def prepare_characterization(light_curve_file, basis_file, periods, time0s, rors, impacts, es=None): # Download and process the light curves. pipe = K2Data(cache=False) pipe = K2Likelihood(pipe, cache=False) query = dict( basis_file=os.path.abspath(basis_file), light_curve_file=os.path.abspath(light_curve_file) ) r = pipe.query(**query) lc = r.model_light_curves[0] # Set up the initial system model. star = transit.Central() s = transit.System(star) for i in range(len(periods)): planet = transit.Body(r=rors[i], period=periods[i], t0=time0s[i] % periods[i], b=impacts[i], e=0.0 if es is None else es[i]) s.add_body(planet) return ProbabilisticModel(lc, s)
def get_result(self, query, parent_response): # Parse the arguments. injections = query["injections"] if not len(injections): return dict(target_datasets=parent_response.target_datasets) # Build the system. q1 = query["q1"] q2 = query["q2"] mstar = query["mstar"] rstar = query["rstar"] s = transit.System(transit.Central(q1=q1, q2=q2, mass=mstar, radius=rstar)) # Loop over injected bodies and add them to the system. for inj in injections: body = transit.Body(r=inj["radius"], period=inj["period"], t0=inj["t0"], b=inj.get("b", 0.0), e=inj.get("e", 0.0), pomega=inj.get("pomega", 0.0)) s.add_body(body) try: body.ix except ValueError: logging.warn("Removing planet with invalid impact parameter") s.bodies.pop() # Inject the transit into each dataset. results = [] for _ in parent_response.target_datasets: lc = InjectedLightCurve(_) lc.flux[lc.m] *= s.light_curve(lc.time[lc.m]) results.append(lc) return dict(target_datasets=results, injected_system=s)
def __init__(self, fn, median=True): self.t, self.f, self.fe, self.truth = load_data(fn, median) self.ivar = 1.0 / self.fe**2 self.central = transit.Central(q1=self.truth["q1"], q2=self.truth["q2"]) self.system = transit.System(self.central) self.body = transit.Body(period=self.truth["period"], r=self.truth["r"], b=self.truth["b"], t0=self.truth["t0"]) self.system.add_body(self.body)
def lightcurve(star, planet, t): """ Generate a light curve for the given values. Star - [mass,radius] in stellar radii Planet - [radius,mass,period,t0] t - the array for time points from the data """ # Build the transiting system. star = transit.Central(star[0], star[1]) s = transit.System(star) #body = transit.Body(r=0.11/0.74,m=0.002375/0.74,period=1.337,to=0.99,b=0.2,e=0.0167) body = transit.Body(r=planet[0], mass=planet[1], period=planet[2], t0=planet[3], b=0.029) s.add_body(body) # Compute the light curve for given values of t f = s.light_curve(t) return f #lightcurve([0.74,0.713],[0.1,0.001,1.33712,1], np.arange(0,2,1e-4)) # #star = transit.Central(0.74,0.713) #s = transit.System(star) #body = transit.Body(r=0.1,mass=0.01, period=1.33712, t0=0, b=0) #s.add_body(body) # #t = np.arange(0, 2, 1e-4) # #f = s.light_curve(t)
rstar = float(cand.radius) rstar_err1 = float(cand.radius_err1) rstar_err2 = float(cand.radius_err2) ln_rstar = np.log(rstar) ln_rstar_err = np.mean([np.log(rstar + rstar_err1) - np.log(rstar), np.log(rstar) - np.log(rstar + rstar_err2)]) mstar = float(cand.mass) mstar_err1 = float(cand.mass_err1) mstar_err2 = float(cand.mass_err2) ln_mstar = np.log(mstar) ln_mstar_err = np.mean([np.log(mstar + mstar_err1) - np.log(mstar), np.log(mstar) - np.log(mstar + mstar_err2)]) # Set up the model. system = transit.System(transit.Central(mass=mstar, radius=rstar)) system.add_body(transit.Body( period=period, r=1.3*rp, b=b, t0=t0, )) # Load the light curves. lcs =, min_break=10) texp = lcs[0].texp t = np.concatenate([lc.time for lc in lcs]) f = np.concatenate([lc.flux for lc in lcs]) fe = np.concatenate([lc.yerr + np.zeros_like(lc.time) for lc in lcs]) # Find the minimum allowed period. m = np.isfinite(t) min_period = max(t[m].max() - t0, t0 - t[m].min())
