Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(
            config: LayerConfig,
            channels: int,
            kernel_size: Optional[KernelSize] = None,
            padding: Optional[Padding] = None,
            padding_mode: Optional[str] = None,
            base_block: ConvBlockType = BlockConvNormActivation):

        config = copy.copy(config)
        conv_kwargs = copy.copy(config.conv_kwargs)
        if kernel_size is not None:
            conv_kwargs['kernel_size'] = kernel_size
        if padding is not None:
            conv_kwargs['padding'] = padding
        if padding_mode is not None:
            conv_kwargs['padding_mode'] = padding_mode
        config.conv_kwargs = conv_kwargs

        stride = 1
        self.block_1 = base_block(
            config, channels, channels,
            kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding,
            stride=stride, padding_mode=padding_mode)

        self.activation = config.activation(**config.activation_kwargs)

        config.activation = None
        self.block_2 = base_block(
            config, channels, channels,
            kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding,
            stride=stride, padding_mode=padding_mode)
Exemplo n.º 2
def denses(
    sizes: Sequence[int],
    dropout_probability: float = None,
    activation: Any = nn.ReLU,
    normalization_type: NormType = NormType.BatchNorm,
    last_layer_is_output: bool = False,
    with_flatten: bool = True,
    config: LayerConfig = default_layer_config(dimensionality=None)
) -> nn.Module:

        sizes: the size of the linear layers_legacy. The format is [linear1_input, linear1_output, ..., linearN_output]
        dropout_probability: the probability of the dropout layer. If `None`, no dropout layer is added.
        activation: the activation to be used
        normalization_type: the normalization to be used between dense layers_legacy. If `None`, no normalization added
        last_layer_is_output: This must be set to `True` if the last layer of dense is actually an output.
            If the last layer is an output, we should not add batch norm, dropout or
            activation of the last `nn.Linear`
        with_flatten: if True, the input will be flattened
        config: defines the available operations
        a nn.Module
    config = copy.copy(config)
    if activation is not None:
        config.activation = activation
    config.norm_type = normalization_type

    ops = []
    if with_flatten:

    for n in range(len(sizes) - 1):
        current = sizes[n]
        next = sizes[n + 1]

        ops.append(nn.Linear(current, next))
        if n + 2 == len(sizes):
            if not last_layer_is_output:

            if config.norm_type is not None:
                ops.append(nn.BatchNorm1d(next, **config.norm_kwargs))


            if dropout_probability is not None and config.dropout is not None:
    return nn.Sequential(*ops)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(
            config: LayerConfig,
            input_channels: int,
            output_channels: int,
            kernel_size: Optional[KernelSize] = None,
            padding: Optional[Padding] = None,
            output_padding: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None,
            stride: Optional[Stride] = None,
            padding_mode: Optional[str] = None):


        # local override of the default config
        deconv_kwargs = copy.copy(config.deconv_kwargs)
        if kernel_size is not None:
            deconv_kwargs['kernel_size'] = kernel_size
        if padding is not None:
            deconv_kwargs['padding'] = padding
        if stride is not None:
            deconv_kwargs['stride'] = stride
        if output_padding is not None:
            deconv_kwargs['output_padding'] = output_padding
        if padding_mode is not None:
            deconv_kwargs['padding_mode'] = padding_mode


        ops = [

        if config.norm is not None:
            ops.append(config.norm(num_features=output_channels, **config.norm_kwargs))

        if config.activation is not None:
        self.ops = nn.Sequential(*ops)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(
            config: LayerConfig,
            kernel_size: Optional[KernelSize] = 2):


        pool_kwargs = copy.copy(config.pool_kwargs)
        if kernel_size is not None:
            pool_kwargs['kernel_size'] = kernel_size

        self.op = config.pool(**pool_kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self,
                 layer_config: LayerConfig,
                 bloc_level: int,
                 input_channels: int,
                 output_channels: int,
                 latent_channels: Optional[int] = None,
                 block: nn.Module = BlockConvNormActivation,
        self.latent_channels = latent_channels
        self.input_channels = input_channels
        self.output_channels = output_channels

        if latent_channels is None:
            latent_channels = 0

        # local copy for local configuration
        layer_config = copy.copy(layer_config)
        for key, value in block_kwargs.items():
            layer_config.conv_kwargs[key] = value

