def test_overlap(self, example_osna):
        """Test if overlap of home and work location the 2nd location is taken as work location."""
        # add 2 work times to location 0,
        # location 0 would be the most stayed location for both home and work
        t = pd.Timestamp("2021-05-19 12:00:00", tz="utc")
        h = pd.to_timedelta("1h")
        p = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        list_dict = [
                "user_id": 0,
                "location_id": 0,
                "started_at": t,
                "finished_at": t + h,
                "geom": p
                "user_id": 0,
                "location_id": 0,
                "started_at": t,
                "finished_at": t + h,
                "geom": p
        sp = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data=list_dict, geometry="geom", crs="EPSG:4326") = "id"
        sp = example_osna.append(sp)

        result = osna_method(sp).iloc[:-2]
        example_osna.loc[example_osna["location_id"] == 0,
                         "activity_label"] = "home"
        example_osna.loc[example_osna["location_id"] == 1,
                         "activity_label"] = "work"
        assert_geodataframe_equal(result, example_osna)
 def test_two_users(self, example_osna):
     """Test if two users are handled correctly."""
     two_user = example_osna.append(example_osna)
     two_user.iloc[len(example_osna):, 0] = 1  # second user gets id 1
     result = osna_method(two_user)
     two_user.loc[two_user["location_id"] == 0, "activity_label"] = "home"
     two_user.loc[two_user["location_id"] == 1, "activity_label"] = "work"
     assert_geodataframe_equal(result, two_user)
 def test_default(self, example_osna):
     """Test with no changes to test data."""
     osna = osna_method(example_osna)
     example_osna.loc[example_osna["location_id"] == 0,
                      "activity_label"] = "home"
     example_osna.loc[example_osna["location_id"] == 1,
                      "activity_label"] = "work"
     assert_geodataframe_equal(example_osna, osna)
 def test_prior_activity_label(self, example_osna):
     """Test that prior activity_label column does not corrupt output."""
     example_osna["activity_label"] = np.arange(len(example_osna))
     result = osna_method(example_osna)
     del example_osna["activity_label"]
     example_osna.loc[example_osna["location_id"] == 0,
                      "activity_label"] = "home"
     example_osna.loc[example_osna["location_id"] == 1,
                      "activity_label"] = "work"
     assert_geodataframe_equal(example_osna, result)
 def test_only_one_leisure_location(self):
     """Test if only one leisure location of a user can be handled."""
     t_leis = pd.Timestamp("2021-07-14 01:00:00", tz="utc")
     h = pd.Timedelta("1h")
     p = Point(0.0, 0.0)  # not used
     list_dict = [{
         "user_id": 0,
         "location_id": 0,
         "started_at": t_leis,
         "finished_at": t_leis + h,
         "g": p
     sp = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data=list_dict, geometry="g") = "id"
     result = osna_method(sp)
     sp["activity_label"] = "home"
     assert_geodataframe_equal(result, sp)
    def test_leisure_weighting(self):
        """Test if leisure has the weight given in the paper."""
        weight_rest = 0.739
        weight_leis = 0.358
        ratio = weight_rest / weight_leis
        ratio += 0.01  # tip the scale in favour of leisure
        weekday = "2021-05-19 "
        t_rest = pd.Timestamp(weekday + "07:00:00", tz="utc")
        t_work = pd.Timestamp(weekday + "18:00:00", tz="utc")
        t_leis = pd.Timestamp(weekday + "01:00:00", tz="utc")
        h = pd.Timedelta("1h")

        list_dict = [
                "user_id": 0,
                "location_id": 0,
                "started_at": t_rest,
                "finished_at": t_rest + h
                "user_id": 0,
                "location_id": 1,
                "started_at": t_leis,
                "finished_at": t_leis + ratio * h
                "user_id": 0,
                "location_id": 2,
                "started_at": t_work,
                "finished_at": t_work + h
        p = Point(8.0, 47.0)  # geometry isn't used
        for d in list_dict:
            d["geom"] = p
        sp = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data=list_dict, geometry="geom", crs="EPSG:4326") = "id"
        result = osna_method(sp)
        sp.loc[sp["location_id"] == 1, "activity_label"] = "home"
        sp.loc[sp["location_id"] == 2, "activity_label"] = "work"
        assert_geodataframe_equal(sp, result)
    def test_only_weekends(self, example_osna):
        """Test if an "empty df" warning rises if only weekends are included."""
        weekend = "2021-05-22"  # a saturday

        def _insert_weekend(dt, day=weekend):
            """Take datetime and return new datetime with same time but new day."""
            time = dt.time().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
            new_dt = " ".join((day, time))
            return pd.Timestamp(new_dt,

        # replace all days with weekends --> no label in data.
        example_osna["started_at"] = example_osna["started_at"].apply(
        example_osna["finished_at"] = example_osna["finished_at"].apply(

        # check if warning is raised if all points are excluded (weekend)
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
            result = osna_method(example_osna)

        # activity_label column is all pd.NA
        example_osna["activity_label"] = pd.NA
        assert_geodataframe_equal(result, example_osna)
 def test_multiple_users_with_only_one_location(self):
     """Test that function can handle multiple users with only one location."""
     t_leis = pd.Timestamp("2021-07-14 01:00:00", tz="utc")
     t_work = pd.Timestamp("2021-07-14 18:00:00", tz="utc")
     h = pd.Timedelta("1h")
     list_dict = [
             "user_id": 0,
             "location_id": 0,
             "started_at": t_leis,
             "finished_at": t_leis + h
             "user_id": 0,
             "location_id": 1,
             "started_at": t_work,
             "finished_at": t_work + h
             "user_id": 1,
             "location_id": 0,
             "started_at": t_leis,
             "finished_at": t_leis + h
             "user_id": 2,
             "location_id": 0,
             "started_at": t_work,
             "finished_at": t_work + h
     sp = pd.DataFrame(list_dict) = "id"
     result = osna_method(sp)
     sp["activity_label"] = ["home", "work", "home", "work"]
     assert_frame_equal(sp, result)
 def test_osna_method(self, example_osna):
     """Test if function calls osna method correctly."""
     li = location_identifier(example_osna, method="OSNA", pre_filter=False)
     osna = osna_method(example_osna)
     assert_geodataframe_equal(li, osna)