def main(): homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") file_data = open(homedir + '/barc_data/ClosedLoopDataLMPC.obj', 'rb') ClosedLoopData = pickle.load(file_data) LMPController = pickle.load(file_data) LMPCOpenLoopData = pickle.load(file_data) file_data.close() map = Map("oval") pdb.set_trace() print "Track length is: ", map.TrackLength plotOneStepPreditionError(LMPController, LMPCOpenLoopData) plotClosedLoopLMPC(LMPController, map) pdb.set_trace() animation_states(map, LMPCOpenLoopData, LMPController, 10)
def main(): homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") file_data = open(homedir + '/barc_data/ClosedLoopDataCircularTest.obj', 'rb') ClosedLoopData = pickle.load(file_data) file_data.close() map = Map("circle") plotTrajectory(map, ClosedLoopData)
def main(): rospy.init_node("realTimePlotting") mode = rospy.get_param("/control/mode") # testing planner plotGPS = rospy.get_param("/visualization/plotGPS") data = Estimation_Mesures_Planning_Data(mode, plotGPS) map = Map() loop_rate = 30.0 rate = rospy.Rate(loop_rate) vSwitch = 1.3 psiSwitch = 1.2 StateView = False if StateView == True: fig, linevx, linevy, linewz, lineepsi, lineey, line_tr, line_pred = _initializeFigure( map) else: Planning_Track = rospy.get_param("/TrajectoryPlanner/Planning_Track") # Planning_Track = 1 planning_path = '/home/euge/GitHub/barc/workspace/src/barc/src/data/Planner_Refs' if Planning_Track == 1: X_Planner_Pts = sio.loadmat(planning_path + '/GOOD_PLAN_REFS_1_.mat')['pxp'] Y_Planner_Pts = sio.loadmat(planning_path + '/GOOD_PLAN_REFS_1_.mat')['pyp'] elif Planning_Track == 2: X_Planner_Pts = sio.loadmat(planning_path + '/GOOD_PLAN_REFS_2_.mat')['pxp'] Y_Planner_Pts = sio.loadmat(planning_path + '/GOOD_PLAN_REFS_2_.mat')['pyp'] elif Planning_Track == 3: X_Planner_Pts = sio.loadmat(planning_path + '/GOOD_PLAN_REFS_3_.mat')['pxp'] Y_Planner_Pts = sio.loadmat(planning_path + '/GOOD_PLAN_REFS_3_.mat')['pyp'] elif Planning_Track == 4: X_Planner_Pts = sio.loadmat(planning_path + '/GOOD_PLAN_REFS_4_.mat')['pxp'] Y_Planner_Pts = sio.loadmat(planning_path + '/GOOD_PLAN_REFS_4_.mat')['pyp'] (fig, axtr, line_planning, line_tr, line_pred, line_SS, line_cl, line_gps_cl, rec, rec_sim, rec_planning) = _initializeFigure_xy(map, mode, X_Planner_Pts, Y_Planner_Pts) ClosedLoopTraj_gps_x = [] ClosedLoopTraj_gps_y = [] ClosedLoopTraj_x = [] ClosedLoopTraj_y = [] flagHalfLap = False while not rospy.is_shutdown(): estimatedStates = data.readEstimatedData() s, ey, epsi, insideMap = map.getLocalPosition(estimatedStates[3], estimatedStates[4], estimatedStates[5]) if s > map.TrackLength / 2: flagHalfLap = True if (s < map.TrackLength / 4) and (flagHalfLap == True): # New lap ClosedLoopTraj_gps_x = [] ClosedLoopTraj_gps_y = [] ClosedLoopTraj_x = [] ClosedLoopTraj_y = [] flagHalfLap = False x = estimatedStates[3] y = estimatedStates[4] if plotGPS == True: ClosedLoopTraj_gps_x.append(data.MeasuredData[0]) ClosedLoopTraj_gps_y.append(data.MeasuredData[1]) ClosedLoopTraj_x.append(x) ClosedLoopTraj_y.append(y) psi = estimatedStates[5] l = 0.4 w = 0.2 line_cl.set_data(ClosedLoopTraj_x, ClosedLoopTraj_y) if plotGPS == True: line_gps_cl.set_data(ClosedLoopTraj_gps_x, ClosedLoopTraj_gps_y) if StateView == True: linevx.set_data(0.0, estimatedStates[0]) linevy.set_data(0.0, estimatedStates[1]) linewz.set_data(0.0, estimatedStates[2]) lineepsi.set_data(0.0, epsi) lineey.set_data(0.0, ey) # Plotting the estimated car: line_tr.set_data(estimatedStates[3], estimatedStates[4]) car_x, car_y = getCarPosition(x, y, psi, w, l) rec.set_xy(np.array([car_x, car_y]).T) # Plotting the planner car and trajectory: # line_planning.set_data(data.x_d[:], data.y_d[:]) # car_x, car_y = getCarPosition(data.x_d[0], data.y_d[0], data.psi_d[0], w, l) # rec_planning.set_xy(np.array([car_x, car_y]).T) if mode == "simulations": x_sim = data.sim_x[-1] y_sim = data.sim_y[-1] psi_sim = data.sim_psi[-1] car_sim_x, car_sim_y = getCarPosition(x_sim, y_sim, psi_sim, w, l) rec_sim.set_xy(np.array([car_sim_x, car_sim_y]).T) # StringValue = "Vx = {0:0.2f}".format(estimatedStates[0]), " Vy = {0:0.2f}".format(estimatedStates[1]), "psiDot = {0:0.2f}".format(estimatedStates[2]) StringValue = "Vx = {0:0.2f}".format( estimatedStates[0]), " Vx_Ref = {0:0.2f}".format(data.vx_d[0]) axtr.set_title(StringValue) if insideMap == 1: fig.canvas.draw() rate.sleep()
def main(): # node initialization rospy.init_node("state_estimation") a_delay = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/delay_a") df_delay = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/delay_df") loop_rate = 50.0 # Initialize Map map = Map() Q = eye(8) Q[0,0] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/Q_x") Q[1,1] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/Q_y") Q[2,2] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/Q_vx") Q[3,3] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/Q_vy") Q[4,4] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/Q_ax") Q[5,5] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/Q_ay") Q[6,6] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/Q_psi") Q[7,7] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/Q_psiDot") R = eye(6) R[0,0] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/R_x") R[1,1] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/R_y") R[2,2] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/R_vx") R[3,3] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/R_ax") R[4,4] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/R_ay") R[5,5] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/R_psiDot") # R[6,6] = rospy.get_param("state_estimator/R_vy") t0 = rospy.get_rostime().to_sec() imu = ImuClass(t0) gps = GpsClass(t0) enc = EncClass(t0) ecu = EcuClass(t0) est = Estimator(t0,loop_rate,a_delay,df_delay,Q,R) estMsg = pos_info() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): est.estimateState(imu,gps,enc,ecu,est.ekf) estMsg.s, estMsg.ey, estMsg.epsi, _ = map.getLocalPosition(est.x_est, est.y_est, est.yaw_est) estMsg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() estMsg.v = np.sqrt(est.vx_est**2 + est.vy_est**2) estMsg.x = est.x_est estMsg.y = est.y_est estMsg.v_x = est.vx_est estMsg.v_y = est.vy_est estMsg.psi = est.yaw_est estMsg.psiDot = est.psiDot_est estMsg.a_x = est.ax_est estMsg.a_y = est.ay_est estMsg.u_a = ecu.a estMsg.u_df = ecu.df est.state_pub_pos.publish(estMsg) est.saveHistory() est.rate.sleep() homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") pathSave = os.path.join(homedir,"barc_debugging/estimator_output.npz") np.savez(pathSave,yaw_est_his = est.yaw_est_his, psiDot_est_his = est.psiDot_est_his, x_est_his = est.x_est_his, y_est_his = est.y_est_his, vx_est_his = est.vx_est_his, vy_est_his = est.vy_est_his, ax_est_his = est.ax_est_his, ay_est_his = est.ay_est_his, estimator_time = est.time_his) pathSave = os.path.join(homedir,"barc_debugging/estimator_imu.npz") np.savez(pathSave,psiDot_his = imu.psiDot_his, roll_his = imu.roll_his, pitch_his = imu.pitch_his, yaw_his = imu.yaw_his, ax_his = imu.ax_his, ay_his = imu.ay_his, imu_time = imu.time_his) pathSave = os.path.join(homedir,"barc_debugging/estimator_gps.npz") np.savez(pathSave,x_his = gps.x_his, y_his = gps.y_his, gps_time = gps.time_his) pathSave = os.path.join(homedir,"barc_debugging/estimator_enc.npz") np.savez(pathSave,v_fl_his = enc.v_fl_his, v_fr_his = enc.v_fr_his, v_rl_his = enc.v_rl_his, v_rr_his = enc.v_rr_his, enc_time = enc.time_his) pathSave = os.path.join(homedir,"barc_debugging/estimator_ecu.npz") np.savez(pathSave,a_his = ecu.a_his, df_his = ecu.df_his, ecu_time = ecu.time_his) print "Finishing saveing state estimation data"
def main(): rospy.init_node("LPV-MPC") input_commands = rospy.Publisher('ecu', ECU, queue_size=1) pred_treajecto = rospy.Publisher('OL_predictions', prediction, queue_size=1) racing_info = rospy.Publisher('Racing_Info', Racing_Info, queue_size=1) mode = rospy.get_param("/control/mode") N = rospy.get_param("/control/N") loop_rate = 30.0 dt = 1.0 / loop_rate rate = rospy.Rate(loop_rate) ## TODO: change this in order to be taken from the launch file Steering_Delay = 0 #3 Velocity_Delay = 0 #Steering_Delay = int(rospy.get_param("/simulator/delay_df")/dt) NN_LPV_MPC = False ######################################################### ######################################################### # OFFLINE planning from LPV-MPP racing: planning_path = '/home/euge/GitHub/barc/workspace/src/barc/src/data/Planner_Refs' ## TRACK (OVAL, Racing Planner) : (30 July 19) CURV_Planner = sio.loadmat(planning_path + '/LPV_MPC_PLANNING_1_.mat')['pCURV'] VEL_Planner = sio.loadmat(planning_path + '/LPV_MPC_PLANNING_1_.mat')['pnew_Vx'] X_Planner = sio.loadmat(planning_path + '/LPV_MPC_PLANNING_1_.mat')['pxp'] Y_Planner = sio.loadmat(planning_path + '/LPV_MPC_PLANNING_1_.mat')['pyp'] PSI_Planner = sio.loadmat(planning_path + '/LPV_MPC_PLANNING_1_.mat')['pyaw'] ######################################################### ######################################################### # Objects initializations OL_predictions = prediction() cmd = ECU() # Command message rac_info = Racing_Info() cmd.servo = 0.0 cmd.motor = 0.0 ClosedLoopData = ClosedLoopDataObj(dt, 6000, 0) # Closed-Loop Data estimatorData = EstimatorData() map = Map() # Map planning_data = PlanningData() first_it = 1 NumberOfLaps = 10 # Initialize variables for main loop GlobalState = np.zeros(6) LocalState = np.zeros(6) HalfTrack = 0 LapNumber = 0 RunController = 1 Counter = 0 CounterRacing = 0 uApplied = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) oldU = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) RMSE_ve = np.zeros(NumberOfLaps) RMSE_ye = np.zeros(NumberOfLaps) RMSE_thetae = np.zeros(NumberOfLaps) RMSE_acc_y = np.zeros(NumberOfLaps) RMSE_matrix = np.zeros(NumberOfLaps) Norm_matrix = np.zeros((NumberOfLaps, 3)) ALL_LOCAL_DATA = np.zeros( (2000, 8)) # [vx vy psidot thetae s ye vxaccel vyaccel udelta uaccel] GLOBAL_DATA = np.zeros((2000, 3)) # [x y psi] PREDICTED_DATA = np.zeros( (2000, 120)) # [vx vy psidot thetae s ye] presicted to N steps TLAPTIME = np.zeros((30, 1)) ELAPSD_TIME = np.zeros((2000, 1)) IDENT_DATA = np.zeros((2000, 5)) Data_for_RMSE = np.zeros((2000, 4)) References = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) # Loop running at loop rate TimeCounter = 0 PlannerCounter = 0 count = True index = 0 start_LapTimer = insideTrack = 1 rospy.sleep( 1 ) # Soluciona los problemas de inicializacion esperando a que el estimador se inicialice bien vel_ref = 1 Cf_new = 60 SS = 0 ###----------------------------------------------------------------### ### PATH TRACKING TUNING: ### 33 ms - 20 Hp Q = np.diag([100.0, 1.0, 1.0, 20.0, 0.0, 900.0]) R = 0.5 * 0.5 * np.diag([1.0, 1.0]) # delta, a dR = 1.5 * 25 * np.array([1.3, 1.0]) # Input rate cost u Controller = PathFollowingLPV_MPC(Q, R, dR, N, vel_ref, dt, map, "OSQP", Steering_Delay, Velocity_Delay) # ### RACING TAJECTORY TRACKING TUNING: # ### 33 ms - 20 Hp Q = np.diag([400.0, 1.0, 1.0, 20.0, 0.0, 1100.0]) R = 0.0 * np.diag([1.0, 1.0]) # delta, a dR = np.array([100.0, 45.0]) # Input rate cost u # dR = np.array([ 10.0, 10.0 ]) # Input rate cost u Controller_TT = PathFollowingLPV_MPC(Q, R, dR, N, vel_ref, dt, map, "OSQP", Steering_Delay, Velocity_Delay) ### RACING TAJECTORY TRACKING TUNING: ### 33 ms - 20 Hp # Q = np.diag([800.0, 1.0, 2.0, 10.0, 0.0, 1200.0]) # R = np.diag([0.0, 0.0]) # delta, a # # R = np.array([146.0, 37.0]) # Input rate cost u # dR = np.array([20, 30.0]) # Input rate cost u # Controller_TT = PathFollowingLPV_MPC(Q, R, dR, N, vel_ref, dt, map, "OSQP", Steering_Delay, Velocity_Delay) ###----------------------------------------------------------------### ###----------------------------------------------------------------### ###----------------------------------------------------------------### ###----------------------------------------------------------------### L_LPV_States_Prediction = np.zeros((N, 6)) LPV_States_Prediction = np.zeros((N, 6)) while (not rospy.is_shutdown()) and RunController == 1: # Read Measurements GlobalState[:] = estimatorData.CurrentState # The current estimated state vector [vx vy w x y psi] LocalState[:] = estimatorData.CurrentState # [vx