Exemplo n.º 1
class ListTaggedMacroTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.env = EnvironmentStub(
                enable=['trac.*', 'tractags.*'])
        self.env.path = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        self.db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        setup = TagSetup(self.env)
        self.tag_twm = TagWikiMacros(self.env)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_empty_content(self):
        req = Mock(path_info='/wiki/ListTaggedPage',
                   perm=PermissionCache(self.env, 'user'),
        context = Mock(env=self.env, href=Href('/'), req=req)
        formatter = Mock(context=context, req=req)
        self.assertTrue('No resources found' in
                                                      'ListTagged', '')))
Exemplo n.º 2
class ListTaggedMacroTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.env = EnvironmentStub(
                enable=['trac.*', 'tractags.*'])
        self.env.path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.req = Mock(path_info='/wiki/ListTaggedPage',
                        args={}, authname='user', perm=MockPerm(),
                        chrome={}, session={}, locale='', tz='')

        self.db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        cursor = self.db.cursor()
        cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tags")
        cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tags_change")
        cursor.execute("DELETE FROM system WHERE name='tags_version'")
        cursor.execute("DELETE FROM permission WHERE action %s"
                       % self.db.like(), ('TAGS_%',))

        setup = TagSetup(self.env)
        self.tag_twm = TagWikiMacros(self.env)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_empty_content(self):
        context = Mock(env=self.env, href=Href('/'), req=self.req)
        formatter = Mock(context=context, req=self.req)
        self.assertTrue('No resources found' in
                                                      'ListTagged', '')))
Exemplo n.º 3
class ListTaggedMacroTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.env = EnvironmentStub(enable=['trac.*', 'tractags.*'])
        self.env.path = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        self.db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        setup = TagSetup(self.env)
        self.tag_twm = TagWikiMacros(self.env)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_empty_content(self):
        req = Mock(path_info='/wiki/ListTaggedPage',
                   perm=PermissionCache(self.env, 'user'),
        context = Mock(env=self.env, href=Href('/'), req=req)
        formatter = Mock(context=context, req=req)
        self.assertTrue('No resources found' in str(
            self.tag_twm.expand_macro(formatter, 'ListTagged', '')))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def process_request(self, req):

        match = re.match(r'/tags/?(.*)', req.path_info)
        tag_id = match.group(1) and match.group(1) or None
        query = req.args.get('q', '')

        # Consider only providers, that are permitted for display.
        tag_system = TagSystem(self.env)
        all_realms = tag_system.get_taggable_realms(req.perm)
        if not (tag_id or query) or [r for r in all_realms if r in req.args
                                     ] == []:
            for realm in all_realms:
                if not realm in self.exclude_realms:
                    req.args[realm] = 'on'
        checked_realms = [r for r in all_realms if r in req.args]
        if query:
            # Add permitted realms from query expression.
            checked_realms.extend(query_realms(query, all_realms))
        realm_args = dict(
            zip([r for r in checked_realms], ['on' for r in checked_realms]))
        # Switch between single tag and tag query expression mode.
        if tag_id and not re.match(r"""(['"]?)(\S+)\1$""", tag_id, re.UNICODE):
            # Convert complex, invalid tag ID's --> query expression.
            req.redirect(req.href.tags(realm_args, q=tag_id))
        elif query:
            single_page = re.match(r"""(['"]?)(\S+)\1$""", query, re.UNICODE)
            if single_page:
                # Convert simple query --> single tag.
                req.redirect(req.href.tags(single_page.group(2), realm_args))

