Exemplo n.º 1
def test_turn_scheduler():
    ts = TurnScheduler()
    ts.add("D", 2)
    ts.add("C", 1)
    ts.add("B", 1)
    ts.add("X", 1)
    ts.add("A", 0)

    assert ts.advance_time() == ("A", 0)
    ts.addpop("A", 20)
    assert ts.advance_time() == ("B", 1)
    ts.addpop("B", 0)
    assert ts.advance_time() == ("B", 0)
    ts.addpop("B", 0)
    assert ts.advance_time() == ("B", 0)
    ts.addpop("B", 19)
    assert ts.advance_time() == ("C", 0)
    ts.addpop("C", 19)
    assert ts.advance_time() == ("D", 1)
    ts.addpop("D", 18)

    ts.add("E", 18)

    assert ts.advance_time() == ("E", 18)
    ts.addpop("E", 1)
    assert ts.advance_time() == ("D", 0)
    ts.addpop("D", 1)
    assert ts.advance_time() == ("C", 0)
    ts.addpop("C", 1)
    assert ts.advance_time() == ("B", 0)
    ts.addpop("B", 1)
    assert ts.advance_time() == ("A", 0)
    ts.addpop("A", 1)
Exemplo n.º 2
class Level(object):

    def __init__(self, danger_level=0, generation_type=LevelGen.Dungeon, tiles=None,
                 locations=(), custom_creatures=(), creature_spawning=True):
        # Generation
        self.danger_level = danger_level
        self.generation_type = generation_type
        self.custom_creatures = list(custom_creatures)
        self.creature_spawning = creature_spawning
        self.creature_spawn_count = 99

        # Normal usage
        if tiles is None:
            self.tiles = Array2D(default_level_dimensions)
            self.tiles = tiles

        self.locations = OneToOneMapping(locations)
        self.visible_change = Event()
        self.turn_scheduler = TurnScheduler()
        self.creatures = {}
        self.items = {}

        if self.generation_type.value > LevelGen.ExtendExisting.value:
            self.rows, self.cols = self.tiles.dimensions
            self.rows, self.cols = default_level_dimensions

        self.is_finalized = False

    def will_have_location(self, location):
        if location == LevelLocation.Random_Location:
            return True

        if location in self.locations.values():
            return True

        if self.generation_type != LevelGen.NoGeneration:
            return location in LevelLocation

        return False

    def get_creature_spawn_list(self):
        creature_list = []
        for creature in creatures:
            start = creature.speciation_lvl
            if start <= self.danger_level:
                weight_coeff = self.danger_level - creature.speciation_lvl
                creature_list.extend((creature, ) * weight_coeff)
        return creature_list

    def finalize(self, level_key):
        if self.generation_type.is_used():

        self.key = level_key

        for creature in self.custom_creatures:

        if self.creature_spawning:
            self.creature_spawn_list = self.get_creature_spawn_list()

            for _ in range(self.creature_spawn_count):
                creature = random.choice(self.creature_spawn_list).copy()
            self.creature_spawn_list = []

        self.is_finalized = True

    def get_location_coord(self, level_location):
        if level_location == LevelLocation.Random_Location:
            return self.free_coord()
            return self.locations.getkey(level_location)

    def free_coord(self):
        for _ in range(Debug.max_loop_cycles):
            coord = self.tiles.random_coord()
            if self.is_passable(coord):
                return coord

        free_coords = [coord for coord in self.tiles.coord_iter() if self.is_passable(coord)]
        if free_coords:
            return random.choice(free_coords)
            assert False, "Free coord search failed."

    def visible_char(self, coord):
        if coord in self.creatures:
            return self.creatures[coord].char
        elif coord in self.items:
            return self.items[coord][0].char
            return self.tiles[coord].visible_char

    def memory_char(self, coord):
        return self.tiles[coord].memory_char

    def get_vision_information(self, coords, visible_coords, always_show_creatures=False):
        for coord in coords:
            if coord in visible_coords:
                yield coord, self.visible_char(coord)
                if always_show_creatures and coord in self.creatures:
                    yield coord, self.creatures[coord].char
                    yield coord, self.memory_char(coord)

    def get_last_pathable_coord(self, coord_start, coord_end):
        last = None
        for coord in bresenham(coord_start, coord_end):
            if not self.is_pathable(coord):
                return last
            last = coord

    def get_neighbor_location_coords_and_costs(self, coord):
        for direction in self.get_passable_neighbors(coord):
            neighbor_coord = add_vector(coord, direction)
            multiplier = self.movement_multiplier(coord, direction)
            yield neighbor_coord, round(multiplier * Action.Move.base_cost)

    def get_passable_neighbors(self, coord):
        for direction in Dir.All:
            neighbor_coord = add_vector(coord, direction)
            if self.is_legal(neighbor_coord) and self.tiles[neighbor_coord].is_passable:
                yield direction

