def _process_chopped(self, chopped, degap, maxgap, maxlap, want_incomplete, wmax, wmin, tpad): chopped.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.full_id, b.full_id)) if degap: chopped = degapper(chopped, maxgap=maxgap, maxlap=maxlap) if not want_incomplete: wlen = (wmax + tpad) - (wmin - tpad) chopped_weeded = [] for tr in chopped: emin = tr.tmin - (wmin - tpad) emax = tr.tmax + tr.deltat - (wmax + tpad) if (abs(emin) <= 0.5 * tr.deltat and abs(emax) <= 0.5 * tr.deltat): chopped_weeded.append(tr) elif degap: if (0. < emin <= 5. * tr.deltat and -5. * tr.deltat <= emax < 0.): tr.extend(wmin - tpad, wmax + tpad - tr.deltat, fillmethod='repeat') chopped_weeded.append(tr) chopped = chopped_weeded for tr in chopped: tr.wmin = wmin tr.wmax = wmax return chopped
def _process_chopped(self, chopped, degap, want_incomplete, wmax, wmin, tpad): chopped.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.full_id, b.full_id)) if degap: chopped = degapper(chopped) if not want_incomplete: wlen = (wmax + tpad) - (wmin - tpad) chopped_weeded = [] for tr in chopped: emin = tr.tmin - (wmin - tpad) emax = tr.tmax + tr.deltat - (wmax + tpad) if abs(emin) <= 0.5 * tr.deltat and abs(emax) <= 0.5 * tr.deltat: chopped_weeded.append(tr) elif degap: if 0.0 < emin <= 5.0 * tr.deltat and -5.0 * tr.deltat <= emax < 0.0: tr.extend(wmin - tpad, wmax + tpad - tr.deltat, fillmethod="repeat") chopped_weeded.append(tr) chopped = chopped_weeded for tr in chopped: tr.wmin = wmin tr.wmax = wmax return chopped
def iter_displacement_traces( self, tfade, freqband, deltat=None, rotations=None, projections=None, relative_event=None, maxdisplacement=None, extend=None, group_selector=None, trace_selector=None, allowed_methods=None, crop=True, out_stations=None, redundant_channel_priorities=None, restitution_off_hack=False, preprocess=None, progress='Processing traces'): stations = self.get_stations(relative_event=relative_event) if out_stations is not None: out_stations.clear() else: out_stations = {} for xtraces in self.get_pile().chopper_grouped( gather=lambda tr: (, tr.station, tr.location), group_selector=group_selector, trace_selector=trace_selector, progress=progress): xxtraces = [] nslcs = set() for tr in xtraces: nsl =, tr.station, tr.location if nsl not in stations: logger.warn('No station description for trace %s.%s.%s.%s' % tr.nslc_id) continue nslcs.add(tr.nslc_id) xxtraces.append(tr) to_delete = self._redundant_channel_weeder(redundant_channel_priorities, nslcs) traces = [] for tr in xxtraces: if tr.nslc_id in to_delete:'Skipping channel %s.%s.%s.%s due to redunancies.' % tr.nslc_id) continue traces.append(tr) traces.sort( lambda a,b: cmp(a.full_id, b.full_id) ) traces = trace.degapper(traces) # mainly to get rid if overlaps and duplicates if traces: nsl = traces[0].nslc_id[:3] station = stations[nsl] # all traces belong to the same station here displacements = [] for tr in traces: if preprocess is not None: preprocess(tr) tr.ydata = tr.ydata - num.mean(tr.ydata) if deltat is not None: try: tr.downsample_to(deltat, snap=True, allow_upsample_max=5) except util.UnavailableDecimation, e: self.problems().add('cannot_downsample', tr.full_id) logger.warn( 'Cannot downsample %s.%s.%s.%s: %s' % (tr.nslc_id + (e,))) continue try: trans = self.get_restitution(tr, allowed_methods) except NoRestitution, e: self.problems().add('no_response', tr.full_id) logger.warn( 'Cannot restitute trace %s.%s.%s.