Exemplo n.º 1
def batch_norm_fwd(N, C, H, W, dtype="float32"):
    dshape = (N, C, H, W)
    oshape = (C, )
    bshape = (1, C, 1, 1)
    sshape = (1, )
    data = te.placeholder(dshape, name="data", dtype=dtype)
    scale = te.placeholder(oshape, name="scale", dtype=dtype)
    bias = te.placeholder(oshape, name="bias", dtype=dtype)
    running_mean = te.placeholder(oshape, name="running_mean", dtype=dtype)
    running_var = te.placeholder(oshape, name="running_var", dtype=dtype)
    eps = te.placeholder(sshape, name="eps", dtype=dtype)
    momentum = te.placeholder(sshape, name="momentum", dtype=dtype)

    axis = (0, 2, 3)
    num_ele = dshape[0] * dshape[2] * dshape[3]
    frac_num_ele = 1.0 / num_ele
    # compute batch mean
    mean_sum = topi.sum(data, axis, keepdims=True)
    saved_mean = topi.multiply(mean_sum, frac_num_ele)
    # compute batch rvars
    var_sub = topi.subtract(data, saved_mean)
    var_mul = topi.multiply(var_sub, var_sub)
    var_sum = topi.sum(var_mul, axis, keepdims=True)
    var = topi.multiply(var_sum, frac_num_ele)
    output_add = topi.add(var, eps)
    saved_rvars = topi.sqrt(output_add)
    # # compute output
    output_sub = topi.subtract(data, saved_mean)
    output_norm = topi.divide(output_sub, saved_rvars)
    scale_board = topi.reshape(scale, bshape)
    bias_board = topi.reshape(bias, bshape)
    output = topi.add(topi.multiply(output_norm, scale_board), bias_board)
    # reshape saved_rvars
    saved_rvars = topi.reshape(saved_rvars, oshape)
    # update running mean
    running_mean_mul1 = topi.multiply(running_mean,
                                      topi.subtract(1.0, momentum))
    running_mean_mul2 = topi.multiply(topi.reshape(saved_mean, oshape),
    running_mean_out = topi.add(running_mean_mul1, running_mean_mul2)
    # update running var
    saved_var_mul1 = topi.multiply(running_var, topi.subtract(1.0, momentum))
    saved_var_mul2 = topi.multiply(topi.reshape(var, oshape), momentum)
    running_var_out = topi.add(saved_var_mul1, saved_var_mul2)
    # reshape saved_mean
    saved_mean = topi.reshape(saved_mean, oshape)

    return [
        data, scale, bias, running_mean, running_var, momentum, eps, output,
        saved_mean, saved_rvars, running_mean_out, running_var_out
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_reduce_map(target, dev, ref_data, in_shape, axis, keepdims,
                    reduce_type, dtype):
    target = tvm.target.Target(target)
    if target.kind.name == "vulkan" and reduce_type in ["sum", "any", "all"]:
        pytest.xfail(f"Vulkan backend has known errors on {reduce_type}")

    in_npy, in_npy_map, out_npy = ref_data

    # Build the logic and compile the function
    A = te.placeholder(shape=in_shape, name="A", dtype=dtype)
    A1 = topi.sqrt(topi.exp(A))
    out_dtype = dtype
    if reduce_type == "sum":
        B = topi.sum(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif reduce_type == "all":
        B = topi.all(A, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif reduce_type == "any":
        B = topi.any(A, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif reduce_type == "max":
        B = topi.max(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif reduce_type == "min":
        B = topi.min(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif reduce_type == "argmax":
        B = topi.argmax(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        out_dtype = "int32"
    elif reduce_type == "argmin":
        B = topi.argmin(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        out_dtype = "int32"
        raise NotImplementedError

    with tvm.target.Target(target):
        s = tvm.topi.testing.get_reduce_schedule(target)(B)

    foo = tvm.build(s, [A, B], target, name=reduce_type)

    data_tvm = tvm.nd.array(in_npy, device=dev)
    out_tvm = tvm.nd.empty(shape=out_npy.shape, device=dev, dtype=out_dtype)
    foo(data_tvm, out_tvm)

