def TopNSummary(N, Matrix = None):
    """Adding Backwards compatibility support for v4.2 script
    Use transformations.series.insert_topN_into_series(N)
    if Matrix == None:
        from globals import Matrix 
    import transformations as tr
    from transformations.utils.logger import logger
    #do not run if N too big.
    if (Matrix.Count < N):
        logger("Not enough rows in table to insert a Top " + str(N) + " series")

    m = tr.MatrixManipulator(Matrix) 
    #v4.2 script inserted the row into a different position, 
    #This is placeing the inserted row at the end of the Matrix.
    newRow = Matrix.InsertBlankRowAfter(Matrix.SideAxis.DataMembers[Matrix.Count-1], "TopN", "Top " + str(N))
    Matrix.SwitchRows(0, Matrix.Count-1)
def _move_topN_shape(Chart, Shape, column_number):
    """Move shape to the correct location on the Chart"""
    from transformations.utils.logger import logger
    number_series = Chart.SeriesCollection().Count
    number_categories = Chart.SeriesCollection(number_series).Points().Count
    axis = Chart.Axes(1)
    #column clustered or stacked
    _column_list = [51, 52, 53]
    _bar_list = [57, 58, 59]
    if Chart.ChartType in _column_list: 
        Shape.Width = Chart.PlotArea.InsideWidth / number_categories
        Shape.Height = Chart.PlotArea.Height / number_series
        Shape.Top =    Chart.PlotArea.Top - Shape.Height
        if axis.ReversePlotOrder:
            Shape.Left =  Chart.ChartArea.Left + Chart.PlotArea.InsideLeft + (number_categories - column_number+1) * Shape.Width
            Shape.Left =  Chart.ChartArea.Left + Chart.PlotArea.InsideLeft + (column_number) * Shape.Width

    # bar clustered or stacked
    elif Chart.ChartType in _bar_list: 
        Shape.Height = Chart.PlotArea.InsideHeight / number_categories 
        Shape.Left = Chart.PlotArea.Left + Chart.PlotArea.Width
        Shape.Width = Chart.PlotArea.Width / number_series
        if axis.ReversePlotOrder:
            Shape.Top =  Chart.PlotArea.InsideTop + Chart.ChartArea.Top + ((column_number) * Shape.Height)
            Shape.Top =  Chart.PlotArea.InsideTop + Chart.ChartArea.Top + ((number_categories - column_number-1) * Shape.Height)
        logger(str(Chart.ChartType) + ": Cannot add TopN to this chart type")
def replace_row_labels_with_group_names(Table, Matrix=None):
    """Prepend every row in the table with the Group Name.

    This function is typically used when making a summary table, for example,
    displaying Top 2 scores from a selection of scores or tables. Rather than
    displaying Top 2 for each row, display the group label.

    :param Table: Table shape
    :param Matrix: Matrix associated with the Table. Default is None

    if Matrix is None:
        from globals import Matrix
    from transformations.utils.logger import logger

    _row_count = Table.Rows.Count

        for row in range(2, _row_count + 1):
            _cell = Table.Cell(row, 1)  # 1st column
            _label = Matrix.SideAxis.DataMembers[row - 2].Group.Label
            _text = _cell.Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
            _cell.Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = _label + " - " + _text
        logger("Updating row labels with group names")
        logger("replace_row_labels_with_group_names failed to run")
        def _move_topN_shape(_shape):
            """Move shape to the correct location on the Chart"""

            #column clustered or stacked
            _column_list = [51, 52, 53]
            _bar_list = [57, 58, 59]
            if Chart.ChartType in _column_list:
                _shape.Width = Chart.PlotArea.InsideWidth / _number_categories
                _shape.Height = Chart.PlotArea.Height / _number_series
                _shape.Top = Chart.PlotArea.Top - _shape.Height

                if _axis.ReversePlotOrder:
                    _shape.Left = Chart.ChartArea.Left + Chart.PlotArea.InsideLeft + (
                        _number_categories - column_number + 1) * _shape.Width
                    _shape.Left = Chart.ChartArea.Left + Chart.PlotArea.InsideLeft + (
                        column_number) * _shape.Width

