def main(): turtle.setup(1300, 800, 0, 0) # 启动图形窗口 pythonsize = 10 turtle.pensize(pythonsize) turtle.pencolor("blue") turtle.seth(-40) # 启动时运动的方向(角度) drawSnake(40, 80, 5, pythonsize/2)
def tree2(iters, xpos, ypos): '''Creates lsystem from filename and then creates an arrangement''' # creates object from lsystem l2 = ls.Lsystem('lsystemextension2.txt') #number of iterations # for growth effect in task 3, made iters a parameter num_iter2 = iters # creates buildstring function s2 = l2.buildString(num_iter2) #specific angle angle2 = 30 #creates an object from TI class ti = it.TurtleInterpreter() # sets the colors of the tracer and calls the drawstring function # orients the trees with parameters xpos and ypos # My Tree 2 (mylsystem2.txt) turtle.pencolor('SandyBrown') '''tree with stem color of coral''' turtle.up() turtle.setposition(xpos,ypos) turtle.setheading(90) turtle.down() ti.drawString(s2,50,angle2)
def tree1(iters, xpos, ypos): '''Creates lsystem from filename and then creates an arrangement''' # creates object from lsystem l1 = ls.Lsystem('lsystemextension1.txt') #number of iterations # for growth effect in task 3, made iters a parameter num_iter1 = iters #creates buildstring function s1 = l1.buildString(num_iter1) #specific angle angle = 15 #creates an object from TI class ti = it.TurtleInterpreter() # sets the colors of the tracer and calls the drawstring function # orients the trees with parameters xpos and ypos # My Tree 1 (mylsystem1.txt) turtle.pencolor('DarkOliveGreen') turtle.pensize(2) '''tree with stem color of olivedrab''' turtle.up() turtle.setposition(xpos,ypos) turtle.setheading(90) turtle.down() ti.drawString(s1,7,angle)
def drawLine(self,color,coord1,coord2): """ dessine une ligne entre deux coordonné sur la grille :param color: La couleur de la ligne :param coord1: La première coordonné en tuple (i,j,"joueur") :param coord2: La deuxième coordonné en tuple (i,j,"joueur") """ if coord1[2] == coord2[2] and coord2[2] == "you": turtle.goto(38+coord1[1]*25,87-25*coord1[0]) elif coord1[2] == coord2[2] and coord2[2] == "enemy": turtle.goto(-262+(25*coord1[1]),87-25*coord1[0]) else: print('wrong player') return 0 turtle.pensize(20) turtle.pencolor(color) if coord1[1] == coord2[1]: #Vertical turtle.pendown() turtle.setheading(270) turtle.fd((coord2[0]-coord1[0])*25) elif coord1[0] == coord2[0]: #horizontal turtle.pendown() turtle.setheading(0) turtle.fd((coord2[1]-coord1[1])*25) else: print('Ligne non Hori ou Vert') return 0 turtle.penup() return 1
def drawTree(tree, angle, length, width): turtle.width(width) if tree[0] == "ancestor": # left branch turtle.left(angle) turtle.forward(length) turtle.right(angle) drawTree(tree[1], angle - 0.2 * angle, length - 0.2 * length, width - 0.3 * width) turtle.width(width) turtle.left(angle) turtle.backward(length) turtle.right(angle) # right branch turtle.right(angle) turtle.forward(length) turtle.left(angle) drawTree(tree[2], angle - 0.2 * angle, length - 0.2 * length, width - 0.3 * width) turtle.width(width) turtle.right(angle) turtle.backward(length) turtle.left(angle) else: # draw the ending node turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.write(tree[0], font=("Monospace", 14, "bold")) turtle.pencolor("black")
def main(): '''Creates lsystem from filename and then creates an arrangement''' # creates object from lsystem l = ls.Lsystem('lsystemextension2.txt') #number of iterations # for growth effect in task 3, made iters a parameter num_iter = 4 # creates buildstring function s = l.buildString(num_iter) #specific angle angle = 30 #creates an object from TI class ti = it.TurtleInterpreter() # sets the colors of the tracer and calls the drawstring function turtle.pencolor('ForestGreen') '''tree with stem color of forestgreen''' turtle.up() turtle.setposition(0,0) turtle.setheading(90) turtle.down() ti.drawString(s, 50 ,angle) ti.hold()
def main(): turtle.setup(1300,800,0,0) pythonsize=1 turtle.pensize(pythonsize) turtle.pencolor("black") turtle.seth(-40) drawSnack(40,80,5,pythonsize/2)