        self.dim = layer_config.ops.dim
        self.ops = block(layer_config, input_channels + latent_channels,
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(
        dimensionality: int,
        input_channels: int,
        base_model: ModuleWithIntermediate,
        deconv_filters: Sequence[int],
        convolution_kernels: Union[int, Sequence[int]],
        strides: Union[int, Sequence[int]],
        nb_classes: Optional[int] = None,
        concat_mode: str = 'add',
        conv_filters: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
        norm_type: NormType = NormType.BatchNorm,
        norm_kwargs: Dict = {},
        activation_kwargs: Dict = {},
        deconv_block_fn: nn.Module = BlockDeconvNormActivation,
        config: LayerConfig = default_layer_config(dimensionality=None)):

            base_model: a base model. Must be an instance of :class:`trw.layers_legacy.ModuleWithIntermediate`. This
                model will return intermediate results of convolutional groups
            deconv_filters: the number of filters of the transposed convolution layers. Specified from the model output
                back to the input. It must have "intermediate results" filters.
            convolution_kernels (list, int): the kernel sizes used by the transposed convolution. Can be an int or a list
            strides (list, int): the strides used by the transposed convolution. Can be an int or a list.
            concat_mode: one of 'add' or 'concatenate'. If 'add', the skip connection will be added to the
                corresponding transposed convolution (i.e., similar to the FCNN paper). If 'concatenate',
                the channels will be concatenated instead of added (i.e., similar to UNET)
            conv_filters: if concat_mode == 'concatenate', we MUST have the shapes of the intermediates

        # update the configuration locally
        config = copy.copy(config)
        if norm_type is not None:
            config.norm_type = norm_type
        if activation is not None:
            config.activation = activation
        config.norm_kwargs = {**norm_kwargs, **config.norm_kwargs}
        config.activation_kwargs = {

        self.base_model = base_model
        self.deconv_filters = deconv_filters
        self.nb_classes = nb_classes
        self.concat_mode = concat_mode
        self.conv_filters = conv_filters

        # normalize the arguments
        nb_convs = len(deconv_filters)
        if not isinstance(convolution_kernels, collections.Sequence):
            convolution_kernels = [convolution_kernels] * nb_convs
        if not isinstance(strides, collections.Sequence):
            strides = [strides] * nb_convs
        assert isinstance(
            base_model, ModuleWithIntermediate
        ), 'it must be a model that returns intermediate results!'
        assert concat_mode in ('add', 'concatenate')

        # generic 2D/3D or nD once pytorch supports it
        assert len(convolution_kernels) == len(strides)
        assert len(convolution_kernels) == len(deconv_filters), 'the last `deconv_filters` should be the ' \
                                                                'number of output classes'

        groups_deconv = nn.ModuleList()
        prev_filter = input_channels
        for layer_n in range(len(deconv_filters)):
            current_filter = deconv_filters[layer_n]
            kernel = convolution_kernels[layer_n]
            stride = strides[layer_n]
            output_padding = stride - 1
            padding = div_shape(kernel, 2)

            ops = deconv_block_fn(config=config,

            if concat_mode == 'concatenate':
                assert conv_filters is not None
                if layer_n + 1 < len(conv_filters):
                    current_filter += conv_filters[::-1][layer_n + 1]

            prev_filter = current_filter

        self.deconvolutions = groups_deconv

        if nb_classes is not None:
            self.classifier = config.conv(deconv_filters[-1],
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(
        dimensionality: int,
        input_channels: int,
        channels: Sequence[int],
        convolution_kernels: ConvKernels = 5,
        strides: ConvStrides = 1,
        pooling_size: Optional[PoolingSizes] = 2,
        convolution_repeats: Union[int, List[int], NestedIntSequence] = 1,
        activation: Optional[Activation] = nn.ReLU,
        padding: Paddings = 'same',
        with_flatten: bool = False,
        dropout_probability: Optional[float] = None,
        norm_type: Optional[NormType] = None,
        norm_kwargs: Dict = {},
        pool_kwargs: Dict = {},
        activation_kwargs: Dict = {},
        last_layer_is_output: bool = False,
        conv_block_fn: ConvBlockType = BlockConvNormActivation,
        config: LayerConfig = default_layer_config(dimensionality=None)):
            dimensionality: the dimension of the  CNN (2 for 2D or 3 for 3D)
            input_channels: the number of input channels
            channels: the number of channels for each convolutional layer
            convolution_kernels: for each convolution group, the kernel of the convolution
            strides: for each convolution group, the stride of the convolution
            pooling_size: the pooling size to be inserted after each convolution group
            convolution_repeats: the number of repeats of a convolution. ``1`` means no repeat.
            activation: the activation function
            with_flatten: if True, the last output will be flattened
            norm_kwargs: additional arguments to be used for the normalization layer
            padding: 'same' will add padding so that convolution output as the same size as input
            last_layer_is_output: if True, the last convolution will NOT have activation, dropout, batch norm, LRN
            dropout_probability: dropout probability

