Exemplo n.º 1
    def pick_question(cls,questions_asked,facts,target):
    #Picks a question to ask, using previous questions asked.
        #TODO Check if lat/long is known
        if True:
            return 'None','None'
        city_details = {}
        city_details['latitude'] = 53.383611
        city_details['longitude'] = -1.466944

        outstanding_landmarks = []      #List of landmarks we know they know, but we don't know how far they are.           
        landmarks_done_already = [];    #List of landmarks we know the distance to already
        known_landmarks = [];           #similar to landmarks_done_already but only includes ones we have answers for
        known_distances = [];           #the distances to the landmarks (in the same order)

        for qa in questions_asked:
            if qa['dataset']=='where':          #if it is a landmark->where question
                if qa['dataitem'] == 'landmark':
                    if qa['answer']=='yes':
                if qa['dataitem'] == 'landmarkdist':
        if (len(outstanding_landmarks)==0):
            #pick a new landmark to ask about...
            items = cls.overpass_query(city_details['latitude'],city_details['longitude'],0.4,'tourism', 'museum')            
            new_item = None
            import trilateration
            items,p,entropy = trilateration.sortLandmarks(items,known_landmarks,known_distances,landmarks_done_already)
            if (len(items)>0):
                new_item = items[0]
            if new_item == None:
                #no more places to ask about
                return 'None', ''
            return 'landmark',new_item.id
            return 'landmarkdist',outstanding_landmarks[0]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def pick_question(cls, questions_asked):
    #Picks a question to ask, using previous questions asked.
#incity->no --> city->name
#landmark->yes --> landmarkdist->distance
#landmark->no --> landmark...
                #from the questions and answers so far given, do we...
        know_city = False  #...know the city where they are?
        not_in_city = False #...know they aren't in the city we guessed (from their IP address)?
        failed = False

        city_details = {}
        outstanding_landmarks = []      #List of landmarks we know they know, but we don't know how far they are.           
        landmarks_done_already = [];    #List of landmarks we know the distance to already
        known_landmarks = [];           #similar to landmarks_done_already but only includes ones we have answers for
        known_distances = [];           #the distances to the landmarks (in the same order)

        for qa in questions_asked:
            if qa['dataset']=='where':          #if it is a landmark->where question        
                if qa['dataitem']=='incity':    #and it's asking if we're in a particular city
                    if qa['answer']=='no':
                        not_in_city = True
                        answerdata = json.loads(qa['answer']) #TODO Handle ValueError exception 
                        if answerdata['know']:    #and the answer's yes
                            city_details = answerdata
                            know_city = True;
                            not_in_city = True;

                if qa['dataitem']=='city':      #if we've asked which city they are in...
                    answerdata = json.loads(qa['answer'])
                    if answerdata['know']:
                        city_details = answerdata
                        know_city = True;
                        know_city = False
                        failed = True #We've no idea where they are

                if qa['dataitem'] == 'landmark':
                    if ohf.true_string(qa['answer']):
                if qa['dataitem'] == 'landmarkdist':
        if failed:
            return 'None', '' #Give up: we can't create any sensible questions
        if not know_city:   #if we don't know the city we're in...
            if not_in_city: #if we're not in the place we guessed using their IP, ask their city
                return 'city',''
            else:           #if we don't know that, we need to ask if they're where their IP is.
                url = 'https://freegeoip.net/json/';
                    raw_json = urllib2.urlopen(url,timeout=3).readline() #TODO SECURITY VULNERABILITY: This json is from the net and needs sanitising before it goes in the db.
                except urllib2.HTTPError:
                    raw_json = ''
                    return 'city',''
                except urllib2.URLError:#time out?
                    raw_json = ''
                    return 'city',''
                data = {}
                json_loc = json.loads(raw_json)
                data['latitude'] = json_loc['latitude']
                data['longitude'] = json_loc['longitude']
                data['city'] = json_loc['city']
                #TODO: CACHE IN DB 
                return 'incity',json.dumps(data)

        #at this point we should know the city.
        if (len(outstanding_landmarks)==0):
            #pick a new landmark to ask about...
            #print "Find a new landmark to ask about.."
            items = cls.overpass_query(city_details['latitude'],city_details['longitude'],0.4,'tourism', 'museum')            
            new_item = None
            import trilateration
           # items,p,entropy = trilateration.sortLandmarks(items,known_landmarks,known_distances)

            items,p,entropy = trilateration.sortLandmarks(items,known_landmarks,known_distances,landmarks_done_already)
            #print items
          #  for item in items:
          #      if not item.id in landmarks_done_already:
          #          new_item = item
          #          break #TODO delete old code
            if (len(items)>0):
                new_item = items[0]
            if new_item == None:
                #no more places to ask about
                return 'None', ''
            return 'landmark',new_item.id
            return 'landmarkdist',outstanding_landmarks[0]