Exemplo n.º 1
class IntSlider(_BoundedInt):
    """Slider widget that represents an integer bounded from above and below.
    _view_name = Unicode('IntSliderView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('IntSliderModel').tag(sync=True)
    step = CInt(1, help="Minimum step to increment the value").tag(sync=True)
    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
        help="Vertical or horizontal.").tag(sync=True)
    readout = Bool(
        True, help="Display the current value of the slider next to it.").tag(
    readout_format = NumberFormat('d',
                                  help="Format for the readout").tag(sync=True)
    continuous_update = Bool(
        help="Update the value of the widget as the user is holding the slider."
    disabled = Bool(False,
                    help="Enable or disable user changes").tag(sync=True)
    style = InstanceDict(SliderStyle).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization)
    behavior = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['drag-tap', 'drag-snap', 'tap', 'drag', 'snap'],
        help="Slider dragging behavior.").tag(sync=True)
Exemplo n.º 2
class FloatProgress(_BoundedFloat):
    """ Displays a progress bar.

    value : float
	position within the range of the progress bar
    min : float
	minimal position of the slider
    max : float
	maximal position of the slider
    step : float
	step of the progress bar
    description : str
	name of the progress bar
    bar_style: {'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''}, optional
	color of the progress bar, default is '' (blue)
	colors are: 'success'-green, 'info'-light blue, 'warning'-orange, 'danger'-red
    _view_name = Unicode('ProgressView', sync=True)
    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
                                  help="Vertical or horizontal.",

    bar_style = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''],
        help="""Use a
        predefined styling for the progess bar.""")
Exemplo n.º 3
class Box(DOMWidget):
    """Displays multiple widgets in a group."""
    _model_name = Unicode('BoxModel', sync=True)
    _view_name = Unicode('BoxView', sync=True)

    # Child widgets in the container.
    # Using a tuple here to force reassignment to update the list.
    # When a proper notifying-list trait exists, that is what should be used here.
    children = Tuple(sync=True, **widget_serialization)
    _overflow_values = ['visible', 'hidden', 'scroll', 'auto', 'initial', 'inherit', '']
    overflow_x = CaselessStrEnum(
        default_value='', sync=True, help="""Specifies what
        happens to content that is too large for the rendered region.""")
    overflow_y = CaselessStrEnum(
        default_value='', sync=True, help="""Specifies what
        happens to content that is too large for the rendered region.""")

    box_style = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''], 
        default_value='', allow_none=True, sync=True, help="""Use a
        predefined styling for the box.""")

    def __init__(self, children = (), **kwargs):
        kwargs['children'] = children
        super(Box, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def _fire_children_displayed(self):
        for child in self.children:
Exemplo n.º 4
class FlexBox(Box):  # TODO: Deprecated in 5.0 (entire class)
    """Displays multiple widgets using the flexible box model."""
    _view_name = Unicode('FlexBoxView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('FlexBoxModel').tag(sync=True)
    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(values=['vertical', 'horizontal'],
    flex = Int(help="""Specify the flexible-ness of the model.""").tag(

    def _flex_changed(self, name, old, new):
        new = min(max(0, new), 2)
        if self.flex != new:
            self.flex = new

    _locations = ['start', 'center', 'end', 'baseline', 'stretch']
    pack = CaselessStrEnum(values=_locations,
    align = CaselessStrEnum(values=_locations,

    def __init__(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
            'FlexBox is deprecated in ipywidgets 5.0.  Use Box and Box.layout instead.',
        super(FlexBox, self).__init__(*pargs, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 5
class FloatProgress(_BoundedFloat):
    """ Displays a progress bar.

    value : float
        position within the range of the progress bar
    min : float
        minimal position of the slider
    max : float
        maximal position of the slider
    description : str
        name of the progress bar
    orientation : {'horizontal', 'vertical'}
        default is 'horizontal', orientation of the progress bar
    bar_style: {'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''}
        color of the progress bar, default is '' (blue)
        colors are: 'success'-green, 'info'-light blue, 'warning'-orange, 'danger'-red
    _view_name = Unicode('ProgressView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('FloatProgressModel').tag(sync=True)
    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
        help="Vertical or horizontal.").tag(sync=True)

    bar_style = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''],
        help="Use a predefined styling for the progess bar.").tag(sync=True)