vy w x y psi] if LocalState[0] < 0.01: LocalState[0] = 0.01 if LapNumber == 0: # Path tracking: # OUT: s, epsi, ey IN: x, y, psi LocalState[4], LocalState[3], LocalState[ 5], insideTrack = map.getLocalPosition(GlobalState[3], GlobalState[4], GlobalState[5]) # Check if the lap has finished if LocalState[4] >= 3 * map.TrackLength / 4: HalfTrack = 1 new_Ref = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) References = np.vstack( (References, new_Ref)) # Simplemente se usa para guardar datos en fichero else: # Trajectory tracking: GlobalState[5] = GlobalState[ 5] - 2 * np.pi * LapNumber ## BODY FRAME ERROR COMPUTATION: GlobalState[5] = wrap(GlobalState[5]) PSI_Planner[0, PlannerCounter] = wrap(PSI_Planner[0, PlannerCounter]) # Offline planning data: # OUT: s, ex, ey, epsi # LocalState[4], Xerror, LocalState[3], LocalState[5] = Body_Frame_Errors(GlobalState[3], # GlobalState[4], GlobalState[5], X_Planner[0,PlannerCounter], Y_Planner[0,PlannerCounter], # PSI_Planner[0,PlannerCounter], SS, LocalState[0], LocalState[1], CURV_Planner[0, PlannerCounter], dt ) # print "Desired yaw = ", PSI_Planner[0,PlannerCounter], " and Real yaw = ", GlobalState[5] # Online planning data: new_Ref = np.array([ planning_data.x_d[0], planning_data.y_d[0], planning_data.psi_d[0], planning_data.vx_d[0] ]) References = np.vstack((References, np.transpose(new_Ref))) max_window = 0 if index <= max_window: if index == 0: X_REF_vector = planning_data.x_d[0:N + max_window] Y_REF_vector = planning_data.y_d[0:N + max_window] YAW_REF_vector = planning_data.psi_d[0:N + max_window] VEL_REF_vector = planning_data.vx_d[0:N + max_window] CURV_REF_vector = planning_data.curv_d[0:N + max_window] x_ref = X_REF_vector[index:index + N] y_ref = Y_REF_vector[index:index + N] yaw_ref = YAW_REF_vector[index:index + N] vel_ref = VEL_REF_vector[index:index + N] curv_ref = CURV_REF_vector[index:index + N] index += 1 else: index = 0 # OUT: s, ex, ey, epsi LocalState[4], Xerror, LocalState[5], LocalState[ 3] = Body_Frame_Errors(GlobalState[3], GlobalState[4], GlobalState[5], x_ref[0], y_ref[0], yaw_ref[0], SS, LocalState[0], LocalState[1], curv_ref[0], dt) SS = LocalState[4] ### END OF THE LAP. # PATH TRACKING: if (HalfTrack == 1 and (LocalState[4] <= map.TrackLength / 4)): HalfTrack = 0 LapNumber += 1 SS = 0 PlannerCounter = 0 TimeCounter = 0 TotalLapTime = - start_LapTimer print 'Lap completed in', TotalLapTime, 'seconds. Starting lap:', LapNumber, '\n' TLAPTIME[LapNumber - 1] = TotalLapTime.total_seconds() start_LapTimer = # RACING: elif ((LapNumber >= 1) and (np.abs(GlobalState[3]) < 0.1) and (LocalState[4] >= (map.TrackLength - map.TrackLength / 10))): LapNumber += 1 SS = 0 # PlannerCounter = TrackCounter TotalLapTime = - start_LapTimer print 'Lap completed in', TotalLapTime, 'seconds. Starting lap:', LapNumber, '. PlannerCounter = ', PlannerCounter, '\n' TLAPTIME[LapNumber - 1] = TotalLapTime.total_seconds() start_LapTimer = if LapNumber > NumberOfLaps: print('RunController = 0') RunController = 0 startTimer = oldU = uApplied uApplied = np.array([cmd.servo, cmd.motor]) if LapNumber == 0: Controller.OldSteering.append( cmd.servo) # meto al final del vector Controller.OldAccelera.append(cmd.motor) Controller.OldSteering.pop(0) Controller.OldAccelera.pop(0) else: Controller_TT.OldSteering.append( cmd.servo) # meto al final del vector Controller_TT.OldAccelera.append(cmd.motor) Controller_TT.OldSteering.pop(0) Controller_TT.OldAccelera.pop(0) ### Publish input ### input_commands.publish(cmd) ################################################################################################### ################################################################################################### if first_it < 10: # print('Iteration = ', first_it) vel_ref = np.ones(N) xx, uu = predicted_vectors_generation(N, LocalState, uApplied, dt) Controller.solve(LocalState[0:6], xx, uu, NN_LPV_MPC, vel_ref, 0, 0, 0, first_it) first_it = first_it + 1 # print('---> Controller.uPred = ', Controller.uPred) Controller.OldPredicted = np.hstack( (Controller.OldSteering[0:len(Controller.OldSteering) - 1], Controller.uPred[Controller.steeringDelay:Controller.N, 0])) Controller.OldPredicted = np.concatenate( (np.matrix(Controller.OldPredicted).T, np.matrix(Controller.uPred[:, 1]).T), axis=1) else: NN_LPV_MPC = False if LapNumber == 0: # PATH TRACKING : First lap at 1 m/s vel_ref = np.ones(N + 1) curv_ref = np.zeros(N) LPV_States_Prediction, A_L, B_L, C_L = Controller.LPVPrediction( LocalState[0:6], Controller.uPred, vel_ref, curv_ref, Cf_new, LapNumber) Controller.solve(LPV_States_Prediction[0, :], LPV_States_Prediction, Controller.uPred, NN_LPV_MPC, vel_ref, A_L, B_L, C_L, first_it) # IDENT_DATA[Counter,:] = [LocalState[0], LocalState[1], LocalState[2], uApplied[0], uApplied[1]] Controller_TT.uPred = Controller.uPred else: # TRAJECTORY TRACKING # Offline planning data: # vel_ref = VEL_Planner[0, PlannerCounter:PlannerCounter+N+1] # curv_ref = CURV_Planner[0, PlannerCounter:PlannerCounter+N] # VEL_REF_vector = planning_data.vx_d[0:N+10] # CURV_REF_vector = planning_data.curv_d[0:N+10] # if index < 10: # vel_ref = VEL_REF_vector[index:index+N] # curv_ref = CURV_REF_vector[index:index+N] # index += 1 # else: # index = 0 # Online planning data:curv_ref # vel_ref = planning_data.vx_d[0:N] # curv_ref = planning_data.curv_d[0:N] LPV_States_Prediction, A_L, B_L, C_L = Controller_TT.LPVPrediction( LocalState[0:6], Controller_TT.uPred, vel_ref, curv_ref, Cf_new, LapNumber) Controller_TT.solve(LocalState[0:6], 0.0, Controller_TT.uPred, NN_LPV_MPC, vel_ref, A_L, B_L, C_L, first_it) ################################################################################################### ################################################################################################### if first_it > 19: new_LPV_States_Prediction = LPV_States_Prediction[0, :] for i in range(1, N): new_LPV_States_Prediction = np.hstack( (new_LPV_States_Prediction, LPV_States_Prediction[i, :])) PREDICTED_DATA[Counter, :] = new_LPV_States_Prediction if LapNumber == 0: cmd.servo = Controller.uPred[0 + Controller.steeringDelay, 