Exemplo n.º 1
class TestPlan(ndb.Model):
    """A test plan.

    name: a test resource name.
    labels: list of strings users can use to categorize test runs and plans.
    cron_exp: a CRON expression.
    cron_exp_timezone: timezone to use when processing cron expression.
    test_run_configs: a list of test run configs.
    test_resource_pipes: a list of test resource pipes.
    before_device_action_keys: common before device actions for tests.
    test_run_action_refs: common test run actions to execute during tests.
    name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    labels = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    cron_exp = ndb.StringProperty()
    cron_exp_timezone = ndb.StringProperty(default='UTC')
    test_run_configs = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TestRunConfig,
    test_resource_pipes = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(
        TestResourcePipe, repeated=True)  # TODO: Deprecated
    before_device_action_keys = ndb.KeyProperty(
        DeviceAction, repeated=True)  # TODO: Deprecated
    test_run_action_refs = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TestRunActionRef,

    def _post_delete_hook(cls, key, future):
        status = TestPlanStatus.query(ancestor=key).get()
        if status:
Exemplo n.º 2
class TestRunSummary(ndb.Model):
    """Partial test run information.

    prev_test_run_key: ID of the previous (parent) test run.
    labels: list of strings users can use to categorize test runs.
    test_name: name of the Test to run.
    device_specs: device specs.
    run_target: run target.
    state: a test run state.
    test_package_info: a test package information
    test_devices: a list of TestDeviceInfo of DUTs
    total_test_count: the number of total test cases.
    failed_test_count: the number of failed test cases.
    failed_test_run_count: the number of test modules that failed to execute.
    create_time: time a test run is created.
    update_time: time a test run is last updated.
    prev_test_run_key = ndb.KeyProperty(kind='TestRun')
    labels = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    test_name = ndb.StringProperty()
    device_specs = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    run_target = ndb.StringProperty()
    state = ndb.EnumProperty(TestRunState, default=TestRunState.UNKNOWN)
    test_package_info = ndb.StructuredProperty(TestPackageInfo)
    test_devices = ndb.StructuredProperty(TestDeviceInfo, repeated=True)
    total_test_count = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    failed_test_count = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    failed_test_run_count = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    create_time = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
    update_time = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
Exemplo n.º 3
class TestResourceDef(ndb.Model):
    """A test resource definition.

    name: a test resource name.
    default_download_url: a default download URL.
    test_resource_type: a test resource type.
    decompress: whether the host should decompress the downloaded file.
    decompress_dir: the directory where the host decompresses the file.
    mount_zip: whether to mount zip file.
    params: test resource parameters.
    name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    default_download_url = ndb.StringProperty()
    test_resource_type = ndb.EnumProperty(TestResourceType)
    decompress = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    decompress_dir = ndb.StringProperty()
    mount_zip = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    params = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TestResourceParameters)

    def ToTestResourceObj(self):
        """Create a TestResourceObj from this definition."""
        return TestResourceObj(name=self.name,
                               decompress=self.decompress or False,
                               decompress_dir=self.decompress_dir or '',
                               mount_zip=self.mount_zip or False,
Exemplo n.º 4
class TestPlanStatus(ndb.Model):
    """A test plan status."""
    last_run_time = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
    last_run_keys = ndb.KeyProperty(kind='TestRun', repeated=True)
    last_run_error = ndb.StringProperty()
    next_run_time = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
    next_run_task_name = ndb.StringProperty()
Exemplo n.º 5
class TestResourcePipe(ndb.Model):
    """A pipe which defines where to get test resources from.

    name: a test resource name.
    url: a url.
    test_resource_type: a test resource type.
    name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    url = ndb.StringProperty()
    test_resource_type = ndb.EnumProperty(TestResourceType)
Exemplo n.º 6
class ConfigSetInfo(ndb.Model):
    """Metadata for a config set.