    style = InstanceDict(ProgressStyle).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization)
Exemplo n.º 6
class DOMWidget(Widget):
    visible = Bool(True, allow_none=True, help="Whether the widget is visible.  False collapses the empty space, while None preserves the empty space.", sync=True)
    _css = Tuple(sync=True, help="CSS property list: (selector, key, value)")
    _dom_classes = Tuple(sync=True, help="DOM classes applied to widget.$el.")
    width = CUnicode(sync=True)
    height = CUnicode(sync=True)
    # A default padding of 2.5 px makes the widgets look nice when displayed inline.
    padding = CUnicode(sync=True)
    margin = CUnicode(sync=True)

    color = Color(None, allow_none=True, sync=True)
    background_color = Color(None, allow_none=True, sync=True)
    border_color = Color(None, allow_none=True, sync=True)

    border_width = CUnicode(sync=True)
    border_radius = CUnicode(sync=True)
    border_style = CaselessStrEnum(values=[ # http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_border-style.asp
        'inherit', ''],
        default_value='', sync=True)

    font_style = CaselessStrEnum(values=[ # http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_font_font-style.asp
        'inherit', ''], 
        default_value='', sync=True)
    font_weight = CaselessStrEnum(values=[ # http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_font_weight.asp
        'inherit', ''] + list(map(str, range(100,1000,100))),
        default_value='', sync=True)
    font_size = CUnicode(sync=True)
    font_family = Unicode(sync=True)

    def __init__(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
        super(DOMWidget, self).__init__(*pargs, **kwargs)

        def _validate_border(name, old, new):
            if new is not None and new != '':
                if name != 'border_width' and not self.border_width:
                    self.border_width = 1
                if name != 'border_style' and self.border_style == '':
                    self.border_style = 'solid'
        self.on_trait_change(_validate_border, ['border_width', 'border_style', 'border_color'])
Exemplo n.º 7
class DatasetConfig(Configurable):
    # not configurable
    n_sample = Integer(help='Total number of data counted internally')

    # configurable
    descriptor = CaselessStrEnum(
        ['symmetry_function', 'weighted_symmetry_function'],
        help='Name of descriptor dataset used for input of HDNNP').tag(
    parameters = Dict(
        help='Parameters used for the specified descriptor dataset. '
        'Set as Dict{key: List[Tuple(parameters)]}. '
        'This will be passed to descriptor dataset as keyword arguments. '
        'ex.) {"type2": [(5.0, 0.01, 2.0)]}').tag(config=True)
    property_ = CaselessStrEnum(
        help='Name of property dataset to be optimized by HDNNP').tag(
    preprocesses = List(
        trait=Tuple(CaselessStrEnum(['pca', 'scaling', 'standardization']),
                    Tuple(), Dict()),
        help='Preprocess to be applied for input of HDNNP (=descriptor). '
        'Set as List[Tuple(Str(name), Tuple(args), Dict{kwargs})]. '
        'Each preprocess instance will be initialized with '
        '(*args, **kwargs). '
        'ex.) [("pca", (20,), {})]').tag(config=True)
    remake = Bool(
        help='If the given data file and the loaded dataset are not '
        'compatible, automatically recalculate and overwrite it.').tag(
Exemplo n.º 8
class FloatLogSlider(_BoundedLogFloat):
    """ Slider/trackbar of logarithmic floating values with the specified range.

