Exemplo n.º 1
def test_004_inverse_constructor():
        a = t.Inverse()
    except TypeError:
        a = t.Identity()
        b = t.Inverse(a)
        assert (f"{b}" == "Transform( Inverse Identity )")
        assert (False)  # Should have thrown an error

    a = t.Identity()
    b = t.Inverse(a)
    c = t.Inverse(b)
    assert (f"{c}" == "Transform( Inverse Inverse Identity )")
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_007_composition():
    a = t.PlusOne_()
    b = a.inverse()
        c = t.Composition(a, b)
        assert False, "composition of a non-list should throw an error"

    # Construct an inverse
    c = t.Composition([a, b])
    d = c.inverse()
    assert ( f"{c}" == "Transform( ( (_PlusOne) o (Inverse _PlusOne) ) )"\
        and  f"{d}" == "Transform( Inverse ( (_PlusOne) o (Inverse _PlusOne) ) )")

    # Check that Composition flattens compositions into one list
    e = t.Composition([c, c])
    assert (
        f"{e}" ==
        "Transform( ( (_PlusOne) o (Inverse _PlusOne) o (_PlusOne) o (Inverse _PlusOne) ) )"

    # Check that Composition tracks dimensions correctly.  In particular, idim/odim propagates through
    # transforms with 0 dim to the first nonzero one
    b = t.Identity()
    c = t.Composition([b, b])
    assert (c.idim == 0 and c.odim == 0)

    c = t.Composition([a, b])
    assert (c.idim == 1 and c.odim == 1)

    c = t.Composition([b, a])
    assert (c.idim == 1 and c.odim == 1)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_006_inverse_method():
    a = t.Identity()
    b = a.inverse()  # Identity is idempotent -- should get same transform back
    assert (f"{b}" == f"{a}" and f"{b}" == "Transform( Identity )")
    a = t.PlusOne_()
    assert (f"{a}" == "Transform( _PlusOne )")

    # PlusOne_ is non-idempotent - should get Inverse
    b = a.inverse()
    assert (f"{b}" == "Transform( Inverse _PlusOne )")

    # Inverting the inverse via method should unwrap the inversion
    c = b.inverse()
    assert (f"{a}" == f"{c}")
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_012_resample():
    # Since the main engine is in helpers (resmple is a wrapper), this is
    # really just a basic functionality test that the wrapper works right.
    # Makes use of Scale, which is in Basic -- but since this is a test, not
    # the main code, so there's no circular dependence.

    # Simple 7x5 array with a single nonzero spot
    a = np.zeros([7, 5])  # 7 tall, 5 wide
    a[2, 2] = 1

    # Check that identity and shape specs work
    trans = t.Identity()
    b = trans.resample(a, method='nearest')
    assert (b.shape == (7, 5))
    assert (np.all(b == a))

    b = trans.resample(a, shape=[5, 5], method='nearest')
    assert (b.shape == (5, 5))
    assert (np.all(a[0:5, 0:5] == b))

    # Try scaling up by a factor of 2.5 -- this should make a 3x3 square
    # of ones
    trans = t.Scale(2.5, post=[2, 2], pre=[-2, -2])
    b = trans.resample(a, method='neares')
    assert (b.shape == (7, 5))
    checkval = np.zeros([7, 5])
    checkval[1:4, 1:4] = 1
    assert (np.all(b == checkval))

    # Check that anisotropy works in the correct direction
    trans = t.Scale([1, 2.5], post=[2, 2], pre=[-2, -2])
    b = trans.resample(a, method='nearest')
    assert (b.shape == (7, 5))
    checkval = np.zeros([7, 5])
    checkval[1:4, 2] = 1
    assert (np.all(b == checkval))
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_013_remap():
    # remap is all about scientific coordinates, so we have to gin up some
    # FITS headers.
    # The test article (a) is a simple asymmetric cross.
    a = np.zeros([7, 7])
    a[1:5, 3] = 1
    a[3, 0:5] = 1

    ahdr = {
        'SIMPLE': 'T',
        'NAXIS': 2,
        'NAXIS1': 7,
        'NAXIS2': 7,
        'CRPIX1': 4,
        'CRPIX2': 4,
        'CRVAL1': 0,
        'CRVAL2': 0,
        'CDELT1': 1,
        'CDELT2': 1,
        'CUNIT1': 'pixel',
        'CUNIT2': 'pixel',
        'CTYPE1': 'X',
        'CTYPE2': 'Y'

    trans = t.Identity()
    b = trans.remap({'data': a, 'header': ahdr}, method='nearest')
    assert (np.all(b['data'] == a))