def prepare_characterization(kicid, periods, time0s, rors, impacts, es=None, data_window_hw=3.0, min_data_window_hw=0.5): # Download and process the light curves. pipe = Download() pipe = Prepare(pipe) pipe = Discontinuity(pipe) r = pipe.query(kicid=kicid) # Find the data chunks that hit a transit. lcs = [] for lc in r.light_curves: # Build the mask of times that hit transits. m = np.zeros_like(lc.time, dtype=bool) mmin = np.zeros_like(lc.time, dtype=bool) for p, t0 in zip(periods, time0s): hp = 0.5 * p t0 = t0 % p dt = np.abs((lc.time - t0 + hp) % p - hp) m += dt < data_window_hw mmin += dt < min_data_window_hw # Trim the dataset and set up the Gaussian Process model. if np.any(mmin) and np.sum(m) > 10: # Re-normalize the trimmed light curve. mu = np.median(lc.flux[m]) lc.time = np.ascontiguousarray(lc.time[m]) lc.flux = np.ascontiguousarray(lc.flux[m] / mu) lc.ferr = np.ascontiguousarray(lc.ferr[m] / mu) # Make sure that the light curve knows its integration time. lc.texp = kplr.EXPOSURE_TIMES[1] / 86400.0 # Heuristically guess the Gaussian Process parameters. lc.factor = 1000.0 amp = np.median((lc.factor * (lc.flux-1.0))**2) kernel = amp*kernels.Matern32Kernel(4.0) = george.GP(kernel) # Run an initial computation of the GP., lc.ferr * lc.factor) # Save this light curve. lcs.append(lc) # Set up the initial system model. spars = star = transit.Central(mass=spars.M, radius=spars.R) s = transit.System(star) for i in range(len(periods)): planet = transit.Body(r=rors[i] * star.radius, period=periods[i], t0=time0s[i] % periods[i], b=impacts[i], e=0.0 if es is None else es[i]) s.add_body(planet) # Approximate the stellar mass and radius measurements as log-normal. q = np.array(spars[["R", "E_R", "e_R"]], dtype=float) lnsr = (np.log(q[0]), 1.0 / np.mean([np.log(q[0] + q[1]) - np.log(q[0]), np.log(q[0]) - np.log(q[0] - q[2])]) ** 2) q = np.array(spars[["M", "E_M", "e_M"]], dtype=float) lnsm = (np.log(q[0]), 1.0 / np.mean([np.log(q[0] + q[1]) - np.log(q[0]), np.log(q[0]) - np.log(q[0] - q[2])]) ** 2) return ProbabilisticModel(lcs, s, lnsr, lnsm)
def simulation_system(smass, srad, q1, q2, period, t0, rp, b, e, pomega): s = transit.System(transit.Central(mass=smass, radius=srad, q1=q1, q2=q2)) s.add_body( transit.Body(period=period, t0=t0, r=rp, b=b, e=e, pomega=pomega)) return s
def setup_fit(args, fit_kois=False, max_points=300): kicid = args["kicid"] # Initialize the system. system = transit.System( transit.Central( flux=1.0, radius=args["srad"], mass=args["smass"], q1=0.5, q2=0.5, )) system.add_body( transit.Body( radius=args["radius"], period=args["period"], t0=args["t0"], b=args["impact"], e=1.123e-7, omega=0.0, )) if fit_kois: kois = KOICatalog().df kois = kois[kois.kepid == kicid] for _, row in kois.iterrows(): system.add_body( transit.Body( radius=float(row.koi_ror) * args["srad"], period=float(row.koi_period), t0=float(row.koi_time0bk) % float(row.koi_period), b=float(row.koi_impact), e=1.123e-7, omega=0.0, )) system.thaw_parameter("*") system.freeze_parameter("bodies*ln_mass") # Load