    if reduce_type == "argmax" or reduce_type == "argmin":
        out_tvm_indices = out_tvm.numpy()
        if keepdims:
            out_tvm_indices = np.take(out_tvm_indices, indices=0, axis=axis)
        if axis is None:
            out_tvm_val = in_npy_map.ravel()[out_tvm_indices]
            other_indices = tuple(
                np.indices(in_shape[0:axis] + in_shape[(axis + 1):]))
            sel_indices = other_indices[0:axis] + (
                out_tvm_indices, ) + other_indices[axis:]
            out_tvm_val = in_npy_map[sel_indices]
        if reduce_type == "argmax":
            tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm_val, in_npy_map.max(axis=axis),
                                        1e-3, 1e-3)
        elif reduce_type == "argmin":
            tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm_val, in_npy_map.min(axis=axis),
                                        1e-3, 1e-3)
        tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm.numpy(), out_npy, 1e-3, 1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def check(device, dtype, m=32, n=32):
        ctx = tvm.context(device, 0)
        if not ctx.exist or not tvm.runtime.enabled(device):
            print("skip because", device, "is not enabled..")
        if dtype == "float16" and not have_fp16(ctx.compute_version):
            print("Skip because gpu does not have fp16 support")

        a = te.placeholder((m, n), name="a", dtype=dtype)
        b = te.placeholder((m, n), name="b", dtype=dtype)
        c = a + b
        d = a * b
        e = topi.elemwise_sum([c, d])
        g = topi.sum(e)
        with tvm.target.create(device):
            sg = topi.cuda.schedule_reduce(g)
            func = tvm.build(sg, [a, b, g], device)
            a_np = np.random.uniform(size=(m, n)).astype(a.dtype)
            b_np = np.random.uniform(size=(m, n)).astype(b.dtype)
            g_np = np.sum(np.add(a_np * b_np, a_np + b_np))
            a_nd = tvm.nd.array(a_np, ctx)
            b_nd = tvm.nd.array(b_np, ctx)
            g_nd = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros(g_np.shape, dtype=g_np.dtype), ctx)
            func(a_nd, b_nd, g_nd)
            tvm.testing.assert_allclose(g_nd.asnumpy(), g_np, rtol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 4
def conv_bwd(N, CI, HI, WI, CO, HO, WO, KSIZE, stride, padding, dtype):
    strides = (stride, stride)
    shape_data = (N, CI, HI, WI)
    shape_weight = (CO, CI, KSIZE, KSIZE)
    shape_grad_output = (N, CO, HO, WO)
    # given tensor
    data = te.placeholder(shape_data, name="data", dtype=dtype)
    weight = te.placeholder(shape_weight, name="weight", dtype=dtype)
    grad_output = te.placeholder(shape_grad_output,
    # grad_data
    out_h = (HO - 1) * strides[0] - 2 * padding + KSIZE
    out_w = (WO - 1) * strides[1] - 2 * padding + KSIZE
    output_padding = (HI - out_h, WI - out_w)
    grad_data = topi.nn.conv2d_transpose_nchw(grad_output, weight, strides,
                                              padding, dtype, output_padding)
    # grad_weight
    dilation_h, dilation_w = (1, 1)
    batch, in_channel, in_h, in_w = shape_data
    out_channel, _, filter_h, filter_w = shape_weight
    grad_output_tmp = topi.tile(grad_output, [1, in_channel, 1, 1])
    grad_output_tmp = topi.reshape(
        grad_output_tmp, [batch * in_channel * out_channel, 1, HO, WO])
    data_tmp = topi.reshape(data, [1, in_channel * batch, HI, WI])
    grad_weight = topi.nn.group_conv2d_nchw(data_tmp,
                                            stride=(dilation_h, dilation_w),
                                            groups=in_channel * batch,
    # infer shape of grad_weight
    _, _, grad_h, grad_w = shape_grad_output
    fpad_top, fpad_left, fpad_bottom, fpad_right = get_pad_tuple(
        padding, (filter_h, filter_w))
    padded_weight_grad_h = (in_h - (grad_h - 1) * strides[0] - 1 + fpad_top +
                            fpad_bottom) // dilation_h + 1
    padded_weight_grad_w = (in_w - (grad_w - 1) * strides[1] - 1 + fpad_left +
                            fpad_right) // dilation_w + 1
    grad_weight = topi.reshape(grad_weight, [
        batch, in_channel, out_channel, padded_weight_grad_h,
    grad_weight = topi.sum(grad_weight, axis=0)
    grad_weight = topi.transpose(grad_weight, [1, 0, 2, 3])