    # This tests actual transformation and also broadcast since
    # PlusOne_ is 1D and a is 2D
    # The autoscaling ought to completely undo the plus-one, so this should
    # be a no-op except for incrementing CRVAL1.
    trans = t.PlusOne_()
    b = trans.remap({'data': a, 'header': ahdr}, method='nearest')

    assert (np.all(a == b['data']))
    assert (b['header']['CRPIX1'] == 4)
    assert (b['header']['CRPIX2'] == 4)
    assert (b['header']['CRVAL1'] == 1)
    assert (b['header']['CRVAL2'] == 0)
    assert (b['header']['CDELT1'] == 1)
    assert (b['header']['CDELT2'] == 1)

    # This again tests autoscaling - scale(3) should expand everything,
    # but autoscaling should put it back.
    trans = t.Scale(3, dim=2)
    b = trans.remap({'data': a, 'header': ahdr}, method='nearest')
    assert (np.all(a == b['data']))
    assert (b['header']['CRPIX1'] == 4)
    assert (b['header']['CRPIX2'] == 4)
    assert (b['header']['CRVAL1'] == 0)
    assert (b['header']['CRVAL2'] == 0)
    print(f"CDELT1 is {b['header']['CDELT1']}")
    assert (np.isclose(b['header']['CDELT1'], 3, atol=1e-10))
    assert (np.isclose(b['header']['CDELT2'], 3, atol=1e-10))

    # Test manual scaling of the output by setting the output_range
    # This *should* be a no-op
    # Note: output range is to/from the *edge* of the outermost pixel,
    # so the span is the full span of the image
    trans = t.Identity()
    b = trans.remap({
        'data': a,
        'header': ahdr
                    output_range=[[-3.5, 3.5], [-3.5, 3.5]])
    assert (np.all(a == b['data']))
    assert (b['header']['CRPIX1'] == 4)
    assert (b['header']['CRPIX2'] == 4)
    assert (b['header']['CRVAL1'] == 0)
    assert (b['header']['CRVAL2'] == 0)
    print(f"CDELT1 is {b['header']['CDELT1']}")
    assert (np.isclose(b['header']['CDELT1'], 1, atol=1e-10))
    assert (np.isclose(b['header']['CDELT2'], 1, atol=1e-10))

    b = trans.remap({
        'data': a,
        'header': ahdr
                    output_range=[[-3.5 / 3, 3.5 / 3], [-3.5 / 3, 3.5 / 3]])
    expando = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
                        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]])
    assert (np.all(np.isclose(expando, b['data'], atol=1e-10)))
    assert (b['header']['CRPIX1'] == 4)
    assert (b['header']['CRPIX2'] == 4)
    assert (b['header']['CRVAL1'] == 0)
    assert (b['header']['CRVAL2'] == 0)
    assert (np.isclose(b['header']['CDELT1'], 1 / 3.0, atol=1e-10))
    assert (np.isclose(b['header']['CDELT2'], 1 / 3.0, atol=1e-10))

    trans = t.Scale(3, dim=2)
    b = trans.remap({
        'data': a,
        'header': ahdr
                    output_range=[[-3.5, 3.5], [-3.5, 3.5]])
    assert (np.all(np.isclose(expando, b['data'], atol=1e-10)))
    assert (np.isclose(b['header']['CDELT1'], 1, atol=1e-10))
    assert (np.isclose(b['header']['CDELT2'], 1, atol=1e-10))
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_003_identity_apply():
    a = t.Identity()
    b = np.array([1, 2])
    c = a.apply(b)
    assert (np.all(b == c))
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_002_identity_constructor():
    a = t.Identity()
    assert (f"{a}" == "Transform( Identity )")
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_008_wrap():
    a = t.PlusOne_()
    b = t.Identity()
    c = t.Wrap(b, a)
    assert (f"{c}" ==
            "Transform( ( (Inverse _PlusOne) o (Identity) o (_PlusOne) ) )")