    @wraps(Array2D.is_legal, assigned=())
    def is_legal(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.tiles.is_legal(*args, **kwargs)

    def is_passable(self, coord):
        if coord in self.creatures:
            return False
            return self.tiles[coord].is_passable

    def is_pathable(self, coord):
        return self.tiles[coord].is_passable

    def is_see_through(self, coord):
        return self.tiles[coord].is_see_through

    def check_los(self, coordA, coordB):
        return not (any(not self.is_see_through(coord) for coord in bresenham(coordA, coordB)) and
                    any(not self.is_see_through(coord) for coord in bresenham(coordB, coordA)))

    def distance_heuristic(self, coordA, coordB):
        return round(path.heuristic(coordA, coordB, Action.Move.base_cost, Dir.DiagonalMoveMult))

    def movement_multiplier(self, coord, direction):
        origin_multiplier = self.tiles[coord].movement_multiplier
        target_coord = add_vector(coord, direction)
        target_multiplier = self.tiles[target_coord].movement_multiplier

        tile_multiplier = (origin_multiplier + target_multiplier) / 2
        return tile_multiplier * Dir.move_mult(direction)

    # nudge_coord nudges towards a line between end_coord and nudge_coord
    def _a_star_heuristic(self, start_coord, end_coord, nudge_coord):
        cost = self.distance_heuristic(start_coord, end_coord)
        if Debug.cross:
            cost += cross_product(start_coord, end_coord, nudge_coord) / Debug.cross_mod
        return cost

    def path(self, start_coord, goal_coord):
        return path.path(start_coord, goal_coord, self.get_neighbor_location_coords_and_costs, self._a_star_heuristic)

    def look_information(self, coord):
        #if coord in creature.visited_location_coords:
        information = "{}x{} ".format(*coord)
        if coord in self.creatures:
            c = self.creatures[coord]
            msg = "{} hp:{}/{} sight:{} armor:{} dr:{} ar:{} attack:{}D{}+{}"
            information += msg.format(c.name, c.hp, c.max_hp, c.sight, c.armor,
                                      c.defense, c.accuracy, *c.get_damage_info())
            if hasattr(c, "target_coord"):
                information += " target:{}".format(c.target_coord)
            if hasattr(c, "chase_vector"):
                information += " direction:{}".format(c.chase_vector)
            information += self.tiles[coord].name
        return information
        #   return "You don't know anything about this place."

    def spawn_creature(self, creature):
        coord = None
        if creature.coord is not None:
            if not self.is_passable(creature.coord):
                fmt = "Attempting to spawn creature {} to already occupied square: {}"
                raise AssertionError(fmt.format(creature.name, creature.coord))
            coord = creature.coord

        self.add_creature(creature, coord)
        self.turn_scheduler.add(creature, creature.action_cost(Action.Spawn))

    def add_creature_to_location(self, creature, level_location):
        coord = self.get_location_coord(level_location)
        self.add_creature(creature, coord)
        self.turn_scheduler.add(creature, 0)

    def add_creature(self, creature, coord=None):
        if coord is None:
            coord = self.free_coord()
        if coord in self.creatures:
            blocking_creature = self.creatures[coord]
            self.move_creature(blocking_creature, self.free_coord())
        self.creatures[coord] = creature
        creature.coord = coord
        creature.level = self

    def remove_creature(self, creature):
        coord = creature.coord
        del self.creatures[coord]
        creature.coord = None
        creature.level = None

    def move_creature(self, creature, new_coord):
        old_coord = creature.coord
        del self.creatures[old_coord]
        self.creatures[new_coord] = creature
        creature.coord = new_coord


    def move_creature_to_dir(self, creature, direction):
        target_coord = add_vector(creature.coord, direction)
        self.move_creature(creature, target_coord)

    def swap_creature(self, creatureA, creatureB):
        creatureA.coord, creatureB.coord = creatureB.coord, creatureA.coord
        self.creatures[creatureA.coord] = creatureA
        self.creatures[creatureB.coord] = creatureB

    def view_items(self, coord):
        if coord in self.items:
            return tuple(self.items[coord])
            return ()

