Exemplo n.º 1
def tridiagonal_approach():
    epsilon, alpha, beta = .02, 2., 4.
    # N = number of subintervals or finite elements
    def AnalyticSolution(x,alpha, beta,epsilon):
        out = alpha+x+(beta-alpha-1.)*(np.exp(x/epsilon) -1.)/(np.exp(1./epsilon) -1.)   
        return out
    def matrix_diagonals(N):
        x = np.linspace(0,1,N+1)**(1.) # N+1 = number of grid points
        h = np.diff(x)
        b, f = np.zeros(N+1), np.zeros(N+1)
        a, c= np.zeros(N), np.zeros(N)
        b[0], b[N] = 1., 1.
        f[0], f[N] = alpha, beta
        # i = 0 to N-2
        b[1:N] = -epsilon*(1./h[0:N-1] + 1./h[1:N])
        f[1:N] = -.5*(h[0:N-1] + h[1:N])
        c[1:N] = epsilon/h[1:N] - .5
        a[0:N-1] = epsilon/h[0:N-1] + .5
        return a, b, c, f, x
    n = [2**i for i in range(4,22)]
    max_error_fe = [10]*(len(n))
    h = [1./num for num in n]
    for j in range(len(n)): 
        a, b, c, f, x = matrix_diagonals(n[j])
        numerical_soln = tridiag(a,b,c,f)
        analytic_soln = AnalyticSolution(x, alpha, beta,epsilon)
        max_error_fe[j] = np.max(np.abs(numerical_soln - analytic_soln))
    #print "max_error = ", max_error_fe
    N = 500
    a, b, c, f, x = matrix_diagonals(N)
    numerical_soln = tridiag(a,b,c,f)
    epsilon = .02
    analytic_soln = AnalyticSolution(x,alpha, beta,epsilon)
    #print "Error = ", np.max(np.abs(numerical_soln- analytic_soln))
    # plt.plot(x,numerical_soln,'-*r',lw=2.)
Exemplo n.º 2
def tridiagonal_approach():
    epsilon, alpha, beta = .02, 2., 4.

    # N = number of subintervals or finite elements

    def AnalyticSolution(x, alpha, beta, epsilon):
        out = alpha + x + (beta - alpha - 1.) * (np.exp(x / epsilon) - 1.) / (
            np.exp(1. / epsilon) - 1.)
        return out

    def matrix_diagonals(N):
        x = np.linspace(0, 1, N + 1)**(1.)  # N+1 = number of grid points
        h = np.diff(x)
        b, f = np.zeros(N + 1), np.zeros(N + 1)
        a, c = np.zeros(N), np.zeros(N)
        b[0], b[N] = 1., 1.
        f[0], f[N] = alpha, beta

        # i = 0 to N-2
        b[1:N] = -epsilon * (1. / h[0:N - 1] + 1. / h[1:N])
        f[1:N] = -.5 * (h[0:N - 1] + h[1:N])
        c[1:N] = epsilon / h[1:N] - .5
        a[0:N - 1] = epsilon / h[0:N - 1] + .5

        return a, b, c, f, x

    n = [2**i for i in range(4, 22)]

    max_error_fe = [10] * (len(n))
    h = [1. / num for num in n]
    for j in range(len(n)):
        a, b, c, f, x = matrix_diagonals(n[j])
        numerical_soln = tridiag(a, b, c, f)
        analytic_soln = AnalyticSolution(x, alpha, beta, epsilon)
        max_error_fe[j] = np.max(np.abs(numerical_soln - analytic_soln))

    #print "max_error = ", max_error_fe

    plt.loglog(n, max_error_fe, '-k', linewidth=2.)

    N = 500
    a, b, c, f, x = matrix_diagonals(N)
    numerical_soln = tridiag(a, b, c, f)
    epsilon = .02
    analytic_soln = AnalyticSolution(x, alpha, beta, epsilon)
    #print "Error = ", np.max(np.abs(numerical_soln- analytic_soln))
    # plt.plot(x,numerical_soln,'-*r',lw=2.)
    plt.plot(x, analytic_soln, '-k', lw=2.)
Exemplo n.º 3
def _one_pop_const_params_X(phi,
    Integrate one population with constant parameters.