        data = dict(page_title=_("Tags"), checked_realms=checked_realms)
        # Populate the TagsQuery form field.
        data['tag_query'] = tag_id and tag_id or query
        data['tag_realms'] = list(
            dict(name=realm, checked=realm in checked_realms)
            for realm in all_realms)
        if tag_id:
            data['tag_page'] = WikiPage(self.env,
                                        tag_system.wiki_page_prefix + tag_id)
        if query or tag_id:
            macro = 'ListTagged'
            # TRANSLATOR: The meta-nav link label.
            add_ctxtnav(req, _("Back to Cloud"), req.href.tags())
            args = "%s,format=%s,cols=%s" % \
                   (tag_id and tag_id or query, self.default_format,
            data['mincount'] = None
            macro = 'TagCloud'
            mincount = as_int(req.args.get('mincount', None),
            args = mincount and "mincount=%s" % mincount or None
            data['mincount'] = mincount
        formatter = Formatter(self.env,
                              Context.from_request(req, Resource('tag')))
        self.env.log.debug("%s macro arguments: %s" %
                           (macro, args and args or '(none)'))
        macros = TagWikiMacros(self.env)
            # Query string without realm throws 'NotImplementedError'.
            data['tag_body'] = checked_realms and \
                               macros.expand_macro(formatter, macro, args,
                                                   realms=checked_realms) \
                               or ''
        except InvalidQuery, e:
            data['tag_query_error'] = to_unicode(e)
            data['tag_body'] = macros.expand_macro(formatter, 'TagCloud', '')
Exemplo n.º 5
class ListTaggedMacroTestCase(_BaseTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.req = Mock(path_info='/wiki/ListTaggedPage',
                        args={}, authname='user', perm=MockPerm(),
                        chrome={}, session={}, locale='', tz='')

        self.tag_twm = TagWikiMacros(self.env)

    def test_empty_content(self):
        context = Mock(env=self.env, href=Href('/'), req=self.req)
        formatter = Mock(context=context, req=self.req)
        self.assertTrue('No resources found' in
                                                      'ListTagged', '')))

    def test_listtagged_exclude(self):
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'InterTrac', ('blah',))
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'InterWiki', ('blah',))
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'WikiStart', ('blah',))
        context = Mock(env=self.env, href=Href('/'), req=self.req)
        formatter = Mock(context=context, req=self.req)
        result = unicode(self.tag_twm.expand_macro(formatter, 'ListTagged',
        self.assertFalse('InterTrac' in result)
        self.assertFalse('InterWiki' in result)
        self.assertTrue('WikiStart' in result)

        result = unicode(self.tag_twm.expand_macro(formatter, 'ListTagged',
        self.assertTrue('InterTrac' in result)
        self.assertFalse('InterWiki' in result)
        self.assertFalse('WikiStart' in result)

    def _test_listtagged_paginate(self, page, per_page=2):
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'InterTrac', ('blah',))
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'InterWiki', ('blah',))
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'WikiStart', ('blah',))
        self.req.args['listtagged_per_page'] = per_page
        self.req.args['listtagged_page'] = page
        context = Mock(env=self.env, href=Href('/'), req=self.req)
        formatter = Mock(context=context, req=self.req)
        result = \
            unicode(self.tag_twm.expand_macro(formatter, 'ListTagged', 'blah'))
        return result

    def test_listtagged_paginate_page1(self):
        """Paginate results for page 1 has two items."""
        result = self._test_listtagged_paginate(1)
        self.assertTrue('InterTrac' in result)
        self.assertTrue('InterWiki' in result)
        self.assertFalse('WikiStart' in result)

    def test_listtagged_paginate_page2(self):
        """Paginate results for page 2 has one item."""
        result = self._test_listtagged_paginate(2)
        self.assertFalse('InterTrac' in result)
        self.assertFalse('InterWiki' in result)
        self.assertTrue('WikiStart' in result)

    def test_listtagged_paginate_page_out_of_range(self):
        """Out of range page defaults to 1."""
        result = self._test_listtagged_paginate(3)
        self.assertTrue('InterTrac' in result)
        self.assertTrue('InterWiki' in result)
        self.assertFalse('WikiStart' in result)

    def test_listtagged_paginate_page_invalid(self):
        """Invalid page default to 1."""
        result = self._test_listtagged_paginate(-1)
        self.assertTrue('InterTrac' in result)
        self.assertTrue('InterWiki' in result)
        self.assertFalse('WikiStart' in result)

    def test_listtagged_paginate_per_page_invalid(self):
        """Invalid per_page defaults to items_per_page (100)."""
        result = self._test_listtagged_paginate(2, -1)
        self.assertTrue('InterTrac' in result)
        self.assertTrue('InterWiki' in result)
        self.assertTrue('WikiStart' in result)
Exemplo n.º 6
class TagCloudMacroTestCase(_BaseTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.req = Mock(path_info='/wiki/TagCloudPage',
                        args={}, authname='user', perm=MockPerm(),
                        chrome={}, session={}, locale='', tz='')
        self.context = Mock(env=self.env, href=self.req.href, req=self.req)
        self.formatter = Mock(context=self.context, req=self.req)

        self.tag_twm = TagWikiMacros(self.env)

