Exemplo n.º 1
class Ticket(object):

    realm = 'ticket'

    # Fields that must not be modified directly by the user
    # 'owner' should eventually be a protected field (#2045)
    protected_fields = 'resolution', 'status', 'time', 'changetime'

    def id_is_valid(num):
        return 0 < int(num) <= 1L << 31

    def resource(self):
        return Resource(self.realm, self.id, self.version)

    # 0.11 compatibility. Will be removed in 1.3.1.
    time_created = property(lambda self: self.values.get('time'))
    time_changed = property(lambda self: self.values.get('changetime'))

    def __init__(self, env, tkt_id=None, version=None):
        self.env = env
        self.fields = TicketSystem(self.env).get_ticket_fields()
        self.editable_fields = \
            set(f['name'] for f in self.fields
                          if f['name'] not in self.protected_fields)
        self.std_fields, self.custom_fields, self.time_fields = [], [], []
        for f in self.fields:
            if f.get('custom'):
            if f['type'] == 'time':
        self.values = {}
        self._old = {}
        if tkt_id is not None:
            tkt_id = int(tkt_id)
            self.id = None
        self.version = version

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id)

    exists = property(lambda self: self.id is not None)

    def _init_defaults(self):
        for field in self.fields:
            default = None
            if field['name'] in self.protected_fields:
                # Ignore for new - only change through workflow
            elif not field.get('custom'):
                default = self.env.config.get('ticket',
                                              'default_' + field['name'])
                default = self._custom_field_default(field)
            if default:
                self.values.setdefault(field['name'], default)

    def _custom_field_default(self, field):
        default = field.get('value')
        options = field.get('options')
        if default and options and default not in options:
                default = options[int(default)]
            except (ValueError, IndexError):
                    'Invalid default value "%s" '
                    'for custom field "%s"', default, field['name'])
        if default and field.get('type') == 'time':
                default = parse_date(default, hint=field.get('format'))
            except TracError as e:
                    'Invalid default value "%s" '
                    'for custom field "%s": %s', default, field['name'], e)
                default = None
        return default

    def _fetch_ticket(self, tkt_id):
        row = None
        if self.id_is_valid(tkt_id):
            # Fetch the standard ticket fields
            for row in self.env.db_query(
                    "SELECT %s FROM ticket WHERE id=%%s" %
                    ','.join(self.std_fields), (tkt_id, )):
        if not row:
            raise ResourceNotFound(
                _("Ticket %(id)s does not exist.", id=tkt_id),
                _("Invalid ticket number"))

        self.id = tkt_id
        for i, field in enumerate(self.std_fields):
            value = row[i]
            if field in self.time_fields:
                self.values[field] = from_utimestamp(value)
            elif value is None:
                self.values[field] = empty
                self.values[field] = value

        # Fetch custom fields if available
        for name, value in self.env.db_query(
                SELECT name, value FROM ticket_custom WHERE ticket=%s
                """, (tkt_id, )):
            if name in self.custom_fields:
                if name in self.time_fields:
                    self.values[name] = _db_str_to_datetime(value)
                elif value is None:
                    self.values[name] = empty
                    self.values[name] = value

        # Set defaults for custom fields that haven't been fetched.
        for field in self.fields:
            name = field['name']
            if field.get('custom') and name not in self.values:
                default = self._custom_field_default(field)
                if default:
                    self[name] = default

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        return self.values.get(name)

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        """Log ticket modifications so the table ticket_change can be updated
        if value and name not in self.time_fields:
            if isinstance(value, list):
                raise TracError(_("Multi-values fields not supported yet"))
            if self.fields.by_name(name, {}).get('type') != 'textarea':
                value = value.strip()
        if name in self.values and self.values[name] == value:
        if name not in self._old:  # Changed field
            self._old[name] = self.values.get(name)
        elif self._old[name] == value:  # Change of field reverted
            del self._old[name]
        self.values[name] = value

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self.values

    def get_value_or_default(self, name):
        """Return the value of a field or the default value if it is undefined
            value = self.values[name]
            return value if value is not empty else self.get_default(name)
        except KeyError:

    def get_default(self, name):
        """Return the default value of a field."""
        return self.fields.by_name(name, {}).get('value', '')

    def populate(self, values):
        """Populate the ticket with 'suitable' values from a dictionary"""
        field_names = [f['name'] for f in self.fields]
        for name in [name for name in values.keys() if name in field_names]:
            self[name] = values[name]

        # We have to do an extra trick to catch unchecked checkboxes
        for name in [
                name for name in values.keys()
                if name[9:] in field_names and name.startswith('checkbox_')
            if name[9:] not in values:
                self[name[9:]] = '0'

    def insert(self, when=None):
        """Add ticket to database.
        assert not self.exists, 'Cannot insert an existing ticket'

        if 'cc' in self.values:
            self['cc'] = _fixup_cc_list(self.values['cc'])

        # Add a timestamp
        if when is None:
            when = datetime.now(utc)
        self.values['time'] = self.values['changetime'] = when

        # Perform type conversions
        db_values = self._to_db_types(self.values)

        # Insert ticket record
        std_fields = []
        custom_fields = []
        for f in self.fields:
            fname = f['name']
            if fname in self.values:
                if f.get('custom'):
        with self.env.db_transaction as db:
            cursor = db.cursor()
                "INSERT INTO ticket (%s) VALUES (%s)" %
                (','.join(std_fields), ','.join(['%s'] * len(std_fields))),
                [db_values.get(name) for name in std_fields])
            tkt_id = db.get_last_id(cursor, 'ticket')

            # Insert custom fields
            if custom_fields:
                    """INSERT INTO ticket_custom (ticket, name, value)
                       VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
                    [(tkt_id, c, db_values.get(c)) for c in custom_fields])

        self.id = int(tkt_id)
        self._old = {}

        for listener in TicketSystem(self.env).change_listeners:

        return self.id

    def get_comment_number(self, cdate):
        """Return a comment number by its date."""
        ts = to_utimestamp(cdate)
        for cnum, in self.env.db_query(
                SELECT oldvalue FROM ticket_change
                WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s AND field='comment'
                """, (self.id, ts)):
                return int(cnum.rsplit('.', 1)[-1])
            except ValueError:

    def save_changes(self,
        Store ticket changes in the database. The ticket must already exist in
        the database.  Returns False if there were no changes to save, True

