Exemplo n.º 1
def test_BestDistancePlotter():
    with testing.postgresql.Postgresql() as postgresql:
        engine = create_engine(postgresql.url())
        distance_table, model_groups = create_sample_distance_table(engine)
        plotter = BestDistancePlotter(distance_table)
        df_dist = plotter.generate_plot_data(
            model_group_ids=[1, 2],
            train_end_times=["2014-01-01", "2015-01-01"],
        # assert that we have the right # of columns and a row for each % diff value
        # 202 row because 101 percentiles (0-100 inclusive), 2 model groups
        assert df_dist.shape == (101 * 2, 5)

        # all of the model groups are within .34 of the best, so pick
        # a number higher than that and all should qualify
        for value in df_dist[df_dist["distance"] ==
            assert numpy.isclose(value, 1.0)

        # model group 1 (stable) should be within 0.11 1/2 of the time
        # if we included 2016 in the train_end_times, this would be 1/3!
        for value in df_dist[(df_dist["distance"] == 0.11) & (
                df_dist["model_group_id"] == 1)]["pct_of_time"].values:
            assert numpy.isclose(value, 0.5)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_BestDistancePlotter_plot_bounds():
    class FakeDistanceTable(object):
        def observed_bounds(self):
            return {
                ("precision@", "100_abs"): (0.02, 0.87),
                ("recall@", "100_abs"): (0.0, 1.0),
                ("false positives@", "300_abs"): (2, 162),

    plotter = BestDistancePlotter(FakeDistanceTable())
    assert plotter.plot_bounds("precision@", "100_abs") == (0.0, 1.0)
    assert plotter.plot_bounds("recall@", "100_abs") == (0.0, 1.0)
    assert plotter.plot_bounds("false positives@", "300_abs") == (2, 178)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_BestDistancePlotter_plot_bounds():
    class FakeDistanceTable(object):
        def observed_bounds(self):
            return {
                ('precision@', '100_abs'): (0.02, 0.87),
                ('recall@', '100_abs'): (0.0, 1.0),
                ('false positives@', '300_abs'): (2, 162)

    plotter = BestDistancePlotter(FakeDistanceTable())
    assert plotter.plot_bounds('precision@', '100_abs') == (0.0, 1.0)
    assert plotter.plot_bounds('recall@', '100_abs') == (0.0, 1.0)
    assert plotter.plot_bounds('false positives@', '300_abs') == (2, 178)
def test_BestDistancePlotter_plot():
    with patch("triage.component.audition.distance_from_best.plot_cats") as plot_patch:
        with testing.postgresql.Postgresql() as postgresql:
            engine = create_engine(postgresql.url())
            distance_table, model_groups = create_sample_distance_table(engine)
            plotter = BestDistancePlotter(distance_table)
                [{"metric": "precision@", "parameter": "100_abs"}],
                model_group_ids=[1, 2],
                train_end_times=["2014-01-01", "2015-01-01"],
        assert plot_patch.called
        args, kwargs = plot_patch.call_args
        assert "distance" in kwargs["frame"]
        assert "pct_of_time" in kwargs["frame"]
        assert kwargs["x_col"] == "distance"
        assert kwargs["y_col"] == "pct_of_time"
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_BestDistancePlotter_plot():
    with patch('triage.component.audition.distance_from_best.plot_cats'
               ) as plot_patch:
        with testing.postgresql.Postgresql() as postgresql:
            engine = create_engine(postgresql.url())
            distance_table, model_groups = create_sample_distance_table(engine)
            plotter = BestDistancePlotter(distance_table)
                    'metric': 'precision@',
                    'parameter': '100_abs'
                model_group_ids=[1, 2],
                train_end_times=['2014-01-01', '2015-01-01'],
        assert plot_patch.called
        args, kwargs = plot_patch.call_args
        assert 'distance' in kwargs['frame']
        assert 'pct_of_time' in kwargs['frame']
        assert kwargs['x_col'] == 'distance'
        assert kwargs['y_col'] == 'pct_of_time'