    url: origin url where this config can be downloaded from
    hash: SHA value of the file, used for comparing two files
    name: name to display to the user
    description: describes the contents of the file
    last_update_time: timestamp when the file was last imported
    url = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    hash = ndb.StringProperty()
    name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    description = ndb.StringProperty()
    last_update_time = ndb.StringProperty()
Exemplo n.º 7
class TestPackageInfo(ndb.Model):
    """A test package info.

    build_number: test package build number.
    target_architecture: test package arch.
    name: A short name of test package.
    full_name: A full name of test package.
    version: test package version
    build_number = ndb.StringProperty()
    target_architecture = ndb.StringProperty()
    name = ndb.StringProperty()
    fullname = ndb.StringProperty()
    version = ndb.StringProperty()
Exemplo n.º 8
class PrivateNodeConfig(ndb.Model):
    """Non-shareable node configs.

    ndb_version: Latest version the database has been updated to
    default_credentials: default service account credentials
    metrics_enabled: True to collect usage metrics.
    gms_client_id: Optional user-provided label to identify their company
    setup_wizard_completed: If false, trigger the setup wizard on startup
    server_uuid: node's unique identifier.
    ndb_version = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    default_credentials = oauth2_util.CredentialsProperty()
    metrics_enabled = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    gms_client_id = ndb.StringProperty()
    setup_wizard_completed = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    server_uuid = ndb.StringProperty(required=True, default=str(uuid.uuid4()))
Exemplo n.º 9
class TradefedConfigObject(ndb.Model):
    """A Tradefed object and its options.

    class_name: a Tradefed config class name.
    option_values: a list of option name and value pairs.
    class_name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    option_values = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(NameMultiValuePair,
Exemplo n.º 10
class NameMultiValuePair(ndb.Model):
    """A generic name-multi value pair to store an option.

    name: a name.
    values: a list of values.
    name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    values = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)

    def FromDict(cls, d):
        return [cls(name=k, values=v) for k, v in six.iteritems(d)]

    def ToDict(cls, pairs):
        d = collections.OrderedDict()
        for pair in pairs:
            d[pair.name] = pair.values
        return d
Exemplo n.º 11
class DeviceAction(ndb.Model):
    """A device action.

    name: a device action name.
    description: a description.
    test_resource_defs: a list of test resource definitions.
    tradefed_target_preparers: a list of Tradefed target preparers.
    device_type: the type of the devices that require the device action.
    tradefed_options: key-value pairs to be added to Tradefed configuration.
    name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    description = ndb.StringProperty()
    test_resource_defs = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TestResourceDef,
    tradefed_target_preparers = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(
        TradefedConfigObject, repeated=True)
    device_type = ndb.StringProperty()
    tradefed_options = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(NameMultiValuePair,
Exemplo n.º 12
class TestRunAction(ndb.Model):
    """Test run action, describes a specific hook execution.

    name: action name.
    description: action description.
    hook_class_name: run hook class identifier.
    phases: phases during which hook should be triggered.
    options: key-value pairs to use when configuring the hook.
    tradefed_result_reporters: list of TF result reporters.
    credentials: stored OAuth2 credentials.
    name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    description = ndb.StringProperty()
    hook_class_name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    phases = ndb.EnumProperty(TestRunPhase, repeated=True)
    options = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(NameValuePair, repeated=True)
    tradefed_result_reporters = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(
        TradefedConfigObject, repeated=True)
    credentials = oauth2_util.CredentialsProperty()
Exemplo n.º 13
class TestRunSequence(ndb.Model):
    """A list of test run configs to be scheduled as retries.

    state: completion state for this sequence
    test_run_configs: remaining retries to schedule
    finished_test_run_ids: list of completed runs scheduled for this sequence
    state = ndb.EnumProperty(TestRunSequenceState, required=True)
    test_run_configs = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TestRunConfig,
    finished_test_run_ids = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
Exemplo n.º 14
class TestRunConfig(ndb.Model):
    """A test run config.