def ejes(): #################################### # Ejes Coordenados # # los ejes x e y van de -150 a 150 # #################################### turtle.delay(0) turtle.speed(0) turtle.pencolor('red') turtle.down() turtle.fd(301) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(1) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(300) turtle.fd(300) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(1) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(300) turtle.fd(300) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(1) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(300) turtle.fd(300) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(1) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(300) turtle.up() turtle.pencolor('blue')
def main(): turtle.setup(1300, 800, 0, 0) pythonsize = 30 turtle.pensize(pythonsize) turtle.pencolor("blue") turtle.seth(-40) drawSnake(40, 80, 5, pythonsize / 2)
def drawCircle(x = 0, y = 0, radius = 10, mycolor = (0.49, 0.99, 0.00)): # Lawn Green turtle.pencolor(mycolor[0], mycolor[1], mycolor[2]) turtle.pensize(4) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x, y - radius) turtle.pendown()
def tree2(argv, x, y): lsys_filename2 = argv[2] lsys2 = ls.createLsystemFromFile( lsys_filename2 ) print lsys2 num_iter2 = int( 3 ) dist = float( 5 ) angle2 = float( 30 ) s2 = ls.buildString( lsys2, num_iter2 ) #draw lsystem2 '''this is my second lsystem with filename mysystem2.txt with 5 iterations and with angle = 120 dist = 10''' turtle.up() turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.goto(x,y) turtle.down() turtle.setheading(0) turtle.left(90) turtle.pencolor('White') it.drawString( s2, dist, angle2 ) # wait and update turtle.update()
def skidMark(lineLength): turtle.pensize(2) turtle.pencolor(0, 0, 0) for x in range(lineLength): turtle.pencolor(x,x,x) turtle.fd(x) turtle.right(90)
def triangle_recursive(n, r,g,b): color = (r,g,b) turtle.pencolor(color) turtle.left(120 + n) turtle.forward(600) turtle.left(120 + n) turtle.forward(600) turtle.left(120 + n) turtle.forward(600) #Change how much n must be less than to change how many times run. #Change what adds to n to change the angle change. #if n <= .64: #triangle_recursive(n + .01) if (r > 0 and g > 0) or (r > 0 and b > 0): if 255 > g > 0: r -= 1 b += 1 if 255 > b > 0: r -= 1 g += 1 elif g > 0 and b > 0: if g > 0 and r < 255: g -=1 r +=1 elif r > 0: g += 1 r -= 1 triangle_recursive(n + .0001, r, g, b )
def sun(argv): lsys_filename3 = argv[3] lsys3 = ls.createLsystemFromFile( lsys_filename3 ) print lsys3 num_iter3 = int( 3 ) dist = 5 angle3 = float( 120 ) s3 = ls.buildString( lsys3, num_iter3 ) #draw lsystem3 '''this is my third lsystem with filename mysystem3.txt with 3 iterations and with angle = 45 dist = 10''' turtle.up() turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.goto(300, 200) turtle.down() turtle.setheading(0) turtle.left(90) turtle.pencolor('Red') it.drawString( s3, dist, angle3 ) # wait and update turtle.update()
def draw_path(self, positions): ''' Draws the path given by a position list ''' def position_to_turtle(pos): '''Converts a maze position to a turtle position''' return (home_x + _DRAW_SIZE * pos[0], home_y - _DRAW_SIZE * pos[1]) # Get maze size width, height = self.size # Prepare turtle home_x = (-(_DRAW_SIZE * width) / 2) + (_DRAW_SIZE / 2) home_y = ((_DRAW_SIZE * height) / 2) - (_DRAW_SIZE / 2) turtle.showturtle() turtle.pencolor(_DRAW_PATH) # Move to star turtle.penup() turtle.goto(home_x, home_y) turtle.pendown() # Draw the path for pos in positions: turtle.goto(position_to_turtle(pos))
def player1_symbol(jogada): if jogada == 1: go_to(-200,200,45) elif jogada==2: go_to(0,200,45) elif jogada==3: go_to(200,200,45) elif jogada==4: go_to(-200,0,45) elif jogada==5: go_to(0,0,45) elif jogada==6: go_to(200,0,45) elif jogada==7: go_to(-200,-200,45) elif jogada==8: go_to(0,-200,45) elif jogada==9: go_to(200,-200,45) turtle.pencolor('green') for i in range(4): turtle.forward(75) turtle.backward(75) turtle.right(90)
def drawIt(backAgain): turtle.penup() turtle.setpos(0,vertHeight) turtle.pendown() upDown = True start = turtle.xcor() for i in range(iterLength): randomyUpDownVariance = randint(1,55) randomyBetweenLineVariance = randint(1,25) randPenSize = randint(2,10) randPenColor1 = randint(1,187) randPenColor2 = randint(1,193) randPenColor3 = randint(1,182) turtle.pensize(randPenSize) print turtle.xcor() tup = (randPenColor1, randPenColor2, randPenColor3) turtle.pencolor(tup) if upDown == True: upDown = False turtle.goto(start, (vertHeight + randomyUpDownVariance)) elif upDown == False: upDown = True turtle.goto(start, -(vertHeight + randomyUpDownVariance)) if backAgain == True: start -= randomyBetweenLineVariance elif backAgain == False: start += randomyBetweenLineVariance if (backAgain == True): drawIt(False)