    if padded_weight_grad_h > filter_h or padded_weight_grad_w > filter_w:
        grad_weight = topi.strided_slice(
            begin=[0, 0, 0, 0],
            end=[out_channel, in_channel, filter_h, filter_w])
        return [data, weight, grad_output, grad_data, grad_weight]

    return [data, weight, grad_output, grad_data, grad_weight]
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_reduce_map(in_shape, axis, keepdims, type="sum", test_id=0):
    global TASK
    # Build the logic and compile the function
    A = te.placeholder(shape=in_shape, name="A")
    if type == "sum":
        TASK = "sum_map_id%d" % test_id
        B = topi.sum(A, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif type == "max":
        TASK = "max_map_id%d" % test_id
        B = topi.max(A, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif type == "min":
        TASK = "min_map_id%d" % test_id
        B = topi.min(A, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        raise NotImplementedError
    s = topi.cuda.schedule_reduce(B)
    with tvm.transform.PassContext(
            config={"tir.UnrollLoop": {
                "auto_max_step": 16,
        fcuda = tvm.build(s, [A, B], "cuda", name="sum")

    # Test
    in_npy = np.random.normal(size=in_shape).astype(np.float32)
    if type == "sum":
        out_npy = in_npy.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif type == "max":
        out_npy = in_npy.max(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif type == "min":
        out_npy = in_npy.min(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        raise NotImplementedError

    data_tvm = tvm.nd.array(in_npy, device=tvm.cuda())
    out_tvm = tvm.nd.empty(shape=out_npy.shape, device=tvm.cuda())

    for _ in range(2):
        fcuda(data_tvm, out_tvm)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def check(device, dtype, m=32, n=32):
        if not tvm.testing.device_enabled(device):
            print("Skipping", device)
        dev = tvm.device(device, 0)
        if dtype == "float16" and not have_fp16(dev.compute_version):
            print("Skip because gpu does not have fp16 support")

        a = tvm.te.placeholder((m, n), name="a", dtype=dtype)
        b = topi.sum(a)
        with tvm.target.Target(device):
            sb = tvm.te.create_schedule(b.op)
            i, _ = b.op.reduce_axis
            sb[b].bind(i, tvm.te.thread_axis("threadIdx.x"))
            func = tvm.build(sb, [a, b], device)
            a_np = np.random.uniform(size=(m, n)).astype(a.dtype)
            b_np = np.sum(a_np)
            a_nd = tvm.nd.array(a_np, dev)
            b_nd = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros(b_np.shape, dtype=b_np.dtype), dev)
            func(a_nd, b_nd)
            tvm.testing.assert_allclose(b_nd.asnumpy(), b_np, rtol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def check(device, dtype, m=32, n=32):
     if not tvm.testing.device_enabled(device):
         print("Skipping", device)
     dev = tvm.device(device, 0)
     a = te.placeholder((m, n), name="a", dtype=dtype)
     b = te.placeholder((m, n), name="b", dtype=dtype)
     c = a + b
     d = a * b
     e = topi.elemwise_sum([c, d])
     g = topi.sum(e)
     with tvm.target.Target(device):
         sg = topi.cuda.schedule_reduce(g)
         func = tvm.build(sg, [a, b, g], device)
         a_np = np.random.uniform(size=(m, n)).astype(a.dtype)
         b_np = np.random.uniform(size=(m, n)).astype(b.dtype)
         g_np = np.sum(np.add(a_np * b_np, a_np + b_np))
         a_nd = tvm.nd.array(a_np, dev)
         b_nd = tvm.nd.array(b_np, dev)
         g_nd = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros(g_np.shape, dtype=g_np.dtype), dev)
         func(a_nd, b_nd, g_nd)
         tvm.testing.assert_allclose(g_nd.asnumpy(), g_np, rtol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_complex_reduce():
    in_shape = (2, 3)
    dtype = "float32"
    axis = 0
    keepdims = False
    A = te.placeholder(shape=in_shape, name="A", dtype=dtype)
    B = topi.sum(A, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    C = topi.add(B, B)
    D = topi.multiply(B, B)
    E = topi.add(C, D)
    for device, ctx in tvm.testing.enabled_targets():
        print("Running on target: %s" % device)
        with tvm.target.Target(device):
            s = tvm.topi.testing.get_reduce_schedule(device)(E)
        foo = tvm.build(s, [A, E], device, name="sum")
        in_npy = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=in_shape).astype(dtype)
        sum_npy = in_npy.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        out_npy = sum_npy * 2 + sum_npy * sum_npy
        data_tvm = tvm.nd.array(in_npy, ctx=ctx)
        out_tvm = tvm.nd.empty(shape=out_npy.shape, ctx=ctx, dtype=dtype)
        foo(data_tvm, out_tvm)
        tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm.asnumpy(), out_npy, 1e-3, 1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 9
def batch_norm_bwd(N, C, H, W, dtype="float32"):
    dshape = (N, C, H, W)
    oshape = (C, )
    bshape = (1, C, 1, 1)
    sshape = (1, )
    data = te.placeholder(dshape, name="data", dtype=dtype)
    scale = te.placeholder(oshape, name="scale", dtype=dtype)
    saved_mean = te.placeholder(oshape, name="saved_mean", dtype=dtype)
    saved_var = te.placeholder(oshape, name="saved_var", dtype=dtype)
    eps = te.placeholder(sshape, name="eps", dtype=dtype)
    grad_output = te.placeholder(dshape, name="data", dtype=dtype)