0] cmd.motor = Controller.uPred[0 + Controller.velocityDelay, 1] else: cmd.servo = Controller_TT.uPred[0 + Controller.steeringDelay, 0] cmd.motor = Controller_TT.uPred[0 + Controller.velocityDelay, 1] #print Controller.uPred[0, :] endTimer = deltaTimer = endTimer - startTimer # ESTO HABRA QUE RESCATARLO PARA PRUEBAS FISICAS... # else: # If car out of the track # cmd.servo = 0 # cmd.motor = 0 # input_commands.publish(cmd) ## Record Prediction if LapNumber < 1: OL_predictions.s = Controller.xPred[:, 4] OL_predictions.ex = [] OL_predictions.ey = Controller.xPred[:, 5] OL_predictions.epsi = Controller.xPred[:, 3] else: OL_predictions.s = Controller_TT.xPred[:, 4] OL_predictions.ex = [] OL_predictions.ey = Controller_TT.xPred[:, 5] OL_predictions.epsi = Controller_TT.xPred[:, 3] ALL_LOCAL_DATA[CounterRacing, :] = np.hstack( (LocalState, uApplied)) GLOBAL_DATA[CounterRacing, :] = [ GlobalState[3], GlobalState[4], GlobalState[5] ] CounterRacing += 1 pred_treajecto.publish(OL_predictions) # ClosedLoopData.addMeasurement(GlobalState, LocalState, uApplied, Counter, deltaTimer.total_seconds()) # Data_for_RMSE[TimeCounter,:] = [ LocalState[0], LocalState[5], LocalState[3], LocalState[7]] ELAPSD_TIME[Counter, :] = deltaTimer.total_seconds() # Publishing important info about the racing: rac_info.LapNumber = LapNumber # rac_info.PlannerCounter = PlannerCounter racing_info.publish(rac_info) # Increase time counter and ROS sleep() # print PlannerCounter TimeCounter += 1 PlannerCounter += 1 # if PlannerCounter > 580: #offline racing planning if PlannerCounter > 999: cmd.servo = 0 cmd.motor = 0 input_commands.publish(cmd) day = '31_7_19' num_test = 'Test_1' newpath = '/home/euge/GitHub/barc/results_simu_test/' + day + '/' + num_test + '/' if not os.path.exists(newpath): os.makedirs(newpath) np.savetxt(newpath + '/ALL_LOCAL_DATA.dat', ALL_LOCAL_DATA, fmt='%.5e') np.savetxt(newpath + '/PREDICTED_DATA.dat', PREDICTED_DATA, fmt='%.5e') np.savetxt(newpath + '/GLOBAL_DATA.dat', GLOBAL_DATA, fmt='%.5e') np.savetxt(newpath + '/References.dat', References, fmt='%.5e') np.savetxt(newpath + '/TLAPTIME.dat', TLAPTIME, fmt='%.5e') np.savetxt(newpath + '/ELAPSD_TIME.dat', ELAPSD_TIME, fmt='%.5e') quit() Counter += 1 rate.sleep() # END WHILE # Save Data # file_data = open(sys.path[0]+'/data/'+mode+'/ClosedLoopData'+"LPV_MPC"+'.obj', 'wb') # pickle.dump(ClosedLoopData, file_data) # pickle.dump(Controller, file_data) ############################################################# # file_data = open(newpath+'/ClosedLoopDataLPV_MPC.obj', 'wb') # pickle.dump(ClosedLoopData, file_data) # pickle.dump(Controller, file_data) # file_data.close() # INFO_data = open(newpath+'/INFO.txt', 'wb') # INFO_data.write('Running in Track number ') # INFO_data.write('%d \n' % Planning_Track) # #INFO_data.write(' ') # INFO_data.close() ############################################################# # plotTrajectory(map, ClosedLoopData, Complete_Vel_Vect) quit()
def main(): # Initializa ROS node rospy.init_node("Trajectory_Planner") planning_refs = rospy.Publisher('My_Planning', My_Planning, queue_size=1) map = Map() refs = My_Planning() refs.x_d = [] refs.y_d = [] refs.psi_d = [] refs.vx_d = [] refs.curv_d = [] HW = rospy.get_param("/TrajectoryPlanner/halfWidth") # HW = 0.35 # It is a bit larger than the configured in the launch with the aim of improving results loop_rate = rospy.get_param("/TrajectoryPlanner/Frecuency") # 20 Hz (50 ms) dt = 1.0/loop_rate rate = rospy.Rate(loop_rate) Testing = rospy.get_param("/TrajectoryPlanner/Testing") if Testing == 0: racing_info = RacingDataClass() estimatorData = EstimatorData() mode = rospy.get_param("/control/mode") else: # Testing mode mode = "simulations" racing_info = RacingDataClass() first_it = 1 Xlast = 0.0 Ylast = 0.0 Thetalast = 0.0 Counter = 0 ALL_LOCAL_DATA = np.zeros((1000,7)) # [vx vy psidot ey psi udelta uaccel] References = np.zeros((1000,5)) ELAPSD_TIME = np.zeros((1000,1)) TimeCounter = 0 PlannerCounter = 0 start_LapTimer = if rospy.get_param("/TrajectoryPlanner/Visualization") == 1: fig, axtr, line_tr, line_pred, line_trs, line_cl, line_gps_cl, rec, rec_sim = InitFigure_XY( map, mode, HW ) ##################################################################### # states = [vx vy w ey epsi] Q = - np.diag( [ -0.000000000000088, -9.703658572659423, -0.5, 0.000000000213635, -0.153591566469547] ) L = - np.array( [ 1.00702414775175, 0.187661946033823, -0.0, 0.0, -0.0329493219494661 ] ) R = np.diag([0.8, 0.0]) # Input variables weight [delta, a]. El peso de "a" ha de ser 0. dR = np.array([6.0, 6.0]) # Input slew rate weight [d_delta, d_a] N = rospy.get_param("/TrajectoryPlanner/N") planner_dt = dt # planner_dt = 0.05 Planner = LPV_MPC_Planner(Q, R, dR, L, N, planner_dt, map, "OSQP") ##################################################################### # Filter to be applied. b_filter, a_filter = signal.ellip(4, 0.01, 120, 0.125) LPV_X_Pred = np.zeros((N,5)) Xref = np.zeros(N+1) Yref = np.zeros(N+1) Thetaref = np.zeros(N+1) xp = np.zeros(N) yp = np.zeros(N) yaw = np.zeros(N) SS = np.zeros(N+1,) GlobalState = np.zeros(6) LocalState = np.zeros(5) while (not rospy.is_shutdown()): # If inside the track publish input if (racing_info.LapNumber >= 1 or Testing == 1): startTimer = ################################################################################################### # GETTING INITIAL STATE: ################################################################################################### if Testing == 0: # Read Measurements GlobalState[:] = estimatorData.CurrentState # The current estimated state vector [vx vy w x y psi] LocalState[:] = np.array([ GlobalState[0], GlobalState[1], GlobalState[2], 0.0, 0.0 ]) # [vx vy w ey epsi] S_realDist, LocalState[4], LocalState[3], insideTrack = map.getLocalPosition(GlobalState[3], GlobalState[4], GlobalState[5]) else: LocalState[:] = np.array([1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) S_realDist, LocalState[4], LocalState[3], insideTrack = map.getLocalPosition(xp[0], yp[0], yaw[0]) ################################################################################################### # OPTIMIZATION: ################################################################################################### if first_it == 1: # Resolvemos la primera OP con los datos del planner no-lineal: # xx son los estados del modelo no lineal para la primera it. # delta es el steering angle del modelo no lineal para la primera it. x0 = LocalState[:] # Initial planning state accel_rate = 0.2 xx, uu = predicted_vectors_generation(N, x0, accel_rate, planner_dt) Planner.solve(x0, xx, uu, 0, 0, 0, first_it, HW) first_it += 1 print "Dentro primera iter... = " else: # LPV_X_Pred, A_L, B_L, C_L = Planner.LPVPrediction( LocalState[:], SS[:], Planner.uPred ) # Planner.solve( LocalState[:], 0, 0, A_L, B_L, C_L, first_it, HW) # Planner.solve(Planner.xPred[1,:], LPV_X_Pred, Planner.uPred, A_L, B_L, C_L, first_it) LPV_X_Pred, A_L, B_L, C_L = Planner.LPVPrediction( Planner.xPred[1,:], SS[:], Planner.uPred ) Planner.solve(Planner.xPred[1,:], 0, 0, A_L, B_L, C_L, first_it, HW) ################################################################################################### ################################################################################################### # print "Ey: ", Planner.xPred[:,3] # Saving current control actions to perform then the slew rate: Planner.OldSteering.append(Planner.uPred[0,0]) Planner.OldAccelera.append(Planner.uPred[0,1]) # pdb.set_trace() ##################################### ## Getting vehicle position: ##################################### Xref[0] = Xlast Yref[0] = Ylast Thetaref[0] = Thetalast # print "SS[0] = ", S_realDist # SS[0] = S_realDist for j in range( 0, N ): PointAndTangent = map.PointAndTangent curv = Curvature( SS[j], PointAndTangent ) SS[j+1] = ( SS[j] + ( ( Planner.xPred[j,0]* np.cos(Planner.xPred[j,4]) - Planner.xPred[j,1]*np.sin(Planner.xPred[j,4]) ) / ( 1-Planner.xPred[j,3]*curv ) ) * planner_dt ) Xref[j+1], Yref[j+1], Thetaref[j+1] = map.getGlobalPosition( SS[j+1], 0.0 ) SS[0] = SS[1] Xlast = Xref[1] Ylast = Yref[1] Thetalast = Thetaref[1] for i in range(0,N): yaw[i] = Thetaref[i] + Planner.xPred[i,4] xp[i] = Xref[i] - Planner.xPred[i,3]*np.sin(yaw[i]) yp[i] = Yref[i] + Planner.xPred[i,3]*np.cos(yaw[i]) vel = Planner.xPred[0:N,0] curv = Planner.xPred[0:N,2] / Planner.xPred[0:N,0] endTimer = deltaTimer = endTimer - startTimer ELAPSD_TIME[Counter,:] = deltaTimer.total_seconds() ##################################### ## Plotting vehicle position: ##################################### if rospy.get_param("/TrajectoryPlanner/Visualization") == 1: line_trs.set_data(xp[0:N/2], yp[0:N/2]) line_pred.set_data(xp[N/2:], yp[N/2:]) l = 0.4; w = 0.2 car_sim_x, car_sim_y = getCarPosition(xp[0], yp[0], yaw[0], w, l) # car_sim_x, car_sim_y = getCarPosition(xp[N-1], yp[N-1], yaw[N-1], w, l) rec_sim.set_xy(np.array([car_sim_x, car_sim_y]).T) fig.canvas.draw() StringValue = "vx = "+str(Planner.xPred[0,0]) axtr.set_title(StringValue) ##################################### ## Interpolating vehicle references: ##################################### interp_dt = 0.033 time50ms = np.linspace(0, N*dt, num=N, endpoint=True) time33ms = np.linspace(0, N*dt, num=np.around(N*dt/interp_dt), endpoint=True) # X f = interp1d(time50ms, xp, kind='cubic') X_interp = f(time33ms) # Y f = interp1d(time50ms, yp, kind='cubic') Y_interp = f(time33ms) # Yaw f = interp1d(time50ms, yaw, kind='cubic') Yaw_interp = f(time33ms) # Velocity (Vx) f = interp1d(time50ms, vel, kind='cubic') Vx_interp = f(time33ms) # Curvature (K) f = interp1d(time50ms, curv, kind='cubic') Curv_interp = f(time33ms) Curv_interp_filtered = signal.filtfilt(b_filter, a_filter, Curv_interp, padlen=50) # plt.clf() # plt.figure(2) # plt.plot(Curv_interp, 'k-', label='input') # plt.plot(Curv_interp_filtered, 'c-', linewidth=1.5, label='pad') # plt.legend(loc='best') # # plt.grid() # pdb.set_trace() ##################################### ## Publishing vehicle references: ##################################### # refs.x_d = xp # refs.y_d = yp # refs.psi_d = yaw # refs.vx_d = vel # refs.curv_d = curv refs.x_d = X_interp refs.y_d = Y_interp refs.psi_d = Yaw_interp refs.vx_d = Vx_interp refs.curv_d = Curv_interp_filtered planning_refs.publish(refs) ALL_LOCAL_DATA[Counter,:] = np.hstack(( Planner.xPred[0,:], Planner.uPred[0,:] )) References[Counter,:] = np.hstack(( refs.x_d[0], refs.y_d[0], refs.psi_d[0], refs.vx_d[0], refs.curv_d[0] )) # Increase time counter and ROS sleep() TimeCounter += 1 PlannerCounter += 1 Counter += 1 rate.sleep() ############################################################# day = '30_7_19' num_test = 'References' newpath = '/home/euge/GitHub/barc/results_simu_test/Test_Planner/'+day+'/'+num_test+'/' if not os.path.exists(newpath): os.makedirs(newpath) np.savetxt(newpath+'/References.dat', References, fmt='%.5e') ############################################################# # day = '29_7_19' # num_test = 'Test_1' # newpath = '/home/euge/GitHub/barc/results_simu_test/Test_Planner/'+day+'/'+num_test+'/' # if not os.path.exists(newpath): # os.makedirs(newpath) # np.savetxt(newpath+'/ALL_LOCAL_DATA.dat', ALL_LOCAL_DATA, fmt='%.5e') # # np.savetxt(newpath+'/PREDICTED_DATA.dat', PREDICTED_DATA, fmt='%.5e') # # np.savetxt(newpath+'/GLOBAL_DATA.dat', GLOBAL_DATA, fmt='%.5e') # # np.savetxt(newpath+'/Complete_Vel_Vect.dat', Complete_Vel_Vect, fmt='%.5e') # # np.savetxt(newpath+'/References.dat', References, fmt='%.5e') # # np.savetxt(newpath+'/TLAPTIME.dat', TLAPTIME, fmt='%.5e') # np.savetxt(newpath+'/ELAPSD_TIME.dat', ELAPSD_TIME, fmt='%.5e') plt.close() # time50ms = np.linspace(0, (Counter-1)*dt, num=Counter-1, endpoint=True) # time33ms = np.linspace(0, (Counter-1)*dt, num=np.around((Counter-1)*dt/0.033), endpoint=True) # f = interp1d(time50ms, References[0:Counter-1,3], kind='cubic') plt.figure(2) plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(References[0:Counter-1,3], 'o') plt.legend(['Velocity'], loc='best') plt.grid() plt.subplot(212) # plt.plot(time33ms, f(time33ms), 'o') # plt.legend(['Velocity interpolated'], loc='best') plt.plot(References[0:Counter-1,4], '-') plt.legend(['Curvature'], loc='best') plt.grid() # pdb.set_trace() quit() # final del while
