Exemplo n.º 1
    def calc_chromatic_beating(self):
        """ Calculate the Chromatic Beating

        Eq. 36 in [#FranchiAnalyticformulasrapid2017]_
        tw = self.twiss_df
        res = self._results_df
        phs_adv = self.get_phase_adv()

        if 'CHROMX' not in res:

        LOG.debug("Calculating Chromatic Beating")
        with timeit(lambda t: LOG.debug("  Time needed: {:f}".format(t))):
            chromx = res['CHROMX'].dropna()
            chromy = res['CHROMY'].dropna()
            res['DBEATX'] = self._chromatic_beating(
                chromx, tau(phs_adv['X'].loc[chromx.index, :], tw.Q1),
                tw.Q1).transpose() - 1
            res['DBEATY'] = -self._chromatic_beating(
                chromy, tau(phs_adv['Y'].loc[chromy.index, :], tw.Q2),
                tw.Q2).transpose() - 1

        LOG.debug("  Pk2Pk chromatic beating DBEATX: {:g}".format(
            res['DBEATX'].max() - res['DBEATX'].min()))
        LOG.debug("  Pk2Pk chromatic beating DBEATY: {:g}".format(
            res['DBEATY'].max() - res['DBEATY'].min()))
        self._log_added('DBEATX', 'DBEATY')
    def _calc_beta_response(self):
        """ Response Matrix for delta beta.

        Eq. A35 -> Eq. B45 in [#FranchiAnalyticformulasrapid2017]_
        LOG.debug("Calculate Beta Response Matrix")
        with timeit(lambda t: LOG.debug("  Time needed: {:f}s".format(t))):
            tw = self._twiss
            adv = self._phase_advances
            el_out = self._elements_out
            k1_el = self._elements_in["K1L"]
            dbeta = dict.fromkeys(["X", "Y"])

            for plane in ["X", "Y"]:
                col_beta = "BET" + plane
                q = tw.Q1 if plane == "X" else tw.Q2
                coeff_sign = -1 if plane == "X" else 1

                pi2tau = 2 * np.pi * tau(adv[plane].loc[k1_el, el_out], q)

                dbeta[plane] = tfs.TfsDataFrame(
                    tw.loc[el_out, col_beta].values[None, :] *
                    tw.loc[k1_el, col_beta].values[:, None] *
                    np.cos(2 * pi2tau.values) * (coeff_sign /
                                                 (2 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * q))),

        return dict_mul(self._direction, dbeta)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _calc_dispersion_response(self):
        """ Response Matrix for delta normalized dispersion

            Eq. 25-27 in [#FranchiAnalyticformulasrapid2017]_
            But w/o the assumtion :math:`\delta K_1 = 0` from Appendix B.1
        LOG.debug("Calculate Dispersion Response Matrix")
        with timeit(lambda t: LOG.debug("  Time needed: {:f}".format(t))):
            tw = self._twiss
            adv = self._phase_advances
            el_out = self._elements_out
            els_in = self._elements_in

            sign_map = {
                "X": {"K0L": 1, "K1L": -1, "K1SL": 1, },
                "Y": {"K0SL": -1, "K1L": 1, "K1SL": 1, },

            col_disp_map = {
                "X": {"K1L": "DX", "K1SL": "DY", },
                "Y": {"K1L": "DY", "K1SL": "DX", },

            q_map = {"X": tw.Q1, "Y": tw.Q2}
            disp_resp = dict.fromkeys(["{p:s}_{t:s}".format(p=p, t=t)
                                       for p in sign_map for t in sign_map[p]])

            for plane in sign_map:
                q = q_map[plane]
                col_beta = "BET{}".format(plane)
                el_types = sign_map[plane].keys()
                els_per_type = [els_in[el_type] for el_type in el_types]

                coeff = np.sqrt(tw.loc[el_out, col_beta].values) / (2 * np.sin(np.pi * q))

                for el_in, el_type in zip(els_per_type, el_types):
                    coeff_sign = sign_map[plane][el_type]
                    out_str = "{p:s}_{t:s}".format(p=plane, t=el_type)

                    if len(el_in):
                        pi2tau = 2 * np.pi * tau(adv[plane].loc[el_in, el_out], q)
                        bet_term = np.sqrt(tw.loc[el_in, col_beta])

                            col_disp = col_disp_map[plane][el_type]
                        except KeyError:
                            bet_term *= tw.loc[el_in, col_disp]

                        disp_resp[out_str] = (coeff_sign * coeff[None, :] * bet_term[:, None] *
                            "  No '{:s}' variables found. ".format(el_type) +
                            "Dispersion Response '{:s}' will be empty.".format(out_str))
                        disp_resp[out_str] = tfs.TfsDataFrame(None, index=el_out)
        return dict_mul(self._direction, disp_resp)
    def _calc_phase_response(self):
        """ Response Matrix for delta DPhi.

