Exemplo n.º 1
def test_quadratic1():
    Check if area under quadratic function for Trap
    Is approx equal to analytical solution
    (A/3)(b^3 - a^3) + (B/2)(b^2-a^2) + C(b-a)
    A, B, C, a, b = 2, 4, 5, 0, 100
    area1 = (A/3)*(b**3 + a**3) + (B/2)*(b**2 + a**2) + C*(b-a)
    area2 = trap(quadraticfunc, 0, 100, 1000)
    assert isclose(area1, area2) is True
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_gensin1():
    Check if area under sin function for Trap
    Is approx equal to analytical solution
    sin(x) = cos(a) - cos(b)
    A, w, a, b = 2, 4, 0, 100
    area1 = (A/w)*(cos(w*a) - cos(w*b))
    area2 = trap(gensinfunc, 0, 100, 1000, A=A, w=w)
    assert isclose(area1, area2, atol=0.05) is True
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_genlinear1():
    Check if area under linear function for Trap
    Is approx equal to analytical solution
    (1/2)A(b^2 - a^2)+B(b-a)
    A, B, a, b = 3, 4, 0, 100
    area1 = .5*A*(b**2 - a**2) + B*(b-a)
    area2 = trap(genlinearfunc, 0, 100, 1000, A=A, B=B)
    assert isclose(area1, area2) is True
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_sin1():
    Check if area under sin function for Trap
    Is approx equal to analytical solution
    sin(x) = cos(a) - cos(b)
    a, b = 0, 100
    area1 = cos(a) - cos(b)
    area2 = trap(sinfunc, 0, 100, 1000)
    assert isclose(area1, area2, atol=0.05) is True
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_gensin2():
    Checks if area under curve computed for Trap func
    Is approximately equal to Trapz function from Numpy
    For f(x) = Asin(wx) - generalized
    xvector = range(100)
    yvector = []
    for i in xvector:
        yvector.append(gensinfunc(i, A=2, w=3))
    area1 = trapz(yvector, x=xvector)
    x1, x2 = xvector[0], xvector[-1]
    step = len(xvector)
    area2 = trap(gensinfunc, x1, x2, step, A=2, w=3)
    assert isclose(area1, area2, atol=0.05) is True
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_genquadratic2():
    Checks if area under curve computed for Trap func
    Is approximately equal to Trapz function from Numpy
    For f(x) = ax + b - generalized
    xvector = range(100)
    yvector = []
    for i in xvector:
        yvector.append(genquadraticfunc(i, A=2, B=2, C=2))
    area1 = trapz(yvector, x=xvector)
    x1, x2 = xvector[0], xvector[-1]
    step = len(xvector)
    area2 = trap(genquadraticfunc, x1, x2, step, A=2, B=2, C=2)
    assert isclose(area1, area2) is True
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_linear2():
    Checks if area under curve computed for Trap func
    Is approximately equal to Trapz function from Numpy
    For f(x) = ax + b
    xvector = range(100)
    yvector = []
    for i in xvector:
    area1 = trapz(yvector, x=xvector)
    x1, x2 = xvector[0], xvector[-1]
    step = len(xvector)
    area2 = trap(linearfunc, x1, x2, step)
    assert isclose(area1, area2) is True
Exemplo n.º 8
    Np, A, B, vs   = 2, 4, 1, 1
    theta1, theta2 = 90, 300
    print 'No input given. Taking the default values!'

#theta1, theta2 = 90, 300
dim = 3                              # dimensionality of the problem 
eta = 1.0/6                          # viscosity of the fluid simulated
a   = 1                              # radius of the particle       
k = vs/A                             # stiffness of the trap
S0, D0  = 0.01, 0.01                 # strength of the stresslet and potDipole
ljrmin, ljeps  = 3, .01              # lennard-jones parameters
Tf, Npts       = 400000, 5000        # final time and number of points 

# instantiate the class trap for simulating active particles in a harmonic potential
rm = trap.trap(a, Np, vs, eta, dim, S0, D0, k, ljeps, ljrmin)

# module to initialise the system. 
def initialConfig(rp0, trapCentre, theta, a, a0, vs, k, Np):
    '''initialise the system'''
    rr = np.pi*vs*a/k;   #confinement radius
    t1 = np.pi/180       
    if Np==1: 
        rp0[0], rp0[1], rp0[2] = 0, 0, 8   # particle 1 Position
        rp0[3], rp0[4], rp0[5] = 0, 0, -1   # Orientation

    elif Np==3:
        t1 = np.pi/180
        trapCentre[0] =  0
        trapCentre[1] =  a0
Exemplo n.º 9
Integral of (4 - x**2)**(1/2) from a = 0 and b = 2 computed by trapezoidal

import math as mt
from trap import trap

def f(x):
    return (4 - x**2)**(1/2)

a = 0
b = 2

for n in range(0, 2):
    er = 10. **(-n)
    Inew = trap(f, a, b, tol = er)
    print('tol=', er, 'Integral=', Inew)

tol= 1.0 Integral= (2.9957090681024408+0.75j)
tol= 0.1 Integral= (0.13601901796103003+0.001235730667189656j)    

Exemplo n.º 10
''' Parameters:
                Np= number of particles, vs=active velocity, 
                k = spring constant of the trap, S0 = stresslet strength
                A = vs/k;   B = S0/k'''

    Np, A, B, vs = int(sys.argv[1]), float(sys.argv[2]), float(
        sys.argv[3]), float(sys.argv[4])
    Np, A, B, vs = 100, 4, 1, 1
    print 'No input given. Taking the default values!'

dim = 3  # dimensionality of the problem
eta = 1.0 / 6  # viscosity of the fluid simulated
a = 1  # radius of the particle
mu = 1 / (6 * np.pi * eta * a)  # particle mobility
k = vs / A  # stiffness of the trap
S0 = B * k  # strength of the stresslet
D0 = 0.01
ljrmin, ljeps = 4.0, .01  # Lennard Jones Parameters
Tf, Npts = 8000, 2000  # Final time and number of points on which integrator returns the data

# instantiate the class trap for simulating active particles in a harmonic potential
rm = trap.trap(a, Np, vs, eta, dim, S0, D0, k, ljeps, ljrmin)

# initialise the system. Current version supports either Np=2 or initialization on a sphere or on a cube

# simulate the resulting system
rm.simulate(Tf, Npts)
Exemplo n.º 11
import trap

a = -1
b = 1
h1 = 0.5
h2 = 0.25

qqq = trap.trap(a, b, h2)
print("F =")