    def pop_items(self, coord, item_indexes):
        if not item_indexes:
            return ()

        assert coord in self.items, "Trying to take items from a coord {} that doesn't have any.".format(coord)

        current_items = self.items[coord]
        taken_items = tuple(current_items[index] for index in item_indexes)

        index_set = set(item_indexes)
        left_items = tuple(item for index, item in enumerate(current_items) if index not in index_set)

        if left_items:
            self.items[coord] = left_items
            del self.items[coord]

        return taken_items

    def add_items(self, coord, items):
        if coord in self.items:
            current_items = self.items[coord]
            current_items = ()
        self.items[coord] = tuple(itertools.chain(current_items, items))
Exemplo n.º 3
class Level(object):

    def __init__(self, danger_level=0, generation_type=LevelGen.Dungeon, tiles=None,
                 locations=(), custom_creatures=(), creature_spawning=True):
        # Generation
        self.danger_level = danger_level
        self.generation_type = generation_type
        self.custom_creatures = list(custom_creatures)
        self.creature_spawning = creature_spawning
        self.creature_spawn_count = 99

        # Normal usage
        if tiles is None:
            self.tiles = Array2D(default_level_dimensions)
            self.tiles = tiles

        self.locations = OneToOneMapping(locations)
        self.visible_change = Event()
        self.turn_scheduler = TurnScheduler()
        self.creatures = {}
        self.items = {}

        if self.generation_type.value > LevelGen.ExtendExisting.value:
            self.rows, self.cols = self.tiles.dimensions
            self.rows, self.cols = default_level_dimensions

        self.is_finalized = False

    def will_have_location(self, location):
        if location == LevelLocation.Random_Location:
            return True

        if location in self.locations.values():
            return True

        if self.generation_type != LevelGen.NoGeneration:
            return location in LevelLocation

        return False

    def get_creature_spawn_list(self):
        creature_list = []
        for creature in creatures:
        return creature_list

    def finalize(self, level_key):
        if self.generation_type.is_used():

        self.key = level_key

        for creature in self.custom_creatures:

        if self.creature_spawning:
            self.creature_spawn_list = self.get_creature_spawn_list()

            for _ in range(self.creature_spawn_count):
                creature = random.choice(self.creature_spawn_list).copy()
            self.creature_spawn_list = []

        self.is_finalized = True

    def get_location_coord(self, level_location):
        if level_location == LevelLocation.Random_Location:
            return self.free_coord()
            return self.locations.getkey(level_location)

    def free_coord(self):
        for _ in range(Debug.max_loop_cycles):
            coord = self.tiles.random_coord()
            if self.is_passable(coord):
                return coord

        free_coords = [coord for coord in self.tiles.coord_iter() if self.is_passable(coord)]
        if free_coords:
            return random.choice(free_coords)
            assert False, "Free coord search failed."

    def visible_char(self, coord):
        if coord in self.creatures:
            return self.creatures[coord].char
        elif coord in self.items:
            return self.items[coord][0].char
            return self.tiles[coord].visible_char

    def memory_char(self, coord):
        return self.tiles[coord].memory_char

    def get_vision_information(self, coords, visible_coords, always_show_creatures=False):
        for coord in coords:
            if coord in visible_coords:
                yield coord, self.visible_char(coord)
                if always_show_creatures and coord in self.creatures:
                    yield coord, self.creatures[coord].char
                    yield coord, self.memory_char(coord)

    def get_last_pathable_coord(self, coord_start, coord_end):
        last = None
        for coord in bresenham(coord_start, coord_end):
            if not self.is_pathable(coord):
                return last
            last = coord

    def get_neighbor_location_coords_and_costs(self, coord):
        for direction in self.get_passable_neighbors(coord):
            neighbor_coord = add_vector(coord, direction)
            multiplier = self.movement_multiplier(coord, direction)
            yield neighbor_coord, round(multiplier * Action.Move.base_cost)

    def get_passable_neighbors(self, coord):
        for direction in Dir.All:
            neighbor_coord = add_vector(coord, direction)
            if self.is_legal(neighbor_coord) and self.tiles[neighbor_coord].is_passable:
                yield direction

