Exemplo n.º 1
def draw_small_multiples(nb_col, TPs, SM, lay):
  Create a graph containing a number of thumbnails per line.
  @type     nb_col: Int
  @param   nb_col: Number of thumbnails by line
  @type       TPs: List
  @param      TPs: Time points name
  @type        SM: Tulip graph
  @param       SM: Small Multiples subgraph
  @type       lay: tlp.LayoutProperty
  @param      lay: Coord of nodes
  @note          : disable (better v2)
    bb_tp = tlp.computeBoundingBox(SM)
    x = 0
    y = 0
    count = 0
    for gr in TPs:
        x = x + bb_tp.width() + 2000
        tp = SM.getSubGraph(gr)
        if count >= nb_col:
            x = bb_tp.width() + 2000
            y = y - bb_tp.height() - 2000
            count = 0
        for n in tp.getNodes():
            lay[n] = lay[n] + tlp.Vec3f(x, y, 0)
        for e in tp.getEdges():
            Ltmp = []
            for el in lay[e]:
                h = el + tlp.Vec3f(x, y, 0)
            lay[e] = Ltmp
        count += 1
Exemplo n.º 2
 def createNodes(self, rows, fieldnames, createParams):
   Create a new node for each patient in the provided data file and add an edge to every different node (gene).
   @param rows: a list containing each row of the samples data file (without first row)
   @param fieldnames: a list containing the name of columns for each row in rows; fieldnames=['gene_name', 'gene_id', 'Patient1', 'Patient2', ..., 'PatientN']
   @param createParams: parameters used for the creation of new nodes and edges; createParams.keys=["nodesColor", "edgesColor"]
   ns = self.graph.nodes()
   dmdict = dm.Maker(self.graph)
   rlen = len(rows)
   createParams['coords'] = tlp.Vec3f(0,0,0)
   addedNodes = dict()
   for i, row in enumerate(rows):
     rid = row[fieldnames[1]] # fieldnames[1] should be 'gene_id'
     node = dmdict.find(rid)
     if node == False:
     for num in xrange(2, len(fieldnames)):
       patient = fieldnames[num]
       if row[patient] == '':
       if not patient in addedNodes:
         addedNodes[patient] = self.create_node(node, patient, createParams)
         createParams['coords'] -= tlp.Vec3f(10,0,0)
       edge = self.graph.addEdge(addedNodes[patient], node, {self.EDGE_TYPE_COL:row[patient], "viewColor":createParams['edgesColor']})
     self.pluginProgress.progress(i, rlen) 
   if self.pluginProgress.state() == tlp.TLP_CANCEL:
     self.graph.delNodes(addedNodes.values(), True)
   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
def draw_small_multiples_v2(nb_col, TPs, SM, lay):
  Create a graph containing a number of thumbnails per line.
  Optimized algorithm to save around 5 seconds.  
  @type   nb_col: Int
  @param  nb_col: Number of thumbnails by line
  @type      TPs: List
  @param     TPs: Time points name
  @type       SM: Tulip graph
  @param      SM: Small Multiples subgraph
  @type      lay: tlp.LayoutProperty
  @param     lay: Coord of nodes
    bb_tp = tlp.computeBoundingBox(SM)
    x = 0
    y = 0
    count = 0
    for gr in TPs:
        x = x + bb_tp.width() + 2000
        tp = SM.getSubGraph(gr)
        if count >= nb_col:
            x = bb_tp.width() + 2000
            y = y - bb_tp.height() - 2000
            count = 0
        count = count + 1
        lay.translate(tlp.Vec3f(x, y, 0), tp)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def run(self):

        # compute a spanning tree of the input graph
        spanningTree = tlp.TreeTest.computeTree(self.graph)

        # get edges to use an input for the H3 layout implementation from buzzfeed
        # and reverse their orientation as it does not use the same direction as in Tulip graphs
        edges = [self.graph.ends(e)[::-1] for e in spanningTree.getEdges()]

        # compute the layout
        tree = Tree(edges)

        # copy result to Tulip layout property
        for n in self.graph.getNodes():
            self.result[n] = tlp.Coord(tree.nodes[n].coord.x,

        # apply some scaling factor to the layout to get a correct rendering
        # in Tulip
        scaling = 1000
        if self.dataSet:
            scaling = self.dataSet["layout scaling"]