    # Helpers

    def _expand_macro(self, content):
        return self.tag_twm.expand_macro(self.formatter, 'TagCloud', content)

    # Tests

    def test_normal(self):
        self._insert_tags('wiki',   'CamelCase',     ('blah', 'foo', 'bar'))
        self._insert_tags('wiki',   'InterMapTxt',   ('blah', 'foo', 'bar'))
        self._insert_tags('wiki',   'InterTrac',     ('blah',))
        self._insert_tags('wiki',   'InterWiki',     ('blah',))
        self._insert_tags('wiki',   'PageTemplates', ('blah',))
        self._insert_tags('wiki',   'RecentChanges', ('blah', 'foo'))
        self._insert_tags('wiki',   'SandBox',       ('blah', 'foo'))
        self._insert_tags('ticket', '1',             ('blah',))
        self._insert_tags('ticket', '2',             ('blah', 'bar'))
        self._insert_tags('ticket', '3',             ('blah', 'bar'))
        self._insert_tags('ticket', '4',             ('blah', 'bar'))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro(''))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('mincount=5'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('mincount=6'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('realm=ticket|wiki'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('realm=ticket'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('realm=ticket,mincount=4'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('realm=unknown'))
        self.assertEquals('No tags found', result)

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('mincount=100'))
        self.assertEquals('No tags found', result)
Exemplo n.º 7
class ListTaggedMacroTestCase(_BaseTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.req = Mock(path_info='/wiki/ListTaggedPage',

        self.tag_twm = TagWikiMacros(self.env)

    def test_empty_content(self):
        context = Mock(env=self.env, href=Href('/'), req=self.req)
        formatter = Mock(context=context, req=self.req)
        self.assertTrue('No resources found' in str(
            self.tag_twm.expand_macro(formatter, 'ListTagged', '')))

    def test_listtagged_exclude(self):
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'InterTrac', ('blah', ))
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'InterWiki', ('blah', ))
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'WikiStart', ('blah', ))
        context = Mock(env=self.env, href=Href('/'), req=self.req)
        formatter = Mock(context=context, req=self.req)
        result = unicode(
            self.tag_twm.expand_macro(formatter, 'ListTagged',
        self.assertFalse('InterTrac' in result)
        self.assertFalse('InterWiki' in result)
        self.assertTrue('WikiStart' in result)

        result = unicode(
            self.tag_twm.expand_macro(formatter, 'ListTagged',
        self.assertTrue('InterTrac' in result)
        self.assertFalse('InterWiki' in result)
        self.assertFalse('WikiStart' in result)

    def _test_listtagged_paginate(self, page, per_page=2):
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'InterTrac', ('blah', ))
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'InterWiki', ('blah', ))
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'WikiStart', ('blah', ))
        self.req.args['listtagged_per_page'] = per_page
        self.req.args['listtagged_page'] = page
        context = Mock(env=self.env, href=Href('/'), req=self.req)
        formatter = Mock(context=context, req=self.req)
        result = \
            unicode(self.tag_twm.expand_macro(formatter, 'ListTagged', 'blah'))
        return result

    def test_listtagged_paginate_page1(self):
        """Paginate results for page 1 has two items."""
        result = self._test_listtagged_paginate(1)
        self.assertTrue('InterTrac' in result)
        self.assertTrue('InterWiki' in result)
        self.assertFalse('WikiStart' in result)

    def test_listtagged_paginate_page2(self):
        """Paginate results for page 2 has one item."""
        result = self._test_listtagged_paginate(2)
        self.assertFalse('InterTrac' in result)
        self.assertFalse('InterWiki' in result)
        self.assertTrue('WikiStart' in result)

