def _calc_coupling_response(self):
        """ Response Matrix for coupling.

        Eq. 10 in [#FranchiAnalyticformulasrapid2017]_
        LOG.debug("Calculate Coupling Matrix")
        with timeit(lambda t: LOG.debug("  Time needed: {:f}s".format(t))):
            tw = self._twiss
            adv = self._phase_advances
            el_out = self._elements_out
            k1s_el = self._elements_in["K1SL"]
            dcoupl = dict.fromkeys(["1001", "1010"])

            i2pi = 2j * np.pi
            phx = dphi(adv['X'].loc[k1s_el, el_out], tw.Q1).values
            phy = dphi(adv['Y'].loc[k1s_el, el_out], tw.Q2).values
            bet_term = np.sqrt(tw.loc[k1s_el, "BETX"].values *
                               tw.loc[k1s_el, "BETY"].values)

            for plane in ["1001", "1010"]:
                phs_sign = -1 if plane == "1001" else 1
                dcoupl[plane] = tfs.TfsDataFrame(
                    bet_term[:, None] * np.exp(i2pi * (phx + phs_sign * phy)) /
                    (4 * (1 - np.exp(i2pi * (tw.Q1 + phs_sign * tw.Q2)))),
        return dict_mul(self._direction, dcoupl)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def calc_rdts(self, order):
        """ Calculates the Resonance Driving Terms.
        Eq. A8 in [#FranchiAnalyticformulasrapid2017]_

            order: int, string or list of strings
                If an int is given all Resonance Driving Terms up to this order
                will be calculated.
                The strings are assumed to be the desired driving term names, e.g. "F1001"
        if isinstance(order, int):
            order = get_all_rdts(order)
        elif not isinstance(order, list):
            order = [order]

        LOG.debug("Calculating RDTs: {:s}.".format(str(order)[1:-1]))
        with timeit(
                lambda t: LOG.debug("  RDTs calculated in {:f}s".format(t))):

            i2pi = 2j * np.pi
            tw = self.twiss_df
            phs_adv = self.get_phase_adv()
            res = self._results_df

            for rdt in order:
                    len(rdt) == 5 and rdt[0].upper() == 'F',
                        "'{:s}' does not seem to be a valid RDT name.".format(

                conj_rdt = ''.join(['F', rdt[2], rdt[1], rdt[4], rdt[3]])

                if conj_rdt in self._results_df:
                    res[rdt.upper()] = np.conjugate(self._results_df[conj_rdt])
                    j, k, l, m = int(rdt[1]), int(rdt[2]), int(rdt[3]), int(
                    n = j + k + l + m

                        n >= 2,
                            "The RDT-order has to be >1 but was {:d} for {:s}".
                            format(n, rdt)))

                    denom = 1. / (factorial(j) * factorial(k) * factorial(l) *
                                  factorial(m) * 2**n *
                                  (1. - np.exp(i2pi * ((j - k) * tw.Q1 +
                                                       (l - m) * tw.Q2))))

                    if (l + m) % 2 == 0:
                        src = 'K' + str(n - 1) + 'L'
                        sign = -(1j**(l + m))
                        src = 'K' + str(n - 1) + 'SL'
                        sign = -(1j**(l + m + 1))

                    k_mask = tw[src] != 0
                    el_mask = self._elements_mapped[src] | k_mask

                    if sum(k_mask) > 0:
                        # the next three lines determine the main order of speed, hence
                        # - mask as much as possible
                        # - additions are faster than multiplications (-> applymap last)
                        phx = dphi(phs_adv['X'].loc[k_mask, el_mask], tw.Q1)
                        phy = dphi(phs_adv['Y'].loc[k_mask, el_mask], tw.Q2)
                        phase_term = (
                            (j - k) * phx +
                            (l - m) * phy).applymap(lambda p: np.exp(i2pi * p))

                        beta_term = tw.loc[k_mask, src] * \
                                    tw.loc[k_mask, 'BETX'] ** ((j+k) / 2.) * \
                                    tw.loc[k_mask, 'BETY'] ** ((l+m) / 2.)