def main(): # Initializa ROS node rospy.init_node("LMPC") input_commands = rospy.Publisher('ecu', ECU, queue_size=1) pred_treajecto = rospy.Publisher('OL_predictions', prediction, queue_size=1) sel_safe_set = rospy.Publisher('SS', SafeSetGlob, queue_size=1) mode = rospy.get_param("/control/mode") loop_rate = 30.0 dt = 1.0 / loop_rate rate = rospy.Rate(loop_rate) Steering_Delay = 1 ### BUILDING THE GRID FOR TUNNING: Data_for_RMSE = np.zeros((2000, 3)) VQ_ve = np.array([100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 250.0]) VQ_ye = np.array([50.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0]) VQ_thetae = np.array([ 150.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0, 350.0, 400.0, 450.0, 500.0, 550.0, 600.0, 650.0, 700.0, 750.0, 800.0 ]) grid_length = len(VQ_ve) * len(VQ_ye) * len(VQ_thetae) Q_matrix_grid = np.zeros((grid_length, 3)) counter = 0 for i in range(0, len(VQ_ve)): Q_ve = VQ_ve[i] for j in range(0, len(VQ_ye)): Q_ye = VQ_ye[j] for k in range(0, len(VQ_thetae)): Q_thetae = VQ_thetae[k] Q_matrix_grid[counter, :] = [Q_ve, Q_ye, Q_thetae] counter += 1 #print Q_matrix_grid # Objects initializations SS_glob_sel = SafeSetGlob() OL_predictions = prediction() cmd = ECU() # Command message cmd.servo = 0.0 cmd.motor = 0.0 ClosedLoopData = ClosedLoopDataObj(dt, 6000, 0) # Closed-Loop Data estimatorData = EstimatorData() map = Map() # Map PickController = "LPV_MPC" first_it = 1 NumberOfLaps = grid_length vt = 1.0 PathFollowingLaps = 0 #EA: With this at 0 skips the first PID lap # Initialize variables for main loop GlobalState = np.zeros(6) LocalState = np.zeros(6) HalfTrack = 0 LapNumber = 0 RunController = 1 PlotingCounter = 0 uApplied = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) oldU = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) RMSE_ve = np.zeros(grid_length) RMSE_ye = np.zeros(grid_length) RMSE_thetae = np.zeros(grid_length) RMSE_matrix = np.zeros(grid_length) # Loop running at loop rate TimeCounter = 0 KeyInput = raw_input("Press enter to start the controller... \n") oneStepPrediction = np.zeros(6) ### CONTROLLER INITIALIZATION: ### 33 ms - 10 Hp Q = np.diag([100.0, 1.0, 1.0, 50.0, 0.0, 1000.0]) R = 1 * np.diag([1.0, 0.5]) # delta, a dR = 30 * np.array([2.0, 1.5]) # Input rate cost u N = 14 Controller = PathFollowingLPV_MPC(Q, R, dR, N, vt, dt, map, "OSQP", Steering_Delay) print "Q matrix: \n", Q, "\n" while (not rospy.is_shutdown()) and RunController == 1: # Read Measurements GlobalState[:] = estimatorData.CurrentState LocalState[:] = estimatorData.CurrentState #The current estimated state vector # EA: s, ey, epsi LocalState[4], LocalState[5], LocalState[ 3], insideTrack = map.getLocalPosition(GlobalState[4], GlobalState[5], GlobalState[3]) if LocalState[0] < 0.01: LocalState[0] = 0.01 # Check if the lap has finished if LocalState[4] >= 3 * map.TrackLength / 4: HalfTrack = 1 ### END OF THE LAP: if HalfTrack == 1 and (LocalState[4] <= map.TrackLength / 4): HalfTrack = 0 LapNumber += 1 print "Lap completed starting lap:", LapNumber, ". Lap time: ", float( TimeCounter) / loop_rate if LapNumber > 1: print "Recording RMSE... \n" PointAndTangent = map.PointAndTangent cur, vel = Curvature(LocalState[4], PointAndTangent) RMSE_ve[LapNumber - 2] = np.sqrt( ((vel - Data_for_RMSE[0:TimeCounter, 0])**2).mean()) RMSE_ye[LapNumber - 2] = np.sqrt((Data_for_RMSE[0:TimeCounter, 1]**2).mean()) RMSE_thetae[LapNumber - 2] = np.sqrt( (Data_for_RMSE[0:TimeCounter, 2]**2).mean()) Data_for_RMSE = np.zeros((2000, 3)) TimeCounter = 0 first_it = 1 Q = np.diag([ Q_matrix_grid[LapNumber - 1, 0], 1.0, 1.0, Q_matrix_grid[LapNumber - 1, 1], 0.0, Q_matrix_grid[LapNumber - 1, 2] ]) R = 1 * np.diag([1.0, 0.5]) # delta, a dR = 30 * np.array([2.0, 1.5]) # Input rate cost u N = 14 Controller = PathFollowingLPV_MPC(Q, R, dR, N, vt, dt, map, "OSQP", Steering_Delay) print "Q matrix: \n", Q, "\n" if LapNumber >= NumberOfLaps: RunController = 0 # If inside the track publish input if (insideTrack == 1): startTimer = oldU = uApplied uApplied = np.array([cmd.servo, cmd.motor]) #Controller.OldInput = uApplied #print "Insert steering in the last space of the vector...", "\n" Controller.OldSteering.append( cmd.servo) # meto al final del vector Controller.OldAccelera.append(cmd.motor) #print "1o-Controller.OldSteering: ",Controller.OldSteering, "\n" #print "Remove the first element of the vector...", "\n" Controller.OldSteering.pop(0) Controller.OldAccelera.pop(0) #print "2o-Controller.OldSteering: ",Controller.OldSteering, "\n" ### Publish input ### input_commands.publish(cmd) #print "Publishing: ", cmd.servo, "\n" oneStepPredictionError = LocalState - oneStepPrediction # Subtract the local measurement to the previously predicted one step uAppliedDelay = [ Controller.OldSteering[-1 - Controller.steeringDelay], Controller.OldAccelera[-1] ] #print "uAppliedDelay: ",Controller.OldSteering[-1 - Controller.steeringDelay], "\n" oneStepPrediction, oneStepPredictionTime = Controller.oneStepPrediction( LocalState, uAppliedDelay, 1) if first_it < 10: # EA: Starting mode: xx = np.array([[ LocalState[0] + 0.05, LocalState[1], 0., 0.000001, LocalState[4], 0.0001 ], [ LocalState[0] + 0.2, LocalState[1], 0., 0.000001, LocalState[4] + 0.01, 0.0001 ], [ LocalState[0] + 0.4, LocalState[1], 0., 0.000001, LocalState[4] + 0.02, 0.0001 ], [ LocalState[0] + 0.6, LocalState[1], 0., 0.000001, LocalState[4] + 0.04, 0.0001 ], [ LocalState[0] + 0.7, LocalState[1], 0., 0.000001, LocalState[4] + 0.07, 0.0001 ], [ LocalState[0] + 0.8, LocalState[1], 0., 0.000001, LocalState[4] + 0.1, 0.0001 ], [ LocalState[0] + 0.8, LocalState[1], 0., 0.000001, LocalState[4] + 0.14, 0.0001 ], [ LocalState[0] + 1.0, LocalState[1], 0., 0.000001, LocalState[4] + 0.18, 0.0001 ], [ LocalState[0] + 1.05, LocalState[1], 0., 0.000001, LocalState[4] + 0.23, 0.0001 ], [ LocalState[0] + 1.05, LocalState[1], 0., 0.000001, LocalState[4] + 0.55, 0.0001 ], [ LocalState[0] + 1.05, LocalState[1], 0., 0.000001, LocalState[4] + 0.66, 0.0001 ], [ LocalState[0] + 1.05, LocalState[1], 0., 