        # update the configuration locally
        config = copy.copy(config)
        if norm_type is not None:
            config.norm_type = norm_type
        if activation is not None:
            config.activation = activation
        config.pool_kwargs = {**pool_kwargs, **config.pool_kwargs}
        config.norm_kwargs = {**norm_kwargs, **config.norm_kwargs}
        config.activation_kwargs = {

        # normalize the arguments
        nb_convs = len(channels)
        if not isinstance(convolution_kernels, list):
            convolution_kernels = [convolution_kernels] * nb_convs
        if not isinstance(strides, list):
            strides = [strides] * nb_convs
        if not isinstance(pooling_size, list) and pooling_size is not None:
            pooling_size = [pooling_size] * nb_convs
        if isinstance(convolution_repeats, int):
            convolution_repeats = [convolution_repeats] * nb_convs
        if isinstance(padding, int):
            padding = [padding] * nb_convs
        elif isinstance(padding, str):
            assert len(padding) == nb_convs

        assert nb_convs == len(
        ), 'must be specified for each convolutional layer'
        assert nb_convs == len(
            strides), 'must be specified for each convolutional layer'
        assert pooling_size is None or nb_convs == len(
            pooling_size), 'must be specified for each convolutional layer'
        assert nb_convs == len(convolution_repeats)

        self.with_flatten = with_flatten

        layers = nn.ModuleList()
        prev = input_channels
        for n in range(len(channels)):
            is_last_layer = (n + 1) == len(channels)
            current = channels[n]

            if padding == 'same':
                p = div_shape(convolution_kernels[n], 2)
                p = padding[n]

            ops = []
            for r in range(convolution_repeats[n]):
                is_last_repetition = (r + 1) == convolution_repeats[n]
                if is_last_repetition:
                    stride = strides[n]
                    stride = 1

                if last_layer_is_output and is_last_layer and is_last_repetition:
                    # Last layer layer should not have dropout/normalization/activation
                    config.activation = None
                    config.norm = None
                    config.dropout = None
                prev = current

            if pooling_size is not None:
                ops.append(BlockPool(config, kernel_size=pooling_size[n]))

            if not is_last_layer or not last_layer_is_output:
                if dropout_probability is not None and config.dropout is not None:


        self.layers = layers
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(
        dim: int,
        input_channels: int,
        channels: Sequence[int],
        output_channels: int,
        down_block_fn: DownType = Down,
        up_block_fn: UpType = Up,
        init_block_fn: ConvBlockType = BlockConvNormActivation,
        middle_block_fn: MiddleType = LatentConv,
        output_block_fn: ConvBlockType = BlockConvNormActivation,
        init_block_channels: Optional[int] = None,
        latent_channels: Optional[int] = None,
        kernel_size: Optional[int] = 3,
        strides: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 2,
        activation: Optional[Any] = None,
        config: LayerConfig = default_layer_config(dimensionality=None)):

        The original UNet architecture is decomposed in 5 blocks:
            - init_block_fn: will first be applied on the input
            - down_block_fn: the encoder
            - middle_block_fn: the junction between the encoder and decoder
            - up_block_fn: the decoder
            - output_block_fn: the output layer

            dim: the dimensionality of the UNet (e.g., dim=2 for 2D images)
            input_channels: the number of channels of the input
            output_channels: the number of channels of the output
            down_block_fn: a function taking (dim, in_channels, out_channels) and returning a nn.Module
            up_block_fn: a function taking (dim, in_channels, out_channels, bilinear) and returning a nn.Module
            init_block_channels: the number of channels to be used by the init block. If `None`, `channels[0] // 2`
                will be used
        assert len(channels) >= 1
        config = copy.copy(config)
        if kernel_size is not None:
            config.conv_kwargs['kernel_size'] = kernel_size
            config.deconv_kwargs['kernel_size'] = kernel_size
        if activation is not None:
            config.activation = activation

        self.dim = dim
        self.input_channels = input_channels
        self.channels = channels
        self.init_block_channels = init_block_channels
        self.output_channels = output_channels
        self.latent_channels = latent_channels

        if isinstance(strides, int):
            strides = [strides] * len(channels)
        assert len(strides) == len(channels), f'expected one stride per channel-layer.' \
                                              f'Got={len(strides)} expected={len(channels)}'

        if latent_channels is not None:
            assert middle_block_fn is not None

        self._build(config, init_block_fn, down_block_fn, up_block_fn,
                    middle_block_fn, output_block_fn, strides)