        Eq. 28 in [#FranchiAnalyticformulasrapid2017]_
        Reduced to only delta phase.
        --> w = 0:  DPhi(z,j) = DPhi(x, 0->j)

        This calculation could also be achieved by applying np.cumsum to the DataFrames of
        _calc_phase_adv_response() (tested!), but _calc_phase_response() is about 4x faster.
        LOG.debug("Calculate Phase Response Matrix")
        with timeit(lambda t: LOG.debug("  Time needed: {:f}s".format(t))):
            tw = self._twiss
            adv = self._phase_advances
            k1_el = self._elements_in["K1L"]
            el_out = self._elements_out

            if len(k1_el) > 0:
                dmu = dict.fromkeys(["X", "Y"])

                pi = tfs.TfsDataFrame(
                    tw['S'][:, None] <
                    tw['S'][None, :],  # pi(i,j) = s(i) < s(j)

                pi_term = pi.loc[k1_el, el_out].values

                for plane in ["X", "Y"]:
                    col_beta = "BET" + plane
                    q = tw.Q1 if plane == "X" else tw.Q2
                    coeff_sign = 1 if plane == "X" else -1

                    pi2tau = 2 * np.pi * tau(
                        adv[plane].loc[k1_el, [DUMMY_ID] + el_out], q)
                    brackets = (2 * pi_term + (
                        (np.sin(2 * pi2tau.loc[:, el_out].values) -
                         np.sin(2 * pi2tau.loc[:, DUMMY_ID].values[:, None])) /
                        np.sin(2 * np.pi * q)))
                    dmu[plane] = tfs.TfsDataFrame(
                        tw.loc[k1_el, col_beta].values[:, None] * brackets *
                        (coeff_sign / (8 * np.pi)),
                    "  No 'K1L' variables found. Phase Response will be empty."
                dmu = {
                    "X": tfs.TfsDataFrame(None, index=el_out),
                    "Y": tfs.TfsDataFrame(None, index=el_out)

        return dict_mul(self._direction, dmu)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _calc_phase_advance_response(self):
        """ Response Matrix for delta DPhi.

        Eq. 28 in [#FranchiAnalyticformulasrapid2017]_
        Reduced to only phase advances between consecutive elements,
        as the 3D-Matrix of all elements exceeds memory space
        (~11000^3 = 1331 Giga Elements)
        --> w = j-1:  DPhi(z,j) = DPhi(x, (j-1)->j)
        LOG.debug("Calculate Phase Advance Response Matrix")
        with timeit(lambda t: LOG.debug("  Time needed: {:f}s".format(t))):
            tw = self._twiss
            adv = self._phase_advances
            k1_el = self._elements_in["K1L"]

            el_out_all = [DUMMY_ID] + self._elements_out  # Add MU[XY] = 0.0 to the start
            el_out = el_out_all[1:]  # in these we are actually interested
            el_out_mm = el_out_all[0:-1]  # elements--

            if len(k1_el) > 0:
                dmu = dict.fromkeys(["X", "Y"])

                pi = tfs.TfsDataFrame(tw['S'][:, None] < tw['S'][None, :],  # pi(i,j) = s(i) < s(j)
                                      index=tw.index, columns=tw.index, dtype=int)

                pi_term = (pi.loc[k1_el, el_out].values -
                           pi.loc[k1_el, el_out_mm].values +
                           np.diag(pi.loc[el_out, el_out_mm].values)[None, :])

                for plane in ["X", "Y"]:
                    col_beta = "BET" + plane
                    q = tw.Q1 if plane == "X" else tw.Q2
                    coeff_sign = 1 if plane == "X" else -1

                    pi2tau = 2 * np.pi * tau(adv[plane].loc[k1_el, el_out_all], q)
                    brackets = (2 * pi_term +
                                ((np.sin(2 * pi2tau.loc[:, el_out].values) -
                                  np.sin(2 * pi2tau.loc[:, el_out_mm].values))
                                 / np.sin(2 * np.pi * q)
                    dmu[plane] = tfs.TfsDataFrame(
                        tw.loc[k1_el, col_beta].values[:, None] * brackets
                        * (coeff_sign / (8 * np.pi)),
                        index=k1_el, columns=el_out).transpose()
                LOG.debug("  No 'K1L' variables found. Phase Response will be empty.")
                dmu = {"X": tfs.TfsDataFrame(None, index=el_out),
                       "Y": tfs.TfsDataFrame(None, index=el_out)}

        return dict_mul(self._direction, dmu)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _calc_dispersion_response(self):
        """ Response Matrix for delta dispersion

