Exemplo n.º 1
def mp(time, signal):
    """1 iteration of MP
    fs = (len(time) - 1) / (time[-1] - time[0])
    dt = 1 / fs

    # construct a family of chirplets
    c = np.linspace(-fs / 2, fs / 2, int(fs / 4) + 1)
    sigma_t = 2**np.arange(3, 8) / 100.0
    tc = np.linspace(time[0], time[-1], int(fs / 200) + 1)
    fc = np.linspace(-fs / 2, fs / 2, int(fs / 10) + 1)
    mp_params = np.array([[i, j] for i in c for j in sigma_t])

    # find the one that best approximates the signal
    mag_best = -np.inf
    for i in tc:
        for j in fc:
            chirp_dict = transforms.q_chirplet(time, i, j, mp_params[:, 0],
                                               np.sqrt(2) * mp_params[:, 1])
            mag = signal_momentum(chirp_dict, 1.0, signal, dt)
            loc = np.argmax(np.absolute(mag))
            if mag_best < np.absolute(mag)[loc]:
                mag_best = np.absolute(mag)[loc]
                result = (mag[loc], i, j, mp_params[loc,
                                                    1], 0.0, mp_params[loc, 0])

    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
# plot initial guess
nrow = 1
ncoln = 2
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrow, ncoln)
if nrow == 1:
    axs = [axs]
fig.suptitle("Initial Guess")
fig.set_size_inches(ncoln * 5, nrow * 3.5)
mu_t, mu_f, sigma_t, sigma_f, c = results[0]
fake_signal = np.sum(transforms.q_chirplet(time, mu_t, mu_f, c,
                                           np.sqrt(2) * sigma_t),
                 ylabel="Imag     Real")
plot.plot_spectrogram(axs[0][1], fake_signal, fs)
plt.savefig("LEMInit.pdf", format="pdf")

# plot after 5 iterations
nrow = 1
ncoln = 2
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrow, ncoln)
if nrow == 1:
  axs = [axs]
fig.suptitle("Dropping 1 Object")
fig.set_size_inches(ncoln * 5, nrow * 5)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, right=0.95, bottom=0.16, top=0.83, wspace=0.35, hspace=0.35)

# calibrate data
data = normalize_data(data)

# plot data spectrogram
plot.plot_spectrogram_log(axs[0][0], data, fs, title="Data Spectrogram (Db)")

# apply mplem
result = mplem(time, data)
# plot results
a, mu_t, mu_f, sigma_t, sigma_f, c = result
fake_signal = np.sum(a[..., np.newaxis] * transforms.q_chirplet(time, mu_t, mu_f, c, np.sqrt(2) * sigma_t), axis=0)
plot.plot_spectrogram(axs[0][1], fake_signal, fs, title="ACT Spectrogram")

# freq-freq plot
fake_signal = np.sum(
    a[..., np.newaxis] * transforms.q_chirplet(
        duration / 2,
        np.sqrt(2) * sigma_t,
plot.plot_chirplet_ff(axs[0][2], time, fake_signal, duration, fs, title="Freq.-Freq. Plane")
Exemplo n.º 4
def mplem(time, signal):
    """the MPLEM algorithm introduced by Cui and Wong
    # sampling frequency and time interval
    fs = (len(time) - 1) / (time[-1] - time[0])
    dt = 1 / fs

    # initialization
    error = np.inf
    curr_signal = signal  # residual
    M = 4  # maximum MP iterations
    N = 100  # maximum LEM iteratons
    results = []  # chirplet parameters to be returned

    for _ in range(M):

        # single chirplet estimation with 1 more chirplet (MP)
        result = mp(time, curr_signal)

        # construct new approximated signal
        approx_signal = np.sum([
            a * transforms.q_chirplet(time, mu_t, mu_f, c,
                                      np.sqrt(2) * sigma_t)
            for a, mu_t, mu_f, sigma_t, _, c in results

        # calculate residual
        curr_signal = signal - approx_signal
        new_mp_error = np.sum(
            np.absolute(signal_momentum(curr_signal, 1.0, curr_signal, dt)))
        print("After MP current error: ", new_mp_error)

        if error - new_mp_error < 0.01:
            break  # if error change is too small, stop
        error = new_mp_error

