import turtle t = turtle.Pen() number = int(turtle.numinput("변 또는 동그라미의 수", "변 또는 동그라미의 수를 입력해 주세요:",6)) shape = turtle.textinput("어떤 모양을 원하십니까?", "p는 세모,r는 동그라미:") for x in range(number): if shape == 'r': else: t.forward(150) t.left(360/number)
def demanderLongueur(): try: cote = int(turtle.textinput("Longeurs","Entrez une longueur en px qui constitura la taille de votre carré, tapez q pour quitter")) return cote except ValueError: print("Vous n'avez pas entré un nombre. Je quitte.") turtle.bye() sys.exit()
def on_right(): val = t.textinput('Right', "How much: ") if val: try: val = int(val) t.right(val) except ValueError: messagebox.showinfo('Error', 'Wrong value') t.listen()
def on_forward(): val = t.textinput('Forward', "How much: ") if val: try: val = int(val) t.forward(val) except ValueError: messagebox.showinfo('Error', 'Wrong value') t.listen()
def playername(): global highscorelist #får navn fra spiller og legger det til i highscore listen #returnerer spillernavn player = turtle.textinput("player", "input your name") highscorelist[player] = 0 #putter spiller in i player for å bruke den etterpå spiller = player return player
def __init__(self): tess = self.tess tess.degrees() tess.speed(1) tess.shape(CHAR) tess.shapesize(10, 10) tess.penup() while( == ""): = turtle.textinput("Name", "Type in your name") tess.write("Welcome, ", True, align="right", font=("Arial", 13, "bold")) tess.goto(0,0) time.sleep(1) tess.clear() wn.onkey(self.dig, "e") wn.onclick(self.go, btn=1, add=True) wn.onclick(self.cut, btn=3) wn.listen()
import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") s = turtle.textinput("??","입력하십시오") n=int(s) for i in range(n): t.forward(50) t.left(360/n)
m=gen_matr() t.pd() for k in path[d]: t.goto(m[k]) t.pu() t.goto(m[1]) t=turtle.Turtle() t.pu() t.bk(300) t.pd() s=30 x=turtle.textinput('Draw Digit','Enter number:') if not x.isdigit(): raise (ValueError("Bad Input")) for c in x: write(t,c,s) t.fd(1.2*s) turtle.done()
t1.penup t1.setpos(-x,-y) t1.pendown() for s in range(size): t1.forward(s*2) t1.left(91) t1.penup() t1.setpos(x,-y) t1.pendown() for s in range(size): t1.forward(s*2) t1.left(91) colors=["yellow","orange"] family=[] name=turtle.textinput("Eat", " :") while name !=" ": family.append(name) name=turtle.textinput("Yummy!","Bonus", " :") for n in range(100): t1.pencolors(colors[n%len(family)]) t1.penup() t1.forward(n*4) t1.pendown() t1.wrtie(family[n%len(family)]) t1.left(360/len(family) + 2)
gotoxy(base_x + math.sin(phi_rad) * R, base_y + math.cos(phi_rad) * R + 60) draw_circle(22, 'yellow') return i % 7 turtle.speed(0) draw_pistol(50, 20) answer = '' start = 0 while answer != 'n': answer = turtle.textinput('Проверим твою удачу?', 'y/n') if answer == 'y': start = rotate_pistol(50, 20, start) if start == 0: phi_rad = PHI * 0 * math.pi / 180.0 gotoxy(50 + math.sin(phi_rad) * R, 20 + math.cos(phi_rad) * R + 60) draw_circle(22, 'red') gotoxy(-150, 250) turtle.write('В твоей голове новая дырка. Прощай неудачник!', font=('Arial', 18, 'normal')) else: pass
import turtle pen = turtle.Pen() turtle.bgcolor("black") pen_color = "green" pen.pencolor(pen_color) pen.penup() pen.forward(-300) pen.pendown() nam = "" x = int((250 + 4) / 4) pen.write(nam, font = ("Arial", x, "bold")) problem = turtle.textinput("Enter a math problem","Enter a math problem, or 'q' to quit: ") while (problem != "q"): print("The answer to", problem,"is:", eval(problem)) problem = turtle.textinput("Enter a math problem","Enter a math problem, or 'q' to quit: ")
import turtle from math import sin, cos, pi, radians R = int(turtle.textinput("Введите радиус: ", "Введите радиус: ")) turtle.left(90) for i in range(10):, 180), 180)
import turtle t = turtle.Pen() turtle.bgcolor("black") colors = [ "red", "yellow", "blue", "green", "orange", "purple", "white", "brown", "gray", "pink" ] family = [] name = turtle.textinput("My family", "Enter a name, or just [ENTER] to end:") while name != "": family.append(name) name = turtle.textinput("My family", "Enter a name, or just [ENTER] to end:") for x in range(100): t.pencolor(colors[x % len(family)]) t.penup() t.forward(x * 4) t.pendown() t.write(family[x % len(family)], font=("Arial", int((x + 4) / 4), "bold")) t.left(360 / len(family) + 2)