    def test_listtagged_paginate_page_out_of_range(self):
        """Out of range page defaults to 1."""
        result = self._test_listtagged_paginate(3)
        self.assertTrue('InterTrac' in result)
        self.assertTrue('InterWiki' in result)
        self.assertFalse('WikiStart' in result)

    def test_listtagged_paginate_page_invalid(self):
        """Invalid page default to 1."""
        result = self._test_listtagged_paginate(-1)
        self.assertTrue('InterTrac' in result)
        self.assertTrue('InterWiki' in result)
        self.assertFalse('WikiStart' in result)

    def test_listtagged_paginate_per_page_invalid(self):
        """Invalid per_page defaults to items_per_page (100)."""
        result = self._test_listtagged_paginate(2, -1)
        self.assertTrue('InterTrac' in result)
        self.assertTrue('InterWiki' in result)
        self.assertTrue('WikiStart' in result)
Exemplo n.º 8
class TagCloudMacroTestCase(_BaseTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.req = Mock(path_info='/wiki/TagCloudPage',
        self.context = Mock(env=self.env, href=self.req.href, req=self.req)
        self.formatter = Mock(context=self.context, req=self.req)

        self.tag_twm = TagWikiMacros(self.env)

    # Helpers

    def _expand_macro(self, content):
        return self.tag_twm.expand_macro(self.formatter, 'TagCloud', content)

    # Tests

    def test_normal(self):
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'CamelCase', ('blah', 'foo', 'bar'))
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'InterMapTxt', ('blah', 'foo', 'bar'))
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'InterTrac', ('blah', ))
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'InterWiki', ('blah', ))
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'PageTemplates', ('blah', ))
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'RecentChanges', ('blah', 'foo'))
        self._insert_tags('wiki', 'SandBox', ('blah', 'foo'))
        self._insert_tags('ticket', '1', ('blah', ))
        self._insert_tags('ticket', '2', ('blah', 'bar'))
        self._insert_tags('ticket', '3', ('blah', 'bar'))
        self._insert_tags('ticket', '4', ('blah', 'bar'))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro(''))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('mincount=5'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('mincount=6'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('realm=ticket|wiki'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('realm=ticket'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('realm=ticket,mincount=4'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('realm=unknown'))
        self.assertEquals('No tags found', result)

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('mincount=100'))
        self.assertEquals('No tags found', result)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def process_request(self, req):

        match = re.match(r'/tags/?(.*)', req.path_info)
        tag_id = match.group(1) and match.group(1) or None
        query = req.args.get('q', '')

        # Consider only providers, that are permitted for display.
        tag_system = TagSystem(self.env)
        all_realms = tag_system.get_taggable_realms(req.perm)
        if not (tag_id or query) or [r for r in all_realms
                                     if r in req.args] == []:
            for realm in all_realms:
                if not realm in self.exclude_realms:
                    req.args[realm] = 'on'
        checked_realms = [r for r in all_realms if r in req.args]
        if query:
            # Add permitted realms from query expression.
            checked_realms.extend(query_realms(query, all_realms))
        realm_args = dict(zip([r for r in checked_realms],
                              ['on' for r in checked_realms]))
        # Switch between single tag and tag query expression mode.
        if tag_id and not re.match(r"""(['"]?)(\S+)\1$""", tag_id, re.UNICODE):
            # Convert complex, invalid tag ID's --> query expression.
            req.redirect(req.href.tags(realm_args, q=tag_id))
        elif query:
            single_page = re.match(r"""(['"]?)(\S+)\1$""", query, re.UNICODE)
            if single_page:
                # Convert simple query --> single tag.
                req.redirect(req.href.tags(single_page.group(2), realm_args))