    test_key: a Test key.
    cluster: a cluster to run a test in.
    command: the command to run the test suite
    retry_command: the command to retry this test run
    device_specs: device requirements expressed in space-separated list of
        key-value pairs (e.g. "product:bramble sim_state:LOADED").
    run_target: (deprecated) a run target. Only used when device_specs is empty.
    run_count: a run count.
    shard_count: a shard count.
    sharding_mode: a sharding mode.
    extra_args: a string containing extra arguments.
    retry_extra_args: extra arguments used when retrying.
    max_retry_on_test_failures: the max number of retry on test failure.
    queue_timeout_seconds: how long a test run can stay in QUEUED state before
        being cancelled
    invocation_timeout_seconds: the maximum time for each invocation to run. If
        an invocation(attempt) runs longer than a given timeout, it would be
        force stopped.
    output_idle_timeout_seconds: how long a test run's output can be idle before
        attempting recovery
    before_device_action_keys: device actions to execute before running a test.
    test_run_action_refs: test run actions to execute during a test.
    test_resource_objs: path to the files to use for test resources.
    use_parallel_setup: a flag on whether to setup devices in parallel.
    test_key = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Test, required=True)
    cluster = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    command = ndb.StringProperty(required=True, default='')
    retry_command = ndb.StringProperty(required=True, default='')
    device_specs = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    run_target = ndb.StringProperty()
    run_count = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True, default=1)
    shard_count = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True, default=1)
    sharding_mode = ndb.EnumProperty(ShardingMode, default=ShardingMode.RUNNER)
    extra_args = ndb.StringProperty()  # TODO: Deprecated
    retry_extra_args = ndb.StringProperty()  # TODO: Deprecated
    max_retry_on_test_failures = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    queue_timeout_seconds = ndb.IntegerProperty(
        required=True, default=env.DEFAULT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)
    invocation_timeout_seconds = ndb.IntegerProperty(
    output_idle_timeout_seconds = ndb.IntegerProperty(
    before_device_action_keys = ndb.KeyProperty(DeviceAction, repeated=True)
    test_run_action_refs = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TestRunActionRef,
    test_resource_objs = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TestResourceObj,
    use_parallel_setup = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=True)
Exemplo n.º 15
class TestContextObj(ndb.Model):
    """A test context object.

  The "Obj" suffix was added to avoid name collision with TFC TestContext.

    command_line: a command line.
    env_vars: environment variables.
    test_resources: a list of TestResourceObj objects.
    command_line = ndb.StringProperty()
    env_vars = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(NameValuePair, repeated=True)
    test_resources = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TestResourceObj,
Exemplo n.º 16
class TestResourceObj(ndb.Model):
    """A test resource object.

  The "Obj" suffix was added to avoid name collistion with TFC TestResource.

    name: a test resource name.
    url: a URL.
    cache_url: a URL for a cached copy.
    test_resource_type: a test resource type.
    decompress: whether the host should decompress the downloaded file.
    decompress_dir: the directory where the host decompresses the file.
    mount_zip: whether to mount a zip file.
    params: test resource parameters.
    name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    url = ndb.StringProperty()
    cache_url = ndb.StringProperty()
    test_resource_type = ndb.EnumProperty(TestResourceType)
    decompress = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    decompress_dir = ndb.StringProperty()
    mount_zip = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    params = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TestResourceParameters)
Exemplo n.º 17
class TestResourceParameters(ndb.Model):
    """Repeated properties of TestResourceObj and TestResourceDef.

  Because the test resources are StructuredProperty of tests, they cannot
  directly contain repeated properties. The test resource models use this class
  to wrap the repeated properties in a LocalStructuredProperty.

    decompress_files: the files to be decompressed from the downloaded file.
    decompress_files = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)

    def Clone(cls, obj):
        """Copy all properties to a new object if it's not None."""
        return cls(decompress_files=obj.decompress_files) if obj else None
Exemplo n.º 18
class TestResourceTracker(ndb.Model):
    """Test resource download tracker.

