def run(self):
        Get the required data from the operation queue and launch the operation.
        # Try to get a spot to launch own operation.
        operation_id = self.operation_id
        run_params = [TvbProfile.current.PYTHON_INTERPRETER_PATH, '-m', 'tvb.core.operation_async_launcher',
                      str(operation_id), TvbProfile.CURRENT_PROFILE_NAME]

        # In the exceptional case where the user pressed stop while the Thread startup is done,
        # We should no longer launch the operation.
        if self.stopped() is False:

            env = os.environ.copy()
            env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
            # anything that was already in $PYTHONPATH should have been reproduced in sys.path

            launched_process = Popen(run_params, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=env)

            LOGGER.debug("Storing pid=%s for operation id=%s launched on local machine." % (operation_id,
            op_ident = model.OperationProcessIdentifier(operation_id,

            if self.stopped():
                # In the exceptional case where the user pressed stop while the Thread startup is done.
                # and stop_operation is concurrently asking about OperationProcessIdentity.

            subprocess_result = launched_process.communicate()
  "Finished with launch of operation %s" % operation_id)
            returned = launched_process.wait()

            if returned != 0 and not self.stopped():
                # Process did not end as expected. (e.g. Segmentation fault)
                workflow_service = WorkflowService()
                operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(self.operation_id)
                LOGGER.error("Operation suffered fatal failure! Exit code: %s Exit message: %s" % (returned,

                workflow_service.persist_operation_state(operation, model.STATUS_ERROR,
                                                         "Operation failed unexpectedly! Please check the log files.")

                burst_entity = dao.get_burst_for_operation_id(self.operation_id)
                if burst_entity:
                    message = "Error in operation process! Possibly segmentation fault."
                    workflow_service.mark_burst_finished(burst_entity, error_message=message)

            del launched_process

        # Give back empty spot now that you finished your operation
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run(self):
        Get the required data from the operation queue and launch the operation.
        #Try to get a spot to launch own operation.
        operation_id = self.operation_id
        run_params = [TvbProfile.current.PYTHON_INTERPRETER_PATH, '-m', 'tvb.core.operation_async_launcher',
                      str(operation_id), TvbProfile.CURRENT_PROFILE_NAME]

        # In the exceptional case where the user pressed stop while the Thread startup is done,
        # We should no longer launch the operation.
        if self.stopped() is False:

            env = os.environ.copy()
            env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
            # anything that was already in $PYTHONPATH should have been reproduced in sys.path

            launched_process = Popen(run_params, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=env)

            LOGGER.debug("Storing pid=%s for operation id=%s launched on local machine." % (operation_id,
            op_ident = model.OperationProcessIdentifier(operation_id,

            if self.stopped():
                # In the exceptional case where the user pressed stop while the Thread startup is done.
                # and stop_operation is concurrently asking about OperationProcessIdentity.

            subprocess_result = launched_process.communicate()
  "Finished with launch of operation %s" % operation_id)
            returned = launched_process.wait()

            if returned != 0 and not self.stopped():
                # Process did not end as expected. (e.g. Segmentation fault)
                workflow_service = WorkflowService()
                operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(self.operation_id)
                LOGGER.error("Operation suffered fatal failure! Exit code: %s Exit message: %s" % (returned,

                workflow_service.persist_operation_state(operation, model.STATUS_ERROR,
                                                         "Operation failed unexpectedly! Please check the log files.")

                burst_entity = dao.get_burst_for_operation_id(self.operation_id)
                if burst_entity:
                    message = "Error in operation process! Possibly segmentation fault."
                    workflow_service.mark_burst_finished(burst_entity, error_message=message)

            del launched_process

        #Give back empty spot now that you finished your operation
Exemplo n.º 3
class OperationService:
    Class responsible for preparing an operation launch. 
    It will prepare parameters, and decide if the operation is to be executed
    immediately, or to be sent on the cluster.
    ATT_UID = "uid"

    def __init__(self):
        self.logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__module__)
        self.workflow_service = WorkflowService()
        self.file_helper = FilesHelper()

