Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):

        self.parent = None
        self.leftChild = None
        self.rightChild = None
        self.value = None
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, definition):
        self.definition = definition
        self.solution = definition.solution
        self.files = []
        self.configurations = []

        #print "Loading " + definition.type + " project at: " + definition.absolutePath
        # Is there an actual file related to this project?
        if (definition.type == "general"):

        # TODO: Add support for other kinds of projects. Do I need to make a distinction??
        if (definition.type == "cpp"):
                # First try to open the filter file which is the tree we prefer to show
                tree = ET.parse(definition.absolutePath + ".filters")
            except Exception as e:
                    # Apparently there's no filter file, just open the regular vcxproj
                    tree = ET.parse(definition.absolutePath)
                except Exception as e:
                    print "Project " + definition.name + " could not be opened at \"" + definition.absolutePath + "\". Skipping."
                    print e
                    self.loaded = False
            root = tree.getroot()

            # Get the namespace since every tag returned by etree is prefixed by it
            # so we're gonna need it to find element using xPath
            self.xmlns = re.match("{(.*?)}", root.tag).group(1)

            itemGroups = root.findall(".//{%s}ItemGroup" % (self.xmlns));

            for g in itemGroups:
                # TODO: Apparently if it doesn't have a label then it's a group of 
                # files we want to show? There's probably a better way to determine that
                if g.get("Label") != None:
                for i in g:
                    # Ignore filters since each file's filter specify the same information
                    if i.tag == ("{%s}Filter" % (self.xmlns)):
                    # Ignore project references (this are project dependencies, maybe we want those?)
                    if i.tag == ("{%s}ProjectReference" % (self.xmlns)):
                    # All items I've seen have the Include property but just to make sure
                    if i.get("Include") != None:

        self.loaded = True
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, path):
        # Read the whole solution into a string
            with open(path, 'r') as content_file:
                raw = content_file.read()
        except Exception as e:
            print "The solution file could not be read. Aborting."
            print e
        self.absolutePath = os.path.abspath(path)
        self.solutionDir = os.path.dirname(path)
        self.name = os.path.basename(path)

        # Find out the version of the solution
            m = re.search("Format Version (.*)", raw)
            self.formatVersion = m.group(1)
            # print "Solution format version " + self.formatVersion
        except Exception as e:
            print "The solution file doesn't seem to have valid solution contents. Aborting."
            print e
        # Read all projects' data
            projectStrings = re.findall("^Project.*?^EndProject$", raw, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
            self.projectDefs = []
            for p in projectStrings:
                m = re.match("Project\(\"(?P<type>.*?)\"\)\s*=\s*\"(?P<name>.*?)\"\s*,\s*\"(?P<path>.*?)\"\s*,\s*\"(?P<uuid>.*?)\"", p)
                # print m.group("type") + ": " + m.group("name") + ", " + m.group("path") + ", " + m.group("uuid")
                self.projectDefs.append(ProjectDef(self, m.group("type"), m.group("name"), m.group("path"), m.group("uuid")))
        except Exception as e:
            print ("The projects in the solution are not in the expected format, please send the solution file to juancampa "
                  "at gmail dot com so the plugin can be enhanced, thanks! Aborting. Also please include the following error:")
            print e

        # Create the builder, if anything goes wrong while reading the
        # configuration/platform data this field will be set to None to
        # indicate that we don't know how to build this solution.
        self.builder = Builder(self)

        # Read all solution configuration/platform data.
            self.configurations = []
            self.platforms = []
            block = re.search("GlobalSection\(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms\)\s*=\s*preSolution\s*(.*?)EndGlobalSection", raw, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
            if block != None:
                blockItems = re.findall("^\s*(.*?)\|(.*?)\s*=\s*.*", block.group(1), re.MULTILINE);
                for i in blockItems:
                    config = i[0]
                    plat = i[1]

                    if not config in self.configurations:
                    if not plat in self.platforms:

            # Add the solution options to the hierarchy
            self.configuration = TreeOption("Config  ", self.configurations, 0)
            self.platform = TreeOption("Platform", self.platforms, 0)

        except Exception as e:
            self.builder = None         # Disable building
            print ("Configuration data could not be read from the .sln file, the solution won't be buildable from Vim:")
            print e

        # Read all project configuration/platform data. This is the most bizarre
        # part of an sln file the value after the Build.0 doesn't really mean
        # anything. But if a "Build.0" exists is because the project is selected to
        # be built under the solution configuration
            block = re.search("GlobalSection\(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms\)\s*=\s*postSolution\s*(.*?)EndGlobalSection", raw, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
            if block != None:
                blockItems = re.findall("^\s*(\{[A-Z0-9-]*?\})\.(.*?)\|(.*?)\.(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*?)\|(.*?)\s*$", block.group(1), re.MULTILINE);
                for i in blockItems:
                    projectUUID = i[0]
                    solutionConfig = i[1]
                    solutionPlatform = i[2]
                    prop = i[3]
                    projectConfig = i[4]
                    projectPlatform = i[5]

                    projectDef = self.GetProjectDefByUUID(projectUUID)
                    if projectDef != None:
                        config = projectDef.GetOrCreateConfig(solutionConfig, solutionPlatform)
                        # print i[0] + "-" + i[1] + "-" + i[2] + "-" + i[3] + "-" + i[4] + "-" + i[5] + "-"
                        if "ActiveCfg" in prop:
                            config.SetProjectConfig(projectConfig, projectPlatform)
                        elif "Build.0" in prop:

        except Exception as e:
            self.builder = None         # Disable building
            print ("Project configuration data could not be read from the .sln file, the solution won't be buildable from Vim:")
            print e

        # Now check if there are any nested projects in the NestedProjects section
        nestings = re.search("GlobalSection\(NestedProjects\)\s*=\s*preSolution\s*(.*?)EndGlobalSection", raw, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
        if nestings != None:
            nestings = re.findall("(\{[A-Z0-9-]*?\})\s*=\s*(\{[A-Z0-9-]*?\})", nestings.group(1), re.MULTILINE);
            for n in nestings:
                child = self.GetProjectDefByUUID(n[0])
                child.parentuuid = n[1]

        # So if everything went well while reading the sln, let's open the projects.
        self.projects = []
        for definition in self.projectDefs:
            project = Project(definition)

        # Now that the projects are loaded in a list, build the hierarchy
        for p in self.projects:
            if p.definition.parentuuid != None:
                parent = self.GetProjectByUUID(p.definition.parentuuid)
                p.parent = parent