0.000001, LocalState[4] + 0.77, 0.0001 ], [ LocalState[0] + 1.05, LocalState[1], 0., 0.000001, LocalState[4] + 0.89, 0.0001 ], [ LocalState[0] + 1.0, LocalState[1], 0., 0.000001, LocalState[4] + 0.999, 0.0001 ]]) uu = np.array([[0., 0.], [0., 0.3], [0., 0.5], [0., 0.7], [0., 0.9], [0., 1.0], [0., 1.0], [0., 1.0], [0., 1.0], [0., 0.8], [0., 0.8], [0., 0.8], [0., 0.8], [0., 0.8]]) Controller.solve(LocalState, xx, uu) first_it = first_it + 1 #print "Resolving MPC...", "\n " #print "Steering predicted: ",Controller.uPred[:,0] , "\n " #Controller.OldPredicted = np.hstack((Controller.OldSteering, Controller.uPred[Controller.steeringDelay:Controller.N-1,0])) #Controller.OldPredicted = np.concatenate((np.matrix(Controller.OldPredicted).T, np.matrix(Controller.uPred[:,1]).T), axis=1) Controller.OldPredicted = np.hstack( (Controller.OldSteering[0:len(Controller.OldSteering) - 1], Controller.uPred[Controller.steeringDelay:Controller.N, 0])) Controller.OldPredicted = np.concatenate( (np.matrix(Controller.OldPredicted).T, np.matrix(Controller.uPred[:, 1]).T), axis=1) #print "OldPredicted: ",Controller.OldPredicted[:,0], "\n" # We store the predictions since we are going to rebuild the controller object: U_pred = Controller.uPred last_Hp = len(uu) else: # # Recomputamos el objeto controller con nuevo Hp: # PointAndTangent = map.PointAndTangent # cur, vel = Curvature(LocalState[4], PointAndTangent) # print "Curvature: ",cur, "\n" # if cur > 0.1: # Q = np.diag([100.0, 1.0, 1.0, 20.0, 0.0, 700.0]) # R = 0 * np.diag([1.0, 1.0]) # delta, a # dR = 40 * np.array([2.0, 1.5]) # Input rate cost u # N = 10 # Controller = PathFollowingLPV_MPC(Q, R, dR, N, vt, dt, map, "OSQP", Steering_Delay) # print "Hp = ", N, "\n" # if last_Hp == 4: # last_input = U_pred[3,:] # for i in range(last_Hp, N): # U_pred = np.vstack((U_pred, last_input)) # LPV_States_Prediction = Controller.LPVPrediction(LocalState, U_pred) # Controller.solve(LPV_States_Prediction[0,:], LPV_States_Prediction, U_pred) # U_pred = Controller.uPred # #print U_pred # last_Hp = N # else: # LPV_States_Prediction = Controller.LPVPrediction(LocalState, U_pred) # Controller.solve(LPV_States_Prediction[0,:], LPV_States_Prediction, U_pred) # U_pred = Controller.uPred # #print U_pred # last_Hp = N # else: # Q = np.diag([100.0, 1.0, 1.0, 20.0, 0.0, 700.0]) # R = 0 * np.diag([1.0, 1.0]) # delta, a # dR = 40 * np.array([2.0, 1.5]) # Input rate cost u # N = 4 # Controller = PathFollowingLPV_MPC(Q, R, dR, N, vt, dt, map, "OSQP", Steering_Delay) # print "Hp = ", N, "\n" # LPV_States_Prediction = Controller.LPVPrediction(LocalState, U_pred) # Controller.solve(LPV_States_Prediction[0,:], LPV_States_Prediction, U_pred) # U_pred = Controller.uPred # #print "U predicted:",U_pred, "\n" # last_Hp = N # Old version: #LPV_States_Prediction = Controller.LPVPrediction(LocalState, Controller.uPred) #Controller.solve(LPV_States_Prediction[0,:], LPV_States_Prediction, Controller.uPred) #print "Resolving MPC...", "\n " LPV_States_Prediction = Controller.LPVPrediction( LocalState, Controller.OldPredicted) Controller.solve(LPV_States_Prediction[0, :], LPV_States_Prediction, Controller.OldPredicted) ################################################################################################### ################################################################################################### cmd.servo = Controller.uPred[0 + Controller.steeringDelay, 0] cmd.motor = Controller.uPred[0, 1] #print "Steering que SE PUBLICARA teniendo en cuenta el delay: ","\n", "------>", cmd.servo, "\n \n \n \n \n" ################################################################## # GETTING DATA FOR IDENTIFICATION: # cmd.servo = 0.5*np.cos(50*TimeCounter) # if LocalState[0]>1.6: # cmd.motor = 0.0 # else: # cmd.motor = 1.0 ################################################################## #print Controller.uPred[steps_Delay,0], Controller.uPred[0,0] # if (Controller.solverTime.total_seconds() + Controller.linearizationTime.total_seconds() + oneStepPredictionTime.total_seconds() > dt): # print "NOT REAL-TIME FEASIBLE!!" # print "Solver time: ", Controller.solverTime.total_seconds(), " Linearization Time: ", Controller.linearizationTime.total_seconds() + oneStepPredictionTime.total_seconds() endTimer = deltaTimer = endTimer - startTimer #print "Tot Solver Time: ", deltaTimer.total_seconds() else: # If car out of the track cmd.servo = 0 cmd.motor = 0 input_commands.publish(cmd) print " Current Input: ", cmd.servo, cmd.motor print " X, Y State: ", GlobalState print " Current State: ", LocalState # Record Prediction OL_predictions.s = Controller.xPred[:, 4] OL_predictions.ey = Controller.xPred[:, 5] OL_predictions.epsi = Controller.xPred[:, 3] pred_treajecto.publish(OL_predictions) ClosedLoopData.addMeasurement(GlobalState, LocalState, uApplied, PlotingCounter, deltaTimer.total_seconds()) Data_for_RMSE[TimeCounter, :] = [ LocalState[0], LocalState[5], LocalState[3] ] # Increase time counter and ROS sleep() TimeCounter = TimeCounter + 1 PlotingCounter += 1 rate.sleep() # Save Data file_data = open( sys.path[0] + '/data/' + mode + '/ClosedLoopData' + "LPV_MPC" + '.obj', 'wb') pickle.dump(ClosedLoopData, file_data) pickle.dump(Controller, file_data) #pickle.dump(OpenLoopData, file_data) print " \n \n \n Root Mean Squared Vel Error Normalised: \n", np.divide( RMSE_ve[0:LapNumber - 1], np.amax(RMSE_ve[0:LapNumber - 1])), "\n" print "Root Mean Squared Lateral Error Normalised: \n", np.divide( RMSE_ye[0:LapNumber - 1], np.amax(RMSE_ye[0:LapNumber - 1])), "\n" print "Root Mean Squared Theta Error Normalised: \n", np.divide( RMSE_thetae[0:LapNumber - 1], np.amax(RMSE_thetae[0:LapNumber - 1])), "\n" print len(RMSE_thetae[0:LapNumber - 1]) for k in range(0, len(RMSE_thetae[0:LapNumber - 1]) - 1): RMSE_matrix[k] = RMSE_ve[k] + RMSE_ye[k] + RMSE_thetae[k] print "Best tunning: ", Q_matrix_grid[np.argmin(RMSE_matrix)], "\n \n \n" #plotTrajectory(map, ClosedLoopData) file_data.close()