# - Challenge Problem import turtle # set up turtle graphics t=turtle.Pen() t.speed(0) turtle.bgcolor('black') # Set up a list of any 8 valid Python color names colors=['red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'orange', 'purple', 'white', 'gray'] # Ask the user for the number of sides, between 1 and 8, default of 4 sides = int(turtle.numinput("Number of circles", your_name = turtle.textinput("Enter your name", "What is your name?") "How many circles do you want (1-8)?", 4, 1, 8)) # Draw a colorful spiral with the user-specified number of circles for x in range(180): t.pencolor(colors[x % sides]) # only use the right number of colors t.left(360 / sides + 1) # turn 360 degrees / # of sides, plus 1 t.width(x * sides / 200) # make the pen larger as it goes outward
t.left(60) t.forward(size) for i in range(2): t.right(120) t.forward(size) t.right(180) def circle(step): # turtle.colormode(255) # t.begin_fill() for i in range(361): # t.color([random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)]) t.left(1) t.forward(step) # t.end_fill() for c in ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'orange', 'purple', 'pink', 'navy']: t.color(c) t.forward(50) t.left(45) t.color('red') t.forward(100) square(100) t.color('navy') triangle(50) # circle(2) turtle.textinput("NIM", "Name of first player:") turtle.mainloop()
import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") shape = str(turtle.textinput("","도형을 입력하시오.")) if shape == '사각형': width = int(turtle.textinput("","가로")) height = int(turtle.textinput("","세로")) t.forward(width) t.left(90) t.forward(height) t.left(90) t.forward(width) t.left(90) t.forward(height) elif shape == '삼각형': length = int(turtle.textinput("","한 변의 길이")) t.forward(length) t.left(120) t.forward(length) t.left(120) t.forward(length) else: radius = int(turtle.textinput("","반지름"))
# import random import turtle t = turtle.Pen() turtle.bgcolor('black') t.speed(0) t.width(3) # Ask the user for the number of circles in their rosette, default to 6 listofcolors=[] default_colors= turtle.textinput("Default colors", "Do you want to use the default colors (Y/N)?") if default_colors=='Y': listofcolors=["green","blue","orange","purple","red","yellow"] numberofcolors=6 if default_colors=='N': numberofcolors= int(turtle.textinput("number of colors", " How many colors do you want")) for color in range (numberofcolors): tmpcolor= turtle.textinput("color", "What is the color #" + str(color+1)) listofcolors.append(tmpcolor) number_of_circles = int(turtle.numinput("Number of circles", "How many circles in your rosette?", 6)) #c1 = turtle.textinput("first color", "what is the first color ") #c2 = turtle.textinput("second color","what is the second color ",) for x in range(number_of_circles): r = random.randint(0,numberofcolors-1) t.pencolor(listofcolors[r])
draw_line(-100, -10, -100, -50) draw_line(-100, -10, -120, -20) draw_line(-100, -10, -80, -20) draw_line(-100, -50, -120, -60) draw_line(-100, -50, -80, -60) # from tkinter import SimpleDialog # SimpleDialog.textinput() answer = turtle.textinput("Играть?", "y/n") if answer == 'n': sys.exit() try_count = 0 while True: number = turtle.numinput("Угадайте", "Число", 0, 0, 100) if number == x: turtle.color('green') gotoxy(-150, 200) turtle.write("Ура! Вы победили!", font=("Arial", 28, "normal")) break
def new_game(): """ This method will set up a game of simon says. It requires a helper function "show_circle()", which draws the pattern as it gets larger. """ # Stores the colors for the circles simon_colors = ["blue", "green", "red", "yellow"] scores_turtle = turtle.Turtle() try: with open("scores.txt", "rb") as myFile: # Open file and store data in dictionary scores = pickle.load(myFile) except EOFError: # If empty file give empty dictionary scores = {} shape_turtle = turtle.Turtle() # Turtle that draws the circles while True: # Clears screen before each new game turtle.clearscreen() turtle.clear() turtle.reset() scores_turtle.clear() scores_turtle.reset() scores_turtle.hideturtle() # Prompts user to enter his/her name name = turtle.textinput("Simon Says game", "Enter your name and then press OK:") # Displays start screen instructions turtle.write("Hello " + name + " and welcome to Simon Says!