    axis = (0, 2, 3)
    num_ele = dshape[0] * dshape[2] * dshape[3]
    frac_num_ele = 1.0 / num_ele
    # compute grad_input
    mean_sum = topi.sum(data, axis, True)
    mean = topi.multiply(mean_sum, frac_num_ele)
    var_sub = topi.subtract(data, mean)
    var_mul = topi.multiply(var_sub, var_sub)
    var_sum = topi.sum(var_mul, axis, True)
    var = topi.multiply(var_sum, frac_num_ele)
    var_eps = topi.add(var, eps)
    output_sqrt = topi.sqrt(var_eps)
    x_norm = topi.subtract(data, mean)
    x_hat = topi.divide(x_norm, output_sqrt)
    dx_hat = topi.multiply(grad_output, topi.reshape(scale, bshape))
    grad_input_sum1 = topi.sum(dx_hat * x_hat, axis, True)
    grad_input_sum2 = topi.sum(dx_hat, axis, True)
    grad_input_left = topi.divide(frac_num_ele, topi.sqrt(var_eps))
    grad_input_right1 = topi.subtract(topi.multiply(dx_hat, num_ele),
    grad_input_right2 = topi.multiply(x_hat, grad_input_sum1)
    grad_input = topi.multiply(
        grad_input_left, topi.subtract(grad_input_right1, grad_input_right2))
    # compute grad_scale and grad_bias
    grad_scale = topi.sum(grad_output * x_hat, axis)
    grad_bias = topi.sum(grad_output, axis)

    return [
        data, scale, saved_mean, saved_var, eps, grad_output, grad_input,
        grad_scale, grad_bias
Exemplo n.º 10
A = te.placeholder((n, m), name="A")
k = te.reduce_axis((0, m), "k")
B = te.compute((n,), lambda i: te.sum(A[i, k], axis=k), name="B")
s = te.create_schedule(B.op)

# and to examine the IR code in human readable format, we can do
print(tvm.lower(s, [A], simple_mode=True))

# However, for such a common operation we had to define the reduce axis ourselves as well as explicit computation with
# :code:`te.compute`. Imagine for more complicated operations how much details we need to provide.
# Fortunately, we can replace those two lines with simple :code:`topi.sum` much like :code:`numpy.sum`
C = topi.sum(A, axis=1)
ts = te.create_schedule(C.op)
print(tvm.lower(ts, [A], simple_mode=True))

