def main(device, input_path_train, input_path_validation, dummy_data, downsampling_fact, downsampling_mode, channels, data_format, label_id, weights, image_dir, checkpoint_dir, trn_sz, val_sz, loss_type, model, decoder, fs_type, optimizer, batch, batchnorm, num_epochs, dtype, disable_checkpoints, disable_imsave, tracing, trace_dir, output_sampling, scale_factor, intra_threads, inter_threads): #init horovod comm_rank = 0 comm_local_rank = 0 comm_size = 1 comm_local_size = 1 if horovod: hvd.init() comm_rank = hvd.rank() comm_local_rank = hvd.local_rank() comm_size = hvd.size() #not all horovod versions have that implemented try: comm_local_size = hvd.local_size() except: comm_local_size = 1 if comm_rank == 0: print("Using distributed computation with Horovod: {} total ranks". format(comm_size, comm_rank)) #downsampling? recompute image dims image_height = image_height_orig // downsampling_fact image_width = image_width_orig // downsampling_fact #parameters per_rank_output = False loss_print_interval = 1 #session config sess_config = tf.ConfigProto( inter_op_parallelism_threads=inter_threads, #6 intra_op_parallelism_threads=intra_threads, #1 log_device_placement=False, allow_soft_placement=True) sess_config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = str(comm_local_rank) sess_config.gpu_options.force_gpu_compatible = True #get data training_graph = tf.Graph() if comm_rank == 0: print("Loading data...") train_files = load_data(input_path_train, True, trn_sz, horovod) valid_files = load_data(input_path_validation, False, val_sz, horovod) #print some stats if comm_rank == 0: print("Num workers: {}".format(comm_size)) print("Local batch size: {}".format(batch)) if dtype == tf.float32: print("Precision: {}".format("FP32")) else: print("Precision: {}".format("FP16")) print("Decoder: {}".format(decoder)) print("Batch normalization: {}".format(batchnorm)) print("Channels: {}".format(channels)) print("Loss type: {}".format(loss_type)) print("Loss weights: {}".format(weights)) print("Loss scale factor: {}".format(scale_factor)) print("Output sampling target: {}".format(output_sampling)) #print optimizer parameters for k, v in optimizer.items(): print("Solver Parameters: {k}: {v}".format(k=k, v=v)) print("Num training samples: {}".format(train_files.shape[0])) print("Num validation samples: {}".format(valid_files.shape[0])) if dummy_data: print("Using synthetic dummy data") print("Disable checkpoints: {}".format(disable_checkpoints)) print("Disable image save: {}".format(disable_imsave)) #compute epochs and stuff: if fs_type == "local": num_samples = train_files.shape[0] // comm_local_size else: num_samples = train_files.shape[0] // comm_size print("num_samples: {} batch: {}".format(num_samples, batch)) num_steps_per_epoch = num_samples // batch num_steps = num_epochs * num_steps_per_epoch if comm_rank == 0: print("Number of steps per epoch: {}".format(num_steps_per_epoch)) print("Number of steps in total: {}".format(num_steps)) if per_rank_output: print("Rank {} does {} steps per epoch".format(comm_rank, num_steps_per_epoch)) with training_graph.as_default(): if dummy_data: dummy_data_args = dict(batchsize=batch, data_format=data_format, dtype=dtype) trn_dataset = create_dummy_dataset(n_samples=trn_sz, num_epochs=num_epochs, **dummy_data_args) val_dataset = create_dummy_dataset(n_samples=val_sz, num_epochs=1, **dummy_data_args) else: #create readers trn_reader = h5_input_reader(input_path_train, channels, weights, dtype, normalization_file="stats.h5", update_on_read=False, data_format=data_format, label_id=label_id, sample_target=output_sampling) val_reader = h5_input_reader(input_path_validation, channels, weights, dtype, normalization_file="stats.h5", update_on_read=False, data_format=data_format, label_id=label_id) #create datasets if fs_type == "local": trn_dataset = create_dataset(trn_reader, train_files, batch, num_epochs, comm_local_size, comm_local_rank, dtype, shuffle=True) val_dataset = create_dataset(val_reader, valid_files, batch, 1, comm_local_size, comm_local_rank, dtype, shuffle=False) else: trn_dataset = create_dataset(trn_reader, train_files, batch, num_epochs, comm_size, comm_rank, dtype, shuffle=True) val_dataset = create_dataset(val_reader, valid_files, batch, 1, comm_size, comm_rank, dtype, shuffle=False) #create iterators handle = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[], name="iterator-placeholder") iterator = handle, (dtype, tf.int32, dtype, tf.string), ((batch, len(channels), image_height_orig, image_width_orig) if data_format == "channels_first" else (batch, image_height_orig, image_width_orig, len(channels)), (batch, image_height_orig, image_width_orig), (batch, image_height_orig, image_width_orig), (batch))) next_elem = iterator.get_next() #if downsampling, do some preprocessing if downsampling_fact != 1: if downsampling_mode == "scale": #do downsampling rand_select = tf.cast(tf.one_hot(tf.random_uniform( (batch, image_height, image_width), minval=0, maxval=downsampling_fact * downsampling_fact, dtype=tf.int32), depth=downsampling_fact * downsampling_fact, axis=-1), dtype=tf.int32) next_elem = (tf.layers.average_pooling2d(next_elem[0], downsampling_fact, downsampling_fact, 'valid', data_format), \ tf.reduce_max(tf.multiply(tf.image.extract_image_patches(tf.expand_dims(next_elem[1], axis=-1), \ [1, downsampling_fact, downsampling_fact, 1], \ [1, downsampling_fact, downsampling_fact, 1], \ [1,1,1,1], 'VALID'), rand_select), axis=-1), \ tf.squeeze(tf.layers.average_pooling2d(tf.expand_dims(next_elem[2], axis=-1), downsampling_fact, downsampling_fact, 'valid', "channels_last"), axis=-1), \ next_elem[3]) elif downsampling_mode == "center-crop": #some parameters length = 1. / float(downsampling_fact) offset = length / 2. boxes = [[offset, offset, offset + length, offset + length] ] * batch box_ind = list(range(0, batch)) crop_size = [image_height, image_width] #be