\n\nA series of circles will" " be displayed on the screen.\nYour task, should you choose to accept, is to guess the pattern.\nEnter your guess in the text box." "\n\n(ex: if the pattern is blue red, enter br)\n\nHave fun!\n\n", align="center", font=("Arial", 14, "bold")) # Waits for 1 second so user can read instructions time.sleep(1) # User can enter anything here to start game # Game will only end here if the user clicks cancel instructions_input = turtle.textinput("Ready to play?", "Press OK to continue.") # Clears screen once user hits OK button if instructions_input.strip() == "": turtle.clear() else: turtle.clear() correct = True # Checks if the answer is correct score = 0 # Stores user score answer = [] # Stores the correct answer pattern with each color answer_string = "" # Stores the correct answer pattern with each starting letter # Keeps going while the answer is correct while correct: rand = random.randint(0, 3) # Random number to generate a random color answer.append(simon_colors[rand]) # Adds the color to the answer list answer_string += answer[score][0] # Adds the first letter of each color to answer_string # Draws the sequence of circles for i in range(0, len(answer)): show_circle(shape_turtle, [answer[i]]) # Decreases sleep time as score goes up, stops at .3 seconds if score == 0: time.sleep(1.5) elif score < 10: time.sleep(1.5 - ((score + 1) * .1)) else: time.sleep(.3) shape_turtle.hideturtle() shape_turtle.clear() # Prompt user to guess user_guess = turtle.textinput("Answer", "Enter your guess:") user_guess = user_guess.strip().lower() # Remove unnecessary white spaces and convert to lower case # If answer is not equal to the answer_string, stops game if user_guess != answer_string: correct = False scores[name] = score sorted_scores = sorted(scores.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) turtle.write("TOP SCORES\n\n", align="center", font=("Arial", 14, "bold")) for key, val in sorted_scores: scores_turtle.write("\n") scores_turtle.write(str(key) + ". " + str(val), align="center", font=("Arial", 10)) # Adds to user score each round they get one correct else: score += 1 # Asks user if he/she wants to play again if not correct: continue_option = turtle.textinput("GAME OVER!", "Press OK to play again. Enter q and hit OK to quit:") # User quits the game if continue_option.strip() == "q" or continue_option.strip() == "Q": break
import turtle # 기본준비과정 t = turtle.Pen() turtle.bgcolor("black") colors = ["red","yellow","blue","green","orange", "purple","white","brown","gray","pink" ] family = [] # 빈 리스트 준비하기 name = turtle.textinput("나의 가족", "이름을 적거나[ENTER]를 눌러서 나간다:") while name != "": family.append(name) name = turtle.textinput("나의 가족", "이름을 적거나[ENTER]를 눌러서 나간다:") for x in range(100): t.pencolor(colors[x % len(family)]) t.penup() t.forward(x*4) t.pendown() t.write(family[x%len(family)],font = ("Arial",int((x+4)/4),"bold")) t.left(360/len(family) + 2) input("")
if (pos1 + 50) <= (x1) <= (pos1 + 150) and (pos2 + 50) <= (y1) <= (pos2 + 150): #Turtle is in the small square Beans.write("You are in!") points += 2 #Add 2 points SCORE(points) elif (pos1 <= (x1) <= (pos1 + 200)) and (pos2 <= (y1) <= (pos2 + 200)): #Used to see if the turtle is within the square Beans.write("Almost there!") points += 1 #Add a point SCORE(points) else: #Turtle did not make it into or onto a square Beans.write("We missed you!") points -= 1 #Subtract a point SCORE(points) ans = turtle.textinput("Input", "Do you want to play again? Yes or No: ") #Loop statement so user can play again if ans.lower() in ("yes"): Beans.reset() #Clears the turtle drawings so it can go again on a clean slate start = 1 #Completes the loop else: #Else clears everything but the score and says game over and leaves score in upper left hand corner Beans.reset() Beans.color("black") Beans.write("Game Over!", move=False, align="center", font=("Arial", 54, "normal")) #This is to center the Text and make it large enough to properly read that the game is over on screen break #------------------------- turtle.mainloop() #Keeps window on screen