    ######## Methods related to launching operations start here ##############################

    def initiate_operation(self, current_user, project_id, adapter_instance,
                           temporary_storage, visible=True, **kwargs):
        Gets the parameters of the computation from the previous inputs form,
        and launches a computation (on the cluster or locally).
        Invoke custom method on an Adapter Instance. Make sure when the  
        operation has finished that the correct results are stored into DB. 
        if not isinstance(adapter_instance, ABCAdapter):
            self.logger.warning("Inconsistent Adapter Class:" + str(adapter_instance.__class__))
            raise LaunchException("Developer Exception!!")

        # Prepare Files parameters
        files = {}
        kw2 = copy(kwargs)
        for i, j in six.iteritems(kwargs):
            if isinstance(j, FieldStorage) or isinstance(j, Part):
                files[i] = j
                del kw2[i]

        temp_files = {}
            for i, j in six.iteritems(files):
                if j.file is None:
                    kw2[i] = None
                uq_name = utils.date2string(, True) + '_' + str(i)
                # We have to add original file name to end, in case file processing
                # involves file extension reading
                file_name = TEMPORARY_PREFIX + uq_name + '_' + j.filename
                file_name = os.path.join(temporary_storage, file_name)
                kw2[i] = file_name
                temp_files[i] = file_name
                with open(file_name, 'wb') as file_obj:
                self.logger.debug("Will store file:" + file_name)
            kwargs = kw2
        except Exception as excep:
            self._handle_exception(excep, temp_files, "Could not launch operation: invalid input files!")

        ### Store Operation entity. 
        algo = adapter_instance.stored_adapter
        algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(algo.fk_category)

        operations = self.prepare_operations(, project_id, algo, algo_category,
                                             {}, visible, **kwargs)[0]

        if isinstance(adapter_instance, ABCSynchronous):
            if len(operations) > 1:
                raise LaunchException("Synchronous operations are not supporting ranges!")
            if len(operations) < 1:
                self.logger.warning("No operation was defined")
                raise LaunchException("Invalid empty Operation!!!")
            return self.initiate_prelaunch(operations[0], adapter_instance, temp_files, **kwargs)
            return self._send_to_cluster(operations, adapter_instance, current_user.username)

    def _prepare_metadata(initial_metadata, algo_category, operation_group, submit_data):
        Gather metadata from submitted fields and current to be execute algorithm.
        Will populate STATE, GROUP in metadata
        metadata = copy(initial_metadata)

        user_group = None
        if DataTypeMetaData.KEY_OPERATION_TAG in submit_data:
            user_group = submit_data[DataTypeMetaData.KEY_OPERATION_TAG]

        if operation_group is not None:
            metadata[DataTypeMetaData.KEY_OPERATION_TAG] =

        if DataTypeMetaData.KEY_TAG_1 in submit_data:
            metadata[DataTypeMetaData.KEY_TAG_1] = submit_data[DataTypeMetaData.KEY_TAG_1]

        metadata[DataTypeMetaData.KEY_STATE] = algo_category.defaultdatastate

        return metadata, user_group

    def _read_set(values):
        """ Parse a committed UI possible list of values, into a set converted into string."""
        if isinstance(values, list):
            set_values = []
            values_str = ""
            for val in values:
                if val not in set_values:
                    values_str = values_str + " " + str(val)
            values = values_str
        return str(values).strip()

    def group_operation_launch(self, user_id, project_id, algorithm_id, category_id, existing_dt_group=None, **kwargs):
        Create and prepare the launch of a group of operations.
        category = dao.get_category_by_id(category_id)
        algorithm = dao.get_algorithm_by_id(algorithm_id)
        ops, _ = self.prepare_operations(user_id, project_id, algorithm, category, {},
                                         existing_dt_group=existing_dt_group, **kwargs)
        for operation in ops:
            self.launch_operation(, True)