        data = dict(page_title=_("Tags"), checked_realms=checked_realms)
        # Populate the TagsQuery form field.
        data['tag_query'] = tag_id and tag_id or query
        data['tag_realms'] = list(dict(name=realm,
                                       checked=realm in checked_realms)
                                  for realm in all_realms)
        if tag_id:
            data['tag_page'] = WikiPage(self.env,
                                        tag_system.wiki_page_prefix + tag_id)
        if query or tag_id:
            macro = 'ListTagged'
            # TRANSLATOR: The meta-nav link label.
            add_ctxtnav(req, _("Back to Cloud"), req.href.tags())
            args = "%s,format=%s,cols=%s" % \
                   (tag_id and tag_id or query, self.default_format,
            data['mincount'] = None
            macro = 'TagCloud'
            mincount = as_int(req.args.get('mincount', None),
            args = mincount and "mincount=%s" % mincount or None
            data['mincount'] = mincount
        formatter = Formatter(self.env, Context.from_request(req,
        self.env.log.debug("%s macro arguments: %s", macro,
                           args and args or '(none)')
        macros = TagWikiMacros(self.env)
            # Query string without realm throws 'NotImplementedError'.
            data['tag_body'] = checked_realms and \
                               macros.expand_macro(formatter, macro, args,
                                                   realms=checked_realms) \
                               or ''
        except InvalidQuery, e:
            data['tag_query_error'] = to_unicode(e)
            data['tag_body'] = macros.expand_macro(formatter, 'TagCloud', '')
Exemplo n.º 10
    def process_request(self, req):

        match = re.match(r"/tags/?(.*)", req.path_info)
        tag_id = match.group(1) and match.group(1) or None
        query = req.args.get("q", "")

        realms = [
            for p in self.tag_providers
            if (not hasattr(p, "check_permission") or p.check_permission(req.perm, "view"))
        if not (tag_id or query) or [r for r in realms if r in req.args] == []:
            for realm in realms:
                if not realm in self.exclude_realms:
                    req.args[realm] = "on"
        checked_realms = [r for r in realms if r in req.args]
        realm_args = dict(zip([r for r in checked_realms], ["on" for r in checked_realms]))
        if tag_id and not re.match(r"""(['"]?)(\S+)\1$""", tag_id, re.UNICODE):
            # Convert complex, invalid tag ID's to query expression.
            req.redirect(req.href.tags(realm_args, q=tag_id))
        elif query:
            single_page = re.match(r"""(['"]?)(\S+)\1$""", query, re.UNICODE)
            if single_page:
                # Convert simple query for single tag ID.
                req.redirect(req.href.tags(single_page.group(2), realm_args))

        data = dict(page_title=_("Tags"), checked_realms=checked_realms)
        # Populate the TagsQuery form field.
        data["tag_query"] = tag_id and tag_id or query
        data["tag_realms"] = list(dict(name=realm, checked=realm in checked_realms) for realm in realms)
        if tag_id:
            page_name = tag_id
            page = WikiPage(self.env, page_name)
            data["tag_page"] = page

        macros = TagWikiMacros(self.env)
        if query or tag_id:
            # TRANSLATOR: The meta-nav link label.
            add_ctxtnav(req, _("Back to Cloud"), req.href.tags())
            macro = "ListTagged"
            args = "%s,format=%s,cols=%s,realm=%s" % (
                tag_id and tag_id or query,
            data["mincount"] = None
            macro = "TagCloud"
            mincount = as_int(req.args.get("mincount", None), self.cloud_mincount)
            args = "mincount=%s,realm=%s" % (mincount, "|".join(checked_realms))
            data["mincount"] = mincount
        formatter = Formatter(self.env, Context.from_request(req, Resource("tag")))
        self.env.log.debug("Tag macro arguments: %s", args)
            # Query string without realm throws 'NotImplementedError'.
            data["tag_body"] = len(checked_realms) > 0 and macros.expand_macro(formatter, macro, args) or ""
        except InvalidQuery, e:
            data["tag_query_error"] = to_unicode(e)
            data["tag_body"] = macros.expand_macro(formatter, "TagCloud", "")
Exemplo n.º 11
    def process_request(self, req):

        match = re.match(r'/tags/?(.*)', req.path_info)
        tag_id = match.group(1) and match.group(1) or None
        query = req.args.get('q', '')