            Eq. 25-27 in [#FranchiAnalyticformulasrapid2017]_
        LOG.debug("Calculate Dispersion Response Matrix")
        with timeit(lambda t: LOG.debug("  Time needed: {:f}".format(t))):
            tw = self._twiss
            adv = self._phase_advances
            el_out = self._elements_out
            els_in = self._elements_in

            disp_resp = dict.fromkeys(["X_K0L", "X_K1SL", "Y_K0SL", "Y_K1SL"])

            for plane in ["X", "Y"]:
                q = tw.Q1 if plane == "X" else tw.Q2
                type_plane = ("K0L" if plane == "X" else "K0SL", "K1SL")
                el_in_plane = (els_in[type_plane[0]], els_in[type_plane[1]])
                col_beta = "BET" + plane
                col_disp = "DY" if plane == "X" else "DX"

                if any((len(el_in_plane[0]), len(el_in_plane[1]))):
                    coeff = np.sqrt(tw.loc[el_out, col_beta].values) / (
                        2 * np.sin(np.pi * q))

                for el_in, el_type in zip(el_in_plane, type_plane):
                    coeff_sign = -1 if el_type == "K0SL" else 1
                    out_str = "{p:s}_{t:s}".format(p=plane, t=el_type)

                    if len(el_in):
                        pi2tau = 2 * np.pi * tau(adv[plane].loc[el_in, el_out],
                        bet_term = np.sqrt(tw.loc[el_in, col_beta].values)
                        if el_type == "K1SL":
                            bet_term *= tw.loc[el_in, col_disp].values
                        disp_resp[out_str] = tfs.TfsDataFrame(
                            coeff_sign * coeff[None, :] * bet_term[:, None] *
                            "  No '{:s}' variables found. ".format(el_type) +
                            "Dispersion Response '{:s}' will be empty.".format(
                        disp_resp[out_str] = tfs.TfsDataFrame(None,
        return dict_mul(self._direction, disp_resp)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def calc_linear_dispersion(self, bpms_only=False):
        """ Calculate the Linear Disperion.

        Eq. 24 in [#FranchiAnalyticformulasrapid2017]_
        tw = self.twiss_df
        phs_adv = self.get_phase_adv()
        res = self._results_df
        coeff_fun = self._linear_dispersion_coeff
        sum_fun = self._linear_dispersion_sum

        # Calculate
        LOG.debug("Calculate Linear Dispersion")
        with timeit(lambda t: LOG.debug("  Time needed: {:f}".format(t))):
            # sources
            k0_mask = tw['K0L'] != 0
            k0s_mask = tw['K0SL'] != 0
            k1s_mask = tw['K1SL'] != 0

            mx_mask = k0_mask | k1s_mask  # magnets contributing to Dx,j (-> Dy,m)
            my_mask = k0s_mask | k1s_mask  # magnets contributing to Dy,j (-> Dx,m)

            if not any(mx_mask | my_mask):
                    "  No linear dispersion contributions found. Values will be NaN."
                res['DX'] = np.nan
                res['DY'] = np.nan

            # results
            if bpms_only:
                res_mask = self._elements["BPM"]
                res_mask = np.ones(res.shape[0], dtype=bool)

            # create temporary DataFrame for magnets with coefficients already in place
            df = tfs.TfsDataFrame(index=tw.index).join(
                coeff_fun(tw.loc[:, 'BETX'],
                          tw.Q1)).join(coeff_fun(tw.loc[:, 'BETY'], tw.Q2))
            df.columns = ['COEFFX', 'COEFFY']

            LOG.debug("  Calculate uncoupled linear dispersion")
            df.loc[my_mask, 'DX'] = df.loc[my_mask, 'COEFFX'] * \
                                    sum_fun(tw.loc[mx_mask, 'K0L'],
                                            tw.loc[mx_mask, 'BETX'],
                                            tau(phs_adv['X'].loc[mx_mask, my_mask], tw.Q1)
            df.loc[mx_mask, 'DY'] = df.loc[mx_mask, 'COEFFY'] * \
                                    sum_fun(-tw.loc[my_mask, 'K0SL'],  # MINUS!
                                            tw.loc[my_mask, 'BETY'],
                                            tau(phs_adv['Y'].loc[my_mask, mx_mask], tw.Q2)

            LOG.debug("  Calculate full linear dispersion values")
            res.loc[res_mask, 'DX'] = df.loc[res_mask, 'COEFFX'] * \
                                sum_fun(tw.loc[mx_mask, 'K0L'],
                                        tw.loc[mx_mask, 'K1SL'],
                                        df.loc[mx_mask, 'DY'],
                                        tw.loc[mx_mask, 'BETX'],
                                        tau(phs_adv['X'].loc[mx_mask, res_mask], tw.Q1)
            res.loc[res_mask, 'DY'] = df.loc[res_mask, 'COEFFY'] * \
                                sum_fun(-tw.loc[my_mask, 'K0SL'],  # MINUS!
                                        tw.loc[my_mask, 'K1SL'],
                                        df.loc[my_mask, 'DX'],
                                        tw.loc[my_mask, 'BETY'],
                                        tau(phs_adv['Y'].loc[my_mask, res_mask], tw.Q2)

        LOG.debug("  Average linear dispersion Dx: {:g}".format(
        LOG.debug("  Average linear dispersion Dy: {:g}".format(
        self._log_added('DX', 'DY')