def get_info_yandex(latitude, longitude): items = {} query = "{0}?format=json&geocode={1},{2}".format(yandex_geocoder, longitude, latitude) try: result = request_get(query) except ConnectionError as errno: trace.error(" ".join(("Connection error:", str(errno)))) return items except Timeout as errno: trace.error(" ".join(("Connection timeoute exceed:", str(errno)))) return items except HTTPError as errno: trace.error(" ".join(("Invalid HTTP response:", str(errno)))) return items except RequestException as errno: trace.error('Exception: {0}'.format(errno)) return items core_dic = json_loads(result.text) try: for feature_member in core_dic['response']['GeoObjectCollection'][ 'featureMember']: try: kind = feature_member['GeoObject']['metaDataProperty'][ 'GeocoderMetaData']['kind'] items[kind] = feature_member['GeoObject']['name'] except KeyError as errno: trace.warning("Invalid key: {0}".format(errno)) except KeyError as errno: trace.warning("Invalid key: {0}".format(errno)) return items return items
def get_info_yandex(latitude, longitude): items = {} query = "{0}?format=json&geocode={1},{2}".format(yandex_geocoder, longitude, latitude) try: result = request_get(query) except ConnectionError as errno: trace.error(" ".join(("Connection error:", str(errno)))) return items except Timeout as errno: trace.error(" ".join(("Connection timeoute exceed:", str(errno)))) return items except HTTPError as errno: trace.error(" ".join(("Invalid HTTP response:", str(errno)))) return items except RequestException as errno: trace.error('Exception: {0}'.format(errno)) return items core_dic = json_loads(result.text) try: for feature_member in core_dic['response']['GeoObjectCollection']['featureMember']: try: kind = feature_member['GeoObject']['metaDataProperty']['GeocoderMetaData']['kind'] items[kind] = feature_member['GeoObject']['name'] except KeyError as errno: trace.warning("Invalid key: {0}".format(errno)) except KeyError as errno: trace.warning("Invalid key: {0}".format(errno)) return items return items
def cmd_save_photo(self): dir_with_photo = filedialog.askdirectory(parent=self.master, title=get_name("dia_save_photo"), initialdir='/') if not dir_with_photo: return if settings["save_photo"]["save_originals"] == "True": file_operation = shutil_copy2 else: file_operation = shutil_move # Get list of files to save pho_for_saving_without_date = [] ph_for_saving_with_date = [] if settings["save_photo"]["check_unsorted"] == "True": # Check unsorted files files = next(os_walk(os_path.join(settings["projects_dir"], dir_unsorted)))[2] for file in files: if os_path.splitext(file)[-1].lower() in supported_image_ext: found_matching = dt_in_fn_regex.match(file) if found_matching: try: # Convert collected numeric parts into datetime object ph_for_saving_with_date.append([os_path.join(settings["projects_dir"], dir_unsorted, file), datetime.strptime(str(, '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'), None]) except ValueError: continue for root, _, files in os_walk(dir_with_photo): for file in files: if os_path.splitext(file)[-1].lower() in supported_image_ext: try: # Try to find date/time in metadata possible_dt = et.get_data_from_image(os_path.join(root, file), "-EXIF:DateTimeOriginal")["EXIF"]["DateTimeOriginal"] # Convert collected numeric parts into datetime object ph_for_saving_with_date.append([os_path.join(root, file), datetime.strptime(possible_dt, '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S'), None]) # If date/time were not found in metadata too except ValueError: pho_for_saving_without_date.append(os_path.join(root, file)) continue # Connect photo and project basing on date/time for project in next(os_walk(settings["projects_dir"]))[1]: if not os_path.isfile(os_path.join(settings["projects_dir"], project, project_file)): continue with open(os_path.join(os_path.join(settings["projects_dir"]), project, project_file), encoding='utf-8') as _f: pd = json_load(_f) # Parse project timeslot prj_start = '{0} {1}'.format(pd["timeslot"]["start"]["date"], pd["timeslot"]["start"]["time"]) prj_start = datetime.strptime(prj_start, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M") prj_finish = '{0} {1}'.format(pd["timeslot"]["finish"]["date"], pd["timeslot"]["finish"]["time"]) prj_finish = datetime.strptime(prj_finish, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M") for