careful with data order if data_format == "channels_first": next_elem[0] = tf.transpose(next_elem[0], perm=[0, 2, 3, 1]) #crop next_elem = (tf.image.crop_and_resize(next_elem[0], boxes, box_ind, crop_size, method='bilinear', extrapolation_value=0, name="data_cropping"), \ ensure_type(tf.squeeze(tf.image.crop_and_resize(tf.expand_dims(next_elem[1],axis=-1), boxes, box_ind, crop_size, method='nearest', extrapolation_value=0, name="label_cropping"), axis=-1), tf.int32), \ tf.squeeze(tf.image.crop_and_resize(tf.expand_dims(next_elem[2],axis=-1), boxes, box_ind, crop_size, method='bilinear', extrapolation_value=0, name="weight_cropping"), axis=-1), \ next_elem[3]) #be careful with data order if data_format == "channels_first": next_elem[0] = tf.transpose(next_elem[0], perm=[0, 3, 1, 2]) else: raise ValueError( "Error, downsampling mode {} not supported. Supported are [center-crop, scale]" .format(downsampling_mode)) #create init handles #trn trn_iterator = trn_dataset.make_initializable_iterator() trn_handle_string = trn_iterator.string_handle() trn_init_op = iterator.make_initializer(trn_dataset) #val val_iterator = val_dataset.make_initializable_iterator() val_handle_string = val_iterator.string_handle() val_init_op = iterator.make_initializer(val_dataset) #compute the input filter number based on number of channels used num_channels = len(channels) #set up model model = deeplab_v3_plus_generator(num_classes=3, output_stride=8, base_architecture=model, decoder=decoder, batchnorm=batchnorm, pre_trained_model=None, batch_norm_decay=None, data_format=data_format) logit, prediction = model(next_elem[0], True, dtype) #set up loss loss = None #cast the logits to fp32 logit = ensure_type(logit, tf.float32) if loss_type == "weighted": #cast weights to FP32 w_cast = ensure_type(next_elem[2], tf.float32) loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy( labels=next_elem[1], logits=logit, weights=w_cast, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.SUM) if scale_factor != 1.0: loss *= scale_factor elif loss_type == "weighted_mean": #cast weights to FP32 w_cast = ensure_type(next_elem[2], tf.float32) loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy( labels=next_elem[1], logits=logit, weights=w_cast, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.SUM_BY_NONZERO_WEIGHTS) if scale_factor != 1.0: loss *= scale_factor elif loss_type == "focal": #one-hot-encode labels_one_hot = tf.contrib.layers.one_hot_encoding( next_elem[1], 3) #cast to FP32 labels_one_hot = ensure_type(labels_one_hot, tf.float32) loss = focal_loss(onehot_labels=labels_one_hot, logits=logit, alpha=1., gamma=2.) else: raise ValueError("Error, loss type {} not supported.", format(loss_type)) #determine flops flops = graph_flops.graph_flops( format="NHWC" if data_format == "channels_last" else "NCHW", verbose=False, batch=batch, sess_config=sess_config) flops *= comm_size if comm_rank == 0: print('training flops: {:.3f} TF/step'.format(flops * 1e-12)) #number of trainable parameters if comm_rank == 0: num_params = get_number_of_trainable_parameters() print('number of trainable parameters: {} ({} MB)'.format( num_params, num_params * (4 if dtype == tf.float32 else 2) * (2**-20))) if horovod: loss_avg = hvd.allreduce(ensure_type(loss, tf.float32)) else: loss_avg = tf.identity(loss) tmpl = (loss if per_rank_output else loss_avg) #set up global step - keep on CPU with tf.device('/device:CPU:0'): global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() #set up optimizer if optimizer['opt_type'].startswith("LARC"): if comm_rank == 0: print("Enabling LARC") train_op, lr = get_larc_optimizer(optimizer, loss, global_step, num_steps_per_epoch, horovod) else: train_op, lr = get_optimizer(optimizer, loss, global_step, num_steps_per_epoch, horovod) #set up streaming metrics iou_op, iou_update_op = tf.metrics.mean_iou(labels=next_elem[1], predictions=tf.argmax( prediction, axis=3), num_classes=3, weights=None, metrics_collections=None, updates_collections=None, name="iou_score") iou_reset_op = tf.variables_initializer([ i for i in tf.local_variables() if'iou_score/') ]) if horovod: iou_avg = hvd.allreduce(iou_op) else: iou_avg = tf.identity(iou_op) if "gpu" in device.lower(): with tf.device(device): mem_usage_ops = [ tf.contrib.memory_stats.MaxBytesInUse(), tf.contrib.memory_stats.BytesLimit() ] #hooks #these hooks are essential. regularize the step hook by adding one additional step at the end #hooks = [tf.train.StopAtStepHook(last_step=3)] #hooks = [tf.train.StopAtStepHook(num_steps=3)] hooks = [tf.train.StopAtStepHook(last_step=num_steps + 1)] nvtx_callback = NVTXHook(skip_n_steps=0, name='TTTTTrain') hooks.append(nvtx_callback) #bcast init for bcasting the model after start if horovod: init_bcast = hvd.broadcast_global_variables(0) #initializers: init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() init_local_op = tf.local_variables_initializer() #checkpointing if comm_rank == 0: checkpoint_save_freq = 5 * num_steps_per_epoch checkpoint_saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1000) if (not disable_checkpoints): hooks.append( tf.train.CheckpointSaverHook( checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir, save_steps=checkpoint_save_freq, saver=checkpoint_saver)) #create image dir if not exists if not os.path.isdir(image_dir): os.makedirs(image_dir) #tracing if tracing is not None: import tracehook tracing_hook = tracehook.TraceHook(steps_to_trace=tracing, cache_traces=True, trace_dir=trace_dir) hooks.append(tracing_hook) print("############ tracing enabled") # instead of averaging losses over an entire epoch, use a moving # window average recent_losses = [] loss_window_size = 10 #start session with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(config=sess_config, hooks=hooks) as sess: #initialize[init_op, init_local_op]) #restore from checkpoint: if comm_rank == 0 and not disable_checkpoints: load_model(sess, checkpoint_saver, checkpoint_dir) #broadcast loaded model variables if horovod: #create iterator handles trn_handle, val_handle = [trn_handle_string, val_handle_string]) #init iterators, feed_dict={handle: trn_handle}), feed_dict={handle: val_handle}) # figure out what step we're on (it won't be 0 if we are # restoring from a checkpoint) so we can count from there train_steps =[global_step])[0] #do the training epoch = 1 step = 1 prev_mem_usage = 0 t_sustained_start = time.time() r_peak = 0 #warmup loops print("### Warmup for 5 steps") start_time = time.time() #while not sess.should_stop(): for _ in range(5): #try: print('warmup train_steps is {}'.format(train_steps)) if train_steps == 5: # if have_pycuda: # pyc.driver.start_profiler() print(train_steps) _ =[train_op], feed_dict={handle: trn_handle}) #tmp_loss =[(loss if per_rank_output else loss_avg)],feed_dict={handle: trn_handle}) if train_steps == 5: # if have_pycuda: # pyc.driver.stop_profiler() print(train_steps) train_steps += 1 end_time = time.time() print("### Warmup time: {:0.2f}".format(end_time - start_time)) ### Start profiling print('Begin training loop') #if have_cupy: #cupy.cuda.profiler.start() # if have_pycuda: # pyc.driver.start_profiler() #while not sess.should_stop(): for _ in range(1): try: print('train_steps is {}'.format(train_steps)) if train_steps == 5: if have_pycuda: pyc.driver.start_profiler() print(train_steps) _ =[tmpl], feed_dict={handle: trn_handle}) # _ =[train_op],feed_dict={handle: trn_handle}) if train_steps == 5: if have_pycuda: pyc.driver.stop_profiler() print(train_steps) train_steps += 1 except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break # if have_pycuda: # pyc.driver.stop_profiler() ### End of profiling #if have_cupy: # cupy.cuda.profiler.stop() # write any cached traces to disk if tracing is not None: tracing_hook.write_traces() print('All done')
def main(input_path_train, input_path_validation, downsampling_fact, downsampling_mode, channels, data_format, label_id, blocks, weights, image_dir, checkpoint_dir, trn_sz, val_sz, loss_type, fs_type, optimizer, batch, batchnorm, num_epochs, dtype, chkpt, filter_sz, growth, disable_checkpoints, disable_imsave, tracing, trace_dir, output_sampling, scale_factor): #init horovod nvtx.RangePush("init horovod", 1) comm_rank = 0 comm_local_rank = 0 comm_size = 1 comm_local_size = 1 if horovod: hvd.init() comm_rank = hvd.rank() comm_local_rank = hvd.local_rank() comm_size = hvd.size() #not all horovod versions have that implemented try: comm_local_size = hvd.local_size() except: comm_local_size = 1 if comm_rank == 0: print("Using distributed computation with Horovod: {} total ranks". format(comm_size, comm_rank)) nvtx.RangePop() # init horovod #downsampling? recompute image dims image_height = image_height_orig // downsampling_fact image_width = image_width_orig // downsampling_fact #parameters per_rank_output = False loss_print_interval = 10 #session config sess_config = tf.ConfigProto( inter_op_parallelism_threads=6, #1 intra_op_parallelism_threads=1, #6 log_device_placement=False, allow_soft_placement=True) sess_config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = str(comm_local_rank) sess_config.gpu_options.force_gpu_compatible = True #get data training_graph = tf.Graph() if comm_rank == 0: print("Loading data...") trn_data = load_data(input_path_train, True, trn_sz, horovod) val_data = load_data(input_path_validation, False, val_sz, horovod) if comm_rank == 0: print("Shape of trn_data is {}".format(trn_data.shape[0])) print("done.") #print some stats if comm_rank == 0: print("Num workers: {}".format(comm_size)) print("Local batch size: {}".format(batch)) if dtype == tf.float32: print("Precision: {}".format("FP32")) else: print("Precision: {}".format("FP16")) print("Batch normalization: {}".format(batchnorm)) print("Blocks: {}".format(blocks)) print("Growth rate: {}".format(growth)) print("Filter size: {}".format(filter_sz)) print("Channels: {}".format(channels)) print("Loss type: {}".format(loss_type)) print("Loss weights: {}".format(weights)) print("Loss scale factor: {}".format(scale_factor)) print("Output sampling target: {}".format(output_sampling)) #print optimizer parameters for k, v in optimizer.items(): print("Solver Parameters: {k}: {v}".format(k=k, v=v)) #print("Optimizer type: {}".format(optimizer['opt_type'])) print("Num training samples: {}".format(trn_data.shape[0])) print("Num validation samples: {}".format(val_data.shape[0])) print("Disable checkpoints: {}".format(disable_checkpoints)) print("Disable image save: {}".format(disable_imsave)) print("Downsampling factor: {}".format(downsampling_fact)) print("Downsampling mode: {}".format(downsampling_mode)) #compute epochs and stuff: if fs_type == "local": num_samples = trn_data.shape[0] // comm_local_size else: num_samples = trn_data.shape[0] // comm_size num_steps_per_epoch = num_samples // batch num_steps = num_epochs * num_steps_per_epoch if per_rank_output: print("Rank {} does {} steps per epoch".format(comm_rank, num_steps_per_epoch)) with training_graph.as_default(): nvtx.RangePush("TF Init", 3) #create readers trn_reader = h5_input_reader(input_path_train, channels, weights, dtype, normalization_file="stats.h5", update_on_read=False, data_format=data_format, label_id=label_id, sample_target=output_sampling) val_reader = h5_input_reader(input_path_validation, channels, weights, dtype, normalization_file="stats.h5", update_on_read=False, data_format=data_format, label_id=label_id) #create datasets if fs_type == "local": trn_dataset = create_dataset(trn_reader, trn_data, batch, num_epochs, comm_local_size, comm_local_rank, dtype, shuffle=True) val_dataset = create_dataset(val_reader, val_data, batch, 1, comm_local_size, comm_local_rank, dtype, shuffle=False) else: trn_dataset = create_dataset(trn_reader, trn_data, batch, num_epochs, comm_size, comm_rank, dtype, shuffle=True) val_dataset = create_dataset(val_reader, val_data, batch, 1, comm_size, comm_rank, dtype, shuffle=False) #create iterators handle = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[], name="iterator-placeholder") iterator = handle, (dtype, tf.int32, dtype, tf.string), ((batch, len(channels), image_height_orig, image_width_orig) if data_format == "channels_first" else (batch, image_height_orig, image_width_orig, len(channels)), (batch, image_height_orig, image_width_orig), (batch, image_height_orig, image_width_orig), (batch))) next_elem = iterator.get_next() #if downsampling, do some preprocessing if downsampling_fact != 1: if downsampling_mode == "scale": #do downsampling rand_select = tf.cast(tf.one_hot(tf.random_uniform( (batch, image_height, image_width), minval=0, maxval=downsampling_fact * downsampling_fact, dtype=tf.int32), depth=downsampling_fact * downsampling_fact, axis=-1), dtype=tf.int32) next_elem = (tf.layers.average_pooling2d(next_elem[0], downsampling_fact, downsampling_fact, 'valid', data_format), \ tf.reduce_max(tf.multiply(tf.image.extract_image_patches(tf.expand_dims(next_elem[1], axis=-1), \ [1, downsampling_fact, downsampling_fact, 1], \ [1, downsampling_fact, downsampling_fact, 1], \ [1,1,1,1], 'VALID'), rand_select), axis=-1), \ tf.squeeze(tf.layers.average_pooling2d(tf.expand_dims(next_elem[2], axis=-1), downsampling_fact, downsampling_fact, 'valid', "channels_last"), axis=-1), \ next_elem[3]) elif downsampling_mode == "center-crop": #some parameters length = 1. / float(downsampling_fact) offset = length / 2. boxes = [[offset, offset, offset + length, offset + length] ] * batch box_ind = list(range(0, batch)) crop_size = [image_height, image_width] #be careful with data order if data_format == "channels_first": next_elem = (tf.transpose(next_elem[0], perm=[0, 2, 3, 1]), next_elem[1], next_elem[2], next_elem[3]) #crop next_elem = (tf.image.crop_and_resize(next_elem[0], boxes, box_ind, crop_size, method='bilinear', extrapolation_value=0, name="data_cropping"), \ ensure_type(tf.squeeze(tf.image.crop_and_resize(tf.expand_dims(next_elem[1],axis=-1), boxes, box_ind, crop_size, method='nearest', extrapolation_value=0, name="label_cropping"), axis=-1), tf.int32), \ tf.squeeze(tf.image.crop_and_resize(tf.expand_dims(next_elem[2],axis=-1), boxes, box_ind, crop_size, method='bilinear', extrapolation_value=0, name="weight_cropping"), axis=-1), \ next_elem[3]) #be careful with data order if data_format == "channels_first": next_elem = (tf.transpose(next_elem[0], perm=[0, 3, 1, 2]), next_elem[1], next_elem[2], next_elem[3]) elif downsampling_mode == "random-crop": #some parameters crop_size = [ batch, image_height, image_width, len(channels) + 2 ] #concatenate input, crop, split apart crop_input = tf.concat([next_elem[0] if data_format=="channels_last" else tf.transpose(next_elem[0], perm=[0,2,3,1]), \ ensure_type(tf.expand_dims(next_elem[1], axis=-1), tf.float32), \ tf.expand_dims(next_elem[2], axis=-1)], \ axis = -1) crop_output = tf.image.random_crop(crop_input, crop_size) #restore iterator output crop_image = crop_output[:, :, :, :len(channels)] crop_label = ensure_type(crop_output[:, :, :, len(channels)], tf.int32) crop_weight = crop_output[:, :, :, len(channels) + 1] next_elem = (crop_image if data_format=="channels_last" else tf.transpose(crop_image, perm=[0,3,1,2]), \ crop_label, crop_weight, next_elem[3]) else: raise ValueError( "Error, downsampling mode {} not supported. Supported are [center-crop, random-crop, scale]" .format(downsampling_mode)) #create init handles #trn trn_iterator = trn_dataset.make_initializable_iterator() trn_handle_string = trn_iterator.string_handle() trn_init_op = iterator.make_initializer(trn_dataset) #val val_iterator = val_dataset.make_initializable_iterator() val_handle_string = val_iterator.string_handle() val_init_op = iterator.make_initializer(val_dataset) #compute the input filter number based on number of channels used num_channels = len(channels) nb_filter = 64 #set up model logit, prediction = create_tiramisu(3, next_elem[0], image_height, image_width, num_channels, loss_weights=weights, nb_layers_per_block=blocks, p=0.2, wd=1e-4, dtype=dtype, batchnorm=batchnorm, growth_rate=growth, nb_filter=nb_filter, filter_sz=filter_sz, median_filter=False, data_format=data_format) #prediction_argmax = median_pool(prediction_argmax, 3, strides=[1,1,1,1]) #set up loss loss = None if loss_type == "weighted": #cast weights to FP32 w_cast = ensure_type(next_elem[2], tf.float32) loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy( labels=next_elem[1], logits=logit, weights=w_cast, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.SUM_BY_NONZERO_WEIGHTS) if scale_factor != 1.0: loss *= scale_factor elif loss_type == "focal": labels_one_hot = tf.contrib.layers.one_hot_encoding( next_elem[1], 3) labels_one_hot = ensure_type(labels_one_hot, dtype) loss = focal_loss(onehot_labels=labels_one_hot, logits=logit, alpha=1., gamma=2.) else: raise ValueError("Error, loss type {} not supported.", format(loss_type)) #determine flops flops = graph_flops.graph_flops( format="NHWC" if data_format == "channels_last" else "NCHW", batch=batch, sess_config=sess_config) flops *= comm_size if comm_rank == 0: print('training flops: {:.3f} TF/step'.format(flops * 1e-12)) #number of trainable parameters if comm_rank == 0: num_params = get_number_of_trainable_parameters() print('number of trainable parameters: {} ({} MB)'.format( num_params, num_params * (4 if dtype == tf.float32 else 2) * (2**-20))) if horovod: loss_avg = hvd.allreduce(ensure_type(loss, tf.float32)) else: loss_avg = tf.identity(loss) #set up global step - keep on CPU with tf.device('/device:CPU:0'): global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() #set up optimizer if optimizer['opt_type'].startswith("LARC"): if comm_rank == 0: print("Enabling LARC") train_op, lr = get_larc_optimizer(optimizer, loss, global_step, num_steps_per_epoch, horovod) else: train_op, lr = get_optimizer(optimizer, loss, global_step, num_steps_per_epoch, horovod) #set up streaming metrics iou_op, iou_update_op = tf.metrics.mean_iou(labels=next_elem[1], predictions=tf.argmax( prediction, axis=3), num_classes=3, weights=None, metrics_collections=None, updates_collections=None, name="iou_score") iou_reset_op = tf.variables_initializer([ i for i in tf.local_variables() if'iou_score/') ]) if horovod: iou_avg = hvd.allreduce(iou_op) else: iou_avg = tf.identity(iou_op) #hooks #these hooks are essential. regularize the step hook by adding one additional step at the end hooks = [tf.train.StopAtStepHook(last_step=num_steps + 1)] #bcast init for bcasting the model after start if horovod: init_bcast = hvd.broadcast_global_variables(0) #initializers: init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() init_local_op = tf.local_variables_initializer() #checkpointing if comm_rank == 0: checkpoint_save_freq = 5 * num_steps_per_epoch checkpoint_saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1000) if (not disable_checkpoints): hooks.append( tf.train.CheckpointSaverHook( checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir, save_steps=checkpoint_save_freq, saver=checkpoint_saver)) #create image dir if not exists if not os.path.isdir(image_dir): os.makedirs(image_dir) if tracing is not None: import tracehook tracing_hook = tracehook.TraceHook(steps_to_trace=tracing, cache_traces=True, trace_dir=trace_dir) hooks.append(tracing_hook) # instead of averaging losses over an entire epoch, use a moving # window average recent_losses = [] loss_window_size = 10 #start session with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(config=sess_config, hooks=hooks) as sess: #initialize[init_op, init_local_op]) #restore from checkpoint: if comm_rank == 0 and not disable_checkpoints: load_model(sess, checkpoint_saver, checkpoint_dir) #broadcast loaded model variables if horovod: #create iterator handles trn_handle, val_handle = [trn_handle_string, val_handle_string]) #init iterators, feed_dict={handle: trn_handle}), feed_dict={handle: val_handle}) nvtx.RangePop() # TF Init # figure out what step we're on (it won't be 0 if we are # restoring from a checkpoint) so we can count from there train_steps =[global_step])[0] #do the training epoch = 1 step = 1 t_sustained_start = time.time() nvtx.RangePush("Training Loop", 4) nvtx.RangePush("Epoch", epoch) start_time = time.time() while not sess.should_stop(): #training loop try: nvtx.RangePush("Step", step) #construct feed dict t_inst_start = time.time() _, tmp_loss = [train_op, (loss if per_rank_output else loss_avg)], feed_dict={handle: trn_handle}) t_inst_end = time.time() train_steps += 1 train_steps_in_epoch = train_steps % num_steps_per_epoch recent_losses = [tmp_loss ] + recent_losses[0:loss_window_size - 1] train_loss = sum(recent_losses) / len(recent_losses) nvtx.RangePop() # Step step += 1 #print step report eff_steps = train_steps_in_epoch if ( train_steps_in_epoch > 0) else num_steps_per_epoch if (train_steps % loss_print_interval) == 0: if per_rank_output: print( "REPORT: rank {}, training loss for step {} (of {}) is {}, time {:.3f}" .format(comm_rank, train_steps, num_steps, train_loss, time.time() - start_time)) else: if comm_rank == 0: print( "REPORT: training loss for step {} (of {}) is {}, time {:.3f}, r_inst {:.3f}" .format( train_steps, num_steps, train_loss, time.time() - start_time, 1e-12 * flops / (t_inst_end - t_inst_start))) #do the validation phase if train_steps_in_epoch == 0: end_time = time.time() #print epoch report if per_rank_output: print( "COMPLETED: rank {}, training loss for epoch {} (of {}) is {}, time {:.3f}, r_sust {:.3f}" .format( comm_rank, epoch, num_epochs, train_loss, time.time() - start_time, 1e-12 * flops * num_steps_per_epoch / (end_time - t_sustained_start))) else: if comm_rank == 0: print( "COMPLETED: training loss for epoch {} (of {}) is {}, time {:.3f}, r_sust {:.3f}" .format( epoch, num_epochs, train_loss, time.time() - start_time, 1e-12 * flops * num_steps_per_epoch / (end_time - t_sustained_start))) #evaluation loop eval_loss = 0. eval_steps = 0 nvtx.RangePush("Eval Loop", 7) while True: try: #construct feed dict _, tmp_loss, val_model_predictions, val_model_labels, val_model_filenames = [ iou_update_op, (loss if per_rank_output else loss_avg), prediction, next_elem[1], next_elem[3] ], feed_dict={handle: val_handle}) #print some images if comm_rank == 0 and not disable_imsave: if have_imsave: imsave( image_dir + '/test_pred_epoch' + str(epoch) + '_estep' + str(eval_steps) + '_rank' + str(comm_rank) + '.png', np.argmax( val_model_predictions[0, ...], axis=2) * 100) imsave( image_dir + '/test_label_epoch' + str(epoch) + '_estep' + str(eval_steps) + '_rank' + str(comm_rank) + '.png', val_model_labels[0, ...] * 100) imsave( image_dir + '/test_combined_epoch' + str(epoch) + '_estep' + str(eval_steps) + '_rank' + str(comm_rank) + '.png', colormap[ val_model_labels[0, ...], np.argmax( val_model_predictions[0, ...], axis=2)]) else: np.savez( image_dir + '/test_epoch' + str(epoch) + '_estep' + str(eval_steps) + '_rank' + str(comm_rank) + '.npz', prediction=np.argmax( val_model_predictions[0, ...], axis=2) * 100, label=val_model_labels[0, ...] * 100, filename=val_model_filenames[0]) eval_loss += tmp_loss eval_steps += 1 except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: eval_steps = np.max([eval_steps, 1]) eval_loss /= eval_steps if per_rank_output: print( "COMPLETED: rank {}, evaluation loss for epoch {} (of {}) is {}" .format(comm_rank, epoch, num_epochs, eval_loss)) else: if comm_rank == 0: print( "COMPLETED: evaluation loss for epoch {} (of {}) is {}" .format(epoch, num_epochs, eval_loss)) if per_rank_output: iou_score = print( "COMPLETED: rank {}, evaluation IoU for epoch {} (of {}) is {}" .format(comm_rank, epoch, num_epochs, iou_score)) else: iou_score = if comm_rank == 0: print( "COMPLETED: evaluation IoU for epoch {} (of {}) is {}" .format(epoch, num_epochs, iou_score)), feed_dict={handle: val_handle}) break nvtx.RangePop() # Eval Loop #reset counters epoch += 1 step = 0 t_sustained_start = time.time() nvtx.RangePop() # Epoch nvtx.RangePush("Epoch", epoch) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break nvtx.RangePop() # Epoch nvtx.RangePop() # Training Loop # write any cached traces to disk if tracing is not None: tracing_hook.write_traces()
