Exemplo n.º 1
    def depth(self, node=None):
        Get the maximum level of this tree or the level of the given node

        @param node Node instance or identifier
        @return int
        @throw NodeIDAbsentError
        ret = 0
        if node is None:
            # Get maximum level of this tree
            leaves = self.leaves()
            for leave in leaves:
                level = self.level(leave.identifier)
                ret = level if level >= ret else ret
            # Get level of the given node
            if not isinstance(node, Node):
                nid = node
                nid = node.identifier
            if not self.contains(nid):
                raise NodeIDAbsentError("Node '%s' is not in the tree" % nid)
            ret = self.level(nid)
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 2
    def remove_subtree(self, nid):
        Return a subtree deleted from this tree. If nid is None, an
        empty tree is returned.
        For the original tree, this method is similar to
        `remove_node(self,nid)`, because given node and its children
        are removed from the original tree in both methods.
        For the returned value and performance, these two methods are

            `remove_node` returns the number of deleted nodes;
            `remove_subtree` returns a subtree of deleted nodes;

        You are always suggested to use `remove_node` if your only to
        delete nodes from a tree, as the other one need memory
        allocation to store the new tree.
        st = Tree()
        if nid is None:
            return st

        if not self.contains(nid):
            raise NodeIDAbsentError("Node '%s' is not in the tree" % nid)
        st.root = nid

        parent = self[nid].bpointer
        self[nid].bpointer = None  # reset root parent for the new tree
        removed = []
        for id in self.expand_tree(nid):
        for id in removed:
            st._nodes.update({id: self._nodes.pop(id)})
        # Update its parent info
        self.__update_fpointer(parent, nid, Node.DELETE)
        return st
Exemplo n.º 3
    def remove_node(self, identifier):
        Remove a node indicated by 'identifier'; all the successors are
        removed as well.

        Return the number of removed nodes.
        removed = []
        if identifier is None:
            return 0

        if not self.contains(identifier):
            raise NodeIDAbsentError("Node '%s' "
                                    "is not in the tree" % identifier)

        parent = self[identifier].bpointer
        for id in self.expand_tree(identifier):
            # TODO: implementing this function as a recursive function:
            #       check if node has children
            #       true -> run remove_node with child_id
            #       no -> delete node
        cnt = len(removed)
        for id in removed:
            del self._nodes[id]
        # Update its parent info
        self.__update_fpointer(parent, identifier, Node.DELETE)
        return cnt
Exemplo n.º 4
    def paste(self, nid, new_tree, deepcopy=False):
        Paste a @new_tree to the original one by linking the root
        of new tree to given node (nid).

        Update: add @deepcopy of pasted tree.
        assert isinstance(new_tree, Tree)
        if nid is None:
            raise OSError("First parameter can't be None")

        if not self.contains(nid):
            raise NodeIDAbsentError("Node '%s' is not in the tree" % nid)

        set_joint = set(new_tree._nodes) & set(self._nodes)  # joint keys
        if set_joint:
            # TODO: a deprecated routine is needed to avoid exception
            raise ValueError('Duplicated nodes %s exists.' % list(set_joint))

        if deepcopy:
            for node in new_tree._nodes:
                self._nodes.update({node.identifier: deepcopy(node)})
        self.__update_fpointer(nid, new_tree.root, Node.ADD)
        self.__update_bpointer(new_tree.root, nid)
    def __init__(self):
        self.global_plate_definitions = MetaDataTree()

        to_be_added = dict(
            (i, d) for i, d, in enumerate(self.global_meta_data))
        passes = 0

        # Populate the global plate definitions from dict given in the database
        while len(to_be_added) > 0:
            passes += 1
            if passes > 1000:
                raise NodeIDAbsentError("Nodes absent for ids {}".format(
                    ", ".join(
                        map(lambda x: x['identifier'], to_be_added.values()))))
            items = list(to_be_added.items())
            for i, item in items:
                    del to_be_added[i]
                except NodeIDAbsentError:

        logging.info("Global plate definitions: ")
Exemplo n.º 6
    def parent(self, nid):
        """Get parent node object of given id"""
        if not self.contains(nid):
            raise NodeIDAbsentError("Node '%s' is not in the tree" % nid)

        pid = self[nid].bpointer
        if pid is None or not self.contains(pid):
            return None

        return self[pid]
Exemplo n.º 7
    def expand_tree(self, nid=None, mode=DEPTH, filter=None, key=None,
        Python generator. Loosly based on an algorithm from
        'Essential LISP' by John R. Anderson, Albert T. Corbett, and
        Brian J. Reiser, page 239-241

