Exemplo n.º 1
 def walk_tagged_names(self, names, tags, predicate):
     db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
     cursor = db.cursor()
     tags = set(tags)
     names = set(names)
     args = []
     sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT id, %s, %s AS allfields FROM ticket) s" % (
         ','.join(self.fields), '||'.join(
             ["COALESCE(%s, '')" % f for f in self.fields]))
     constraints = []
     if names:
         constraints.append("id IN (" + ', '.join(['%s'
                                                   for n in names]) + ")")
         args += [unicode(n) for n in names]
     if tags:
         constraints.append("(" +
                            ' OR '.join(["allfields LIKE %s"
                                         for t in tags]) + ")")
         args += ['%' + t + '%' for t in tags]
     if constraints:
         sql += " WHERE " + " AND ".join(constraints)
     sql += " ORDER BY id"
     cursor.execute(sql, args)
     for row in cursor:
         id, ttags = row[0], ' '.join([f for f in row[1:-1] if f])
         ticket_tags = set(self._keyword_split.findall(ttags))
         if not tags or ticket_tags.intersection(tags):
             if predicate(id, ticket_tags):
                 yield (id, ticket_tags)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def walk_tagged_names(self, names, tags, predicate):
     db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
     cursor = db.cursor()
     tags = set(tags)
     names = set(names)
     args = []
     sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT id, %s, %s AS allfields FROM ticket) s" % (','.join(self.fields),
         '||'.join(["COALESCE(%s, '')" % f for f in self.fields]))
     constraints = []
     if names:
         constraints.append("id IN (" + ', '.join(['%s' for n in names]) + ")")
         args += [unicode(n) for n in names]
     if tags:
         constraints.append("(" + ' OR '.join(["allfields LIKE %s" for t in tags]) + ")")
         args += ['%' + t + '%' for t in tags]
     if constraints:
         sql += " WHERE " + " AND ".join(constraints)
     sql += " ORDER BY id"
     cursor.execute(sql, args)
     for row in cursor:
         id, ttags = row[0], ' '.join([f for f in row[1:-1] if f])
         ticket_tags = set(self._keyword_split.findall(ttags))
         if not tags or ticket_tags.intersection(tags):
             if predicate(id, ticket_tags):
                 yield (id, ticket_tags)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_name_tags(self, name):
     db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
     cursor = db.cursor()
         "SELECT keywords FROM ticket WHERE id=%s AND keywords IS NOT NULL AND keywords != ''",
         (name, ))
     for row in cursor:
         return set(self._keyword_split.findall(row[0]))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def walk_tagged_names(self, names, tags, predicate):
     db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
     cursor = db.cursor()
     tags = set(tags)
     names = set(names)
     args = []
     sql = "SELECT id, keywords FROM ticket WHERE keywords IS NOT NULL AND keywords != ''"
     if names:
         sql += " AND id IN (" + ', '.join(['%s' for n in names]) + ")"
         args += [unicode(n) for n in names]
     if tags:
         sql += " AND (" + ' OR '.join(["keywords LIKE %s" for t in tags]) + ")"
         args += ['%' + t + '%' for t in tags]
     sql += " ORDER BY id"
     cursor.execute(sql, args)
     for id, ttags in cursor:
         ticket_tags = set(self._keyword_split.findall(ttags))
         if not tags or ticket_tags.intersection(tags):
             if predicate(id, ticket_tags):
                 yield (id, ticket_tags)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def walk_tagged_names(self, names, tags, predicate):
     db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
     cursor = db.cursor()
     tags = set(tags)
     names = set(names)
     args = []
     sql = "SELECT id, keywords FROM ticket WHERE keywords IS NOT NULL AND keywords != ''"
     if names:
         sql += " AND id IN (" + ', '.join(['%s' for n in names]) + ")"
         args += [unicode(n) for n in names]
     if tags:
         sql += " AND (" + ' OR '.join(["keywords LIKE %s"
                                        for t in tags]) + ")"
         args += ['%' + t + '%' for t in tags]
     sql += " ORDER BY id"
     cursor.execute(sql, args)
     for id, ttags in cursor:
         ticket_tags = set(self._keyword_split.findall(ttags))
         if not tags or ticket_tags.intersection(tags):
             if predicate(id, ticket_tags):
                 yield (id, ticket_tags)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def render_tagcloud(self,
        """ This macro displays a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_cloud tag cloud] (weighted list)
            of all tags.