        # multiple chirplets refinement (LEM)
        for _ in range(N):
            # choose a lem algorithm (either the one from Cui or from Mann)
            results = lem3(time, signal, np.array(results).T)
            results = lem2(time, signal, results)

            # construct new approximated signal
            approx_signal = np.sum([
                a * transforms.q_chirplet(time, mu_t, mu_f, c,
                                          np.sqrt(2) * sigma_t)
                for a, mu_t, mu_f, sigma_t, _, c in results
            curr_signal = signal - approx_signal
            lem_new_error = np.sum(
                np.absolute(signal_momentum(curr_signal, 1.0, curr_signal,
            print("After LEM current error: ", lem_new_error)

            if lem_new_error >= error:
                break  # if error change is too small, stop
            error = lem_new_error

    return np.array(results).T
Exemplo n.º 5
def lem3(time, signal, guesses):
    """LEM algorithm used by Cui and Wong in MPLEM
    fs = (len(time) - 1) / (time[-1] - time[0])
    signal_time = signal
    dt = 1 / fs
    # fft to convert to freq domain
    freq = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(len(time), d=dt), axes=-1)
    signal_freq = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(signal_time), axes=-1)
    df = 1 / ((len(freq) - 1) / (freq[-1] - freq[0]))

    # set initial guess
    a, mu_t, mu_f, sigma_t, sigma_f, c = guesses

    # compute weight in time
    c_t = a[..., np.newaxis] * transforms.q_chirplet(time, mu_t, mu_f, c,
                                                     np.sqrt(2) * sigma_t)
    b_t = np.conj(c_t) * c_t / np.sum(
        (np.conj(c_t) * c_t), axis=0, keepdims=True)
    # update mu, sigma in time
    new_mu_t = signal_mean(time, signal_time, dt, b_t).real
    new_sigma_t = signal_stddev(time, signal_time, dt, b_t).real

    # compute weight in freq
    c_f = a[..., np.newaxis] * np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(c_t), axes=-1)
    b_f = np.conj(c_f) * c_f / np.sum(
        (np.conj(c_f) * c_f), axis=0, keepdims=True)
    # update mu, sigma in freq
    new_mu_f = signal_mean(freq, signal_freq, df, b_f).real
    new_sigma_f = signal_stddev(freq, signal_freq, df, b_f).real

    # compute correlation between uncertainty in time and frequency
    sigma_tf_pow4 = new_sigma_f**2 * new_sigma_t**2 - 1 / (4 * np.pi)**2
    sigma_tf = np.sqrt(
            np.where(sigma_tf_pow4 > 0.0, sigma_tf_pow4,
    S = np.array([[new_sigma_t**2, sigma_tf**2], [sigma_tf**2,
    S = np.swapaxes(S, -1, 0)
    w, v = np.linalg.eig(S)
    c_abs = np.absolute(v[:, 0, 0] / v[:, 1, 0]) / 2
    c_abs = np.where(np.isposinf(c_abs), np.zeros_like(c_abs), c_abs)

    # reconstruct signal and estimate chirprate
    perms = np.array(list(itertools.product([-1.0, 1.0], repeat=len(c_abs))))
    best_correlation = -np.inf
    for perm in perms:
        g_t = np.sum(transforms.q_chirplet(time, mu_t, mu_f, perm * c_abs,
                                           np.sqrt(2) * sigma_t),
        correlation = np.absolute(signal_momentum(g_t, 1.0, signal_time, dt))
        if correlation > best_correlation:
            best_correlation = correlation
            best_perm = perm
    new_c = best_perm * c_abs

    new_chirplets = transforms.q_chirplet(time, new_mu_t, new_mu_f, new_c,
                                          np.sqrt(2) * new_sigma_t)
    new_a = signal_momentum(new_chirplets, 1.0, signal_time, dt)