the light curves. lcs, _ = load_light_curves_for_kic(kicid, remove_kois=not fit_kois) # Which light curves should be fit? fit_lcs = [] other_lcs = [] gps = [] for lc in lcs: f = system.light_curve(lc.time, lc.texp) if np.any(f < 1.0): i = np.argmin(f) inds = np.arange(len(f)) m = np.zeros(len(lc.time), dtype=bool) m[np.sort(np.argsort(np.abs(inds - i))[:max_points])] = True if np.any(f[~m] < system.central.flux): m = np.ones(len(lc.time), dtype=bool) lc.time = np.ascontiguousarray(lc.time[m]) lc.flux = np.ascontiguousarray(lc.flux[m]) lc.ferr = np.ascontiguousarray(lc.ferr[m]) fit_lcs.append(lc) var = np.median((lc.flux - np.median(lc.flux))**2) kernel = 1e6 * var * kernels.Matern32Kernel(2**2) gp = george.GP(kernel, white_noise=2 * np.log(np.mean(lc.ferr) * 1e3), fit_white_noise=True) gp.compute(lc.time, lc.ferr * 1e3) gps.append(gp) else: other_lcs.append(lc) model = TransitModel(args, gps, system, args["smass"], args["smass_err"], args["srad"], args["srad_err"], fit_lcs, other_lcs) return model
def search(kicid_and_injection=None, lcs=None, tau=0.6, detrend_hw=2.0, remove_kois=True, grid_frac=0.25, noise_hw=15.0, detect_thresh=25.0, max_fit_data=500, max_peaks=3, min_datapoints=10, all_models=False, verbose=False): """ :param tau: The transit duration. (default: 0.6) :param detrend_hw: Half width of running window for de-trending. (default: 2.0) :param remove_kois: Remove data points near known KOI transits. (default: True) :param grid_frac: The search grid spacing as a fraction of the duration. (default: 0.25) :param noise_hw: Half width of running window for noise estimation. (default: 15.0) :param detect_thresh: Relative S/N detection threshold. (default: 25.0) :param max_fit_data: The maximum number of data points for fitting. (default: 500) :param max_peaks: The maximum number of peaks to analyze in detail. (default: 3) :param min_datapoints: The minimum number of in-transit data points. (default: 10) :param verbose: Moar printing. (default: False) """ if kicid_and_injection is not None: kicid, injection = kicid_and_injection else: kicid, injection = None, None inject = injection is not None system = None if inject: system = transit.System( transit.Central(q1=injection["q1"], q2=injection["q2"])) system.add_body( transit.Body( radius=injection["ror"], period=injection["period"], b=injection["b"], e=injection["e"], omega=injection["omega"], t0=injection["t0"], )) injection["ncadences"] = 0 injection["recovered"] = False if lcs is None and kicid is None: raise ValueError("you must specify 'lcs' or 'kicid'") if lcs is None: lcs, ncad = load_light_curves_for_kic(kicid, detrend_hw=detrend_hw, remove_kois=remove_kois, inject_system=system) if inject: injection["ncadences"] += ncad else: kicid = "unknown-target" # Loop over light curves and search each one. time = [] chunk = [] depth = [] depth_ivar = [] s2n = [] for i, lc in enumerate(lcs): time.append(np.arange(lc.time.min(), lc.time.max(), grid_frac * tau)) d, ivar, s = cython_search(tau, time[-1], lc.time, lc.flux - 1, 1 / lc.ferr**2) depth.append(d) depth_ivar.append(ivar) s2n.append(s) chunk.append(i + np.zeros(len(time[-1]), dtype=int)) time = np.concatenate(time) chunk = np.concatenate(chunk) depth = np.concatenate(depth) depth_ivar = np.concatenate(depth_ivar) s2n = np.concatenate(s2n) # Compute the depth