    In this case, we can precompute our a,b,c matrices for the linear system
    we need to evolve. This we can efficiently do in Python, rather than 
    relying on C. The nice thing is that the Python is much faster to debug.
    if numpy.any(numpy.less([T, nu, theta0, beta, alpha], 0)):
        raise ValueError('A time, population size, migration rate, theta0, '
                         'beta, or alpha is < 0. Has the model been '
    if numpy.any(numpy.equal([nu, beta], 0)):
        raise ValueError('A population size or beta is 0. Has the model been '

    M = _Mfunc1D_X(xx, gamma, h, beta)
    MInt = _Mfunc1D_X((xx[:-1] + xx[1:]) / 2, gamma, h, beta)
    V = _Vfunc_X(xx, nu, beta)
    VInt = _Vfunc_X((xx[:-1] + xx[1:]) / 2, nu, beta)

    dx = numpy.diff(xx)
    dfactor = _compute_dfactor(dx)
    delj = _compute_delj(dx, MInt, VInt)

    a = numpy.zeros(phi.shape)
    a[1:] += dfactor[1:] * (-MInt * delj - V[:-1] / (2 * dx))

    c = numpy.zeros(phi.shape)
    c[:-1] += -dfactor[:-1] * (-MInt * (1 - delj) + V[1:] / (2 * dx))

    b = numpy.zeros(phi.shape)
    b[:-1] += -dfactor[:-1] * (-MInt * delj - V[:-1] / (2 * dx))
    b[1:] += dfactor[1:] * (-MInt * (1 - delj) + V[1:] / (2 * dx))

    if (M[0] <= 0):
        b[0] += (0.5 / nu - M[0]) * 2 / dx[0]
    if (M[-1] >= 0):
        b[-1] += -(-0.5 / nu - M[-1]) * 2 / dx[-1]

    dt = _compute_dt(dx, nu, [0], gamma, h)
    current_t = initial_t
    while current_t < T:
        this_dt = min(dt, T - current_t)

        _inject_mutations_1D_X(phi, this_dt, xx, theta0, beta, alpha)
        r = phi / this_dt
        phi = tridiag.tridiag(a, b + 1. / this_dt, c, r)
        current_t += this_dt
    return phi
Exemplo n.º 4
def tridiagonal_approach():
	epsilon, alpha, beta = .02, 2., 4.
	# N = number of subintervals or finite elements

	def AnalyticSolution(x,alpha, beta,epsilon):
		out = alpha+x+(beta-alpha-1.)*(np.exp(x/epsilon) -1.)/(np.exp(1./epsilon) -1.)
		return out

	def matrix_diagonals(N):
		x = np.linspace(0,1,N+1)**(1.) # N+1 = number of grid points
		h = np.diff(x)
		b, f = np.zeros(N+1), np.zeros(N+1)
		a, c= np.zeros(N), np.zeros(N)
		b[0], b[N] = 1., 1.
		f[0], f[N] = alpha, beta
		# i = 0 to N-2
		b[1:N] = -epsilon*(1./h[0:N-1] + 1./h[1:N])
		f[1:N] = -.5*(h[0:N-1] + h[1:N])
		c[1:N] = epsilon/h[1:N] - .5
		a[0:N-1] = epsilon/h[0:N-1] + .5
		return a, b, c, f, x

	n = [2**i for i in range(4,22)]

	max_error_fe = [10]*(len(n))
	h = [1./num for num in n]
	for j in range(len(n)):
		a, b, c, f, x = matrix_diagonals(n[j])
		numerical_soln = tridiag(a,b,c,f)
		analytic_soln = AnalyticSolution(x, alpha, beta,epsilon)
		max_error_fe[j] = np.max(np.abs(numerical_soln - analytic_soln))

	n2 = [2*i for i in range(4,50)]
	max_error_cheb = [10]*len(n2)
	for j in range(len(n2)):
		N = n2[j]
		D,x = cheb(N)
		M = 4*epsilon*D.dot(D) -2.*D
		M[0] = 0.
		M[-1] = 0.
		M[0,0] = 1.
		M[-1,-1] = 1.

		F = -np.ones(len(x))
		F[0] = 4    # beta
		F[-1] = 2   # alpha

		cheb_sol = solve(M,F)
		analytic_soln = AnalyticSolution((x+1.)/2., alpha, beta,epsilon)
		max_error_cheb[j] = np.max(np.abs(cheb_sol - analytic_soln))

	plt.loglog(n2,max_error_cheb,'-b',linewidth=2.,label='Chebychev Error')

	# plt.savefig("FEM_error_2nd_order.pdf")
Exemplo n.º 5
def poisson(n):
    '''Returns a sparse square coefficient matrix for the 1D Poisson equation.
    import scipy.sparse as sparse
    from tridiag import tridiag
    s = tridiag(n, -1, 2, -1)
    i = sparse.eye(n, n)
    A = s + i * 2.0
    return A
Exemplo n.º 6
def _one_pop_const_params_X(phi, xx, T, nu=1, gamma=0, h=0.5, beta=1, alpha=1, 
                            theta0=1, initial_t=0):
    Integrate one population with constant parameters.