            ||`tagspace=<tagspace>`||Specify the tagspace the macro should operate on.||
            ||`tagspaces=(<tagspace>,...)`||Specify a set of tagspaces the macro should operate on.||
            ||`smallest=<n>`||The lower bound of the font size for the tag cloud.||
            ||`biggest=<n>`||The upper bound of the font size for the tag cloud.||
            ||`showcount=true|false`||Show the count of objects for each tag?||
            ||`mincount=<n>`||Hide tags with a count less than `<n>`.||

        smallest = int(smallest)
        biggest = int(biggest)
        mincount = int(mincount)

        engine = TagEngine(self.env)
        # Get wiki tagspace
        if tagspace:
            tagspaces = [tagspace]
            tagspaces = tagspaces or engine.tagspaces
        cloud = {}

        for tag, names in engine.get_tags(tagspaces=tagspaces,
            count = len(names)
            if count >= mincount:
                cloud[tag] = len(names)

        tags = cloud.keys()

        # No tags?
        if not tags: return ''

        # by_count maps tag counts to an index in the set of counts
        by_count = list(set(cloud.values()))
        by_count = dict([(c, float(i)) for i, c in enumerate(by_count)])

        taginfo = self._tag_details({}, tags)
        rlen = float(biggest - smallest)
        tlen = float(len(by_count))
        scale = 1.0
        if tlen:
            scale = rlen / tlen
        out = StringIO()
        out.write('<ul class="tagcloud">\n')
        last = tags[-1]
        for tag in tags:
            if tag == last:
                cls = ' class="last"'
                cls = ''
            if showcount != 'false':
                count = ' <span class="tagcount">(%i)</span>' % cloud[tag]
                count = ''
                '<li%s><a rel="tag" title="%s" style="font-size: %ipx" href="%s">%s</a>%s</li>\n'
                % (cls, taginfo[tag][1] + ' (%i)' % cloud[tag],
                   smallest + int(by_count[cloud[tag]] * scale),
                   taginfo[tag][0], tag, count))
        return out.getvalue()
Exemplo n.º 7
    def render_listtagged(self, req, *tags, **kwargs):
        """ List tagged objects. Optionally accepts a list of tags to match
            against.  The special tag '''. (dot)''' inserts the current Wiki page name.

            `[[ListTagged(<tag>, ...)]]`

            ||`tagspace=<tagspace>`||Specify the tagspace the macro should operate on.||
            ||`tagspaces=(<tagspace>,...)`||Specify a set of tagspaces the macro should operate on.||
            ||`operation=intersection|union`||The set operation to perform on the discovered objects.||
            ||`showheadings=true|false`||List objects under the tagspace they occur in.||
            ||`expression=<expr>`||Match object tags against the given expression.||

            The supported expression operators are: unary - (not); binary +, -
            and | (and, and not, or). All values in the expression are treated
            as tags. Any tag not in the same form as a Python variable must be
            eg. Match all objects tagged with ticket and workflow, and not
            tagged with wiki or closed.

            If an expression is provided operation is ignored.

        if 'tagspace' in kwargs:
            tagspaces = [kwargs.get('tagspace', None)]
            tagspaces = kwargs.get('tagspaces', '') or \
        expression = kwargs.get('expression', None)
        showheadings = kwargs.get('showheadings', 'false')
        operation = kwargs.get('operation', 'intersection')
        if operation not in ('union', 'intersection'):
            raise TracError("Invalid tag set operation '%s'" % operation)

        engine = TagEngine(self.env)
        page_name = self._current_page(req)
        if page_name:
            tags = [tag == '.' and page_name or tag for tag in tags]

        tags = set(tags)
        taginfo = {}
        out = StringIO()
        out.write('<ul class="listtagged">\n')
        # If expression was passed as an argument, do a full walk, using the
        # expression as the predicate. Silently assumes that failed expressions
        # are normal tags.
        if expression:
            from tractags.expr import Expression
                expr = Expression(expression)
            except Exception, e:
                self.env.log.error("Invalid expression '%s'" % expression,
                    x.strip() for x in re.split('[+,]', expression)
                    if x.strip()
                expression = None
                tagged_names = {}
                for tagspace, name, name_tags in engine.walk_tagged_names(
                        predicate=lambda ts, n, t: expr(t)):
                    tagged_names.setdefault(tagspace, {})[name] = name_tags
                tagged_names = [
                    (tagspace, names)
                    for tagspace, names in tagged_names.iteritems()
Exemplo n.º 8
 def get_name_tags(self, name):
     db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
     cursor = db.cursor()
     cursor.execute("SELECT keywords FROM ticket WHERE id=%s AND keywords IS NOT NULL AND keywords != ''", (name,))
     for row in cursor:
         return set(self._keyword_split.findall(row[0]))
Exemplo n.º 9
 def _ticket_tags(self, ticket):
     return set(self._keyword_split.findall(' '.join([ticket[f] for f in self.fields])))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def render_tagcloud(self, req, smallest=10, biggest=20, showcount=True, tagspace=None, mincount=1, tagspaces=[]):
        """ This macro displays a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_cloud tag cloud] (weighted list)
            of all tags.