def tree1(argv, x, y): lsys_filename1 = argv[1] lsys1 = ls.createLsystemFromFile( lsys_filename1 ) print lsys1 num_iter1 = int( 3 ) dist = float( 5 ) angle1 = float( 22 ) s1 = ls.buildString( lsys1, num_iter1 ) #draw lsystem1 '''this is my first lsystem with filename mysystem1.txt with 3 iterations and with angle = 45 dist = 10''' turtle.tracer(False) turtle.speed(50000000) turtle.up() turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.down() turtle.pencolor('White') it.drawString( s1, dist, angle1 ) # wait and update turtle.update()
def turmandel(step, zoom, xres, yres, xthresh, ythresh): turtle.setheading(0) for y in range(yres): turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(0, y) turtle.pd() for x in range(xres): x = float(x) y = float(y) u = float(x)/float((xres/zoom))-xthresh v = float(y)/float((yres/zoom))-ythresh x0 = float(u) y0 = float(v) a = 0.0 b = 0.0 i = step while ((i>0) and (a+b<=4.0)): a = float(x0*x0) b = float(y0*y0) y0 = float(2.0*x0*y0+v) x0 = float(a-b+u) i = i - 1 color = i % 255 turtle.pencolor((color, color, color)) if i < 1: turtle.pencolor((0,0,0)) turtle.fd(1)
def random_col(): x=r.randint(100,250) y=r.randint(180,250) z=r.randint(200,255) t.pencolor(x,y,z) t.fillcolor(z,x,y) return
def pezzo(color, colors = colors, unit = unit, alfa = alfa, depth = depth): turtle.pencolor(colors[color]) turtle.fillcolor(color) turtle.begin_fill() for i in range(2): turtle.forward(unit) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(unit) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(unit) for i in range(2): turtle.left(alfa) turtle.forward(depth) turtle.left(alfa) turtle.forward(unit) turtle.left(90) turtle.backward(unit) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(unit) turtle.right(90) for i in range(2): turtle.forward(unit) turtle.left(alfa) turtle.forward(depth) turtle.left(180-alfa) turtle.end_fill() turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(unit) turtle.left(90)
def base(color = 'blue',colors = colors, lato = lato, unit = unit, alfa = alfa, depth = depth, height = height): turtle.pencolor(colors[color]) turtle.fillcolor(color) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.forward(unit*lato) turtle.left(alfa) turtle.forward(depth*lato) turtle.left(alfa) turtle.forward(height) turtle.left(90+alfa) turtle.forward(depth*lato) turtle.left(alfa) turtle.forward(height) turtle.backward(height) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(lato*unit) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(height) turtle.right(180) turtle.forward(height) turtle.right(alfa) turtle.forward(depth*lato) turtle.right(alfa) turtle.forward(lato*unit) turtle.left(alfa) turtle.backward(depth*lato) turtle.right(alfa) turtle.backward(unit*lato) turtle.end_fill() line_base()
def drawFace(x=200, y=200, face=500): turtle.pendown() colour = random.choice(faceColors) drawHead(face, colour) # Instruct python to use or method "drawSquare" turtle.penup() # space things out before drawing the next Square turtle.setposition(x-face/18,y-face/9) turtle.pendown() turtle.pencolor("black") if(colour == "green"): drawCrossEye(face/8) else: drawRoundEye(face/16) turtle.penup() # space things out before drawing the next Square turtle.setposition(x+face/18,y-face/9) turtle.pendown() if(colour == "green"): drawCrossEye(face/8) else: drawRoundEye(face/16) turtle.penup() # space things out before drawing the next Square turtle.setposition(x+face/11,y-face/5.5) turtle.pendown() turtle.setheading(270) drawMouth(face/4) turtle.penup()
def draw_move(turtle, cell_size, offset, domino, dx, dy, move_num, step_count): shade = (move_num-1) * 1.0/step_count rgb = (0, 1-shade, shade) turtle.forward((domino.head.x-offset[0]) * cell_size) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward((domino.head.y-offset[1]) * cell_size) turtle.right(90) turtle.setheading(domino.degrees) turtle.forward(cell_size*.5) turtle.setheading(math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180/math.pi) pen = turtle.pen() turtle.pencolor(rgb) circle_pos = turtle.pos() turtle.width(4) turtle.forward(cell_size*0.05) turtle.down() turtle.forward(cell_size*0.4) turtle.up() turtle.pen(pen) turtle.setpos(circle_pos) turtle.forward(8) turtle.setheading(270) turtle.forward(8) turtle.left(90) turtle.down() turtle.pencolor(rgb) turtle.fillcolor('white') turtle.begin_fill() turtle.end_fill() turtle.pen(pen) turtle.write(move_num, align='center') turtle.up()