    @wraps(Array2D.is_legal, assigned=())
    def is_legal(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.tiles.is_legal(*args, **kwargs)

    def is_passable(self, coord):
        if coord in self.creatures:
            return False
            return self.tiles[coord].is_passable

    def is_pathable(self, coord):
        return self.tiles[coord].is_passable

    def is_see_through(self, coord):
        return self.tiles[coord].is_see_through

    def check_los(self, coordA, coordB):
        return not (any(not self.is_see_through(coord) for coord in bresenham(coordA, coordB)) and
                    any(not self.is_see_through(coord) for coord in bresenham(coordB, coordA)))

    def distance_heuristic(self, coordA, coordB):
        return round(path.heuristic(coordA, coordB, Action.Move.base_cost, Dir.DiagonalMoveMult))

    def movement_multiplier(self, coord, direction):
        origin_multiplier = self.tiles[coord].movement_multiplier
        target_coord = add_vector(coord, direction)
        target_multiplier = self.tiles[target_coord].movement_multiplier

        tile_multiplier = (origin_multiplier + target_multiplier) / 2
        return tile_multiplier * Dir.move_mult(direction)

    # nudge_coord nudges towards a line between end_coord and nudge_coord
    def _a_star_heuristic(self, start_coord, end_coord, nudge_coord):
        cost = self.distance_heuristic(start_coord, end_coord)
        if Debug.cross:
            cost += cross_product(start_coord, end_coord, nudge_coord) / Debug.cross_mod
        return cost

    def path(self, start_coord, goal_coord):
        return path.path(start_coord, goal_coord, self.get_neighbor_location_coords_and_costs, self._a_star_heuristic)

    def look_information(self, coord):
        #if coord in creature.visited_location_coords:
        information = "{}x{} ".format(*coord)
        if coord in self.creatures:
            c = self.creatures[coord]
            msg = "{} hp:{}/{} sight:{} armor:{} dr:{} ar:{} attack:{}D{}+{}"
            information += msg.format(c.name, c.hp, c.max_hp, c.sight, c.armor,
                                      c.defense, c.accuracy, *c.get_damage_info())
            if hasattr(c, "target_coord"):
                information += " target:{}".format(c.target_coord)
            if hasattr(c, "chase_vector"):
                information += " direction:{}".format(c.chase_vector)
            information += self.tiles[coord].name
        return information
        #   return "You don't know anything about this place."

    def spawn_creature(self, creature):
        coord = None
        if creature.coord is not None:
            if not self.is_passable(creature.coord):
                fmt = "Attempting to spawn creature {} to already occupied square: {}"
                raise AssertionError(fmt.format(creature.name, creature.coord))
            coord = creature.coord

        self.add_creature(creature, coord)
        self.turn_scheduler.add(creature, creature.action_cost(Action.Spawn))

    def add_creature_to_location(self, creature, level_location):
        coord = self.get_location_coord(level_location)
        self.add_creature(creature, coord)
        self.turn_scheduler.add(creature, 0)

    def add_creature(self, creature, coord=None):
        if coord is None:
            coord = self.free_coord()
        if coord in self.creatures:
            blocking_creature = self.creatures[coord]
            self.move_creature(blocking_creature, self.free_coord())
        self.creatures[coord] = creature
        creature.coord = coord
        creature.level = self

    def remove_creature(self, creature):
        coord = creature.coord
        del self.creatures[coord]
        creature.coord = None
        creature.level = None

    def move_creature(self, creature, new_coord):
        old_coord = creature.coord
        del self.creatures[old_coord]
        self.creatures[new_coord] = creature
        creature.coord = new_coord


    def move_creature_to_dir(self, creature, direction):
        target_coord = add_vector(creature.coord, direction)
        self.move_creature(creature, target_coord)

    def swap_creature(self, creatureA, creatureB):
        creatureA.coord, creatureB.coord = creatureB.coord, creatureA.coord
        self.creatures[creatureA.coord] = creatureA
        self.creatures[creatureB.coord] = creatureB

    def view_items(self, coord):
        if coord in self.items:
            return tuple(self.items[coord])
            return ()

    def pop_items(self, coord, item_indexes):
        if not item_indexes:
            return ()

        assert coord in self.items, "Trying to take items from a coord {} that doesn't have any.".format(coord)

        current_items = self.items[coord]
        taken_items = tuple(current_items[index] for index in item_indexes)

        index_set = set(item_indexes)
        left_items = tuple(item for index, item in enumerate(current_items) if index not in index_set)

        if left_items:
            self.items[coord] = left_items
            del self.items[coord]

        return taken_items

    def add_items(self, coord, items):
        if coord in self.items:
            current_items = self.items[coord]
            current_items = ()
        self.items[coord] = tuple(itertools.chain(current_items, items))