Exemplo n.º 1
def _get_builds(request, domain_id=None):
    projects = Project.objects.all()
    if domain_id:
        # filter on domain, if it's set
            domain = Domain.objects.get(id=domain_id)
        except Domain.DoesNotExist:
            logging.error("Domain with id %s could not found." % domain_id)
            return HttpResponseBadRequest("Domain with id %s could not found." % domain_id)
        projects = projects.filter(domain=domain)
    if 'export_path' not in settings.RAPIDSMS_APPS['buildmanager']:
        logging.error("Please set 'export_path' in your hq buildmanager settings.")
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Please set 'export_path' in your hq buildmanager settings.")
    export_dir = settings.RAPIDSMS_APPS['buildmanager']['export_path']
    # For now this is RESTful, and de-facto returns all projects and builds.  
    # At some point we may require this to take in a list of guids or 
    # checksums much like the receiver does.
    if projects.count() == 0:
        logging.info("No projects could be found.")
        return HttpResponse("No projects could be found.")
    builds = ProjectBuild.objects.filter(project__in=projects)
    if builds.count() == 0:
        logging.info("No builds could be found.")
        return HttpResponse("No builds could be found.")
    compressor = TarCompressor()
    export_path = os.path.join( export_dir, "commcarehq-builds.tar")
    # add the root project summaries to the compressor
    _add_to_compressor(compressor, _get_project_summary(projects), "projects.json")
    tars = []
    for build in builds:
            summary_tar = _get_build_summary(build)
        except Exception, e:
            logging.error("Unable to export build: %s.  Error is %s." % (build, e))
Exemplo n.º 2
 # to match will still POST some junk character
 if len(request.raw_post_data) > 1:
         stack_received = util.bz2_to_list(request.raw_post_data)
     except Exception, e:
         logging.error("Poorly formatted MD5 file. Expecting a bz2-compressed file of md5 values.")
         return HttpResponseBadRequest("Poorly formatted MD5 file. Expecting a bz2-compressed file of md5 values.")            
     stack_local = Submission.objects.all().distinct('checksum').order_by('checksum').values_list('checksum', flat=True)
     results = util.get_stack_diff(stack_received, stack_local)
     # this could get really large.... O_O
     submissions = Submission.objects.filter(checksum__in=results).distinct("checksum").order_by("checksum")
 if submissions.count() == 0:
     logging.info("No submissions could be found.")
     return HttpResponse("No submissions could be found.")
 compressor = TarCompressor()
 export_path = os.path.join( export_dir, "commcarehq-submissions.tar")
 file_added = False
 for submission in submissions:
     # use StringIO for now, since tarfile requires a stream object
     # Revisit if xforms get super long
         export = submission.export()
         # the following error types shouldn't halt submission export
     except Submission.DoesNotExist:
         logging.error("%s could not be found. Data export failed." \
                       % submission.pk)
     except TypeError, e:
         logging.error("Poorly formatted submission: %s. Data export failed." \