S/N time series and smooth it to estimate a background # noise level. m = depth_ivar > 0.0 noise = np.nan + np.zeros_like(s2n) noise[m] = running_median_trend(time[m], np.abs(s2n[m]), noise_hw) results = SearchResults(kicid, lcs, tau, detect_thresh, time, depth, depth_ivar, s2n, noise, injection=injection) # Find peaks above the fiducial threshold. m = s2n > detect_thresh * noise peaks = [] while np.any(m): i = np.argmax(s2n[m]) t0 = time[m][i] peaks.append( dict( kicid=kicid, t0=t0 + 0.5 * tau, s2n=s2n[m][i], bkg=noise[m][i], depth=depth[m][i], depth_ivar=depth_ivar[m][i], chunk=chunk[m][i], )) m &= np.abs(time - t0) > 2 * tau if verbose: print("Found {0} raw peaks".format(len(peaks))) if not len(peaks): return results for i, peak in enumerate(peaks): peak["num_peaks"] = len(peaks) peak["peak_id"] = i if verbose and len(peaks) > max_peaks: logging.warning("truncating peak list") peaks = peaks[:max_peaks] # For each peak, plot the diagnostic plots and vet. for i, peak in enumerate(peaks): # Vetting. t0 = peak["t0"] d = peak["depth"] chunk = peak["chunk"] lc0 = lcs[chunk] x = lc0.raw_time y = lc0.raw_flux yerr = lc0.raw_ferr ndata = np.sum(np.abs(x - t0) < 0.5 * tau) if ndata < min_datapoints: if verbose: logging.warning( "there are only {0} data points in transit".format(ndata)) continue # Limit number of data points in chunk. inds = np.sort(np.argsort(np.abs(t0 - x))[:max_fit_data]) x = np.ascontiguousarray(x[inds]) y = np.ascontiguousarray(y[inds]) yerr = np.ascontiguousarray(yerr[inds]) cen_x = np.ascontiguousarray(lc0.mom_cen_1[inds]) cen_y = np.ascontiguousarray(lc0.mom_cen_2[inds]) peak["data"] = (x, y, yerr, cen_x, cen_y) if verbose: print("{0} data points in chunk".format(len(x))) for k in [ "channel", "skygroup", "module", "output", "quarter", "season" ]: peak[k] = lc0.meta[k] peak["chunk_min_time"] = x.min() peak["chunk_max_time"] = x.max() # Mean models: # 1. constant constant = np.median(y) # 2. transit m = np.abs(x - t0) < tau ind = np.arange(len(x))[m][np.argmin(y[m])] ror = np.sqrt(max(d, 1.0 - y[ind])) system = transit.SimpleSystem( period=3000.0, t0=x[ind], ror=ror, duration=tau, impact=0.5, ) system.freeze_parameter("ln_period") system.freeze_parameter("q1_param") system.freeze_parameter("q2_param") best = (np.inf, system.t0, 0.0, ror) for dur in np.linspace(0.1 * tau, 2 * tau, 50): system.duration = dur for t0 in x[ind] + np.linspace(-0.1 * tau, 0.1 * tau, 7): system.t0 = t0 system.ror = ror mu = system.get_value(x) A = np.concatenate((np.vander(x, 2).T, [mu]), axis=0).T try: w = np.linalg.solve(, A),, y)) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: continue d = np.sum((y -, w))**2) if d < best[0]: best = (d, t0, dur, np.sqrt(w[-1]) * ror) system.t0 = best[1] system.duration = best[2] system.ror = best[3] # 3. step best = (np.inf, 0, 0.0, 0.0) n = 2 for ind in range(1, len(y) - 2 * n): a = slice(ind, ind + n) b = slice(ind + n, ind + 2 * n) step = StepModel( value1=np.mean(y[:ind]), value2=np.mean(y[ind + 2 * n:]), height1=np.mean(y[a]) - np.mean(y[:ind]), height2=np.mean(y[ind + 2 * n:]) - np.mean(y[b]), log_width_plus=0.0, log_width_minus=0.0, t0=0.5 * (x[ind + n - 1] + x[ind + n]), ) best_minus = (np.inf, 0.0) m = x < step.t0 for w in np.linspace(-4, 2, 20): step.log_width_minus = w d = np.sum((y[m] - step.get_value(x[m]))**2) if d < best_minus[0]: best_minus = (d, w) best_plus = (np.inf, 0.0) m = x >= step.t0 for w in np.linspace(-4, 2, 20): step.log_width_plus = w d = np.sum((y[m] - step.get_value(x[m]))**2) if d < best_plus[0]: best_plus = (d, w) d = best_minus[0] + best_plus[0] if d < best[0]: best = (d, ind, best_minus[1], best_plus[1]) _, ind, wm, wp = best a = slice(ind, ind + n) b = slice(ind + n, ind + 2 * n) step = StepModel( value1=np.mean(y[:ind]), value2=np.mean(y[ind + 2 * n:]), height1=np.mean(y[a]) - np.mean(y[:ind]), height2=np.mean(y[ind + 2 * n:]) - np.mean(y[b]), log_width_plus=wp, log_width_minus=wm, t0=0.5 * (x[ind + n - 1] + x[ind + n]), ) check_gradient(step, x) # 4. box: inds = np.argsort(np.diff(y)) inds = np.sort([inds[0], inds[-1]]) boxes = [] for tmn, tmx in (0.5 * (x[inds] + x[inds + 1]), (t0 - 0.5 * tau, t0 + 0.5 * tau)): boxes.append(BoxModel(tmn, tmx, data=(x, y))) check_gradient(boxes[-1], x) # # 5. vee # vee = VeeModel(depth=1., t0=system.t0, log_b=-0.5, # log_a=np.log(0.1/24.)) # check_gradient(vee, x) # Loop over models and compare them. models = OrderedDict([ ("transit", system), # ("vee", vee), ("box1", boxes[1]), ("step", step), ("gp", constant), ("box2", boxes[0]), ]) peak["gps"] = OrderedDict() peak["pred_cens"] = [] for name, mean_model in models.items(): kernel = np.var(y) * kernels.Matern32Kernel(2**2) gp = george.GP(kernel, mean=mean_model, fit_mean=True, white_noise=2 * np.log(np.mean(yerr)), fit_white_noise=True) gp.compute(x, yerr) # Set up some bounds. bounds = gp.get_bounds() n = gp.get_parameter_names() if name == "transit": bounds[n.index("mean:ln_duration")] = np.log( (system.duration / 2.0, system.duration * 2.0)) bounds[n.index("mean:t0")] = (t0 - 0.5 * tau, t0 + 0.5 * tau) if "mean:impact" in n: bounds[n.index("mean:impact")] = (0, 1.0) if "mean:q1_param" in n: bounds[n.index("mean:q1_param")] = (-10, 10) bounds[n.index("mean:q2_param")] = (-10, 10) bounds[n.index("kernel:k2:ln_M_0_0")] = (np.log(0.1), None) bounds[n.index("white:value")] = (2 * np.log(0.5 * np.median(yerr)), None) bounds[n.index("kernel:k1:ln_constant")] = \ (2*np.log(np.median(yerr)), None) # Optimize. initial_vector = np.array(gp.get_vector()) r = minimize(gp.nll, gp.get_vector(), jac=gp.grad_nll, args=(y, ), method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bounds) gp.set_vector(r.x) peak["gps"][name] = (gp, y) # Compute the -0.5*BIC. peak["lnlike_{0}".format(name)] = peak["bic_{0}".format( name)] = - 0.5 * len(r.x) * np.log(len(x)) if verbose: print("Peak {0}:".format(i)) print("Model: '{0}'".format(name)) print("Converged: {0}".format(r.success)) if not r.success: print("Message: {0}".format(r.message)) print("Log-likelihood: {0}".format( peak["lnlike_{0}".format(name)])) print("-0.5 * BIC: {0}".format(peak["bic_{0}".format(name)])) print("Parameters:") for k, v0, v in zip(gp.get_parameter_names(), initial_vector, gp.get_vector()): print(" {0}: {1:.4f} -> {2:.4f}".format(k, v0, v)) print() # Initialize one of the boxes using the transit shape. if name == "transit" and np.any(system.get_value(x) < 1.0): depth = 1.0 - float(system.get_value(system.t0)) models["box1"].mn = system.t0 - 0.5 * system.duration models["box1"].mx = system.t0 + 0.5 * system.duration # models["vee"].t0 = system.t0 # models["vee"].log_b = np.log(0.5*system.duration) # models["vee"].depth = depth # Fit the centroids. tm = (1.0 - system.get_value(x)) / depth A = np.vander(tm, 2) AT = A.T offset = 0.0 offset_err = 0.0 for ind, c in enumerate((cen_x, cen_y)): err = np.median(np.abs(np.diff(c))) kernel = np.var(c) * kernels.Matern32Kernel(2**2) gp = george.GP(kernel, white_noise=2 * np.log(np.mean(err)), fit_white_noise=True, mean=CentroidModel(tm, a=0.0, b=0.0), fit_mean=True) gp.compute(x, err) r = minimize(gp.nll, gp.get_vector(), jac=gp.grad_nll, args=(c - np.mean(c), ), method="L-BFGS-B") gp.set_vector(r.x) C = gp.get_matrix(x) C[np.diag_indices_from(C)] += err**2 alpha = np.linalg.solve(C, A) ATA =, alpha) mu = np.mean(c) a = np.linalg.solve(C, c - mu) w = None for _ in range(10): try: w = np.linalg.solve(ATA,, a)) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: ATA[np.diag_indices_from(ATA)] *= 1 + 1e-5 w = None else: break if w is None: raise np.linalg.LinAlgError("Couldn't fix ATA") offset += w[0]**2 offset_err = np.linalg.inv(ATA)[0, 0] * w[0]**2 peak["pred_cens"].append(, w) + mu) offset_err = np.sqrt(offset_err / offset) offset = np.sqrt(offset) peak["centroid_offset"] = offset peak["centroid_offset_err"] = offset_err elif name == "transit": peak["centroid_offset"] = 0.0 peak["centroid_offset_err"] = np.inf if (peak["bic_{0}".format(name)] > peak["bic_transit"] and not all_models): break # Deal with outliers. if name != "gp": continue N = len(r.x) + 1 peak["lnlike_outlier"] = peak["bic_outlier"] = - 0.5 * N * np.log(len(x)) best = (, 0) for j in np.arange(len(x))[np.abs(x - t0) < 0.5 * tau]: y0 = np.array(y) y0[j] = np.median(y[np.arange(len(y)) != j]) ll = gp.lnlikelihood(y0) if ll > best[0]: best = (ll, j) # Optimize the outlier model: m = np.arange(len(y)) != best[1] y0 = np.array(y) y0[~m] = np.median(y0[m]) kernel = np.var(y0) * kernels.Matern32Kernel(2**2) gp = george.GP(kernel, mean=np.median(y0), fit_mean=True, white_noise=2 * np.log(np.mean(yerr)), fit_white_noise=True) gp.compute(x, yerr) r = minimize(gp.nll, gp.get_vector(), jac=gp.grad_nll, args=(y0, ), method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bounds) gp.set_vector(r.x) peak["lnlike_outlier"] = peak["bic_outlier"] = - 0.5 * N * np.log(len(x)) peak["gps"]["outlier"] = (gp, y0) if verbose: print("Peak {0}:".format(i)) print("Model: 'outlier'") print("Converged: {0}".format(r.success)) print("Log-likelihood: {0}".format(peak["lnlike_outlier"])) print("-0.5 * BIC: {0}".format(peak["bic_outlier"])) print("Parameters:") for k, v in zip(gp.get_parameter_names(), gp.get_vector()): print(" {0}: {1:.4f}".format(k, v)) print() # Save the transit parameters. peak["transit_impact"] = system.impact peak["transit_duration"] = system.duration peak["transit_ror"] = system.ror peak["transit_time"] = system.t0 peak["transit_depth"] = 1.0 - float(system.get_value(system.t0)) # Accept the peak? accept_bic = all( peak["bic_transit"] >= peak.get("bic_{0}".format(k), -np.inf) for k in models) and (peak["bic_transit"] > peak["bic_outlier"]) accept_time = ((peak["transit_time"] - 1.0 * peak["transit_duration"] > peak["chunk_min_time"]) and (peak["transit_time"] + 1.0 * peak["transit_duration"] < peak["chunk_max_time"])) accept = accept_bic and accept_time peak["accept_bic"] = accept_bic peak["accept_time"] = accept_time # Save the injected parameters. if inject: for k in ["t0", "period", "ror", "b", "e", "omega"]: peak["injected_{0}".format(k)] = injection[k] # Check for recovery. p = injection["period"] d = (peak["transit_time"] - injection["t0"] + 0.5 * p) % p - 0.5 * p peak["is_injection"] = np.abs(d) < peak["transit_duration"] results.injection["recovered"] |= accept # Save the peak. results.peaks.append(peak) return results