        :since 1.0: the `cnum` parameter is deprecated, and threading should
        be controlled with the `replyto` argument
        assert self.exists, "Cannot update a new ticket"

        if 'cc' in self.values:
            self['cc'] = _fixup_cc_list(self.values['cc'])

        props_unchanged = all(
            self.values.get(k) == v for k, v in self._old.iteritems())
        if (not comment or not comment.strip()) and props_unchanged:
            return False  # Not modified

        if when is None:
            when = datetime.now(utc)
        when_ts = to_utimestamp(when)

        # Perform type conversions
        db_values = self._to_db_types(self.values)
        old_db_values = self._to_db_types(self._old)

        with self.env.db_transaction as db:
            db("UPDATE ticket SET changetime=%s WHERE id=%s",
               (when_ts, self.id))

            # find cnum if it isn't provided
            if not cnum:
                num = 0
                for ts, old in db(
                        SELECT DISTINCT tc1.time, COALESCE(tc2.oldvalue,'')
                        FROM ticket_change AS tc1
                        LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket_change AS tc2
                        ON tc2.ticket=%s AND tc2.time=tc1.time
                           AND tc2.field='comment'
                        WHERE tc1.ticket=%s ORDER BY tc1.time DESC
                        """, (self.id, self.id)):
                    # Use oldvalue if available, else count edits
                        num += int(old.rsplit('.', 1)[-1])
                    except ValueError:
                        num += 1
                cnum = str(num + 1)
                if replyto:
                    cnum = '%s.%s' % (replyto, cnum)

            # store fields
            for name in self._old.keys():
                if name in self.custom_fields:
                    for row in db(
                            """SELECT * FROM ticket_custom
                                     WHERE ticket=%s and name=%s
                                     """, (self.id, name)):
                            """UPDATE ticket_custom SET value=%s
                              WHERE ticket=%s AND name=%s
                              """, (db_values.get(name), self.id, name))
                            """INSERT INTO ticket_custom (ticket,name,value)
                              """, (self.id, name, db_values.get(name)))
                    db("UPDATE ticket SET %s=%%s WHERE id=%%s" % name,
                       (db_values.get(name), self.id))
                    """INSERT INTO ticket_change
                      VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
                      """, (self.id, when_ts, author, name,
                            old_db_values.get(name), db_values.get(name)))

            # always save comment, even if empty
            # (numbering support for timeline)
                """INSERT INTO ticket_change
                  VALUES (%s,%s,%s,'comment',%s,%s)
                  """, (self.id, when_ts, author, cnum, comment))

        old_values = self._old
        self._old = {}
        self.values['changetime'] = when

        for listener in TicketSystem(self.env).change_listeners:
            listener.ticket_changed(self, comment, author, old_values)
        return int(cnum.rsplit('.', 1)[-1])

    def _to_db_types(self, values):
        values = values.copy()
        for field, value in values.iteritems():
            if field in self.time_fields:
                is_custom_field = field in self.custom_fields
                values[field] = _datetime_to_db_str(value, is_custom_field)
                values[field] = value if value else None
        return values

    def get_changelog(self, when=None):
        """Return the changelog as a list of tuples of the form
        (time, author, field, oldvalue, newvalue, permanent).

        While the other tuple elements are quite self-explanatory,
        the `permanent` flag is used to distinguish collateral changes
        that are not yet immutable (like attachments, currently).
        sid = str(self.id)
        when_ts = to_utimestamp(when)
        if when_ts:
            sql = """
                SELECT time, author, field, oldvalue, newvalue, 1 AS permanent
                FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s
                SELECT time, author, 'attachment', null, filename,
                  0 AS permanent
                FROM attachment WHERE type='ticket' AND id=%s AND time=%s
                SELECT time, author, 'comment', null, description,
                  0 AS permanent
                FROM attachment WHERE type='ticket' AND id=%s AND time=%s
                ORDER BY time,permanent,author
            args = (self.id, when_ts, sid, when_ts, sid, when_ts)
            sql = """
                SELECT time, author, field, oldvalue, newvalue, 1 AS permanent
                FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket=%s
                SELECT time, author, 'attachment', null, filename,
                  0 AS permanent
                FROM attachment WHERE type='ticket' AND id=%s
                SELECT time, author, 'comment', null, description,
                  0 AS permanent
                FROM attachment WHERE type='ticket' AND id=%s
                ORDER BY time,permanent,author
            args = (self.id, sid, sid)
        log = []
        for t, author, field, oldvalue, newvalue, permanent \
                in self.env.db_query(sql, args):
            if field in self.time_fields:
                oldvalue = _db_str_to_datetime(oldvalue)
                newvalue = _db_str_to_datetime(newvalue)
            log.append((from_utimestamp(t), author, field, oldvalue
                        or '', newvalue or '', permanent))
        return log

    def delete(self):
        """Delete the ticket.
        with self.env.db_transaction as db:
            Attachment.delete_all(self.env, self.realm, self.id)
            db("DELETE FROM ticket WHERE id=%s", (self.id, ))
            db("DELETE FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket=%s", (self.id, ))
            db("DELETE FROM ticket_custom WHERE ticket=%s", (self.id, ))

        for listener in TicketSystem(self.env).change_listeners:

    def get_change(self, cnum=None, cdate=None):
        """Return a ticket change by its number or date.
        if cdate is None:
            row = self._find_change(cnum)
            if not row:
            cdate = from_utimestamp(row[0])
        ts = to_utimestamp(cdate)
        fields = {}
        change = {'date': cdate, 'fields': fields}
        for field, author, old, new in self.env.db_query(
                SELECT field, author, oldvalue, newvalue
                FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s
                """, (self.id, ts)):
            fields[field] = {'author': author, 'old': old, 'new': new}
            if field == 'comment':
                change['author'] = author
            elif not field.startswith('_'):
                change.setdefault('author', author)
        if fields:
            return change