            ||`tagspace=<tagspace>`||Specify the tagspace the macro should operate on.||
            ||`tagspaces=(<tagspace>,...)`||Specify a set of tagspaces the macro should operate on.||
            ||`smallest=<n>`||The lower bound of the font size for the tag cloud.||
            ||`biggest=<n>`||The upper bound of the font size for the tag cloud.||
            ||`showcount=true|false`||Show the count of objects for each tag?||
            ||`mincount=<n>`||Hide tags with a count less than `<n>`.||

        smallest = int(smallest)
        biggest = int(biggest)
        mincount = int(mincount)

        engine = TagEngine(self.env)
        # Get wiki tagspace
        if tagspace:
            tagspaces = [tagspace]
            tagspaces = tagspaces or engine.tagspaces
        cloud = {}

        for tag, names in engine.get_tags(tagspaces=tagspaces, detailed=True).iteritems():
            count = len(names)
            if count >= mincount:
                cloud[tag] = len(names)

        tags = cloud.keys()

        # No tags?
        if not tags: return ''

        # by_count maps tag counts to an index in the set of counts
        by_count = list(set(cloud.values()))
        by_count = dict([(c, float(i)) for i, c in enumerate(by_count)])

        taginfo = self._tag_details({}, tags)
        rlen = float(biggest - smallest)
        tlen = float(len(by_count))
        scale = 1.0
        if tlen:
            scale = rlen / tlen
        out = StringIO()
        out.write('<ul class="tagcloud">\n')
        last = tags[-1]
        for tag in tags:
            if tag == last:
                cls = ' class="last"'
                cls = ''
            if showcount != 'false':
                count = ' <span class="tagcount">(%i)</span>' % cloud[tag]
                count = ''
            out.write('<li%s><a rel="tag" title="%s" style="font-size: %ipx" href="%s">%s</a>%s</li>\n' % (
                       taginfo[tag][1] + ' (%i)' % cloud[tag],
                       smallest + int(by_count[cloud[tag]] * scale),
        return out.getvalue()
Exemplo n.º 11
    def render_listtagged(self, req, *tags, **kwargs):
        """ List tagged objects. Optionally accepts a list of tags to match
            against.  The special tag '''. (dot)''' inserts the current Wiki page name.

            `[[ListTagged(<tag>, ...)]]`

            ||`tagspace=<tagspace>`||Specify the tagspace the macro should operate on.||
            ||`tagspaces=(<tagspace>,...)`||Specify a set of tagspaces the macro should operate on.||
            ||`operation=intersection|union`||The set operation to perform on the discovered objects.||
            ||`showheadings=true|false`||List objects under the tagspace they occur in.||
            ||`expression=<expr>`||Match object tags against the given expression.||

            The supported expression operators are: unary - (not); binary +, -
            and | (and, and not, or). All values in the expression are treated
            as tags. Any tag not in the same form as a Python variable must be
            eg. Match all objects tagged with ticket and workflow, and not
            tagged with wiki or closed.

            If an expression is provided operation is ignored.

        if 'tagspace' in kwargs:
            tagspaces = [kwargs.get('tagspace', None)]
            tagspaces = kwargs.get('tagspaces', '') or \
        expression = kwargs.get('expression', None)
        showheadings = kwargs.get('showheadings', 'false')
        operation = kwargs.get('operation', 'intersection')
        if operation not in ('union', 'intersection'):
            raise TracError("Invalid tag set operation '%s'" % operation)

        engine = TagEngine(self.env)
        page_name = req.hdf.get('wiki.page_name')
        if page_name:
            tags = [tag == '.' and page_name or tag for tag in tags]

        tags = set(tags)
        taginfo = {}
        out = StringIO()
        out.write('<ul class="listtagged">\n')
        # If expression was passed as an argument, do a full walk, using the
        # expression as the predicate. Silently assumes that failed expressions
        # are normal tags.
        if expression:
            from tractags.expr import Expression
                expr = Expression(expression)
            except Exception, e:
                self.env.log.error("Invalid expression '%s'" % expression, exc_info=True)
                tags.update([x.strip() for x in re.split('[+,]', expression) if x.strip()])
                expression = None
                tagged_names = {}
                for tagspace, name, name_tags in engine.walk_tagged_names(tags=tags,
                        tagspaces=tagspaces, predicate=lambda ts, n, t: expr(t)):
                    tagged_names.setdefault(tagspace, {})[name] = name_tags
                tagged_names = [(tagspace, names) for tagspace, names in tagged_names.iteritems()]
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _ticket_tags(self, ticket):
     return set(self._keyword_split.findall(ticket['keywords']))
Exemplo n.º 13
 def _ticket_tags(self, ticket):
     return set(
         self._keyword_split.findall(' '.join(
             [ticket[f] for f in self.fields])))
Exemplo n.º 14
 def _ticket_tags(self, ticket):
     return set(self._keyword_split.findall(ticket['keywords']))