Exemplo n.º 1
 def send_recovery_email(self):
     from trex.support import mail
     from app import app
         to        = self.user.email,
         subject   = 'Password reset email for %s' % app.settings.get('app', 'name'),
         text_body = "Hi,\n\nYou can reset your password by clicking on this link:\n %(direct_url)s\n\nOr, you can use the code %(code)s at this link: %(url)s\n\n--\n%(app_name)s" % dict(
             code       = self.code,
             direct_url = url_for('trex.auth.recover_password', _external=True, code=self.code),
             url        = url_for('trex.auth.lost_password_sent', _external=True),
             app_name   = app.settings.get('app', 'name'),
Exemplo n.º 2
 def notify_password_reset(self, new_password):
     from trex.support import mail
     from app import app
         to        = self.email,
         subject   = 'Your password on %s was reset' % app.settings.get('app', 'name'),
         text_body = "Hi,\n\nYou have a new password on %(app_name)s. Your login details are:\n\nEmail: %(email)s\nPassword: %(password)s\n\nYou can log in at: %(app_url)s\n\n--\n%(app_name)s" % dict(
             app_name = app.settings.get('app', 'name'),
             app_url  = url_for('index.index', _external=True),
             email    = self.email,
             password = new_password,
     return "Password emailed to %s" % self.email