    def delete_change(self, cnum=None, cdate=None, when=None):
        """Delete a ticket change identified by its number or date."""
        if cdate is None:
            row = self._find_change(cnum)
            if not row:
            cdate = from_utimestamp(row[0])
        ts = to_utimestamp(cdate)
        if when is None:
            when = datetime.now(utc)
        when_ts = to_utimestamp(when)

        with self.env.db_transaction as db:
            # Find modified fields and their previous value
            fields = [(field, old, new) for field, old, new in db(
                        SELECT field, oldvalue, newvalue FROM ticket_change
                        WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s
                        """, (self.id, ts))
                      if field != 'comment' and not field.startswith('_')]
            for field, oldvalue, newvalue in fields:
                # Find the next change
                for next_ts, in db(
                        """SELECT time FROM ticket_change
                                      WHERE ticket=%s AND time>%s AND field=%s
                                      LIMIT 1
                                      """, (self.id, ts, field)):
                    # Modify the old value of the next change if it is equal
                    # to the new value of the deleted change
                        """UPDATE ticket_change SET oldvalue=%s
                          WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s AND field=%s
                          AND oldvalue=%s
                          """, (oldvalue, self.id, next_ts, field, newvalue))
                    # No next change, edit ticket field
                    if field in self.std_fields:
                        db("UPDATE ticket SET %s=%%s WHERE id=%%s" % field,
                           (oldvalue, self.id))
                            """UPDATE ticket_custom SET value=%s
                              WHERE ticket=%s AND name=%s
                              """, (oldvalue, self.id, field))

            # Delete the change
            db("DELETE FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s",
               (self.id, ts))

            # Update last changed time
            db("UPDATE ticket SET changetime=%s WHERE id=%s",
               (when_ts, self.id))


        changes = dict((field, (oldvalue, newvalue))
                       for field, oldvalue, newvalue in fields)
        for listener in TicketSystem(self.env).change_listeners:
            if hasattr(listener, 'ticket_change_deleted'):
                listener.ticket_change_deleted(self, cdate, changes)

    def modify_comment(self, cdate, author, comment, when=None):
        """Modify a ticket comment specified by its date, while keeping a
        history of edits.
        ts = to_utimestamp(cdate)
        if when is None:
            when = datetime.now(utc)
        when_ts = to_utimestamp(when)

        with self.env.db_transaction as db:
            # Find the current value of the comment
            old_comment = False
            for old_comment, in db(
                    SELECT newvalue FROM ticket_change
                    WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s AND field='comment'
                    """, (self.id, ts)):
            if comment == (old_comment or ''):

            # Comment history is stored in fields named "_comment%d"
            # Find the next edit number
            fields = db(
                """SELECT field FROM ticket_change
                           WHERE ticket=%%s AND time=%%s AND field %s
                           """ % db.prefix_match(),
                (self.id, ts, db.prefix_match_value('_comment')))
            rev = max(int(field[8:]) for field, in fields) + 1 if fields else 0
                """INSERT INTO ticket_change
                  VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)
                  """, (self.id, ts, author, '_comment%d' % rev, old_comment
                        or '', str(when_ts)))
            if old_comment is False:
                # There was no comment field, add one, find the
                # original author in one of the other changed fields
                for old_author, in db(
                        SELECT author FROM ticket_change
                        WHERE ticket=%%s AND time=%%s AND NOT field %s LIMIT 1
                        """ % db.prefix_match(),
                    (self.id, ts, db.prefix_match_value('_'))):
                        """INSERT INTO ticket_change
                          VALUES (%s,%s,%s,'comment','',%s)
                          """, (self.id, ts, old_author, comment))
                    """UPDATE ticket_change SET newvalue=%s
                      WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s AND field='comment'
                      """, (comment, self.id, ts))

            # Update last changed time
            db("UPDATE ticket SET changetime=%s WHERE id=%s",
               (when_ts, self.id))

        self.values['changetime'] = when

        old_comment = old_comment or ''
        for listener in TicketSystem(self.env).change_listeners:
            if hasattr(listener, 'ticket_comment_modified'):
                listener.ticket_comment_modified(self, cdate, author, comment,

    def get_comment_history(self, cnum=None, cdate=None):
        """Retrieve the edit history of a comment identified by its number or
        if cdate is None:
            row = self._find_change(cnum)
            if not row:
            ts0, author0, last_comment = row
            ts0, author0, last_comment = to_utimestamp(cdate), None, None
        with self.env.db_query as db:
            # Get last comment and author if not available
            if last_comment is None:
                last_comment = ''
                for author0, last_comment in db(
                        SELECT author, newvalue FROM ticket_change
                        WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s AND field='comment'
                        """, (self.id, ts0)):
            if author0 is None:
                for author0, last_comment in db(
                        SELECT author, newvalue FROM ticket_change
                        WHERE ticket=%%s AND time=%%s AND NOT field %s LIMIT 1
                        """ % db.prefix_match(),
                    (self.id, ts0, db.prefix_match_value('_'))):

            # Get all fields of the form "_comment%d"
            rows = db(
                """SELECT field, author, oldvalue, newvalue
                         FROM ticket_change
                         WHERE ticket=%%s AND time=%%s AND field %s
                         """ % db.prefix_match(),
                (self.id, ts0, db.prefix_match_value('_comment')))
            rows = sorted((int(field[8:]), author, old, new)
                          for field, author, old, new in rows)
            history = []
            for rev, author, comment, ts in rows:
                    (rev, from_utimestamp(long(ts0)), author0, comment))
                ts0, author0 = ts, author
            rev = history[-1][0] + 1 if history else 0
                (rev, from_utimestamp(long(ts0)), author0, last_comment))
            return history

    def _find_change(self, cnum):
        """Find a comment by its number."""
        scnum = str(cnum)
        with self.env.db_query as db:
            for row in db(
                    SELECT time, author, newvalue FROM ticket_change
                    WHERE ticket=%%s AND field='comment'
                    AND (oldvalue=%%s OR oldvalue %s)
                    """ % db.like(),
                (self.id, scnum, '%' + db.like_escape('.' + scnum))):
                return row