        # Consider only providers, that are permitted for display.
        tag_system = TagSystem(self.env)
        all_realms = tag_system.get_taggable_realms(req.perm)
        if not (tag_id or query) or [r for r in all_realms
                                     if r in req.args] == []:
            for realm in all_realms:
                if realm not in self.exclude_realms:
                    req.args[realm] = 'on'
        checked_realms = [r for r in all_realms if r in req.args]
        if query:
            # Add permitted realms from query expression.
            checked_realms.extend(query_realms(query, all_realms))
        realm_args = dict(zip([r for r in checked_realms],
                              ['on' for r in checked_realms]))
        # Switch between single tag and tag query expression mode.
        if tag_id and not re.match(r"""(['"]?)(\S+)\1$""", tag_id, re.UNICODE):
            # Convert complex, invalid tag ID's --> query expression.
            req.redirect(req.href.tags(realm_args, q=tag_id))
        elif query:
            single_page = re.match(r"""(['"]?)(\S+)\1$""", query, re.UNICODE)
            if single_page:
                # Convert simple query --> single tag.
                req.redirect(req.href.tags(single_page.group(2), realm_args))

        data = dict(page_title=_("Tags"), checked_realms=checked_realms)
        # Populate the TagsQuery form field.
        data['tag_query'] = tag_id and tag_id or query
        data['tag_realms'] = list(dict(name=realm,
                                       checked=realm in checked_realms)
                                  for realm in all_realms)
        if tag_id:
            data['tag_page'] = WikiPage(self.env,
                                        tag_system.wiki_page_prefix + tag_id)
        if query or tag_id:
            macro = 'ListTagged'
            # TRANSLATOR: The meta-nav link label.
            add_ctxtnav(req, _("Back to Cloud"), req.href.tags())
            args = "%s,format=%s,cols=%s" % \
                   (tag_id and tag_id or query, self.default_format,
            data['mincount'] = 0
            macro = 'TagCloud'
            mincount = as_int(req.args.get('mincount', 0),
            args = mincount and "mincount=%s" % mincount or None
            data['mincount'] = mincount

        # When using the given req the page isn't rendered properly. The call
        # to expand_macro() leads to Chrome().render_template(req, ...).
        # The function render_template() breaks something in the request handling.
        # That used to work with Genshi.
        # With this mocked req everything is just fine.
        mock_req = MockRequest(self.env, path_info=req.path_info,
                           authname=req.authname, script_name=req.href())
        formatter = Formatter(self.env, web_context(mock_req, Resource('tag')))
        self.env.log.debug("%s macro arguments: %s", macro,
                           args and args or '(none)')
        macros = TagWikiMacros(self.env)
            # Query string without realm throws 'NotImplementedError'.
            data['tag_body'] = checked_realms and \
                               macros.expand_macro(formatter, macro, args,
                                                   realms=checked_realms) \
                               or ''
            data['tag_body'] = Markup(to_unicode(data['tag_body']))
        except InvalidQuery as e:
            data['tag_query_error'] = to_unicode(e)
            data['tag_body'] = macros.expand_macro(formatter, 'TagCloud', '')

        data['realm_args'] = realm_args
        add_stylesheet(req, 'tags/css/tractags.css')
        return 'tag_view.html', data, {'domain': 'tractags'}
Exemplo n.º 12
class TagCloudMacroTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.env = EnvironmentStub(
                enable=['trac.*', 'tractags.*'])
        self.env.path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.req = Mock(path_info='/wiki/TagCloudPage',
                        args={}, authname='user', perm=MockPerm(),
                        chrome={}, session={}, locale='', tz='')
        self.context = Mock(env=self.env, href=self.req.href, req=self.req)
        self.formatter = Mock(context=self.context, req=self.req)

        self.db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        cursor = self.db.cursor()
        cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tags")
        cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tags_change")
        cursor.execute("DELETE FROM system WHERE name='tags_version'")
        cursor.execute("DELETE FROM permission WHERE action %s"
                       % self.db.like(), ('TAGS_%',))

        setup = TagSetup(self.env)

        self.tag_twm = TagWikiMacros(self.env)

    def tearDown(self):

    def _insert_tags(self, tagspace, name, tags):
        cursor = self.db.cursor()
        args = [(tagspace, name, tag) for tag in tags]
        cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO tags (tagspace,name,tag) "
                           "VALUES (%s,%s,%s)", args)