            # bar clustered or stacked
            elif Chart.ChartType in _bar_list:
                _shape.Height = Chart.PlotArea.InsideHeight / _number_categories
                _shape.Left = Chart.PlotArea.Left + Chart.PlotArea.Width
                _shape.Width = Chart.PlotArea.Width / _number_series
                if _axis.ReversePlotOrder:
                    _shape.Top = Chart.PlotArea.InsideTop + Chart.ChartArea.Top + (
                        (column_number) * _shape.Height)
                    _shape.Top = Chart.PlotArea.InsideTop + Chart.ChartArea.Top + (
                        (_number_categories - column_number - 1) *
                    str(Chart.ChartType) +
                    ": Cannot add TopN to this chart type")
    def _which_rows_to_insert():
        """Calculate which rows need to be inserted for each outer nest"""

        _rows_for_group = dict()
        # Outer groups
        _group_text = ""
        _previous_group_text = ""

        for row in Matrix:
                _parent = row.Member.ParentMember.ParentMember.Group.Label
                _parent_grp = row.Member.ParentMember.Group.Label
                _grp = row.Member.Group.Label

                _group_text = _parent + " - " + _parent_grp + " - " + _grp
                    _parent_grp = row.Member.ParentMember.Group.Label
                    _grp = row.Member.Group.Label

                    _group_text = _parent_grp + " - " + _grp

                    _group_text = row.Member.Group.Label

            if _previous_group_text != _group_text:
                # Update dict
                _rows_for_group[row.Member.DataIndex + 1] = _group_text
                _previous_group_text = _group_text

        logger("Rows to insert into table " + str(_rows_for_group))
        return _rows_for_group
def _unset_bold(Table, Log):
    """unset Bold Font of group headings on refresh."""

    from transformations.utils.logger import logger

    for row in range(2, Table.Rows.Count + 1):
        _cell = Table.Cell(row, 1)  # 1st column
        _cell.Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    logger("resetting fonts Bold = False")
def convert_glyphs_to_color_wingdings(Chart, Matrix=None, rgb=list()):
    r"""Convert your significant results into up and down arrows within the

    :param Chart: Chart shape
    :param Matrix: Matrix associated with the selection, default = None
    :param rgb: list containing RGB values. Default is [255,255,255], which
                will display as white.
    Used in conjunction with a transformation script, 
    convert_significance_results_to_arrows, which sets the significant
    results to display the character values, chr(0xE9), chr(0xEA) which will
    then be converted into arrows when this function is run.
    Example, in the transformations script:
    | tr = transformations.MatrixManipulator(Matrix)
    | tr.convert_significance_results_to_arrows()
    And in the afterfill action:
    | import charts
    | charts.convert_glyphs_to_color_wingdings(Chart, Matrix, rgb=[0,0,0])

    if Matrix is None:
        from globals import Matrix
    from shapes import RGB
    from transformations.utils.logger import logger

    _series_collections = Chart.SeriesCollection()

    _significanceChars = [chr(0xE9), chr(0xEA)]
    for _iSeries in range(1, _series_collections.Count + 1):  # rows in Table

        _series = _series_collections.Item(_iSeries)  # rows in Table
        _xVals = _series.XValues  # columns
        _pointNumber = 1
        for _item in Matrix.TopAxis.DataMembers:  # columns
            _pt = _series_collections(_iSeries).Points(_pointNumber)
            _DataLabel = _pt.DataLabel.Text
            i = 1
            for character in _DataLabel:
                for sig in _significanceChars:
                    if sig == character:
                        _char = _pt.DataLabel.Characters(i, 1)
                        _char.Font.Name = "Wingdings"
                        if rgb != []:  # user defined
                            _char.Font.Color = RGB(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2])
                            _char.Font.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)  #white
                i += 1
            _pointNumber += 1
    logger("Updated arrows to Wingdings")
    def _merge_header_cells():
        """Then merge the cells for the group headings"""

        for col in range(2, _col_count + 1):
            _cell = Table.Cell(1, col)  # 1st row, columns start at 2.

            if _cell.Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text == "":
                    _cell.Merge(Table.Cell(1, col - 1))
        logger("Merged group Header Cells")
    def _set_colours():
        """Set the colour onto the chart"""

        from transformations.utils.logger import logger

        _series_collections = Chart.SeriesCollection()