    def prepare_operations(self, user_id, project_id, algorithm, category, metadata,
                           visible=True, existing_dt_group=None, **kwargs):
        Do all the necessary preparations for storing an operation. If it's the case of a 
        range of values create an operation group and multiple operations for each possible
        instance from the range.
        :param metadata: Initial MetaData with potential Burst identification inside.
        operations = []

        available_args, group = self._prepare_group(project_id, existing_dt_group, kwargs)
        if len(available_args) > TvbProfile.current.MAX_RANGE_NUMBER:
            raise LaunchException("Too big range specified. You should limit the"
                                  " resulting operations to %d" % TvbProfile.current.MAX_RANGE_NUMBER)
            self.logger.debug("Launching a range with %d operations..." % len(available_args))
        group_id = None
        if group is not None:
            group_id =
        metadata, user_group = self._prepare_metadata(metadata, category, group, kwargs)

        self.logger.debug("Saving Operation(userId=" + str(user_id) + ",projectId=" + str(project_id) + "," +
                          str(metadata) + ",algorithmId=" + str( + ", ops_group= " + str(group_id) + ")")

        visible_operation = visible and category.display is False
        meta_str = json.dumps(metadata)
        for (one_set_of_args, range_vals) in available_args:
            range_values = json.dumps(range_vals) if range_vals else None
            operation = model.Operation(user_id, project_id,,
                                        json.dumps(one_set_of_args, cls=MapAsJson.MapAsJsonEncoder), meta_str,
                                        op_group_id=group_id, user_group=user_group, range_values=range_values)
            operation.visible = visible_operation
        operations = dao.store_entities(operations)

        if group is not None:
            burst_id = None
            if DataTypeMetaData.KEY_BURST in metadata:
                burst_id = metadata[DataTypeMetaData.KEY_BURST]
            if existing_dt_group is None:
                datatype_group = model.DataTypeGroup(group, operation_id=operations[0].id, fk_parent_burst=burst_id,
                # Reset count
                existing_dt_group.count_results = None

        return operations, group

    def prepare_operations_for_workflowsteps(self, workflow_step_list, workflows, user_id, burst_id,
                                             project_id, group, sim_operations):
        Create and store Operation entities from a list of Workflow Steps.
        Will be generated workflows x workflow_step_list Operations.
        For every step in workflow_step_list one OperationGroup and one DataTypeGroup will be created 
        (in case of PSE).

        for step in workflow_step_list:
            operation_group = None
            if (group is not None) and not isinstance(step, model.WorkflowStepView):
                operation_group = model.OperationGroup(project_id=project_id, ranges=group.range_references)
                operation_group = dao.store_entity(operation_group)

            operation = None
            metadata = {DataTypeMetaData.KEY_BURST: burst_id}
            algo_category = dao.get_algorithm_by_id(step.fk_algorithm)
            if algo_category is not None:
                algo_category = algo_category.algorithm_category

            for wf_idx, workflow in enumerate(workflows):
                cloned_w_step = step.clone()
                cloned_w_step.fk_workflow =
                dynamic_params = cloned_w_step.dynamic_param
                op_params = cloned_w_step.static_param
                range_values = None
                group_id = None
                if operation_group is not None:
                    group_id =
                    range_values = sim_operations[wf_idx].range_values

                if not isinstance(step, model.WorkflowStepView):
                    ## For visualization steps, do not create operations, as those are not really needed.
                    metadata, user_group = self._prepare_metadata(metadata, algo_category, operation_group, op_params)
                    operation = model.Operation(user_id, project_id, step.fk_algorithm,
                                                json.dumps(op_params, cls=MapAsJson.MapAsJsonEncoder),
                                                op_group_id=group_id, range_values=range_values, user_group=user_group)
                    operation.visible = step.step_visible
                    operation = dao.store_entity(operation)
                    cloned_w_step.fk_operation =