    In this case, we can precompute our a,b,c matrices for the linear system
    we need to evolve. This we can efficiently do in Python, rather than 
    relying on C. The nice thing is that the Python is much faster to debug.
    if numpy.any(numpy.less([T,nu,theta0,beta,alpha], 0)):
        raise ValueError('A time, population size, migration rate, theta0, '
                         'beta, or alpha is < 0. Has the model been '
    if numpy.any(numpy.equal([nu,beta], 0)):
        raise ValueError('A population size or beta is 0. Has the model been '

    M = _Mfunc1D_X(xx, gamma, h, beta)
    MInt = _Mfunc1D_X((xx[:-1] + xx[1:])/2, gamma, h, beta)
    V = _Vfunc_X(xx, nu, beta)
    VInt = _Vfunc_X((xx[:-1] + xx[1:])/2, nu, beta)

    dx = numpy.diff(xx)
    dfactor = _compute_dfactor(dx)
    delj = _compute_delj(dx, MInt, VInt)

    a = numpy.zeros(phi.shape)
    a[1:] += dfactor[1:]*(-MInt * delj - V[:-1]/(2*dx))

    c = numpy.zeros(phi.shape)
    c[:-1] += -dfactor[:-1]*(-MInt * (1-delj) + V[1:]/(2*dx))

    b = numpy.zeros(phi.shape)
    b[:-1] += -dfactor[:-1]*(-MInt * delj - V[:-1]/(2*dx))
    b[1:] += dfactor[1:]*(-MInt * (1-delj) + V[1:]/(2*dx))

    if(M[0] <= 0):
        b[0] += (0.5/nu - M[0])*2/dx[0]
    if(M[-1] >= 0):
        b[-1] += -(-0.5/nu - M[-1])*2/dx[-1]

    dt = _compute_dt(dx,nu,[0],gamma,h)
    current_t = initial_t
    while current_t < T:    
        this_dt = min(dt, T - current_t)

        _inject_mutations_1D_X(phi, this_dt, xx, theta0, beta, alpha)
        r = phi/this_dt
        phi = tridiag.tridiag(a, b+1./this_dt, c, r)
        current_t += this_dt
    return phi
Exemplo n.º 7
def tridiagonal_approach():
    epsilon, alpha, beta = .02, 2., 4.

    # N = number of subintervals or finite elements

    def AnalyticSolution(x, alpha, beta, epsilon):
        out = alpha + x + (beta - alpha - 1.) * (np.exp(x / epsilon) - 1.) / (
            np.exp(1. / epsilon) - 1.)
        return out

    def matrix_diagonals(N):
        x = np.linspace(0, 1, N + 1)**(1.)  # N+1 = number of grid points
        h = np.diff(x)
        b, f = np.zeros(N + 1), np.zeros(N + 1)
        a, c = np.zeros(N), np.zeros(N)
        b[0], b[N] = 1., 1.
        f[0], f[N] = alpha, beta
        # i = 0 to N-2
        b[1:N] = -epsilon * (1. / h[0:N - 1] + 1. / h[1:N])
        f[1:N] = -.5 * (h[0:N - 1] + h[1:N])
        c[1:N] = epsilon / h[1:N] - .5
        a[0:N - 1] = epsilon / h[0:N - 1] + .5
        return a, b, c, f, x

    n = [2**i for i in range(4, 22)]

    max_error_fe = [10] * (len(n))
    h = [1. / num for num in n]
    for j in range(len(n)):
        a, b, c, f, x = matrix_diagonals(n[j])
        numerical_soln = tridiag(a, b, c, f)
        analytic_soln = AnalyticSolution(x, alpha, beta, epsilon)
        max_error_fe[j] = np.max(np.abs(numerical_soln - analytic_soln))

    n2 = [2 * i for i in range(4, 50)]
    max_error_cheb = [10] * len(n2)
    for j in range(len(n2)):
        N = n2[j]
        D, x = cheb(N)
        M = 4 * epsilon * D.dot(D) - 2. * D
        M[0] = 0.
        M[-1] = 0.
        M[0, 0] = 1.
        M[-1, -1] = 1.

        F = -np.ones(len(x))
        F[0] = 4  # beta
        F[-1] = 2  # alpha

        cheb_sol = solve(M, F)
        analytic_soln = AnalyticSolution((x + 1.) / 2., alpha, beta, epsilon)
        max_error_cheb[j] = np.max(np.abs(cheb_sol - analytic_soln))

    plt.loglog(n2, max_error_cheb, '-b', linewidth=2., label='Chebychev Error')

    plt.loglog(n, max_error_fe, '-k', linewidth=2.)
    plt.xlabel('$n$', fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel('$E(n)$', fontsize=16)
    # plt.savefig("FEM_error_2nd_order.pdf")