            # Fallback when comment number is not available in oldvalue
            num = 0
            for ts, old, author, comment in db(
                    SELECT DISTINCT tc1.time, COALESCE(tc2.oldvalue,''),
                                    tc2.author, COALESCE(tc2.newvalue,'')
                    FROM ticket_change AS tc1
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket_change AS tc2
                    ON tc2.ticket=%s AND tc2.time=tc1.time
                       AND tc2.field='comment'
                    WHERE tc1.ticket=%s ORDER BY tc1.time
                    """, (self.id, self.id)):
                # Use oldvalue if available, else count edits
                    num = int(old.rsplit('.', 1)[-1])
                except ValueError:
                    num += 1
                if num == cnum:

            # Find author if NULL
            if author is None:
                for author, in db(
                        SELECT author FROM ticket_change
                        WHERE ticket=%%s AND time=%%s AND NOT field %s LIMIT 1
                        """ % db.prefix_match(),
                    (self.id, ts, db.prefix_match_value('_'))):
            return ts, author, comment
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _render_view(self, req, id):
        """Retrieve the report results and pre-process them for rendering."""
        r = Report(self.env, id)
        title, description, sql = r.title, r.description, r.query

        # If this is a saved custom query, redirect to the query module
        # A saved query is either an URL query (?... or query:?...),
        # or a query language expression (query:...).
        # It may eventually contain newlines, for increased clarity.
        query = ''.join(line.strip() for line in sql.splitlines())
        if query and (query[0] == '?' or query.startswith('query:?')):
            query = query if query[0] == '?' else query[6:]
            report_id = 'report=%s' % id
            if 'report=' in query:
                if report_id not in query:
                    err = _('When specified, the report number should be '
                            '"%(num)s".', num=id)
                    req.redirect(req.href.report(id, action='edit', error=err))
                if query[-1] != '?':
                    query += '&'
                query += report_id
            req.redirect(req.href.query() + quote_query_string(query))
        elif query.startswith('query:'):
            from trac.ticket.query import Query, QuerySyntaxError
                query = Query.from_string(self.env, query[6:], report=id)
            except QuerySyntaxError as e:
                req.redirect(req.href.report(id, action='edit',

        format = req.args.get('format')
        if format == 'sql':
            self._send_sql(req, id, title, description, sql)

        title = '{%i} %s' % (id, title)

        report_resource = Resource(self.realm, id)
        context = web_context(req, report_resource)

        page = req.args.getint('page', 1)
        default_max = {'rss': self.items_per_page_rss,
                       'csv': 0, 'tab': 0}.get(format, self.items_per_page)
        max = req.args.getint('max')
        limit = as_int(max, default_max, min=0)  # explict max takes precedence
        offset = (page - 1) * limit

        sort_col = req.args.get('sort', '')
        asc = req.args.getint('asc', 0, min=0, max=1)
        args = {}

        def report_href(**kwargs):
            """Generate links to this report preserving user variables,
            and sorting and paging variables.
            params = args.copy()
            if sort_col:
                params['sort'] = sort_col
            if page != 1:
                params['page'] = page
            if max != default_max:
                params['max'] = max
            params['asc'] = 1 if params.get('asc', asc) else None
            return req.href.report(id, params)

        data = {'action': 'view',
                'report': {'id': id, 'resource': report_resource},
                'context': context, 'title': title, 'description': description,
                'max': limit, 'args': args, 'show_args_form': False,
                'message': None, 'paginator': None,
                'report_href': report_href}

            args = self.get_var_args(req)
            sql = self.get_default_var_args(args, sql)
        except ValueError as e:
            data['message'] = _("Report failed: %(error)s", error=e)
            return 'report_view.html', data, None
        data.update({'args': args, 'title': sub_vars(title, args),
                     'description': sub_vars(description or '', args)})

            res = self.execute_paginated_report(req, id, sql, args, limit,
        except TracError as e:
            data['message'] = _("Report failed: %(error)s", error=e)
            if len(res) == 2:
                e, sql = res
                data['message'] = \
                    tag_("Report execution failed: %(error)s %(sql)s",
                                 tag.pre(sql, style="white-space: pre")))
        if data['message']:
            return 'report_view.html', data, None

        cols, results, num_items, missing_args, limit_offset = res
        need_paginator = limit > 0 and limit_offset
        need_reorder = limit_offset is None
        results = [list(row) for row in results]
        numrows = len(results)

        paginator = None
        if need_paginator:
            paginator = Paginator(results, page - 1, limit, num_items)
            data['paginator'] = paginator
            if paginator.has_next_page:
                add_link(req, 'next', report_href(page=page + 1),
                         _('Next Page'))
            if paginator.has_previous_page:
                add_link(req, 'prev', report_href(page=page - 1),
                         _('Previous Page'))

            pagedata = []
            shown_pages = paginator.get_shown_pages(21)
            for p in shown_pages:
                pagedata.append([report_href(page=p), None, str(p),
                                 _('Page %(num)d', num=p)])
            fields = ['href', 'class', 'string', 'title']
            paginator.shown_pages = [dict(zip(fields, p)) for p in pagedata]
            paginator.current_page = {'href': None, 'class': 'current',
                                      'string': str(paginator.page + 1),
                                      'title': None}
            numrows = paginator.num_items

        # Place retrieved columns in groups, according to naming conventions
        #  * _col_ means fullrow, i.e. a group with one header
        #  * col_ means finish the current group and start a new one

        field_labels = TicketSystem(self.env).get_ticket_field_labels()

        header_groups = [[]]
        for idx, col in enumerate(cols):
            if col in field_labels:
                title = field_labels[col]
                title = col.strip('_').capitalize()
            header = {
                'col': col,
                'title': title,
                'hidden': False,
                'asc': None,

            if col == sort_col:
                if asc:
                    data['asc'] = asc
                data['sort'] = sort_col
                header['asc'] = bool(asc)
                if not paginator and need_reorder:
                    # this dict will have enum values for sorting
                    # and will be used in sortkey(), if non-empty:
                    sort_values = {}
                    if sort_col in ('status', 'resolution', 'priority',
                        # must fetch sort values for that columns
                        # instead of comparing them as strings
                        with self.env.db_query as db:
                            for name, value in db(
                                    "SELECT name, %s FROM enum WHERE type=%%s"
                                    % db.cast('value', 'int'),
                                sort_values[name] = value

                    def sortkey(row):
                        val = row[idx]
                        # check if we have sort_values, then use them as keys.
                        if sort_values:
                            return sort_values.get(val)
                        # otherwise, continue with string comparison:
                        if isinstance(val, basestring):
                            val = val.lower()
                        return val
                    results = sorted(results, key=sortkey, reverse=not asc)

            header_group = header_groups[-1]

            if col.startswith('__') and col.endswith('__'):  # __col__
                header['hidden'] = True
            elif col[0] == '_' and col[-1] == '_':           # _col_
                header_group = []
            elif col[0] == '_':                              # _col
                header['hidden'] = True
            elif col[-1] == '_':                             # col_