        UPDATE: the @filter function is performed on Node object during

        UPDATE: the @key and @reverse are present to sort nodes at each
        nid = self.root if (nid is None) else nid
        if not self.contains(nid):
            raise NodeIDAbsentError("Node '%s' is not in the tree" % nid)

        filter = self._real_true if (filter is None) else filter
        if filter(self[nid]):
            yield nid
            queue = [self[i] for i in self[nid].fpointer if filter(self[i])]
            if mode in [self.DEPTH, self.WIDTH]:
                queue.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
                while queue:
                    yield queue[0].identifier
                    expansion = [self[i] for i in queue[0].fpointer
                                 if filter(self[i])]
                    expansion.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
                    if mode is self.DEPTH:
                        queue = expansion + queue[1:]  # depth-first
                    elif mode is self.WIDTH:
                        queue = queue[1:] + expansion  # width-first

            elif mode is self.ZIGZAG:
                # Suggested by Ilya Kuprik ([email protected]).
                stack_fw = []
                stack = stack_bw = queue
                direction = False
                while stack:
                    expansion = [self[i] for i in stack[0].fpointer
                                 if filter(self[i])]
                    yield stack.pop(0).identifier
                    if direction:
                        stack_bw = expansion + stack_bw
                        stack_fw = expansion + stack_fw
                    if not stack:
                        direction = not direction
                        stack = stack_fw if direction else stack_bw
Exemplo n.º 8
    def is_branch(self, nid):
        Return the children (ID) list of nid.
        Empty list is returned if nid does not exist
        if nid is None:
            raise OSError("First parameter can't be None")
        if not self.contains(nid):
            raise NodeIDAbsentError("Node '%s' is not in the tree" % nid)

            fpointer = self[nid].fpointer
        except KeyError:
            fpointer = []
        return fpointer
Exemplo n.º 9
    def rsearch(self, nid, filter=None):
        Traverse the tree branch along the branch from nid to its
        ancestors (until root).
        if nid is None:

        if not self.contains(nid):
            raise NodeIDAbsentError("Node '%s' is not in the tree" % nid)

        filter = (self._real_true) if (filter is None) else filter

        current = nid
        while current is not None:
            if filter(self[current]):
                yield current
            # subtree() hasn't update the bpointer
            current = self[current].bpointer if self.root != current else None
Exemplo n.º 10
    def link_past_node(self, nid):
        Delete a node by linking past it.

        For example, if we have a -> b -> c and delete node b, we are left
        with a -> c
        if not self.contains(nid):
            raise NodeIDAbsentError("Node '%s' is not in the tree" % nid)
        if self.root == nid:
            raise LinkPastRootNodeError("Cannot link past the root node, "
                                        "delete it with remove_node()")
        # Get the parent of the node we are linking past
        parent = self[self[nid].bpointer]
        # Set the children of the node to the parent
        for child in self[nid].fpointer:
        # Link the children to the parent
        parent.fpointer += self[nid].fpointer
        # Delete the node
        parent.update_fpointer(nid, mode=parent.DELETE)
        del self._nodes[nid]
Exemplo n.º 11
    def subtree(self, nid):
        Return a shallow COPY of subtree with nid being the new root.
        If nid is None, return an empty tree.
        If you are looking for a deepcopy, please create a new tree
        with this shallow copy,

            new_tree = Tree(t.subtree(t.root), deep=True)

        This line creates a deep copy of the entire tree.
        st = Tree()
        if nid is None:
            return st

        if not self.contains(nid):
            raise NodeIDAbsentError("Node '%s' is not in the tree" % nid)

        st.root = nid
        for node_n in self.expand_tree(nid):
            st._nodes.update({self[node_n].identifier: self[node_n]})
        return st
Exemplo n.º 12
    def add_node(self, node, parent=None):
        Add a new node to tree.
        The 'node' parameter refers to an instance of Class::Node
        if not isinstance(node, Node):
            raise OSError("First parameter must be object of Class::Node.")

        if node.identifier in self._nodes:
            raise DuplicatedNodeIdError("Can't create node "
                                        "with ID '%s'" % node.identifier)

        if parent is None:
            if self.root is not None:
                raise MultipleRootError("A tree takes one root merely.")
                self.root = node.identifier
        elif not self.contains(parent):
            raise NodeIDAbsentError("Parent node '%s' "
                                    "is not in the tree" % parent)

        self._nodes.update({node.identifier: node})
        self.__update_fpointer(parent, node.identifier, Node.ADD)
        self.__update_bpointer(node.identifier, parent)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _Tree__print_backend(self,
        Another implementation of printing tree using Stack
        Print tree structure in hierarchy style.
        For example:
            |___ C01
            |    |___ C11
            |         |___ C111
            |         |___ C112
            |___ C02
            |___ C03
            |    |___ C31
        A more elegant way to achieve this function using Stack
        structure, for constructing the Nodes Stack push and pop nodes
        with additional level info.
        UPDATE: the @key @reverse is present to sort node at each
        line_types = \
            {'ascii': ('|', '|-- ', '+-- '),
             'ascii-ex': ('\u2502', '\u251c\u2500\u2500 ', '\u2514\u2500\u2500 '),
             'ascii-exr': ('\u2502', '\u251c\u2500\u2500 ', '\u2570\u2500\u2500 '),
             'ascii-em': ('\u2551', '\u2560\u2550\u2550 ', '\u255a\u2550\u2550 '),
             'ascii-emv': ('\u2551', '\u255f\u2500\u2500 ', '\u2559\u2500\u2500 '),
             'ascii-emh': ('\u2502', '\u255e\u2550\u2550 ', '\u2558\u2550\u2550 ')}
        DT_VLINE, DT_LINE_BOX, DT_LINE_COR = line_types[line_type]