def main(): rospy.init_node("realTimePlotting") StateView = False data = EstimationAndMesuredData() map = Map() loop_rate = 100 rate = rospy.Rate(loop_rate) if StateView == True: fig, linevx, linevy, linewz, lineepsi, lineey, line_tr, line_pred = _initializeFigure(map) else: fig, axtr, line_tr, line_pred, line_SS, line_cl, line_gps_cl, rec = _initializeFigure_xy(map) ClosedLoopTraj_gps_x = [] ClosedLoopTraj_gps_y = [] ClosedLoopTraj_x = [] ClosedLoopTraj_y = [] maxVx = 0.0 flagHalfLap = False while not rospy.is_shutdown(): estimatedStates = data.readEstimatedData() s, ey, epsi, insideMap = map.getLocalPosition(estimatedStates[4], estimatedStates[5], estimatedStates[3]) if s > map.TrackLength / 2: flagHalfLap = True if (s < map.TrackLength / 4) and (flagHalfLap == True): # New lap ClosedLoopTraj_gps_x = [] ClosedLoopTraj_gps_y = [] ClosedLoopTraj_x = [] ClosedLoopTraj_y = [] flagHalfLap = False x = estimatedStates[4] y = estimatedStates[5] ClosedLoopTraj_gps_x.append(data.MeasuredData[0]) ClosedLoopTraj_gps_y.append(data.MeasuredData[1]) ClosedLoopTraj_x.append(x) ClosedLoopTraj_y.append(y) psi = estimatedStates[3] l = 0.4; w = 0.2 car_x = [ x + l * np.cos(psi) - w * np.sin(psi), x + l*np.cos(psi) + w * np.sin(psi), x - l * np.cos(psi) + w * np.sin(psi), x - l * np.cos(psi) - w * np.sin(psi)] car_y = [ y + l * np.sin(psi) + w * np.cos(psi), y + l * np.sin(psi) - w * np.cos(psi), y - l * np.sin(psi) - w * np.cos(psi), y - l * np.sin(psi) + w * np.cos(psi)] if data.s != []: xPredicted = np.zeros((len(data.s), 1)) yPredicted = np.zeros((len(data.s), 1)) for j in range(0, len(data.s)): sPred = data.s[j] eyPred = data.ey[j] epsiPred = data.epsi[j] xPredicted[j], yPredicted[j] = map.getGlobalPosition(sPred, eyPred) # print "sPred is: ", sPred # print "eyPred is: ", eyPred line_pred.set_data(xPredicted, yPredicted) if data.SSx != []: line_SS.set_data(data.SSx, data.SSy) # line_cl.set_data(ClosedLoopTraj_x, ClosedLoopTraj_y) # line_gps_cl.set_data(ClosedLoopTraj_gps_x, ClosedLoopTraj_gps_y) if StateView == True: linevx.set_data(0.0, estimatedStates[0]) linevy.set_data(0.0, estimatedStates[1]) linewz.set_data(0.0, estimatedStates[2]) lineepsi.set_data(0.0, epsi) lineey.set_data(0.0, ey) else: line_cl.set_data(ClosedLoopTraj_x, ClosedLoopTraj_y) line_gps_cl.set_data(ClosedLoopTraj_gps_x, ClosedLoopTraj_gps_y) line_tr.set_data(estimatedStates[4], estimatedStates[5]) if StateView == False: rec.set_xy(np.array([car_x, car_y]).T) maxVx = np.maximum(maxVx, estimatedStates[0]) StringValue = "vx: "+str(estimatedStates[0])+" max vx: "+str(maxVx) if StateView == False: axtr.set_title(StringValue) if insideMap == 1: fig.canvas.draw() rate.sleep()
def main(): map = Map("oval") # FIGURE 1 plotting of estimator output data homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") pathSave = os.path.join(homedir, "barc_data/estimator_output.npz") npz_output = np.load(pathSave) x_est_his = npz_output["x_est_his"] y_est_his = npz_output["y_est_his"] vx_est_his = npz_output["vx_est_his"] vy_est_his = npz_output["vy_est_his"] ax_est_his = npz_output["ax_est_his"] ay_est_his = npz_output["ay_est_his"] psiDot_est_his = npz_output["psiDot_est_his"] yaw_est_his = npz_output["yaw_est_his"] gps_time_his = npz_output["gps_time"] imu_time_his = npz_output["imu_time"] enc_time_his = npz_output["enc_time"] inp_x_his = npz_output["inp_x_his"] inp_y_his = npz_output["inp_y_his"] inp_v_meas_his = npz_output["inp_v_meas_his"] inp_ax_his = npz_output["inp_ax_his"] inp_ay_his = npz_output["inp_ay_his"] inp_psiDot_his = npz_output["inp_psiDot_his"] inp_a_his = npz_output["inp_a_his"] inp_df_his = npz_output["inp_df_his"] pathSave = os.path.join(homedir, "barc_data/estimator_imu.npz") npz_imu = np.load(pathSave) psiDot_his = npz_imu["psiDot_his"] roll_his = npz_imu["roll_his"] pitch_his = npz_imu["pitch_his"] yaw_his = npz_imu["yaw_his"] ax_his = npz_imu["ax_his"] ay_his = npz_imu["ay_his"] imu_time = npz_imu["imu_time"] pathSave = os.path.join(homedir, "barc_data/estimator_gps.npz") npz_gps = np.load(pathSave) x_his = npz_gps["x_his"] y_his = npz_gps["y_his"] gps_time = npz_gps["gps_time"] pathSave = os.path.join(homedir, "barc_data/estimator_enc.npz") npz_enc = np.load(pathSave) v_fl_his = npz_enc["v_fl_his"] v_fr_his = npz_enc["v_fr_his"] v_rl_his = npz_enc["v_rl_his"] v_rr_his = npz_enc["v_rr_his"] enc_time = npz_enc["enc_time"] pathSave = os.path.join(homedir, "barc_data/estimator_ecu.npz") npz_ecu = np.load(pathSave) a_his = npz_ecu["a_his"] df_his = npz_ecu["df_his"] ecu_time = npz_ecu["ecu_time"] # Plot Trajectory fig = plotTrack(map) plt.axis("equal") plt.plot(x_est_his, y_est_his, color="green") plt.plot(x_his, y_his, color="blue") plt.legend() # Acc plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(range(0, len(inp_ax_his)), inp_ax_his, '-or') plt.plot(range(0, len(ax_est_his)), ax_est_his, '-sb') plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(range(0, len(inp_ay_his)), inp_ay_his, '-or') plt.plot(range(0, len(ay_est_his)), ay_est_his, '-sb') plt.subplot(313) plt.plot(range(0, len(inp_psiDot_his)), inp_psiDot_his, '-or') plt.plot(range(0, len(psiDot_est_his)), psiDot_est_his, '-sb') # Check Redundancy plt.figure(10) plt.plot(range(0, len(gps_time_his) - 1), gps_time_his[1:] - gps_time_his[:-1], '--sk') plt.ylabel('delta gps time') plt.figure(11) plt.plot(range(0, len(imu_time_his) - 1), imu_time_his[1:] - imu_time_his[:-1], '--sk') plt.ylabel('delta imu time') plt.figure(12) plt.plot(range(0, len(enc_time_his) - 1), enc_time_his[1:] - enc_time_his[:-1], '--sk') plt.ylabel('delta enc time') # Animation fig, axtr, line_est, line_gps, rec = _initializeFigure_xy(map) ClosedLoopTraj_gps_x = [] ClosedLoopTraj_gps_y = [] ClosedLoopTraj_est_x = [] ClosedLoopTraj_est_y = [] for i in range(len(x_est_his) - 1): ClosedLoopTraj_gps_x.append(inp_x_his[i]) ClosedLoopTraj_gps_y.append(inp_y_his[i]) line_gps.set_data(ClosedLoopTraj_gps_x, ClosedLoopTraj_gps_y) ClosedLoopTraj_est_x.append(x_est_his[i + 1]) ClosedLoopTraj_est_y.append(y_est_his[i + 1]) line_est.set_data(ClosedLoopTraj_est_x, ClosedLoopTraj_est_y) psi = yaw_est_his[i + 1] x = x_est_his[i + 1] y = y_est_his[i + 1] l = 0.4 w = 0.2 car_x, car_y = getCar_x_y(x, y, psi, l, w) rec.set_xy(np.array([car_x, car_y]).T) fig.canvas.draw()