    value : float
        position of the slider
    base : float
        base of the logarithmic scale. Default is 10
    min : float
        minimal position of the slider in log scale, i.e., actual minimum is base ** min
    max : float
        maximal position of the slider in log scale, i.e., actual maximum is base ** max
    step : float
        step of the trackbar, denotes steps for the exponent, not the actual value
    description : str
        name of the slider
    orientation : {'horizontal', 'vertical'}
        default is 'horizontal', orientation of the slider
    readout : {True, False}
        default is True, display the current value of the slider next to it
    behavior : str
        slider handle and connector dragging behavior. Default is 'drag-tap'.
    readout_format : str
        default is '.3g', specifier for the format function used to represent
        slider value for human consumption, modeled after Python 3's format
        specification mini-language (PEP 3101).
    _view_name = Unicode('FloatLogSliderView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('FloatLogSliderModel').tag(sync=True)
    step = CFloat(
        help="Minimum step in the exponent to increment the value").tag(
    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
        help="Vertical or horizontal.").tag(sync=True)
    readout = Bool(
        True, help="Display the current value of the slider next to it.").tag(
    readout_format = NumberFormat('.3g',
                                  help="Format for the readout").tag(sync=True)
    continuous_update = Bool(
        help="Update the value of the widget as the user is holding the slider."
    disabled = Bool(False,
                    help="Enable or disable user changes").tag(sync=True)
    base = CFloat(10., help="Base for the logarithm").tag(sync=True)
    style = InstanceDict(SliderStyle).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization)
    behavior = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['drag-tap', 'drag-snap', 'tap', 'drag', 'snap'],
        help="Slider dragging behavior.").tag(sync=True)
Exemplo n.º 9
class IntProgress(_BoundedInt):
    """Progress bar that represents an integer bounded by a minimum and maximum value."""
    _view_name = Unicode('ProgressView', sync=True)
    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(values=['horizontal', 'vertical'], 
        default_value='horizontal', help="Vertical or horizontal.", sync=True)

    bar_style = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''], 
        default_value='', allow_none=True, sync=True, help="""Use a
        predefined styling for the progess bar.""")
Exemplo n.º 10
class IntProgress(_BoundedInt):
    """Progress bar that represents an integer bounded from above and below.
    _view_name = Unicode('ProgressView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('ProgressModel').tag(sync=True)

    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
        default_value='horizontal', help="Vertical or horizontal.").tag(sync=True)

    bar_style = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''], default_value='',
        help="""Use a predefined styling for the progess bar.""").tag(sync=True)
Exemplo n.º 11
class FloatRangeSlider(_BoundedFloatRange):
    """ Slider/trackbar that represents a pair of floats bounded by minimum and maximum value.

    value : float tuple
        range of the slider displayed
    min : float
        minimal position of the slider
    max : float
        maximal position of the slider
    step : float
        step of the trackbar
    description : str
        name of the slider
    orientation : {'horizontal', 'vertical'}
        default is 'horizontal'
    readout : {True, False}
        default is True, display the current value of the slider next to it
    behavior : str
        slider handle and connector dragging behavior. Default is 'drag-tap'.
    readout_format : str
        default is '.2f', specifier for the format function used to represent
        slider value for human consumption, modeled after Python 3's format
        specification mini-language (PEP 3101).
    _view_name = Unicode('FloatRangeSliderView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('FloatRangeSliderModel').tag(sync=True)
    step = CFloat(0.1,
                  help="Minimum step to increment the value").tag(sync=True)
    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
        help="Vertical or horizontal.").tag(sync=True)
    readout = Bool(
        True, help="Display the current value of the slider next to it.").tag(
    readout_format = NumberFormat('.2f',
                                  help="Format for the readout").tag(sync=True)
    continuous_update = Bool(
        help="Update the value of the widget as the user is sliding the slider."
    disabled = Bool(False,
                    help="Enable or disable user changes").tag(sync=True)
    style = InstanceDict(SliderStyle).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization)
    behavior = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['drag-tap', 'drag-snap', 'tap', 'drag', 'snap'],
        help="Slider dragging behavior.").tag(sync=True)
Exemplo n.º 12
class Box(DOMWidget, CoreWidget):
    """Displays multiple widgets in a group."""
    _model_module = Unicode('jupyter-js-widgets').tag(sync=True)
    _view_module = Unicode('jupyter-js-widgets').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('BoxModel').tag(sync=True)
    _view_name = Unicode('BoxView').tag(sync=True)

    # Child widgets in the container.
    # Using a tuple here to force reassignment to update the list.
    # When a proper notifying-list trait exists, that is what should be used here.
    children = Tuple().tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization)

    box_style = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''],
        help="""Use a predefined styling for the box.""").tag(sync=True)

    def __init__(self, children=(), **kwargs):
        kwargs['children'] = children
        super(Box, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def _fire_children_displayed(self):
        for child in self.children:
Exemplo n.º 13
class ToggleButtons(_Selection):
    """Group of toggle buttons that represent an enumeration.