            if operation_group is not None and operation is not None:
                datatype_group = model.DataTypeGroup(operation_group,,

    def initiate_prelaunch(self, operation, adapter_instance, temp_files, **kwargs):
        Public method.
        This should be the common point in calling an adapter- method.
        result_msg = ""
            unique_id = None
            if self.ATT_UID in kwargs:
                unique_id = kwargs[self.ATT_UID]
            filtered_kwargs = adapter_instance.prepare_ui_inputs(kwargs)
            self.logger.debug("Launching operation " + str( + " with " + str(filtered_kwargs))
            operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(   # Load Lazy fields

            params = dict()
            for k, value_ in filtered_kwargs.items():
                params[str(k)] = value_

            disk_space_per_user = TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE
            pending_op_disk_space = dao.compute_disk_size_for_started_ops(operation.fk_launched_by)
            user_disk_space = dao.compute_user_generated_disk_size(operation.fk_launched_by)    # From kB to Bytes
            available_space = disk_space_per_user - pending_op_disk_space - user_disk_space

            result_msg, nr_datatypes = adapter_instance._prelaunch(operation, unique_id, available_space, **params)
            operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(
            ## Update DB stored kwargs for search purposes, to contain only valuable params (no unselected options)
            operation.parameters = json.dumps(kwargs)
            if nr_datatypes > 0:
                #### Write operation meta-XML only if some result are returned

        except zipfile.BadZipfile as excep:
            msg = "The uploaded file is not a valid ZIP!"
            self._handle_exception(excep, temp_files, msg, operation)
        except TVBException as excep:
            self._handle_exception(excep, temp_files, excep.message, operation)
        except MemoryError:
            msg = ("Could not execute operation because there is not enough free memory." +
                   " Please adjust operation parameters and re-launch it.")
            self._handle_exception(Exception(msg), temp_files, msg, operation)
        except Exception as excep1:
            msg = "Could not launch Operation with the given input data!"
            self._handle_exception(excep1, temp_files, msg, operation)

        ### Try to find next workflow Step. It might throw WorkflowException
        next_op_id = self.workflow_service.prepare_next_step(
        return result_msg

    def _send_to_cluster(self, operations, adapter_instance, current_username="******"):
        """ Initiate operation on cluster"""
        for operation in operations:
                BACKEND_CLIENT.execute(str(, current_username, adapter_instance)
            except Exception as excep:
                self._handle_exception(excep, {}, "Could not start operation!", operation)

        return operations

    def launch_operation(self, operation_id, send_to_cluster=False, adapter_instance=None):
        Method exposed for Burst-Workflow related calls.
        It is used for cascading operation in the same workflow.
        if operation_id is not None:
            operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operation_id)
            if adapter_instance is None:
                algorithm = operation.algorithm
                adapter_instance = ABCAdapter.build_adapter(algorithm)
            parsed_params = utils.parse_json_parameters(operation.parameters)

            if send_to_cluster:
                self._send_to_cluster([operation], adapter_instance, operation.user.username)
                self.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **parsed_params)

    def _handle_exception(self, exception, temp_files, message, operation=None):
        Common way to treat exceptions:
            - remove temporary files, if any
            - set status ERROR on current operation (if any)
            - log exception
        if operation is not None:
            self.workflow_service.persist_operation_state(operation, model.STATUS_ERROR, unicode(exception))
        exception.message = message
        raise exception, None, sys.exc_info()[2]  # when rethrowing in python this is required to preserve the stack trace

    def _remove_files(self, file_dictionary):
        Remove any files that exist in the file_dictionary. 
        Currently used to delete temporary files created during an operation.
        for pth in file_dictionary.itervalues():
            pth = str(pth)
                if os.path.exists(pth) and os.path.isfile(pth):
                    self.logger.debug("We no longer need file:" + pth + " => deleted")
                    self.logger.warning("Trying to remove not existent file:" + pth)
            except OSError:
                self.logger.exception("Could not cleanup file!")

