Exemplo n.º 1
def build_and_connect_devices(nest_instance, devices, nest_nodes):
    from six import string_types
    # Build devices by their model (IndexedOrderedDict),
    # target nodes (IndexedOrderedDict),
    # and population (IndexedOrderedDict) for faster reading
    nest_devices = IndexedOrderedDict(OrderedDict(
        {}))  # TODO: find out why it copies nest_nodes if not {} in the input
    for device in ensure_list(devices):
        dev_model = device["model"]
        if dev_model in NESTInputDeviceDict.keys():
            build_device = \
                lambda nest_instance, device, populations: \
                    build_and_connect_input_device(nest_instance, device, populations)
        elif dev_model in NESTOutputDeviceDict.keys():
            build_device = \
                lambda nest_instance, device, populations: \
                    build_and_connect_output_device(nest_instance, device, populations)
            raise ValueError(
                "Device model %s is neither one of available input devices:\n%s\n"
                "nor of output ones!:\n%s" %
                (dev_model, NESTInputDeviceDict.keys(),
        device_target_nodes = device.pop("nodes", None)
        if device_target_nodes is None:
            device_target_nodes = nest_nodes.values()
            device_target_nodes = nest_nodes[device_target_nodes]
        # Determine the connections from variables to measure/stimulate to NEST node populations
        connections = device["connections"]  # either a variable name or a dict
        if isinstance(connections, string_types):
            connections = {
                connections: slice(None)
            }  # return all population types
        # For every distinct quantity to be measured from NEST or stimulated towards NEST nodes...
        for name, populations in connections.items():
            # This set of devices will be for variable...
                {name: NESTDeviceSet(name, dev_model, OrderedDict({}))})
            # and for every target region node...
            for node in device_target_nodes:
                # and for every target node and population group...
                # create a device
                    build_device(nest_instance, device, node[populations])
    return nest_devices
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _build_tvb_to_nest_interfaces(self):
     # This method will create the necessary NEST input devices and connect them to their target NEST nodes.
     # If the nest proxy doesn't need to be a device, we just add it to the list
     tvb_to_nest_interfaces = IndexedOrderedDict({})
     # Create a list of input devices for every TVB node inside NEST and connect them to the target NEST nodes:
     for interface in self.tvb_to_nest_interfaces:
         model = interface.get("model", None)
         if model in NESTInputDeviceDict.keys():
     return tvb_to_nest_interfaces
Exemplo n.º 3
def build_and_connect_devices_one_to_many(nest_instance, device, nest_nodes,
    # This function is mostly used when a stimulation (input) device targets more than one NEST node,
    # as it is the case for TVB state variables-per-node proxies
    # Build devices by their population (Series)
    # and target nodes (Series) for faster reading
    nest_devices = Series()
    if device["model"] in NESTInputDeviceDict.keys():
        build_device = lambda nest_instance, device: build_input_device(
            nest_instance, device)
    elif device["model"] in NESTOutputDeviceDict.keys():
        build_device = lambda nest_instance, device: build_output_device(
            nest_instance, device)
        raise ValueError(
            "Device model %s is neither one of available input devices:\n%s\n"
            "nor of output ones!:\n%s" %
            (device["model"], NESTInputDeviceDict.keys(),
    # Determine the connections from variables to measure/stimulate to NEST node populations
    connections, device_target_nodes = _get_connections(device, nest_nodes)
    # Determine the device's parameters and connections' properties
    params, weights, delays, receptor_types = \
        _get_device_props_with_correct_shape(device, (len(names), len(device_target_nodes)))
    # For every NEST population variable to be stimulated or measured...
    for pop_var, populations in connections.items():
        # This set of devices will be for variable pop_var...
        nest_devices[pop_var] = NESTDeviceSet(pop_var, device["model"])
        # and for every target region node...
        for i_dev, dev_name in enumerate(names):
            # and for every target node and population group...
            # create a device
            nest_devices[pop_var][dev_name] = build_device(
                nest_instance, device)
            for i_node, node in enumerate(device_target_nodes):
                nest_devices[pop_var][dev_name] = \
                    connect_device(nest_instance, nest_devices[pop_var][dev_name], node[populations],
                                   weights[i_dev, i_node], delays[i_dev, i_node], receptor_types[i_dev, i_node])
    return nest_devices
Exemplo n.º 4
    def build_interface(self, tvb_nest_interface):
        Configure the TVB NEST interface of the fine scale as well other aspects of its interface with TVB
        :return: tvb_nest_interface object