import turtle tartaruga = turtle.Turtle() while True: certas = " " for letra in pcchoice: if letra in acertos: certas += letra else: certas += " " letrasacertadas(certas) if certas == pcchoice: tartaruga.pu() tartaruga.setpos(-150,100) tartaruga.write("Parabéns, você adivinhou!!", align = "left", font = ("Arial", 14, "bold")) break chance = turtle.textinput("Jogo da forca", "Chute uma letra:") if chance in chutes: continue else: chutes += chance letraschutadas(chutes) if chance in pcchoice: acertos += chance else: erros += 1 if chance == "A": for i in range (0,len(A)-1): if A[i] in pcchoice: acertos += A[i] if chance == "E": for i in range(0,len(E)-1):
import turtle name = turtle.textinput("name", "what is your name? ") name = name.lower() if name.startswith("mr"): print("hello sir! how are you?") elif name.startswith("mrs") or name.startswith("miss") or name.startswith( "ms"): print("hello mam! how are you?") else: name = name.capitalize() str = "Hi!" + name + "! how are you?" print(str) turtle.exitonclick()
##turtle을 움직이며 위치에 따른 학점을 출력한다. t.goto(100,100) t.write("A학점 입니다.") t.goto(100,50) t.write("B학점 입니다.") t.goto(100,0) t.write("C학점 입니다.") t.goto(100,-50) t.write("D학점 입니다.") t.goto(100,-100) t.write("F학점 입니다.") t.goto(0,0) t.pendown() #turtle의 움직임을 선으로 출력하도록 설정 ##turtlr그래픽으로 점수를 입력하게 한다. score = int(turtle.textinput("", "성적을 입력하시오")) ##입력받은 정수에 따라 turtle의 위치를 옮겨 학점을 나타낸다. if score >= 90: t.goto(100,100) elif score >= 80: t.goto(100,50) elif score >= 70: t.goto(100,0) elif score >= 60: t.goto(100,-50) else: t.goto(100,-100)
import random import turtle import time bgcolor = turtle.textinput("offconsole", "Your BG for today: ") color = turtle.textinput("offconsole", "Your favourite color: ") t = turtle.Pen() turtle.bgcolor(bgcolor) t.pencolor(color) a = '' b = '' c = '' d = 0 e = 0 f = 0 cmd = '0' z = 0 newgroup = '' t.clear() t.write("Welcome to offconsole! Read document with comands before use.") time.sleep(3) t.clear() while cmd != 'stop': cmd = turtle.textinput("offconsole", "Your command:") if cmd == "write": yourgroup = turtle.textinput("offconsole", "Select group(a, b or c): ") yourtext = turtle.textinput("offconsole", "Text: ") if yourgroup == "a": a += yourtext elif yourgroup == "b": b += yourtext else:
import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") t.penup() t.goto(100,100) t.write("거북이가 여기로 오면 양수입니다.") t.goto(100,0) t.write("거북이가 여기로 오면 0입니다.") t.goto(100,-100) t.write("거북이가 여기로 오면 음수입니다.") t.goto(0,0) t.pendown() num =int(turtle.textinput("","정수를 입력하시오")) if num>=0: if num==0: t.goto(100,0) else: t.goto(100,100) else: t.goto(100,-100)
#1. import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") t.penup() t.goto(100, 100) t.write("거북이가 여기로 오면 양수입니다") t.goto(100, 0) t.write("거북이가 여기로 오면 0입니다") t.goto(100, -100) t.write('거북이가 여기로 오면 음수입니다.') t.goto(0, 0) t.pendown() s = turtle.textinput("", "숫자를 입력하시오: ") n = int(s) if (n > 0): t.goto(100, 100) if (n == 0): t.goto(100, 0) if (n < 0): t.goto(100, -100) #2. age = int(input('나이를 입력하시오: ')) if (age >= 15): print('이 영화를 보실 수 있습니다') else: print('이 영화를 보실 수 없습니다')
##함수를 이용하여 터틀그래픽이 회전하며 도형을 그리도록 하는 프로그램 #터틀그래픽을 실행시킨다. import turtle t=turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") #polygon함수를 정의하여 도형을 그리며 회전하도록 한다. def polygon(n): for i in range(1,n+1,1): t.forward(80) t.left(360/n) #사용자로부터 도형의 모양을 입력받는다. n=int(turtle.textinput("","몇각형인가요?")) #반복문을 이용하여 도형을 그린다. for i in range(18): polygon(n) t.left(360/18)
turtle.register_shape(imagePath + 'deck.gif') playerHand = turtle.Turtle(imagePath + 'deck.gif', visible=False) playerHand.pu() playerHand.setposition(-150,0) playerHand.showturtle() if playerScore < 21 and dealerScore < 21: # used for dealing new cards playerHit = True dealerHit = False bet = (turtle.numinput('Bet','Enter your bet? ($1-$'+str(playerMoney)+')' ,minval=1, maxval=playerMoney)) while playerHit: hit = (turtle.textinput('Hit','Hit or stay (h/s)?')) hit = hit.lower() if hit == 'h' and playerScore < 21: # adds a card to the hand and calculates score a.addCard(p.hand) playerScore = getScore(p.hand,playerScore) for i in p.hand: if i[0] == 'A' and playerScore >= 21: playerScore -= 10 # creates new card turtle.register_shape(a.images[p.hand[-1]]) playerHand = turtle.Turtle(a.images[p.hand[-1]], visible=False) playerHand.pu()