from __future__ import division, print_function import time import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as pl import emcee from kplr import EXPOSURE_TIMES import transit texp = EXPOSURE_TIMES[1] / 86400.0 s = transit.System(transit.Central(dilution=0.05)) body = transit.Body(radius=0.2, mass=0.0, period=4.0, t0=2, b=0.0, e=0.4, omega=0.5*np.pi + 0.01) s.add_body(body) s.thaw_parameter("*") print(s.get_parameter_names()) x = np.linspace(0, 10.0, 1000) yerr = 5e-4 * np.ones_like(x) y = s.light_curve(x) + yerr * np.random.randn(len(x)) pl.plot(x, y, ".k") pl.savefig("data.png") p0 = s.get_vector()
def inject(kicid, rng=6): # Download the data. client = kplr.API() kic = lcs = kic.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False) lc = lcs[np.random.randint(len(lcs))] # Read the data. data = t = data["TIME"] f = data["SAP_FLUX"] fe = data["SAP_FLUX_ERR"] q = data["SAP_QUALITY"] # Remove missing points. m = np.isfinite(t) * np.isfinite(f) * np.isfinite(fe) * (q == 0) t, f, fe = t[m], f[m], fe[m] t -= t.min() # Build the transit system. s = transit.System( transit.Central(q1=np.random.rand(), q2=np.random.rand())) body = transit.Body(period=365.25, b=np.random.rand(), r=0.04, t0=np.random.uniform(t.max())) s.add_body(body) # Compute the transit model. texp = kplr.EXPOSURE_TIMES[1] / 86400.0 # Long cadence exposure time. model = s.light_curve(t, texp=texp) f *= model # Trim the dataset to include data only near the transit. m = np.abs(t - body.t0) < rng t, f, fe = t[m], f[m], fe[m] t -= body.t0 # Save the injection as a FITS light curve. dt = [("TIME", float), ("SAP_FLUX", float), ("SAP_FLUX_ERR", float)] data = np.array(zip(t, f, fe), dtype=dt) hdr = dict(b=body.b, period=body.period, r=body.r, t0=0.0, q1=s.central.q1, q2=s.central.q2) fitsio.write("{0}-injection.fits".format(kicid), data, header=hdr, clobber=True) # Plot the light curve. ppm = (f / np.median(f) - 1) * 1e6 fig = pl.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(t, ppm, ".k") ax.set_xlim(-rng, rng) ax.set_xlabel("time since transit [days]") ax.set_ylabel("relative flux [ppm]") ax.set_title("raw light curve") fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.2, top=0.9, right=0.9) fig.savefig("{0}-raw.pdf".format(kicid))
# Throw away the datasets without transits. period, t0 = 295.963, 138.91 hp = 0.5 * period selection = lambda lc: np.any( np.abs((lc[0] - t0 + hp) % period - hp) < 1.0) light_curves = filter(selection, light_curves) print(len(light_curves)) # Plot the raw data. for lc in light_curves: pl.plot(lc[0], lc[1], ".", ms=3) pl.savefig("raw_data.png") # Set up the initial system. system = transit.System(transit.Central(radius=0.95)) planet = transit.Body(r=2.03 * 0.01, period=period, t0=t0, b=0.9) system.add_body(planet) texp = kplr.EXPOSURE_TIMES[1] / 60. / 60. / 24. mean_function = partial(system.light_curve, texp=texp) # Set up the Gaussian processes. pl.clf() offset = 0.001 models = [] for i, lc in enumerate(light_curves): dt = np.median(np.diff(lc[0])) * integrated_time(lc[1]) kernel = np.var(lc[1]) * kernels.Matern32Kernel(dt**2) gp = george.GP(kernel, mean=mean_function, solver=george.HODLRSolver) gp.compute(lc[0], lc[2]) models.append((gp, lc[1]))