def drawTree(x,t,Max,houseLoc): global count if(t=='Maple'): trunkLen=random.uniform(50,150) trunk(trunkLen) turtle.pencolor("green"),360) turtle.pencolor("black") turtle.right(90) netHeight=trunkLen+60 Max.append(netHeight) if(count<x): InitPos(trunkLen) else: turtle.penup() turtle.forward(trunkLen) turtle.left(90) if(count==houseLoc): buildHouse() count=count+1 else: count=count+1 return count elif(t=='Pine'): trunkLen=random.uniform(50,200) trunk(trunkLen) triangle() turtle.right(90) netHeight=trunkLen+17.3 Max.append(netHeight) if(count<x): InitPos(trunkLen) else: turtle.penup() turtle.forward(trunkLen) turtle.left(90) if(count==houseLoc): buildHouse() count=count+1 else: count=count+1 else: trunkLen=random.uniform(50,200) trunk(trunkLen) DifferentShape() netHeight=trunkLen+20 Max.append(netHeight) if(count<x): InitPos(trunkLen) else: turtle.penup() turtle.forward(trunkLen) turtle.left(90) if(count==houseLoc): buildHouse() count=count+1 else: count=count+1
def main(): turtle.setup(1300, 800, 0, 0) pythonsize = 30 turtle.pensize(pythonsize) turtle.pencolor('blue') turtle.seth(-40) drawSnake(rad = 40, angle = 80, len = 5, neckrad = pythonsize/2 )
def main(): """ Tous les phase du battleship passe par le main() et il sert de boucle principal car il est appelé à tous les 0.5 secondes """ if i.phase == "PlaceShip": i.placeShip() elif i.phase == "Attack": # Nom fictif i.attack() elif i.phase == "win": print('Vous avez gagné!') turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.pencolor('black') turtle.write('Vous avez gagné!',align="center",font=("Arial",70, "normal")) i.phase = "exit" elif i.phase == "lose": print('Vous avez perdu!') turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.pencolor('black') turtle.write('Vous avez perdu!',align="center",font=("Arial",70, "normal")) i.phase = "exit" elif i.phase == "exit": turtle.exitonclick() return None else: print('out') turtle.ontimer(main,500)
def choix_couleur(self): #choix d'une couleur pour le triangle self.choix = random.randint(0, len(COULEURS)-1) self.couleur1 = COULEURS[self.choix] self.choix = random.randint(0, len(COULEURS)-1) self.couleur2 = COULEURS[self.choix] tt.pencolor(self.couleur1) tt.fillcolor(self.couleur2)
def changeColor(): global currentColor turtle.pencolor(colorList[currentColor]) turtle.fillcolor(colorList[currentColor]) if(currentColor >= len(colorList)-1): currentColor = 0 else: currentColor += 1
def nUhelnik(strana=100, n=6, barva="#000000"): aktual = t.pencolor() t.pencolor(barva) uhel = 360.0 / n for _ in range(n): t.forward(strana) t.right(uhel) t.pencolor(aktual)
'''描述 使用turtle库,绘制一个正方形。''' import turtle turtle.penup() turtle.bk(100) turtle.pendown() turtle.width(3) turtle.pencolor("blue") for i in range(4): turtle.fd(100) turtle.left(90) turtle.done()
turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(75) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(75) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(75) turtle.left(90) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(25, 0) turtle.write("s= 75") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(80, 35) turtle.write("s= 75") turtle.color("blue") turtle.pencolor("black") turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pen() turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -5) turtle.pendown() turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(45) turtle.write("r=45") d = turtle d.bgcolor("silver") d.color("dark blue") d.pencolor("white") d.begin_fill()
import turtle # 引入海龟库 from typing import List screenLocation: List[int] = [1000, 550, 480, 300] #定义海归画布参数 penColor: List[int] = [212, 222, 2] #定义画笔颜色 turtle.setup(screenLocation[0], screenLocation[1], screenLocation[2], screenLocation[3]) # 宽度、高度、相对屏幕左上角X坐标,相对屏幕左上角Y坐标 turtle.penup() # 画笔抬起 turtle.forward(-450) turtle.pendown() # 落笔,开始绘制 turtle.pensize(15) # 设置画笔宽度 别名width turtle.colormode(255) # 改变GRB模式为255制 turtle.pencolor(penColor) # 颜色名称,或者RGB数值 turtle.setheading(-40) # 改变爬行角度 为绝对角度别名seth for i in range(5): #循环4次 如果是M,N则是从产生从M,到N-1个数值 50, 90 ) #根据半径r绘制extent角度的弧形 正数为海龟左侧半径r处为原点,负数为海龟右侧半径r为原点;如果有角度参数则右转参数角度,默认360度。, 90), 80 / 2) turtle.forward(40) # 前进 别名fd 如果是负数,则为倒退, 180) turtle.forward(40 * 2 / 3) turtle.done() #完成后窗体不退出