import turtle t = turtle.Pen() turtle.bgcolor("black") colors = ["yellow", "red", "green", "blue", "orange", "white", "pink", "brown"] name = turtle.textinput("input", "Enter a name or hit [Enter] to quit: ") myFamily = [] while name != "": myFamily.append(name) #下面这句容易漏掉 name = turtle.textinput("input", "Enter a name or hit [Enter] to quit: ") #Draw the spiral for x in range(40): lenFamily = len(myFamily) t.pencolor(colors[x % lenFamily]) t.penup() t.forward(x * 5) t.pendown() #t.write(myFamily[x%lenFamily])--字体等大,螺旋效果需要把字体逐渐变大 t.write(myFamily[x % lenFamily], font=("Arial", int((x + 20) / 4), 'bold')) #t.left(360/lenFamily) t.left(360 / lenFamily + 2)
turtle.speed(0) answer = 'y' x_init = 0 y_init = 0 R = 50 r = 22 angle = 360 / 7 gotoxy(0, 0) draw_circle(80, 'white') gotoxy(0, 160) draw_circle(5, 'red') while answer not in ['N', 'n']: answer = turtle.textinput("Continue? ", "Y/N") if answer == 'y': for i in range(0, random.randrange(7, 100)): angle_rad = angle * i * math.pi / 180 x_curr = R * math.sin(angle_rad) y_curr = R * math.cos(angle_rad) gotoxy(x_init + x_curr, y_init + y_curr + 60) draw_circle(r, 'red') draw_circle(r, 'white') gotoxy(x_init + x_curr, y_init + y_curr + 60) draw_circle(r, 'brown') else: pass
a = range(10) #a=0~9 b = range(2, 10, 2) # b = 2,4,6,8,10 2부터 9까지 2씩 증가. for i in range(2, 10, 2): print(i) a = int(input("그릴 원의 개수를 입력하시오: ")) deg = 360 / a for i in range(a): t.right(deg) A = [1, 5, 4, 3, 2] for pknu in A: print(pknu) # 정삼각형 그리기 for i in range(3): t.forward(100) t.left(360 / 3) c = int(turtle.textinput("", "변의 개수를 입력하세요: ")) deg = int(360 / c) for i in range(c): t.forward(100) t.left(deg)
import turtle turtle.bgcolor("black") colors = ["blue", "yellow", "green", "red", "pink", "white"] words = [] word = turtle.textinput("表白", "输入你想说的话或enter退出:") while word != '': words.append(word) word = turtle.textinput("表白", "输入你想说的话或enter退出:") for x in range(100): turtle.pencolor(colors[x % len(words)]) turtle.penup() turtle.forward(x * 4) turtle.pendown() turtle.write(words[x % len(words)], font=("Arial", int((x + 4) / 4))) turtle.left(360 / len(words) + 2)
t.color("blue") t.pensize(2) # 1 - 10 (I think) t.hideturtle() # do not show turtle t.showturtle() # show turtle t.shape("turtle") # turtle shape (turtle, circle, etc.) t.speed(0) # 0 - 10 scale, 0 is fastest return t """ make the canvas and turtle """ wn = make_window() tess = TurtleGTX() tess.forward(50) tess.jump(50) print(tess.odometer) a = turtle.textinput("Turtle command:", "What next?") """ turtle movement """ # tess.penup() # lift the pen so no line is drawn # tess.pendown() # lower the pen so a line is drawn # tess.begin_fill() # denotes the beginning of a fill area # tess.end_fill() # denotes end of fill area # tess.goto(100, 100) # goto x and y cooridnates # tess.forward(100) # go forward 100 # tess.backward(100) # go backward 100 # tess.forward(-100) # go backward 100 # tess.left(90) # tess.right(90) # tess.left(-90) #, 180) # make a circle
import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") t.speed(3) #정수를 받기 전에 조건을 설정 t.up() #거북이가 그려지지 않게함 t.goto(100, 100) t.write("거북이가 여기로 오면 양수입니다.") t.goto(100, 0) t.write("거북이가 여기로 오면 0입니다.") t.goto(100, -100) t.write("거북이가 여기로 오면 음수입니다.") t.goto(0,0) t.down() num = int(turtle.textinput("", "정수를 입력해주세요")) #textinput 함수는 prompt와 출력 문자열을 필수 인자로 받는다 if num > 0 : t.goto(100,100) elif num == 0 : t.goto(100,0) else : t.goto(100, -100) turtle.exitonclick()
import turtle #터틀그래픽을 실행시킨다. t=turtle.Turtle() #t를 선언하여 원할한 코딩을 이룬다. t.shape("turtle") #움직이는 물체의 모양을 거북이로 바꾼다. s = turtle.textinput("","이름을 입력하시오 : ") #사용자로부터 이름을 입력받는다. t.write("안녕하세요? 터틀 인사드립니다.") #거북이에게서 문자를 출력시킨다. t.forward(100) t.right(90) t.forward(100) t.right(90) t.forward(100) t.right(90) t.forward(100)
#global title #title.clear() #title.write(y, move=False, align="center", font=("Comic Sans Ms", 60, "normal")) time.sleep(3) quit() cleared_stamps = [] stamps = [ stamp1, stamp2, stamp3, stamp4, stamp5, stamp6, stamp7, stamp8, stamp9 ] #turtles = [spliting1,spliting2,spliting3,spliting4,spliting5,spliting6,spliting7,spliting8,spliting9] p = -280 for i in range(len(ques_list)): ans = turtle.textinput("Question " + str(i), ques_list[i]) wrong = 0 while ans != ans_list[i]: wrong += 1 error.goto(p, -350) p += 60 error.hideturtle() stamp10 = error.stamp() ans = turtle.textinput("Question " + str(i), ques_list[i]) if wrong >= 10: q() choice = random.choice(stamps) while choice in cleared_stamps: choice = random.choice(stamps) if choice not in cleared_stamps:
DesenhaForca() while True: senha="" for letra in palavra: if letra in acertos: senha += letra else: senha += " " LetrasAcertadas(senha) if senha == palavra: tartaruga.penup() tartaruga.setpos(-100,100) tartaruga.write("Você Acertou antes de ser Enforcado", align="left", font=("Arial", 15, "bold")) break tentativa=turtle.textinput("Jogo da Forca", "Digite uma Letra: ").upper().strip() if tentativa in digitadas: continue else: digitadas += tentativa LetrasDigitadas(digitadas) if tentativa in palavra: acertos += tentativa else: erros += 1 VerificaCaracteresEspeciais(palavra, tentativa, acertos) if erros == 1: DesenhaBoneco(erros-1) if erros == 2: DesenhaBoneco(erros-1) if erros == 3:
# print("현재 날씨가 화창하징않습니다") # if(time >= 6) and (time < 9) and sunny: # print("종달새가 노래를한다.") # else: # print("종달새가 노래를 하지않는다") # id =" i love python" # s = input("아이디를 입력하시오") # if s == id: # print("환영합니다") # else: # print("아이디를 찾을수없습니다") import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") s =turtle.textinput("", "도형을입력하시오") if s =="사각형": s = turtle.textinput("","가로:") w = int(s) s = turtle.textinput("","세로") h = int(s) t.forward(w) t.left(90) t.forward(h) t.left(90) t.forward(w) t.left(90) t.forward(h)
# import turtle t = turtle.Pen() # Ask the user for the number of sides or circles, default to 6 number = int(turtle.numinput("Number of sides or circles", "How many sides or circles in your shape?", 6)) # Ask the user whether they want a polygon or rosette shape = turtle.textinput("Which shape do you want?", "Enter 'p' for polygon or 'r' for rosette:") for x in range(number): if shape == 'r': # User selected rosette else: # Default to polygon t.forward(150) t.left(360/number)
# правая нога draw_line(-100, -50, -80, -60) x = random.randint(1, 100) print('Случайное число: ', x) turtle.speed(0) turtle.color('blue') gotoxy(-200, 250) turtle.write('Я загадал число \n Попробуй угадать', font=('Arial', 18, 'normal')) answer = turtle.textinput('Хотите поиграть?', 'y/n') if answer == 'n': sys.exit(9) hints = False answer = turtle.textinput('Давать подсказки?', 'y/n') if answer == 'y': hints = True try_count = 0 while True: number = turtle.numinput('Попробуй угадать', 'Число', 0, -10, 100) if hints: gotoxy(100, 200 - try_count * 12)
def text_input(env) -> "(title prompt -- s)": "Prompts for a string" title, prompt = env.stack.popN(2) res = turtle.textinput(title.val, prompt.val) env.stack.push(Token("lit_string", res if type(res) == str else ""))
t.speed(10) for i in range(200): t.fd(i) # i 만큰 앞으로 이동. 반복할때 마다 선이 길어짐(1씩 증가함으로) -- # 사용자가 입력한 도형 그리기 import turtle as t t.shape('turtle') t.pensize(3) #선굵기를 3으로 한다 t.shapesize(3,3) #거북이를 3배 확대 n=t.textinput('창제목', '도형을 입력하세요: ') #도형을 입력받는다(문자형태로) if n =='사각형': # 직사각형이라면 w = int(t.textinput('','가로: ')) #w변수에 가로변을 입력받는다(정수형태) h = int(t.textinput('','세로: ')) #h변수에 세로변을 입력받는다(정수형태) for i in range(2): t.fd(w) #가로 t.fd(h) #세로 elif n=='원': size = int(t.textinput('','반지름: ')) elif n=='별': size = int(t.textinput('','크기 : ')) for i in range(5):
# - prints a colorful spiral of the user's name __author__ = 'Chris' import turtle # Set up turtle graphics t = turtle.Pen() turtle.bgcolor("black") colors = ["red", "yellow", "blue", "green"] # Ask the user's name using turtle's textinput pop-up window your_name = turtle.textinput("Enter your name", "What is your name?") # Draw a Spiral of the name on the screen, written 100 times for x in range(100): t.pencolor(colors[x%4]) #Rotate through the four colors t.penup() #Don't draw the regular spiral lines t.forward(x*4) #Just move the turtle on the screen t.pendown() #Write the user's name, bigger each time t.write(your_name, font = ("Arial", int((x + 4) / 4), "bold")) t.left(92) #Turn left, just as in our other spirals
def ask(line,var): var=turtle.textinput("",line)