        nid = self.root if (nid is None) else nid
        if not self.contains(nid):
            raise NodeIDAbsentError("Node '%s' is not in the tree" % nid)

        if data_property is not None and hasattr(self[nid].data,
            display_value = getattr(self[nid].data, data_property)
        elif data_property is None:
            display_value = self[nid].tag
            raise NodePropertyAbsentError(
                "Node '%s' does not have data property '%s'" %
                (nid, data_property))

        label = ('{0}'.format(display_value)) \
            if idhidden \
            else ('{0}[{1}:{2}]'.format(display_value, self[nid].identifier, str(self[nid].data)))

        queue_filter = self._Tree__real_true if (
            queue_filter is None) else queue_filter

        if not iflast:
            iflast = []

        if level == self.ROOT:
            leading = ''.join(
                map(lambda x: DT_VLINE + ' ' * 3
                    if not x else ' ' * 4, iflast[0:-1]))
            lasting = DT_LINE_COR if iflast[-1] else DT_LINE_BOX
            func('{0}{1}{2}'.format(leading, lasting, label).encode('utf-8'))

        if queue_filter(self[nid]) and self[nid].expanded:
            queue = [
                self[i] for i in self[nid].fpointer if queue_filter(self[i])
            key = (lambda x: x) if (key is None) else key
            queue.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
            level += 1
            for element in queue:
                iflast.append(queue.index(element) == len(queue) - 1)
                self._Tree__print_backend(element.identifier, level, idhidden,
                                          queue_filter, key, reverse,
                                          line_type, data_property, func,
Exemplo n.º 14
 def __getitem__(self, key):
     """Return _nodes[key]"""
         return self._nodes[key]
     except KeyError:
         raise NodeIDAbsentError("Node '%s' is not in the tree" % key)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _print_backend(self, nid=None, level=ROOT, idhidden=True, filter=None,
             key=None, reverse=False, line_type='ascii-ex', func=print, iflast=[]):
        Another implementation of printing tree using Stack
        Print tree structure in hierarchy style.

        For example:
            |___ C01
            |    |___ C11
            |         |___ C111
            |         |___ C112
            |___ C02
            |___ C03
            |    |___ C31

        A more elegant way to achieve this function using Stack
        structure, for constructing the Nodes Stack push and pop nodes
        with additional level info.

        UPDATE: the @key @reverse is present to sort node at each
        line_types = \
        {'ascii': ('|', '|-- ', '+-- '),
         'ascii-ex': ('\u2502', '\u251c\u2500\u2500 ', '\u2514\u2500\u2500 '),
         'ascii-exr': ('\u2502', '\u251c\u2500\u2500 ', '\u2570\u2500\u2500 '),
         'ascii-em': ('\u2551', '\u2560\u2550\u2550 ', '\u255a\u2550\u2550 '),
         'ascii-emv': ('\u2551', '\u255f\u2500\u2500 ', '\u2559\u2500\u2500 '),
         'ascii-emh': ('\u2502', '\u255e\u2550\u2550 ', '\u2558\u2550\u2550 ')}
        DT_VLINE, DT_LINE_BOX, DT_LINE_COR = line_types[line_type]

        leading = ''
        lasting = DT_LINE_BOX

        nid = self.root if (nid is None) else nid
        if not self.contains(nid):
            raise NodeIDAbsentError("Node '%s' is not in the tree" % nid)

        label = ("{0}".format(self[nid].tag)) \
                 if idhidden else ("{0}[{1}]".format(self[nid].tag,

        filter = (self._real_true) if (filter is None) else filter

        if level == self.ROOT:
            leading = ''.join(map(lambda x: DT_VLINE + ' ' * 3 if not x else ' ' * 4, iflast[0:-1]))
            lasting = DT_LINE_COR if iflast[-1] else DT_LINE_BOX
            func("{0}{1}{2}".format(leading, lasting, label))

        if filter(self[nid]) and self[nid].expanded:
            queue = [self[i] for i in self[nid].fpointer if filter(self[i])]
            key = (lambda x: x) if (key is None) else key
            queue.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
            level += 1
            for element in queue:
                iflast.append(queue.index(element) == len(queue)-1)