# Numpy-style operator overloading
# --------------------------------
# We can add two tensors using :code:`topi.broadcast_add` that have correct (broadcastable with specific) shapes.
# Even shorter, TOPI provides operator overloading for such common operations. For example,
x, y = 100, 10
a = te.placeholder((x, y, y), name="a")
b = te.placeholder((y, y), name="b")
c = a + b  # same as topi.broadcast_add
d = a * b  # same as topi.broadcast_mul
Exemplo n.º 11
def verify_reduce_map_ele(in_shape,
    # Build the logic and compile the function
    A = te.placeholder(shape=in_shape, name="A", dtype=dtype)
    A1 = topi.sqrt(topi.exp(A))
    out_dtype = dtype
    if type == "sum":
        B = topi.sum(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif type == "all":
        B = topi.all(A, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif type == "any":
        B = topi.any(A, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif type == "max":
        B = topi.max(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif type == "min":
        B = topi.min(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif type == "argmax":
        B = topi.argmax(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        out_dtype = "int32"
    elif type == "argmin":
        B = topi.argmin(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        out_dtype = "int32"
        raise NotImplementedError

    def check_device(device, ctx):
        print("Running on target: %s" % device)
        with tvm.target.Target(device):
            s = tvm.topi.testing.get_reduce_schedule(device)(B)

        foo = tvm.build(s, [A, B], device, name=type)
        # Test
        if dtype == "bool":
            in_npy_map = in_npy = np.random.choice([True, False],
            in_npy = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=in_shape).astype(dtype)
            in_npy_map = np.sqrt(np.exp(in_npy)).astype(dtype)

        if type == "sum":
            out_npy = in_npy_map.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        elif type == "all" and dtype == "bool":
            out_npy = in_npy_map.all(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        elif type == "any" and dtype == "bool":
            out_npy = in_npy_map.any(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        elif type == "max":
            out_npy = in_npy_map.max(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        elif type == "min":
            out_npy = in_npy_map.min(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        elif type == "argmax":
            out_npy = _my_npy_argmax(in_npy_map, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        elif type == "argmin":
            out_npy = _my_npy_argmin(in_npy_map, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
            raise NotImplementedError
        data_tvm = tvm.nd.array(in_npy, ctx=ctx)
        out_tvm = tvm.nd.empty(shape=out_npy.shape, ctx=ctx, dtype=out_dtype)
        for _ in range(1):
            foo(data_tvm, out_tvm)
        if type == "argmax" or type == "argmin":
            out_tvm_indices = out_tvm.asnumpy()
            if keepdims:
                out_tvm_indices = np.take(out_tvm_indices,
            if axis is None:
                out_tvm_val = in_npy_map.ravel()[out_tvm_indices]
                other_indices = tuple(
                    np.indices(in_shape[0:axis] + in_shape[(axis + 1):]))
                sel_indices = other_indices[0:axis] + (
                    out_tvm_indices, ) + other_indices[axis:]
                out_tvm_val = in_npy_map[sel_indices]
            if type == "argmax":
                                            in_npy_map.max(axis=axis), 1e-3,
            elif type == "argmin":
                                            in_npy_map.min(axis=axis), 1e-3,
            tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm.asnumpy(), out_npy, 1e-3, 1e-3)

    for device, ctx in tvm.testing.enabled_targets():
        check_device(device, ctx)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_topi():
    X = te.placeholder((1, 2, 4, 4), name="X")
    W = te.placeholder((5, 2, 3, 3), name="W")
    W1 = te.placeholder((2, 5, 3, 3), name="W1")
    W2 = te.placeholder((1, ), name="W2")

    R = topi.nn.conv2d(X, W, 1, 1, 1)
    check_grad(R, [X, W])

    R1 = topi.nn.conv2d(topi.nn.relu(R), W1, 1, 0, 1)
    check_grad(R1, [X, W, W1])

    R = topi.broadcast_to(W2, (5, 2, 3, 3))
    check_grad(R, [W2])

    R = topi.nn.conv2d(X, topi.broadcast_to(W2, (5, 2, 3, 3)), 1, 1, 1)
    check_grad(R, [X, W2])

    R = topi.nn.pool(X, [2, 2], [2, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0], "avg")
    check_grad(R, X)

    R = topi.nn.pool(X, [2, 2], [2, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0], "max")
    check_grad(R, X)

    X = te.placeholder((1, 2, 5, 5), name="X")
    R = topi.reshape(X, (1, 32))
    check_grad(R, [X])

    X = te.placeholder((1, 2, 5, 5), name="X")
    W = te.placeholder((2, 2, 3, 3), name="W")

    S = topi.reshape(X, (1, 50))
    check_grad(S, [X])

    R = X + topi.nn.conv2d(X + topi.nn.conv2d(X, W, 1, 1, 1), W, 1, 1, 1)
    check_grad(R, [X, W])