import turtle z = input('circle, name or line ') x = eval(input('angle ')) color = input('PenColor ') BGcolor = input('BgColor ') dfg = eval(input('number angle ')) t=turtle.Pen() t.pencolor(color) turtle.bgcolor(BGcolor) if z == 'name': c = turtle.textinput('name','name') for u in range(360000): for r in range(dfg): if z == 'line': t.forward(u) if z == 'name' : t.penup() t.forward(u*4) t.pendown() t.write(c, font = ("Arial", int((u+4)/4), "bold")) if z == 'circle':*4) t.left(x)
def anime(start, x, y): for i in range(start, random.randrange(7, 100)): phi_rad = phi * i * math.pi / 180.0 gotoxy(x + math.sin(phi_rad) * r, y + math.cos(phi_rad) * r + 60) draw_circle(22, "brown") draw_circle(22, "white") gotoxy(x + math.sin(phi_rad) * r, y + math.cos(phi_rad) * r + 60) draw_circle(22, "brown") start = i % 7 if i % 7 == 0: gotoxy(-150, 250) turtle.write("You lost", font=("Arial", 18, "normal")) return start start = 0 draw_drum(100, -100) answer = '' start = 0 while answer != 'n': answer = turtle.textinput("Хотите поиграть?", "y/n") if answer == 'y': start = anime(start, 100, -100) else: pass
#부호에 따라 거북이를 움직이자!!!! import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") t.penup() t.goto(100, 100) t.write("거북이가 여기로 오면 양수입니다.") t.goto(100, 0) t.write("거북이가 여기로 오면 0입니다.") t.goto(100, -100) t.write("거북이가 여기로 오면 음수입니다.") t.goto(0, 0) t.pendown() s = turtle.textinput("", "숫자를 입력하시오: ") n = int(s) if n > 0: t.goto(100, 100) elif n == 0: t.goto(100, 0) else: t.goto(100, -100)
import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() s = turtle.textinput("", "도형을 입력하세요(사각형, 삼각형, 원)") v = turtle.textinput("", "세로: ") h = turtle.textinput("", "가로: ") v = int(v) h = int(h) if s == "사각형": t.fd(h) t.fd(v) t.fd(h) t.fd(v) elif s == "삼각형": t.fd(100) t.fd(100) t.fd(100) else:
'chartreuse', 'lime' ] side_length = 500 turtle.bgcolor("black") # делаем красоту turtle.pencolor("white") turtle.shape("turtle") turtle.penup() # прячем чюрюпаху и отбираем у неё карандаш turtle.hideturtle() choise = int( turtle.textinput( "Выбор фигуры", "Кол-во углов в фигуре, которая будет заполняться: 3, 4, 5, 6")) # будет иметь значение после того, как я придумаю что делать с фигурами кроме треугольника # if choise == 3: # свич с вводом от пользователя с дефолтом в треугольник # apexes = triangle_base() # angles = 3 # elif choise == 4: # apexes = square_base() # angles = 4 # elif choise == 5: # side_length = 400 # apexes = five_angle_base() # angles = 5 # elif choise == 6: # side_length = 300
import tkinter as tk import turtle root = tk.Tk() turtle.color("blue") turtle.shape("turtle") turtle.pencolor("blue") turtle.speed(0) sides = 6 colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"] turtle.Screen().bgcolor("black") your_name = turtle.textinput("Enter your name", "What is your name") for x in range(0, 200): turtle.pencolor(colors[x % sides]) turtle.penup() turtle.forward(((x * 3) / sides) + x + 5) turtle.pendown() turtle.write(your_name, font=("Comic Sans", int((x + 4) / 4), "bold")) turtle.left(360 / sides + 1) turtle.width(x * sides / 100)
import turtle t = turtle.Pen() number = int( turtle.numinput("number of sides or circles", "how many sides or circles in your shape?", 6)) shape = turtle.textinput("which shape do you want" "enter 'p' for polygon or 'r' for rosette:") for x in range(number): if shape == 'r': else: t.forward(150) t.left(360 / number)
''' Using turtle to draw regular polygons prompt user for the number of sides and the color components (r, g, b). ''' import turtle # Get the turtle ready in position turtle.hideturtle() turtle.up() turtle.goto(-50, 5) turtle.shape('turtle') turtle.title('Labe 02 -- 2017') # Ask the user for the number of poly's sides sides = int(turtle.textinput("Lab 02", "The number of sides: ")) # User will input RGB values [0.0 - 1.0] r = float(turtle.textinput("Lab 02", "Value of red [0.0 - 1.0]")) g = float(turtle.textinput("Lab 02", "Value of green [0.0 - 1.0]")) b = float(turtle.textinput("Lab 02", "Value of blue [0.0 - 1.0]")) turtle.color(r, g, b) # Assign the user specified color to turtle deg = 360 / sides # Calculate the turn length = 400 / sides turtle.showturtle() turtle.down() for i in range(sides): turtle.forward(length) # By using loop, turn and turtle.left(deg) # Move the turtle forward turtle.up()