ph in ph_for_saving_with_date: if ph[2] is not None: continue if prj_start <= ph[1] <= prj_finish: # If photo date/time in project timeslot ph[2] = os_path.join(settings["projects_dir"], project, dir_source) for ph in ph_for_saving_with_date: dest_dir = os_path.normpath(ph[2]) if ph[2] is not None else os_path.join(settings["projects_dir"], dir_unsorted) # TODO: file renaming according to template YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.ext if os_path.split(ph[0])[0] == dest_dir: trace.debug("Try to move photo to the same location: {0}".format(ph[0])) else: trace.debug("Save photo: {0} -> {1}".format(os_path.normpath(ph[0]), dest_dir)) try: # Copy/move image file_operation(os_path.normpath(ph[0]), dest_dir) # Copy/move XMP file too if it exists if os_path.isfile(os_path.splitext(ph[0])[0] + xmp_ext): file_operation(os_path.splitext(ph[0])[0] + xmp_ext, dest_dir) except shutil_Error as e: # For example, if file already exists in destination directory trace.warning(e)
def cmd_save_photo(self): dir_with_photo = filedialog.askdirectory( parent=self.master, title=get_name("dia_save_photo"), initialdir='/') if not dir_with_photo: return if settings["save_photo"]["save_originals"] == "True": file_operation = shutil_copy2 else: file_operation = shutil_move # Get list of files to save pho_for_saving_without_date = [] ph_for_saving_with_date = [] if settings["save_photo"]["check_unsorted"] == "True": # Check unsorted files files = next( os_walk(os_path.join(settings["projects_dir"], dir_unsorted)))[2] for file in files: if os_path.splitext(file)[-1].lower() in supported_image_ext: found_matching = dt_in_fn_regex.match(file) if found_matching: try: # Convert collected numeric parts into datetime object ph_for_saving_with_date.append([ os_path.join(settings["projects_dir"], dir_unsorted, file), datetime.strptime(str(, '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'), None ]) except ValueError: continue for root, _, files in os_walk(dir_with_photo): for file in files: if os_path.splitext(file)[-1].lower() in supported_image_ext: try: # Try to find date/time in metadata possible_dt = et.get_data_from_image( os_path.join(root, file), "-EXIF:DateTimeOriginal" )["EXIF"]["DateTimeOriginal"] # Convert collected numeric parts into datetime object ph_for_saving_with_date.append([ os_path.join(root, file), datetime.strptime(possible_dt, '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S'), None ]) # If date/time were not found in metadata too except ValueError: pho_for_saving_without_date.append( os_path.join(root, file)) continue # Connect photo and project basing on date/time for project in next(os_walk(settings["projects_dir"]))[1]: if not os_path.isfile( os_path.join(settings["projects_dir"], project, project_file)): continue with open(os_path.join(os_path.join(settings["projects_dir"]), project, project_file), encoding='utf-8') as _f: pd = json_load(_f) # Parse project timeslot prj_start = '{0} {1}'.format(pd["timeslot"]["start"]["date"], pd["timeslot"]["start"]["time"]) prj_start = datetime.strptime(prj_start, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M") prj_finish = '{0} {1}'.format(pd["timeslot"]["finish"]["date"], pd["timeslot"]["finish"]["time"]) prj_finish = datetime.strptime(prj_finish, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M") for ph in ph_for_saving_with_date: if ph[2] is not None: continue if prj_start <= ph[ 1] <= prj_finish: # If photo date/time in project timeslot ph[2] = os_path.join(settings["projects_dir"], project, dir_source) for ph in ph_for_saving_with_date: dest_dir = os_path.normpath( ph[2]) if ph[2] is not None else os_path.join( settings["projects_dir"], dir_unsorted) # TODO: file renaming according to template YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.ext if os_path.split(ph[0])[0] == dest_dir: trace.debug( "Try to move photo to the same location: {0}".format( ph[0])) else: trace.debug("Save photo: {0} -> {1}".format( os_path.normpath(ph[0]), dest_dir)) try: # Copy/move image file_operation(os_path.normpath(ph[0]), dest_dir) # Copy/move XMP file too if it exists if os_path.isfile(os_path.splitext(ph[0])[0] + xmp_ext): file_operation( os_path.splitext(ph[0])[0] + xmp_ext, dest_dir) except shutil_Error as e: # For example, if file already exists in destination directory trace.warning(e)