    def _expand_macro(self, content):
        return self.tag_twm.expand_macro(self.formatter, 'TagCloud', content)

    def test_normal(self):
        self._insert_tags('wiki',   'CamelCase',     ('blah', 'foo', 'bar'))
        self._insert_tags('wiki',   'InterMapTxt',   ('blah', 'foo', 'bar'))
        self._insert_tags('wiki',   'InterTrac',     ('blah',))
        self._insert_tags('wiki',   'InterWiki',     ('blah',))
        self._insert_tags('wiki',   'PageTemplates', ('blah',))
        self._insert_tags('wiki',   'RecentChanges', ('blah', 'foo'))
        self._insert_tags('wiki',   'SandBox',       ('blah', 'foo'))
        self._insert_tags('ticket', '1',             ('blah',))
        self._insert_tags('ticket', '2',             ('blah', 'bar'))
        self._insert_tags('ticket', '3',             ('blah', 'bar'))
        self._insert_tags('ticket', '4',             ('blah', 'bar'))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro(''))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('mincount=5'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('mincount=6'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('realm=ticket|wiki'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('realm=ticket'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertTrue('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('realm=ticket,mincount=4'))
        self.assertTrue('">blah</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">foo</a>' in result, repr(result))
        self.assertFalse('">bar</a>' in result, repr(result))

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('realm=unknown'))
        self.assertEquals('No tags found', result)

        result = unicode(self._expand_macro('mincount=100'))
        self.assertEquals('No tags found', result)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def process_request(self, req):

        match = re.match(r'/tags/?(.*)', req.path_info)
        tag_id = match.group(1) and match.group(1) or None
        query = req.args.get('q', '')

        realms = [p.get_taggable_realm() for p in self.tag_providers
                  if (not hasattr(p, 'check_permission') or \
                      p.check_permission(req.perm, 'view'))]
        if not (tag_id or query) or [r for r in realms if r in req.args] == []:
            for realm in realms:
                if not realm in self.exclude_realms:
                    req.args[realm] = 'on'
        checked_realms = [r for r in realms if r in req.args]
        realm_args = dict(
            zip([r for r in checked_realms], ['on' for r in checked_realms]))
        if tag_id and not re.match(r"""(['"]?)(\S+)\1$""", tag_id, re.UNICODE):
            # Convert complex, invalid tag ID's to query expression.
            req.redirect(req.href.tags(realm_args, q=tag_id))
        elif query:
            single_page = re.match(r"""(['"]?)(\S+)\1$""", query, re.UNICODE)
            if single_page:
                # Convert simple query for single tag ID.
                req.redirect(req.href.tags(single_page.group(2), realm_args))

        data = dict(page_title=_("Tags"), checked_realms=checked_realms)
        # Populate the TagsQuery form field.
        data['tag_query'] = tag_id and tag_id or query
        data['tag_realms'] = list(
            dict(name=realm, checked=realm in checked_realms)
            for realm in realms)
        if tag_id:
            page_name = tag_id
            page = WikiPage(self.env, page_name)
            data['tag_page'] = page

        macros = TagWikiMacros(self.env)
        if query or tag_id:
            # TRANSLATOR: The meta-nav link label.
            add_ctxtnav(req, _("Back to Cloud"), req.href.tags())
            macro = 'ListTagged'
            args = '%s,format=%s,cols=%s,realm=%s' \
                   % (tag_id and tag_id or query, self.default_format,
                      self.default_cols, '|'.join(checked_realms))
            data['mincount'] = None
            macro = 'TagCloud'
            mincount = as_int(req.args.get('mincount', None),
            args = 'mincount=%s,realm=%s' % (mincount,
            data['mincount'] = mincount
        formatter = Formatter(self.env,
                              Context.from_request(req, Resource('tag')))
        self.env.log.debug('Tag macro arguments: %s', args)
            # Query string without realm throws 'NotImplementedError'.
            data['tag_body'] = len(checked_realms) > 0 and \
                               macros.expand_macro(formatter, macro, args) \
                               or ''
        except InvalidQuery, e:
            data['tag_query_error'] = to_unicode(e)
            data['tag_body'] = macros.expand_macro(formatter, 'TagCloud', '')