turtle.write("Бах!", align='center', font=('Ubuntu', 24, 'normal')) helper.dupfiles_np('.') return sp sectors = 7 phi = 360 / sectors r = 50 turtle.speed(0) turtle.title("Turtle + Python 3.x") turtle_drawcircle(80, 1, 'white') turtle_goto(0, 160) turtle_drawcircle(5, 1, "red") # Отрисовываем барабан pistol_draw(0, -80) answer = '' start = 0 while answer != ("N" and 'n'): answer = turtle.textinput("Черепашка", "Нарисовать окружность?") if answer == ("Y" and "y"): start = pistol_roll(start) print("Рисование окончено") elif answer != ('N' and 'n'): print("Неверный вариант ответа!") print("Завершение программы")
import turtle t=turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") s=turtle.textinput("","이름을 입력하시오") t.write("안녕하세요?"+s+"씨, 터틀 인사드립니다") t.left(90) t.forward(100) t.left(90) t.forward(100) t.left(90) t.forward(100) t.left(90) t.forward(100)
import turtle t = turtle.Pen() turtle.bgcolor("black") r1 = int(turtle.textinput('花瓣半径','请输入花瓣半径')) num = int(turtle.textinput('输入边数','你想画瓣花?')) r2 = int(turtle.textinput('花蕊半径','请输入花蕊半径')) for i in range(num): print (i) t.pencolor("yellow") t.pencolor('red') t.left(360 / num)
# - prints a colorful spiral of names import turtle # Set up turtle graphics t = turtle.Pen() turtle.bgcolor("black") colors = ["red", "yellow", "blue", "green", "orange", "purple", "white", "brown", "gray", "pink" ] family = [] # Set up an empty list for family names # Ask for the first name name = turtle.textinput("My family", "Enter a name, or just hit [ENTER] to end:") # Keep asking for names while name != "": # Add their name to the family list family.append(name) # Ask for another name, or end name = turtle.textinput("My family", "Enter a name, or just hit [ENTER] to end:") # Draw a spiral of the names on the screen for x in range(100): t.pencolor(colors[x%len(family)]) # Rotate through the colors t.penup() # Don't draw the regular spiral lines t.forward(x*4) # Just move the turtle on the screen t.pendown() # Draw the next family member's name t.write(family[x%len(family)], font = ("Arial", int((x+4)/4), "bold") ) t.left(360/len(family) + 2) # Turn left for our spiral
import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") t.fd(100) name = turtle.textinput("제목입력칸 ", "이름을 입력하세요.") t.write("안녕하세요? " + name + "인데요") t.left(90) t.forward(100) t.left(90) t.forward(100) t.left(90) t.forward(100) t.left(90) t.forward(100)
for line in sv_coords: line = line.strip().split(',') nums = [] for n in line: nums.append(int(n)) sv_coords_list.append(nums) turtle.color("green") sv_elements[0] input("Press any key") while True: answer = turtle.textinput("Играть?", "y/n") if answer == "n": sys.exit() if answer == "y": eraser(-375, -75, 250, 250) break else: turtle.textinput("Ошибочка вышла!", "Только 'y' или 'n'") #Svintus glade to play gotoxy(-375, -5) turtle.color("#287233") turtle.write("Ура! Будем играть! :)", font=("Arial", 20)) # try_count = 0
turtle.forward(200) turtle.left(90) turtle.penup() turtle.goto((x1+50),(y1+50)) #Sends turtle to location to begin second square turtle.pendown() turtle.pencolor("Red") turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(100) turtle.penup() x=turtle.numinput("Input","Enter x coordinate") #Gets user input y=turtle.numinput("Input","Enter y coordinate") #Gets user input turtle.goto(x,y) #Sends turtle to user inputed coordinates if x >= (x1+50) and x <= (x1+150) and y >= (y1+50) and y <= (y1+150): #If turtle is in smaller square. score = score + 2 #2 points for turtle in smaller square turtle.write(" You are in! Score: %d" %score) elif x >= x1 and x <= (x1 + 200) and y >= y1 and y <= (y1 + 200): #If turtle is in larger square. score = score + 1 #1 point for turtle in larger square. turtle.write(" Almost there! Score: %d" %score) else: #Turtle not in any square score = score - 1 # - 1 point if turtle not in either square. turtle.write(" We missed you! Score: %d" %score) game = turtle.textinput("Player Input", "Would you like to continue? (Y/N)") #Asks user to continue turtle.clear() #Clears all the squares turtle.write(" Game Over. Your Score is %d" %score) #Gives final score turtle.mainloop() #Keeps turtle on screen