import turtle turtle.screensize(800,600,"green")#设置画布宽,高,背景色 turtle.pencolor("white")#画笔颜色画圆,50表示半径,且圆心在画笔左边 turtle.done()
''' 自动轨迹绘制 1、定义数据文件格式(接口) 2、编写程序,根据文件接口解析参数绘制图形 3、编制数据文件 ''' import turtle as t t.title('自动绘制') t.setup(800, 600, 0, 0) #绘制窗口的大小 t.pencolor("red") #画笔的初始颜色 t.pensize(5) #画笔的大小 #数据文件的读取 datals = [] f = open("data.txt") for line in f: line = line.replace("\n", "") datals.append(list(map(eval, line.split(",")))) #list map eval 作用是去掉字符串中的引号 #f.close() #自动绘制 for i in range(len(datals)): t.pencolor(datals[i][3], datals[i][4], datals[i][5]) t.fd(datals[i][0]) #表示一行的第一个元素表示行进距离 if datals[i][1]: t.right(datals[i][2]) else: t.left(datals[i][2]) f.close()
import turtle meep = turtle.clone() turtle.bgcolor('purple') turtle.pencolor('yellow') turtle.width(4) turtle.shape('circle') turtle.left(90) turtle.goto(0, 150) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(75) turtle.color('white') turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(150) meep.pencolor('green') meep.shape('arrow') meep.width(7) meep.right(90) meep.forward(150) meep.left(90) meep.forward(75) meep.color('blue') meep.left(90) meep.forward(150) turtle.mainloop()
def drow(): t.screensize(400, 300, "#fff") t.pensize(4) # 设置画笔的大小 t.colormode(255) # 设置GBK颜色范围为0-255 t.color((255, 155, 192), "pink") # 设置画笔颜色和填充颜色(pink) t.setup(840, 500) # 设置主窗口的大小为840*500 t.speed(20) # 设置画笔速度为10 # 鼻子 t.pu() # 提笔 t.goto(-100, 100) # 画笔前往坐标(-100,100) t.pd() # 下笔 t.seth(-30) # 笔的角度为-30° t.begin_fill() # 外形填充的开始标志 a = 0.4 for i in range(120): if 0 <= i < 30 or 60 <= i < 90: a = a + 0.08 # 向左转3度 t.fd(a) # 向前走a的步长 else: a = a - 0.08 t.fd(a) t.end_fill() # 依据轮廓填充 t.pu() # 提笔 t.seth(90) # 笔的角度为90度 t.fd(25) # 向前移动25 t.seth(0) # 转换画笔的角度为0 t.fd(10) t.pd() t.pencolor(255, 155, 192) # 设置画笔颜色 t.seth(10) t.begin_fill() # 画一个半径为5的圆 t.color(160, 82, 45) # 设置画笔和填充颜色 t.end_fill() t.pu() t.seth(0) t.fd(20) t.pd() t.pencolor(255, 155, 192) t.seth(10) t.begin_fill() t.color(160, 82, 45) t.end_fill() # 头 t.color((255, 155, 192), "pink") t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(41) t.seth(0) t.fd(0) t.pd() t.begin_fill() t.seth(180), -30) # 顺时针画一个半径为300,圆心角为30°的园, -60), -100), -20), -95) t.seth(161), 15) t.pu() t.goto(-100, 100) t.pd() t.seth(-30) a = 0.4 for i in range(60): if 0 <= i < 30 or 60 <= i < 90: a = a + 0.08 # 向左转3度 t.fd(a) # 向前走a的步长 else: a = a - 0.08 t.fd(a) t.end_fill() # 耳朵 t.color((255, 155, 192), "pink") t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(-7) t.seth(0) t.fd(70) t.pd() t.begin_fill() t.seth(100), 50), 120), 54) t.end_fill() t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(-12) t.seth(0) t.fd(30) t.pd() t.begin_fill() t.seth(100), 50), 120), 56) t.end_fill() # 眼睛 t.color((255, 155, 192), "white") t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(-20) t.seth(0) t.fd(-95) t.pd() t.begin_fill() t.end_fill() t.color("black") t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(12) t.seth(0) t.fd(-3) t.pd() t.begin_fill() t.end_fill() t.color((255, 155, 192), "white") t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(-25) t.seth(0) t.fd(40) t.pd() t.begin_fill() t.end_fill() t.color("black") t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(12) t.seth(0) t.fd(-3) t.pd() t.begin_fill() t.end_fill() # 腮 t.color((255, 155, 192)) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(-95) t.seth(0) t.fd(65) t.pd() t.begin_fill() t.end_fill() # 嘴 t.color(239, 69, 19) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(15) t.seth(0) t.fd(-100) t.pd() t.seth(-80), 40), 80) # 身体 t.color("red", (255, 99, 71)) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(-20) t.seth(0) t.fd(-78) t.pd() t.begin_fill() t.seth(-130), 10), 30) t.seth(0) t.fd(230) t.seth(90), 30), 3) t.color((255, 155, 192), (255, 100, 100)) t.seth(-135), 63), 24) t.end_fill() # 手 t.color((255, 155, 192)) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(-40) t.seth(0) t.fd(-27) t.pd() t.seth(-160), 15) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(15) t.seth(0) t.fd(0) t.pd() t.seth(-10), 90) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(30) t.seth(0) t.fd(237) t.pd() t.seth(-20), 15) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(20) t.seth(0) t.fd(0) t.pd() t.seth(-170), 90) # 脚 t.pensize(10) t.color((240, 128, 128)) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(-75) t.seth(0) t.fd(-180) t.pd() t.seth(-90) t.fd(40) t.seth(-180) t.color("black") t.pensize(15) t.fd(20) t.pensize(10) t.color((240, 128, 128)) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(40) t.seth(0) t.fd(90) t.pd() t.seth(-90) t.fd(40) t.seth(-180) t.color("black") t.pensize(15) t.fd(20) # 尾巴 t.pensize(4) t.color((255, 155, 192)) t.pu() t.seth(90) t.fd(70) t.seth(0) t.fd(95) t.pd() t.seth(0), 20), 330), 30) t.done()
from turtle import penup, dot, forward, exitonclick, backward, left, right from turtle import pencolor, home, setposition, heading, circle, speed, pendown speed(0) vzdalenost_tecek = 30 # vzdalenost tecek od sebe sirka = 10 # pocet tecek na radku/sloupci pencolor('red') penup() for i in range(sirka): for j in range(sirka): dot() forward(vzdalenost_tecek) backward(vzdalenost_tecek * sirka) right(90) forward(vzdalenost_tecek) left(90) home() pendown() pencolor('green') for k in range(50): forward(100) left(123) pencolor('blue') for l in range(70): forward(80) left(100) penup()
import turtle as tt from random import randint tt.TurtleScreen._RUNNING = True tt.speed(0) tt.bgcolor("black") tt.setpos(-25, 25) tt.colormode(255) cnt = 0 while cnt < 1000: r = randint(0, 255) g = randint(0, 255) b = randint(0, 255) tt.pencolor(r, g, b) tt.forward(50 + cnt) tt.right(91) cnt += 1 tt.done()
drawSnakeHead(lengths[0]) for i in range(1, len(lengths) - 1, 2): drawTwistUpSegment(lengths[i]) drawTwistDownSegment(lengths[i + 1]) turtle.pensize(4) # Draw the snakes: for i in range(10): # Go to the starting position: turtle.penup() turtle.goto(random.randint(-400, 400), random.randint(-400, 400)) turtle.pendown() turtle.setheading(random.randint(0, 360)) # Set up the snake coloration: turtle.pencolor(random.choice(SNAKE_COLORS)) redAmount = random.randint(0, 100) / 100.0 greenAmount = random.randint(0, 100) / 100.0 blueAmount = random.randint(0, 100) / 100.0 # (!) Uncomment the following line to use random colors. #turtle.pencolor(redAmount, greenAmount, blueAmount) turtle.fillcolor(turtle.pencolor()) # Draw the snake: lengths = [] # Each snake has a random amount of segments: for j in range(random.randint(6, 12)): # Each segment has random lengths: lengths.append(random.randint(40, 150))
def set_pencolor(self, color): from turtle import pencolor pencolor(color)
# 使用turtle库画出一条蟒蛇 # 引入turtle标准库 import turtle # setup(width, height, startx, starty)确定绘图窗体宽高和初始位置 turtle.setup(650, 350, 200, 200) turtle.penup() turtle.fd(-250) turtle.pendown() turtle.pensize() turtle.pencolor('purple') turtle.seth(-40) for i in range(4):, 80), 80), 80 / 2) turtle.fd(40), 180) turtle.fd(40 * 2 / 3) turtle.down()
import turtle #中国国旗 turtle.up() turtle.goto(-200,200) turtle.down() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.fillcolor("red") turtle.pencolor("red") for i in range(2): turtle.forward(280) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(200) turtle.right(90) turtle.end_fill() turtle.up() turtle.goto(-170,145) turtle.down() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.fillcolor("yellow") turtle.pencolor("yellow") for x in range(5): turtle.forward(50) turtle.right(144) turtle.end_fill() turtle.up() turtle.goto(-100,180) turtle.down() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.fillcolor("yellow") import turtle turtle.setup(650, 300, 200, 200) turtle.penup() turtle.fd(-250) turtle.pencolor("green") turtle.pendown() turtle.pensize(25) turtle.pencolor('blue') turtle.seth(-40) for i in range(4):, 80) turtle.pencolor("pink"), 80) turtle.pencolor("yellow"), 80 / 2) turtle.fd(40) turtle.pencolor("red"), 180) turtle.fd(40 * 2 / 3)
import turtle turtle.bgcolor('black') colors = ['blue', 'yellow', 'red', 'white', 'orange'] turtle.speed(0) for i in range(280): turtle.pencolor(colors[i % 5]) turtle.pensize(i / 88 + 1) turtle.forward(i) turtle.left(59) turtle.done()
def line(startX, startY, endX, endY, color): turtle.penup() # Поднять перо. turtle.goto(startX, startY) # Переместить в начальную точку. turtle.pendown() # Опустить перо. turtle.pencolor(color) # Задать цвет заливки. turtle.goto(endX, endY) # Нарисовать треугольник.