                                rdt.upper()] = sign * phase_term.multiply(
                                    beta_term, axis="index").sum(
                                        axis=0).transpose() * denom

                            "  Average RDT amplitude |{:s}|: {:g}".format(
                            "  All {:s} == 0. RDT '{:s}' will be zero.".format(
                                src, rdt))
                        res.loc[el_mask, rdt.upper()] = 0

Exemplo n.º 3
    def calc_ac_dipole_driving_terms(self, order_or_terms, spectral_line, plane, ac_tunes, acd_name):
        """ Calculates the Hamiltonian Terms under Forced Motion.
            order_or_terms: int, string or list of strings
                If an int is given all Resonance Driving Terms up to this order
                will be calculated.
                The strings are assumed to be the desired driving term names, e.g. "F1001"
            spectral_line: tuple
                Needed to determine what phase advance is needed before and
                after AC dipole location, depends on detal+ and delta-.
                Sample input: (2,-1)
            plane: string
                Either 'H' or 'V' to determine phase term of
                AC dipole before and after ACD location.
            ac_tunes: tuple
                Contains horizontal and vertical AC dipole tunes, i.e. (0.302, 0.33)
        if isinstance(order_or_terms, int):
            rdt_list = get_all_rdts(order_or_terms)
        elif not isinstance(order_or_terms, list):
            rdt_list = [order_or_terms]
            rdt_list = order_or_terms

        LOG.debug("Calculating RDTs: {:s}.".format(str(rdt_list)[1:-1]))
        with timeit(lambda t:
                    LOG.debug("  RDTs calculated in {:f}s".format(t))):

            i2pi = 2j * np.pi
            tw = self.twiss_df
            LOG.debug('STARTING phase advance calculation...')
            phs_adv = self.get_phase_adv()
            LOG.debug('phase advance calculation done...')
            res = self._results_df

            for rdt in rdt_list:
                assertion(len(rdt) == 5 and rdt[0].upper() == 'F',
                          ValueError("'{:s}' does not seem to be a valid RDT name.".format(rdt)))

                conj_rdt = ''.join(['F', rdt[2], rdt[1], rdt[4], rdt[3]])

                if conj_rdt in self._results_df:
                    res[rdt.upper()] = np.conjugate(self._results_df[conj_rdt])
                    j, k, l, m = int(rdt[1]), int(rdt[2]), int(rdt[3]), int(rdt[4])
                    n = j + k + l + m

                    assertion(n >= 2, ValueError(
                        "The RDT-order has to be >1 but was {:d} for {:s}".format(n, rdt)))

                    if (l + m) % 2 == 0:
                        src = 'K' + str(n-1) + 'L'
                        sign = -(1j ** (l+m))
                        src = 'K' + str(n-1) + 'SL'
                        sign = -(1j ** (l+m+1))

                    if spectral_line[1] < 0:
                        c, d = 0, abs(spectral_line[1])
                    elif spectral_line[1] > 0:
                        c, d = abs(spectral_line[1]), 0
                    elif spectral_line[1] == 0:
                        c, d = 0, 0
                    qx_min = ac_tunes[0]-tw.Q1
                    qy_min = ac_tunes[1]-tw.Q2
                    qx_plus = ac_tunes[0]+tw.Q1
                    qy_plus = ac_tunes[1]+tw.Q2
                    if plane == 'H':
                        if spectral_line[0] == (k-j+1):
                            a, b = 0, 0 
                        elif spectral_line[0] == -(k-j+1):
                            a, b = j-1, k
                            LOG.warning("Line of different order than main driving term")
                        if spectral_line[1] == (m-l):
                            c, d = 0, 0 
                        elif spectral_line[1] == -(m-l):
                            c, d = l, m
                            LOG.warning("Line of different order than main driving term")
                        acd_ph = np.exp(i2pi * (
                                (k - j + 1 + a - b) * qx_min +
                                (b - a) * qx_plus +
                                (m - l + c - d) * qy_min +
                                (d - c) * qy_plus
                        # acd_ph = np.exp(i2pi*( (k-j+1)*Qx_min + (m-l)*Qy_min ))
                        denom1 = 1./(factorial(j) * factorial(k) * factorial(l) * factorial(m) *
                        denom2 = 1./(1. - np.exp(-i2pi * (-tw.Q1 + spectral_line[0] * ac_tunes[0] +
                                                          spectral_line[1] * ac_tunes[1]))
                        # denom2 = 1./(1. - np.exp(i2pi * ((j-k)*tw.Q1 + (l-m)*tw.Q2 )))