        tvb_nest_interface.config = self.config
        tvb_nest_interface.nest_instance = self.nest_instance
        # TODO: find out why the model instance is different in simulator and interface...
        tvb_nest_interface.tvb_model = self.tvb_model
        tvb_nest_interface.dt = self.tvb_dt
        tvb_nest_interface.tvb_nodes_ids = self.tvb_nodes_ids
        tvb_nest_interface.nest_nodes_ids = self.nest_nodes_ids
        tvb_nest_interface.exclusive_nodes = self.exclusive_nodes
        tvb_nest_interface.nest_network = self.nest_network

        tvb_nest_interface.transforms = self.generate_transforms()

        tvb_nest_interface.tvb_to_nest_interfaces = Series({})
        # Create a list of input devices for every TVB node inside NEST and connect them to the target NEST nodes:
        for interface in self.tvb_to_nest_interfaces:
            model = interface.get("model", None)
            if model in NESTInputDeviceDict.keys():
                tvb_nest_interface.tvb_to_nest_interfaces = \
                                                        self.nest_instance, self.nest_nodes, self.nest_nodes_ids,
                                                        self.tvb_nodes_ids, self.tvb_model,
                                                        self.tvb_weights, self.tvb_delays,
                                                        self.tvb_connectivity.region_labels, self.tvb_dt,
                tvb_nest_interface.tvb_to_nest_interfaces = \
                                                               self.nest_instance, self.nest_nodes,
                                                               self.nest_nodes_ids, self.tvb_nodes_ids,
                                                               self.tvb_model, self.exclusive_nodes).

        tvb_nest_interface.nest_to_tvb_interfaces = \
                                      self.nest_instance, self.nest_nodes, self.nest_nodes_ids,
                                      self.tvb_nodes_ids, self.tvb_model, self.exclusive_nodes).build()

        return tvb_nest_interface
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self,
        self.config = config
        if nest_instance is None:
            nest_instance = load_nest()
        self.nest_instance = nest_instance
        if isinstance(region_nodes, IndexedOrderedDict) and \
                np.all([isinstance(node, NESTRegionNode)
                        for node in region_nodes.values()]):
            self.region_nodes = region_nodes
            raise ValueError(
                "Input region_nodes is not a IndexedOrderedDict of NESTRegionNode objects!: \n %s"
                % str(region_nodes))

        self.output_devices = output_devices
        if isinstance(output_devices, IndexedOrderedDict) and \
                np.all([isinstance(dev, NESTDeviceSet) and (dev.model in NESTOutputDeviceDict.keys() or
                                                            len(dev.model) == 0)
                        for dev in output_devices.values()]):
            self.output_devices = output_devices
            raise ValueError(
                "Input output_devices is not a IndexedOrderedDict of output NESTDeviceSet objects!:\n %s"
                % str(output_devices))

        if isinstance(stimulation_devices, IndexedOrderedDict) and \
                np.all([isinstance(dev, NESTDeviceSet) and (dev.model in NESTInputDeviceDict.keys() or
                                                            len(dev.model) == 0)
                        for dev in stimulation_devices.values()]):
            self.stimulation_devices = stimulation_devices
            raise ValueError(
                "Input stimulation_devices is not a IndexedOrderedDict of input NESTDeviceSet objects!:\n %s"
                % str(stimulation_devices))

        LOG.info("%s created!" % self.__class__)
Exemplo n.º 6
def _get_device_props_with_correct_shape(device, shape):
    dummy = np.ones(shape).astype("i")
    params = device.get("params", {})
    if isinstance(params, dict):
        params = np.tile(params, dummy.shape)
        params = np.array(params)
        if params.shape != shape:
            if params.size == 0:
                params = np.tile(params, shape)
                    "Device parameters are neither of shape (n_devices, n_nodes) = %s"
                    "nor of size 1:\n%s" % (str(shape), str(params)))
    weights = device.get("weights", 1.0) * dummy
    delays = device.get("delays", 0.0) * dummy
    if device["model"] in NESTInputDeviceDict.keys():
        receptor_types = device.get("receptor_types", 0) * dummy
        receptor_types = 0 * dummy
    return params, weights, delays, receptor_types
Exemplo n.º 7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from abc import ABCMeta
from six import add_metaclass
from xarray import DataArray
import pandas as pd
from tvb_nest.config import CONFIGURED
from tvb_nest.simulator_nest.models.devices import NESTInputDeviceDict
from tvb_scripts.utils.log_error_utils import initialize_logger
from tvb_scripts.utils.data_structures_utils import is_integer
from tvb_scripts.time_series.model import TimeSeries, TimeSeriesRegion

LOG = initialize_logger(__name__)

DEVICES = NESTInputDeviceDict.keys()
PARAMETERS = ["current", "potential"]

class TVBNESTInterface(object):

    nest_instance = None
    tvb_model = None
    dt = 0.1

    tvb_nodes_ids = []
    nest_nodes_ids = []

    nest_network = None

    tvb_to_nest_interfaces = None