def main(opt): frequencies = [0.991, 0.0266, 0.13] weights = [1. / x for x in frequencies] weights /= np.sum(weights) device = getValue(opt, 'device', '/device:gpu:0') input_path_train = getValue(opt['dataset'], 'train_dir') input_path_validation = getValue(opt['dataset'], 'val_dir') trn_sz = getValue(opt['dataset'], 'train_size') val_sz = getValue(opt['dataset'], 'val_size') downsampling_fact = getValue(opt['dataset'], 'downsampling', 4) downsampling_mode = getValue(opt['dataset'], 'downsampling_mode', 'center-crop') channels = getValue(opt['dataset'], 'channels', list(range(0, 16))) data_format = getValue(opt['dataset'], 'data_format', 'channels_last') label_id = getValue(opt['dataset'], 'label_id', 0) fs_type = getValue(opt['dataset'], 'fs', 'local') dtype = getattr(tf, getValue(opt['dataset'], 'dtype', 'float32')) image_dir = getValue(opt['output'], 'image_dir', 'output') disable_imsave = getValue(opt['output'], 'disable_imsave', True) checkpoint_dir = getValue(opt['output'], 'checkpoint_dir', 'checkpoint') disable_checkpoints = getValue(opt['output'], 'disable_checkpoint', False) output_sampling = getValue(opt['output'], 'sample', None) optimizer = str2dict(getValue(opt['train'], 'optimizer')) batch = getValue(opt['train'], 'batch') num_epochs = getValue(opt['train'], 'epoch') scale_factor = getValue(opt['train'], 'scale_factor', 1.0) tracing = getValue(opt, 'tracing') model_type = getValue(opt['model'], 'type', 'Unet') if tracing: trace_dir = getValue(opt['tracing'], 'dir') load_checkpoint = getValue(opt['train'], 'checkpoint', None) #init horovod comm_rank = 0 comm_local_rank = 0 comm_size = 1 comm_local_size = 1 if horovod: hvd.init() comm_rank = hvd.rank() comm_local_rank = hvd.local_rank() comm_size = hvd.size() #not all horovod versions have that implemented try: comm_local_size = hvd.local_size() except: comm_local_size = 1 if comm_rank == 0: print("Using distributed computation with Horovod: {} total ranks". format(comm_size, comm_rank)) #downsampling? recompute image dims image_height = image_height_orig // downsampling_fact image_width = image_width_orig // downsampling_fact #parameters per_rank_output = False loss_print_interval = 10 #session config sess_config = tf.ConfigProto( inter_op_parallelism_threads=1, #1 intra_op_parallelism_threads=6, #6 log_device_placement=False, allow_soft_placement=True) sess_config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = str(comm_local_rank) sess_config.gpu_options.force_gpu_compatible = True #get data training_graph = tf.Graph() if comm_rank == 0: print("Loading data...") trn_data = load_data(input_path_train, True, trn_sz, horovod) val_data = load_data(input_path_validation, False, val_sz, horovod) if comm_rank == 0: print("Shape of trn_data is {}".format(trn_data.shape[0])) print("Shape of val_data is {}".format(val_data.shape[0])) print("done.") #print some stats if comm_rank == 0: print("Num workers: {}".format(comm_size)) print("Local batch size: {}".format(batch)) if dtype == tf.float32: print("Precision: {}".format("FP32")) else: print("Precision: {}".format("FP16")) print("Model: {}".format(model_type)) print("Channels: {}".format(channels)) print("Loss weights: {}".format(weights)) print("Loss scale factor: {}".format(scale_factor)) print("Output sampling target: {}".format(output_sampling)) #print optimizer parameters for k, v in optimizer.items(): print("Solver Parameters: {k}: {v}".format(k=k, v=v)) print("Num training samples: {}".format(trn_data.shape[0])) print("Num validation samples: {}".format(val_data.shape[0])) print("Disable checkpoints: {}".format(disable_checkpoints)) print("Disable image save: {}".format(disable_imsave)) #compute epochs and stuff: if fs_type == "local": num_samples = trn_data.shape[0] // comm_local_size else: num_samples = trn_data.shape[0] // comm_size num_steps_per_epoch = num_samples // batch num_steps = num_epochs * num_steps_per_epoch if per_rank_output: print("Rank {} does {} steps per epoch".format(comm_rank, num_steps_per_epoch)) with training_graph.as_default(): #create readers trn_reader = h5_input_reader(input_path_train, channels, weights, dtype, normalization_file="stats.h5", update_on_read=False, data_format=data_format, label_id=label_id, sample_target=output_sampling) val_reader = h5_input_reader(input_path_validation, channels, weights, dtype, normalization_file="stats.h5", update_on_read=False, data_format=data_format, label_id=label_id) #create datasets if fs_type == "local": trn_dataset = create_dataset(trn_reader, trn_data, batch, num_epochs, comm_local_size, comm_local_rank, dtype, shuffle=True) val_dataset = create_dataset(val_reader, val_data, batch, 1, comm_local_size, comm_local_rank, dtype, shuffle=False) else: trn_dataset = create_dataset(trn_reader, trn_data, batch, num_epochs, comm_size, comm_rank, dtype, shuffle=True) val_dataset = create_dataset(val_reader, val_data, batch, 1, comm_size, comm_rank, dtype, shuffle=False) #create iterators handle = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[], name="iterator-placeholder") iterator = handle, (dtype, tf.int32, dtype, tf.string), ((batch, len(channels), image_height_orig, image_width_orig) if data_format == "channels_first" else (batch, image_height_orig, image_width_orig, len(channels)), (batch, image_height_orig, image_width_orig), (batch, image_height_orig, image_width_orig), (batch))) next_elem = iterator.get_next() #if downsampling, do some preprocessing if downsampling_fact != 1: if downsampling_mode == "scale": #do downsampling rand_select = tf.cast(tf.one_hot(tf.random_uniform( (batch, image_height, image_width), minval=0, maxval=downsampling_fact * downsampling_fact, dtype=tf.int32), depth=downsampling_fact * downsampling_fact, axis=-1), dtype=tf.int32) next_elem = (tf.layers.average_pooling2d(next_elem[0], downsampling_fact, downsampling_fact, 'valid', data_format), \ tf.reduce_max(tf.multiply(tf.image.extract_image_patches(tf.expand_dims(next_elem[1], axis=-1), \ [1, downsampling_fact, downsampling_fact, 1], \ [1, downsampling_fact, downsampling_fact, 1], \ [1,1,1,1], 'VALID'), rand_select), axis=-1), \ tf.squeeze(tf.layers.average_pooling2d(tf.expand_dims(next_elem[2], axis=-1), downsampling_fact, downsampling_fact, 'valid', "channels_last"), axis=-1), \ next_elem[3]) elif downsampling_mode == "center-crop": #some parameters length = 1. / float(downsampling_fact) offset = length / 2. boxes = [[offset, offset, offset + length, offset + length] ] * batch box_ind = list(range(0, batch)) crop_size = [image_height, image_width] #be careful with data order if data_format == "channels_first": next_elem[0] = tf.transpose(next_elem[0], perm=[0, 2, 3, 1]) #crop next_elem = (tf.image.crop_and_resize(next_elem[0], boxes, box_ind, crop_size, method='bilinear', extrapolation_value=0, name="data_cropping"), \ ensure_type(tf.squeeze(tf.image.crop_and_resize(tf.expand_dims(next_elem[1],axis=-1), boxes, box_ind, crop_size, method='nearest', extrapolation_value=0, name="label_cropping"), axis=-1), tf.int32), \ tf.squeeze(tf.image.crop_and_resize(tf.expand_dims(next_elem[2],axis=-1), boxes, box_ind, crop_size, method='bilinear', extrapolation_value=0, name="weight_cropping"), axis=-1), \ next_elem[3]) #be careful with data order if data_format == "channels_first": next_elem[0] = tf.transpose(next_elem[0], perm=[0, 3, 1, 2]) else: raise ValueError( "Error, downsampling mode {} not supported. Supported are [center-crop, scale]" .format(downsampling_mode)) #create init handles #trn trn_iterator = trn_dataset.make_initializable_iterator() trn_handle_string = trn_iterator.string_handle() trn_init_op = iterator.make_initializer(trn_dataset) #val val_iterator = val_dataset.make_initializable_iterator() val_handle_string = val_iterator.string_handle() val_init_op = iterator.make_initializer(val_dataset) #set up model logit, prediction, fake, real = createModel(next_elem, opt['model']) loss, dloss = createLoss(opt['model'], logit, next_elem, fake, real) #determine flops flops = graph_flops( format="NHWC" if data_format == "channels_last" else "NCHW", batch=batch, sess_config=sess_config) flops *= comm_size if comm_rank == 0: print('training flops: {:.3f} TF/step'.format(flops * 1e-12)) #number of trainable parameters if comm_rank == 0: num_params = get_number_of_trainable_parameters() print('number of trainable parameters: {} ({} MB)'.format( num_params, num_params * (4 if dtype == tf.float32 else 2) * (2**-20))) if horovod: loss_avg = hvd.allreduce(ensure_type(loss, tf.float32)) if not (dloss is None): dloss_avg = hvd.allreduce(ensure_type(dloss, tf.float32)) else: dloss_avg = None else: loss_avg = tf.identity(loss) if not (dloss is None): dloss_avg = tf.identity(dloss, tf.float32) else: dloss_avg = None #set up global step - keep on CPU with tf.device('/device:CPU:0'): global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() #set up optimizer if optimizer['opt_type'].startswith("LARC"): if comm_rank == 0: print("Enabling LARC") train_op, lr = get_larc_optimizer(optimizer, loss, global_step, num_steps_per_epoch, horovod) if not (dloss is None): dtrain_op, dlr = get_larc_optimizer(optimizer, dloss, global_step, num_steps_per_epoch, horovod) else: train_op, lr = get_optimizer(optimizer, loss, global_step, num_steps_per_epoch, horovod) if not (dloss is None): dtrain_op, dlr = get_larc_optimizer(optimizer, dloss, global_step, num_steps_per_epoch, horovod) #set up streaming metrics iou_op, iou_update_op = tf.metrics.mean_iou(labels=next_elem[1], predictions=tf.argmax( prediction, axis=3), num_classes=3, weights=None, metrics_collections=None, updates_collections=None, name="iou_score") iou_reset_op = tf.variables_initializer([ i for i in tf.local_variables() if'iou_score/') ]) if horovod: iou_avg = hvd.allreduce(iou_op) else: iou_avg = tf.identity(iou_op) if "gpu" in device.lower(): with tf.device(device): mem_usage_ops = [ tf.contrib.memory_stats.MaxBytesInUse(), tf.contrib.memory_stats.BytesLimit() ] #hooks #these hooks are essential. regularize the step hook by adding one additional step at the end hooks = [tf.train.StopAtStepHook(last_step=num_steps + 1)] #bcast init for bcasting the model after start if horovod: init_bcast = hvd.broadcast_global_variables(0) #initializers: init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() init_local_op = tf.local_variables_initializer() #checkpointing if comm_rank == 0: checkpoint_save_freq = 2 * num_steps_per_epoch checkpoint_saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1000) if (not disable_checkpoints): hooks.append( tf.train.CheckpointSaverHook( checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir, save_steps=checkpoint_save_freq, saver=checkpoint_saver)) #create image dir if not exists if not os.path.isdir(image_dir): os.makedirs(image_dir) #tracing if tracing is not None: import tracehook tracing_hook = tracehook.TraceHook(steps_to_trace=tracing, cache_traces=True, trace_dir=trace_dir) hooks.append(tracing_hook) # instead of averaging losses over an entire epoch, use a moving # window average recent_losses, recent_dlosses = [], [] loss_window_size = 10 #start session with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(config=sess_config, hooks=hooks) as sess: #initialize[init_op, init_local_op]) #restore from