        # pie chart - one series
        if _series_collections.Count == 1:
            _xVals = Chart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues
            _matching = [
                _item for _item in _xVals if _item in _color_dict.keys()
            _series = _series_collections(1)
            counter = 1
            for _item in _xVals:
                if _item in _matching:
                    _point = _series.Points(counter)
                    _format = _point.Format
                    _fill = _format.Fill
                    _fill.Visible = 1
                    _foreColor = _fill.ForeColor
                    _foreColor.RGB = int(_color_dict[_item])
                    _point.Border.Color = int(_color_dict[_item])
                counter += 1
            # Loop through SeriesCollection
            for _iSeries in range(1, _series_collections.Count + 1):
                _series = _series_collections.Item(_iSeries)
                _xVals = _series.XValues
                if _series.Name in _color_dict.keys():

                    # This is a multi series chart. Colour entire series.
                    _format = _series.Format
                    _fill = _format.Fill
                    _fill.Visible = 1
                    _foreColor = _fill.ForeColor
                    # bar
                    _foreColor.RGB = int(_color_dict[_series.Name])
                    # line
                    _col = _color_dict[_series.Name]
                        _series.MarkerBackgroundColor = int(_col)
                        _series.MarkerForegroundColor = int(_col)
                    _series.Border.Color = int(_col)

        logger("Updated colours for chart")
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _insert_rows_and_text():
        """Insert rows, and set the text to the nested group label"""

        from transformations.utils.logger import logger

        keys = sorted(_rows_for_group.keys())

        for i in reversed(keys):
            # Insert row
            Table.Rows.Add(i + 1)
            _cell = Table.Cell(i + 1, 1)  # 1st column
            _cell.Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = _rows_for_group[i]
            # make font bold for this _cell.
            _cell.Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
        logger("set text to Parent Grp Label - Grp Label or Group Label")
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _add_group_headers():
        """Add the group headings to the first column per group"""

        # Add a new first row for group headers

        _previous_group = ""
        for col in range(0, Matrix.TopAxis.DataMembers.Count):
            if _col_count < col + 2:
                logger("not enough cols: ", str(col + 2))

            _cell = Table.Cell(1, col + 2)  # row1, col starting from 2.
            if Matrix.TopAxis.DataMembers[col].Group.Label != _previous_group:
                _label = Matrix.TopAxis.DataMembers[col].Group.Label
                _cell.Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = _label
            _previous_group = _label
        logger("Added Group Labels to row 1")
Exemplo n.º 12
def delete_table_row_before_fill():
    """Manipulate the table before it is filled. Delete first row so that any
    merged cells are removed before the fill.

    NOTE: This needs to be run from the transformations script (not after fill),
    and is run before any script that will merge cells in the first row.
    Note, the Table object is not available from the Transformation
    script, and therefore the active object is used to find the Table.


    from transformations.utils.logger import logger
    import System

    _ppt_pap = System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID("PowerPoint.Application")
    app = System.Activator.CreateInstance(_ppt_pap)
    activeShape = app.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange[1]

    logger("First Row deleted")
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _make_color_dict_for_series():
        """Return a dictionary of colours to set on chart based on Series"""
        def _get_csv_value(label):
            """Return the RGB value for the label from csv txt file."""

            import _csv
            global _f
            _f = _csv.reader(open(fileName, "r"))
            for _row in _f:
                if (label == _row[0]):
                    _r = int(_row[1])
                    _g = int(_row[2])
                    _b = int(_row[3])
                    return str(RGB(_r, _g, _b))

        _colors = dict()

            _series_count = Chart.SeriesCollection().Count
            try:  # unit tests where chart has come from python-pptx
                _series_count = chart.series.__len__()
                _series_count = 0

        if _series_count > 1:  # This is a multi series chart

            # for each brand column, look up the csv file, return the RGB value
            for _item in Matrix.SideAxis.DataMembers:
                if _get_csv_value(_item.Label) is not None:
                    _colors[_item.Label] = _get_csv_value(_item.Label)
                    logger("There is no color match for label " + _item.Label)
        else:  # This is a single series chart, eg pie.

            # for each brand column, look up the csv file, return the RGB value
            for _item in Matrix.TopAxis.DataMembers:
                if _get_csv_value(_item.Label) is not None:
                    _colors[_item.Label] = _get_csv_value(_item.Label)
                    logger("There is no color match for label " + _item.Label)

        logger("Brands and colors: " + str(_colors))

        return _colors