        # Structure the rows and cells:
        #  - group rows according to __group__ value, if defined
        #  - group cells the same way headers are grouped
        chrome = Chrome(self.env)
        row_groups = []
        authorized_results = []
        prev_group_value = None
        for row_idx, result in enumerate(results):
            col_idx = 0
            cell_groups = []
            row = {'cell_groups': cell_groups}
            realm = TicketSystem.realm
            parent_realm = ''
            parent_id = ''
            email_cells = []
            for header_group in header_groups:
                cell_group = []
                for header in header_group:
                    value = cell_value(result[col_idx])
                    cell = {'value': value, 'header': header,
                            'index': col_idx}
                    col = header['col']
                    col_idx += 1
                    # Detect and create new group
                    if col == '__group__' and value != prev_group_value:
                        prev_group_value = value
                        # Brute force handling of email in group by header
                            (value and chrome.format_author(req, value), []))
                    # Other row properties
                    row['__idx__'] = row_idx
                    if col in self._html_cols:
                        row[col] = value
                    if col in ('report', 'ticket', 'id', '_id'):
                        row['id'] = value
                    # Special casing based on column name
                    col = col.strip('_')
                    if col in ('reporter', 'cc', 'owner'):
                    elif col == 'realm':
                        realm = value
                    elif col == 'parent_realm':
                        parent_realm = value
                    elif col == 'parent_id':
                        parent_id = value
            if parent_realm:
                resource = Resource(realm, row.get('id'),
                                    parent=Resource(parent_realm, parent_id))
                resource = Resource(realm, row.get('id'))
            # FIXME: for now, we still need to hardcode the realm in the action
            if resource.realm.upper() + '_VIEW' not in req.perm(resource):
            if email_cells:
                for cell in email_cells:
                    emails = chrome.format_emails(context.child(resource),
                    result[cell['index']] = cell['value'] = emails
            row['resource'] = resource
            if row_groups:
                row_group = row_groups[-1][1]
                row_group = []
                row_groups = [(None, row_group)]

        data.update({'header_groups': header_groups,
                     'row_groups': row_groups,
                     'numrows': numrows})

        if format == 'rss':
            data['context'] = web_context(req, report_resource,
            return 'report.rss', data, 'application/rss+xml'
        elif format == 'csv':
            filename = 'report_%s.csv' % id if id else 'report.csv'
            self._send_csv(req, cols, authorized_results, mimetype='text/csv',
        elif format == 'tab':
            filename = 'report_%s.tsv' % id if id else 'report.tsv'
            self._send_csv(req, cols, authorized_results, '\t',
            p = page if max is not None else None
            add_link(req, 'alternate',
                     auth_link(req, report_href(format='rss', page=None)),
                     _('RSS Feed'), 'application/rss+xml', 'rss')
            add_link(req, 'alternate', report_href(format='csv', page=p),
                     _('Comma-delimited Text'), 'text/plain')
            add_link(req, 'alternate', report_href(format='tab', page=p),
                     _('Tab-delimited Text'), 'text/plain')
            if 'REPORT_SQL_VIEW' in req.perm(self.realm, id):
                add_link(req, 'alternate',
                         req.href.report(id=id, format='sql'),
                         _('SQL Query'), 'text/plain')

            # reuse the session vars of the query module so that
            # the query navigation links on the ticket can be used to
            # navigate report results as well
                req.session['query_tickets'] = \
                    ' '.join(str(int(row['id']))
                             for rg in row_groups for row in rg[1])
                req.session['query_href'] = \
                    req.session['query_href'] = report_href()
                # Kludge: we have to clear the other query session
                # variables, but only if the above succeeded
                for var in ('query_constraints', 'query_time'):
                    if var in req.session:
                        del req.session[var]
            except (ValueError, KeyError):
            if set(data['args']) - {'USER'}:
                data['show_args_form'] = True
                # Add values of all select-type ticket fields for autocomplete.
                fields = TicketSystem(self.env).get_ticket_fields()
                arg_values = {}
                for arg in set(data['args']) - {'USER'}:
                    attrs = fields.by_name(arg.lower())
                    if attrs and 'options' in attrs:
                        arg_values[attrs['name']] = attrs['options']
                if arg_values:
                    add_script_data(req, arg_values=arg_values)
            if missing_args:
                add_warning(req, _(
                    'The following arguments are missing: %(args)s',
                    args=", ".join(missing_args)))
            return 'report_view.html', data, None
Exemplo n.º 3
class Ticket(object):

    realm = 'ticket'

    # Fields that must not be modified directly by the user
    # 'owner' should eventually be a protected field (#2045)
    protected_fields = 'resolution', 'status', 'time', 'changetime'

    def id_is_valid(num):
        return 0 < int(num) <= 1L << 31

    def resource(self):
        return Resource(self.realm, self.id, self.version)

    # 0.11 compatibility. Will be removed in 1.3.1.
    time_created = property(lambda self: self.values.get('time'))
    time_changed = property(lambda self: self.values.get('changetime'))

    def __init__(self, env, tkt_id=None, version=None):
        self.env = env
        self.fields = TicketSystem(self.env).get_ticket_fields()
        self.editable_fields = \
            set(f['name'] for f in self.fields
                          if f['name'] not in self.protected_fields)
        self.std_fields, self.custom_fields, self.time_fields = [], [], []
        for f in self.fields:
            if f.get('custom'):
            if f['type'] == 'time':
        self.values = {}
        if tkt_id is not None:
            tkt_id = int(tkt_id)
            self.id = None
        self.version = version
        self._old = {}

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id)

    exists = property(lambda self: self.id is not None)

    def _init_defaults(self):
        for field in self.fields:
            default = None
            if field['name'] in self.protected_fields:
                # Ignore for new - only change through workflow
            elif not field.get('custom'):
                default = self.env.config.get('ticket',
                                              'default_' + field['name'])
                default = field.get('value')
                options = field.get('options')
                if default and options and default not in options:
                        default = options[int(default)]
                    except (ValueError, IndexError):
                        self.env.log.warning('Invalid default value "%s" '
                                             'for custom field "%s"',
                                             default, field['name'])
                if default and field.get('type') == 'time':
                        default = parse_date(default,
                    except TracError as e:
                        self.env.log.warning('Invalid default value "%s" '
                                             'for custom field "%s": %s',
                                             default, field['name'], e)
                        default = None
            if default:
                self.values.setdefault(field['name'], default)

    def _fetch_ticket(self, tkt_id):
        row = None
        if self.id_is_valid(tkt_id):
            # Fetch the standard ticket fields
            for row in self.env.db_query("SELECT %s FROM ticket WHERE id=%%s" %
                                         ','.join(self.std_fields), (tkt_id,)):
        if not row:
            raise ResourceNotFound(_("Ticket %(id)s does not exist.",
                                     id=tkt_id), _("Invalid ticket number"))

        self.id = tkt_id
        for i, field in enumerate(self.std_fields):
            value = row[i]
            if field in self.time_fields:
                self.values[field] = from_utimestamp(value)
            elif value is None:
                self.values[field] = empty
                self.values[field] = value

        # Fetch custom fields if available
        for name, value in self.env.db_query("""
                SELECT name, value FROM ticket_custom WHERE ticket=%s
                """, (tkt_id,)):
            if name in self.custom_fields:
                if name in self.time_fields:
                    self.values[name] = _db_str_to_datetime(value)
                elif value is None:
                    self.values[name] = empty
                    self.values[name] = value

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        return self.values.get(name)

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        """Log ticket modifications so the table ticket_change can be updated
        if value and name not in self.time_fields:
            if isinstance(value, list):
                raise TracError(_("Multi-values fields not supported yet"))
            if self.fields.by_name(name, {}).get('type') != 'textarea':
                value = value.strip()
        if name in self.values and self.values[name] == value:
        if name not in self._old:  # Changed field
            self._old[name] = self.values.get(name)
        elif self._old[name] == value:  # Change of field reverted
            del self._old[name]
        self.values[name] = value

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self.values

    def get_value_or_default(self, name):
        """Return the value of a field or the default value if it is undefined
            value = self.values[name]
            return value if value is not empty else self.get_default(name)
        except KeyError:

    def get_default(self, name):
        """Return the default value of a field."""
        return self.fields.by_name(name, {}).get('value', '')

    def populate(self, values):
        """Populate the ticket with 'suitable' values from a dictionary"""
        field_names = [f['name'] for f in self.fields]
        for name in [name for name in values.keys() if name in field_names]:
            self[name] = values[name]

        # We have to do an extra trick to catch unchecked checkboxes
        for name in [name for name in values.keys() if name[9:] in field_names
                     and name.startswith('checkbox_')]:
            if name[9:] not in values:
                self[name[9:]] = '0'

    def insert(self, when=None):
        """Add ticket to database.
        assert not self.exists, 'Cannot insert an existing ticket'

        if 'cc' in self.values:
            self['cc'] = _fixup_cc_list(self.values['cc'])

        # Add a timestamp
        if when is None:
            when = datetime.now(utc)
        self.values['time'] = self.values['changetime'] = when

        # Perform type conversions
        db_values = self._to_db_types(self.values)

        # Insert ticket record
        std_fields = []
        custom_fields = []
        for f in self.fields:
            fname = f['name']
            if fname in self.values:
                if f.get('custom'):
        with self.env.db_transaction as db:
            cursor = db.cursor()
            cursor.execute("INSERT INTO ticket (%s) VALUES (%s)"
                           % (','.join(std_fields),
                              ','.join(['%s'] * len(std_fields))),
                           [db_values.get(name) for name in std_fields])
            tkt_id = db.get_last_id(cursor, 'ticket')

            # Insert custom fields
            if custom_fields:
                    """INSERT INTO ticket_custom (ticket, name, value)
                       VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
                    """, [(tkt_id, c, db_values.get(c))
                          for c in custom_fields])

        self.id = int(tkt_id)
        self._old = {}

        for listener in TicketSystem(self.env).change_listeners:

        return self.id

    def get_comment_number(self, cdate):
        """Return a comment number by its date."""
        ts = to_utimestamp(cdate)
        for cnum, in self.env.db_query("""\
                SELECT oldvalue FROM ticket_change
                WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s AND field='comment'
                """, (self.id, ts)):
                return int(cnum.rsplit('.', 1)[-1])
            except ValueError:

    def save_changes(self, author=None, comment=None, when=None, cnum='',
        Store ticket changes in the database. The ticket must already exist in
        the database.  Returns False if there were no changes to save, True

        :since 1.0: the `cnum` parameter is deprecated, and threading should
        be controlled with the `replyto` argument
        assert self.exists, "Cannot update a new ticket"

        if 'cc' in self.values:
            self['cc'] = _fixup_cc_list(self.values['cc'])

        props_unchanged = all(self.values.get(k) == v
                              for k, v in self._old.iteritems())
        if (not comment or not comment.strip()) and props_unchanged:
            return False  # Not modified

        if when is None:
            when = datetime.now(utc)
        when_ts = to_utimestamp(when)

        # Perform type conversions
        db_values = self._to_db_types(self.values)
        old_db_values = self._to_db_types(self._old)

        with self.env.db_transaction as db:
            db("UPDATE ticket SET changetime=%s WHERE id=%s",
               (when_ts, self.id))