        # cleanup computed spanning tree
        tlp.TreeTest.cleanComputedTree(self.graph, spanningTree)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 5
 def create_node(self, node, nodeName, userParams):
     nColor = userParams['nodesColor']
     eColor = userParams['edgesColor']
     params = dict.fromkeys(["viewLabel", "name", "sharedName"], nodeName)
     params["viewColor"] = nColor
     params["viewSize"] = tlp.Vec3f(1,1,1)
     params["viewLayout"] = userParams['coords']
     params["isPatient"] = True
     new_node = self.graph.addNode(params)
     return new_node 
Exemplo n.º 6
def draw_small_multiples(nb_col, TPs, SM, lay):
    bb_tp = tlp.computeBoundingBox(SM)
    x = 0
    y = 0
    count = 0
    for gr in TPs:
        x = x + bb_tp.width() + 2000
        tp = SM.getSubGraph(gr)
        if count >= nb_col:
            x = bb_tp.width() + 2000
            y = y - bb_tp.height() - 2000
            count = 0
        for n in tp.getNodes():
            lay[n] = lay[n] + tlp.Vec3f(x, y, 0)
        for e in tp.getEdges():
            Ltmp = []
            for el in lay[e]:
                h = el + tlp.Vec3f(x, y, 0)
            lay[e] = Ltmp
        count += 1
Exemplo n.º 7
def draw_small_multiples_v2(nb_col, TPs, SM, lay):
    #TODO dire qu'on a gagné du temps par rapport à l'autre v1
    bb_tp = tlp.computeBoundingBox(SM)
    x = 0
    y = 0
    count = 0
    for gr in TPs:
        x = x + bb_tp.width() + 2000
        tp = SM.getSubGraph(gr)
        #lay = tp.getLayoutProperty("viewlayout")
        if count >= nb_col:
            x = bb_tp.width() + 2000
            y = y - bb_tp.height() - 2000
            count = 0
        count = count + 1
        lay.translate(tlp.Vec3f(x, y, 0), tp)
Exemplo n.º 8
def positionSmallMultiples(g, smallG, columnNumber):
    layout = g.getLayoutProperty("viewLayout")
    graphBoundingBox = tlp.computeBoundingBox(g)
    gHeight = graphBoundingBox.height()
    gWidth = graphBoundingBox.width()
    n = 1
    y = 0
    line = 0
    for smallImg in smallG.getSubGraphs():
        if n == columnNumber + 1:
            line += 1
            y = -gHeight * line * 1.5
            n = 1
        x = gWidth * n * 1.5
        newCenter = tlp.Vec3f(x, y, 0)
        layout.center(newCenter, smallImg)
        n += 1
def subgraph_grid(multiple_graph, nbcolumn):
    Align all the subgraph of a graph, in a grid.
        Pierre Jacquet
        Modfied by Eliot Ragueneau

        multiple_graph (tlp.Graph): A parent graph
        nbcolumn (int): number of column in the grid
    # get one subgraph's bounding box
    bounding_box = tlp.computeBoundingBox(multiple_graph.getNthSubGraph(1))
    size_x = 1.5 * abs(bounding_box[1][0] - bounding_box[0][0])
    size_y = 1.5 * abs(bounding_box[1][1] - bounding_box[0][1])
    # Multiplied by 1.5 to have an separation between graphs

    number_of_visited_subgraph = 0
    offset_x = 0
    offset_y = 0

    layout = multiple_graph.getLayoutProperty("viewLayout")
    for sub_graph in multiple_graph.getSubGraphs():
        number_of_visited_subgraph += 1
        for node in sub_graph.getNodes():
            layout[node] += tlp.Vec3f(offset_x, -offset_y,
                                      0)  # Move the node by offsets values
        for edge in sub_graph.getEdges():
            control_points = layout[edge]
            new_control_points = []
            for vector in control_points:
                    tuple(map(sum, zip(vector, (offset_x, -offset_y, 0)))))
            layout[edge] = new_control_points
        # Calculate the new offset value
        offset_x = number_of_visited_subgraph % nbcolumn * size_x
        offset_y = (number_of_visited_subgraph // nbcolumn) * size_y
Exemplo n.º 10
 def setLociSize(self):
     self.viewSize.setAllNodeValue(tlp.Vec3f(1e4, 1e4, 0.5))