Exemplo n.º 1
    def callback_flatten_each(feature, feature_index, multi_feature_index):
        nonlocal length
        nonlocal closest_pt

        coords = get_coords(feature)
        for i, coord in enumerate(coords[:-1]):
            # start
            start = Feature(geometry=Point(coord))
            start.properties = {"dist": dist(point, start, options)}
            # stop
            stop = Feature(geometry=Point(coords[i + 1]))
            stop.properties = {"dist": dist(point, stop, options)}
            # section length
            section_length = dist(start, stop, options)
            # perpendicular
            height_distance = max(start.properties["dist"],
            direction = bearing(start, stop)

            perpendicular_pt1 = destination(Feature(geometry=point),
                                            height_distance, direction + 90,
            perpendicular_pt2 = destination(Feature(geometry=point),
                                            height_distance, direction - 90,
            intersect = line_intersect(
                    [get_coord(start), get_coord(stop)])),
            intersect_pt = None
            if len(intersect["features"]) > 0:
                intersect_pt = intersect["features"][0]
                intersect_pt.properties["dist"] = dist(point, intersect_pt,
                intersect_pt.properties["location"] = length + dist(
                    start, intersect_pt, options)

            if start.properties["dist"] < closest_pt.properties["dist"]:
                closest_pt = start
                closest_pt.properties["index"] = i
                closest_pt.properties["location"] = length

            if stop.properties["dist"] < closest_pt.properties["dist"]:
                closest_pt = stop
                closest_pt.properties["index"] = i + 1
                closest_pt.properties["location"] = length + section_length

            if (intersect_pt and intersect_pt.properties["dist"] <
                closest_pt = intersect_pt
                closest_pt.properties["index"] = i

            # update length
            length += section_length
        # process all Features
        return True
Exemplo n.º 2
def circle(
    center: Feature, radius: int, steps: int = 64, units: str = "km", **kwargs
) -> Polygon:
    Takes a Point and calculates the circle polygon given a radius in degrees,
    radians, miles, or kilometers; and steps for precision.

    :param center: A `Point` object representing center point of circle.
    :param radius: An int representing radius of the circle.
    :param steps: An int representing number of steps.
    :param units: A string representing units of distance e.g. 'mi', 'km',
        'deg' and 'rad'.
    :param kwargs: A dict representing additional properties.
    :return: A polygon feature object.


    >>> from turfpy.transformation import circle
    >>> from geojson import Feature, Point
    >>> circle(center=Feature(geometry=Point((-75.343, 39.984))), radius=5, steps=10)

    coordinates = []
    options = dict(steps=steps, units=units)
    for i in range(steps):
        bearing = i * -360 / steps
        pt = destination(center, radius, bearing, options=options)
        cords = pt.geometry.coordinates
    return Feature(geometry=Polygon([coordinates], **kwargs))
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_destination():
    origin = Feature(geometry=Point((-75.343, 39.984)))
    distance = 50
    bearing = 90
    options = {"units": "mi"}
    des = destination(origin, distance, bearing, options)
    assert des["type"] == "Feature"
    assert des["geometry"]["type"] == "Point"
    c0, c1 = list(map(lambda x: round(x, 4), des["geometry"]["coordinates"]))
    assert c0 == -74.3986
    assert c1 == 39.9802
Exemplo n.º 4
def line_arc(center: Feature,
             radius: int,
             bearing1: int,
             bearing2: int,
             options: dict = {}) -> Feature:
    Creates a circular arc, of a circle of the given radius and center point,
    between bearing1 and bearing2; 0 bearing is
    North of center point, positive clockwise.

    :param center: A `Point` object representing center point of circle.
    :param radius: An int representing radius of the circle.
    :param bearing1: Angle, in decimal degrees, of the first radius of the arc.
    :param bearing2: Angle, in decimal degrees, of the second radius of the arc.
    :param options: A dict representing additional properties,which can be `steps`
        which has default values as 64 and `units` which has default values of `km`
    :return: A Line String feature object.


    >>> from turfpy.misc import line_arc
    >>> from geojson import Feature, Point
    >>> center = Feature(geometry=Point((-75, 40)))
    >>> radius = 5
    >>> bearing1 = 25
    >>> bearing2 = 47
    >>> feature = line_arc(center=center, radius=radius,
    >>>        bearing1=bearing1, bearing2=bearing2)
    if not options:
        options = {}
    steps = int(options["steps"]) if options.get("steps") else 64
    units = str(options.get("units")) if options.get("units") else "km"

    angle1 = convert_angle_to_360(bearing1)
    angle2 = convert_angle_to_360(bearing2)
    properties = {}
    if center.get("type"):
        if center.get("type") == "Feature":
            properties = center.get("properties")
            raise Exception("Invalid Feature value for center parameter")

    if angle1 == angle2:
        return Feature(
                circle(center, radius, steps,

    arc_start_degree = angle1
    arc_end_degree = angle2 if angle1 < angle2 else angle2 + 360

    alfa = arc_start_degree
    coordinates = []
    i = 0

    while alfa < arc_end_degree:
            destination(center, radius, alfa, {
                "steps": steps,
                "units": units
        i += 1
        alfa = arc_start_degree + i * 360 / steps

    if alfa > arc_end_degree:
            destination(center, radius, arc_end_degree, {
                "steps": steps,
                "units": units

    return Feature(geometry=LineString(coordinates, properties=properties))