    def _range_name(range_no):
        return model.PARAM_RANGE_PREFIX + str(range_no)

    def _prepare_group(self, project_id, existing_dt_group, kwargs):
        Create and store OperationGroup entity, or return None
        # Standard ranges as accepted from UI
        range1_values = self.get_range_values(kwargs, self._range_name(1))
        range2_values = self.get_range_values(kwargs, self._range_name(2))
        available_args = self.__expand_arguments([(kwargs, None)], range1_values, self._range_name(1))
        available_args = self.__expand_arguments(available_args, range2_values, self._range_name(2))
        is_group = False
        ranges = []
        if self._range_name(1) in kwargs and range1_values is not None:
            is_group = True
            ranges.append(json.dumps((kwargs[self._range_name(1)], range1_values)))
        if self._range_name(2) in kwargs and range2_values is not None:
            is_group = True
            ranges.append(json.dumps((kwargs[self._range_name(2)], range2_values)))
        # Now for additional ranges which might be the case for the 'model exploration'
        last_range_idx = 3
        ranger_name = self._range_name(last_range_idx)
        while ranger_name in kwargs:
            values_for_range = self.get_range_values(kwargs, ranger_name)
            available_args = self.__expand_arguments(available_args, values_for_range, ranger_name)
            last_range_idx += 1
            ranger_name = self._range_name(last_range_idx)
        if last_range_idx > 3:
            ranges = []  # Since we only have 3 fields in db for this just hide it
        if not is_group:
            group = None
        elif existing_dt_group is None:
            group = model.OperationGroup(project_id=project_id, ranges=ranges)
            group = dao.store_entity(group)
            group = existing_dt_group.parent_operation_group

        return available_args, group

    def get_range_values(self, kwargs, ranger_name):
        For the ranger given by ranger_name look in kwargs and return
        the array with all the possible values.
        if ranger_name not in kwargs:
            return None
        if str(kwargs[ranger_name]) not in kwargs:
            return None

        range_values = []
            range_data = json.loads(str(kwargs[str(kwargs[ranger_name])]))
        except Exception:
                range_data = [x.strip() for x in str(kwargs[str(kwargs[ranger_name])]).split(',') if len(x.strip()) > 0]
                return range_data
            except Exception:
                self.logger.exception("Could not launch operation !")
                raise LaunchException("Could not launch with no data from:" + str(ranger_name))
        if type(range_data) in (list, tuple):
            return range_data

        if (constants.ATT_MINVALUE in range_data) and (constants.ATT_MAXVALUE in range_data):
            lo_val = float(range_data[constants.ATT_MINVALUE])
            hi_val = float(range_data[constants.ATT_MAXVALUE])
            step = float(range_data[constants.ATT_STEP])
            range_values = list(Range(lo=lo_val, hi=hi_val, step=step, mode=Range.MODE_INCLUDE_BOTH))

            for possible_value in range_data:
                if range_data[possible_value]:
        return range_values

    def __expand_arguments(arguments_list, range_values, range_title):
        Parse the arguments submitted from UI (flatten form) 
        If any ranger is found, return a list of arguments for all possible operations.
        if range_values is None:
            return arguments_list
        result = []
        for value in range_values:
            for args, range_ in arguments_list:
                kw_new = copy(args)
                range_new = copy(range_)
                kw_new[kw_new[range_title]] = value
                if range_new is None:
                    range_new = {}
                range_new[kw_new[range_title]] = value
                del kw_new[range_title]
                result.append((kw_new, range_new))
        return result

    ######## Methods related to stopping and restarting operations start here ################

    def stop_operation(self, operation_id):
        Stop the operation given by the operation id.
        return BACKEND_CLIENT.stop_operation(int(operation_id))