    Only one toggle button can be toggled at any point in time.


    tooltips: list
        Tooltip for each button. If specified, must be the
        same length as `options`.

    icons: list
        Icons to show on the buttons. This must be the name
        of a font-awesome icon. See `http://fontawesome.io/icons/`
        for a list of icons.

    button_style: str
        One of 'primary', 'success', 'info', 'warning' or
        'danger'. Applies a predefined style to every button.

    style: ToggleButtonsStyle
        Style parameters for the buttons.
    _view_name = Unicode('ToggleButtonsView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('ToggleButtonsModel').tag(sync=True)

    tooltips = List(Unicode(), help="Tooltips for each button.").tag(sync=True)
    icons = List(Unicode(), help="Icons names for each button (FontAwesome names without the fa- prefix).").tag(sync=True)
    style = InstanceDict(ToggleButtonsStyle).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization)

    button_style = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['primary', 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''],
        default_value='', allow_none=True, help="""Use a predefined styling for the buttons.""").tag(sync=True)
Exemplo n.º 14
class FloatRangeSlider(_BoundedFloatRange):
    """ Slider/trackbar for displaying a floating value range (within the specified range of values).

	value : float tuple
	    range of the slider displayed
	min : float
	    minimal position of the slider
	max : float
	    maximal position of the slider
	step : float
	    step of the trackbar
	description : str
	    name of the slider
	orientation : {'vertical', 'horizontal}, optional
            default is horizontal
	readout : {True, False}, optional
	    default is True, display the current value of the slider next to it		
	slider_color : str Unicode color code (eg. '#C13535'), optional 
	    color of the slider 
	color : str Unicode color code (eg. '#C13535'), optional
	    color of the value displayed (if readout == True)
    _view_name = Unicode('FloatSliderView', sync=True)
    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
                                  help="Vertical or horizontal.",
    _range = Bool(True, help="Display a range selector", sync=True)
    readout = Bool(True,
                   help="Display the current value of the slider next to it.",
    slider_color = Color(None, allow_none=True, sync=True)
Exemplo n.º 15
class FloatSlider(_BoundedFloat):
    """ Slider/trackbar of floating values with the specified range.

	value : float
	    position of the slider
	min : float
	    minimal position of the slider
	max : float
	    maximal position of the slider
	step : float
	    step of the trackbar
	description : str
	    name of the slider
	orientation : {'vertical', 'horizontal}, optional
        default is horizontal
	readout : {True, False}, optional
	    default is True, display the current value of the slider next to it
	slider_color : str Unicode color code (eg. '#C13535'), optional
	    color of the slider
	color : str Unicode color code (eg. '#C13535'), optional
	    color of the value displayed (if readout == True)
    _view_name = Unicode('FloatSliderView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('IntSliderModel').tag(sync=True)
    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
        default_value='horizontal', help="Vertical or horizontal.").tag(sync=True)
    _range = Bool(False, help="Display a range selector").tag(sync=True)
    readout = Bool(True, help="Display the current value of the slider next to it.").tag(sync=True)
    slider_color = Color(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)
    continuous_update = Bool(True, help="Update the value of the widget as the user is sliding the slider.").tag(sync=True)
Exemplo n.º 16
class IntRangeSlider(_BoundedIntRange):
    """Slider widget that represents a pair of ints bounded by minimum and maximum value.

    lower: int
        The lower bound of the range
    upper: int
        The upper bound of the range
    min: int
        The lowest allowed value for `lower`
    max: int
        The highest allowed value for `upper`
    _view_name = Unicode('IntSliderView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('IntSliderModel').tag(sync=True)
    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
        help="Vertical or horizontal.").tag(sync=True)
    _range = Bool(True, help="Display a range selector").tag(sync=True)
    readout = Bool(
        True, help="Display the current value of the slider next to it.").tag(
    slider_color = Color(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)
    continuous_update = Bool(
        help="Update the value of the widget as the user is sliding the slider."
Exemplo n.º 17
class PredictionConfig(Configurable):
    # not configurable
    elements = List(
        help='All elements contained in the dataset listed internally')

