10, 90)], 0, '')
        result = buildDictOldApi(blues, reds, Environment(weather='none'))
        sock.sendall(b"""HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate
Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json

""" + json.dumps(result, indent=4).encode('ascii')
                     )  # For Python3: indent='    ' or something.
        sock.sendall(b"""HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Connection: close

Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_jsonOld1(self):
        # testing "old php api" call. Use an actual old result as sample
        data = json.load(open('../oldApiSample.json'))

        blues = []
        reds = []
        limit = len(data['blue'])
        for i, p in enumerate(data['blue'] + data['red']):
            pkmn = {}
            t2 = p['type2'] if p['type2'] != '-' else None
            gender = Gender.none
            if p['gender'] == 'm': gender = Gender.male
            elif p['gender'] == 'f': gender = Gender.female
            pkmn = self.genPkmn(
                stats=self.genStats(p['stats']['hp'], p['stats']['atk'],
                                    p['stats']['def'], p['stats']['satk'],
                                    p['stats']['sdef'], p['stats']['spd']))
            pkmn.moves = []
            for m in p['moves']:
                category = MoveCategory.nonDamaging
                if m['category'] == 'physical':
                    category = MoveCategory.physical
                elif m['category'] == 'special':
                    category = MoveCategory.special
                elif m['category'] == 'ohko':
                    category = MoveCategory.physical
                accuracy = m['accuracy'] if m['accuracy'] > 0 else None
                                 power=m.get('power', None),
            (blues if i < limit else reds).append(pkmn)

        json.dump(buildDictOldApi(blues, reds, self.genEnv(weather='none')),
                  open('../test.json', 'w+'),
Exemplo n.º 4
def handleRequest(data, sock):
    match = re.match(b'GET /visu/([0-9,]+)/([0-9,]+)\sHTTP/1', data)
    if match:
        blueIDs = [int(ID) for ID in match.group(1).split(b',')]
        redIDs = [int(ID) for ID in match.group(2).split(b',')]
        # TODO replace these 2 lines with the actual pokemon data retrieved from the IDs
        # They need to be packed into the visualizer's own Pokemon objects
        blues = [Pokemon(1, 'A', 'fire', None, Stats(50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100), [Move('Tackle', '', 'normal', 1, 70, 10, 90)], 0, '')]
        reds = [Pokemon(2, 'B', 'water', None, Stats(50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100), [Move('Tackle', '', 'normal', 1, 70, 10, 90)], 0, '')]
        result = buildDictOldApi(blues, reds, Environment(weather='none'))
        sock.sendall(b"""HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate
Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json

""" + json.dumps(result, indent=4).encode('ascii'))  # For Python3: indent='    ' or something.
        sock.sendall(b"""HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Connection: close