tu.hideturtle() tu.speed(0) tu.screensize(500, 500) tu.penup() def erasableWrite(tortoise, name, font, align, reuse=None): eraser = tu.Turtle() if reuse is None else reuse eraser.hideturtle() eraser.up() eraser.setposition(tortoise.position()) eraser.write(name, font=font, align=align) return eraser tu.goto(-250, -250) tu.pencolor(0.9, 0.9, 0.9) tu.pendown() for i in range(4): tu.forward(500) tu.left(90) tu.penup() shifts = 250 while shifts > 0: x, y = rand.randint(-250, 250), rand.randint(-250, 250) tu.goto(x,y) tu.pencolor('blue') shifts -= 1
import turtle swidth, sheight = 500, 500 turtle.title('무지개색 원그리기') turtle.shape('turtle') turtle.setup(width=swidth + 50, height=sheight + 50) turtle.screensize(swidth, sheight) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, -sheight / 2) turtle.pendown() turtle.speed(10) for radius in range(1, 250): if radius % 7 == 1: turtle.pencolor('red') elif radius % 7 == 2: turtle.pencolor('orange') elif radius % 7 == 3: turtle.pencolor('yellow') elif radius % 7 == 4: turtle.pencolor('green') elif radius % 7 == 5: turtle.pencolor('blue') elif radius % 7 == 6: turtle.pencolor('navyblue') else: turtle.pencolor('purple')
#전역 변수 선언 부분 swidth, sheight, pSize, exitCount = 300, 300, 3, 0 r,g,b,angle, dist, curX, curY = [0]*7 #메인 코드 부분 turtle.title('거북이가 맘대로 다니기') turtle.shape('turtle') turtle.pensize(pSize) turtle.setup(width=swidth + 30, height=sheight + 30) turtle.screensize(swidth, sheight) while True : r=random.random() g=random.random() b=random.random() turtle.pencolor((r,g,b)) angle = random.randrange(0,360) dist = random.randrange(1,100) turtle.left(angle) turtle.forward(dist) curX=turtle.xcor() curY=turtle.ycor() if(-swidth/2<=curX and curX <= swidth/2) and (-sheight/2 <= curY and curY<=sheight/2): pass else: turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.pendown()
#画蟒蛇 import turtle turtle.setup(650, 350, 200, 200) turtle.penup() turtle.fd(-250) turtle.pendown() turtle.pensize(25) turtle.pencolor("purple") turtle.seth(-40) for i in range(4):, 80), 80), 80 / 2) turtle.fd(40), 180) turtle.fd(40 * 2 / 3)
if 0<=i<30 or 60<=i<90: a=a+0.08 #向左转3度 t.fd(a) #向前走a的步长 else: a=a-0.08 t.fd(a) t.end_fill() # 依据轮廓填充 t.pu() # 提笔 t.seth(90) # 笔的角度为90度 t.fd(25) # 向前移动25 t.seth(0) # 转换画笔的角度为0 t.fd(10) t.pd() t.pencolor(255,155,192) # 设置画笔颜色 t.seth(10) t.begin_fill() # 画一个半径为5的圆 t.color(160,82,45) # 设置画笔和填充颜色 t.end_fill() t.pu() t.seth(0) t.fd(20) t.pd() t.pencolor(255,155,192) t.seth(10) t.begin_fill() t.color(160,82,45) t.end_fill()
OUTPUT_FILE = 'picture.h' # modify this line TEMP_FILE = 'temp' drawing = svgwrite.Drawing(TEMP_FILE + '.svg', size=("500px", "500px")) drawing.add(drawing.rect(fill='white', size=("100%", "100%"))) t = SvgTurtle(drawing) tt.Turtle._screen = t.screen tt.Turtle._pen = t ############################ # draw your picture below # ############################ tt.fillcolor('blue') tt.begin_fill() for i in range(20): d = 50 + i * i * 1.5 tt.pencolor(0, 0.05 * i, 0) tt.width(i) tt.forward(d) tt.right(144) tt.end_fill() ############################ # draw your picture above # ############################ drawing = svg2rlg(TEMP_FILE + ".svg") renderPM.drawToFile(drawing, TEMP_FILE + ".png", fmt="PNG") #cairosvg.svg2png(url=TEMP_FILE + '.svg', write_to=TEMP_FILE + '.png') stripe.picture2Lines(TEMP_FILE + '.png', OUTPUT_FILE, 64) import turtle turtle.setup(650, 350, 200, 200) turtle.penup() turtle.fd(-250) turtle.pendown() turtle.pensize(25) turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.seth(-40) for i in range(1):, 80), 80) turtle.pencolor("orange") turtle.seth(-40) for i in range(1):, 80), 80) turtle.pencolor("yellow") turtle.seth(-40) for i in range(1):, 80), 80) turtle.pencolor("green") turtle.seth(-40) for i in range(1):, 80), 80)
