Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, algorithm, window_size=1):
        Creates a Flow instance with the specified congestion control

        # TODO: check that algorithm is a CongestionAlgorithm instance
        # if not isinstance(algorithm, CongestionAlgorithm):
        #     raise TypeError, 'algorithm must be a CongestionAlgorithm instance'

        self._algorithm = algorithm

        self._num_bits = None
        self._start_time = None
        self._dest_device = None

        self._curr_seq_num = 0
        self._unack_packets = []

        self._ack_counts = {}

        self._last_timeout = -Flow._MARGIN
        self._last_duplicate = -Flow._MARGIN

        self._tracker = FlowTracker()
Exemplo n.º 2
class Flow:
    Builder for Flow instances.


    _MARGIN = 1000

    def __init__(self, algorithm, window_size=1):
        Creates a Flow instance with the specified congestion control

        # TODO: check that algorithm is a CongestionAlgorithm instance
        # if not isinstance(algorithm, CongestionAlgorithm):
        #     raise TypeError, 'algorithm must be a CongestionAlgorithm instance'

        self._algorithm = algorithm

        self._num_bits = None
        self._start_time = None
        self._dest_device = None

        self._curr_seq_num = 0
        self._unack_packets = []

        self._ack_counts = {}

        self._last_timeout = -Flow._MARGIN
        self._last_duplicate = -Flow._MARGIN

        self._tracker = FlowTracker()

    def getTracker(self):
        return the flowTracker instance
        return self._tracker

    def record_packet_rtt(self, packet, time):
        self._tracker.record_packet_rtt(packet, time)

    def min_rtt(self, delay, since=-1):
        Returns the minimum round trip time of the flow.

        min_rtt = self._tracker.min_rtt(since)

        if min_rtt == -1:
            return 3 * delay

        return min_rtt

    def rtt(self, delay, since=-1):
        Returns the average round trip time of the flow.

        mean_rtt = self._tracker.mean_rtt(since)

        if mean_rtt == -1:
            return 3 * delay

        return mean_rtt
    def timeout(self, delay, since=-1):
        Returns the timeout length of the flow.

        return (self.rtt(delay, since) + 4 * sqrt(self._tracker.variance_rtt(since)))
    def is_able(self):

        return (self.window() > self.unack())

    def has_data(self):

        num_bits = self.bits()

        return (num_bits is None or num_bits > 0)

    def next_seq(self):

        self._curr_seq_num += 1

        return self._curr_seq_num

    def throughput(self, since, until, delay):
        Returns the throughput of the link within the given time range.

        occupancy = self.occupancy(since, until, delay)

        if (until - since) == 0:
            return 0
            return (float(occupancy) / float(until - since))
    def occupancy(self, since, until, delay):
        Returns the number of packets in the link at the specified

        total_size = 0

        for (time, size) in self._tracker.get_times_sent():
            if since < (time + delay) and until > time:
                initial = max(time, since)
                final = min(time + delay, until)

                part = float(final - initial) / float(delay)

                total_size += size * part

        return total_size
    def analyze(self, event, link):
        Analyzes the specified event from the specified link.

        action = event.action()
        time = event.scheduled()
        packet = event.packet()

        reset = False

        seq_num = packet.seq()

        #record starting window size
        windowsize = self.window()
        self._tracker.record_windowsize(time, windowsize)

        if action == Event._SEND and not packet.has_datum(Packet._ACK):
            self._tracker.record_sent(time, packet.size(), link.delay())


        elif action == Event._RECEIVE and packet.has_datum(Packet._ACK):
            seq_num = packet.seq()

            if seq_num in self._unack_packets:


                num_acks = self._ack_counts.get(seq_num, 0) + 1
                self._ack_counts[seq_num] = num_acks

                if num_acks == Flow._NUM_DUPLICATES:
                    # Handles 3 duplicate acknowledgments received
                    if time > (self._last_duplicate + Flow._MARGIN):
                        print '[ATTN] [%.3f] 3 duplicate acks in %s' % (time, self._algorithm.state())


                        self._last_duplicate = time

                    self._unack_packets = []
                    self._curr_seq_num = seq_num - 1

                    reset = True

            # if it's receiving an ack packet, record the round trip time 
            # for that packet
            self.record_packet_rtt(packet, time)

        elif action == Event._TIMEOUT:
            # Checks that packet was not already acknowledged
            if seq_num in self._unack_packets:

                if time > (self._last_timeout + Flow._MARGIN):
                    print '[ATTN] [%.3f] timeout in %s' % (time, self._algorithm.state())


                    self._last_timeout = time

                self._unack_packets = []
                self._curr_seq_num = seq_num - 1

                self._ack_counts = {}

                reset = True

        num_unack = len(self._unack_packets)

        #record ending window size
        windowsize = self.window()
        self._tracker.record_windowsize(time, windowsize)

        return reset
    def prepare(self, packet):
        Prepares the specified packet for sending.
        Attaches the sequence number.

        # TODO: verify destination of packet


        num_bits = self.bits()
        if num_bits is not None:
            self.bits(num_bits - packet.size())

    def window(self, size=None):
        window()     -> returns the window size

        window(size) -> sets the window size as the specified value

        if size is None:
            return self._window_size

        # Checks whether size is an int and converts to a float
        if isinstance(size, int):
            size = float(size)

        # Checks that size is a float
        if not isinstance(size, float):
            raise TypeError, 'window size must be a float'

        # Checks that size is positive
        elif size <= 0:
            raise ValueError, 'window size must be positive'

        self._window_size = size

    def unack(self, num=None):
        unack()    -> returns the number of unacknowledged packets

        unack(num) -> sets the number of unacknowledged packets as the
                      specified value

        if num is None:
            return self._num_unack

        # Checks that num is an int
        if not isinstance(num, int):
            raise TypeError, 'number of unacknowledged packets must be an int'

        # Checks that num is nonnegative
        elif num < 0:
            raise ValueError, 'number of unacknowledged packets must be nonnegative'

        self._num_unack = num
    def bits(self, num=None):
        bits()    -> returns the number of bits

        bits(num) -> sets the number of bits

        if num is None:
            return self._num_bits

        # Checks that num is an int
        if not isinstance(num, int):
            raise TypeError, 'number of bits must be an int'

        # Checks that num is nonnegative
        elif num < 0:
            raise ValueError, 'number of bits must be nonnegative'

        self._num_bits = num

    def start(self, time=None):
        start()     -> returns the start time

        start(time) -> sets the start time as the specified value

        if time is None:
            return self._start_time

        # Checks whether time is an int and converts to a float
        if isinstance(time, int):
            time = float(time)

        # Checks that time is a float
        if not isinstance(time, float):
            raise TypeError, 'scheduled time must be a float'

        self._start_time = time

    def dest(self, device=None):
        dest()       -> returns the destination device

        dest(device) -> sets the destination device as the specified

        if device is None:
            return self._dest_device

        # Checks that device is a Device instance
        if not isinstance(device, Device):
            raise TypeError, 'device must be a Device instance'

        self._dest_device = device