    # compare the approximation before and after refinement, return with better one
    new_signal = np.sum(new_a[..., np.newaxis] *
                        transforms.q_chirplet(time, new_mu_t, new_mu_f, new_c,
                                              np.sqrt(2) * new_sigma_t),
    new_error = signal_time - new_signal
    new_error = np.sum(
        np.absolute(signal_momentum(new_error, 1.0, new_error, dt)))

    old_signal = np.sum(a[..., np.newaxis] *
                        transforms.q_chirplet(time, mu_t, mu_f, c,
                                              np.sqrt(2) * sigma_t),
    old_error = signal_time - old_signal
    old_error = np.sum(
        np.absolute(signal_momentum(old_error, 1.0, old_error, dt)))
    if old_error > new_error:
        results = np.array(
            [new_a, new_mu_t, new_mu_f, new_sigma_t, new_sigma_f, new_c]).T
        results = np.array([a, mu_t, mu_f, sigma_t, sigma_f, c]).T

    return list(results)
Exemplo n.º 6
def lem2(time, signal, guesses):
    """LEM algorithm proposed by Mann and Haykin, modified so that it can be used in MPLEM
    fs = (len(time) - 1) / (time[-1] - time[0])
    dt = 1 / fs
    # fft to convert to freq domain
    freq = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(len(time), d=dt), axes=-1)
    df = 1 / ((len(freq) - 1) / (freq[-1] - freq[0]))

    approx_signal = np.sum([
        a * transforms.q_chirplet(time, mu_t, mu_f, c,
                                  np.sqrt(2) * sigma_t)
        for a, mu_t, mu_f, sigma_t, _, c in guesses
    total_error = signal - approx_signal
    error = total_error / len(guesses)

    results = []
    for a, mu_t, mu_f, sigma_t, sigma_f, c in guesses:
        signal_time = a * transforms.q_chirplet(time, mu_t, mu_f, c,
                                                np.sqrt(2) * sigma_t) + error
        signal_freq = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(signal_time), axes=-1)

        # update mu, sigma in time
        new_mu_t = signal_mean(time, signal_time, dt).real
        new_sigma_t = signal_stddev(time, signal_time, dt).real

        # update mu, sigma in freq
        new_mu_f = signal_mean(freq, signal_freq, df).real
        new_sigma_f = signal_stddev(freq, signal_freq, df).real

        # compute correlation between uncertainty in time and frequency
        sigma_tf_pow4 = new_sigma_f**2 * new_sigma_t**2 - 1 / (4 * np.pi)**2
        sigma_tf = np.sqrt(
                np.where(sigma_tf_pow4 > 0.0, sigma_tf_pow4,
        S = np.array([[new_sigma_t**2, sigma_tf**2],
                      [sigma_tf**2, new_sigma_f**2]])
        S = np.swapaxes(S, -1, 0)
        w, v = np.linalg.eig(S)
        c_abs = np.absolute(v[0, 0] /
                            v[1, 0]) / 2 if not v[1, 0] == 0.0 else np.inf
        c_abs = np.where(np.isposinf(c_abs), np.zeros_like(c_abs), c_abs)

        # reconstruct signal and estimate chirprate
        perms = [-1.0, 1.0]
        best_correlation = -np.inf
        for perm in perms:
            g_t = np.sum(transforms.q_chirplet(time, new_mu_t, new_mu_f,
                                               perm * c_abs,
                                               np.sqrt(2) * new_sigma_t),
            correlation = np.absolute(
                signal_momentum(g_t, 1.0, signal_time, dt))
            if correlation > best_correlation:
                best_correlation = correlation
                best_perm = perm
        new_c = best_perm * c_abs

        new_chirplet = transforms.q_chirplet(time, new_mu_t, new_mu_f, new_c,
                                             np.sqrt(2) * new_sigma_t)
        new_a = signal_momentum(new_chirplet, 1.0, signal, dt)

        new_signal = new_chirplet * new_a
        new_error = signal_time - new_signal
        error = np.sum(np.absolute(error))
        new_error = np.sum(np.absolute(new_error))
        if new_error < error:
            print("LEM refines the approximation")
                (new_a, new_mu_t, new_mu_f, new_sigma_t, new_sigma_f, new_c))
            # LEM cannot refine the approximation, return initial guesses
            results.append((a, mu_t, mu_f, sigma_t, sigma_f, c))

    return results
Exemplo n.º 7
def lem(time, signal, niter=5, ncenter=2):
    """LEM algorithm proposed by Mann and Haykin
    fs = (len(time) - 1) / (time[-1] - time[0])
    signal_time = signal
    dt = 1 / fs
    # fft to convert to freq domain
    freq = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(len(time), d=dt), axes=-1)
    signal_freq = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(signal_time), axes=-1)
    df = 1 / ((len(freq) - 1) / (freq[-1] - freq[0]))