  Serves as a lock to determine the thread that should perform the download, and
  holds the download metadata.

    update_time: Latest update timestamp.
    download_progress: Download progress (between 0 and 1).
    completed: True if download is finished.
    error: Optional error encountered during download.
    _use_cache = False
    _use_memcache = False
    update_time = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
    download_progress = ndb.FloatProperty(required=True, default=0.0)
    completed = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    error = ndb.StringProperty()
Exemplo n.º 19
class TestDeviceInfo(ndb.Model):
    """A test package info.

    device_serial: Serial identifying the device. It should be unique.
    hostname: The name of the host this device is connected to.
    run_target: Run target for the device.
    build_id: Current build ID in the device.
    product: Device product (Eg.: flounder).
    sdk_version: SDK version of the device's build.
    device_serial = ndb.StringProperty()
    hostname = ndb.StringProperty()
    run_target = ndb.StringProperty()
    build_id = ndb.StringProperty()
    product = ndb.StringProperty()
    sdk_version = ndb.StringProperty()
Exemplo n.º 20
class BuildChannelConfig(ndb.Model):
    """A build channel config."""
    name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    provider_name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    options = ndb.StructuredProperty(NameValuePair, repeated=True)
    credentials = oauth2_util.CredentialsProperty()
Exemplo n.º 21
class Test(ndb.Model):
    """A test.

    name: a test name.
    description: user-friendly string that describes the test suite.
    test_resource_defs: a list of test resource definitions.
    command: a TF command line.
    env_vars: a dict of environment variables to set before running a test.
    output_file_patterns: a list of file patterns to collect after a test run.
    result_file: XML result file path.
    setup_scripts: a list of scripts to run before running a test.
    jvm_options: a list of JVM options to be passed to TF.
    java_properties: a dict of Java properties to be passed to TF.
    context_file_dir: directory where the context file which needs to be
        passed across attempts is located.
    context_file_pattern: a regex pattern for the filename of the context file
        which needs to be passed across attempts.
    retry_command_line: a command line to use in retry invocations.
    runner_sharding_args: extra args to enable runner sharding. It can contain
        a reference to a desired shard count (e.g. ${TF_SHARD_COUNT})
    default_test_run_parameters: default test run parameters.
    module_config_pattern: a regex pattern for module config files.
    module_execution_args: extra args to run a specific module.
    name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    description = ndb.StringProperty()
    test_resource_defs = ndb.StructuredProperty(TestResourceDef, repeated=True)
    command = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    env_vars = ndb.StructuredProperty(NameValuePair, repeated=True)
    output_file_patterns = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    result_file = ndb.StringProperty()
    setup_scripts = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    jvm_options = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    java_properties = ndb.StructuredProperty(NameValuePair, repeated=True)
    context_file_dir = ndb.StringProperty()
    context_file_pattern = ndb.StringProperty()
    retry_command_line = ndb.StringProperty()
    runner_sharding_args = ndb.StringProperty()
    default_test_run_parameters = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TestRunParameter)
    module_config_pattern = ndb.StringProperty()
    module_execution_args = ndb.StringProperty()
Exemplo n.º 22
class TestRun(ndb.Model):
    """A test run.