def main(): turtle.pensize(2) turtle.pencolor("black") turtle.up() turtle.left(180) turtle.fd(50) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(200) turtle.right(180) turtle.down() #all getting into starting position to draw card drawCard() #draws first card turtle.fd(140) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(140) turtle.right(90) #centers turtle in order to write letter or number in center turtle.down() turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.write("K", align="center", font=( "Arial", 100, "bold")) #writes K turtle.up() turtle.fd(200) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(120) turtle.right(90) #moves to top right corner to draw first diamond turtle.fillcolor("red") drawDiamond() #draws first diamond turtle.right(90) turtle.fd(240) turtle.right(90) turtle.fd(330) turtle.right(180)#moves to bottom left corner to draw second diamond drawDiamond() #draws second diamond turtle.right(180) turtle.fd(10) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(390) turtle.left(90)#moves into position to draw second card turtle.down() turtle.pencolor("black") #change pen back to black drawCard() #draws second card turtle.fd(140) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(140) turtle.right(90) # centers turtle in order to write letter or number in center turtle.down() turtle.write("8", align="center", font=("Arial", 100, "bold")) # writes 8 turtle.up() turtle.fd(190) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(100) turtle.right(90) #moves turtle to top right to draw first heart turtle.fillcolor("black") drawTriangle() #draws bottom of heart turtle.fd(40) drawCircle() #draws left bump of heart turtle.right(90) turtle.fd(20) turtle.left(90) #moves to right to do second bump on heart drawCircle() #draws second bump of heart turtle.right(90) turtle.fd(180) turtle.right(90) turtle.fd(350) turtle.right(180) drawTriangle() # draws bottom of heart turtle.fd(40) drawCircle() # draws left bump of heart turtle.right(90) turtle.fd(20) turtle.left(90) # moves to right to do second bump on heart drawCircle() # draws second bump of heart turtle.done(), steps=3) # input("Wait") turtle.colormode(255) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, 150) turtle.pensize(12) turtle.pendown() # Ignore this line for _ in range(36): turtle.forward(35) turtle.right(10) turtle.pensize(randrange(100)) turtle.pencolor(randrange(255), randrange(255), randrange(255)) turtle.done() # Math with dates in datetime - from datetime import datetime currentTime = hour = currentTime.hour print(hour + 9 % 12, ':', currentTime.minute, ':', currentTime.second) """ Case Study - Compute the Distance between two points.with Turtle """
def draw_pen(width, height, startX, startY, pen_size): turtle.setup(width, height, startX, startY) turtle.penup() turtle.pendown() turtle.pensize(pen_size) turtle.pencolor("red")
""" 用turtle模塊繪圖 這是一個非常有趣的模塊 它模擬一隻烏龜在窗口上爬行的方式來進行繪圖 Version: 0.1 Author: 駱昊 Date: 2018-03-14 """ import turtle turtle.pensize(3) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-180, 150) turtle.pencolor('red') turtle.fillcolor('yellow') turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() for _ in range(36): turtle.forward(200) turtle.right(170) turtle.end_fill() turtle.mainloop() import turtle as t # 定义一个曲线绘制函数 def DegreeCurve(n, r, d=1): for i in range(n): t.left(d), abs(d)) # 初始位置设定 s = 0.2 # size t.setup(450 * 5 * s, 750 * 5 * s) t.pencolor("black") t.fillcolor("red") t.speed(10000) t.penup() t.goto(0, 900 * s) t.pendown() # 绘制花朵形状 t.begin_fill() * s, 30) DegreeCurve(60, 50 * s) * s, 30) DegreeCurve(4, 100 * s) * s, 50) DegreeCurve(50, 50 * s) * s, 65) DegreeCurve(40, 70 * s) * s, 50)
# coding: utf-8 # In[1]: import turtle turtle.setup(1000, 600, 100, 100) turtle.penup() turtle.fd(-300) turtle.pendown() turtle.pensize(28) turtle.pencolor("silver") turtle.seth(-50) for i in range(6):, 60) turtle.pencolor("azure"), 60) turtle.pencolor("pink"), 60 / 2) turtle.fd(50), 180) turtle.pencolor("rubine") turtle.fd(50 * 2 / 3)
inicioB = 10 inicio2B =10 inicioBien = 10 turtle.title('ADN') turtle.setup(1530, 1000, 0, 0) turtle.screensize(20,8000) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-10,-40) turtle.write("Arreglo 5'",False,"left",("arial", 20, "bold italic")) turtle.goto(-200,-40) turtle.write("Errores",False,"left",("arial", 20, "bold italic")) turtle.goto(-500,300) turtle.pencolor('red') turtle.write("Adenina",False,"left",("arial", 18, "bold italic")) turtle.goto(-500,250) turtle.pencolor('blue') turtle.write("Guanina",False,"left",("arial", 18, "bold italic")) turtle.goto(-500,200) turtle.pencolor('green') turtle.write("Timina",False,"left",("arial", 18, "bold italic")) turtle.goto(-500,150) turtle.pencolor('yellow') turtle.write("Citocina",False,"left",("arial", 18, "bold italic")) #Simulo el ADN for x in range(5): #Creo el 5' n1 = posiAT[randrange(10)]