    S = topi.nn.softmax(topi.reshape(R, (1, 50)))
    check_grad(S, [X, W])

    S = topi.sigmoid(topi.reshape(R, (1, 50)))
    check_grad(S, [X, W])

    S = topi.tanh(topi.reshape(R, (1, 50)))
    check_grad(S, [X, W])

    S = topi.nn.log_softmax(topi.reshape(R, (1, 50)))
    check_grad(S, [X, W])
    check_grad(S, [W], [X])

    X = te.placeholder((1, 2, 3, 5), name="X")
    Y = te.placeholder((1, 2, 7, 5), name="Y")
    S = topi.concatenate((X, Y), 2)
    check_grad(S, [X, Y])

    X = te.placeholder((1, 2, 6, 5), name="X")
    (S, R) = topi.split(X, 2, 2)
    check_grad(S, [X])
    check_grad(R, [X])
    R1 = topi.concatenate((S, R), 2)
    check_grad(R1, [X])
    R2 = topi.concatenate((R, S), 2)
    check_grad(R2, [X])

    X = te.placeholder((4, 5), name="X")
    I = te.placeholder((100, ), name="I", dtype="int32")
    R = topi.take(X, topi.abs(I))
    check_grad(R, [X], [I])

    W = te.placeholder((5, 5), name="W")
    exps = topi.exp(topi.nn.dense(X, W))
    sumexps = topi.sum(exps, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    R = exps / sumexps
    check_grad(R, [X, W], data_range=(-1, 1))
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: _nn.py Projeto: vinx13/tvm
def compute_cross_entropy_with_logits(attrs, inputs, out_dtype):
    x, y = inputs
    return [-topi.sum(x * y) / x.shape[0]]
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: _nn.py Projeto: vinx13/tvm
def compute_cross_entropy(attrs, inputs, out_dtype):
    x, y = inputs
    return [-topi.sum(topi.log(x) * y) / x.shape[0]]
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_reduce_map(hexagon_session: Session, ref_data, in_shape, axis,
                    keepdims, reduce_type, dtype):
    in_npy, in_npy_map, out_npy = ref_data

    # Build the logic and compile the function
    A = te.placeholder(shape=in_shape, name="A", dtype=dtype)
    A1 = topi.sqrt(topi.exp(A))
    out_dtype = dtype
    if reduce_type == "sum":
        B = topi.sum(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif reduce_type == "all":
        B = topi.all(A, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif reduce_type == "any":
        B = topi.any(A, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif reduce_type == "max":
        B = topi.max(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif reduce_type == "min":
        B = topi.min(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    elif reduce_type == "argmax":
        B = topi.argmax(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        out_dtype = "int32"
    elif reduce_type == "argmin":
        B = topi.argmin(A1, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        out_dtype = "int32"
        raise NotImplementedError

    target_hexagon = tvm.target.hexagon("v68")
    with tvm.target.Target(target_hexagon):
        fschedule = topi.hexagon.schedule_reduce
        s = fschedule(B)

    func = tvm.build(s, [A, B],
                     tvm.target.Target(target_hexagon, host=target_hexagon),
    mod = hexagon_session.load_module(func)

    dev = hexagon_session.device
    data_tvm = tvm.nd.array(in_npy, device=dev)
    out_tvm = tvm.nd.empty(shape=out_npy.shape, device=dev, dtype=out_dtype)

    mod[reduce_type](data_tvm, out_tvm)

    if reduce_type == "argmax" or reduce_type == "argmin":
        out_tvm_indices = out_tvm.numpy()
        if keepdims:
            out_tvm_indices = np.take(out_tvm_indices, indices=0, axis=axis)
        if axis is None:
            out_tvm_val = in_npy_map.ravel()[out_tvm_indices]
            other_indices = tuple(
                np.indices(in_shape[0:axis] + in_shape[(axis + 1):]))
            sel_indices = other_indices[0:axis] + (
                out_tvm_indices, ) + other_indices[axis:]
            out_tvm_val = in_npy_map[sel_indices]
        if reduce_type == "argmax":
            tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm_val, in_npy_map.max(axis=axis),
                                        1e-3, 1e-3)
        elif reduce_type == "argmin":
            tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm_val, in_npy_map.min(axis=axis),
                                        1e-3, 1e-3)
        tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_tvm.numpy(), out_npy, 1e-3, 1e-3)