    prev_test_run_key: previous (parent) test run key.
    user: a user who scheduled a test run.
    labels: list of strings users can use to categorize test runs.
    test_plan_key: a test plan key.
    test: a Test object copy made at the test run schedule time.
    test_run_config: a TestRunConfig object.
    test_resources: a list of TestResourceObj objects.
    state: a test run state.
    is_finalized: True if post-run handlers were executed.
    output_path: a path to store test outputs to.
    output_url: a test output URL.
    prev_test_context: a previous test context object.
    next_test_context: a test context object from this test run.
    test_package_info: a test package information
    test_devices: a list of TestDeviceInfo of DUTs
    request_id: a TFC request ID.
    sequence_id: a TestRunSequence ID.
    total_test_count: the number of total test cases.
    failed_test_count: the number of failed test cases.
    failed_test_run_count: the number of test modules that failed to execute.
    create_time: time a test run is created.
    update_time: time a test run is last updated.
    before_device_actions: device actions used during the run.
    test_run_actions: test run actions executed during the run.
    hook_data: additional data used by hooks
    cancel_reason: cancellation reason
    error_reason: error reason
    prev_test_run_key = ndb.KeyProperty(kind='TestRun')
    user = ndb.StringProperty()
    labels = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    test_plan_key = ndb.KeyProperty(TestPlan)
    test = ndb.StructuredProperty(Test)
    test_run_config = ndb.StructuredProperty(TestRunConfig)
    test_resources = ndb.StructuredProperty(TestResourceObj, repeated=True)
    state = ndb.EnumProperty(TestRunState, default=TestRunState.UNKNOWN)
    is_finalized = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    output_path = ndb.StringProperty()
    output_url = ndb.StringProperty()
    prev_test_context = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TestContextObj)
    next_test_context = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TestContextObj)
    test_package_info = ndb.StructuredProperty(TestPackageInfo)
    test_devices = ndb.StructuredProperty(TestDeviceInfo, repeated=True)
    request_id = ndb.StringProperty()
    sequence_id = ndb.StringProperty()
    total_test_count = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    failed_test_count = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    failed_test_run_count = ndb.IntegerProperty()

    create_time = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    update_time = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

    # TODO improve action versioning
    # Snapshot of the actions executed by the run
    before_device_actions = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(DeviceAction,
    test_run_actions = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TestRunAction,
    hook_data = ndb.JsonProperty(default={})

    cancel_reason = ndb.EnumProperty(common.CancelReason)
    error_reason = ndb.StringProperty()

    def get_by_id(cls, id_, **kwargs):
            # support numeric (legacy) and uuid identifiers
            id_ = int(id_)
        except ValueError:
        return TestRun._get_by_id(id_, **kwargs)

    def _post_put_hook(self, future):

    def _post_delete_hook(cls, key, future):

    def ToSummary(self):
        return TestRunSummary(parent=self.key,
                              test_name=self.test.name if self.test else None,
                                            if self.test_run_config else []),
                                          if self.test_run_config else None),

    def IsFinal(self):
        """Returns whether a test run is in a final state.

      True if a test run is in a final state. Otherwise false.
        return self.state in FINAL_TEST_RUN_STATES

    def IsRerun(self):
        """Checks whether this is a rerun of another test run."""
        return self.prev_test_context is not None

    def IsLocalRerun(self):
        """Checks whether this is a rerun using a local test run ID."""
        return self.prev_test_run_key is not None

    def IsRemoteRerun(self):
        """Checks whether this is a rerun using an uploaded context file."""
        return self.IsRerun() and not self.IsLocalRerun()

    def GetRerunContextFile(self):
        """Fetches the rerun context file if it exists."""
        if not self.prev_test_context or not self.prev_test_context.test_resources:
            return None
        return self.prev_test_context.test_resources[0]

    def GetContext(self):
        """Returns a test run context dictionary."""
        ctx = {
            (self.test_plan_key.get().name if self.test_plan_key else ''),
            ToTimestamp(self.create_time) * 1000,

        test_resource_map = {}
        for r in self.test_resources:
            m = re.match(r'mtt:///android_ci/(\S+)/(\S+)/(\S+)/.*', r.url)
            if m:
                test_resource_map[r.test_resource_type] = [
                    r.url, m.group(1),
                    m.group(2), m.group(3)
                test_resource_map[r.test_resource_type] = [
                    r.url, None, None, None
        for t in TestResourceType:
            if t == TestResourceType.UNKNOWN:
            url, branch, target, build_id = test_resource_map.get(
                t, [None, None, None, None])
            ctx['MTT_%s_URL' % t.name] = url or ''
            ctx['MTT_%s_BRANCH' % t.name] = branch or ''
            ctx['MTT_%s_BUILD_ID' % t.name] = build_id or ''
            ctx['MTT_%s_TARGET' % t.name] = target or ''
        return ctx