                    elif plane == 'V':
                        if spectral_line[0] == (k-j):
                            a, b = 0, 0 
                        elif spectral_line[0] == -(k-j):
                            a, b = j-1, k
                            LOG.warning("Line of different order than main driving term")
                        if spectral_line[1] == (m-l+1):
                            a, b = 0, 0 
                        elif spectral_line[1] == -(m-l+1):
                            a, b = j-1, k
                            LOG.warning("Line of different order than main driving term")
                        acd_ph = np.exp(i2pi * (
                                (k - j + a - b) * qx_min +
                                (b - a) * qx_plus +
                                (m - l + 1 + c - d) * qy_min +
                                (d - c) * qy_plus
                        denom1 = 1./(factorial(j) * factorial(k) * factorial(l) * factorial(m) *
                        denom2 = 1./(1. - np.exp(i2pi * (-tw.Q2 + spectral_line[0] * ac_tunes[0] +
                                                         spectral_line[1] * ac_tunes[1]))

                        mask_in = (tw[src] != 0) | (tw.index == acd_name)
                        if sum(mask_in) == 0:
                            raise KeyError
                    except KeyError:
                        # either src is not in tw or all k's are zero.
                        LOG.warning("  All {:s} == 0. RDT '{:s}' will be zero.".format(src, rdt))
                        res.loc[:, rdt.upper()] = 0
                        # the next three lines determine the main order of speed, hence
                        # - mask as much as possible
                        # - additions are faster than multiplications (-> applymap last)
                        phx = dphi(phs_adv['X'].loc[mask_in, :], tw.Q1)
                        phy = dphi(phs_adv['Y'].loc[mask_in, :], tw.Q2)
                        phs_acd = pd.DataFrame(columns=phs_adv['X'].loc[mask_in, :].columns,
                                               index=phs_adv['X'].loc[mask_in, :].index)
                        phs_acd[:] = acd_ph
                        mk_acd = phs_adv['X'].loc[mask_in, :] > 0
                        phs_acd.where(mk_acd, 1., inplace=True) 

                        phase_term = ((j-k) * phx + (l-m) * phy).applymap(lambda p: np.exp(i2pi*p))
                        total_phase_term = phase_term.multiply(phs_acd)

                        beta_term = tw.loc[mask_in, src] * \
                                    tw.loc[mask_in, 'BETX'] ** ((j+k) / 2.) * \
                                    tw.loc[mask_in, 'BETY'] ** ((l+m) / 2.)
                        res.loc[:, rdt.upper().replace('F','HAC')] = sign * total_phase_term.multiply(
                            beta_term, axis="index").sum(axis=0).transpose() * denom1

                        res.loc[:, rdt.upper().replace('F','FAC')] = sign * total_phase_term.multiply(
                            beta_term, axis="index").sum(axis=0).transpose() * denom1 * denom2

                        LOG.debug("  Average RDT amplitude |{:s}|: {:g}".format(rdt, np.mean(
                            np.abs(res.loc[:, rdt.upper()]))))