    # configurable
    data_file = Path(help='Path to a data file used for HDNNP prediction. '
                     'Only .xyz file format is supported.').tag(config=True)
    tags = List(trait=Unicode,
                help='List of dataset tags. '
                'Use dataset for HDNNP training in this order. '
                'Pattern matching is available.').tag(config=True)
    load_dir = Path(
        help='Path to directory to load training output files').tag(
    order = Integer(help='Order of differentiation used for calculation '
                    'of descriptor & property datasets and HDNNP prediction. '
                    'ex.) 0: energy, 1: force, for interatomic potential').tag(
    dump_format = CaselessStrEnum(
        help='File format to output HDNNP predition result').tag(config=True)
Exemplo n.º 18
class CameraR1CalibratorFactory(Factory):
    name = "CameraR1CalibratorFactory"
    description = "Obtain CameraR1Calibrator based on file origin"

    subclasses = Factory.child_subclasses(CameraR1Calibrator)
    subclass_names = [c.origin for c in subclasses]

    origin = CaselessStrEnum(subclass_names,
                             help='Origin of events to be '

    # Product classes traits
    pedestal_path = Unicode('',
                            help='Path to a pedestal file').tag(config=True)
    tf_path = Unicode('',
                      help='Path to a Transfer Function file').tag(config=True)
    adc2pe_path = Unicode('', allow_none=True,
                          help='Path to an adc2pe file').tag(config=True)

    def get_factory_name(self):
        return self.name

    def get_product_name(self):
        return self.origin
Exemplo n.º 19
class LatexConfig(Configurable):
    A Configurable that declares the configuration options
    for the LatexHandler.
    latex_command = Unicode(
        help='The LaTeX command to use when compiling ".tex" files.')
    bib_command = Unicode(
        help='The BibTeX command to use when compiling ".tex" files.')
    synctex_command = Unicode(
        'The synctex command to use when syncronizing between .tex and .pdf files.'
    shell_escape = CaselessStrEnum(['restricted', 'allow', 'disallow'],
        default_value='restricted', config=True,
        help='Whether to allow shell escapes '+\
        '(and by extension, arbitrary code execution). '+\
        'Can be "restricted", for restricted shell escapes, '+\
        '"allow", to allow all shell escapes, or "disallow", '+\
        'to disallow all shell escapes')
    run_times = Integer(default_value=1,
                        help='How many times to compile the ".tex" files.')
    cleanup = Bool(default_value=True,
                   help='Whether to clean up ".out/.aux" files or not.')
Exemplo n.º 20
class IntRangeSlider(_BoundedIntRange):
    """Slider/trackbar that represents a pair of ints bounded by minimum and maximum value.

    value : int tuple
        The pair (`lower`, `upper`) of integers
    min : int
        The lowest allowed value for `lower`
    max : int
        The highest allowed value for `upper`
    _view_name = Unicode('IntSliderView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('IntSliderModel').tag(sync=True)
    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
        help="Vertical or horizontal.").tag(sync=True)
    _range = Bool(True, help="Display a range selector").tag(sync=True)
    readout = Bool(
        True, help="Display the current value of the slider next to it.").tag(
    continuous_update = Bool(
        help="Update the value of the widget as the user is sliding the slider."
    style = InstanceDict(SliderStyle).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization)
Exemplo n.º 21
class WaveformCleanerFactory(Factory):
    Factory to obtain a WaveformCleaner.
    name = "WaveformCleanerFactory"
    description = "Obtain WavefromCleaner based on cleaner traitlet"

    subclasses = Factory.child_subclasses(WaveformCleaner)
    subclass_names = [c.__name__ for c in subclasses]

    cleaner = CaselessStrEnum(subclass_names, 'NullWaveformCleaner',
                              help='Waveform cleaning method to '

    # Product classes traits
    window_width = Int(16, help='Define the width of the pulse '
    window_shift = Int(8, help='Define the shift of the pulse window from the '
                               'peakpos (peakpos - shift).').tag(config=True)

    def get_factory_name(self):
        return self.name

    def get_product_name(self):
        return self.cleaner
Exemplo n.º 22
class FloatSlider(_BoundedFloat):
    """ Slider/trackbar of floating values with the specified range.