            # find cnum if it isn't provided
            if not cnum:
                num = 0
                for ts, old in db("""
                        SELECT DISTINCT tc1.time, COALESCE(tc2.oldvalue,'')
                        FROM ticket_change AS tc1
                        LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket_change AS tc2
                        ON tc2.ticket=%s AND tc2.time=tc1.time
                           AND tc2.field='comment'
                        WHERE tc1.ticket=%s ORDER BY tc1.time DESC
                        """, (self.id, self.id)):
                    # Use oldvalue if available, else count edits
                        num += int(old.rsplit('.', 1)[-1])
                    except ValueError:
                        num += 1
                cnum = str(num + 1)
                if replyto:
                    cnum = '%s.%s' % (replyto, cnum)

            # store fields
            for name in self._old.keys():
                if name in self.custom_fields:
                    for row in db("""SELECT * FROM ticket_custom
                                     WHERE ticket=%s and name=%s
                                     """, (self.id, name)):
                        db("""UPDATE ticket_custom SET value=%s
                              WHERE ticket=%s AND name=%s
                              """, (db_values.get(name), self.id, name))
                        db("""INSERT INTO ticket_custom (ticket,name,value)
                              """, (self.id, name, db_values.get(name)))
                    db("UPDATE ticket SET %s=%%s WHERE id=%%s"
                       % name, (db_values.get(name), self.id))
                db("""INSERT INTO ticket_change
                      VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
                      """, (self.id, when_ts, author, name,
                            old_db_values.get(name), db_values.get(name)))

            # always save comment, even if empty
            # (numbering support for timeline)
            db("""INSERT INTO ticket_change
                  VALUES (%s,%s,%s,'comment',%s,%s)
                  """, (self.id, when_ts, author, cnum, comment))

        old_values = self._old
        self._old = {}
        self.values['changetime'] = when

        for listener in TicketSystem(self.env).change_listeners:
            listener.ticket_changed(self, comment, author, old_values)
        return int(cnum.rsplit('.', 1)[-1])

    def _to_db_types(self, values):
        values = values.copy()
        for field, value in values.iteritems():
            if field in self.time_fields:
                is_custom_field = field in self.custom_fields
                values[field] = _datetime_to_db_str(value, is_custom_field)
                values[field] = value if value else None
        return values

    def get_changelog(self, when=None):
        """Return the changelog as a list of tuples of the form
        (time, author, field, oldvalue, newvalue, permanent).

        While the other tuple elements are quite self-explanatory,
        the `permanent` flag is used to distinguish collateral changes
        that are not yet immutable (like attachments, currently).
        sid = str(self.id)
        when_ts = to_utimestamp(when)
        if when_ts:
            sql = """
                SELECT time, author, field, oldvalue, newvalue, 1 AS permanent
                FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s
                SELECT time, author, 'attachment', null, filename,
                  0 AS permanent
                FROM attachment WHERE type='ticket' AND id=%s AND time=%s
                SELECT time, author, 'comment', null, description,
                  0 AS permanent
                FROM attachment WHERE type='ticket' AND id=%s AND time=%s
                ORDER BY time,permanent,author
            args = (self.id, when_ts, sid, when_ts, sid, when_ts)
            sql = """
                SELECT time, author, field, oldvalue, newvalue, 1 AS permanent
                FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket=%s
                SELECT time, author, 'attachment', null, filename,
                  0 AS permanent
                FROM attachment WHERE type='ticket' AND id=%s
                SELECT time, author, 'comment', null, description,
                  0 AS permanent
                FROM attachment WHERE type='ticket' AND id=%s
                ORDER BY time,permanent,author
            args = (self.id, sid, sid)
        log = []
        for t, author, field, oldvalue, newvalue, permanent \
                in self.env.db_query(sql, args):
            if field in self.time_fields:
                oldvalue = _db_str_to_datetime(oldvalue)
                newvalue = _db_str_to_datetime(newvalue)
            log.append((from_utimestamp(t), author, field,
                        oldvalue or '', newvalue or '', permanent))
        return log

    def delete(self):
        """Delete the ticket.
        with self.env.db_transaction as db:
            Attachment.delete_all(self.env, self.realm, self.id)
            db("DELETE FROM ticket WHERE id=%s", (self.id,))
            db("DELETE FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket=%s", (self.id,))
            db("DELETE FROM ticket_custom WHERE ticket=%s", (self.id,))

        for listener in TicketSystem(self.env).change_listeners:

    def get_change(self, cnum=None, cdate=None):
        """Return a ticket change by its number or date.
        if cdate is None:
            row = self._find_change(cnum)
            if not row:
            cdate = from_utimestamp(row[0])
        ts = to_utimestamp(cdate)
        fields = {}
        change = {'date': cdate, 'fields': fields}
        for field, author, old, new in self.env.db_query("""
                SELECT field, author, oldvalue, newvalue
                FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s
                """, (self.id, ts)):
            fields[field] = {'author': author, 'old': old, 'new': new}
            if field == 'comment':
                change['author'] = author
            elif not field.startswith('_'):
                change.setdefault('author', author)
        if fields:
            return change

    def delete_change(self, cnum=None, cdate=None, when=None):
        """Delete a ticket change identified by its number or date."""
        if cdate is None:
            row = self._find_change(cnum)
            if not row:
            cdate = from_utimestamp(row[0])
        ts = to_utimestamp(cdate)
        if when is None:
            when = datetime.now(utc)
        when_ts = to_utimestamp(when)

        with self.env.db_transaction as db:
            # Find modified fields and their previous value
            fields = [(field, old, new)
                      for field, old, new in db("""
                        SELECT field, oldvalue, newvalue FROM ticket_change
                        WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s
                        """, (self.id, ts))
                      if field != 'comment' and not field.startswith('_')]
            for field, oldvalue, newvalue in fields:
                # Find the next change
                for next_ts, in db("""SELECT time FROM ticket_change
                                      WHERE ticket=%s AND time>%s AND field=%s
                                      LIMIT 1
                                      """, (self.id, ts, field)):
                    # Modify the old value of the next change if it is equal
                    # to the new value of the deleted change
                    db("""UPDATE ticket_change SET oldvalue=%s
                          WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s AND field=%s
                          AND oldvalue=%s
                          """, (oldvalue, self.id, next_ts, field, newvalue))
                    # No next change, edit ticket field
                    if field in self.std_fields:
                        db("UPDATE ticket SET %s=%%s WHERE id=%%s"
                           % field, (oldvalue, self.id))
                        db("""UPDATE ticket_custom SET value=%s
                              WHERE ticket=%s AND name=%s
                              """, (oldvalue, self.id, field))