    # set initial guesses (we only support up to 3 centers) -> TUNE THIS!
    if ncenter == 1:
        mu_t = np.array([0.5])
        mu_f = np.array([0.0])
        sigma_t = np.array([np.sqrt(2) * 1 / 3])
        sigma_f = np.array([10.0])
        c = np.array([0.0])
    if ncenter == 2:
        mu_t = np.array([0.4, 0.6])
        mu_f = np.array([-10, 10])
        sigma_t = np.array(
            [0.1 * np.sqrt(2) * 1 / 3, 0.1 * np.sqrt(2) * 1 / 3])
        sigma_f = np.array([20.0, 20.0])
        c = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
    elif ncenter == 3:
        mu_t = np.array([0.1, 0.5, 0.9])
        mu_f = np.array([-50.0, -120.0, -200.0])
        sigma_t = np.array([
            0.1 * np.sqrt(2) * 1 / 3, 0.3 * np.sqrt(2) * 1 / 3,
            0.1 * np.sqrt(2) * 1 / 3
        sigma_f = np.array([20.0, 20.0, 20.0])
        c = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    results = [(mu_t, mu_f, sigma_t, sigma_f, c)
               ]  # list of estimated parameters from all iterations

    for i in range(niter):

        # compute weight in time
        c_t = transforms.q_chirplet(time, mu_t, mu_f, c, np.sqrt(2) * sigma_t)
        b_t = np.conj(c_t) * c_t / np.sum(
            (np.conj(c_t) * c_t), axis=0, keepdims=True)
        # update mu, sigma in time
        mu_t = signal_mean(time, signal_time, dt, b_t).real
        sigma_t = signal_stddev(time, signal_time, dt, b_t).real

        # compute weight in freq
        c_f = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(c_t), axes=-1)
        b_f = np.conj(c_f) * c_f / np.sum(
            (np.conj(c_f) * c_f), axis=0, keepdims=True)
        # update mu, sigma in freq
        mu_f = signal_mean(freq, signal_freq, df, b_f).real
        sigma_f = signal_stddev(freq, signal_freq, df, b_f).real

        # compute correlation between uncertainty in time and frequency
        sigma_tf_pow4 = sigma_f**2 * sigma_t**2 - 1 / (4 * np.pi)**2
        sigma_tf = np.sqrt(
                np.where(sigma_tf_pow4 > 0.0, sigma_tf_pow4,
        S = np.array([[sigma_t**2, sigma_tf**2], [sigma_tf**2, sigma_f**2]])
        S = np.swapaxes(S, -1, 0)
        w, v = np.linalg.eig(S)
        c_abs = np.absolute(v[:, 0, 0] / v[:, 1, 0]) / 2
        c_abs = np.where(np.isposinf(c_abs), np.zeros_like(c_abs), c_abs)

        # reconstruct signal and estimate chirprate
        perms = np.array(
            list(itertools.product([-1.0, 1.0], repeat=len(c_abs))))
        best_correlation = -np.inf
        for perm in perms:
            g_t = np.sum(transforms.q_chirplet(time, mu_t, mu_f, perm * c_abs,
                                               np.sqrt(2) * sigma_t),
            correlation = np.absolute(
                signal_momentum(g_t, 1.0, signal_time, dt))
            if correlation > best_correlation:
                best_correlation = correlation
                best_perm = perm
        c = best_perm * c_abs

        results.append((mu_t, mu_f, sigma_t, sigma_f, c))

    return results
Exemplo n.º 8
duration = 1.0
time = np.arange(duration * fs) / float(fs)
signal_time = data["signal"]
freq = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(len(time), d=1 / fs))
signal_freq = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(signal_time))

# apply mplem
result = mplem(time, signal_time)

# plot data spectrogram
plot.plot_spectrogram(axs[0][0], signal_time, fs, title="Data Spectrogram")

# plot approximated signal spectrogram
a, mu_t, mu_f, sigma_t, sigma_f, c = result
fake_signal = np.sum(a[..., np.newaxis] *
                     transforms.q_chirplet(time, mu_t, mu_f, c,
                                           np.sqrt(2) * sigma_t),
plot.plot_spectrogram(axs[0][1], fake_signal, fs, title="ACT Spectrogram")

# plot in freq-freq plane
fake_signal = np.sum(
    a[..., np.newaxis] * transforms.q_chirplet(
        duration / 2,
        np.sqrt(2) * sigma_t,