    value : float
        position of the slider
    min : float
        minimal position of the slider
    max : float
        maximal position of the slider
    step : float
        step of the trackbar
    description : str
        name of the slider
    orientation : {'horizontal', 'vertical'}
        default is 'horizontal', orientation of the slider
    readout : {True, False}
        default is True, display the current value of the slider next to it
    readout_format : str
        default is '.2f', specifier for the format function used to represent
        slider value for human consumption, modeled after Python 3's format
        specification mini-language (PEP 3101).
    _view_name = Unicode('FloatSliderView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('FloatSliderModel').tag(sync=True)
    step = CFloat(0.1, help="Minimum step to increment the value").tag(sync=True)
    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
        default_value='horizontal', help="Vertical or horizontal.").tag(sync=True)
    readout = Bool(True, help="Display the current value of the slider next to it.").tag(sync=True)
    readout_format = Unicode('.2f', help="Format for the readout").tag(sync=True)
    continuous_update = Bool(True, help="Update the value of the widget as the user is holding the slider.").tag(sync=True)

    style = InstanceDict(SliderStyle).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization)
Exemplo n.º 23
class IntRangeSlider(_BoundedIntRange):
    """Slider/trackbar that represents a pair of ints bounded by minimum and maximum value.

    value : int tuple
        The pair (`lower`, `upper`) of integers
    min : int
        The lowest allowed value for `lower`
    max : int
        The highest allowed value for `upper`
    _view_name = Unicode('IntRangeSliderView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('IntRangeSliderModel').tag(sync=True)
    step = CInt(1, help="Minimum step that the value can take").tag(sync=True)
    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
        help="Vertical or horizontal.").tag(sync=True)
    readout = Bool(
        True, help="Display the current value of the slider next to it.").tag(
    readout_format = NumberFormat('d',
                                  help="Format for the readout").tag(sync=True)
    continuous_update = Bool(
        help="Update the value of the widget as the user is sliding the slider."
    style = InstanceDict(SliderStyle, help="Slider style customizations.").tag(
        sync=True, **widget_serialization)
    disabled = Bool(False,
                    help="Enable or disable user changes").tag(sync=True)
Exemplo n.º 24
class ToggleButton(_Bool):
    """Displays a boolean `value` in the form of a toggle button.

    value : {True,False}
        value of the toggle button: True-pressed, False-unpressed
    description : str
        description displayed on the button
    icon: str
        font-awesome icon name
    style: instance of DescriptionStyle
        styling customizations
    button_style: enum
        button predefined styling
    _view_name = Unicode('ToggleButtonView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('ToggleButtonModel').tag(sync=True)

    icon = Unicode('', help="Font-awesome icon.").tag(sync=True)

    button_style = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['primary', 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''],
        help="""Use a predefined styling for the button.""").tag(sync=True)
    style = InstanceDict(ToggleButtonStyle, help="Styling customizations").tag(
        sync=True, **widget_serialization)
Exemplo n.º 25
class Toolbar(DOMWidget, NavigationToolbar2WebAgg):

    _model_module = Unicode('jupyter-matplotlib').tag(sync=True)
    _model_module_version = Unicode(js_semver).tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('ToolbarModel').tag(sync=True)

    _view_module = Unicode('jupyter-matplotlib').tag(sync=True)
    _view_module_version = Unicode(js_semver).tag(sync=True)
    _view_name = Unicode('ToolbarView').tag(sync=True)

    toolitems = List().tag(sync=True)
    orientation = Enum(['horizontal', 'vertical'],
    button_style = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['primary', 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''],
        help="""Use a predefined styling for the button.""").tag(sync=True)
    collapsed = Bool(True).tag(sync=True)

    _current_action = Enum(values=['pan', 'zoom', ''],

    def __init__(self, canvas, *args, **kwargs):
        DOMWidget.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        NavigationToolbar2WebAgg.__init__(self, canvas, *args, **kwargs)


    def export(self):
        buf = io.BytesIO()
        self.canvas.figure.savefig(buf, format='png', dpi='figure')
        # Figure width in pixels
        pwidth = (self.canvas.figure.get_figwidth() *
        # Scale size to match widget on HiPD monitors
        width = pwidth / self.canvas._dpi_ratio
        data = "<img src='data:image/png;base64,{0}' width={1}/>"
        data = data.format(b64encode(buf.getvalue()).decode('utf-8'), width)

    def _default_toolitems(self):
        icons = {
            'home': 'home',
            'back': 'arrow-left',
            'forward': 'arrow-right',
            'zoom_to_rect': 'square-o',
            'move': 'arrows',
            'download': 'floppy-o',
            'export': 'file-picture-o'

        download_item = ('Download', 'Download plot', 'download',

        toolitems = (NavigationToolbar2.toolitems + (download_item, ))

        return [(text, tooltip, icons[icon_name], method_name)
                for text, tooltip, icon_name, method_name in toolitems
                if icon_name in icons]
Exemplo n.º 26
class ToggleButton(_Bool):
    """Displays a boolean `value` in the form of a toggle button.