checkpoint: if comm_rank == 0 and not disable_checkpoints: load_model(sess, checkpoint_saver, checkpoint_dir, load_checkpoint=load_checkpoint) #broadcast loaded model variables if horovod: #create iterator handles trn_handle, val_handle = [trn_handle_string, val_handle_string]) #init iterators, feed_dict={handle: trn_handle}), feed_dict={handle: val_handle}) # figure out what step we're on (it won't be 0 if we are # restoring from a checkpoint) so we can count from there train_steps =[global_step])[0] #do the training epoch = 1 step = 1 prev_mem_usage = 0 t_sustained_start = time.time() r_peak = 0 #start training start_time = time.time() while not sess.should_stop(): #training loop try: #construct feed dict t_inst_start = time.time() if not (dloss is None): _, tmp_dloss, cur_dlr = [ dtrain_op, (dloss if per_rank_output else dloss_avg), dlr ], feed_dict={handle: trn_handle}) _, tmp_loss, cur_lr = [ train_op, (loss if per_rank_output else loss_avg), lr ], feed_dict={handle: trn_handle}) t_inst_end = time.time() if "gpu" in device.lower(): mem_used = else: mem_used = [0, 0] train_steps += 1 train_steps_in_epoch = train_steps % num_steps_per_epoch recent_losses = [tmp_loss ] + recent_losses[0:loss_window_size - 1] train_loss = sum(recent_losses) / len(recent_losses) if not (dloss is None): recent_dlosses = [ tmp_dloss ] + recent_losses[0:loss_window_size - 1] train_dloss = sum(recent_dlosses) / len(recent_dlosses) step += 1 r_inst = 1e-12 * flops / (t_inst_end - t_inst_start) r_peak = max(r_peak, r_inst) if (train_steps % loss_print_interval) == 0: if "gpu" in device.lower(): mem_used = else: mem_used = [0, 0] if per_rank_output: print( "REPORT: rank {}, training loss for step {} (of {}) is {}, time {:.3f}" .format(comm_rank, train_steps, num_steps, train_loss, time.time() - start_time)) if not (dloss is None): print( "REPORT: rank {}, training dloss for step {} (of {}) is {}, time {:.3f}" .format(comm_rank, train_steps, num_steps, train_dloss, time.time() - start_time)) else: if comm_rank == 0: if mem_used[0] > prev_mem_usage: print( "memory usage: {:.2f} GB / {:.2f} GB". format(mem_used[0] / 2.0**30, mem_used[1] / 2.0**30)) prev_mem_usage = mem_used[0] print( "REPORT: training loss for step {} (of {}) is {}, time {:.3f}, r_inst {:.3f}, r_peak {:.3f}, lr {:.2g}" .format(train_steps, num_steps, train_loss, time.time() - start_time, r_inst, r_peak, cur_lr)) if not (dloss is None): print( "REPORT: training dloss for step {} (of {}) is {}, time {:.3f}, r_inst {:.3f}, r_peak {:.3f}, lr {:.2g}" .format(train_steps, num_steps, train_dloss, time.time() - start_time, r_inst, r_peak, cur_dlr)) #do the validation phase if train_steps_in_epoch == 0: end_time = time.time() #print epoch report if per_rank_output: print( "COMPLETED: rank {}, training loss for epoch {} (of {}) is {}, time {:.3f}, r_sust {:.3f}" .format( comm_rank, epoch, num_epochs, train_loss, time.time() - start_time, 1e-12 * flops * num_steps_per_epoch / (end_time - t_sustained_start))) if not (dloss is None): print( "COMPLETED: rank {}, training dloss for epoch {} (of {}) is {}, time {:.3f}, r_sust {:.3f}" .format( comm_rank, epoch, num_epochs, train_dloss, time.time() - start_time, 1e-12 * flops * num_steps_per_epoch / (end_time - t_sustained_start))) else: if comm_rank == 0: print( "COMPLETED: training loss for epoch {} (of {}) is {}, time {:.3f}, r_sust {:.3f}" .format( epoch, num_epochs, train_loss, time.time() - start_time, 1e-12 * flops * num_steps_per_epoch / (end_time - t_sustained_start))) if not (dloss is None): print( "COMPLETED: training dloss for epoch {} (of {}) is {}, time {:.3f}, r_sust {:.3f}" .format( epoch, num_epochs, train_dloss, time.time() - start_time, 1e-12 * flops * num_steps_per_epoch / (end_time - t_sustained_start))) #evaluation loop eval_loss = 0. eval_steps = 0 while True: try: #construct feed dict _, tmp_loss, val_model_predictions, val_model_labels, val_model_filenames = [ iou_update_op, (loss if per_rank_output else loss_avg), prediction, next_elem[1], next_elem[3] ], feed_dict={handle: val_handle}) #print some images if comm_rank == 0 and not disable_imsave: if have_imsave: imsave( image_dir + '/test_pred_epoch' + str(epoch) + '_estep' + str(eval_steps) + '_rank' + str(comm_rank) + '.png', np.argmax( val_model_predictions[0, ...], axis=2) * 100) imsave( image_dir + '/test_label_epoch' + str(epoch) + '_estep' + str(eval_steps) + '_rank' + str(comm_rank) + '.png', val_model_labels[0, ...] * 100) imsave( image_dir + '/test_combined_epoch' + str(epoch) + '_estep' + str(eval_steps) + '_rank' + str(comm_rank) + '.png', plot_colormap[ val_model_labels[0, ...], np.argmax( val_model_predictions[0, ...], axis=2)]) else: np.savez( image_dir + '/test_epoch' + str(epoch) + '_estep' + str(eval_steps) + '_rank' + str(comm_rank) + '.npz', prediction=np.argmax( val_model_predictions[0, ...], axis=2) * 100, label=val_model_labels[0, ...] * 100, filename=val_model_filenames[0]) eval_loss += tmp_loss eval_steps += 1 except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: eval_steps = np.max([eval_steps, 1]) eval_loss /= eval_steps if per_rank_output: print( "COMPLETED: rank {}, evaluation loss for epoch {} (of {}) is {}" .format(comm_rank, epoch, num_epochs, eval_loss)) else: if comm_rank == 0: print( "COMPLETED: evaluation loss for epoch {} (of {}) is {}" .format(epoch, num_epochs, eval_loss)) if per_rank_output: iou_score = print( "COMPLETED: rank {}, evaluation IoU for epoch {} (of {}) is {}" .format(comm_rank, epoch, num_epochs, iou_score)) else: iou_score = if comm_rank == 0: print( "COMPLETED: evaluation IoU for epoch {} (of {}) is {}" .format(epoch, num_epochs, iou_score)), feed_dict={handle: val_handle}) break #reset counters epoch += 1 step = 0 t_sustained_start = time.time() except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break # write any cached traces to disk if tracing is not None: tracing_hook.write_traces()