Exemplo n.º 1
# nmonte realisations
for nd, spectra in enumerate(data.data):
    for nm in xrange(nmonte):
        buffer[nd][nm] = np.random.normal(spectra.flux, spectra.ferr)

# allocate space for results as we need to complete all
# computations before getting answers.
chisq = np.empty((nfreq,nmonte,len(cond)))

# outer loop over frequency so SVD need only to be done once per
# frequency
for nf, f in enumerate(fs):
    grid.period = 1/f

    # generate the matrix
    A = doppler.genmat(grid, data, ntdiv)

    # Carry out full SVD, returning smallest matrices possible
    u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(A,full_matrices=False)

    # replace u and v by their transposes
    v = np.transpose(v)
    u = np.transpose(u)
    smax = s[0]

    # Go through each value of the conditioning numbers to compute maximum
    # number of SVDs to use
    mok = 0
    for nc, c in enumerate(cond):

        # select the highest singular values with a method
Exemplo n.º 2
parser.add_argument('data',   help='data file')
parser.add_argument('svd',  help='name of the SVD output file')

# optional
parser.add_argument('-n', dest='ntdiv', type=int,
                    default=11, help='spectrum sub-division factor')

# OK, done with arguments.
args = parser.parse_args()

# load grid and data
grid = doppler.Grid.rfits(doppler.afits(args.grid))
data = doppler.Data.rfits(doppler.afits(args.data))

# generate the matrix
A = doppler.genmat(grid, data, args.ntdiv)

# Carry out full SVD, returning smallest matrices possible
u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(A,full_matrices=False)

ng = grid.data.shape[0]
# Matrix v is the one we want. It should have dimensions (ng*ng) x (ng*ng) where
# N is number along each side of the grids. Need to re-shape
v = np.reshape(v, (ng*ng,ng,ng))

# now write to FITS

head = fits.Header()
head['SOURCE'] = 'svd.py'
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=v, header=head)