            # Delete the change
            db("DELETE FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s",
               (self.id, ts))

            # Update last changed time
            db("UPDATE ticket SET changetime=%s WHERE id=%s",
               (when_ts, self.id))


        changes = dict((field, (oldvalue, newvalue))
                       for field, oldvalue, newvalue in fields)
        for listener in TicketSystem(self.env).change_listeners:
            if hasattr(listener, 'ticket_change_deleted'):
                listener.ticket_change_deleted(self, cdate, changes)

    def modify_comment(self, cdate, author, comment, when=None):
        """Modify a ticket comment specified by its date, while keeping a
        history of edits.
        ts = to_utimestamp(cdate)
        if when is None:
            when = datetime.now(utc)
        when_ts = to_utimestamp(when)

        with self.env.db_transaction as db:
            # Find the current value of the comment
            old_comment = False
            for old_comment, in db("""
                    SELECT newvalue FROM ticket_change
                    WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s AND field='comment'
                    """, (self.id, ts)):
            if comment == (old_comment or ''):

            # Comment history is stored in fields named "_comment%d"
            # Find the next edit number
            fields = db("""SELECT field FROM ticket_change
                           WHERE ticket=%%s AND time=%%s AND field %s
                           """ % db.prefix_match(),
                           (self.id, ts, db.prefix_match_value('_comment')))
            rev = max(int(field[8:]) for field, in fields) + 1 if fields else 0
            db("""INSERT INTO ticket_change
                  VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)
                  """, (self.id, ts, author, '_comment%d' % rev,
                        old_comment or '', str(when_ts)))
            if old_comment is False:
                # There was no comment field, add one, find the
                # original author in one of the other changed fields
                for old_author, in db("""
                        SELECT author FROM ticket_change
                        WHERE ticket=%%s AND time=%%s AND NOT field %s LIMIT 1
                        """ % db.prefix_match(),
                        (self.id, ts, db.prefix_match_value('_'))):
                    db("""INSERT INTO ticket_change
                          VALUES (%s,%s,%s,'comment','',%s)
                          """, (self.id, ts, old_author, comment))
                db("""UPDATE ticket_change SET newvalue=%s
                      WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s AND field='comment'
                      """, (comment, self.id, ts))

            # Update last changed time
            db("UPDATE ticket SET changetime=%s WHERE id=%s",
               (when_ts, self.id))

        self.values['changetime'] = when

        old_comment = old_comment or ''
        for listener in TicketSystem(self.env).change_listeners:
            if hasattr(listener, 'ticket_comment_modified'):
                listener.ticket_comment_modified(self, cdate, author, comment,

    def get_comment_history(self, cnum=None, cdate=None):
        """Retrieve the edit history of a comment identified by its number or
        if cdate is None:
            row = self._find_change(cnum)
            if not row:
            ts0, author0, last_comment = row
            ts0, author0, last_comment = to_utimestamp(cdate), None, None
        with self.env.db_query as db:
            # Get last comment and author if not available
            if last_comment is None:
                last_comment = ''
                for author0, last_comment in db("""
                        SELECT author, newvalue FROM ticket_change
                        WHERE ticket=%s AND time=%s AND field='comment'
                        """, (self.id, ts0)):
            if author0 is None:
                for author0, last_comment in db("""
                        SELECT author, newvalue FROM ticket_change
                        WHERE ticket=%%s AND time=%%s AND NOT field %s LIMIT 1
                        """ % db.prefix_match(),
                        (self.id, ts0, db.prefix_match_value('_'))):

            # Get all fields of the form "_comment%d"
            rows = db("""SELECT field, author, oldvalue, newvalue
                         FROM ticket_change
                         WHERE ticket=%%s AND time=%%s AND field %s
                         """ % db.prefix_match(),
                         (self.id, ts0, db.prefix_match_value('_comment')))
            rows = sorted((int(field[8:]), author, old, new)
                          for field, author, old, new in rows)
            history = []
            for rev, author, comment, ts in rows:
                history.append((rev, from_utimestamp(long(ts0)), author0,
                ts0, author0 = ts, author
            rev = history[-1][0] + 1 if history else 0
            history.append((rev, from_utimestamp(long(ts0)), author0,
            return history

    def _find_change(self, cnum):
        """Find a comment by its number."""
        scnum = str(cnum)
        with self.env.db_query as db:
            for row in db("""
                    SELECT time, author, newvalue FROM ticket_change
                    WHERE ticket=%%s AND field='comment'
                    AND (oldvalue=%%s OR oldvalue %s)
                    """ % db.like(),
                    (self.id, scnum, '%' + db.like_escape('.' + scnum))):
                return row

            # Fallback when comment number is not available in oldvalue
            num = 0
            for ts, old, author, comment in db("""
                    SELECT DISTINCT tc1.time, COALESCE(tc2.oldvalue,''),
                                    tc2.author, COALESCE(tc2.newvalue,'')
                    FROM ticket_change AS tc1
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket_change AS tc2
                    ON tc2.ticket=%s AND tc2.time=tc1.time
                       AND tc2.field='comment'
                    WHERE tc1.ticket=%s ORDER BY tc1.time
                    """, (self.id, self.id)):
                # Use oldvalue if available, else count edits
                    num = int(old.rsplit('.', 1)[-1])
                except ValueError:
                    num += 1
                if num == cnum:

            # Find author if NULL
            if author is None:
                for author, in db("""
                        SELECT author FROM ticket_change
                        WHERE ticket=%%s AND time=%%s AND NOT field %s LIMIT 1
                        """ % db.prefix_match(),
                        (self.id, ts, db.prefix_match_value('_'))):
            return ts, author, comment