%s: %s' % (tr.nslc_id + (e,))) continue try: if extend: tr.extend(tr.tmin+extend[0], tr.tmax+extend[1], fillmethod='repeat') if restitution_off_hack: displacement = tr.copy() else: displacement = tr.transfer( tfade, freqband, transfer_function=trans, cut_off_fading=crop ) amax = num.max(num.abs(displacement.get_ydata())) if maxdisplacement is not None and amax > maxdisplacement: self.problems().add('unrealistic_amplitude', tr.full_id) logger.warn( 'Trace %s.%s.%s.%s has too large displacement: %g' % (tr.nslc_id + (amax,)) ) continue if not num.all(num.isfinite(displacement.get_ydata())): self.problems().add('has_nan_or_inf', tr.full_id) logger.warn( 'Trace %s.%s.%s.%s has NaNs or Infs' % tr.nslc_id ) continue except trace.TraceTooShort, e: self.problems().add('gappy', tr.full_id) logger.warn( '%s' % e ) continue displacements.append(displacement) if nsl not in out_stations: out_stations[nsl] = copy.deepcopy(station) out_station = out_stations[nsl]
def iter_displacement_traces(self, tfade, freqband, deltat=None, rotations=None, projections=None, relative_event=None, maxdisplacement=None, extend=None, group_selector=None, trace_selector=None, allowed_methods=None, crop=True, out_stations=None, redundant_channel_priorities=None, restitution_off_hack=False, preprocess=None, progress='Processing traces'): stations = self.get_stations(relative_event=relative_event) if out_stations is not None: out_stations.clear() else: out_stations = {} for xtraces in self.get_pile().chopper_grouped( gather=lambda tr: (, tr.station, tr.location), group_selector=group_selector, trace_selector=trace_selector, progress=progress): xxtraces = [] nslcs = set() for tr in xtraces: nsl =, tr.station, tr.location if nsl not in stations: logger.warn( 'No station description for trace %s.%s.%s.%s' % tr.nslc_id) continue nslcs.add(tr.nslc_id) xxtraces.append(tr) to_delete = self._redundant_channel_weeder( redundant_channel_priorities, nslcs) traces = [] for tr in xxtraces: if tr.nslc_id in to_delete: 'Skipping channel %s.%s.%s.%s due to redunancies.' % tr.nslc_id) continue traces.append(tr) traces.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.full_id, b.full_id)) traces = trace.degapper( traces) # mainly to get rid if overlaps and duplicates if traces: nsl = traces[0].nslc_id[:3] station = stations[ nsl] # all traces belong to the same station here displacements = [] for tr in traces: if preprocess is not None: preprocess(tr) tr.ydata = tr.ydata - num.mean(tr.ydata) if deltat is not None: try: tr.downsample_to(deltat, snap=True, allow_upsample_max=5) except util.UnavailableDecimation, e: self.problems().add('cannot_downsample', tr.full_id) logger.warn('Cannot downsample %s.%s.%s.%s: %s' % (tr.nslc_id + (e, ))) continue try: trans = self.get_restitution(tr, allowed_methods) except NoRestitution, e: self.problems().add('no_response', tr.full_id) logger.warn('Cannot restitute trace %s.%s.%s.%s: %s' % (tr.nslc_id + (e, ))) continue try: if extend: tr.extend(tr.tmin + extend[0], tr.tmax + extend[1], fillmethod='repeat') if restitution_off_hack: displacement = tr.copy() else: displacement = tr.transfer(tfade, freqband, transfer_function=trans, cut_off_fading=crop) amax = num.max(num.abs(displacement.get_ydata())) if maxdisplacement is not None and amax > maxdisplacement: self.problems().add('unrealistic_amplitude', tr.full_id) logger.warn( 'Trace %s.%s.%s.%s has too large displacement: %g' % (tr.nslc_id + (amax, ))) continue if not num.all(num.isfinite(displacement.get_ydata())): self.problems().add('has_nan_or_inf', tr.full_id) logger.warn('Trace %s.%s.%s.%s has NaNs or Infs' % tr.nslc_id) continue except trace.TraceTooShort, e: self.problems().add('gappy', tr.full_id) logger.warn('%s' % e) continue displacements.append(displacement) if nsl not in out_stations: out_stations[nsl] = copy.deepcopy(station) out_station = out_stations[nsl]