Exemplo n.º 1
    def set(self, key: bytes, value: bytes) -> Tuple[Hash32]:
        Returns all updated hashes in root->leaf order
        validate_length(key, self._key_size)

        path = to_int(key)
        node = value
        _, branch = self._get(key)
        proof_update = []  # Keep track of proof updates

        target_bit = 1
        # branch is in root->leaf order, so flip
        for sibling_node in reversed(branch):
            # Set
            node_hash = keccak(node)
            self.db[node_hash] = node

            # Update
            if (path & target_bit):
                node = sibling_node + node_hash
                node = node_hash + sibling_node

            target_bit <<= 1

        # Finally, update root hash
        self.root_hash = keccak(node)
        self.db[self.root_hash] = node

        # updates need to be in root->leaf order, so flip back
        return tuple(reversed(proof_update))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _get(self, key: bytes) -> Tuple[bytes, Tuple[Hash32]]:
        Returns db value and branch in root->leaf order
        validate_length(key, self._key_size)
        branch = []

        target_bit = 1 << (self.depth - 1)
        path = to_int(key)
        node_hash = self.root_hash
        # Append the sibling node to the branch
        # Iterate on the parent
        for _ in range(self.depth):
            node = self.db[node_hash]
            left, right = node[:32], node[32:]
            if path & target_bit:
                node_hash = right
                node_hash = left
            target_bit >>= 1

        # Value is the last hash in the chain
        # NOTE: Didn't do exception here for testing purposes
        return self.db[node_hash], tuple(branch)
Exemplo n.º 3
def encode_branch_node(left_child_node_hash, right_child_node_hash):
    Serializes a branch node
    validate_length(left_child_node_hash, 32)
    validate_length(right_child_node_hash, 32)
    return BRANCH_TYPE_PREFIX + left_child_node_hash + right_child_node_hash
Exemplo n.º 4
    def delete(self, key: bytes) -> Tuple[Hash32]:
        Equals to setting the value to None
        Returns all updated hashes in root->leaf order
        validate_length(key, self._key_size)

        return self.set(key, self._default)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def exists(self, key: bytes) -> bool:
        validate_length(key, self._key_size)

            return True
        except KeyError:
            return False
Exemplo n.º 6
def encode_kv_node(keypath, child_node_hash):
    Serializes a key/value node
    if keypath is None or keypath == b'':
        raise ValidationError("Key path can not be empty")
    validate_length(child_node_hash, 32)
    return KV_TYPE_PREFIX + encode_from_bin_keypath(keypath) + child_node_hash
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, key: bytes, value: bytes, branch: Sequence[Hash32]):
        validate_length(branch, len(key) * 8)

        self._key = key
        self._key_size = len(key)
        self._value = value
        self._branch = list(branch)  # Avoid issues with mutable lists
        self._branch_size = len(branch)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def from_db(cls,
                db: Dict[bytes, bytes],
                root_hash: Hash32,
                key_size: int = 32,
                default: bytes = BLANK_NODE):
        smt = cls(key_size=key_size, default=default)

        # If db is provided, and is not consistent,
        # there may be a silent error. Can't solve that easily.
        smt.db = db

        # Set root_hash, so we know where to start
        validate_length(root_hash, 32)  # Must be a bytes32 hash

        smt.root_hash = root_hash

        return smt
Exemplo n.º 9
    def update(self, key: bytes, value: bytes, node_updates: Sequence[Hash32]):
        Merge an update for another key with the one we are tracking internally.

        :param key: keypath of the update we are processing
        :param value: value of the update we are processing
        :param node_updates: sequence of sibling nodes (in root->leaf order)
                             must be at least as large as the first diverging
                             key in the keypath

        validate_length(key, self._key_size)

        # Path diff is the logical XOR of the updated key and this account
        path_diff = (to_int(self.key) ^ to_int(key))

        # Same key (diff of 0), update the tracked value
        if path_diff == 0:
            self._value = value
            # No need to update branch
            # Find the first mismatched bit between keypaths. This is
            # where the branch point occurs, and we should update the
            # sibling node in the source branch at the branch point.
            # NOTE: Keys are in MSB->LSB (root->leaf) order.
            #       Node lists are in root->leaf order.
            #       Be sure to convert between them effectively.
            for bit in reversed(range(self._branch_size)):
                if path_diff & (1 << bit) > 0:
                    branch_point = (self._branch_size - 1) - bit

            # NOTE: node_updates only has to be as long as necessary
            #       to obtain the update. This allows an optimization
            #       of pruning updates to the maximum possible depth
            #       that would be required to update, which may be
            #       significantly smaller than the tree depth.
            if len(node_updates) <= branch_point:
                raise ValidationError("Updated node list is not deep enough")

            # Update sibling node in the branch where our key differs from the update
            self._branch[branch_point] = node_updates[branch_point]
Exemplo n.º 10
def calc_root(key: bytes, value: bytes, branch: Sequence[Hash32]) -> Hash32:
    Obtain the merkle root of a given key/value/branch set.
    Can be used to validate a merkle proof or compute it's value from data.

    :param key: the keypath to decide the ordering of the sibling nodes in the branch
    :param value: the value (or leaf) that starts the merkle proof computation
    :param branch: the sequence of sibling nodes used to recursively perform the computation

    :return: the root hash of the merkle proof computation

    .. doctest::

        >>> key = b'\x02'  # Keypath
        >>> value = b''  # Value (or leaf)
        >>> branch = tuple([b'\x00'] * 8)  # Any list of hashes
        >>> calc_root(key, value, branch)

    validate_length(branch, len(key) * 8)

    path = to_int(key)
    target_bit = 1
    # traverse the path in leaf->root order
    # branch is in root->leaf order (key is in MSB to LSB order)
    node_hash = keccak(value)
    for sibling_node in reversed(branch):
        if path & target_bit:
            node_hash = keccak(sibling_node + node_hash)
            node_hash = keccak(node_hash + sibling_node)
        target_bit <<= 1

    return node_hash