       value : {True,False}
           value of the toggle button: True-pressed, False-unpressed
       description : str
	   description displayed next to the button
       tooltip: str
           tooltip caption of the toggle button
       icon: str
           font-awesome icon name
    _view_name = Unicode('ToggleButtonView', sync=True)
    tooltip = Unicode(help="Tooltip caption of the toggle button.", sync=True)
    icon = Unicode('', help="Font-awesome icon.", sync=True)

    button_style = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['primary', 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''],
        help="""Use a
        predefined styling for the button.""")
Exemplo n.º 27
class Box(DOMWidget, CoreWidget):
    """ Displays multiple widgets in a group.

    The widgets are laid out horizontally.


    >>> import ipywidgets as widgets
    >>> title_widget = widgets.HTML('<em>Box Example</em>')
    >>> slider = widgets.IntSlider()
    >>> widgets.Box([title_widget, slider])
    _model_name = Unicode('BoxModel').tag(sync=True)
    _view_name = Unicode('BoxView').tag(sync=True)

    # Child widgets in the container.
    # Using a tuple here to force reassignment to update the list.
    # When a proper notifying-list trait exists, use that instead.
    children = TypedTuple(trait=Instance(Widget),
                          help="List of widget children").tag(
                              sync=True, **widget_serialization)

    box_style = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''],
        help="""Use a predefined styling for the box.""").tag(sync=True)

    def __init__(self, children=(), **kwargs):
        kwargs['children'] = children
Exemplo n.º 28
class BoxNGL(Box):
    _gui_style = CaselessStrEnum(['row', 'column'],
    _is_beautified = Bool(False)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.layout = make_form_item_layout()
        super(BoxNGL, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _update_gui_style(self, change):
        """row or column style
        what = change['new']
        self.layout.flex_flow = what.lower()

    def _ipython_display_(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(BoxNGL, self)._ipython_display_(*args, **kwargs)

    def _update_size(self):
        for widget in self.children:
            if isinstance(widget, NGLWidget):
                                    args=['60%', '60%'])

    def _beautify(self):
        if not self._is_beautified:
            js_utils._set_notebook_width('60%', left_padding=None)
            self._is_beautified = True
Exemplo n.º 29
class SelectionSlider(_SelectionNonempty):
    Slider to select a single item from a list or dictionary.



    _view_name = Unicode("SelectionSliderView").tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode("SelectionSliderModel").tag(sync=True)

    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=["horizontal", "vertical"],
        help="Vertical or horizontal.",
    readout = Bool(
        help="Display the current selected label next to the slider").tag(
    continuous_update = Bool(
        help="Update the value of the widget as the user is holding the slider."
Exemplo n.º 30
class FloatRangeSlider(_FloatRangeSlider.__base__):
    """ This is a fixed slider widget implementation, allowing values lower
    than 10^-6. This class should be removed at some point, when the slider
    implementation is fixed in ipywidgets. """
    _view_name = Unicode('FixedFloatRangeSliderView').tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('FixedFloatRangeSliderModel').tag(sync=True)
    _view_module = Unicode('odysis').tag(sync=True)
    _model_module = Unicode('odysis').tag(sync=True)
    _view_module_version = Unicode(odysis_version).tag(sync=True)
    _model_module_version = Unicode(odysis_version).tag(sync=True)

    step = CFloat(0.01,
                  help="Minimum step to increment the value").tag(sync=True)
    orientation = CaselessStrEnum(
        values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
        help="Vertical or horizontal.").tag(sync=True)
    readout = Bool(
        True, help="Display the current value of the slider next to it.").tag(
    readout_format = NumberFormat('.2e',
                                  help="Format for the readout").tag(sync=True)
    continuous_update = Bool(
        help="Update the value of the widget as the user is sliding the slider."
    disabled = Bool(False,
                    help="Enable or disable user changes").tag(sync=True)

    style = InstanceDict(SliderStyle).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization)